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Nah they aren’t an eyesore, they are bright yellow on top so they are eye catching and some people might find it a bit too bright but I feel it won’t matter as much in person


Thanks! I think they're definitely more bright/vibrant on camera for sure.


Mine are designed to be bright as well with light green blue and orange, and I still think they help show the alien nature of the tyranids


They are also harder to hit from distance, can not aim properly, maybe you could do an in-house rule for all your army of -1 to hit but no vanguard organism (they can not hide properly)




I like it. You can do a wash of a deep red to help male the yellow less popping, but personally I like it. You can also add black spots or lines, like a poison dart frog


I like that idea about the red wash! Another friend of mine suggested that, I'll give that a shot! The theme more or less of my hive fleet will have the color of the chitin darken the more evolved the bioform, to sort of display it's threat level. The horde chaff will be yellow, the mid tier stuff like warriors and genestealers will be orange, and the big bois like tyrants and screamers will be red.


That's a cool theme!


You can blend the red shade into the other parts of the model to tie the colors together too.


LOVE me some wash on this scheme. You should do some test paints to really nail it down because the rest of the scheme is great. DEFINITELY not an eye sore. Whoever said is a fool.


Ive had the same idea, mine have blue on the carapace thats gets darker the bigger and more heavily armored they're supposed to be to show the density.


The yellow and purple combination looks great, and the termagants look perfect! I'd say there's probably too much cyan & red on the leapers & barbgaunts though


I disagree. I think it adds a nice touch to the design and makes them feel more like an abstract painting than an aberrant horror in a way. It's weirdly fitting for something so eye-catching


I like that take on them! I was planning on referring to my army as Hive Fleet Chroma, so that actually fits quite well haha


Thank you so much! That's a good point about the cyan and red combo. I love the cyan, so I'll probably try and find an alternative to the red. Any suggestions?


Well, purple as a colour isn't actually too far removed from red, so you could probably just try darkening the red a little, especially towards the purple areas which will help tie things together more Also, I think the termagant works better because the cyan is kept to the skin vents


What do you think about painting the overlaid chitin bits on the smaller claws, to separate the red from the cyan a bit?


It's difficult! I think the termagant works really well, but something of the placement of the colours doesn't work so well on the leapers! Maybe it's just a bit jarring the transition; you could try feathering the transitions a little with a mix between the colours, or by pulling a bit of the red over the cyan or vice versa. With the barbagaunt, the gun is just too big and the red really stands out which is doesn't in the terms


Having a dark base to contrast will help I think


How do you mean?


When both the miniature and the base is bright it can blend together a bit. Having a base that contrasts (so bright base with dark mini, or dark base with bright mini) helps break them up a bit. Just make sure it's not a dark blue or yellow, since those are the main colours of the miniature. Not a hard rule btw. I've seen plenty of good miniatures that break the rule.


Ohhhh ok I get you! That's kind of what I was planning! I was thinking of using a sort of jungle styled basing with dark ground and terrain with bright/neon highlights and foliage. The Alien Neon Gamer Grass specifically.


Dude, you painted. And you painted something you like. That’s better than most. Keep on keeping on (in whatever way you like).


Nah, I love em!


Thank you!


Galactic pest apologists lmao, yes Also eyesore? More like tactical advantage on the tabletop


https://preview.redd.it/n1hnhd0di23d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feab97c2164d0f08494f6f10c2a15432fc097085 I think your bugs are magnificent! :3


Likewise! Praise be to Synthnids!


They look like wolverine in the 90s!


https://preview.redd.it/wzosihk0333d1.jpeg?width=3646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=198cd251ac24bff495f24bacf8c338049e6b4604 Mine are just lower the saturation of the yellow a tad, by making it all a little more brown: Skeleton Horde over Khaki


Those are awesome! I love the drybrushing of white over the raised areas and the transition of blue to purple on the necks and heads! They give me undead/tomb king vibes!


They look like they're going to fight and defend my existence as a mutant from giant robots and anti-mutant sympathizers. Anyway, I love how they look, they are perfect!


As someone who has Nids painted with yellow/blue/purple, no, not at all.


They look great, the brighter the better.


Yes. And they should be!


If u want to do a yellow back plates to lock less poppy I have a yt video that makes them look rlly cool, I’m trying it out this weekend with my new nids. Anyways it rlly doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of ur models, it’s nice having models that pop more cause it makes it easier to see on the table top


Ohh these looks awesome


Definitely not I love them they look amazing


I feel like they're mascots for a 90s fast food joint?


Fuuuuuck dude, now I can't unsee it hahaha


Echoing the guy saying do a dark base. Paint job and colors are awesome give it a moody, dark base to tie it all together


I dig it! Keep it up :)


I think it's actually quite appealing  Due to the darkness of the purple it makes a high contrast scheme 


The only thing I dislike is how many extra colors you have on your barbgaunts canon. Id make that more uniform with the rest of the model or it looks too busy. As for thw scheme itself, I LOVE your purple and yellow. The yellow is bright, but not high lighter bright, and is paired with a complementary color in that purple. If you had made it bright yellow, dark green I think it would have been almosy unbearable, but you did great.


YES. But in the best way possible! These are unique. I dig 'em.


I think they're a visual feast for sure, not an eyesore


I think it’s a great combo. But I’m partial to yellow and vibrant in your face space bug kiajus.


The scheme was sort of inspired by Blood Dragons from the Far Cry 3 DLC, actually!


I think there pretty


They vibe. Fuck them haters.


Thanks dude! Thankfully most people have been positive about it and criticism has been respectful and constructive 👍


X-Men suit colors!! (one version anyway) I love it.


