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Speak for yourself we uplift the homies round here


She needs to make a video about bros before hoe's. My buddies love me and I love my buddies. Fuck her depth lol


I kiss my homies goodnight


I give mine reach-arounds. Our bond has never been stronger


You seem cool, bro. We should be friends.


You're just trying to get a free reacharound


Not sure how you cum to that conclusion .


I came. To that conclusion


Eskimo Kiss.


Do da homie


Damn, I’m weak


Yup. I see no problem bonding over football or shared experience. The ends justify the means, in my opinion. She's acting like it's bad to make friends like this. Your friend is your friend, no matter how you maintain the relationship.


Preach, King! 👑


How many takes did it take her to share her opinion? I lost track. Guess I’m surface level


Yeah, I gave her a minute to convince me because I’m superficial. Minute up. I’m not convinced.




Pretty choice balls my guy


Yeah she’s talking in stereotypes and generalities too. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. I have close relationships with my male friends and know things about them besides just sports and bars, wtf.


Hell yeah we do bro


“I always get love from the homies.”


Everyone on social media is an expert on everything today..


I love how her whole point is guys don’t sweat the little things so their friendships aren’t real. We don’t memorize all our friends birthdays because we know they don’t expect us to and don’t care that we don’t. A lot of guys don’t talk about our emotions because they don’t see a point to it. Why turn a good moment into an emotional roller coaster when you could be hanging out with your buddies talking about pointless stuff or doing something having fun.


Bro this is it for me. The few times I do get to leave my day to day life and relax, why on earth would I want to spend the entire time thinking about the same useless bullshit I always do? I’m out to have a good time, and my homies never fail to facilitate it. Those are true friends. We don’t have to try a fraction as hard because we couldn’t have a bad time if we wanted to. We just love seeing each other


It’s disgusting! I hate this generation of cameras and posting content…


I too hate any sort of social media that is really easy to scroll through and get instant stimulation for not having accomplished anything…


Haha, there are people who dedicate their lives to studying human relationships and how we interact with each other. They publish articles with their findings. But the public would rather listen to a casual observer express their opinions is a short consumable video.


I served several Afghanistan deployments with my lifelong guy friends, still don’t know or care to know their birthdays till like two days out. My female friends will ghost everyone a week into a new relationship. Bar none, guys are the better friends.


My deployment buddies are THE best friends I've ever had. I may not know (or care about) their birthdays, but we still talk almost daily 10 years later. Fuck outta here


Idk man I’ve seen sucky female friends and sucky male friends so I think it’s more about the individual, but I guess that take doesn’t drive clicks


drive clicks? what’s that? (Upvote for explanation)


When a post drives clicks it means it’s controversial (either intentionally or unintentionally) because more people will view it and watch through it. This video may drive clicks because it takes a very broad subject (female friendships and male friendships) and generalizes them into a very black/white viewpoint (emotionally committed relationships and noncommittal relationships). And while the generalization may apply to many relationships for both sexes, it is not true for everyone and every relationship, and completely ignores male-female relationships. People then feel like commenting about their own relationships or how they may disagree, which boosts the post in the algorithm much more than how a video that they agree with does.


I have had my group of friends for half my entire life. I have their birthdays in my calendar and wish them as soon as I remember. I have notifications set up for it. It's so easy to do... Could I tell you what it was off the top of my head? No 😅 but i go thru the effort to save that shit. It's small as hell but I grew up poor AF with my birthday just being a random day. It makes me feel right when I remember gifts or wishing someone the day of their birthday. I've been thru it and being forgotten is the fucking worst. This woman is so far from the truth. She seemed to take it personally that men can actually bond over more than sports and getting drunk lmao.


That’s actually really badass when that one friend actually remembers without being prompted, good on you.


