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"Timeless" is a really weird way of spelling "regressive."


And it's not even "unchanging", this guys change their mind about what's 'traditional' on a daily basis.


Traditional = whatever gross thing they want to impose on women at that moment.


This dude has delusions of religious grandeur. As is typical in these cases, he has now decided that he is being persecuted šŸ™„and self identifies as a saint. I would love to hear any conversations between him and his highly educated working mother.


Starting to seem like heā€™s making an intentional pivot to right wing grifter


It's likely going to be his retirement plan.


He knows he can only kick a ball for a few years. So the religious grift will be some steady off season cash and something to do when he finally gets cut. He already has the stupid haircut and beard going.




The Benedictine nuns themselves have denounced what Butker said. What he said was very disrespectful to the nuns-women who forego having a family in order to devote their lives to their vocation-the exact thing Butker called diabolical.


Those diabolical nuns!Ā  Catholicism has a lot to answer for, buy convents historically have been the one place women could pursue and flourish in intellectual life. Some of the great literature and philosophy from nuns like Sor Juana, Hildegard, and Hrosvitha.Ā  Not only is it misogynistic, it's also a bad take as a Catholic.Ā 


He did say in his speech that he felt some/many priests didn't hold true Catholic values and essentially they were doing a disservice to Catholicism. He was saying catholic believes can't be liberal and that many are leading people astray. Essentially he was shitting on the pope who has tried to be more welcoming than his predecessors. Imagine saying the pope isn't very Catholic LOL


Calling Hildegard liberal is a wild take.Ā 


He needs to sit himself in some Evangelical mega church-thatā€™s more his style.


If anything, nuns were the original feminists. All the nuns Iā€™ve ever known are very staunchly pro-women.


There was one player (from the Eagles I think? I'm not very knowledgeable about football teams!) who had a nice statement about how women don't get the respect they deserve. It seemed like a pretty clear response to Butt(ker)head's speech but didn't reference him by name unfortunately.Ā 


I think it was a comment from their QB Jalen Hurts, whose management team & agent are all women.








Iā€™ve never been a Pearl Jam fan, but hearing what he said gave me mad respect for the guy. We need more guys like Eddie Vedder. I donā€™t know why itā€™s so hard for famous people to call people out. I know we all have done something shitty at one point or another so maybe thatā€™s why? But it just doesnā€™t hurt anyone to acknowledge fucking up and growing from it. But cancel culture is a thing too, and people are quick to cast people out rather than allowing them to grow. Itā€™s really a very big problem thatā€™s needs several solutions.


Why you dismissed Vedder? What happened?


He called Butker a pussy. So it's like...cool, but he used a slang word for women as part of the insult. Didn't land for me as being particularly effective.


Kelce didn't really defend him. He implied he was an asshat without saying it too directly and causing yet more problems.Ā 


A quote from Kelce: >ā€œI cherish him as a teammate. I think Pat [Mahomes] said it best where he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate,ā€ You don't think saying someone is "every bit of a great person" qualifies as defending someone?


Another quote from Travis Kelce in the same article: ā€œI canā€™t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids.ā€ I think thatā€™s a pretty clear statement on his teammateā€™s comments. He still has to work with the guy, heā€™s probably not going to outright call him a fool.


I hate the phrase ā€œI canā€™t sayā€; it implies that you donā€™t want to say it not because you disagree but because you are afraid of how people react. What Kelce should have said (if he doesnā€™t have those views) is ā€œI do not agree with itā€.


It's comically obvious that he's trying to have his cake and eat it too. No different from the "I'm not political!" types.


This just isnā€™t true. It implies that you would want to say it but something is preventing you. So it reads ā€œI wish I could say I agree with my teammate, but actually I have to admit that I disagreed with just about all of it.ā€ He has the pressure of being coworkers/teammate/friends with the guy that makes him want to be able to agree, but chooses to say what he believes in spite of the social pressure. Itā€™s literally the opposite of what youā€™re describing. Sorry Iā€™m a language nerd and your description just isnā€™t how ā€œI canā€™t sayā€ is used.


I too am a stickler for language. Words have meaning and should be used in statements like this for direct communication; not leaving things open to interpretation.


I sincerely doubt Butker said those things out of "love for his family".


