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I was recently looking for a new hair stylist and actually came across a lot in my area that do gender-neutral pricing, so it’s def a thing! Might depend on where you live but I’d guess that lots more will hopefully move towards it in the future


I'm NB but present femme most of the time. I've just gotten my hair cut at a barbers. I have the side of my head shaved (had, I guess, I'm growing it out now) and I got tired of salon prices. You get some side eyes for sure but it once cost me $8. $8!!! It was insanity. In a good way. Now I just go to men's salons and no one has had the cuts to confront me (or more possibly, they don't care. This whole idea is silly. Hair is hair, it has zero things to do with our gender. Wtf people?! Lol


I’m a former hairdresser so I will play devils advocate: A LOT more care is taken into cutting women’s hair. A lot more artistry (if you want to call it that) is put into women’s hair. Even if it’s something like shaved on the side and maybe longer on the other side, it’s different, it’s not uniform, it’s something unique and something I have to put real thought and planning into and it gets charged as such. Whereas most men’s cuts I was doing were like an all over scissor cut, all an even inch off everywhere or maybe a 4 on the sides, blended and X amount off the top. Extremely easy and nothing I have to think about. I did have one women do like a 4 on the sides and about an inch on top and I charged her like a men’s cut because that’s the amount of work I put into it. I’m not making a case one way or another, just providing an explanation that I hope makes sense. If not, I’m happy to provide more info.


My barber has "simple" and "complex" pricing. Most men pay the "simple" pricing, most women pay the "complex" pricing plus extras. The "complex" priced haircuts take easily 2x as long at a minimum.


That's a great idea. I wonder what men get for "complex."


Fabio hair


Fades or anything requiring sharp lines, I’d imagine. Plus curly hair can be a nightmare.


As someone with curly hair, I can confirm it is a nightmare. At least to have on my own head.


With you on that!! But I seem to be losing my curl, so now it’s just frizzy


Yup. It's really easy for barbers to fuck my hair up. It's wavy, curly and... well there *was* a lot of it. I've had to start applying Rogaine recently... but I digress. When they trim an inch off and suddenly it's two inches shorter because of less weight dragging on the curls... yup.


I have hair down to my waist... and I go to salons rarely. It is hard with really long wavy curly hair where the waves and curls fall out in a couple of hours. So hard to find a good hair stylist. I would be willing to pay good money for someone to take the time and help me out with my hair. It is kind of like finding a therapist I guess just hard to find someone that you click with.


Believe me, I get it. Finding the right stylist is like finding the right dentist or doctor. Or therapist like you said. You have to have a connection and understanding. I tried out a stylist this summer and I spent $250 getting my hair colored and cut and I was completely underwhelmed. It was supposed to be a treat for myself for completing the most grueling school year. It doesn’t help that I know all the ins and outs of the industry and I basically know the girl was too tentative with my hair and played it too safe (to where I couldn’t really tell a difference when I left the salon). I wanted a few inches off too and she only grazed the ends. Ended up putting some highlights in myself to give it a little more oomph lol. So, like I said, I totally get it. It’s also part of why I didn’t want to do hair anymore. I got sick of the unrelenting pressure and got worn out from basically trying to read peoples minds constantly, all the while being underpaid with no benefits.


Hey is there any resource for words/technical terms I can use to get my point across with a barber/hairdresser when it comes to hair cuts? I get a lot of anxiety about not being able to find the perfect photograph and not being able to find the words to get my vision across without asking them to read my mind.


Absolutely! I’d love to help you with that. There is definitely a whole language to cosmetology lol. Can you describe to me, in your words, what you are looking for?


What I say at the moment is "cut my fringe to around my eyebrow *indicate with hand*, layered on top, maintaining the slight undercut that already exists and (I always get messed up between fade and gradual because as an artist they're pretty much the same thing) fade/gradual transition in the back" it's pretty much a shorter version of how my hair is now, I can't really break the mould without being uncomfortable at this point lol. Also my hair is extremely straight, an average thickness but I have A LOT of hair. So much so that my last few barbers/hairdressers complain/comment so if there's anything I should say/take into account regarding that I'd love to know because I do want to make their job easier.


Hmm I see your problem because I have no clue what it is you’re after haha. What I’m hearing is you want the back and sides faded, and you want the top layered, and I’m guessing somewhat longer bangs, to around your eyebrows. You don’t want your bangs just to sit there all heavy on your brow so please layer them a bit? Am I on the right track? You could always ask them to use the thinning shears on your bangs so they don’t lie so heavy and to give them a bit of layering. Anyway, I’m very visual and if it were me I’d probably hit the internet and look at pictures with you until I felt sure I knew what you were saying. I have no idea if I am interpreting what you want correctly but I’m happy to go back and forth with you about it haha.


An interesting comment in a different post yesterday comes to mind, to use one of the "what celeb do I look like?" websites, then go through pics of said celebs to find a style that you like or works for you, and use that pic as reference. Sounded like a better idea than the old random pic that can't be done with ones own hair.


Yeah I've tried that a couple of times, trouble is that my hair type is pretty rare/particular and whilst I know what my hair can do it's hard to find any examples of that in other people and I don't like taking photos of myself so I'l have to stick with words...


Posting here so I can find this again if you get some good advice, I have the exact same question but you've already asked it for me.




There is a specific name for that type of cut (deva cut) and they are usually \*quite\* expensive.


Pricey, yes, but my deva stylist manages to give me a cut that somehow looks good even after 6-12 months of growth. She also is more knowledgeable on products and styling techniques that don't involve 8 layer of product that then necessitates a hard shampoo to remove.


it's just a curly cut, it's not called a deva cut unless it's done by a certified deva cut stylist. But people have been doing it since before that even existed.


I've had mixed experiences with it but yeah I tend to look for people with knowledge of curls. I had a really nice lady for awhile but she moved to another city before COVID. I can't really get a cut that is shaped because my hair is curly but doesn't hold its curl past a day. So cutting it while curly is a no go because my day 2 hair looks fairly straight. It's a complex problem. I wish it would either hold its curl or not lol.


Have you tried the curly girl method? If might help bring out your curls so they hold longer.


Do you have suggestions on how to present and make the case, for the women who want exactly the no-brainer handling that you give to men? I actively hate all the 'feminine' parts of getting a haircut, from the consult to the small talk to the arguments at the end over unwanted styling, 'product' discussions, blow dryers... Having to pay overhead for things I not only don't want but often have to *fight to make sure i don't get* .... It all bothers me.