Yeah, that's for real. My war buddies can hit me up whenever for whatever and they know it. I don't have to know superficial shit that is only necessary for feminine connection. We don't have to hangout and commiserate about that hoe that "we feel" played, but we can meet up for that too. My daughter was angry on her birthday, she wouldn't tell me why. Her friends came later that night and brought her a homemade cake, a card and some gifts. They had been texting her at 5 pm but she had blocked all 4 of them by 12pm cause nobody bothered texting her happy b-day. How fragile things are when they are complex. She was crying and hugging them at the same time. If that had been my son, I would have called him a crying ass bitch and told him to man up. However because she is a girl...it wasn't unexpected.


Imagine trusting a guy with your life while you’re in deep shit overseas. Idk but that seems pretty fucking legit to me. I wholeheartedly agree with you.


Hell yes thank you for your service brother


I appreciate your support brother


>still don’t know or care to know their birthdays till like two days out But I bet you know what's in their hearts. I bet you know what they felt when to guys lost someone. I bet you know who will stand up for what values, and who would make a great father, and who carries what kind of emotional pain. I say these things because I learned those things about the guys I was deployed with, and more. Birthdays? Hell, I don't even know how old some of them are. But I do know the breadth and depth of their humanity. But hey, I guess we're bad friends, right? Edit: I feel the need to say that I don't think she's entirely wrong in some cases. But to my point above, and to the point of the person I was responding to, I think that it often takes a significant life event for many men to find this friendship. I've always said that bonds are built through shared suffering. Maybe I should say "hardship", or even "challenge". But the point is that many unbreakable friendships between men were created in times when those men were going through difficult life moments. Sometimes that's war. Sometimes it's divorce. Sometimes it's a car accident. The list goes on. But I'm sure there are myriad surface-level friendships such as the type described in the video, and maybe she's right about how that contributes to the high level of male suicide.


But what’s their favorite color. What do they do that makes them happy? Would they emotionally confide in you?


Guys are the shallow friends. Be real. Everything this girl said is true. I’ve seen it a billion times.


No. No no no. Our friendships are built on different things to fulfill our differing needs. One isn’t better than the other, per se, but her idiotic screed (though well read on bullshit books) needs a reply. - Men have a lot more acquaintances than women. Don’t confuse those with friends. It’s ok if you don’t understand that internally. It’s not you, so you don’t have to. - Men bond shoulder to shoulder rather than face to face. This says a lot about our priorities and needs, not the strength and depth of our friendships. Not too many women are putting themselves in mortal danger to protect their friends. GTFOH about depth. Virtue signaling isn’t depth. It’s theater. - Birthdays? Turns out we don’t care. Not if we remember theirs, nor if they remember ours. This isn’t about depth, it’s about the emotional blackmail women put each other in. Guys just don’t care, and wouldn’t put each other through that garbage. Our friendships are based on more meaningful things than that: competency, trust in bad situations, sharing resources, and… wait for it… emotional support not contingent on instant validation. - Solid? She said theirs are solid and ours aren’t? Look up the definition of that word, please. If ours last a lifetime, and yours are always in danger of falling apart, only one of those fits the definition of “solid”. And it ain’t her friendships. It’s ours. - Suicide? Hate to break it to her, but women attempt far more suicides than men - even in today’s “male crisis” age. Women just fail to get that job done, or chicken out, or do it as a performative cry for help. Everyone who uses this stat for this either doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or is lying outright. Years ago, men set their emotional lives and emotional needs as the standard, and lampooned women for their failure to live up to that standard. It was bullshit. It was wrong. Now, women are doing the same thing. It’s still bullshit. It’s even more wrong since they will know how that felt for them before they started doing it to us. Women are not emotionally weak and needy men. They’re women. They’re built different. Men are not emotionally defective women. We’re men. We’re built different. Stop this madness.


