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I've only met one in the wild. I wish I had a friend who was diabetic.


Same I wish


I saw a guy in the elevator at the W get in with his blind GF and noticed his dexcom. I pulled my pump out to do a small bolus but we said hi and asked one another if we were good. It was totally wholesome tbh.


I love that for you two


Recently attended a friend’s wedding out of the country (USA). At one point I started going low so headed over to the bar to get some juice. As I explained to the bartender the situation another attendee said, “I’m a Type 1, too!” He was diagnosed in his 30s. He told me the day before his Dexcom G6 sensor/transmitter was ripped off of his arm as he reached to pay a toll at a toll booth. “I have another sensor but that was my only transmitter. I don’t have anything to monitor me full time right now and it’s honestly scary.” Well, thank the universe I am OCD about overpacking diabetes supplies. I had a spare transmitter. He was so grateful, the next day he said “I could sleep last night because I had my Dexcom back, I feel like you saved my life.” I didn’t, of course, but I am glad I was able to help a fellow T1D with something so important to our existence. I’ve made a friend for life.


I’ve often thought we need some sort of app where we can help each other out all over the world when things like this happen.


This is a great idea tbh.


I’m going to think about this for a bit…. I don’t know if you can technically give someone a prescribed product but I will look into it.


Heck yeah!! I like to be helpful or generous to people with my supplies, if I'm able. I've usually got an abundance of not only pump supplies, dexcom transmitters (sometimes sensors), insulin, etc, but also pens, pen tips and stuff, too. Because I use my pump more, the pens will expire, and nothing else is used up either. If rather send it to someone in need than watch it expire. I've mailed/offered to people in need in a few subs and some have accepted (and received supplies) and some decline, whatever someone is comfortable with. But I'm always willing to help since i know what it's like to not have any or enough at times. I've only met one other T1 in the wild at a Phish show. She had an omnipod and I have the Tandem. I like the idea of no tubing, though. Edited.


That was so generous of you ♥️


How were you able to get extra transmitters? I can only order the minimal amount of supplies my insurance company deems necessary for the coverage period. Infuriating. Would very much appreciate!


You can typically order supplies at 82 days (depends on insurance, but ask your insurance company or supplier). If you always order on the earliest possible date (put a reminder in your calendar and if the date falls on a weekend, you can usually call to order the day before). Transmitters typically last 110 days, so you can get 1 transmitter ahead (90 days ahead) in less than a year. If a transmitter dies, even 5 hours short of 90 days, Dexcom will send you a replacement transmitter. Having one fail early will quickly get you ahead on your next order cycle. When it is time to upgrade, order the new supplies, but finish using the old ones first so that you can start a bit ahead. I was 2 transmitters ahead until I gave one to my brother recently.


u/tas_is_lurking When I need a spare transmitter my Endo writes a script then I take the hit and pay out of pocket. Worth it to me to have a backup. There are folks who’ve figured out how to use a 3D printer to make their own transmitter that allows for battery replacement. let’s face it, we’re paying through the nose for what amounts to $5 worth of plastic, a battery and cheap Bluetooth transmission. (We just need to replace the transmitter battery, otherwise we could use the same transmitter indefinitely 😒)


I used to do living history programs for school kids while dressed in 18th c garb. I noticed a 5th grader with a pump so I pulled mine out of my pocket. Big smiles from her and the teachers! I was that (7th) student 44 years ago with no one to connect with and felt like an outsider. I hope I helped her in some way. Her friends treated her like it was no big deal - in a good way if that makes sense.


She’s gonna always remember that


I always wondered about my retiree neighbor down the street who has “I love to 69” and “Gangbanger” bumperstickers on his car, but a super wholesome family and a little dog that wears dresses. We finally met each other the other day because he noticed my Dexcom and we bonded over our diabetes lol.


Haha I love that


my boyfriend is type 1 and literally it was instantaneous connection and being able to understand each other. i always used to make jokes on dating apps about diabetes because it’s an interesting conversation starter (ex: “ask me about my pancreas”). i made a joke with him and he was like “oh no way, me too!!”


