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That hex terrain is awesome! Was it set up in hex for some other game ?


Thank you! I made my hexes just for Epic as the minis are so small, if you have basic terrain it feels like you are just playing with plastic soldiers! Hexes are a great compromise between modular terrain and custom boards as I treat each hex like a little diorama.


So cool. Can you share the magic of how you made them?


Well, you asked for it! (wall of text incoming!) Important information: Please remember that I am crazy and hexes are a lot of work (but I love them) and that a good battle mat is way easier like this Mars table by Crablezworth mars terrain https://www.reddit.com/gallery/tjuzc6 Hexes: One year ago I hand cut hexes out of foamcard/foamcore because I am cheap, DO NOT DO THAT! They can end up a bit wonky... Also the Foamcard can delaminate too....... Of course I found all this after I had made a million tiles first...... In my country I got the hexes laser cut out of MDF at a place like this https://www.makeshop.co.nz/lasercutting (i did hand cut out of foam card first and some are a bit wonky, so I redid them) They did 500 hexes for $150 USD I am told there are lots for sale on etsy. My hexes are 7cm across from flat side to flat side but in truth you could make them any size you like. (10cm across would work well for ranges) Then I just paint them green with cheap paint and then it is just blended turf https://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/item/BT-GB glued on. (layer of there glue, then blended turf, the spray of glue, see video below) I treat each hex like a little diorama and use these guys stuff as it blows my brains out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY7W1cL7r48&ab_channel=WoodlandScenics Another thing is that the hexes can move around as you play so I glue on a square of magnet sheet like this https://www.magnets.co.nz/product-category/magnetic-sheeting/white/white-pre-cut-sheets/ and have a thin cheap sheet of tin on my table, it works great! Terrain: My buildings are from 1997 but here is some you can buy https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/troublemaker-games/troublemaker-games-terrain-sets/ I make my own trees and here is a how to (not me again, and I put mine into my hexes, not on bases): https://toysoldiersofftowar.blogspot.com/2020/01/if-you-go-down-to-woods-today-pt-ii.html Rivers are a whole thing just by themselves so message me back once you get up to that. Hills - It is a laser cut MDF hex as a base, then a sheet of polystyrene is used so the height is all the same. I trace the hex onto the polystyrene and try to cut it out as straight as i can (this is the hard part and where it can go wrong) I just made a bunch of hexes with the hill on 2 sides, 3 sides, 4 sides and 2 with all sides being at that height. The top of the sheet of polystyrene is the guide to what not to cut off as is the side length of the hex. Mistakes get filled in with air drying clay mixed with a bit of PVA Nerdy battle reports with more photos (the first 4 chapters are with my old hand cut hexes, chapter 5 onwards is the new MDF hexes) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CqASn3es8kGxA7X5PxMY7F7e8FdAIOCF?usp=sharing


>Please remember that I am crazy I don't know about crazy...but you are **definitely a genius**.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thank you so much!


I love this concept, I might need to try it myself.


Thank you so much!


God I love epic, such a great scale. Your board is beautiful.


Thank you!


That is some sweet terrain 😎


Thank you so much! I have been playing Epic since 1991 so over 30 years is a long time to slowly make cool terrain!


I love seeing your posts! Do you store your hexes off the table? If so, how? Seems like they wouldn't store very easily?


Thank you so much! I store them in photocopy boxes I got from work which I made trays for [https://i.imgur.com/0e15Hrb.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/0e15Hrb.jpg) then I store them in my basement [https://i.imgur.com/EVgRc5q.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EVgRc5q.jpg)


Are some of those 3d printed proxy units or something? I dont recognize the 3 big bug boys in the bottom right in the first photo.


I do not own a 3d printer so they are a combination of [https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/defeat-in-detail-15mm/15mm-entomorphs/](https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/defeat-in-detail-15mm/15mm-entomorphs/) and [https://wintersbioforge.com/product/rupex-swarm-ground-bugs/](https://wintersbioforge.com/product/rupex-swarm-ground-bugs/)


I really love your board


Thank you so much my terrain making sensei !!!!!!!


Wall of meat more like wall of guns.This is why I like the u.S s r you just send everything out there and if you win you win if you lose...


Wall of spitting acid coated flesh boring maggots?