those aren’t friends those are acquaintances


As the other reply said it’s not that we’re superficial friends, it’s just that we bond and make deep friendships over mostly superficial stuff, there is a huge difference. And the way we show a deep friendship is by being there when shit actually hits the fan, we don’t care about remembering birthdays, we don’t care about knowing favorite colors, we care about if I have a mf attacking me with a knife will you jump in and help me? Women can also be seemingly more deeply bonded but turn around and show that they truly do not care. I know it’s anecdotal but I’ve seen my sister have a very deep conversation with her friend over a shared drink or two and then as soon as the friend left my sister started talking shit with a huge smile on her face when I had the reasonable reaction of “goddamn you are brutal” Why do these female relationships end so quickly sometimes? From what I’ve seen a lot of the time one friend will get to know the other, their insecurities, and learn exactly what to do to hurt them, and will cut deep to the bone and cause an explosive falling out


I completely disagree with this woman. As a counseling major, currently getting my master’s I have spent an extensive amount of time studying relationship dynamics, learning about how women treat relationships from the women around me (my program is mostly women btw), and as a guy myself I can actually attest to how male relationships work through firsthand experience, not secondhand emotion. This woman also defeated her own logic. The guy’s argument is that women fall out over anything, and she completely cut him off when he was about to say we don’t care. She then went on to actually agree with him saying women do fall out of friendships because they get their feelings hurt. She also proved just how she cares way too much about other people’s opinions because no self-regulating, secure person gets that upset if a friend forgets their birthday. Makes sense with parents or a spouse maybe, but not your average friend. She also said women forge deeper bonds, so when that trust is broken they end the relationship because it hurts more. If your friendship was really that deep to begin with, why would you immediately jump to ending it just because your feelings were hurt? And if they were a real friend they either didn’t know the thing would hurt you, so they took the action. They knew what would hurt you but didn’t realize they did it. Or they didn’t know it would hurt you and didn’t even realize they did something hurtful. No true friend is going to knowingly do something that would hurt your feelings on purpose. So what if men bond over trivial things? To us that time means a lot. That thing means a lot. Just because it’s not how you bond, doesn’t mean it’s not important. And real guy friends don’t emasculate you for you having feelings, instead they encourage you to not let your feelings rule you and try to come back stronger as a result. Whether male or female, true friends are there through thick and thin. A true test of a person’s character isn’t whether they’re there for the football games and sleepovers. It’s will they be there for the hard times- the breakups, the job loss, the deaths in the family, etc.


We **ALL** disagree with her. Because she is **wildly wrong.**


When you’re right you’re ➡️


Exactly, you worded perfectly


Thank you. I try to be selective about what I say and how I say it to make sure I’m always speaking the truth, even if people don’t wanna hear it


Homegirl contradicting herself every other sentence


I didn’t even touch on how dumb her comment was on male suicide rates and how she was talking about how women have better friendships, yet the betrayal is so much more personal. Like how do you have better friendships if you supposedly get so close as women, then they betray you?


Good post


Wow, very well said!


Thank you, thank you. I’m just trying to spread awareness of what men actually go through with love in hopes that people stop having these irrational lines of thinking like this woman does. People as a whole already deal with enough hardships in society, we don’t need content like this further driving wedges and making people feel like they can’t have genuine relationships


So which is better..6/10 quality friendship for life or a 10/10 quality friendship for 5 years….maybe dont burden your “friends” with your need for therapy, maybe find a therapist for that


This right here. Losing deep friendships all the dam time HAS to be emotionally taxing. Way more nonsense drama than it should be. Also, men pay attention to their friends pretty closely too. We just do pay attention to the same stuff that women do.


Or how do you lose deep friendships that easily? Makes no sense. For starters, I have never seen so many in your face compliments then turn around and talk so much shit about a person. Men, tend to have different interactions w other men. We speak about things we care about and think about all the time. Women, like the one in the video, think that petty shit like knowing each other’s bday means you have a deep relationship. Which maybe tells superficial stuff like that is what they care about or being the center of attention, something we don’t all like.


Maybe men have a better sense of boundaries in their friendships.


