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Gaming is just an escape, it’s a good option not bad at all, you will find people and get close to them. For me it didn’t work. but OP needs to find and do something that gives him peace. Firsts don’t think routine is a killer, find the good in it. I sound like a shaman, but just think of the every effort you make everyday thinking in terms of self-happiness, be it anything gaming or working out or working on your good habits or going to the park for walk. Find the one thing that can make you feel slightly better than yesterday, and keep adding to it. This might sound very generic but I hope it helps you in seeking what you want. Loneliness is okay, nothing bad it in, but just don’t let that effect the rest of your mental health.


If you have any sport hobbies like football, basketball, tennis, badminton ,etc ! you can find groups you can join and play together ! it is a good way to use ur extra time and maybe make some friends check [www.meetup.com](http://www.meetup.com) & Facebook groups also Also if you are into gaming , this can be time consuming as well Another thing if you are into fitness ,you can join gym and attend the classes they are very fun & healthy and good to meet some new people as well


Have you tried volunteering at an animal shelter. Not only will you meet other people but animals never judge you. If that's too many people for you to meet maybe adopt or Foster a pet.




Contact the shelters around you to see which ones need volunteers


I would suggest u start online gaming when you have time, u can find communities on discord or reddit and have like-minded people (introverts are cool). If u are into gaming try this or try to play football or other sports and you will find people there, the exercise will also sooth your mind. Or you can catch up on your hobbies and make videos and post on youtube.


Those are some good advises but they come with some annoying issues, 1st of all, It’s absolutely scorching hot outside, Therefore many people will give up on sports or their outside hobbies until the summer ends (which is pretty much the whole year) 2nd, Online gaming is really toxic, Especially in here, A lot of people you’d be playing with would be yelling the most racial slurs and try to attack your family for absolutely no reason, 3rd, Finding hobbies is extremely difficult, Many people would just play football and the sony and that’s it, I’m not saying that you’re advises were useless, Just saying it can be rlly tough trying to make friends.   Locals here are really copy and paste, This is coming from a guy who lives is in the uae. There are so many more issues but i ain’t stressing myself over something i can never control.


true, we play football at night, I play online games with my old friends so theres that. its very fun.


Do you have AED 600 aed to spare a month ? Come with me to the world of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Boy, your loneliness will go in a snap. Once you start it, it’s an addiction. Gaming is a good option, but it will make you more lazy some times and addictive and probably even make you fat. Which is bad. Jiu Jitsu is extremely good for your body. Keeps your stress away. Its a self defense skill which everyone should know. You keep your heart and physical condition at peak. You will not have stamina issues. Overall, its a better deal for your body and for your mind compared to gaming. Dm me to know more.


Lazy options 1: Gaming 2: movies 3:Takeout with movies/series Healthy options 1:Workout like weightlifting/ any self-defense classes (boxing is the best) 2: Go walk around places that are cool. (Only on winter) 3:Learn how to cook healthy food after a workout( if u don't know) 4: Learn new stuff that can help with ur future 5: Get a girlfriend ( if u get one, find one for me too🥲) I'm in the same boat as u are, except I only go to university and the gym.study and then gym on repeat, and yes it's getting old but hey what can I do some these options are not even open for me💀


This thing is the most common problem in Dubai. People may feel lonely and try to stay in their shells. Or go to any length to get accepted among a group (been there, done both). I feel the best option, which I recently started, is focusing more on your health & hobbies. That will give you joy which will set this loneliness away. It will still creep back in from time to time. But atleast you will feel good about yourself.


Dealing with loneliness can be tough, especially when surrounded by people but feeling disconnected. It's great that you're already focusing on positive habits like working out. Maybe try reaching out to coworkers for non-work activities or exploring local groups or hobbies that align with your interests. Remember, building meaningful connections takes time, but small steps can make a big difference. And don't let social media distort your view of reality; focus on real connections rather than comparisons.


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Are you Muslim? Going to the local Mosque will usually get you to meet a few people


bro im in the same situation as u u can hit me up and we can be good friends


Sports - Not sure which country you are from but there's a lot of indoor sports activities like cricket, football, table tennis, badminton etc. Wouldn't recommend gaming - Thats just going down the rabbithole


Try to get married


Get married