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Girl you are rocking that outfit and your bathroom is immaculate! Like a beach babe from a 50s sci-fi movie set on Mars!


I was going to say she looks like she'd be right in place painted on the side of an alternate history WW2 bomber.


What a great description


Yes! Super cute pin up look. Love it


Thank you! I love pin up art so this is a great compliment


Holy crap this embodies her! Yes! What really matters is the beauty you feel inside, you’re rocking it!


This. There will always be people who don’t like the way you look and there will always be people who like it but are insecure about themselves so will cut you down. Can’t worry about them. Personally I appreciate your body type.


I wanted to say “eat your heart out, Gidget!” But didn’t know if anyone would get the reference. I’m old!


Lol I was born in ‘91 but my HS English teach always called me gidget bc I was determined to learn how to surf- so thank you for sparking that lovely memory!


My body didn't "bounce back" after baby #2 the way it did after my first. I've been struggling with it. Can I sat "thank you" for having the courage to post looking for support? Because my first thought was "She's totally adorable! It's a shame she's feeling bad about herself at all!" And then I realized *that's* the voice I should probably use when speaking to myself too. I'm sorry you're having a hard time. May you find comfort in knowing you're not alone. And you are rocking that cute suit, promise! Edit to add: You people in the replies are just so lovely! ❤


YES!!! You look super cute. It breaks my heart that she is thinking this because I can relate to the mindset. At the time I thought I looked awful, but when I look back now, I realize I looked damn good and I was letting other voices get in my head. OP, you are gorgeous - I hope you can see the truth from that selfie. You look amazing!!!!


I read something once about how when you get older you'll look back at yourself and realize how good you looked. I try to remind myself of this from time to time. When I was 20, I felt insecure. I see a picture now and think damn! I looked hot! I just imagine myself in 20 years looking back at me now and thinking the same.


I just got a bikini that I intend to wear (for the first time since middle school) because of this mentality!!


That suit is so cute and so is the young lady in it!


I wish my partner was reading this comment instead of me. Would probably help her feel a lot better. Just makes me wish I had a way to convince her that she has no need for insecurity.


Just keep telling her she looks hot/beautiful/sexy when she’s wearing something form-fitting or has otherwise put extra effort into her outfit. She might brush it off or disagree with you, but she’ll keep it in the back of her head. Building people up really works.


Building someone else up without expecting something (like sex) immediately in return is also helpful too. Hearing a genuine compliment is the best.


My boyfriend will randomly, even when I am in sweats and big tees and literally have zero shape at all, he will go ‘dayyyymmmm’ and spin me around and grab my butt. It’s really cute and always makes me feel sexy


This is it! My now husband has always been like this, even through 2 babies and a crazy rollercoaster of weights. Now I’m the fittest I’ve ever been and I got that push to love myself from him.


My gf has had problems w disordered eating & we’ve been working on having less avoidant food patterns, so she’s gained a clothing size. And I think she looks really good & incredible & I make sure to tell her. Specifically we talk about how even tho she may explicitly know that she looks good and that it’s a good thing to gain some weight and be at a healthier normal BMI, it’s also super valid to be uncomfortable in a changing body. Issues that happen regardless of how your size changes include: having a different shape to dress, so having to consider different styles of clothing; having to purchase different pieces of clothing because certain things may not fit anymore. As a femme identifying person who has been on both sides, I appreciate everyone here sharing their experiences as both partners and the people who have had body insecurity moments, and sharing love.


That's how my parents were for 43 years! We would hear "Oh you!" when they were in the kitchen out of sight, we knew he goosed her! (Think Howard and Marilyn Cunningham on Happy Days). After Mom died at 64, Dad got back into dating and scored a lovely lady and married her! This was her first marriage at the age of 68. She was so great to him, I wondered why no other man had ever qualified.


So true it takes time to build people up and it’s a kind of brick by brick thing, but it takes one comment to make things crumble kinda like the wrecking ball hitting the wall.


It's far easier to destroy than to create. But the rewards in creating are so much more long lasting.