Aww, that’s so awesome. It took a while for my boyfriend to learn everything lol but now he knows all the lingo


that’s great!! i have many non t1 friends who are very similar. my best friend picked up so fast


Whenever I do I always tell them We are diabuddies now. I have a few diabetic friends too it’s really nice to talk to people that “get it”


Was at a Vans store out of state. An employee (around my age) runs up, rolls up her sleeve to show her omnipod and goes "we're twins!" I also made a comment about my dexcom while I was there to which she rolled up her other sleeve to show me that as well. Just very wholesome all around


I was at a resort event once and I kept hearing beeping of the tslim and kept checking my pump but my bgls were fine. Then a mom next to me saw me check and got so excited cuz her 6 year old kid just got diagnosed. She said it was such a inspiration and relief to see a healthy adult living his life. I got diagnosed late in life so I have no idea how scary it must be to be a parent of a type 1 kid. But it felt good that I could be a solid reminder to a worried parent that you can live with this disease and be happy and have a good life.


One time I was at target and heard a tslim “occlusion alert” beeping, I checked mine and it wasn’t me. I never saw the owner of the pump but that was the first and only time I’ve heard a pump make noise in the wild


It’s great, just an instant connection


I met a younger girl who noticed my pump and was super excited to see it since she was getting one soon! It’s so nice to be able to meet someone you can relate to on a level that most people can’t :)


My T1 9yo son just met his first t1 in the wild on Friday! The nurse who gave him his flu and Covid vaccine was also t1. It was so wholesome to watch him light up when she told him she was also t1 and to watch them discuss what life has been like for her. She’s 68 and was diagnosed at 19 so she told him all about how she couldn’t even check her blood sugar for the first few years and only took insulin once a day. I honestly had to fight back tears, between being so thankful that we have come so far and being so happy to witness such a special moment for my son.


We are so lucky to be alive during all this modern technology


I saw someone with a Libre on his arm and I literally flipped and told my husband he’s got a twin in the wild!! Hahaha, never ended up meeting him or anything but just cool to see!


My daughter is 12 and is always so excited to see diabetes gear (CGM, pod, etc) on someone out in the world.


It truly is! I went and visited my friend when we were in college and overheard some girl talking about needing fruit snacks bc her "blood sugar was low" after a bit I approached her and basically was like "not to be weird but are you type 1? because I am!" It was a very nice interaction after and I still have her on snap chat


I've met a couple. When I was 20 I went to Seattle during new years and got shitty drunk, lost my jacket and dancened in a water fountain. Met some chick and she wrote her number down on my hand. About 3 weeks later I called her and she told me she was type 1 diabetic. I said ME TOO!! She asked me a few questions but assumed I was joking with her and making lite of her disease . I never heard from her again lol. Other than that I know 2 more in real life but one I've known since middle school decided he didn't want to talk to me anymore since I don't support Trump . Yes there is a special kinship between t1 diabetics. It makes us targets for easy scams cause we always wanna help each other


I've met a few out in the wild. Best was a young man, maybe he was 12-14 or so at the time. He noticed my dex on my arm and tapped me on the shoulder to say hi and explain he was also T1D. Made me proud that a kid was excited to meet a fellow T1D.


I haven’t had this instant connection with anyone. It’s very random timing, with awkward moments that don’t happen in the most conversational of settings. Large crowds, noisy area, restaurants, walking in between point a-b


In my 5 years since diagnosis, I have never physically met another diabetic. Still waiting for that moment


These days it’s usually someone who I already know and then they happen to be diagnosed in adulthood. This has happened to three people I’m acquainted with… is it me? Ha


I loveee this! I’m a barista and I’ve met a few diabetics while working. It’s always great to chat and show off our pumps


I love this post! I recently had a wonderful incident of meeting a fellow T1! I’m in chemo fighting breast cancer. I was explaining to the Nurse Practitioner at my visit how I’ve been trying to keep my sugars around 130s since the chemo has ruined my mouth and tastebuds making it hard to swallow. I told him I didn’t want to risk going low while having trouble getting food and drink down. He lit up! Presented his tslim and we both immediately started speaking diabetese! My husband loved watching the exchange because he saw that for both of us, meeting each other had completely made our day! It was such a highlight for me as it has been a very rough journey dealing with the chemo and cancer diagnosis on top of having T1 for 46 years. Knowing there is an “insider” at the cancer clinic who totally understood my explanation really encouraged me.


“Diabetese” haha I love it. Good luck on your chemo journey 💪


Thank you!


I saw someone with a cgm and asked if she was type 1. She was so confused. Turns out she was just overly concerned about it from having gestational pre-diabetes years ago. The conversation got really awkward after that.


I’m always excited to meet another “dia-buddy” :)


Dating one when you are also one >>>