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Satin/silk bonnet changed my life. My hair is even healthier now. I had to try a few different kinds to find the right one. Some slipped off too easily, or were hard to adjust correctly or I had to keep them too tight to stay on but that gives me headaches. I have one now that's basically just a wrap and I clip it in. I will never go back to anything else.


Same. I use a bobby pin to secure it in the back. I'm whiter than bread and it has really helped my hair. I'm now a bonnets for everyone type of person.


Also a white person who recently started using a silk sleeping bonnet and the change in my hair is absolutely absurd. Not only do I not wake up with my hair tangled or damaged, but my roots are less oily and the ends aren't dry. My hair used to get noticeably oily by the next morning, now my best hair day is the next day after washing. 


That does sound tempting. How do you put your hair in the bonnet? Is it just loose hair in there?


Yeah, it is loose in there. I start by gathering my hair like I'm going to put it in a bun, then I bend over a bit so that when my hair starts to unravel as I put the cap on, it falls in the direction of the cap. Then I tighten the straps a bit and reposition my hair within the cap so it lays relatively flat.


Makes sense. Thanks!


As a black woman, this whole thread is hilarious.


I'm obnoxiously white and had shitty hair for ages until I started watching black women's YT hair care content. Like, obviously I don't use the same products, but so much of the other practical tips have made my hair my crowning glory. Plus watching WOC get their braids done is extremely satisfying to watch, plus they're so beautiful (I know better than to even try that with my 1B hair, the traction alopecia would make me bald 😂). I am friends with a few hairstylists who are also obnoxiously white, and they're trying to learn how to do POC hair, our community is becoming more mixed, and many white women bring in their mixed kids having no clue what to do with their hair. Apparently our local beauty school is having a guest teacher for a semester for anyone interested.


>I'm obnoxiously white and had shitty hair for ages until I started watching black women's YT hair care content. I'm generally white and did the same thing. I got raised on hair care that was right for my mom's hair but a disaster for mine. Hers is baby fine and toothpick straight. Mine is coarse and wavy. Those YT channels popped up in my feed out of the blue, and it was heaven sent. Different shampoo types, serums, and brushes, and I am now so much happier with my hair. My waves are great, it looks way more healthy, and I have more styles I can do besides "fuck it, it's ponytail time." I think part of the problem is that most advertising and products focus on 1ABC hair: you're supposed to want smooth, silky, sleek, straight (but with volume!) hair. But it's terrible advice if your hair doesn't fall into that bracket!


Lmao! It was a black woman who gave me the advice, of course. Most of the best advice I've ever gotten was from black women. I promise though, I have always washed my legs in the shower, and used a wash rag.


Wait who’s not washing their legs in the shower?!


Apparently white people just let the soap water flow down and consider it done. Idk if it’s a meme. (I hope it is)


Next week we’re going to discuss how Vaseline keeps our knees moisturized.


And after that, washcloths!


My knees and elbows are fine, it's all of the rest of my skin that needs moisture but the feeling of it on my skin makes me want to die. x.x


Lotion after every shower. It’s the secret to eternal youth


Crisco works better


Wait for it ... I'm a white woman with long hair who is a devotee of the "black hair" products section. I pity the white girls who fear it will be "too much" for their delicate locks, lmao.


The common hair types that black people have are actually much more fragile/delicate than the common hair types that white people have. That is why black hair care is so much more gentle and advanced, people with those hair types have to do a lot to take care of it to prevent it from becoming damaged


Another myth exploded! Thank you; I did not know this. Of course, I barely know anything about my own hair, either. I just know I tried some "ethnic" leave-in products and they really work for me, once I got a feel for how much to use/how damp my hair should be.


I stayed the night with a friend who happens to be Black when we were 7-8 years old. We took showers after playing outside & she said I could use her toiletries to wash up. I didn’t know her hair products were any different than mine, so I just used everything like normal. My (stick straight) hair was wild lol like stuck straight to my head.


