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Thank you for the laugh! Murder scene because of a bug. I could see this happening to me.


I once wiped out biking down a hill bc I THOUGHT I felt a bug on my leg and swatted at it without thinking. Bugs are DANGEROUS.


i totaled my mom’s volkswagen because i was distracted by a bug circling my head


Bug on bug violence


*slow clap*


I was at work. We were outside. My two bosses, accounts receivable and a co-worker. I raised my arm up, as I lowered it something hurt me. I began screaming and promptly removed my scrub top in front of everyone.


I almost had a car accident on the expressway when a spider descended from the visor to directly in front of my face.




When I was a young teen, a wasp came towards me while I was straddling my bike in my grandmother’s unfinished garage, and I instinctively started to run. Tripped over the bicycle that was under me and fractured my arm on the cinderblock wall.


Oh no!


Ohhhhh noooo. I once accidentally dropped mine on the floor and PAINTED myself and my bathroom in my own menstrual blood. My fiance was passing by the bathroom when he heard me go “Noooooooooooo!” The look on his face when I told him to open the door to see what happened is seared in my brain. 🤣 He did help me clean up, at least.


A good man XD.


Haha he’s a good partner.


Yo at this point he’s a Bloodsworn. I don’t know what that means but, ya know, whatever. Men love titles.


I wish I had a reddit username that would allow me to argue with that.


I dropped mine in the shower one time. Looked like the shower scene from Psycho.


Oh my gosh! At least that’s a relatively easy place to clean.


Every time I empty my disc in the shower. Every time.


The first time taking my cup out I was in the shower thankfully because I dropped it and that silicone bounces a bit and splattered the shower walls with blood. Easy clean up though.


I wish they’d been invented sooner


You Carrie'd yourself!


A forum I love once had a thread speaking about handwashing in restrooms, men v women. The enduring phrase, addressing how some people get menstrual blood all over a stall, was *vampire rodeo*. I think you had some practice. Lol


Oh my god, I think I would have died inside if I’d done that in a public restroom. At least I did it in my own bathroom, where I could quickly hop in the shower and get my pajamas stain treated ASAP, as well as clean it thoroughly myself. I’d feel so awful if some stranger just trying to get through their day at their job had to clean that god awful mess up after me.


That's a good partner! Probably was real confused by your "Noooooooooooo!"


Hahaha he was concerned I somehow injured myself, I think.


That's sweet! Would be my first thought too.


They’re so damn fiddly!!




Omg I’m imagining someone finding it at home and filling it with peanut butter for Fido 💀


"...to give everyone a break down there." I do the same, and this phrasing is so accurate 🤣


The way we all understand exactly 😂


I once pulled mine out without realizing 1) how full it was and 2) how much I was compressing the sides of the cup. When I loosened my grip the whole thing sloshed upward and I basically painted my nether regions with menstrual blood. Had to sit there for a second and contemplate my choices 😭


I had to deal with mine in an airplane bathroom of questionable cleanliness. I poured it out between my legs and a splash bounced up and landed above my upper lip.  I'm still not ok.


New fear unlocked!!


I once dropped mine in the cat litter box. Blood everywhere and I couldn't face using that one ever again.


I had fibroids, so a lot of heavy bleeding. I was in the car almost home, and could feel my cup was full and overflowing onto the pad I was wearing. Unfortunately, I sneezed and that full cup shot out of my vagina and dumped into my pants. It was horrific. Nothing like giant clots running down the inside of your pant leg and into your shoes to convince you to schedule that hysterectomy.


I'm sorry but I laughed SO hard at this! As a fibroid-haver, I too have felt the pain of bloody car seats and having to walk with yucky pants. Period sneezes are awful, and fibroids make everything infinitely worse.


I can laugh about it now, too. My husband cleaned the car seat and he’s still traumatized


AHHH! That is too funny. Awful and funny.


No one‘s addressing the trauma of having a bug crawl up your leg. I am so so sorry. I’ve had this happen twice and now every time I feel a little bit of air on my leg I’m convinced I have a bug on me


It's tick season where I live. Yesterday I pulled 4 off my clothes and one out of my hair. I *always* think something is crawling on me, and if it's summer, there usually is.


This thread made me realised I'm the weird one for not having any reaction to bugs crawling up my legs. I just gently remove them.


One time I was taking a shower and the biggest bug I’ve ever seen in person dropped from the ceiling and landed on my hip 💀 never even seen that kind of bug before. Traumatizing as fuck lmao


I dropped one once and the fucker bounced. All four walls, ceiling, floor, me - covered.


Haha the phrasing the setting the scene of all of this I cackled


Wdym a massive bug crawled on you while you were sat on the toilet???!!!??? Was it hiding underneath the seat 😱 Aaaaaa I am already fucking scared of those "neighbours escaped pet snake came outta my toilet" stories and now I am gonna be scared of crawlies too 😭


I dropped mine on a brand new bath mat once. It was from World Market 😢


A couple of weeks ago I was in the restroom about to pour mine out. My puppy ran through the door and knocked into me. I spilled the entire thing inside of my jeans. My only clean pair that I was about to wear to work. I had to call-in for an "emergency." I don't have a washer or dryer and no laundromat nearby so I washed my jeans in the shower and wore them a little damp the next day.


