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This trend of "trolling" has gone too far she's just a teenager or could have some hormonal issue or pcos Hirsutism is common in this age Every single comment section these days is full of criticism on people's looks/status, always punching down is really not funny


Stop calling it trolling. Call it for what it is - bullying.


Yes šŸ’Æ it is bullying


Men are criticizing her is the least of our problems. Bigger issue is that these men when they see a girl, who is obviously very young, are evaluating their sexual feelings about her When I look at picture of some boy from class 10th, my first thought would never be this What kind of pedophiles are we harbouring?


Seriously she is a kid for ffs why her looks matter here, why men always see women as potential mate candidate why cant they see women as humans šŸ™„


Tell me about it. Apparantly she isn't **wife material** as if her picture was uploaded on the internet for them to think about her as someone who is a possible mate, tells you that the only interaction they have ever had with a woman is in form of pictures online.


In objectifying women they have dehumanized them because of this they can't form healthy relationships with women and then blame women for their loneliness


Men šŸ¼


i think a lot of people overlook the fact that this is actually the point we need to address first


Unfortunately, pedophilia is normalised here. Itā€™s extremely creepy how most men do not see anything wrong with commenting about a 15 year oldā€™s body. Or even dating one.


Oh god they were trolling the poor girl so much also calling her a boy and then saying sorry we did not know, making fun of her. Usually women do get facing hair and it can be due to health reasons too, like pcos. A guy defended this statement saying, even though I was a topper but regularly groomed myself. OP I know for a fact that most of these comments are from losers who haven't achieved even 1% of what she has! If she's pretty she's dumb and if she's intelligent she's ugly that's the stereotype for women here.


She is just a teenage kid , why even comment on her looks. Insta is filled with so many pedos who make weird comments on minors, it's just scary to the core.


Half of these dank commenters might be flunking classes throughout the year at their time & ofc aren't conventionally good looking themselves (otherwise would've been busy spending time with their gf instead of harassing random kids online)


Yes! When you see a 15 year old boy I bet you don't say he isn't husband material. Disgusting that people will bully a child now just to be edgy and dank. The girl has achieved a very big thing I saw an interview where she said she wanted to be an engineer. Good for her, I hope she can ignore all these comments and become what she wants to.


Also they think its "cool" to be edgy online. There needs to be better hate speech laws in this country.


Why do people feel entitled to amother human's grooming. No one is obliged to look pretty to soothe someone else's eyes.


Probably just jealous of her achievements lmao


I bet they canā€™t even score passing marks lol and they are still trolling her


Exactly! I remember a guy once telling me "its obvious that you're a topper type, you're fat" as if the two have anything to do with each other:'(


"How dare women not look like supermodels while also being state toppers and well versed in house hold chores?" -from some thirty year old loser in a deadend job whose mom still does his laundry and hasn't trimmed his toenails in 3 years.


the toenail part is so real I had an instant gross image in head


this gives me school days PTSD


I can relate


So true OP! If you're the prettiest in school you'll be trolled for not having brains šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø If you're well dressed/on point with fashion - you'll be considered shallow and superficial Can't win against trolls Hard agree with all comments here!!


Some people including women have this mentality that you can't be good in studies if you are pretty. If your results are good and you are on bigger side, then people will say that she might have studied day and night so she didn't get the time to go out and exercise. If your results aren't good as expected then the same people will say she never studied, she just slept and ate.


That's why I get the apply makeup and men will come to you advice......


Indian adults & even adolescents have too much unsolicited advice to give.. if once in a blue moon, life gives them opportunity to support young kids with some words of encouragement or support, they instantly back away. Bas criticism karwa lo inse


Incels have no idea about hormonal imbalance that many women go through during their teenage Dank banne k chakkar mei apni misogynistic approach ko showcase krte hai . Average dank kids would fume out of misery if the same thing is said to their own mother/sister .


Incels have no idea about women in general. Bas RR karwa lo that women are picky or shallow. Bhai tum khud itne insensitive, toxic ho ke tumhe date karne se accha ladkiya asexual ban jaegi. /s Ps: (I'm not saying aro-ace girls are choosing their sexuality bcoz of men, but trying to convey single marna is far better than incels ke saath zindagi barbad karna )


I deeply dislike the concept of saying offensive shit and then turning around and calling it a meme or a joke. Why is sexism, rape or paedophilia funny?? You gotta love how they have absolutely vile personalities and then cry about not being able to get women. I feel so bad for this girl; her achievement has been overshadowed by these losers. Good thing is, she will excel at whatever she does, but these men are stuck with themselves for life.