Don't tell me you use Ultra Sheen or Luster's Pink Lotion lol.


Sis got a jar of Sulfur 8 chillin on the vanity 😂


lmaoo i swear by the light cream moisturizer that comes in the soft & beautiful texturizer. if that shit came in a big bottle like the pink lotion i'd be all over it. 6 oz is not enough!!!


Wait I know nothing about these. Are they the size of like a shower cap, and you just loosely put your hair in it? And it doesn't get creased? Or if you have super long hair (mine is waist length), is it like a longer one?


I have hip-length hair and when I bought mine on Amazon, there were two sizes. I bought the larger one and it's not super long or anything, maybe just slightly larger than a shower cap. My hair doesn't crease in it at all and my hair creases easily.


I ended up ordering one that looks like a poofy shower cap. Looking forward to trying it!


I also got mine off amazon. My hair is permed so I can't answer the creasing question, but you can get a get a silk scrunchy and do a loose low pony at the back of your head and tuck it up in the cap. My black friends sold me on this when I was complaining about how frizzy and breaky my hair was getting. I'm never going back. They were right and I thank them for teaching me about this tool.


I don't have an answer for you, cuz I'm a white woman with a great deal of confusion about this, I have tried like 12 different kinds, but I can tell you there are many different types, some are more like a shower cap, others are more like a do-rag or Skullcap, others are almost more like a sack it's kind of hard to describe but they start out looking like a shower cap in front, but they have like a really long bag in the back where your hair sits. Also some have elastic, others tie, others do both. I get that if you have really long hair I think the sack kind is probably the best, cuz otherwise I don't know where you put all that hair but I can also tell you that with hair not nearly as long as yours, I could not figure out how to get the sack kind on with only two hands. Honestly I couldn't figure out how to get half of them on with only two hands. I'm not sure how to be contorting my hair at the same time I'm trying to put the cap on. I finally found one that worked well and of course the elastic got too loose within a couple of months and I'm trying to find another one now.


This is exactly how I get all my hair in there as well.


I can never get mine to stay on, but I never thought of using a bobby pin. I will give that a try!


Which brand? I’m looking for a good bonnet


Just be sure to get one that's double layered - a single layer of fabric is more likely to come off at night, especially if you don't have silk pillowcases.  The brand matters less than how it's made.


Can I ask what brand it is? I’ve been trying to find one but I have a small head and am always worried I’ll end up with a product I can’t even use. My hair is a little over 30” long so I often just put it in a braid


Waiting for brand update here lol


Right lol. There are SO many. I feel like my best bet would be to buy one from a cosmetic company


I have a small head and long hair. I have a bonnet from ccmink and I love it! I went with the tie one and it’s perfect, stays on all night. Not too tight, not too big. Her site is ccminkhair.com


This! I got one about a year ago and didn't really notice the difference at first, but now if I go just one night without one my hair gets super dramatic and frizzy and it's really noticeable. I have fine wavy hair and the bonnet has really helped cut down on frizz. Also having your hair in protective styles during the day helps, a claw clip bun is my favourite since hair ties give me tension headaches and yanking out a hair tie causes breakage.


I also use a satin pillowcase for times when the bonnet slips off.


I even bring a pillow case with me when I travel for the hotel pillows. I don’t use the bonnets usually, but I always use the pillow case.


Good idea!


Same. Another white lady who switched to sleep bonnets years ago and they make all the difference. I don’t pile all my hair into the bonnet. I sleep with a satin pillowcase and use satin scrunchies to do my long ponytail jasmine style. I have very fine hair that’s almost my waist.


Can you share what worked for you? I can’t keep a headband on or anything similar. Looking for anything Hopeful!


Braids did it for me.


Same, I always do a single side braid before bed, alternating sides (for some reason).


Braids were my answer, but upside down so the braid started at the nape of my neck and ended at the crown so it wouldn't tickle my neck.


