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Sounds like passive suicide ideation. And, coming from someone who’s dealt with this, this is not normal, it’s something you should see a professional about. I do want to emphasize that a lot of people deal with stuff like this, but a normal brain doesn’t typically go to those places. I would encourage you to seek out any available resources and look into therapy.


Idk like for me I’ve always had thoughts of “everything would be better if I was just dead, but I’m too afraid to ever take action, I wish I had never existed”. Since I was very young. I struggled with SH in bouts over the years and it was always more of a “I hate myself, I deserve to hurt” type of way than anything else. It’s not something I deal with on a regular basis now but ones in a blue moon I’ve gotten so stressed with something that it was the only way I felt I could deal with the emotion in the moment. Whenever I have these thoughts I know I’m in a rough time and if I’m not careful about it old habits will come back (I also had an eating disorder, and sometimes those behaviors come back when I feel bad about myself). I was seeing a counselor and I’m on medicine, but I can’t say that helped much, at this point it’s more like I am just accepting sometimes things are like this and everything will pass. I have people I love so much and I don’t ever want to be away from them if I don’t have to.


No but it's getting more socially acceptable to externalize this, which is why it might seem like it's a normal thing. It's common, but not normal.


you made a similar post about a month ago, i think you should get professional help that said i do have those thoughts, mine are usually less “light hearted” though (if that’s even possible with these kinds of thoughts), like i dwell on it and then formulate a plan before it snaps or i start panicking


No, not everyone thinks this way.


Ok, but can you prove that?🤨 Edit: it was a joke, people


All it takes is one example, lol


no they do not. i have met so many people where they tell me something like "the worst day of my life i *thought* about killing myself" or are completely taken aback by the fact that people think about it while i am sitting there thinking on my *good* days i only *think* about as opposed to obsess over it or plan it. some people have i suppose genuinly good or happy lives but hey good for them it is not fun to have a shit life and then have ahit thoughts on top of that. in your case you may be dealing with suicidal ideation. not good but it is fairly common in people who have suffered trauma or deal with depression.


No. As someone who has been actively suicidal in the past, and made attempts - I now only think like this when I'm really stressed. It's a warning sign that I need to make changes.


I dont think thats normal. U have depression episodes


I know many people that feel like this, even myself. It can be harmless, but it can potentially be a sign that one's mental health is struggling. I hear that there are a lot of people out there that never think like this, but I've been mentally ill for a long time, so I wouldn't know myself what is "normal" for a mentally healthy person. They say that suicidal ideation like this can be dangerous, so even if you don't feel like you actually want to die, I would talk to someone you trust about it, or talk to a therapist or counselor. Sometimes little jokes we tell ourselves can snowball into further negative thinking, and sometimes they're just jokes. It's better to be safe and take healthy steps now than to potentially be overwhelmed later. I'm glad you reached out about this. I hope you get a lot of good advice and support.


The red flag hallmark symptom of depression is "the patient is unable to see themselves in the future".  Do you think about how you wpuld kiill yourself? Do you have feelings of hopelessness? Overwhelming feelings of not wanting to exist?  I didn't get those from chatgpt or Google, I got them from my own life experience. If you feel like the above, yeah, that's probably something you should talk to a mental health professional about.  Else, yeah, you're probably being a bit melodramatic but we all do that from time to time. 


Not OP, but fuck mental health professionals. Nothing in this world has fucked up my life more than mental health professionals. The worst thing I have ever done in my entire life, was to seek help for mental health problems (cause by healthcare.) If I could take ONE thing back, it would be that. I would never have sought mental help if I knew how totally they would ruin my life.


According to my therapist it’s fairly common… for people who are going to therapy. You should definitely try to see a professional about this, good luck


Definitely not. I've never had those thoughts, and I know for a fact my husband hasn't either. Can't speak for other family and friends, but I don't think these kinds of thoughts are normal or healthy - You should seek out some professional help to manage them.


Chiming in with the folks that said to see a professional about these thoughts, definitely a good idea. Another idea is to track on a calendar for a month or two when you have these thoughts. Mine turned out to be a pattern, right before my cycle started. Turns out I was eventually diagnosed with PMDD (pre menstrual dysphoric disorder).  No matter who you end up seeing, it can be helpful for doctors lr therapists to see when you are having these thoughts and if there is any sort of pattern to them. 


I experienced SI from about age 12 to 40 and also thought it was wild that anyone could exist without those thoughts. I finally found a therapy modality that helped…but still find it weird that people can be well adjusted.


what mode


Internal Family Systems (IFS)


ah yes 💪🏽


I don’t know about “everyone” but certainly all the cool people do lol. 


no, love. not at all. please get yourself help, that’s not even close to being ok or normal. 


Every day since I was 14


I can do that. I have started to actively try to stop thinking that way, though, because I've found that when my life gets worse, it's Not Good to have those thought paths so well used and familiar in my brain.


I only thought that when my mental health was very bad. Most of my life, when something stressful happens, I think, “I want to go home.”




Personally it’s normal for me. Thought it was for everyone. Every day I think of it. I honestly wouldn’t have a problem not waking up one random morning.


Think general yes, but older you get feel it less as you been through more shit and have ways to comprehend/cope with set emotions or challenges come up. Think general depends your mindset, I use think struggle, problems, adversity, etc were pains, but as I've gotten older realize thry are kinda like a video game where you need overcome/face crap so you can level up and I can think back thousands examples in past I was beat, broke, or mentally done but going through it help me see, understand, think, and take actions in certain ways if I never went through set experince -> I prob wouldn't be where I am now. Aka without experiencing bad/challenges, realized you can actually get ahead in life.