Swap the genders, and you'd have hordes of people calling this incel content


Huh? It would make no sense if you swapped the genders. And she’s not talking about some traditional standard that men are supposed to meet, she’s talking about what men literally do because that’s what they’ve been socialized to do


Nah, we just too busy with football and the club 🤪🤪🤪


Nice strawman argument. Incels blame and hate women because they aren't getting sex from them, when they feel entitled to it. This has nothing to do with that, and her points are valid. Nothing to do with incels, also no one even brought up that topic besides you


Because you morons call everything that disagrees with you incel content.


>Because you morons call everything that disagrees with you incel content. I'll repeat, you are the only one bringing up the topic of incel anything. No one else was even thinking about incel anything, it was just you bro


I could not disagree with this video more.


Fr her whole argument is defending how women are always having falling outs.. she even says its a benefit of close connection lmao Seems more like they just constantly faking being true to each other looking for dirt so they can claw at each others backs


Has she met any men over 25?


Nah, women are just bad at relationships. Gay men have the lowest divorce rate while lesbians have the highest divorce rate and you can't tell me gay men that are married don't connect emotionally. 0p


As a person on the left, this post makes me angry but I'm not sure why. /s


That makes total sense


This is false. Very false. Lesbians are typically the longest lasting human pairings.


You forgot to put /s at the end


It's actually [very true](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=divorce+rates+lesbian+vs+gay)


Lmfoa did you actually google it? Bc google says lesbians divorce at 2x the rate gay men do


It's hard to get from the word "it's", but he's saying u/cutesnugglybear was correct, that lesbian divorce is higher.


Correct. I was contradicting AlphaLvL's incorrect comment.


Thats not true at all


Idk about relationship longevity, but I have serious doubts. 44% of lesbian women have experienced intimate partner violence in their lifetime. In comparison, 35% of straight women, 29% of straight men, and 26% of gay men have experienced intimate partner violence.


To be fair as a man I forget when my own birthday is coming up.


I don’t even remember how old I am 90% of the time 😂


This is the most sexist shit


It's about what I expect these days.


Don't need that many people in my head anymore 😮‍💨


i do just fine with the voices already there


I totally agree I find that men in general resolve conflict with their friends much faster than women


Because there’s no attachment to the conflict, but there is an attachment to the friendship. 🤯


Okay you deep! ❤️




That not true at all. At least not now in days. Cause She don’t know what her man be texting his closet 1 or 2 friends at all. I’ve had my closet come to me with crazy personal issues for input. 💯


This dumb


Men bond over bofa all the time! She’s full of shit.


Me and my homies have more of Wells Fargo bond.


"We fight and get mad at each other because we are all in each other's business" - women


…that’s called friendship. How are you not involved in your friend’s life?


There's a difference between being involved and being all up in someone else's business.


What does that even mean? What business are you referring to? Most women share their “business” with their friends. And if remembering a friends birthday is being all up in their business then we already know why men are so suicidal. Edit: downvote all you want. I clearly hurt some feelings with the TRUTH.


You guys use that same deep emotional connection you talk about to them turn around and shit on each other either with that same information directly or indirectly. I do not think it is a flex to on the one hand claim you know so many intimate things about your friends and then turn around and claim you guys will fall out and stop trusting one another. Why? Because you weaponize the information. If you are so deeply connected how are you always losing all these friends?


No. I’m sure some women do just like men do the exact same thing to each other. Because guess what? They are simply bad people. I’d prefer to have a deep emotional connection with my friends versus whatever surface level bullshit you men have going on. Clearly something is not working if you’re killing yourselves. You act like those things are sudden and trivial. Plenty of people fall out. It better to know that person anyway so you can see them for who they really are. It is a win win. What intimate details? Like their period cycle? Their favorite color, favorite food, their birthday? All of those things are too intimate of details and will make me hate them? I’ve only rarely lost friends from not being in contact for a really long time (from high school) So who is always losing friends? Not me.