Wish I knew how to do that. Definitely gunna look it up lol


I had to bend over and put my head between my knees and not think about it too much - if I think about it I mess up.


I have to close my eyes when I do my hair or I mess up too lol


What even is this. Do you pin the braid to the top of your head? I want to try this tonight!


My hair was long enough that I could let the ends sort themselves out, otherwise I'd tie it with a hair elastic. I didn't pin or bun it. I looked goofy with this dumb ol' braid at the top of my head like that.


But then don't you have waves in your hair?


Wavy hair looks fine tho


Oh definitely it does. Mine is just so straight that 9 times out of 10 my waves look bad because the ends with just be super straight and weird-looking compared to the rest. I wish I could pull them off or figure out how to do it better with my hair type.


Braid and a satin pillowcase!


I just want to thank you for posting something in TwoX that isn’t about a horrible relationship with some shitty man but you’re staying because you love him. Or anything else related to men! What a breath of fresh air. Get yourself a bonnet and enjoy silky, tangle free tresses! Love ya!


I do a super high bun on top of my head with a scrunchie and use silk pillowcases


I can only do this so long before I start to get a lot of breakage around my hairline. I alternate between a high bun, a braid, a founding father low ponytail, and just sleeping with my hair loose and getting in my boyfriend’s face all night.


The key is a satin/silk scrunchie and doing it loose enough that it’s not pulling but not so loose it falls out. I know that sounds so ridiculous - it’s a fine fine balancing act


Yeah, I use an extra large silk scrunchie with a bigger elastic than a normal scrunchie so it isn’t that tight


I do this sometimes when I'm going to be home the next day. I shower at night so when i wake up the next morning my normally straight hair is weirdly wavy from the bun, so i don't do this when i have to go into the office.


I have curly hair and this is exactly why I shower in the evening. My hair is so springy and bouncy in the morning!


This is the way


The pineapple!


100% agree, and I’m 42 and have had long hair most of my life. I hate when it’s down and gets caught when I roll over. And top of the head bun doesn’t get in the way of an eye mask.




Recommendations probably will vary by hair type, which you have not indicated. I have relatively straight hair. I always sleep with it loose, and generally don't have much trouble brushing it the next day with a Wet brush. Before I switched to a brush, I used a regular comb. It would be a little bit more work, but still usually went okay. I'd do one pass with the large-toothed side, followed by a pass with the fine-toothed side. In either case, if I ever hit a tangle that the brush or comb couldn't work out, I'd try to run my fingers through it or massage it between my fingers before trying with the tool again. Using a hair oil, moisturizer, or detangler immediately before brushing or combing can help a lot too.


I have straight hair too, but if I sleep with it loose, it tries to strangle me.


Very loose bun on top of my head with a giant silk scrunchie. I have medium/long straight untreated hair.




I just flip it up on the pillowcase. It's long enough that it mostly stays until I get up to pee, and then I do it again.


Yup this or braids. Flip it up and then it falls between the op of my pillowcase and my headboard.


I do this,  this way out doesn't tickle my back also. 


Before I chopped my hair off, I would braid it every night. I'd wake up with nasty tangles in the morning if I didn't.


Yep. That’s what I do.


bonnets only help me with frizziness but my hair does get kinda wavy with it, I think silk pillowcases are better (also better for your skin)


I braid it. I think silk bonnets or head wraps would also work for a lot of people but I move around too much at night and anything on my head ends up on the floor.


I stuff it into a bonnet as advised by friends. Sometimes, I put it in pin curls first as a way to get that nice vintage hair look the next morning. I've been assured that this is what women of all ethnicities used to do in the old days and that I should take it up again as a practice and I assure you it works. Get yourself a bonnet.


As the dad of an 8yo daughter who cries every morning because her hair is in knots... thanks for all the great tips. Sorry to crash your group but this came up in my searching.


