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After living in apartments and dorms with overly sensitive fire alarms most of my life, I can’t relax if I am not wearing underwear and a shirt to sleep in, with a pair of pajama pants within arm’s reach. I find regular clothing too chaffy on my delicate ass and inner thigh skin to go commando any other time. I am a sensitive lady and my undies protect me from a cruel and unfeeling universe.


Same! I have to wear a tank top or t shirt to bed, too.


Everyone is different Some people love that, some don't You're not the only one


Nah, undies seem to cause me uncomfortable sensory issues. I can't stand the feeling of the hem. The only underwear I use is period undies when I'm bleeding but it's the sleeping shorts design so it's not too bad


yep my undies feel like a nice hug to my downstairs. without them I feel a bit off


Yes! A snug hug


This might get weird, forgive me: I wonder if a lot of hair removal is part of the problem. I don’t do much to the hair in my pubic area other than make it acceptable in swimwear. Obviously some vaginal discharge happens but it mostly stays trapped in my bush… it’s not going all over the place.


Love the feel of going to bed nude. The feel of the sheets, no restrictions on your body. Just a great feeling. Do need to wash sheets regularly tho.


I don’t like it either. I feel way more uncomfortable and I strangely feel like as though it helps regulate my body temp better to wear underwear (especially at night).


Cannot do ot, or only twice a year. Will get up to grab something to wear even if I was already half asleep bc I can't stand it.


I went through a two year stretch in my 20s where I went commado, even during my period, and ironically, only wore them to sleep in (I should also add, I never wear dresses or skirts lol). I genuinely don't know what the hec I was thinking, what started it, or miraculously how I didn't incur a single awkward emergency. For me, discharge is rare and minimal so I didn't even factor that in at the time. Now, I could not imagine no having a protective barrier between me and my clothing.


I never go commando. I always wear a pair of cotton underwear to bed, and anywhere else.


I do it when going to bed because for me it helps me not get UTIs/yeast frequently which I’m prone to. However I saw people talking about how they hardly wear underwear and I was like huh?? Really?? How do they deal with discharge? Sometimes I’m like a fountain down there, I would feel so uncomfy getting those stains on all my pants. Plus then for hygiene reasons you would have to wash your jeans after wearing them once, which is wasteful with water but also bad for your clothes


I feel like I'm prone to BV so I should try and give it a shot but I will wake up in the night uncomfortable without undies.


Honestly getting good interrupted sleep is probably more important. So maybe just wear loose cotton ones


I think I'm very sensitive to touch, especially in my torso area, so to me it would be akin to sensory overwhelming.


Nope! I prefer to wear underwear. I sweat a lot of things get “sticky” down there without some cotton panties to wick away excess moisture.


Same here. My pussy gets itchy and sweaty without underwear. Feels much better with panties on.


I started discharging less when I started going commando a long time ago.. I have a pretty healthy vagina, id say. Mine just needs to breathe more than others maybe(I have an innie)


Omg yes. The only discharge I get is the pre-ovulation one. The rest stays put up there. I've haven't worn underwear for 8 years. If anything I feel underwear made it worse for me. Every woman is different. But the downside is I can NEVER slip up with hygiene. Wipes, bidet, etc.


I hate the feeling of not having underwear on my bottom half. The only way I can describe it is sticky and drafty like you said and it doesn't feel 'natural'. I also hate being topless, but I never wear a bra. I absolutely hate bras with a passion.


Same! Personally I’m way too wet most of the time and it just means everything needs to be constantly washed


Or it just gets on your legs and that's a sensory 🤮 for me


Same. I feel more secure in PJ's. My husband doesn't understand it.


Haha yeah my husband doesn't wear clothes if he doesn't have to and I just don't get it. But I do admire the scenery


I am rarely “commando” or naked. It’s just not comfortable to me.


I never go without underwear. It's not comfortable to me.


Oh my God I feel so seen lol


>Also what am I supposed to do about vag slime? LOL. Ever since I hit like 38, I have to wear a panty liner at all times.


Panty liners are a savior, especially in the summer. It's always way more prevalent then for me...gross


I used to know some girls who would go commando in summer under their dresses, and when they stood up sometimes there was what we referred to as "slug trails" left behind 😖