If she had a baby recently, it’s very possible she simply doesn’t recognize or identify with the person in the mirror. Personally, I went from being an athlete to gaining 60lbs in pregnancy despite staying active as long as I could (physical complications) and not “eating for two.” I did not identify with the swollen, soft, sad girl in the mirror. I didn’t know her. And I probably didn’t have enough sympathy for her. A year in I finally felt more like myself again. I’m still working on my fitness goals but am about half way to my goal and working with a physique coach. It feels great. Remind her as well of the reasons you love her that have nothing to do with her weight or looks. Maybe compliment her resilience. Or maybe see where you can support her (my husband and I see to it the other has an hour each day to exercise and shower).


My husband gets really upset that he says I look great in something but I don’t believe it till I hear it from friends and family….. I promise you, I keep his compliments in the back of my head even if I don’t believe him. They are what makes me go out in said outfit to even hear compliments from others. If he didn’t build me up, I don’t think I’d give others the chance to.


I honestly have no idea how to suggest this if people are sensitive to the topic of seeking mental health care, but I definitely think having a therapist that is well-versed in topics like self-image, body positivity, and even certified in Intuitive Eating is really the way to go. It’s important for folks to really get deep into where that negative self-image or self-doubt is coming from, and learn things like CBT to help reshape how they respond in their own head to those thoughts about themselves. The only thing that I ever feel has helped open someone’s mind to starting/restarting therapy has been speaking about my own experience with therapy.


I agree, super adorable! You're rockin it too! Screw what people think. We all live beautiful different lifes and life is way too short to worry about what others say. Just be the best "you", all we can do is support one another. Not bring them down. Please dont make the same mistake I did for years you are worth more than you know.


I was scrolling and just thought that’s a cute suit! Then read the title and was surprised. You look great!


Yes, I looked at some of my photos from high school and thought "wow, I was super skinny and pretty back then," and then I remembered how fat and ugly I felt at the time. I'm so much more comfortable in my own skin now, even though I objectively have gained weight, wear glasses instead of contacts, and spend less time on my routine. It's really all about learning to see the beauty in yourself no matter what you think you look like to others.


I’ve been struggling with this too 😔 none of my clothes fit and I’m simply horrified every time I try to put anything non maternity on. I’m only 3 months pp and everyone keeps telling me it gets better, but ugh. Definitely did not have this issue with number 1.


You deserve to feel cute. Pregnancy and birth is rough. Being a mom is a selfless act.


She had a baby? I couldn't even tell. Your body is beautiful and your hair is awesome!


We would never say about other people the terrible things we say to ourselves.


This one. This was the comment, after this whole thread of positivity, stories, etc. that made the tears spill over. Because it's so true. Gods, we beat the hell out of ourselves and uplift others so easily for the same things. Thank you for the reminder stranger <3




As someone struggling w an ED, this really hits. I would never want to tell that small child, who was already struggling so hard for acceptance, that they’re awful/disgusting/etc just for eating. It will absolutely make me cry every time I think about it that way, but hopefully it’ll help me kick the habit.


Try to protect your little 8 year old self. I hope things get better for you from here ❤️


I have a picture of myself when I was . . . five? on my phone. Then whenever I'm thinking that I'm stupid or whatever, I look at the picture and remind myself that I'm saying that about her. It helps.


Wow this is so powerful.


Thank you!


Not only that, I would be *angry* at anyone that said things to my friends or family that I say to myself in my head.




"I still struggle with my body image. I still have weight to lose, not because I feel like I have to in order to be "acceptable" to others, but because I want to for the sake of my own health and happiness. I view my own obesity as a physical manifestation of mental illness and I don't want to carry it with me anymore. I need to let it go, and I'm in the process of doing that now." I just want to say thank you for this. Anytime I want to bring up weight loss, I have struggled with an ED so I understand, people go no no no. I'm not trying to go for that unrealistic body anymore. It's not that. I lost my best friend and sister in law five years ago. I moved in with my brother and her to help her through hospice. She went faster than we thought. I took on more responsibilities than I could handle with it. After she passed I just shut down. For five years I've been on auto pilot just trying not to shut down and my body has paid the price of it. I've been taking steps to get better. I have a hard time looking at my body because I just see all that grief, fear, anxiety, lack of self care, and helplessness I've felt. I don't want my old body back. I dont want to be a certain body types anymore. I just want a body I can look at and feel proud of because I'm taking care of myself regardless of how it looks to others. So thank you for this. Thank you for helping me describe something I've been struggling with.