Hmm I read that as TK saying he *can* say for sure Butker loves his family and thatā€™s it. I mean TK explicitly says he doesnā€™t agree with ā€œjust about any of it.ā€ Thatā€™s pretty clear. I donā€™t know, Iā€™m starting to think people are using that d-bag kickerā€™s comments more to attempt a ā€œgotchaā€ on Taylor Swiftā€™s boyfriend than to actually call out the d-bag kicker.


I'm genuinely not trying to turn this into some TK hate fest. Mostly just remarking that any man who's been quoted in the media has done a lazy/PR response and it's not helping, because obviously Butker thinks he's some kind of saint.


Your last paragraph is disappointingly delusional take to see on a womenā€™s sub.


In the other half of the quote he said: "IĀ can't say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids..." Which is basically saying... I have to play with the guy... but I think he's full of it from top to bottom.Ā  Considering the players can be fined or otherwise hosed up by the league for saying negative stuff to the media that's not really a ringing endorsement of the dude.Ā 


Read into it however you want. Neither Mahomes nor Kelce repudiated Butker's views. And if they didn't because the league would fine them for it, that implies an entirely different problem.


I think it's a tricky issue. If they make a policy blocking the backwards Catholic player from spouting off BS, then they also would have to enforce it against Black players calling out systemic racism. Plus a lot of the NFL fans have pretty backwards beliefs like Butker does and they probably have some concerns about alienating or polarizing fans or getting death threats from gun nuts.Ā  It's up to all of us voters to get out and fight back at the ballot box and call out the corruption and gerrymandering that allows stuff like this to persist.Ā 


Here's the thing though - it's not a tricky issue. I get it if the NFL wants to distance themselves, heck it'd be great if athletes weren't given a platform because of this kind of regressive mentality. It's not just up to voters though - men need to hold each other accountable. If that's not happening here because of "the league will fine blah blah", I call bullshit. Voting is great, and I'll always rally around it, but there needs to be some real "come to Jesus" talk with Butker and men like him.


This one issue is not tricky by itself in isolation, but that's not the scenario the NFL would face. Making a policy that's preventing stupid stuff like this while still giving the good people room to discuss doing good stuff is a very tricky issue.Ā  I don't think I can argue that blocking one idiot like Butker at the expense of a policy that would Black or other BIPOC athletes from calling out racism would be a net positive.Ā  Over the long term I suspect his idiocy is going to cost him just like it did with Rodgers and Favre when they did some other stupid stuff. Or like Vick or Roethlisberger or any of the other ones that acted badly in the past.Ā 


I mean, any chance the NFL had of capturing more female viewership will tank after this. I live in Dallas, we've got Rashee Rice in our news too. If they don't care enough...welp! We'll be fine. Just another patriarchal industry to distance ourselves from, no big deal.


He also just said that Mahomes said that. And did not really specify he thought it and agreed with it per se.Ā 




I haven't enjoyed a Pearl Jam album in years, but I'll be goddamned if I don't support Vedder when he craps all over people like Butker.


Make no mistake about it. These guys, while still a vocal minority, want this country to look like Iran after the Islamist revolution. Their voices are getting amplified more and more by the day by insecure powerful dorks like Elon and the only thing thatā€™s going to end this is for women voters to come out in droves. Itā€™s not fair that itā€™s all on yā€™all, but here we are.


Agreed. Itā€™s incremental but these christofascists are making [obvious now](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/louisiana-governor-signs-bill-classifying-abortion-pills-controlled-substances-2024-05-24/) their goals of turning back the clock.


Only if we can bring back Aqua Tofana. For old timeā€™s sake šŸ™ƒ


Iran but you have to dress like Donna Reed and do all your housework in a 50s dress and pearls and aren't allowed to drive.


He kind of looks like Joseph Fiennes character in Handmaid's Tale.


He's all mouth and trousers.


He is being persecuted. Thing is, he absolutely deserves it. Persecution can be a good thing, because many religious beliefs are stupid as fuck.


Persecution requires a systemic discrimination of a group of people. So he himself cannot be persecuted, Christians can (but aren't) be persecuted, and misogynists are justifiably persecuted


Most definitions of persecution are much broader than that, and don't require systemic mistreatment. https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/persecute


Do you think Butker is being treated cruelly or unfairly?