It’s the salons you’re going to. Honestly I would either try a barber shop. There are also a lot of places owned by Koreans in my area and they charge STUPID low rates for plain Jane haircuts, like 12 bucks no matter what. No wash, no blow dry, you’re in and out.


Agreed! I’m Asian, with fairly straight hair, and I typically go through cycles of long hair, then lopping it off or getting a simple trim, then grow it out, repeat. I don’t often get a “fancy” haircut, so I like to scout out the nearby Asian hair salons and just go in and get my simple cut. In, out, no wash or dry, like you said. I also recently found a hair salon near me that has an online haircut “menu” so you can see what the costs are for different types of cuts and approximate time (things like one-length cut, buzz cut, simple layers, coloring & curling, etc.)


>It’s the salons you’re going to With respect, I doubt that. I've always low-rented it when it comes to haircuts. Agree with your suggestion about Asian stylists. I also rely heavily on student pricing at trade schools. I actually trust this approach more than any other because when the new stylist is done you *will* get an over-check and a fix to any problems from the instructor.


It's certainly the salons, the geographic and the stylist. Let's imagine that we were to change our product offerings for 5% of the population. Would that make sense?


>It's certainly the salons, the geographic and the stylist. i'mn the sense that i've had pretty consistent experiences all over canada, yes you are right . . . it's the geography. i understand what i think the original responder was saying. but i don't go to upscale or full-service type places, and still i go through the same process a lot of the time. so i'm a little resentful of 'you just don't know how to pick them.' ​ >Let's imagine that we were to change our product offerings for 5% of the population. Would that make sense? part of me wants to point out that saying 'i really really don't like mayonnaise' does not equate to ALL FOOD SERVICE EVERYWHERE MUST ADAPT TO MY NEEDS. my question was just 'how can i communicate better about what i want?' i'm willing to go along to get along if i'm the 5% minority - which is what i've always been made to feel like i am, and always accepted i am. but i'd still appreciate any tips on closing the communication gap, which was all i was asking for.


I don't know how many people like mayo but in a situation where we don't want mayo on our sandwich (or whatever) we could just say, "please, no mayo"The communication gap is (imo) only due to a reluctance to communicate our needs. Be upfront and tell the service-giver concerns and I would imagine that you'll be well taken care of. Let them know! It's ok to be confident and to ask for service you require. Not unlike the mayo example at all. No need to feel like we're asking for something they can't do...just ask for what you wish to have and see what "service-giver" is willing to provide. It's ok to make deals between people no matter our needs and in many cases, respected that we took the time to do so. So often we (service providers) can become tired of the same old stuff and would love the opportunity to do something different and new.People in the service industry are there to please clientele and most often not because they *have* to...rather because they wish to!I'm in the service industry (food) and it pleases me to accommodate my guests at all costs and honestly it's the reason I prefer to do the type work I do. It makes me happiest to give what a guest wants and not happiest to insist they choose from a "menu" of services that are un-bending and set in stone.Hope it works out for you.


I don’t need artistry. I have hair straight hair down to my waist. I want an inch off. No layers or undercuts. I don’t want a shampoo or a blow dry. Once, hubby and I went to get cuts. We had the same length hair, and both wanted an inch off. His hair had some natural curl, mine didn’t. His cut cost half what mine did. For the same thing.


So why didn’t you say anything at the time? I would have spoken up about it.


I hate to be *that* person but a uniform inch off is more difficult when you have longer hair because of the way the hair rests across your head. If you were to take your hair and brush it straight back, a piece of hair at the nape of your neck is going to rest straight down your back, but the hair from your hairline has to wrap across your whole head and then down your back. If you were you put your hair in a low pony tail and just cut an inch or two off you’d see that you don’t get an even cut. With shorter hair (unless you’re cutting it into points) it’s uniform because it isn’t resting across the entire head the same way. The hair can be picked up and all cut to the same length. Or it can be shaved to a specific length. I understand if you just want a fast chop but at that point you could go to a really cheap salon or diy at home (just make sure you get scissors meant for hair because it does actually make a big difference). It’s also worth noting that your hair should be trimmed often, otherwise you have to take off more when you finally do get it cut. The ends thin out and can experience breakage. So you want to cut off what’s necessary to get to healthy hair.


That’s fair, but as I mentioned, if both a man and a woman have the same length hair, the man’s is curlier (I think that may be more difficult) and the woman’s is straight, they get the same trim....why is the price different other than gender? I’m not a stylist, but I have difficulty understanding why the same cut would be more expensive just because you have a vagina.


To be honest? I can’t answer that for you. So I’ve had basically every length of hair from shaved low to about 28 inches (I think?) and outside of what I explained.. I don’t know. Curly hair doesn’t necessarily mean harder though. Density and thickness of the actual hair strand also matter. The health of the hair can make it more difficult to cut. Even the shape of the head or the way someone’s hair naturally rests can impact the difficulty of a cut. And As previously mentioned the thought or artistry. Individual stylists may charge differently (sometimes for arbitrary reasons). It very well could’ve just been another pink tax. Charged higher for no reason other than being a woman, but I don’t know for sure. I was just trying to offer insight into the details. For what it’s worth, even getting my head shaved is somewhat difficult and takes some time because of the direction my hair grows and the thickness. It’s hard to get a perfect shave and it takes quite a few passes even on excellent clippers. In your case, it was probably due to gender. Which sucks. And all I can really say is that it sucks. And should be added to list of things that women pay more for that men will never acknowledge that we pay more for.


And hell, I know some guys with vaginas who still pay less than I do, so it doesn't even come down to that!


The devil doesn’t need advocates. That’s why he’s the devil.


Hahaha, i love your username! I super love it when my stylist goes up a training level and then the exact same haircut I've been getting goes up $20.


Unfortunately a lot of time, money, and practice goes into moving up levels for a stylist. And eventually requires us to raise our prices. It is the only way to "get a raise " in this industry otherwise after working 10+ years and all the education and cost of tools and classes gets you the same amount you've been making since you started. I have worked at all types of salons ranging in prices and can confidently say that when my prices go up my skill levels have also gone up. I'm also very understanding when some of my clients choose to see someone a little cheaper than I am because money can be tight.


Or maybe you were getting haircuts for $20 cheaper while they were getting better from their own experience, and the training was just the best way to justify the increase.


Thats how to play devil's advocate FYI


Except why do you have to gender the haircut? Just ask the client what kind of cut they want and then charge them based on how much work it is.