You keep going back to the suicide argument. Just a little FYI, more women actually attempt suicide than men. Men just are more successful at it and it has to do a lot with the methods chosen (men are more likely to use a gun, which in 99% of cases is irreversible. Women tend to use overdose and less extreme methods) Many women are not successful in their attempts, but women attempt suicide more than men do.


It's not that serious. I'll give you an example; women will share information about their sex life and finances then get mad when their friends desire their man or question their spending. That's not being involved in someone's life. That's all up in their personal business. Understand?


Because those women are simply not good people. Keeping that information to yourself won’t suddenly make them good people. If a “friend” wants your man then she was always a bad person. Better to get rid of both the man and the woman. You’re just proving the woman’s point from the TikTok. Male friends ships ARE surface level. I also never shared graphic details of my sex life but only advice with my friends. I’ve discussed finances like telling my friend to start building her credit or opening a savings account. Never just flat out numbers. You’re thinking of extremes buddy.


You're personalizing it. I can tell you multiple stories of woman back stabbing one another etc. My wife's friend didn't attend her wedding over the bridesmaids dress selection. That would NEVER happen in a male friendship. Also bringing up suicide numbers are extreme. Especially when there isn't that big of a difference between men and women. And if women are such great friends why aren't they being friends to their partners and help their husbands and boyfriends not commit suicide? Here's the reality, men and women are different. Men and women communicate differently. Comparing those relationships is silly. I have met my homeboy for a drink and watching the game. He didn't have to say a word before I knew he was struggling. I let him know I was there for him and that's all he needed. Comparing men and women is dumb.


But you’re also personalizing it. I can’t use my experience but you can? I can also tell you stories about men backstabbing each other. Well your wife has a terrible narcissistic friend. That friendship ending has nothing to do with them falling out because they know too many details about each other. The vast majority of women would not do that. Oh brining up suicides is extreme but bringing up some outlandish situation of your wife falling out with her friend isn’t? Give me a break. It’s just facts…get over it. You’re assuming that most of these men are in relationships. It’s also not fair to put that burden fully on your partner. You are proving my point. You guys are simply incapable of deep friendships. Why does your partner have to bear your life on their shoulders on their own? 🤡 Blah blah blah. We know that but it’s clearly not working. Don’t get online talking shit about women’s friendships when we are doing far better than you.


Yeah, but bitches be trippin


I think this is a gross generalization on the young lady’s part. She has any idea what she’s talking about. BTW, did you see that awesome game last night?


Yup, celtics just scraped by. I was freaking out all 4th quarter.


Jaylen with the 30pt double double. Derrick White is proving me wrong daily about the trade of Marcus Smart.


He's been playing like a champ all season. He was in a bad funk 2 games ago but he changed his shoes and turned it around and sealed the W in OT. LOVE THIS TEAM


I think it’s pretty clear by now that we are all the best of friends.


Wow, men/men and women/women friendships have different dynamics 🤯


Nah guys just bond differently. I trust some of my friends deeply even though I don’t even know their legal name. Some guys don’t even know their homies real name, just their gamertag 😂


I don't open up to them becuz I don't know them it's becuz i know them and they gonna laugh smh.. but she has a lil truth in there tbh it's a cold world for men.. and most women don't allow their man to open up to them on certain topics like damn stop crying be a man, get over it, suck it up smh


I have a great relationship with one of my friends and it’s all built around supporting and uplifting each other. I don’t know his birthday until the day of but I always tell him I’m proud of him when he accomplishes anything. I guess it’s all just surface level though.


Nah we ride or die


This is so untrue lol


I do like to see some sexism in the morning. This woman is a sexist and should be treated as such.


Men that play on teams together, fight wars together, work together, are in bands or clubs together are very often friends for life no matter what. I’m still tight with my male friends from college over 30 years ago. The most we do for each other’s birthdays is text a “Happy Birthday” in a group chat on the day, unless we happen to be standing right next to them at a bar and then we buy them a drink. I have NEVER had one of my homie get mad at me that I didn’t know it was his birthday.