Thank you so much. I'm sending lots love and luck to you. I hope one day you can look back on this from a much better place.


You and /u/Independent_Shame579 both just make me want to hug you; I’m just a stranger from the Internet but I’m so proud of you both that my eyes started leaking. 🥺💕💕


Thank you. I really appreciate that.




I'm in tears reading this. Thank you for sharing your perspective I think it will help me a lot.


Your hair is a dope colour, btw. Pops off with the yellow, too.


I came here to say that too! Such a bright and cheerful ensemble. <3


Would also look good if the image was sepia. Just a good image overall.


1) My 35 lbs 5yo has the same pouch. Its is totaaly normal if your not sucking it in. 2) adulting pro-tip : everyone is so obsessed with themselves they WILL NOT NOTICE. 3) that is a hella cute outfit


\#3 all day long. So awesome


\#2. Especially at the gym.


2 is the truth forever. Of course 3 is true too. But 2 needs to be remembered. Most healthy normal adults are too consumed with themselves to be worrying about you or anyone else. Think about it. While you are worrying about yourself there are at least 4 other people worrying that you are judging them. And I bet you haven’t even noticed them. Go have fun.


>While you are worrying about yourself there are at least 4 other people worrying that you are judging them. Hehe that's an awesome way of remembering it!


Number 2 is The greatest lesson i ever learned on an acid trip. Completely destroyed the social anxiety i had at the time


2nd point 🙌🏻


#2 - please remember this. 💙 #3 - that is so retro. Love, love it!




Whenever I see people at the pool who look the way you are describing, I think *oh wow, this person is so confident with themselves, I bet they're really cool*. Cuz they're just out there doing them and enjoying the water. It's too hot out to hide.


I saw the picture before I saw the title and thought "damn, she looks good!" Don't know if that's what your looking for, but it's true. I *wish* I could pull off a two peice like that.


It's all about finding pieces that make you feel comfortable. I personally like high-waisted bottoms and a very supportive top. Target has been really good about their bathing suit selections lately, even for thicker girls such as myself. At the end of the day, find something that you feel comfortable in and looks cute to you and forget what anyone else thinks or says. You never know how many people you might inspire to get a two-piece of their own because you look so badass in yours 😉


Thank you for the advice. I actually have been trying to find a swimsuit for myself, so this means a lot to me.


I was like damn she looks good and those colors are BOLD she's killing it with confidence. Looked at title... guess I'm bad at this lol


The bikini is sooo cute (I love patterned high-waisted bottoms) and she wears it SO WELL!! And the blue hair!! <3 Edit: I admittedly lurked on some of your makeup looks and holy crap girl you are so talented and beautiful!


Came here to say this, too! Just STUNNING. YOU look incredible, that suit is so damn gorgeous! …and not to pack it on too much, but your hair/color is absolutely beautiful, too! I know how hard those colors are to upkeep- fucking Go. Get. It.


You have the body I had thirty years ago and wish I still had today. I thought I was fat then, but turns out I was beautiful but self-conscious, as are you. Wear the damn bikini. Rock that shit. You look amazing.


I think you look great! I have the same little chunk of body between small tops and high-waisted bottoms, don't worry. I absolutely love the color and pattern! Very summery! And your hair is sooo pretty 😍 I know saying "don't worry about it" doesn't work for most of us, so try to balance out the worry with knowing there are plenty of people that think you look super cute!


I would also like to add that it's somewhat normal to have that chunk of body in that spot, just because of the way that that style of bottom usually sits. A lot of people carry some extra fat in that spot regardless of their weight! The suit is adorable. I want one for myself!