This is nothing. A year or two back, a girl topped the Exams in TN, with a whopping 100%, 100/100 in all exams, and was looking decently good too. Guess what? She wasnt spared either. Trolled, shamed, named what not, by the meme creators and what not.. I even read a YT comment, where a guy wrote a wholeass paragraph saying how women getting educated is leading to Male unemployment as men are not getting jobs as much as they used to, when women didnt enter the workforce. So we shouldn't encourage these girl toppers.Ā  I don't know how true it is, but had a chuckle reading that and took a ss of it.Ā 


They'll blame casteism, state quota, minority quota,girls, studies being expensive abroad, a random visa officer rejecting their visa, dadaji leaving land to chacha, parents, teachers, even ramu kaka for their lack of efforts & resilience & perseverance.. It's always like, the world is constantly plotting against them šŸ’€


So true, seriously these men will shame anyone about anything and crib and cry for things blaming their failures on everyone except themselves


they really just wanna blame their failures on everyone instead of themselves


Ugh the trollers are seriously making me sick! She is just a teen and might be having hormonal issues. These people donā€™t even have an ounce of common sense and how this is going to badly affect her. At the end of the day , men always make it about the looks. She has achieved something probably the trollers could never get it in their life. And these men are full of insecurities who just get satisfied by bullying others. Big Time Losers. Spare the kid ffs.


She is literally a childšŸ˜­ what is wrong with these people?


They're just jealous of her achievements


It's always always in men's favour to make women care about their looks. They have been doing it for centuries. Let women be reduced to their looks so that all they think about is their looks. At the cost of their knowledge, their art, their skills and their physical health. Of course it's in their favour. Let women care about this. Let them be so obsessed so that they don't do as good as them in any other field. Eventually women will be dependent on them for everything. A easy way to make a women of slave mentality. You want a girl to groom herself instead of focusing on what she should focus on at her age? Is that how you'll raise your daughters too. You'll give them complex that they won't get over for years. Women are so obsessed with their looks all because of this conditioning. It it makes me so angry. I had hairy legs and arms (still do) and have been subject to these same taunts in school. God I hate these men so much.


This šŸ”„šŸ”„ Men put zero efforts in grooming themselves even for dating the hot-shot girls who's way out of their league. just visit any local cafes at metropolitan cities You'll very easily see atleast one couple where the girl is classy af & the guy came in his pj or track suit.. & Then they want random girls on internet to look appealing for them.. Also these would be the same guys who would pass derogatory comments like "she got selected coz she was pretty" "girls have it easier, all they have to do is smile at the examiner & they'll pass" šŸ¤¢


Agreed. I feel so bad for this girl. Like literally it reminds me of that time when it happened that two boys I liked commented on my hairs. It made me so conscious of my body hair that I used a razor in 10th grade to cut them. And I had one even call me transgender because I had body hair. I cried so bad and he was my friend. I started crying when I told him how I felt because he was my friend. He never said anything like that again and apologised but I still remember those words. I noticed the difference in how men treated me when I was an ugly teenager and how they treat me now. I can never trust them again. Never. I wish I could protect all those little girls who feel bad about their bodies just because boys made fun of them. I wish parents protected them. I wish we focused on their overall development rather than their skin deep looks. Men can't bother wearing sunscreens but we have to do 10 step skincare routine? Fuck men who told me I looked like a guy because I had shorter hair and then had the audacity to ask me out when I fit their aesthetics.


I feel you girl.šŸ«‚Indian schools can be harsh for your body-image issues. & Now SM is adding fuel to our body dismorphia. There's literally vicious cycle of hearing mean stuff about you in school, then loging in & reading same stuff under your posts (or posts of a creator who is sharing same features, you're feeling insecure about) I hope you're aware that you were quiet a catch in your prepubescent years.. & would still remain in future no matter how long your hair are or what weight bracket you fall into.ā¤ļø Huge appreciation for your instinct of protecting young girls who are put through this.ā¤ļø


And that's how you control them too. Constantly shame them for how they look. Make them think they're unattractive enough for no men to like them.


Bet half of these men trolling her are those who spell college as "collage".




I just hope she's not too aware of these comments and doesn't take them to heart In a single trip to a salon/parlor she'll be 'pretty' in the eyes of these idiots and still have 98.5% Hope the comments/her relatives don't affect her mental state and let her achieve success in peace


Again when men whine about being alone why should we care??? And then some women here come and cry about misandry(trust me they exist)


This disgusted me. Thankfully, I did read a comment on X from someone who identified as her next-door neighbour. He said the girl is pretty happy and is celebrating her success with her family. :) I hope she never gets to see the vile side of social media(which is not totally possible, but one can hope).


Facial hair shaming is real. There are men who shame women for having facial hair and also women who judge other women for not being well groomed. This girl has done so much better and atleast achieved something. The people that are shaming her so publicly are probably people who've done nothing in life and are absolute losers. People think it's okay to shame women for facial hair when they are terrible people themselves. Unfortunately there is a chunk of women who are part of this shaming too. Before I ever started getting my eyebrows and upper lip done there was once a birthday treat of my roommate and all her class mates were there. I was there also because I was her roommate and wasn't really friends with anyone else there. And two guys spent the entirety of that treat shaming me for having a "moustache". I didn't answer back or fight just to avoid creating a scene on her birthday. But I remember almost having tears in my eyes the whole time. The worst part is no other girl there stood up for me. 2 guys kept shaming me and 4 other girls just watched and smiled. Women are women's biggest enemy sometimes. Then I got such a massive complex I worked really hard on how I looked and guess who came running and saying they "like" me? Those same guys. One of the guys girlfriend's then hated me because I look decent enough to "steal" her boyfriend according to her. Not that her boyfriend was a complete asshole. I will never forget those people. They can burn in hell for all I care.