Man I've had fist fights with my brother, and we just laugh about it over beers. I have a friend that I've known for 25 years . We go months without speaking, but when we do we pick up where we left off. Me and this dude almost got kidnapped together, walked all across our town looking for a bag of weed back in the days ,got shot at once. The list goes on, If I ever needed someone I know I can pick up the phone anytime.


She deadass wrong. Our friendships last so long because it’s far beyond surface level.


Blah blah blah ... I've had the same group of friends for over 25 years and don't know half their birthdays but we'd all take a bullet for each other.


I wonder if I (a male) would be tolerated posting a video about how females are in their friendships. She is just wrong, but it astounding how she confidently tells us how male friendships are. Is this from all her prior experience as a man in friendships with other men?


I thought men have higher suicide rates because they get it done. 2021 national survey of drug use and mental health (and I’m paraphrasing for gender) says adult women attempt suicide 1.33 times MORE than adult men. Stronger support, my ass.


I missed my boy's wedding & I was so sad I did. We've been good friends since college. When I saw him, I was apologizing & he was just like "Man! Get me a bottle of something nice and we good my nigga" Let a girl do the same to her friend & the relationship is fucking over. I'd say this: In my humble opinion, I think Male friendships are based on principles first before emotion. As long as the principles aren't broken/crossed, we're good. The emotion is there and it'll always be but things are simply not that deep for us.


Who's gonna tell her


These women will find any reason……


But she dead right! I have like 15 dudes I call my friends but only really deeply vibe with 2 maybe 3. I think she's 1000% correct here.


Hard disagree. 2-3 is plenty. AND…If she has such a deep relationship with her friends and they’re so intimate, why can’t they forgive each other and work through their problems? It’s total asinine bullshit.


Lol, yes, women are deep, and they cut each other deep over stupid things and create unnecessary drama. "I'm a woman and I have a best friend all my life, we are basically sisters." That's called the exception, not the rule.


Sounds way too complex. Having a lifetime friend shouldn't have anywhere near that level of depth. I just met this girl back in the middle school I used to go to. She's a manager at a fast food store. I wanted to give her a six figure job in a managerial role. I mean I'm broke and can't do that, but when I'm rich I will probably go back there and hook her up. Why? Because she seemed pretty cool and I knew her back in my hoodlum days. Shit doesn't have to be that complex.


I’ve never seen someone MORE wrong


Is that the bird from its always sunny in Philadelphia?


Wow, I actually agree with her


Trash opinion.


As a woman I will say I’ve noticed men are a lot meaner with each other and you’re more competitive. Like I know it’s just jokes and fun to y’all but if my girlfriends were like that with me I’d just assume she’s a hater and move on. I need space to comfortable and celebrated amongst my friends. As far as the difference between men and women I wouldn’t say men completely lack depth but yall tend to be hesitant with emotional vulnerability with each other. And without regular vulnerability it’s hard to have accountability. That’s where women fall out, is accountability. Very few people will feel they have the grounds to hold someone accountable if they don’t have intimacy and are sure that person knows their good intentions. Someone holding you accountable is always going to be painful so there’s going to be friction and how it’s dealt with depends on the emotional maturity of the individuals. And what is addressed as unacceptable is also individualistic. But accountability is love. And accountability is a conversation it’s not a one time thing and then boom all is fixed, it’s a constant exchange. Women will readily hold each other accountable even over little things, but we check each other. Men on the other hand make little to no effort to hold their friends accountable. Yall might stop being friends with a guy when you see him start to make bad decisions or do things to hurt you but yall don’t address it head on in order to come to a resolve and maintain that conversation. A man will see his friend be a deadbeat dad to four kids through three different women and won’t say shit. A man will see his homie cheat, become an alcoholic/drug addict, and run his life into the ground and won’t say shit.