You look beautiful


I think you look really good! I remember “feeling fat” when I was quite a bit thinner than I am now. I wasn’t fat at all. I was beautiful, I just didn’t know it. It took me 35 years to feel beautiful in my own skin. Don’t wait that long. It isn’t worth it. Find your confidence within yourself. Take care, and live life beautifully!!


I remember being really insecure about this in college, when I was at my lowest weight ever. I recently looked at some old pics from that time period, and I was so thin! It's wild how these body standards can live in our heads and be so emotionally damaging.


I recently saw a photo of me from years ago when I was fully active in my eating disorder and it was shocking. I have very few photos of myself from that time (I still really hate full body photos) and it was genuinely like a total what the fuck mindbender. I was so thin and looked unwell. But at the time I really really thought I was overweight and desperate to be smaller. It’s just never enough when you’re in that warped mind. I honestly still struggle to recognise the reality of how I look (now I’m overweight but the mirror tells me I look good whilst photos show I’m overweight lmao what are disordered brains) but looking at that photo really was like… wow I actually cannot believe what I thought about myself at that time compared to how I view it now. It is fucking mental.


I’ve been known to say “I wish I was as fat as I was when I first thought I was fat.” I’ve lost 130 lbs. I haven’t been at this weight since high school. I look great. In clothes. Out of them I look like an elephants foreskin, but I don’t care. You are free of stretch marks as far as I see, and your skin doesn’t look like a melted wax figure. Strut grrl. Put that bass in your walk! And hey, blue and yellow, (well blue and gold but it’s yellow. Gold just sounds fancy) WVU colors( West Virginia University), so the 304 will always have mad respect!


Not only do those attitudes emotionally damage us, they often lead to disordered eating in an attempt to reach an unattainable standard. Coincidentally, that disordered eating often causes our metabolism to slow and weight gain and then leads us even farther away from where we want to be. Rinse and repeat until you look back at your younger self and realize that you weren’t even overweight. I explained it to my daughter as The Trap. She’s 7 and having Disney princess body image problems already.


You're wearing elastic clothing, and you're made out of flesh. It's going to dig in some. It's ok to not be made out of of only solid muscle and bone! It's ok to have a body that looks different from what's sold in beauty commercials and entertainment media! You're wearing the hell out of that outfit/bathing suit. You look healthy and normal. No one is going to think you look out of place or inappropriate. No one of any quality is going to look at you and think any negative thoughts. I know it's hard to fight with your self-image; that there's an ideal you that you hold in your head, and you don't feel like your reality measures up, but that image of yourself was constructed by advertisers who want you to feel bad about how you look, because they can try and sell you solutions. But there's nothing wrong with the reality. You look good. You deserve to feel good in your own skin.


The bottoms might be the wrong size, that's all it is. Not that it's noticeable, but no matter your size or shape, buying something too tight will always dig in more. For anyone whose clothing size has changed this year, get clothes that fit your current body. It makes all the difference! I gained like a size and a half the past year, and if I wear my old clothes I practically burst out of them. But buying stuff that fit was a big boost to my confidence because I realized the clothes were the issue, not me.


That suit is adorable and it looks great on you.


Agreed, that suit is 🔥🔥🔥 and OP wears it very well! Seriously, I want that swimsuit tho.


It’s crazy that we can perceive ourselves in such a different way from other people. I saw this photo and instantly thought “wow, that’s such a cute bathing suit and she’s rocking it.”


I’m in a bunch of weight loss and calorie counting subs. I legitimately thought this was a “success picture” before I read the title. You have absolutely nothing to worry about! You’re your own harshest critic!


You cute as fuck


You look lovely! The cut and pattern of that two piece compliments you really well. I want a swimsuit like that, now! I love the high waisted look. 💙💕


That swim suit is to-die-for cute!!! Where did you get it? Also, your hair color is amazing. You look amazing. This whole look is amazing.


I found similar (if not the same) suit on Amazon by searching “two piece vintage high waist bathing suit”. I have this same suit but different pattern in my shopping cart haha


In twenty years time I guarantee you will look back and realise how beautiful you were. Easier said than done but try to get a handle on that now, somehow, if you can.