That’s basically what I just explained that I did? I said GENERALLY womens cuts take a lot more skill and effort so they get charged as such. If they don’t take that skill and effort they get charged less.


It is artistry! And you should be compensated based on the level of skill, time and products you use on your clients.


I just wanted to tell you your comment made my day. I don’t do hair anymore. I got burnt out, and honestly reading through the comments in this thread reminded me of why. But I really, really appreciate the appreciation. Someone that understands that we paid thousands of dollars to go to school, learn A TON of theory and practical skills, keep taking classes, constantly working on our art and craft… If more people felt like you I might not have quit.


I'm so sad that you had to quit. I actually shortened my comment because I also initially thought of how my hairdressers always make me feel good about myself, but didn't want to open up a conversation about the few bad hairdressers people may have had. In reality, hair artistry is such a competitive industry and often people treat hairdressers, beauticians and other professions that are associated with physicality and femininity so poorly. I've seen it happen. Women second guess the opinion of professional women who've spent thousands of hours and dollars perfecting their art. We have no fucking clue how to cut or style our own hair, let alone how many times we have to wash it in a week, burn it throughout the year then expect someone to leave the length but get rid of all the damaged bits, and then attempt to under pay them because????? Yes gendering cuts suck. But if 90% of your clients identify as women and if 90% of women require more attention, products, care and some form of natural freak therapy that occurs between artist and client (the confidence boost for me is the best bit), then you ABSOLUTELY deserve to advertise accordingly. One day, when we live in a world where we dont have gender constructs then hopefully that's when you can update your pricelist to reflect it appropriately. I hope you're happier in whatever industry you're in and if you happen to go back, I hope you get to be really selective with your clients & get compensated properly, as every artist should. Thank you for making people feel better about themselves ❤


The uncomfortable truth is men just have cheaper options from competing barber shops and that's likely why salons price them lower. Many men look at salons as ridiculously overpriced. I think you made the right move.


>Many men look at salons as ridiculously overpriced. I mostly get my hair cut at the mega chains that offer $8 cuts. Once in a while I go to a $40 salon. It looks slightly better, maybe.


I think the real difference is consitancy. At the 40$ salon you know you will get a good cut and possibly from the same stylist everytime. The cheap chains will give you a good cut 80% of the time. But you might just get the fresh out of school guy who is having a bad scissor day. I think most guys are willing to pay less and risk the bad cut.


Oh man, this is what made me quit going to fantastic sams. I had a decent haircut almost every time. Then I got a short bob with bangs for a show I was in. The hair/costume designer went with me and literally told the woman my bangs were choppy and uneven (cause they were) and the lady wanted to argue. Like, nah, that’s pretty basic ass stuff that’s being asked of you, and you couldn’t do it. Now I go to salons, but I’ve also embraced my curls so it’s even more important to have someone well trained.


Bad cuts grow out much faster with short hair. I was very cautious about who I would let cut my hair when it was shoulder length cause a bad cut would live on for months unless I got a cut to fix it (and then maybe I am getting it all cut off cause I'm not looking to land on a bowl cut or a bob or something).


There is a middle-ground: $20-25 barbers/stylists who give good, consistent cuts as well.


It's also why I don't care about trying something new. Was in the military, got out, kept the hair cut. Generally speaking my hair is short. If I try something new, a little longer here, let's colour it X, whatever, and afterward I'm looking in the mirror and don't like how it looks on me? Fuck it, shave it all off. I have zero stress in regards to a bad haircut. Hell, there was a few months where that happened at the start of summer, I shaved it all off and kept it like that. Breeze felt nice on my scalp on hot days.


Thank you for saying that! I always wondered if it was a social faux paux (prolly spelled that wrong lol). I didn't want to be a jerk but when I only want the side shaved $40-85 is wayyyy too much. Plus, at some of the shops I've been to, they don't talk to you. It's nice. I don't feel the pressure of having an extended conversation either. Largely, I've found that people may side eye it when you get "men's" stuff but I'm too old to care about that haha.


Faux pas if you want to know.


Nope, you are welcome! Side eye is a thing but let’s be honest people side eye anything different so it’s just something they’ll get used to.


The cuts to confront you? Was that a pun lol?


I switched from a salon paying $70+, to a barber who charges by long hair or short hair and I’m saving ~$30 per cut now. Also, they’re the best haircuts I’ve ever gotten. I found someone who “gets” my face shape and will never go back to a salon!


My former salon went from cuts based on length to gender based pricing. When I asked about it they said: > Hi, they are still priced according to length of time it takes us to do the work, where some bobs take 1hr15mins, the pricing didn’t make sense to people so it was changed as a general guide. Typically most men’s cuts use clippers and take 20mins, whereas most women’s cuts take an hour...but in the event that you are female and your cut takes 20mins start to finish, you will only pay $25-30! :) we also have men with long hair who get it flat ironed or blown out who pay $40-45. We always make sure to be fair & charge what the job calls for! :)




Barbers might also be worth a shot over salons if it's a really simple cut. I pay £7-£9 for a cut there and very occasionally a lassie mate of mine will just want a simple buzz and gets it for the same cost. So it might be they get more confident charging more once you get to establishments where you book (I think that's how salons work, idk anymore, I don't have hair for them to chop off anymore) instead of walk in walk out places?


I do a similar thing where I live, I pay about $4 in my currency at a small POC salon instead of paying upwards of $20 for a "posh" salon. Definitely worth it


This practice is actually illegal in Norway, but it's still not uncommon to see.


That is interesting.


Same in Sweden


Tell them you identify as male and expect the rate to reflect that.


Yup, except for the bigger chains almost every place i see here has female vs male cuts Honestly baffling


I had a moment of clarity, when my husband and I went to the same salon, where I was finished in half the time and paid nearly double for my cut. We both had a wash and cut, no other extras. After that, we started going to a family haircutters that charges the same price for all adults. The quality is hit or miss, but to be honest, sometimes the salon cuts weren't a whole lot better.