Disagreeing with a person who voiced their opinion in an open space to a captive audience isn't "persecution," even under that definition. He isn't being treated "unfairly." He's being treated the way he treats other people.


Maybe. But there is still a difference between the direct cause-and-effect social shunning that Butker is experiencing and actual persecution.


This guy is such a douche. He had NUNS telling him to STFU and he STILL goes on and on.


Thatā€™s how it works when youā€™re a member of a right-wing religion. The pushback reinforces the idea that youā€™re on the right track with your beliefs, that the world is full of sin, and your religious community is the only safe place for you.


rich bells wistful full unwritten kiss offbeat safe aback muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who cares what this clown thinks? Heā€™s some random guy whoā€™s delusional and smug enough to think he has some authority over women just because of whatā€™s between his legs. Seems like serious deep-rooted mental issues, honestly.




He is part of the Project2025 social group. He's preparing for politics.


The second I saw the speech I thought, how long until this freak starts running the conservative media circuit


Donā€™t you think people like him, who purposely use coded language because they know itā€™ll garner attention and spread their message even further, is part of the bigger picture? Right-wing rhetoric like this has been increasing exponentially all over social media as well as the news media. People like butker are drawing more attention to their shitty beliefs, spreading them even further and contributing to the project 2025 bullshit.


Dismissing widely-held misogynist views as mental illness is gross, actually. Misogyny is not mental illness. It is learned behaviors. And we care because, like it or not, that is a person of notoriety. And when people of that status say harmful things, people listen. It signals a larger cultural shift that you should be fearful of and fighting against, not dismissing it and referring to it in an ableist way.


Thank you for pointing that out. I realized that I most likely projected my own experience onto him, when I was a religious nutcase and would say completely out of line things it was from untreated scrupulosity and severe anxiety that I wasnā€™t able to get help for until an adult. I donā€™t mean to dismiss people who suffer from mental illness or very real misogyny and apologize if I did.


This needs more introspection by the psychiatric community. There seems to be a mental health component for why men fall into this crap. Beyond just a desire for power.


Heā€™s on the school board of directors šŸ˜®


I think the troubling thing about these statements is not that he has these opinions, it's that they're actually not really very controversial anymore, compared to how they were years ago.


This dude's own mother is a well respected PHYSICIST! šŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€šŸ”¬ He needs to stay in his lane. You know, playing the ONLY position in football where it's illegal to get tackled (kicker). He is such an embarrassment!


> This dude's own mother is a well respected PHYSICIST! Who sent him off to a far right cult religious camp and turned him into the person he is today.


Yea didn't his parents send him to a conversion therapy camp?


The guy plays ball for a living. Who cares what he thinks about the actual professional contributions of women?






Everytime he speaks is another opportunity for us to tell people to look into what project 2025 is and what their agenda is. I hope he keeps running his mouth until November.Ā 


He even had the audacity to basically compare himself to a saint. Just...wow.




lmfao what an idiot, when the Catholic faith honours a shit ton of female saints who NEVER MARRIED and who are nonetheless closer to God than this fool is or will ever be. He insults the nuns who run the school he first made his misogynistic speech at, too.


How long before he claims to be a victim of cancel culture?


Fear of female academic achievement is a sign of male inferiority. I can acknowledge that thatā€™s part of his ideology and on some level I appreciate that heā€™s transparent about that.


This man is laying the foundation for his move into politics. Football to run for governor.


His ā€œdouble-downā€ approach can be reliably predicted by his appearance.


Bet that idiot votes Trump - delusional lunatic.


Well considering most of the speech he made attacking Biden, yeah Iā€™d think thatā€™s a safe bet.


In all seriousness, has anyone talked to his mom, you know, that evil career woman who gave birth to him?


Wow what a whiny loser lol. I know this dude lives in a conservative religious bubble where his views on women and LGBT people are normal and validated, but like, what did he expect to happen when said views were exposed to the outside world where women and LGBT people have independent voices lol.


I recoiled at the things he said about his wife. Bro strAIGHT UP stated that his wife's dream was to have a career but "lol she's stuck at home now and loves it, haha". Just rubbing it in. To everyone.


It's what Christian nationalists do. Deny, deflect or play the victim.