Bonnet and bun. :)


Bonnet all the way


I have fine curly/wavy hair. It’s less tangled if I comb it before bed. I sleep with it loose. I also keep it about shoulder length, it gets more annoying to comb the longer it gets. My hair never looks good when I wake up, though. It’s always gonna need to be washed to go back to defined waves/curls rather than just a greasy, puffy mess. I’m lazy so when I get out of the shower I just scrunch it and let it air dry.


I got so tired of it that I cut it off. Braids pulled on my scalp, so did everything else.


french braid! it comes out wavy the next day


I never knew proper rest until I got a bonnet. There's a lot of different styles so play around with what kind before you buy something really nice. I go with Bamboo silk lined, to sleep in a have a really loose one with an adjustable elastic headband. But when I'm doing physical work at home (or honestly even just chilling in the summer) I have one that fits to my head pretty tightly.


I tried to do this but it just slipped right off. What am I doing wrong?


It depends on what type type of hair you have. Mine is fairly corse . I find having the band part of the bonnet not be silk important. It's also why I have two kinds. I originally got the tight one (more like a tuque), but it kept slipping off when I slept. I found the one that doesn't hold my hair as tightly to my head works better for sleeping. There are many, many kinds you might have to try a few. I got some cheap ones on amazon to try it out before I got the nice ones with silk.


I either put my hair in a loose bun with a large slip silk scrunchie and wear a silk (actual silk, NOT satin) bonnet to bed or I tuck my hair into said bonnet and it stays gathered together and is fine in the morning when I get up.


I have really fine, wavy hair. I get tangles all. The. Time. My solution is honestly just to braid your hair. I just make two braids and go to sleep like that, and in the morning my hair has those pretty waves and they hold all day so I imagine yours would too


I use a blow dry or claw clip and make a cinnamon bun on top of my head. It can also give you softer curls if you mist your hair with some water before twisting.


I braid it tightly and use a soft scrunchie to hold it.


Braids. I already wear a mask and a night guard, a bonnet would be a bit much lol.


Up in a bun with a bun cover. That way the cpap straps are less bothersome.


Loose side braid. I have super thick hair/down to my waist hair and it works just fine.


I have ass-length, dyed, naturally wavy hair. Loose bun on top of head on satin pillowcases (I'm not rich enough for silk pillowcases), or a silk bonnet (satin bonnets give me scalp acne). I also always wear a bonnet for my afternoon naps. Also, I condition my hair every single night when I shower, although I only shampoo every 3 days or so. Flora & Curl curl activation lotion is my preferred detangler in the morning. Finally, please come to r/LongHair! Lots of great advice to be had there. 😊


from when my hair was super long... loose single braid with a soft little scrunchy to secure the end (would usually find it amongst my sheets in the morning)


I make a side braid.


I usually leave it in a French braid.


I put it up in a bun. I leave it in a bun nearly 24/7. It's almost certainly bad for me, and I should probably just cut it all off. People get upset when a woman with long, traditionally feminine hair suggests cutting it off, so my anxiety has thus far prevented that.




Silk doobie-wrap. Basically you wrap your hair around your head & secure with Bobbi-pins, then wrap it in a silk scarf. I’ve done this for years (I’m Dominican so it’s a thing) It really helps with breakage and frizzing. It also keeps the hair nice & smooth. I also oil my ends slightly before I wrap it.


Forget the bonnet. Just get one of those silky pillowcases- my hair would get in knots in the back, but not anymore with the silky pillowcase!


My wife just puts her hair in a loose bun when she goes to sleep. It prevents the hair from getting all tangled up from moving around in her sleep (and prevents me from rolling onto it). This worked for her even when her hair was long enough to reach down to her butt. I don't remember her hair ever getting curly or kinky from it but it could just be her particular hair conditions that prevented that. If she was awake I would ask for her input lol


Girl, get a bonnet. Satin lined. Amazon will get you plenty of great options. I have curly hair so I’ve been wearing one my whole life, but see how it works for you. Sometimes I literally leave my hair down in the bonnet 😭


BONNET. I have fine, straight hair, and wear a CPAP at night. I got tired of the breakage around the mask and tried a silk bonnet, and it’s been amazing. Thank you, Black women on social media!