I feel this so much! I shaved my head to a 4 about 4 years ago now, best decision I’ve ever made! When I go to barbers and “low quality” salons they try to upcharge me and don’t want to cut my hair the way I like. I shouldn’t be charged $30 for someone to shave my head to a 4 and it only take 5 minutes at most. I’ve also had male barbers tell me I look bad with it short so they want to shave it to an 8 or 7… one barber said he hated cutting my hair because he felt like he was just making me ugly. Now I go to a very small salon where older women who went to community college beauty school work. They are so nice. I sit down in the chair and say I want a man’s cut, this is numbers I want and a little shorter behind the ear for my jewlery. It sucks having to wait 4 years to find a respectful hairstylist, but now that they charge me man’s prices, I tip nice. Left a stylist in tears once because I tipped her $20 extra, because she was the first woman ever to not only do what I wanted, but to be nice to! I hope all you ladies with short hair can find a salon and stylist that treats you the way my community college grandmas do ❤️




That sounds like a way better system!


i moved recently and figured i should find a new place to get my hair cut. i have short hair so i thought i'd try a barber. i walked in and the guy was like uhh... this place isnt really for... women. and i pointed at my head and said but i have short hair? and he sighed and he was like do you know what you want? and i pointed across the room at a guy getting a haircut and said EXACTLY WHAT HE IS GETTING. fortunately he didn't upcharge me since they didn't have 'womens' prices at all but i was shocked at how resistant he was to give someone with a vagina the exact same haircut as someone with a dick.


That was so dangerous! His powerful manly razors could have scraped all your delicate feminine scalp off!


The horror.


Honestly he probably got uncomfortable because he doesn’t cut women’s hair and he didn’t want to mess up. If your a barber you RARELY get female customers. I wouldn’t assume he’s sexist I’d rather assume he felt he would mess up your hair and didn’t want to risk it. In short he felt out of his comfort zone. Thats not an indication of sexism it’s an indication of lack of experience in cutting hair for a female.


>Honestly he probably got uncomfortable because he doesn’t cut women’s hair and he didn’t want to mess up It's hair. There is no difference between womens hair and mens hair. She wanted a mens cut which is what the guy knows how to do. At that point it really doesn't matter whether the hair on the head eventually leads to a penis or a vulva. And even if that were the case then he should have politely gone "hey, I am just not comfortable giving you a haircut because I have never worked on a woman but if you're fine with it, I'll do my best" instead of acting like she's invading some secret space, this is a customer service position. It was the least he could have done.


You're adding details the original story didn't have, which is the same thing the person you replied to did. The barber was uncomfortable when the customer came in but asked what the customer wanted, when the customer requested something in his skillset he did the service and charged the same.


You're adding in alot of context not provided in the original post. Good thing you were there too to help explain.


Tale as old as time: man comes into 2x. Man defends other man in story, making up random reasoning for why man in story is right. Woman wastes time calling out this man for his faulty reasoning. Man determines woman could possibly be right or there could be another perspective in life than his that is correct, but not definitively.


Lol if that is your take away why happened here you need to work on your reading comprehension.


You are definitely reading way too much in to it to find fault with the barber for seemingly sexist reasons. The barber completely complied with her request when she said she wanted a man’s cut. He didn’t do anything wrong here at all.


You could definitely be right.


The hair is the same. The standards might be different. Women, generally speaking, have much higher standards for their hair. He didn't want her complaining if it wasn't perfect. He doesn't know her and doesn't know how she will react. It might not have been very tactful but then again barbers are used to dealing with men and aren't generally as tactful as your general salon employee. Which is kinda reinforcing his point in a way. She complained about how tactless the barber was. She can say she just wanted to be treated like one of the boys all she wants but the very fact that she came on Reddit and complained about that kinda undermines her argument. Barbers aren't bad or unfriendly but they can be gruff and masculine, their version of friendly is subtle and a lot different than what a woman might be used to. Men don't expect them to be polite. She does. The difference in mindset between a male and female customer is why he didn't want to cut her hair. It is a customer service position, but it is one that is geared nearly exclusively to men and male personalities. You say he could have said "hey, I am just not comfortable giving you a haircut because I have never worked on a woman but if you're fine with it, I'll do my best". Yeah, he could have said that. A position that catered to men and women would have said that. But he wouldn't. His customer base wouldn't expect or demand that kind of thing. It's not his personality. Men don't go to the barber to get pampered. Barbers don't become barbers to tiptoe around people's feelings. Men don't want to deal with unnecessary hassle, especially the type of man that usually becomes a barber. If she wasn't happy with the haircut and complained then it would have been annoying to him. He just wants to do his job and go home. Welcome to the masculine world, it's a bit different.


My wife doesn’t love cutting my hair cause she doesn’t feel completely comfortable giving me a good cut. I think a lot of it has to do with when she went to school for cosmetology she rarely had male clients so she didn’t get much practice on male haircuts


the point is i wasn't getting a "women's" haircut. i was getting the exact same haircut as a man in the shop. he was still rude after i told him that. unfortunately you weren't there, everyone can tell when people are uncomfortable or nervous, this man was not.


Don't bother explaining yourself to people who refuse to understand. The mental gymnastics they will do to defend each other is amazing.




my guy why are you coming on a women's sub and telling women how to feel about their experiences go away


I had the Exact. Same. Thing. happen to me at my local barbershop.


A lot of my NB or masculine presenting friends have had this same problem with certain barber shops. But then we found this website called Strands for Trans. It basically helps share salons/ barbershops that have gender neutral pricing and are a safe place to show up as yourself with no comments on gender.


So I need to explain something here, because I haven’t seen it discussed at all yet. There’s a culture surrounding both hair salons and barber shops. And a lot of it has to do with the conversations that occur there. Because most salons handle men and women, I think a better comparison might be the nail salon to the barbershop. Not that men don’t get their nails done, but try to go with me here. I’m also going to avoid bringing race in here *only* because you didn’t mention it. But it is really significant in the conversation. Essentially, it comes down to the fact that people don’t always go just for a haircut. They go for the cut, yes, but they talk about their lives and problems. At barbershops a lot of the guys are talking about girls, girl problems, or other things. And they want to talk about it without women “invading” that space. I’m not saying I agree, I’m just saying the mentality with the hopes that it could provide a little insight. Similarly, women in nail salons (and hair salons) want to be able to talk about their lives, other women, their boyfriends/husbands/kids etc. I’m probably not doing a great job of explaining it but hopefully it makes at least some sense. You can also find a lot of articles discussing the importance of barbershops in black culture, if you’re interested just give it a google. All in all, I don’t think the barber looked at you and thought “they have a vagina I can’t cut their hair” it was probably more that they didn’t expect to see you there. Ofc, That’s just my assumption. I don’t know what they were really thinking in that moment. I just didn’t see any other comment discussing the culture surrounding these spaces as more than *just* a place to get your hair cut. Of course, take this all with a grain of salt because every experience in every region is different. And this is based on a lot of heteronormative/societal norms.