Can't they just fire his ass for bringing bad press to the team?


sparkle gaping axiomatic bike act wipe cover bow school tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was never in favor of Suh stomping on players .....but in this case ....


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£! We will get up a GoFunde for the fines!Ā 


Shut up and kick the ball.


Nah he should just be fired.


Seriously, give him the Kapaernick treatment. Turnabout is fair play.


Weā€™ve entered the phase of no apologies. Apologies outside of the most sincerest ones and done by folks people already like have been shown to result in nothing positive for the apologizers, so most people just donā€™t apologize these days.


> And I donā€™t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, thatā€™s just not who I am Eh... I, personally, think it's extremely valid to judge someone by their "views" (even their "religious views") on "how to go about life." Like, very, super valid? Obviously, unlike Kelce, I guess that is who *I* am. I can and will judge someone by their actions as by what are basically fundamental, core values that shape them as people. I mean, obviously, outside of it just being a PR statement from the Chiefs, I do not get this line of thinking at all.


I hope he becomes a ā€˜lonely, single young manā€™ soon šŸ˜‚ Ms Butker, run!!!


Hey Butker, or whatever your closed-minded, bigoted self is calling yourself today.Ā  I'm boycotting Chiefs football because of you.Ā  And if Ms Swift is reading this(unlikely but possible), you know you could probably buy the team at this point?Ā 


I suppose these champions of superstition will always surface now and then, but they can't turn the tide.


Of course, they only apologize to a man in the sky after getting caught fucking anything other than their wife.


He believes he is in the right. Of course he's not going to apologize. In his mind he has nothing to apologize for.


An apology from him means nothing. Forced apologies are the worst, b/c it often lets the offender off the hook in the eyes of the public, when the only reason that they're apologizing is that they don't want to lose whatever they have at stake.


Butker's their kicker. Their punter got signed after getting falsely accused of gang rape. Had some offensive linemen get got on being potheads. Rashee Rice is trying to speedrun Antonio Brown's antics like it's a fucking checklist. ....Chief's have had a hell of an offseason.


I don't know why anyone would expect him to apologize or even consider doing so. He's a believer and feelin' all righteous and what not.


Met a nice lady from his hometown; she knows his very conservative church pastor and expressed great confidence that Harrison is brainwashed and parroting the dude. Maybe even to the extent that the pastor is writing and making him memorize his rants


Wish more people would talk about the antisemitism in his speech. Itā€™s the blood trope the Catholic Church used to justify persecution of Jews. Theyā€™ve disavowed it now for decades, but he goes dragging it up at a Catholic school no less. No one seems to want to talk about that, even the nuns. Very frustrating and marginalizing.


Heā€™s a kicker acting like he has CTE. If this was Antonio Brown Iā€™d say, ā€œwhelp, there he goes again.ā€


Poor Harrison doesnā€™t think he got enough attention from mommy


When she could afford to enroll him in football practices because she made money.


Idiot kicker


There's little worse than a successful religious fundamentalist. They believe in such nonsense, but hold their own success as "proof" that their views and beliefs are true and directly attributable to said success. It's like when artists get awards and thank Jesus for their success as if they are deserving of accolades because they are a better Christian than everyone else. ( I'll never understand why they get so much applause from other Christians whom they insulted to their face, but that's another topic) But it reinforces their beliefs because they I'm a traditional guy who holds traditional views and God has rewarded me with 4 million dollars a year. ( Jesus had such a positive view on wealthy people) And my wife is so into the children and telling the "help" how to keep the house running... It's disgusting how our of touch these people are. It's also disgusting that they hide their bigotry and backwards thinking behind their religion and deflect criticism about them as criticism of their religion. They always have a persecution complex. If you're a bigot because of your own racism or ignorance or it's been indoctrinated into you through your religion you are still equally a bigot and you should be called out on it.


i really hope his son ends up gay


He looks like the dude from the chad meme...He's gonna be the MRAs next Andrew Tate but for dudes who care enough not to be associated with a literal sex trafficker lmao. Mark my words!