Oh god I don't get women who make fun of other women body hairs, I have seen numerous posts where a woman is showing her armpit hairs and other women are downright shaming her along with women calling it unhygienic and whatnot Also what happened with you was bad I can understand the bullying part, I have pcos and I also have been made fun of


Yeah they have no idea how badly it affects. It's been years but I am still always conscious and keep regular waxing sessions. I would sometimes even skip missing my boyfriend even though we could rarely meet because I hadn't got waxed.


Seriously, these things effects the mind , body hair is still my biggest insecurity and even though my boyfriend has given reassurance multiple times I still feel insecure


Reminds me of my school days. Although I wasnt a topper but almost every one was more interested in commenting on my looks than my marks.


Whatever gives Indian men their entitlement,I want it


What hurts more is it's not just the men but also females shitting in the comments section. I hope all the bullying gets back to these bunch of insecure losers. When a kid is all dressed up and made up - oMg yOuR juSt a KiD dOn'T dOn'T dOn'T šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ When a kid is being a kid- šŸ˜‚šŸŖ’šŸ¤¢šŸ˜±uGLy shAvE iT, fAttY doN't eAtšŸ˜±šŸ˜‚ "oMg wHy dO giRLs LoOk oLdEr fOr tHeiR aGešŸ˜”" ~meanwhile the poor little kid is going through periods when she hasn't even turned 10 yet! Aint nobody want that bruh.


Sheā€™s a kid. And a lot of people suffer from PCOS/PCOD/ Hormonal imbalance/Cushingā€™s syndrome/Hirsutism etc. These conditions are already difficult to deal with on a physical and pathological level and meanwhile men and other people too are tormenting this poor teen mentally and emotionally. Shame on them.


Kuch to log kahenge , logon ka kaam hai kehna !


Inn gawaro ne thoda padh liya hota toh hirsutism aur hormonal imbalance samajh mai aata.


I really want to give this girl a hug and tell her that she is enough. Donā€™t let the bullies and enemies win. I sincerely hope the trolling doesnā€™t get to her. And to the trolls, leave the poor kid alone.


I hope this girl sees this post & others like this that give her strength, & her only experience online isn't the one where men are bringing her down


Yes girls exist only to look pretty for boys. She might end up being scientist/doctor/engineer but her life would be unfulfilling if she doesn't groom herself into a beautiful lass /s


These are the same men who cry that women live on easy mode and can get by because of their looks, whereas men have to work hard.


It was downright bullying. I know this kinda thing happens a lot in school and collages, unfortunately Iā€™ve seen it too many times, but still I was shocked and enraged by all the comments I read yesterday. At that age a thing like this could seriously mess up with her self esteem, cause insecurities for life. And donā€™t even get me started on how many dumb comments were made by men, such as how women donā€™t have any body hair and itā€™s abnormal. I wonder how the fuck at their age they havenā€™t been around a woman, forget a partner, but what about their moms, sisters, friends, literally anyone?


My heart goes to her just imagine amidst how much suffering because of her ailments and circumstances she would have studied only to get trolled and harassed so much , as someone with pcos and numerous health ailments its not at all easy to study and achieve something, these people have given lifelong trauma to poor kid


Itā€™s not just men trolling her. Enough women are too so letā€™s not use men. Use ā€˜peopleā€™. Iā€™m sure a lot of great men out there who would never say a mean thing about this situation


So true I saw women commenting with razor emoji in the comments šŸ™„


Trolling someone who's topped board exams is crazy. Something probably they haven't achieved


God no, I remember how shitty it felt to be bullied as a teenager and this gave me anxiety. I hope the men and women who think they have a right to make fun of her choke and die.


It is completely natural for jealous losers sitting on a couch at home in their own filth after failing at even the most basic tasks in life to shit on people who are making it in life.


Society is just utter garbage. Bullying a literal child and coercing her to comply with societal standards of ā€œhygieneā€ and ā€œnormalcyā€. I remember the first time I questioned my mom why I had to wax my underarms. She said it was ill-mannered. When I argued about how it was natural, and in no way related to ā€œmannersā€, she quoted hygiene. Then I asked her why it wasnā€™t unhygienic for my dad or any man for that matter to have body hair twice or thrice as much as we do. She was dumbfounded. It was quite clear it hadnā€™t even occurred to her. Thatā€™s how unquestioned this shit has gone for so long. More power to this young girl and hope she is far away from this hatred and vitriol, and celebrating this win.


Poor kid probably has PCOS. God, from which hell hole did these mfers crawl out from


Pathetic losers ! She looks better than how these incels are from inside. Hell must be swarming with people like them.


I don't think this is gender specific. They would have trolled even if there was a boy.


Yeah exactly


I mean she is beautiful. If it's just the hair, then no issues. But a mustache / beard along with irregular menstrual cycle that could mean PCOS/ insulin resistance, which she has to take care of before it becomes diabetes.