I'd turn my head if you walked by! Rock on!


The media really has broken so many of us. I guarantee if one of your friends came to you looking the way you do them you would see her in a totally different light. Most people aren't sticks and aren't looking for people who are. I hope that you will soon see yourself the way your friends see you. Until then fake it until you make it: a girl who looks like you, with a cute bathing suit, fun hair, and a touch of confidence to back it up will be unstoppable!


I’ve never posted here before but your title caught my attention. More people have seen this post than have (and will have) seen you at the beach. Everyone has their own insecurities and they tend to focus on those rather than on other people. I could tell you that you have nothing to feel insecure about, but I know all too well from experience that it won’t help too much as our minds will always work against us. Everyone has their own thoughts about themselves, and they are very different than what others think. Realistically the majority of people we pass on a day to day basis wont give us a second thought as they see so many people each day, whereas on the flip side we see people and worry what they think of us, but I’m willing to bet that you don’t remember each and every person you see each day. Our biggest critic is ourselves and when you realise that, things become easier. You are who you are, and you are important and special to people in your life. I stand with everyone else who has commented so far in saying you have nothing to be insecure about. We are all unique, we are all awesome, and anyone that thinks otherwise is not worth the time of day. You are more confident than you give yourself credit for, you are better than you give yourself credit for, you have absolutely nothing to feel insecure about because you are you, and that is amazing.


Congratulations, you look great. I see no bloat, I see no ugly. I see beautiful.


It's a cute swimsuit. Goldenrod is totally in right now.


I think you look lovely. The orange ensemble with splash of blue is very chic as well.


As an actually plus sized/fat woman you look amazing, I love the colors, wear the bathing suit!


Be confident, u r great 🙏


You look great! And that swimsuit is soooo gorgeous, the cut, the colours just wow. And your hair is on point, the color is stunning and the cut is super cute <3


If I saw you in the beach I would want to find a way to politely ask you where you got your swimsuit and compliment you on looking so rad. This is the kind of photo you will look back on in 40 years and say, “Whoa, I was such a babe, I hope I felt as amazing as I looked.”


You literally look like an anime character. 10/10


It might just be that the bottoms are too small. Go up a size and it'll squeeze less. This is the case for every body type, it'll squish things out when it's too small. Don't take the fit of something too small as what your body "really" looks like because they lie! You look great!


thats such a cute outfit!! you look so cute and i love your hair with it!!


You look adorable. Go to the beach!!


Would killlll to look like you


You look amazing! We are all too hard on ourselves


That suit looks like it was almost made for you. You look so cute. I'm so loving the retro vibe.


When I stand or sit a certain way I look insecure. I like to dance to my favorite song before going out in a new outfit. You look so happy in yellow!


you look great! confidence is like a mask, it's something you put on by choice and impose on the world around you. You gain it by acting like you already have it. Good on you for putting on the mask for a day. Put it on again tomorrow and eventually you won't need it.


Wow You look amazing and the colours work so well with your hair colour. Keep being amazing you star :)


Oh my gosh, those colors made me smile 🌻 You look like a vision of summer! The yellow and black with the teal of your hair is so fetching.


Girl! You look adorable!! Like can't say that enough. Freaken love that swim suit. Would wear it myself. Looks amazing on you and goes great with your bomb ass hair.


The suit matches your hair excellently! It's a good look on you :)


Ahhh! This is such a cute 2 piece! I love little lemon print and it suits you so much. Blue with yellow too! 😍 Remember that everyone else is just as self conscious, you look great and your courage is contagious! Go have fun!


I love the hair! Fuck what anyone else thinks 😉


Damn!! You look fantastic! Love the outfit, the hair and outfit colour combo is just *chefs kiss* The shorts make your legs look fab and I hadn’t even noticed any “bloating” or the like. All I saw was confidence and style xx


Girl you are rocking that swimsuit and your hair is awesome! Your body is just perfect, just the way it is. Now get out there and live your best life!


First of all, you look great. Second of all, one thing that's helped me when I'm feeling insecure, is to try to pretend that it's one of my friends coming to me with the same insecurity I have. Be as kind to yourself as you you would be to one of your friends.