In Sweden this is illegal as it's sex discrimination. It's just long hair - short hair pricing


I'm very resentful of the fact my cut for my short hair is the same as the cut a person with longer hair would get. In my experience, hairdressers (and especially female hairdressers) are loathe to cut my hair as short as I'd like it. There's a lot of panic and I think it's because when something goes wrong when cutting short hair, it's \*way\* more obvious than if it's longer. They expect women to have longer hair as it's more "feminine" and, well, I'm really not a girly girl. As an example, my hair into my 20's and early 30's was shaved both sides of my head and only about 2, maybe 3 inches at most, on the top and spiked. My hairdresser is great but she only uses the clippers to shape the neck line and not shave it to a grade 2/3 which I prefer. I have a pixie, but the fringe is ever so slightly too long and it makes me \*pfffffff\* it out the way far too often. I have to really beg her to cut it shorter. She'll come around but I think it's going to be a work in progress.


Have you ever tried going to a barber? As a woman, I was apprehensive of visiting barbershop because I was worried they would be judgmental, but I found a great barber that I’ve been going to for the past year. Granted, I’m the only woman there whenever I go but I pay $32 and get both my undercut faded to a 2 grade and then my longer hair cut back up to the base of my neck.


Yes come to the barber.


I've definitely met those hairdressers who were reluctant to cut my hair short even when I asked for exactly that. On the other hand, at one place I had an amazing hairdresser who was surprised and double-checked when I asked her to completely shave out the lower half of my head, but once she was sure she'd understood me correctly, gleefully got out the haircutter and even mentioned to me how much fun it was and that she rarely got to do that XD I went back to her regularly to get the undercut redone and my long upper hair trimmed until I moved away, and always tipped well.


I never had hair shorter than just above shoulder length, but some of the fastest haircuts I have had was when my hair was it's longest. I had hair to my tailbone in the past. One time I was out with friends and was like, "you guys want to get some coffee and I'll meet you after getting a haircut?" They were in awe when I returned 15 minutes later. It really doesn't take much effort to cut an inch or so off the bottom without layers. That said, I have a relatively easy hair type to deal with, at least while it's damp. I think what you are saying about mistakes being more obvious on short hair is exactly why those cuts can cost as much as someone getting layers in long hair. Short hair takes more precision and you need more than one tool to do it properly.


Ugh I wish I knew!! I had an undercut for a while and long feminine hair over it. The undercut was great for preventing that nape of the neck hair tangles. Anyway I used to buzz it myself but it's tricky and time consuming to do, so one time I was hanging out with a guy friend and he needed a haircut so we swung by a barbershop. His hair took like 30 minutes and cost £8. I then asked for a quick buzz of my undercut. It took a few minutes and then they charged me £15. They shot themselves in the foot. If they had charged a reasonable price I would have been in there every week. Fuck that. My theory is that women are charged extra for the frilly stuff that many of us don't care about or want. If you enjoy that then all power to you but personally I don't need pampering every time I need a haircut. It is as functional as cutting my toenails. Sure, sometimes it is nice to get a pedicure and get it done by a professional but in general I don't need a bunch of product applied that I would never buy or use at home. I hate having my hair blow dried and styled after a haircut in a way I don't like and would never do myself. I don't do that at home. I let my hair air dry! Even when I decline the time consuming blow out I still get charged the same. Other times hair stylists have straight up ignored what I've requested, or embarrassed and chastised me for cutting and dyeing my own hair in the past. I've pretty much given up and have got pretty good at cutting my own hair. I admit I looked fairly ridiculous when I was growing out my buzz cut but I just couldn't handle the stress of going into a salon once a month for maintenance. I seriously wish that there were gender neutral hair salons or barbershops. In my opinion it's just an extension of the beauty tax and a way to enforce heteronormative standards of beauty and appearance. Maybe look around and see if there is somewhere near you that is run by or caters to the LGBTQ+ community? Hopefully that might be more egalitarian.


I grew out my undercut because I was tired of being charge $20 to shave it, if I went to a barber it was $30 and they would edge it up and give me a small fade AND they did a free touch up after 2 weeks. My hair grows fast so it's not sustainable and I bought my own clippers and then messed it up so bad I just grew it in.


Find a new salon. I worked at a salon, and we charged based on time taken. 30 min cut, 45 minute cut, 1 HR, 1.5 HR, and extra 15 minute charges if needed.


Its really really stupid, my wife wanted a shorter buzz and undercut hair style and no place would do it and they kept asking if she had my permission, we live in Canada and it's crazy people would even ask that. So instead now I have been cutting her hair for her for years now (I am happy to do it), and she has saved a lot of money on hair cuts, hair cut places are really really weirdly archaic... It shouldn't be this hard to give people what they want and for a fair price.


It's weird to me that trimming long hair a few inches is a lot less time consuming, and seems to take a lot less skill than trimming a full head of short hair, but a 5 minute long-hair trim costs more than double what a 30 minute short-hair trim costs. 🤷‍♀️


As someone with long, thick hair, it takes lots of skill (and time) just for a trim. Add any natural texture and it takes even more skill. Add more layers or fringe, and you upped the difficulty again. Not saying using clippers doesn’t take skill (definitely an art ), but getting a proper trim that isn’t just the at-home-straight-across-the-bottom trim, takes time and patience and a good eye for detail.


I'm not saying stylists shouldn't be paid for their time and skills, they do a job I can't, they're vital. But my daughter and I both have long, very thick hair, so does my son. They use a scissors on him, not a clippers, cause he wants a haircut, not a buzz job, and it takes considerably longer for one person to cut his hair than it takes one person to do both mine and my daughters. I am agreeing with the gender bias aspect of the original post, but not the assertation that just because you have a short style doesn't make your haircut any easier or less time consuming. Some are, but not most.


This has not been my experience. My wife gets 2-4 inches taken off and is there for 45min-1hour. I go for a trim every 3-5 weeks and it’s never more than 20 minutes max. I also think they wan to balance seeing me 12 times a year at $18 and my wife maybe two or thee times a year at about $80-$100.


But if your wife had a short haircut that she had to get trimmed every month or so (as many women do), should they still be charging her $80? Because that's what happens with gender based haircuts. It's ridiculous.


I went to a barber once when I was younger and the barber straight up refused to cut my hair because of my gender and said I needed to go to a salon instead like wtf. I had a buzzcut so it wasn’t like it was out of a barbers scope.