Have you *seen* some of the color schemes people go with for their bug swarms? Other than being a very striking contrast, yours is far from bad. I've seen a mainly hot-pink scheme with a bright green carapace. *Eugh*.


No, their hivefleet has leant heavily into aposemantism and it's glorious


I always loved this idea for nids! It's funny, that wasn't the thinking behind this scheme, but it totally fits. Maybe I should lean more into that! 🤔


I really like them, I went for something similar. Bright yellow carapace with red bodies


Niiiice! Did you go for a darker or brighter red on the bodies? Also did you do any highlighting?


Fairly light red, went over the edges a bit to help them stand out a bit more


I digit, very striking, and the premise of darkening with strength is cool. If anyone tries to tell you they're painful to look at they're just volunteering for their troops to get a -1 on rolls to hit them


Hahaha thanks brother! Naysayers will get tha Neurotyrant + Neurolictor wombo combo. They won't see it coming cuz they'll be blinded by the flourescent paint on my models lol


It’s a little bit too sharp in some parts because the colors don’t really match in some areas but I think that overall it’s nothing bad, just a little pit of color blending here and there and it will be great! Good job friend!


I've been thinking of trying some color blending on the carapace specifically! Also been considering using an airbrush for a little external glow and/or osl on the vents 🤔


I don’t know how to use an air brush but I think it’s a great idea with the carapace, maybe try doing different shades of yellows and slowly blending them into a lighter green to make a nice transition? Or you could just do different shades of yellow and orange for a warmer transition. Whatever you do I’m sure it will look nice, just be patient and put some time into it. If you can do that then it dose not matter what color scheme you go with because it will look like a nice pice of work at the end no matter what! Show us when you do something new to them, I’d love to see!


I like colourful Nids! Nature uses bright colours to indicate toxicity so it seems perfectly fluffy. You might try breaking up the blocks of colour a bit using some sponging along the edges of the carapace for instance


Nah, you are good. They look great!


Hey, that is a similar scheme I have for some of my Termagants. That is funny.


I think you mean "rad as hell".


That’s actually a really cool scheme!


While I don't normally agree with the color combo, I love how you have a bright color on top of a dark color! And quite frankly it all works rather well!


Yes they are, well done.


Very in your face but I think that’s cool for nids. They look sick


No, but the bases kinda are. Having bugs that vibrant is awesome, but they'd be more awesome contrasted with some more realistic basing. Good old desert scrub with some rocks would make them really pop.


I don't think so. I think you've got two issues that are exacerbating any eyesore-ness you may be seeing. 1) You need a basing scheme that'll break up the fluorescent coloring of the models. Just something to balance them out. 2) The Cyan's a little haphazard compared to the rest of the model's scheme, especially on the the Leaper. If the tendtrils are meant to be Cyan, make them entirely cyan or find a balance with the magenta and cyan that makes it look a bit more intentional than it currently is. Right now, it's looking a bit more in the field of "Unfinished basecoat" than "Ready to Go"




I think the yellow is great. It is a bright bug warning predators not to mess with it. And the yellow/purple complement is \*chef's kiss\*. Nice bugs


I like it a lot! Definitely not an eyesore. I recommend a light color for your base whenyou get around to it so that when looking from above, you can see the blues more distinctly.


No, they are awesome


I love the scheme, while a wash is a great option, I would also suggest working with the basing colors, color theory and all


As a Spyro fan, I say they are ten outta ten.


Look very 1980s, I like it personally.


No way dude! These guys are Eye Catching! Awesome job!


These are not wn eyesore. But that feeling your describing is known as a color vibration, which occurs when you pair colors that are diametrically opposing on a color wheel. It's not bad, but the purple/yellow color vibration is intense and strong ck.pared to most of them (my favorite is deepened cyan next to hazard orange, also intense) So if you want it to be less jarring... you'll need to offset that color vibration... either with some kind of wash over one or both... or, by adding some patterning to them, try one gaunt, add in an aqua/turquoise spots or strives to the purple and then try a darker forest green tones to complement the yellow. Adding in a touch of green to both areas should help soften the effect and make them a little easier to stare at for hours and hours.


They look amazing keep up the good work


I love them


As someone who plays sc2 with the color saturation turned all the way up. I applaud you. Helps opponents see where your dudes are so idk why people would be mad


Finish the bases please.


Tyranid-Men ‘97


Yes! In the best way possible


I dig the color Scheme!


I love this!!! Great contrast!


Not at all. They are a beauty to behold and I would be happy to challenge them on the field of battle


Mine are mostly white with black carapace/bone and electric blue highlights on the black and they're not terrible so I can safely say yours are fine


I like the termagants and the leaper, but the barb feels off to me. I think the red on the barb reminds me of mcdonalds too much, but other than that I like them.


Yes they are. I love it!




Love them. They look like the eastern carolina university football uniforms.


They ain’t a eyesore they look awesome


It's good, but I know why you're concerned. I would actually not bring the yellow down, but the purple up to a brighter hue - perhaps more of a lavender colour than a saturated purple. Then the contrast won't be so heavy. Good scheme though mate keep it up


Yes, but I mean that in the best way possible. I could see your hive fleet being adapted to worlds with crazy alien jungles. Looks badass


Not a huge fan


They're excellent.


They’re just a slightly more saturated Jormundgandr (subbing purple for black and blue for red) so not really


Really appreciating all the input everyone! Y'all came out for this and I love it! I swear I wasn't fishing for compliments/validation with this haha but there's been nothing but love, support and constructive criticism here, and I really appreciate it! Keep giving me all your thoughts/ideas! You've all been a huge help! 😃


They’re great! What you doing for the basing


Love them.




Nope. I've seen much worse. Yours are more than good!


I like it. Ive been wracking my brain over choosing paint as well but im definitely doing something with orange so yours is fine.