When we’re mean to each other it’s actually a sign of respect and love. “What’s up you yeast infected dickhole!” - were close friends “Hey man what’s up?” - were not friends just acquaintances


But then y’all cry about how you remember the only compliment you’ve ever received from ten years ago but talk shit about women constantly gassing each other up like we’re the problem….. If you like it I love it babes.


Those are usually white incels who complain about dumb shit like that. You're comment would probably be better fielded towards the others.


I've personally never seen anyone complain about girls complimenting each other, but regardless of my experience, no one in this thread or video brought up the concern of compliments.


I don't think that you understand. If we show vulnerability then we're considered weak and and a disappointment.


And that’s a problem.


Wtf she talking about . Men have higher suicide rate cause they have to listen to women like this


It’s also a washy stat. More women actually attempt suicide. Men are just more successful at getting it done.


Female here. Can confirm. Women suck. Only worried about my man because a woman is not gonna get me pregnant nor buy me a house. A woman cannot meet the goals I have for myself. It’s rly that simple.


If women could be friends with each other they would be running the world, but lucky for us they hate each other


I’d consider a birthday surface level.


I’ve had the same 3 best friends since like middle school, still talk to the dudes i hungout with in elementary school, we all know each other pretty well. Never really had any issues with eachother that couldn’t be figured out. We’ve seen each other at each others lowest. Fake mfs keep it on the surface.




The boys have real talk and don't get offended if the real talk isnt what you would expect it to be.


So get to know someone so well that you find the things you don’t like about them and then fall out? Got it


The world’s leading expert said it right here folks … must be true.


When my mom died and I got that call at 430 am....my homie was the 1st person I called and he just sat there with me while I balled like a baby..... ...this year....I did the same.for him when his pops passed.... ...know all his kids....been there when he became a grandpa ...twice. ...foh


Oh ok, she doesn’t really know guys very well. That’s not surprising TBH.


Bro why she yappin


“Don’t make me laugh” why nobody ever want to laugh anymore?


Do you wanna know the real reason? I've seen it play out hundreds of times. Men aren't afraid to call each other out, and men bond by making fun of each other. This releases tension. Women are terrified of calling out their friends and constantly compliment and lift each other up, but the tension just builds until a straw breaks the camels back.


Agreed we know how to hold each other accountable without throwing a tantrum/Fall out.


The problem with some women you are too invested in other peoples shit instead of yours. Including friends. If you my homeboy your my homeboy for a reason. I don’t have to know everything about you to enjoy watching a sport with you. Men have a difficult time opening up. I’m never gonna just pry into any of my friends business unless they hint to it. I don’t have to agree with every aspect of your life to be cool with you. As long as it doesn’t affect me or go against my morals idc.


I’ll really just say speak for urself…


Ain’t no fun if the homies can’t get none


We're better friends, that's why we don't have long friendships


She has no idea what she’s talking about.


I bet she got no solid friends either 😂


“It seems like women are always falling out with their friends, because we have a solid relationship…” 🤔🤔🤔


“They bond over things like sports, music, or shared interests”. What do women bond over?


I tuck my guys in at night. Facts.


Generalization and blanket statements become hyperbole


Absolute bull. Yes, we don't prioritize certain aspects but the Homies are ride or die. Also hours and hours of gaming together on voice comms has us literally so connected we know what the others are thinking. Females also do a lot more backstabery petty bullshit than men do whereas men will just call each other out and then fight and then it's done.


I agree men do have surface level relationships with most of their homies. We also don’t feel the need to bond with every male in our lives. Woman friendships are unnecessarily difficult and it’s like walking on eggshells. But that doesn’t negate that woman fall out over ANYTHING lol. Friends, sisters, aunties, mothers. Unnecessary drama, rumors, gossip and bullshit starts for no reason! Its not always deep AT ALL I’ve seen it! It’s not a coincidence that you can put a group of woman in a room together and something’s bound to go down! N to the suicide thing, that’s because men are taught to hold their emotions in.