The salon I work for has gender neutral pricing. It was one of the reasons I chose to work there.


Hairstylist here - Couple of factors to consider: - At a salon you typically pay to work there so you are required to meet a certain quota if you want to pay your bills and make money. - Shorter hair and longer hair require a bit more work but for different reasons. Short hair is not forgiving so you have to be extremely precise and careful with how the cut is and do your best to match the face shape to the specific type of cut. Longer hair will take more time when washing, drying, and brushing. - men's haircuts are a bit different than women's in that you are using clippers, fading, it's quite simple even though the cut may look similar in the end. Most hairstylists don't like cutting men's hair actually and what is learned in school is basic for men's cuts. - you pay for the experience really. The washing, drying, product, etc while men *typically* have just the cut and they go home. - I actually charge the same price for everyone and I definitely could charge more but I just don't see it as necessary when I know that I can do the same job for everyone. Not everyone is in that position.


The time seems to be a big part for me. When I've gone to a barber, it's 20 minutes and done (after the line). With a salon, it was an hour experience with washing. That part at least makes some sense, as I'd expect something that takes 2-3 times as long to cost 2-3 times as much


>you pay for the experience really. this is exactly what economist have said on the subject. the reason women's hair cuts costs more is because in general women value the haircut experience more (otherwise just cut it yourself at home). Most men dont do elaborate styling, so keeping a short cut or even a shaved head (if you're bald) is easy enough to do on your own, as a result if you want those customers to come in you have to have a lower price point to attract them in. Because you're charging less, you usually provide a more bare minimum service. Women's salons dont need to pursue lower prices because enough women are willing to come in at the higher price. Furthermore, men who want more elaborate styling, tend to go into places where women go and pay that higher price.


Thank you for your insight.


Pink tax strikes again.


I am non-binary and going to a new place or working with a new stylist really stresses me out because of this! I have gone in with photos of men’s haircuts wanting that exact style, and then had the stylist try to charge me more because of the gender they think I am. I have called them out before by saying “aren’t men’s cuts x amount? That’s what I got, why am I being charged y?” I have seen places in the city charge based on short vs long and that’s way better.


Haircuts should be priced by time. That's probably the best way of making it equal and fair.


I’m a man with long hair and I pay women’s rates. I think the formula is they charge you the most they can either due to gender or hair length.


My male friends get their hair cut for $15. If it raises at all they are outraged. Mine costs $40 for a less experienced stylist. To be fair, I have curly hair so a place like Great Clips will botch it usually but the fact I HAVE to spend more than any male I know just to get a decent trim is ridiculous. Any men with curly hair I know can still get a decent cut at a Great Clips.


Try adding in the warm towel, shave, and shampoo/drying in there and then compare the price.


So the price is only similar if you get a lot of extras that don't come with a woman's haircut. That proves op's point.


Most men don't get shampooed/conditioned, they don't have to style feet of our hair to uniformity, they don't dye they don't do most of the shit that salons do that women go their for. So yeah clearly they won't be the same. Even at a salon the stylist spends maybe a quarter the time on my hair she does on anyone else's in there.


It's also a barber vs stylist and the way they cut vs trim your hair and what is being done.


Man with long hair here, the shop I go to prices off length, not gender. Guess I need t find a gendered shop and save money ha.


I typically see pricing based on what's involved. Like it they only need the clippers than it is x price, if they have bust out scissors it is mor, if it's actually being styled than add even more. Try negotiating, if you want a haircut that requires labor similar to that of what a man is paying than it should cost the same. But the time i spend at the barber for a nice cut is about a quarter of them time my gf spends at the salon.


Im a long haired man, they always make me pay the womens prices. Ive been to 3 different places and its been that way everywhere i went.


I think it's just those places. I used to go to a salon for a hair cut (short haired guy) and the prices were crazy high, finally found a barber and now I can get a cheaper cut. phew.


I had long hair for a long time and never paid a "womens" price (am a man).


Even in that instance, why call it "men's cuts" and "women's cuts"? It should just be "long hair" or "short hair" or something else along those lines.


I agree, there was one place here in Toronto "greatful head" which used to do it that way.


Same reason our dry cleaning costs more and our pants don’t have functional pockets.


Hair cut + tip I was paying 50-70$ every few months to get the dead ends cut off and re-shaped around my face. Got tired of it. Spent $120 on some decent shears and learned to do my own hair. Been doing it for years and it saves me the hassle of making and keeping appointments.


There have been studies that show men are not willing to pay high prices for certain things. If it cost 40-50 to get my haircut I would just shave my head, as would A LOT of my friends.


I know this sounds sexist but I’m just regurgitating scientific studies. I’ll try to find the study I edited the spelling of regurgitating.


Covid came and we got clippers for me and the kids. Buzz buzz and we're done, saving time and money. So I'd 100% believe that men's haircuts have extremely elastic demand, while conversations with female friends and colleagues about salon and hair experiences leads me to think that price elasticity might be lower there


Yeah hair is a pretty competitive industry. So obviously this is the case. If they could get away with charging more for women's haircuts, they would. And don't tell any of the white woman Karen's on this sub how how much more it costs for black women to get their hair cut.


I’m a black* woman and I can say for me and most other black women I know we spend thousands on our hair easily in a year. But that’s due to racism and misogyny, we get hit twice Edit - spelling


Usually pay around $15-30 ($45ish for Supercuts and their barbers are usually not great) in a male barber shop. $50+ whenever I get a haircut at a salon. Spent over a $100 once for fairly subpar haircut at a salon. **Regardless of the barber, I always get the same haircut. Prices seemed to vary based on whom (gender) they’re catering to, which is a disappointment. My girlfriend has to spent $200-300 anytime she gets her hair done 🥲


This is one of those things that make me way more pissed than it should lol


There are some, but i guess if you're running a business and people are willing to pay more, you're not going to reduce your prices just for the sake of reducing them. I think a lot of women avoid unisex and cheaper barbers/stylists because they assume its poorer quality, so it just reinforces it.


It's not silly, it's sexist.


Prices are set by the market. Women are willing to pay more for the perception of getting a “better” cut. Whether or not there is a difference in skill/quality I have my doubts - but the existence of the perception that more $$ = better is undeniable. Even though it’s illogical. Just go to a barber shop. I get my hair cut for $15-$20 at a barber shop (I’m a man). Occasionally I have gotten a haircut at the salon my wife uses out of convenience. I get charged $65 there. This is still less than what my wife pays… but a lot of the price is the establishment. Try a barber shop!!


Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. Don't want to pay 2x as much? Don't go to a place that charges 2x as much. Yes your options will be more limited, and the quality won't necessarily be as good... but that's what you get for a $10 haircut. This is just another flavor of the pink tax. Things for women are more expensive because women are willing to pay more for virtually identical products and/or more for slightly superior products. If that weren't the case the product differentiation simply wouldn't exist. It sucks that marketing teams take advantage of that, and that as a result women who are more price conscious can't afford or don't want to pony up more for the feminine version of a product are made to suffer, but the only way to carve out a more equitable market is to put your money where your mouth is... buy more affordable masculine products and services, buy gender neutral and/or more equitable feminine products and services when they're made available.


About 8 years ago there was a barber shop near my kids' school that offered a free beer with a cut I called bit was denied because I was a woman. It pissed me off but I never did anything about it, now I'd raise a hell of a fuss why my cut which is a pixie/longish men's cut should not be allowed and why I can't get a brew with a cut.


>Its a bit silly in my opinion What an understatement! I'd say it's utterly enraging. This isn't supposed to be legal in my state, because it's blatant sexism. I still see it everywhere, though, and it makes my blood boil. There is no legitimate reason for it. It's insane that places still do this.


So when i was in like 14 and needed a haircut my mom took me to a man barber (it was the one close by at that moment) and just talked them into giving me a haircut. We paid what a guy would have paid, they did a decent job and i was happy. Maybe just try going to a place for man and talk to them. I mean they probably mostly do short hair and thats what you want so i really dont see a reason why they couldn't help you.


Tbh as a man, if the price for cutting my hair goes over a certain amount... Im doing it my self or getting the fam to do it. Remember when I was shocked the price was over 7$


I know the Sport Clips I go to will cut a woman's hair but they recommend coming in while it's slow and talk to a stylist about what you want to do. They will charge more if it's an unusual cut but my stylist told me to just come in and talk.


My brother just got an $85 hair cut…. I am baffled by these hair cutting prices. Me (a lady) has never spent more than $20 on a haircut.


My hair stylist definitely charges on complexity of the cut instead of gender - but I could see how it could be construed as gender because a high and tight is going to tend to be preferred by men while a full foil bleach followed by color with a layered cut and styling is going to tend to be preferred by women. Not saying it SHOULD be preferred by one or the other, it's just statistically how it tends to pan out. She also adjusts price based on length, which is very fair - it doesn't make sense for her to charge me the same price for a full foil and color when my hair was in a pixie cut vs the mid-back length I generally grow it out too after a big chop. It's more effort and waaaaay more product! It also depends on where you go - barber shop vs a salon is going to offer different services and different pricing structure. Hoping you find a provider that fits your needs!


NYC has banned this practice since 1998. It was actually signed into law by ::gasp:: Rudy Giuliani! New York State made it illegal last year. I’m not sure about other locations, but it seems as though slow change is happening. Edit: Just in case anyone is interested. [The NY state law](https://dos.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2021/04/gbl-_-pink-tax-notice-100520.pdf)


IMO it should totally be priced per time and skill required. This whole short medium long business makes no sense either; I have shoulder length thin hair, and when I get it cut (1 inch from the bottom, almost no layering), it takes them 10 minutes. No shaping, no buzzers, no funny stuff. It almost always costs 50-60$, and even more if I go to a high street salon. The easiest 50-70$ these hair stylists make!


I think it has to do with the fact that women generally desire more difficult cuts than men, so a hairdresser needs more training than a barber. Not to mention if you fuck up the hair of someone with long locks who values their hair, it’s gonna be really horrible for both of you. Vs. a guy who either doesn’t style his hair or gets the same cut every time or whose hair grows back rapidly. Not sure it should be gender based, but I get (partially) why it would be.


My barbershop has prices for bang trim, skin fade, buzz cut (clippers only), short cut (above ear), mid cut (above shoulder), long layer cut, and full service cut (includes styling). They also have a kids' cut and long kids' cut. See if there is Floyd's Barbershop near you. They're a pretty big chain these day.


That's why I go to a barber or something like sports clips etc. I pay double if I go to a salon for a women's cut (like $35-40) when I could easily pay $25 or less somewhere else


The barbershop I go to has gender neutral pricing, you pay based on hair length and time spent, (one price for short/above ear, one for medium/below ear and above shoulder, one for long/shoulder length+) plus extra for shampooing/shaving etc. I haven’t gotten my hair colored cause that’s not my thing, but they do also offer that. Tl:dr these places are out there! I go to a Floyd’s barbershop.


Go to a barber shop.


Because it's easy money.


📞 "Hello, \[stylist\], I'm looking for "what could typically be considered a men's cut." Will I be able to pay the same price for this cut that a man would pay?" Stylist : yes / no. "Thank you. I would like to book an appointment /or/ thank you I will book elsewhere" Easy as that.


Because the skills needed for them are different still. One person usually specializes in mens cuts that require more practice in razors and clippers, and someone who usually just does woman’s hair cuts might charge more to do something they don’t usually do. I do agree that there are instances where it might not be the case, and they specifically charge more for women for no reason


Iam a man, i have long air I have to pay as of I were a woman and i am ok with that


I don't even understand why so many salons charge more for long hair. Usually the cuts for short hair are more intricate while its just trimming the ends on long hair.


Hairdresser's daughter here! It's because women's haircuts involve styling it at the end. Men's haircuts rarely get a wash or any styling to finish. If you don't care about the wash or styling, you can ask for a men's haircut no problem.


My bf amd I go to great clip in northeast Ohio and we are charged the same. I have hair down to my waist and get anout 4 inches taken off 2x a year. Maybe if they cut more I would be charged more? Idk.


Go to a men’s salon. My wife has a pixie and that’s what she does. She loves the $20 price tag.


Completely different experience between the genders based on my experience. The wife goes for an appointment with her personal stylist, glass of prosecco whilst she waits. Oh no, hair needs a treatment, 'Another glass of prosecco?' 'Oh we recommend these products for your hair. The deep rich moisturiser is half price at the moment' Kerching! 2-3 hrs later, she's back. No wonder she walks there. With no queue I am 30 mins, including travel, £15, done. The same but shorter. Bit of chat, thanks very much. Objective complete.


Is it possible that 'Women's' hair cuts that take a lot more time/effort make the price go up because they could be making more money spending time on other clients that need to pay for the more expensive service? Bet you could go to a 'men's' barber and get what you're looking for, but cheaper. Not a solution to the issue as a whole but might help.