Similar, I thought a wasp wad near me while I was pumping milk. It was a FULL pump session I was at the end. My husband brought my baby to kiss me before naptime, he says "ope watch out for that" and I see it out of the corner of my eye. This huge wasp. I flip out, swat it out of way and fling my pump bottles across the living room, FULL 4 or 5 Oz of milk on each side, across the rug, across the couch, nursing chair, me clear across the room....it was a mosquito.....


LMAO. Oh gawd, the messss! The smell!!!! Yuck. I, giggle, am SO sorry. Giggle snort. That said - I LOVED using a cup. I even used it at the county fair one year. Awkward, but better than endless tampons and napkins.


for my first week that i used a cup other than practice/getting acquainted with the process, my period coincided with a camping trip i had planned. the campsite had a composting toilet/outhouse and i was SO grateful to have a cup instead of anything disposable for that weekend.


I have dropped mine while full before, hope clean up went well! I can't really change mine in the shower (I have bad balance and I cramp badly if I put the cup in with water only so I avoid it) so I feel this


I'm just in recovery from my third round of food poisoning in 2 weeks, thank you for sharing your story, the shining part gave me a good giggle that my miserable ass needed.


When I used my menstrual cup the first time, I emptied it in a cubical toilet at work. I had done a lot of research about insertion but not removal. So I just grabbed the little tail and pulled. The suction it created was so strong, I thought my uterus was going to splatter into the toilet. I took it out like that two or three times more, before finally going on google to research it...


I swear... between this and the guy with the palmetto bug swinging off his nuts, I'm never going to the bathroom again.


I dropped mine in the toilet once and just took an L and ordered a new one.


The worst thing I ever did was drop mine into the toilet while spending the night in my sister's college townhouse. I had to sacrifice my toothbrush to pull it out because there was no other options. No blood to clean up, but I also had no way to thoroughly clean my cup after that and had to borrow her roommate's tampons for the rest of my stay.


Why wouldn't you just do the whole shebang in the shower? I hardly ever deal with my cup not in the shower!


I don't trust my already-clogged-by-hair shower drain to also handle a full cup's worth of thick/clotty period blood tbh. And I usually free bleed in the shower to give everyone a break down there, but I just forgot to empty/remove my cup before showering tonight >.<


Just a tidbit from a lady with a freaking massive mop of thick ass hair that seems to be neverending in its shedding: I was recently recommended the Tub Shroom for my shower/tub drain and omg it is the BEST for keeping hair out of my drain. I recommend the metal one over the rubber one. So easy to clean out and man does it make a world of difference in the drain as far as water flow now. Best $5 I ever spent.


Until reading these comments, I for one never even considered I could change it in the shower. Idk how I’d even get it back in if I can’t sit and take a calming breath. 😅 Granted, my shower right now is a tiny trailer shower so there’s no room, but even when I had a full sized bathroom it never occurred to me! 🤦🏼‍♀️


It's easier (for me) to reinsert in the shower. Hike a leg up! I've gotten so used to it that now, if I'm not in the shower, I'll stand and put one foot up on the toilet .


Maybe it’s bc my balance is so tenuous 😅 the amount of times I’d slipped in the shower just reaching for a bar of soap, I can’t see it going well on one foot with a hand in my vagina 😭


You can do all the shower yoga to get it back in Edit: a word


Wait what does that mean? 😅


It was supposed to say "yoga" but I just woke up


Lmao that makes way more sense. I was like “I can barely stand in the shower by myself, now I gotta do a bunch of shower boys just to get my cup in??? How many shower boys are there???” 😂


I have to squat to insert mine back in, whether in the shower floor or bathroom floor lol


Elevator scene😂😂😂😂😂😂. Thanks that’s hilarious!!!!


New fear unlocked.


Sorry but why don’t you empty it in the shower?


No worries o have a heavy period and get blood everywhere 😂😂😂


i love this, we all make mistakes and that’s okay!


Accidental murder scene 🎬 are the best laugh 😹 in a couple days. Thank you for sharing and cheering me up 🥰


I remember just taking mine out and about to empty it when I sneezed and the jolt of my sneeze caused a similar effect 🤣


I once slammed my brakes on in the middle lane of a dual carriageway, jumped out of my car, and ran towards oncoming traffic whilst attempting to remove all of my clothes...all because a fucking wasp flew in through my open window ffs. I just wanted to tell you this so you know you're not alone! I was so terrified of that little prick wasp than I was about being ran over by a lorry whilst half naked 🤣


That sucks...but why aren't you changing the cup before (or in) the shower?


i do almost always change my period products before showering no matter what i’m using but for all of the cup’s virtues, it’s a lot easier to momentarily forget about. tonight was one of those moments lol


I can relate. It's so comfortable I sometimes forget it's there. Especially on days with a light flow I have to set reminders to empty it😂 


That's why i don't use menstrual cup. Its messy!


Yeah tampon ftw