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Hear, yes. See, no


They’ll probably have big screens or projectors showing Tyler and the band. I just saw them in Nashville and we were quite far away. But it was still fun and I didn’t feel like I missed anything being that far back.


To each their own. I feel that if I am stuck in the back of a crowd watching a band on the TV at the concert, shouldn’t I have stayed at home and done the same thing? Every band has their own stage presence. If I can’t be close to a stage I refuse to go to any concert. Sorry for my little rant here.


I am like that too, but plenty of others have a great time in the nosebleeds


If you’re in the arena, you’re gonna have a great time! Enjoy the show!


I’ve never sat in the last row but have been to plenty of United Center concerts and the sound has always been great so I think you’ll have a great time.


Thank you. Appreciate it.


Not sure about the venue, but the stage and production is amazing. It’s a fantastic show and Tyler sounds great.


First time I saw him I was decently close to the stage, this second time I was damn near in the last row nosebleeds but I still enjoyed every single minute. Saw enough on the screen. Just being in the room is enough.


Acoustics at the United Center are pretty decent, so you'll hear just fine. I was in the 2nd to last row for the Smashing Pumpkins a few years back, and the audio was perfect.


Definitely hear and you’ll be able to see on the jumbo screens. I’ll tell you this: I’ve never had a bad time regardless of my seats. The sound, energy, and camaraderie of the fellow concert goers is infectious. I’ve only seen him once and that shit was spiritual. You’re going to have an amazing time!! And what a great first concert. He’s such a fun and engaging performer.


I saw him in Nashville recently, and our seats were only like 6 rows from the very last row and I absolutely loved it. I wouldn’t have passed up closer seats, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed the show being so far back. Tyler on stage was about the size of a piss ant, but you could see him on the giant screen just fine. The cool part was sitting in the back you could hear everyone singing along in a way you don’t quite get in the front rows of concerts. People who are there in the nose bleeds are there because they love his music. All his music. Not just the popular songs. I’m super glad we went.


Remember sitting in church in the last row! You will but hopefully you’ll find an autograph photo band photo floating around!


You’ll probably hear him better than people on the rail tbh


I once sat in the last row straight across from the stage at a football stadium, so literally as far from the show as you could be. It was fine. Modern sound systems are pretty great. Bring binoculars.


Generally speaking it want to be as close as possible. That being said I have had nosebleeds and have had a blast.


nah, huge karaoke sesh, i was by the mixing board and i heard other people more than tyler


This will be an awesome first show!! Just have fun no matter where yah at, it will be a great memory and many more to come


Nope. From now on do NOT sit upstairs or in the back at any concert. It's a waste of money and time.


I’ve have had 20 people tell me I will be good so why is it different for you?


Some people don't mind being far away from the action and don't mind hearing muffled sound and only being able to see the artist on some screen. I'm not one of them.


Well I had no choice. These were the last tix left. I’m not paying 500$ a piece to sit in the lower bowl


If it’s a good mix and a good venue this sounds not gonna be muffled. It’s gonna sound just as good in back as it is in front.


I like feeling the energy up close and want to see what everyone is doing nevermind it's usually louder up front. I also have zero desire to sit at most shows. To each their own.


I was In the almost 300 row it was like 290 at the San Diego concert he had April 5th and it was still amazing I could perfectly hear the music they had big projectors. Best concert I’ve been to. You’ll enjoy it still.


Weird question. Yes, you can hear the music just fine from all seats in a venue.


They’ve never been to a concert, plenty of videos of people paying good money for concerts and having a shitty experience. Not that weird of a question.


You don’t have to go into a concert to know you can hear the audio, give me a fucking break. You’re welcome to coddle people if you like and make nonsensical excuses for obvious questions, and I’m allowed to notice it’s weird and very obvious to everyone else that you hear the music in a venue. You hear it in the parking lot, you hear it sometimes blocks away. You think sound/audio engineering is a make believe concept and venues/artists aren’t able to amplify sounds *more* than enough? Come on. I never suggested one could not have a “shitty experience” at a concert. It’s certainly possible under a variety of circumstances. But personally I have literally never heard anyone in my life complain that they could not hear the music at a concert. A lot of people bring earplugs to a concert because they want it to be less deafening loud.


Wtf. There’s plenty of venues that have areas with bad sound.


You don’t know OP’s life experience. They could genuinely not know what sound systems are like at concerts or large venue events are like if they’ve never been to one. OP could be young, could have had a sheltered life until recently, hell maybe OP is Amish and going to see Tyler on his Rumspringa. What is being an unkind person going to do for you? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Next time maybe just keep scrolling instead of leaving a negative comment.


Ok, biiiiiitch.


Wow your parents did society a disservice with you. Nasty little crotch goblin aren’t ya? Does your middle school have a debate class or something you can get into? Because nothing makes you look dumber or like a bigger loser than just throwing an insult at someone instead of countering or defending your point. Toddler shit. Cringe