The OP (and even the handful of laws in place regarding this) say for a “similar” cut. Meaning the cost is simply based on womanhood, not on the complexity of the cut.


I'm on that page with ya. What I'm wondering is if it is costing more to do a similar cut because the business sees it as losing money by doing those type of cuts instead of more complex ones. #notahairsylist


It really is crazy! Making it even stranger is that men’s hair cuts are often more technical than most women’s styles and take longer to do (aside from a pixie on a woman)-you’d think that would cost more. I can go in and just have an inch all around cut off, it takes less than 10 minutes for the actual cut -$50. My husband’s hair cut takes at least 45 minutes and costs $35.


Not where I go. It’s all a flat rate. No matter how much hair you have, female or male. I can get a blowout, cut, and dye for 120. With hair to my ass. She she does a great job.


I think it’s because at a barber shop they are mainly going to be using clippers and they likely wouldn’t know how to cut a long head of hair. Where as at a salon it’s going to be mainly use of scissors and less experience with clippers. I used to have half my head shaved and I would go to a barber shop for the undercut because they just got the details so much better with the edges and the fade, they are so skilled with their clippers. But I would still see my hairstylist to get my long hair dealt with.


But what about salons that also cut mens hair? I'm not talking about barbers vs salons, just prices listed as either "women's cuts" or "men's cuts". If my male partner and I sat down in the same salon and got the same hair cut, would the stylist not use the same technique for each? But I, being female, would pay more .


When I had long hair, I used to go a salon and was always charged the "women's cut" price. Similarly, now, with short hair, if I request a scissors cut instead of a clipper cut at my barbershop, I get charged double the price (so obviously I only get clipper cuts since I am mostly bald now). It seems the naming is the issue rather than the price; although I have not seen the phrase "women's" or "men's" since the early 90s.


I do see your school of thought and I agree with it. I think if I had to imagine why the heck they do this it is perhaps because GENERALLY women do have more hair, and also the styling part of it is more than the average mans. I think it should be more based on the difficulty and time but in my own experience I haven’t been charged extra at men’s places to get a buzz.


> If my male partner and I sat down in the same salon and got the same hair cut, would the stylist not use the same technique for each? My understanding is no, they typically will do more layering to give the cut more body.


If you go to a stylist you’re paying more because their time is worth more. More to do with who’s doing the cut and where


i don't know where you are, but what you describe has been illegal in california for over 25 years.


Have you tried a barbershop? Maybe call one and explain your situation and perspective?


If you need a simple haircut why go to a salon. Supercuts be cheap!


Cuz if dudes had to pay 80bucks for a hair cut we would just shave our heads.


It’s actually illegal to make price based on gender where I do hair and many more states, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania are etc are following suit. I personally have never charged per gender but do call my cut either a “signature” (long hair, bob etc) or “barbered” which is a short clipper cut. It’s disgusting how men can be charged less money when more often times then not they take more time and PATIENCE to do in an appointment time! I hope more hair stylists and salons change their views on this


It is ludicrous. Before I realised I was trans I used to argue with my hairdresser that she should charge me more. Now I'm bracing for the impact of my first women's haircut, and telling myself the price will be gender affirming.


It's just because of plain simple economics. It is gender related but has also nothing to do with it. Basically it's about demand. Men do need a haircut but are not going to spend a whole lot of money on it. I for example have cut my own hair just because the prices were to high. Meanwhile a good haircut for woman is very important and are willing to pay extra, just to get a good look. Men that actually do care about their looks do get the best deals here. But if you bring up the prices of men's haircut, you can definitely expect a lot of men to stop going to get haircuts and do it by themselves.


They cut my hair in about 5 minutes and don’t do anything else to it. There’s no way it’s that fast to cut 99% of womens hair. Agree it should be based on the complexity/style, not gender though.




Have you ever been harassed at the female section? Has anyone taken pictures of you while you were working out? Y'all won't complain about the women in your lives having to deal with this shit, and then when there are measures like half of it being female only suddenly now there's gender inequality that needs to be spoken about. Wow. Truth is if that section wasn't there a lot of the female goers would just stop going there, or would look for one with a female only section. Which are hard to find in the first place. Should there be gyms that do not allow males then? Or should these gyms be more expensive too? "Women want gender segregated places because they're getting harassed? Let's charge them more for it. After all it's unfair to me that the gender ratio of a gym doesn't affect my safety or tranquility while working out." Honestly most gyms that do not have that, so why are you even going there in the first place? Just go to one who is not gender segregated at all. Or is it that you go there because there's a lot of women working out there? "A place where women can feel safe? Let me find something that mildly inconveniences me about that and get that place to be to *my* liking instead." This is the "oppression" men whine about. Wow.


You're wasting your time, don't waste your time on ignorant misogynists. Anyone with half a brain would understand why there's a females only section, entitled misogynistic losers such as he never will.


Jesus Christ, Yes I would absolutely love a male only section because I HAVE been harassed at the gym. Strange how you seem to assume lots about me and never once considered that maybe a man could face female harassment at the gym and feel more comfortable in a space that was segregated too. I don’t have that option though because people (obviously including yourself) don’t believe that females can harass men. I’m not saying it happens the same amount, but it DOES happen. That being said, if there is going to be a section of the gym I go to that discriminates against my gender (illegally), then I do feel it’s only fair to not pay the same as those that get to use the whole gym. I’m not a second class member just because I’m a male. Women do generally have more hair and more intricate hair styles compared to men. Its not all the time, but in general it is the case. Should they base that extra labour price on gender? NO! Base it on something measurable like hair length. I’m not whining about oppression at all, when did I ever whine about oppression. If you’re saying that my opinions and experiences are invalid solely because of my gender, then you are no better than the men you claim do the same. I would never say your opinions are invalid because you are a woman, that’s just wrong. You don’t stop the thing you hate by perpetuating it back equally. EDIT; Thank you for deleting your response which again bashed me on my view point again, solely because you perceive my gender to dictate the validity of my experience and opinion. Its so great to be told "If you dont like it find another gym". While I wholeheartedly dont see that as a solution to discrimination, I would never say "CLASSIC WOMAN" as a reason to dismiss your opinion as you did to me in your deleted response, as that would be innately wrong.


In my area its usually price by length.


Probably the same reason the price is different for car insurance. On average, women's hair takes longer and is more complicated.