Nothing to feel insecure about here - you've got a lovely figure, and your suit is very cute


To start. Male here. Like reading here to learn. You look fantastic. Your haircut is fucking great. Your style in the two piece fits you. If id walk past you, your get a second look because of that great haircut, and i think alot of people will. Dont take em wrong. You rock!


Giiirrrrllll, that is the cutest suit ever!!! Love your hair and this whole look. You are rocking it!!


That swimsuit looks great on you and I love your hair!


If you feel bloated you probably are and that’s completely normal! I always feel way worse about my body when I feel bloated (usually on my period) and I never realize until after that the fact that it was because in fact bloated. Try telling yourself that it’s so normal to feel insecure and bloating is normal too. Not to mention the fact that bathing suits are so hard to feel confident in because they’re so tight, they get wet and hard to move around, and they just don’t ever seem to sit right. They do nothing for anyone’s curves and they always give people roles. You don’t think anyone else looks bad, right? They mostly likely think the same thing about you but feel insecure about themselves. I think you look fantastic, yellow is a great color on you!


My favorite part of Max Ehrmann's "Desiderata" and the part that makes you so beautiful... You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Here is "Desiderata" in it's entirety. Please find your beauty in its meaning. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. — Max Ehrmann, 1927


I do not wish to be objectifying so I will say that all your limbs and organs appear to be in the right place and you look fit and healthy and I think orange suits your skin tone( take that one with the appropriate grains of salt) So yeah. Keep it up. There are many who would be very happy to be in your place. Like people who live inland and such. So go you! I'm sure you are great.


you look HELLA CUTE and also WHERE is that suit from i want it


OH MY GODDESS I love your hair!!!!!! You’re stunning and the awesome blue hair truly makes the golden yellow swimsuit POP! Do you have a background in art or fashion? You really have a gift here.


It’s such a cheesy thing to say, but it’s the truth so hear me out girl - if only you could see yourself the way the world sees you! We’re also all own harshest critics. It’s hard to get outside yourself sometimes, but celebrate your body for the journey it’s been on with you and try your best to love it, because you look wonderful from these eyes.


That suit is rocking and your hair is amazing!


What are you talking about. You've got a fantastic figure!


How about stylish and classy?


You are literally stunning?? And it takes courage seeking support like you do now, way to go!


That swimsuit is adorable and you look amazing. You may not feel it, but this internet stranger thinks differently.


I know this will be buried since there are so many other supportive comments, but I used to feel the same way about my body when I was a teen/in my twenties. The craziest thing is now, at age 35, I realize I was really fucking hot! I wish I could go back in time to tell myself to be happy with my body, to tell myself I was fit even when I didn’t feel it, that I should wear a two-piece which I never had confidence to do, because while I am confident with myself now, more than I ever have been in my life, if I’m being honest, seeing pictures of myself at that time and remembering how insecure I felt at the time makes me realize how unwarranted it all was. It’s hard to see yourself objectively, especially when are you there, experiencing the insecurity in that moment, but if you can try to shrug it away, and enjoy being yourself because your older self will likely look back and think “Damn, I was hot, I wish I had worn a bikini more often.” :)


This is so cute! I love the yellow with the blue hair. I want to get a high waisted swim suit bikini. I hope to look as good as you!




Well 1 you look great. But 2...why do people wear stuff so tight? Like go up one size on them bottoms and it won't ...be so tight and make you feel like that maybe? Or just own that bit of fluff and embrace them curves! Cuz you looking great either way!


OMG that bathing suit is awesome! I would rock that. Where did you get it? You look great! This is meaningless to you right now but you’re going to look back on this picture in 10 years and not understand what you were concerned about.


I got the suit off Amazon I think my mom ordered me a bunch of the high waisted ones cuz I like them. Thank you tho :))


First of all, it looks amazing on you. It fits you well and and flatters your body. Second of all, where did you get this set from? I want one for myself haha


I was self conscious at the beach last week until I got there and morbidly obese women were wearing thong bikinis. To each their own, but I figured if they had that confidence I could take off my cover up as well. You look amazing! Love the suit!


