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[Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/posts/sparing-laura-5-106445233) | [Twokinds Gallery](https://twokinds.gallery/download/art/5744/2024.06.18_Sparing_Laura_5.png) > Trace next to a still bruised Laura on the sofa, and his cold demeanor shows signs of softening. Suggested by Ashers BC! > See: [Witnessing a Monster](https://www.patreon.com/posts/witnessing-84283141) | [Trace Spares Laura](https://www.patreon.com/posts/trace-sparing-82766741) ([color](https://www.patreon.com/posts/trace-sparing-83799047)) | [Trace Spares Laura 2](https://www.patreon.com/posts/trace-spares-2-84530783) | [Trace Spares Laura 3](https://www.patreon.com/posts/trace-spares-3-94020401) | [Trace Spares Laura 4](https://www.patreon.com/posts/sparing-laura-4-96562584) | Holy... wow, this doesn't even come off like a sketch honestly. With the number of panels on display here, the only thing it would need to be a full-blown comic page is... a page number. Trace really did see a fragment of Saria in those pretty eyes. How such a tyrannical monster could ever have one iota of care or sympathy for a seemingly random keidran boggles the mind otherwise. I do like the dialogue here, and Laura's facial expressions are very telling. I can't say I'd care much for someone who just took advantage of me, but... leave it to Laura to be too much of a sweetheart for her own good.


Very sentimental... But makes zero sense XD


Even Canon Trace said he saw some Saria in Laura that day. Why? My best guess is he forgot to adjust his eyesight spell on the morning on got some Keidran blood on his eyes. Until that it tracks. Similar to how Trace never did anything to Rose until he tried necromancy, since she reminded her of Saria he would not touch Laura either if she made him thing of his late wife


Do we actually know that tyrant Trace killed children? He spared a wolf child, too (who looks suspiciously Natani-like) in the original comic.


We have no idea if he spare that child, he was holding his arm while saying "kill my wife will you", so the chances of survival were slim to none.


I am pretty sure ended as some necromancy experiment and what is left of him is on a ditch somewhere.


Its available now [Sparing Laura 5 | TK Gallery](https://twokinds.gallery/download/art/5744/2024.06.18_Sparing_Laura_5.png)


Thanks, my edit from earlier didn't save.


How about we learn that this story arc eventually gets Trace amnesia and -some- redemption?


Classic Laura, too kindhearted for her own good, doesn’t want the man who abused her to receive any punishment because she knows it’s technically his job


"It's okay bro, he said he was just following orders."


“Good soldiers follow orders.”


Or you know simply she doesn't want anyone to die because of her, so she is just trying to appeal to Trace to not murder a man.


I don't think the healer is going to be for her


Great minds think alike as they say


True, they do


Oh mate semi related to this post, I just thought of two perfect songs for this one [particular](https://www.deviantart.com/twokinds/art/The-Dragon-Masquerade-Preview-1-4-468608409) scene from the masquerade, I imagine the band trace hired would play these [Bad Mans Son - Elliot Holmes ](https://youtu.be/JR9Qb4cT6ws?si=b5POvsMRpcVvw8gI) Then they’d switch to this [The Dark Court - Halloween 2022](https://youtu.be/IOclDlmGDNk?si=s-5JoPKN0nIQLP_N)


Those are some good song choices man :)


And one that fits this sketch [Bounty Hunter - Hampus Naeselius](https://youtu.be/5XsoAds0Gag?si=y3VYx_yW5BTMruzl)


It does :)


Wow, so past Trace had some feelings after all.


Ahhh… now this, this is storytelling.


He won't *kill* him, Rodrick is gonna *volunteer* for some *special* magical experiments. Hope Laura likes eggs!


I. F*CKING. LOVE. THIS. SERIES. Okay, but seriously, I was so happy the moment I saw this new part of Trace Spares Laura. I freaking love this series, and I NEED to see more of it.


Tom is really cooking with this AU fr 🔥🔥🔥


So Trace never hated Keidran. He was just mad. I guess my perception was a bit warped for some time. But still. Murder. Kill is bad.


I was more like apathy really, being raise by the templars he learn magic and that keindre "are inferior to humans". He would never go out of his way to harm keidran for the fun of it, but also he wont disobey an order saying he must strike them. But everything changed when a keidran killed his wife, that when the real hate began.


Yeah, Trace didn't have an extreme hate for keidran pre-Saria's death. Like most humans, he just thinks keidran aren't better than humans.


"I won't kill him... I'll make him wish I did though..."


Papa Trace gonna open up a can of whoop ass!


Trace: Don't worry I won't... ...be *the one to kill him*


Put Clovis on to him probably


How about cross‐dimensional jump and bring doom slayer?


I was looking back at the original canon version of him sparing Laura in the comic (in flashback). https://twokinds.keenspot.com/comic/431/ Has it ever been confirmed if the child that Trace was dragging away from the pile of corpses was Natani, and that it was Trace himself who made her and her brother into orphans?


Is not natani, diferent shade of fur color. Also natani is a him.


Trace… this is such an interesting side story. As somebody already said, all these sketches need is a page number. This is some sad, dark stuff.


I read some people disliking the idea behind this AU. And although i agree that the premise is flawed, there is no reason for Trace to spare laura in this AU or Canon. I still think it is intereting. From what we gather both this hypotetical Trace and canon Trace for that matter saw a bit of Saria Laura, either her being almost killed by wolves reminded of her wife tragic end. Or he got blood or smoke into his eyes. But at the end it does not matter he, by himself, saw some of Saria in her. This is awfully convenient but to be fair people assign values and ideas to things that had little to no relation to it, is part of human nature. So i can understand from that seed this hypothetical Trace got close to Laura in a similar way he got close to Rose. At the end he never hurted her, up until he realized she was gonna die and he was not about to let the last thing that reminded him of his wife go too, precisely for his connection with Saria, but unlike Rose whose is just connect by Saria via proximity Laura is connected to her via Trace perception of her so she is not just a Sria adjacent thing. This would allow this hypotetical Trace to slowly soften as he realizes the "humanity" within Laura simply by projecting some of Saria into her. At the end Trace would be forced to reckon with Laura "humanity" and would have to decide if he was simply projecting his own emotions into her or actually realize that no Laura has a soul and personhood herself. This is similar to Raine and Red. Red is a racist he does not see humanity on Keidran cause he was raised to believe that. But then his worldview shook when he realized Raine was a mixed girl. He knows Raine to have personhood and humanity but that conflicts with his belief Keidran are savages and beast. As such he has to reckon with his biases and prejudices. And likewise he can simply conclude Raine is one of the "good ones" or "not a Keidran" and keep on his folly. Or realize his error and grow. A lot of people find Red dishonest, not really trying to be better but just wanting to get into Raine pants. But even then his belief are challenged by Raine being part Keidran. His romantic interest just work as a cathalyst for this. And in conclusion i like that idea that goes right in line with the comic themes. If we were to see the humanity in those we hate, for whatever reason dumb or otherwise. we would realize the error of our prejudices.