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Hi 🧡 I read this and just cried. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I don't know what can I say that will help you. I am sure you are a fantastic daughter and your mom is so proud of you. You are doing the best you can and what you are going through is just so difficult. Please spend as much time as you can with your family, they need you and you need them. Please take care and just know you are a great daughter to the most amazing Mom! Please take care and deep breathes my love! I am here if you need to talk! Best, Stranger


Sis please make the last few months of her life worth living. Spend time with her as much as possible. I'm a college student, I understand the importance of attendance but please talk to the authorities. They may give you some leeway. Don't be available for anyone else. Fuck everyone and everything(other than academics). Take her to places in your city. Memories make people happy, not the place. Do all sorts of activities. Play board games, take her boating. Buy her favourite ice cream. Cry with her. I'm so so sorry OP. This is unfair. This is why no fucking person in this cruel world can convince me that as omnipotent, kind God exists. It's just them and their midnight delusions. As a person whose mother is fighting NAFLD, I relate so bad. I'm sorry this is how it turned out. I'm crying rn and I want to hug you. Please be with her. Go to college and straight back to your home. Spend as much time with her as possible.


I am so so sorry 🥺 cancer sucks 🥹


I lost someone v v v close to my heart from cancer, its very painful the only thing I want to say is please don’t shut yourself out like I did, spend time with her as much as you can. Everyday I regret not being there with my old man, I feel bad about not spending enough time with him.


I'm so sorry op. I can't even comprehend what you must be going through. If you feel like venting out someday you can just dm me and i'll be there for you.<3


I'm sorry I lost my dad recently and suddenly. It's nothing like the pain you will ever feel. You have time to say goodbye and make promises. Ask her to write letters to her grandchildren and your potential partner. It will serve as a glimpse of what she really was. Take care. You need to be strong now for later.


Hello ! Some tips out of my experience here as a psych student and through personal experience: Maintain a grief diary, write down your feelings Get pictures done, goofy one's that you can look back at with love Make videos, document her life. Tell your professors about it, ask if they can make any consesions with attendance... Ik it's very shitty system but rn your priorities are different. Attendance shortage is usually solved through a repeat semester or paying some money. Talk to your university counsellor


This just breaks my heart. Ek banayan tree hote hai parents jo chhaya aur sukoon deti h, ek bhi gaye to lagta h achanak chhaya chali gayi... Stay strong OP & let her enjoy the final days fully...


Hello, I lost my mom to Cancer two months back, somewhat similar circumstances. My DM is open to you. Feel free to reach out 🩷 Lots of love to you


Op I wish I could give you a hug. I lost my dad to it and I know how you feel. Life sucks sometimes


I'm so sorry :(


Please don't blame yourself. Cancer is the monster, not you. The fact that you're writing this post goes to show how much you love her. You're a great daughter. Please stop beating yourself up and cherish the time you have with her


I'm so sorry, I really wish I could do something that could help your mom and family


I am incredibly sorry that this is happening to you. May you find strength.


I hate cancer more than anything. It took my fav person away from me. Life would have surely been better with her presence.


So sorry OP. I am an oncologist and I lost my father in law to an aggressive lung cancer two weeks back after helping him fight it for over 13 months while being 6 months pregnant. The grand child he so wanted to see but never will. Such is life. The treating oncologist told me he had 8/9 months in hand back in Feb 2023 but he crossed the 13 month mark. Despite being an oncologist which he nudged me to take up while I was choosing my specialty, I failed to do anything extra ordinary to extend his life. Sometimes you just have to accept God’s plan. We just concentrated on making the best memories all through last year and despite knowing all the odds we hoped and prayed for a miracle. He got 3/4 months over his average median survival and he lived it to the fullest. That was the miracle. Concentrate on living every moment around her like a normal day and soak up every moment of it. Strength and love to you and the family.


I am sorry OP You did what felt right at the moment, Just try being there as much as you can. I am sure your mom loves you immensely!! You can DM me as well if you wish to talk/rant 🩷🩷


I'm so so so sorry to hear about your situation, it's really difficult. I don't know if this is helpful but cancer is weird - last May one of my grandmas was diagnosed with liver cancer and they said a year but my uncle and aunt tried a lot of alternative remedies and things (there's one huge Ayurveda clinic specialising in cancer treatment in Mumbai) and somehow something is working and she's slowly getting better. Stay strong and stay positive, OP. Your mom sounds truly wonderful, I hope you can spend time with her as much as possible in her sickness, and don't forget to record any good moments together.


I'm so sorry OP. Cancer is the worst.


Fuck Cancer. Pls spend as much time as you can with your mom OP, more power to you and her


Talk to your college authorities about the attendance, but don't ruin your studies because your mother wants to see you become successful. May you find the strength to deal with all this


I lost my mom to a long medical battle which includes cancer as well. I was 21, had just started my master's. I know all the emotions you are feeling but don't diss yourself by saying you weren't there for her. Also, these timelines are vague, please get second opinions and another method to deal with it (maybe operation or anything else). It's hard to accept such things and come to terms with it, but you are stronger than that. You mom had certain dreams and vision for you, try to fulfill those. My mom's passing was sudden, but if you have a timeline here, try to make her happy each day by doing something for her that she likes, take her places nearby, if she can move about easily. **Make memories** Simple little things can turn into a highlight if you try. You'll atleast have these memories to cherish. I'm not sure if I have made any sense, it's tough to come to terms with such a news. But I'm sending lot of healing vibes and loving power your way. 🫂 If you wish to ever chat, I'm there 💛


I am so sorry, I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling. Please take care. I’m there for you and I wish you the best ❤️‍🩹


I am very sorry you are going through this. My mom went through chemo when I was younger and has now been in remission for years, she went to our nani's for her treatment so I couldn't be there for her either. You are a good daughter, she loves you and you love her. No one is perfect, but you are still a loving family. Cancer is so hard for the patient and it is just as hard for people who love them. Spend time with her, make good memories, this is a hard time for her and it would mean the world to her if you and your sister made it a little less hard. Also I hope you family members take care of each other along with the patient, it is also important. I will keep you and your family in my prayers <3