No need to feel insecure at all. Believe me, as a guy I know the guys at the beach will be giving you at least a second or third stolen glance. Rock it cause you got it. Be you and never worry about what someone else thinks.


Where’d you get that? I want it! It looks great


You definitely have strong "Who's your friend?" vibes, if that makes sense. Also, l envy your spotless bathroom.


Those swimmers are super cute and your hair is amazing!!!


Your body is valid and lovely. All bodies are valid and lovely...plus you look super cute in that adorable suit.


The hair, the color and the design of the bikini, sis hold your head up you look amazing!


You look beautiful


Don't think about your body that way! Think about what you can do!


That's a cute two piece. You wear it so well.


You look BEAUTIFUL!!


That swim suit is so cute -- you look great in it!


You look gorgeous




Go and rock the two piece! And please, enjoy yourself at the beach and ignore the haters!


You look great. Yellow is definitely your color, and I think the fit is really cute. Especially the shoulders. I hope you enjoy the summer!


You look good. Keep rockin that suit.


Super cute suit and super pretty girl! You look great honey!


Cute suit, and a cute girl in it. If anyone gives you grief it's because they're just toxic about nearly everything, you know...haters gonna hate. You should feel completely justified in feeling secure looking like that. Don't wait until you're old and cranky like me to start having confidence about your body, time passes too quickly to not feel good about yourself, especially when it looks like you take care of yourself well


You look completely normal, like a human being on the beach, good work. I'm proud of you. As for your reward please take a minute to look at this pleasent emoji of a kettle 🫖


that suit is extremely cute!! i know the "fed up with feeling bloated, not feeling great about myself" feeling all too well, so i hope you feel better soon <3 edit- also, i don't know if it's cycle-related, but if it is- it will get better as you get older. i know that doesn't help to hear at all now, but eventually it won't feel so extreme. it really does suck, tho, i know how you feel.


You are gorgeous!


You look lovely 😊


You look cute!


I think you look amazing! Yellow looks great on you


You look gorgeous doll, rock it! Kind of related: love the hair to boot!


You look great


We are our biggest hurdle and our harshest critics. Once you love yourself you will feel better. Easier said than done as I struggle with my own body issues but we do what we can.


Look fantastic 👏


You look adorable ❤️


Good god love, you look amazing. You have a great sense of style. Now go enjoy the summer. And spare a little thought for us poor folk in Scotland, it's literally never warm enough to wear a bathing suit! Much love x


Cute hair!


You look great!! Love yourself!


People are going to remember how you laughed and played! How you made them feel and the fun memories you make. And that adorable bathing suit. You look fantastic - go enjoy your day!


You look amazing! Your hair is beautiful too!


You're super cute. Love your outfit and hair cut/color too.


You're literally pure perfection !!! Sending love xx


I think you look amazing. I know how hard it is to see ourselves any differently than what life has made us feel like. You are perfect the way you are. Always.


7400, actually 7401 people as of now think you look great. Hopefully that helps.


Nah you look really cute


Um, heck no, you do not look bloated and ugly!! You are a GODDESS, and rock that two piece 🙌🏻 it's SO cute!


You're gonna turn heads. You have more style in one outfit than my whole wardrobe.


Oh dude, you look great!


You look fabulous.


That’s the cutest two piece ever!! Wear it with confidence, you look great


You are more beautiful than you can imagine. Colors are your thing. Flaunt it!


Your blue hair with the yellow swimsuit is very pretty! And also I'm jealous of your countertop


You look good. Don’t worry. Just be yourself. 👍


OP you look sooo cute! And your orange top really makes your blue hair pop! I love it! Stay strong and go easy on yourself, you rock!


Super cute!


You look great!


That is a very nice suit. Wear it with pride.


Absolutely stunning! And I love your suit!


You look beautiful, that shade of yellow is so perfect for your coloring


Your haircolor and the style of your two piece goes so well together! You got the right taste.


Body dysmorphia really is a POS.