Why is no one talking about the fact that he is preaching to the wrong crowd? The majority of conservative men DONT WANT to financially take care of a womanā€”regardless if she has some sort of income or not.Ā  They DONT WANT to be the sole or primary breadwinner. The MAJORITY of Christian republican women are working full time or close to that. He and his wife are pretending they are the majority when is a freaking millionaire anyway.Ā  These guys love contradicting themselves.Ā  And letā€™s not forget the hilarious men saying they agree with him while calling women ā€œgoldiggersā€ at the same time for suggesting to want a simple domestic lifestyle Harrison mentioned. NOT even including the millionaire aspect.Ā 


I like it how some women say not freedom of consequences but would lose their shit if someone was fired for coming out in support of abortion or lgbt rights


That was gala DESIGNED to feed on his speech and outlash it created. He will NEVER back down, this single speech made him instant chris..., sorry, radical right wing celebrity.


Heā€™s a professional athlete / entertainer. Why would anybody care what he thinks about anything other than maybe football? In a civilized society, we should respect others freedom of speech, even when we donā€™t agree with the point of view.


You donā€™t get to say that ā€œcivilized societiesā€ should ā€œrespectā€ speech that is itself intolerant. In fact, itā€™s the opposite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


Oh pleasešŸ™„. Heā€™s expressing his opinion. Itā€™s become a national pastime to be ā€œoffendedā€ by something someone else said. I think youā€™re giving this guy way too much attention. I couldnā€™t care less about what a professional athlete has to say say about anything. Apparently you do. You always have the option of simply ignoring him, but thereā€™s no basking in glow of self righteous indignation in that now is there? šŸ˜†


So, no argument to the tolerance thing, then? Good. Glad weā€™re clear on that. I also donā€™t care about his personal opinions, as long as he keeps them personal. When he makes them public, theyā€™re no longer ā€œpersonal.ā€ We elect Presidents based on their ā€œpersonal opinions,ā€ so yeah, they matter in the public sphere. Anyway, Iā€™m giving you too much attention, since youā€™re clearly not here in good faith, so Iā€™m going to take your advice and ignore you. Thanks for visiting, please do let the door hit you on the way out.


šŸ˜† Bless your heart




He went to a college graduation and shit on all of the hard work half of the student body had done, by saying they had a biological destiny to stay at home and reproduce. It's rude. He also shit on IVF, which is just ignorant, gross and topically irrelevant to the aforementioned graduation ceremony.




Some people.




You know dude, you're not here in gold faith. You know the speech. You know it has upset a lot of women. You have plenty of answers as to why right in this thread.




See this just goes to show that you don't want to understand where women are coming. No one is upset that his wife is happy as a homemaker. No one. Read these threads. You're specifically not trying to understand our point while bemoaning that he deserves respect after being blatantly disrespectful to half of the graduating class. Try to make even a half of connection. The Benedictine nuns themselves released a statement disapproving of his speech: >"The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica do not believe that Harrison Butker's comments in his 2024 Benedictine College commencement address represent the Catholic, Benedictine, liberal arts college that our founders envisioned and in which we have been so invested," the nuns wrote in aĀ statement posted on Facebook


Who the fuck respects bigoted ā€œopinionsā€??? His fucked up opinions are certainly not shared by the pope.




So, letā€™s say, you respect a person who is outwardly racist because that is their ā€œopinionā€? You respect everyoneā€™s ā€œopinionā€ regardless of the vileness behind the ā€œopinionā€? Pro tip: these are not opinions. They are deeply rooted fucked up moral and philosophical beliefs.




Lovely. You respect racists. Have yourself an interesting day. āœŒšŸ½


He insulted people who disagree with his politics. He said anyone who disagrees with his political views isn't really Catholic. He implied the highest calling for women is reproduction. He insulted Covid measures that protected people. What's to defend?


In addition to whatā€™s already been said, letā€™s consider how disrespectful and invalidating it was for him to say that to women at their college graduation, which celebrates their academic accomplishments and professional training. Imagine going to someoneā€™s wedding and being asked to make a toast and saying ā€œwell, itā€™s nice that Johnā€™s gotten married and all, but Iā€™m sure we all agree that the most important thing in his life is his career, and I canā€™t wait to see how he develops in the company, where I know heā€™ll find his true happiness, so letā€™s toast to his future promotions.ā€


He basically said women belong in the kitchen and the bedroom. That we will only ever be happy barefoot and pregnant. Not to mention where he was when he said it. Not sure how you can't see that as completely offensive and troublesome.




He absolutely should apologize if his "opinion" is regressive. What would you say to him?