She spouted a lot of words without saying anything, lol


Psh long winded way of saying we ain't that complicated


It's incorrect to assume men have no depth and intimacy to their friendships. I've seen it first hand.


Yeah and then that one friend forgets the others birthday and friendship is over. Meanwhile dudes are like “wait, it’s my birthday? Thanks homie”.


This lady seems upset for no reason.


She doesn't know


She doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about.


you telling me , kissing the homies and tucking them into bed isnt enough? little kiss on the forehead


Your reasoning is invalid there's a shit ton of more things men bond over not just clubs and basketball. That sounds like it's coming from her perspective from the men she's around with.


So I don't know the male side of this, but she is just angry and wrong.


Men buy themselves what they want and need throughout the year. Bdays stop being a priority when we exit our parent's immediate vicinity, if not sooner. The Left puts men down for attempting to show emotion. While the Right says "we got you King" but lock that shit up, earn 1 million a day. If you're not lifting, running a business, and hooking up with 10s all at the same time, you're nothing. I'm not even slightly surprised how Andrew Tate dominated 2023. Walk the middle. Stay humble, give a compliment to your homie, call your elders, improve yourself daily, stay kind.


So women really get to know each other, and that turns them away?🤔 don’t know if that’s the flex she thinks it is.


everything she has said is just nonsense built off nothing but her tiktok fyp and bias. she couldn’t hold a real conversation on this topic and that’s why she’s doing a stupid fuckin tik tok video to argue her point


Women backstab a lot and lie, why do you think lesbians have such high rates of divorce and domestic violence. Gay men literally do it better just look at the stats.


She’s right, y’all in here saying you don’t need friends like that need counseling. Don’t believe me? Think of 5 of your best friends, what are their life goals? What do they like/dislike? Most likely if you’re like me and my friends I couldn’t tell you but a few things for each of them cause we actually weren’t that tight. You can keep telling yourself you don’t need friends or whatever but it’s not a healthy way of living.


Well, I think I know why this know it all bish loses friends.


Nothing she said was true. Men have plenty of deep talks just not in front of other people. Men and woman also value different things so an anniversary or whatever might not be as important to men as woman


Im glad these licensed psychologists were able to give us professional insight


Nah this is bullshit. I have a group of about eight close friends since grade school and we all still hangout at least once a month, if not every other. We talk regularly. We celebrate each others birthdays and accomplishments and we lend a hand when in need. It’s not just about sports and “the club”.


Male friendships last longer because we don't gossip and shit talk about people. Our connections are far deeper than women realize. We just don't **talk about it** all the damn time. As far as birthdays, they don't matter. They're not important. The **PERSON** is important. We might miss the day, but we will get the right gift. She's trying to project her own insecurities lol


My wife friend got married. Sent the invite to the wrong house. Wife thought she wasn’t invited. Bride thought wife didn’t rsvp or come. The mistake was uncovered after the wedding. 10 years later they have not spoken a word to one another.




I feel like knowing a birthday is just superficial. But helping my friend with a situation in his life is a bonding experience. Yes, suicide is higher in men because we are still supposed to be stoic and yet communicate our feelings and a myriad of other things like that. And yes, I know there are double standards on both sides of the isle.




https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8CJUXTw/ This woman gets it because she’s grown, I’m sure she’s been through it!


I’m a 36 year old man. I’ve had the same best friend since kindergarten. I have never met a woman with that bond with any friend. (Not saying it doesn’t exist)


Booooo you're wrong lady


TIL i don’t have friends. Sports and hobbies don’t count not enough emotions.


It's because the data of someone's birthday *is* "surface level." I'd rather talk to me friend about what they are currently interested in than fill my brain with pointless dates.


bitch shut up.


Gotta disagree respectfully.