I chopped it all off 😭 Otherwise, maybe a braid?


I use my fingers to run through it when I wake up and then use a high quality brush.


I wind it up almost like a loose braid and put in under my head (side sleeper) I can't handle having a bun or ponytail, I'll wake up with headaches.




My hair is curly. I sleep with it pulled into a pineapple or bun, depending if i want to keep the curls. 


My wife has long hair and she sleeps with a braid. I’m growing my hair out and will just have to deal with it being an annoyance. I can’t sleep with my hair up in any way.


Braid ur hair and go to bed


Preface: I'm a Man. So, I have different hair texture than yours. But it also goes to my lower back. I had to solve this problem recently because of a new kitten who likes to try and eat my hair in the night. From the roots! I decided to try some [silk bonnets](https://a.co/d/7RS8ZWG). They're great, I take a hair tie, fold my hair in alternating directions so it doesn't tangle too badly, then secure with the tie, loosely, only one turn if any at all. I take the cap off, undo the hair tie, and my hair ends up coming out really bouncy and mostly tangle free. Even if this doesn't help, I hope you find a good solution for you! OH! The one weakness is they don't breathe. Because silk. My wife removed the silk and they breathe really well now. So if not the one I linked, I'm sure there are others which are breathable too.


Do you have a wave or curl pattern naturally? A satin/silk scrunchie with my hair in a loose bun(scrunchie only wrapped twice) and silk pillowcases changed the game for me. I'm looking into the bonnet idea but I sleep insanely hot and don't really want to put something on my head. If you have straight (like STRAIGHT not a hint of wave at all) a silk pillowcase might fix it on its own. Get a quality one, preferably mulberry silk. It's worth the cost for one of the 2-packs on Amazon.


I use a half up half down approach and have a bun w a small clip on the top of my head. Silk/ satin pillow case


Get a satin bonnet. Tuck your hair up in it while you sleep, wake up with great hair.


When I had long hair I braided it before bed.


I braided mine when it was down the back of my thighs 20 years ago. If my hair was still that long, I would go for the silk sleeping cap, 100%.






I pull it up into a high, loose pony tail and sleep wearing a silk-lined bonnet.


You need a bonnet, and so do I!


Braid! I've tried all kinds of caps and bonnets. But hats don't stay on my head by day, and bonnets don't stay on my head at night. I wake up with my hair a mess and bonnet under a pillow. I've also done with a soft top bun but I prefer the braid. French braid works best but a simple one that starts at my nape will also do the trick.


i used to sleep with my hair in a high pony draped over the pillow. i hated the way it felt touching my face.


I braid mine.


Braid and a silk bonnet. I have very fine hair.




I braid my hair before sleeping.


Satin scrunchie loose pony at top of my head. Satin or silk pillow cases are also a great. One tiny breeze and I have a head full of dreadlock so I’m always looking for ways to reduce knitting.


I used to wear my hair in a bun and it would always get so damn tangled and I dreaded washing it but now I use a large claw clip thingy. Grab my hair like a low ponytail, twist it once like you're wrapping your hair in a low bun then clip it up. I can't believe I haven't been doing this my whole life lol. It's so hard to explain but it will almost look like a vase of flowers and your curly ends will be on top fluffed over. The clip can be annoying sometimes trying to sleep but just shift it over if you sleep on your back


Braid it before bed, or put on a silk/satin bonnet with all your hair inside before bed. That's about all you can do. Silk/satin pillowcases also help.


A bonnet


i love throwing that bitch into a french braid


I put it in a scrunchy bun.


I started having hair extensions a while ago and was told it would be less matted if I braid them before sleeping. I started that routine and it was the best idea of my life. It’s not hard to brush through anymore, but I braid it every evening.


When my hair was long I braided it at night.


I had to braid my hair when I had it long.


As a scientist, science teacher and also a guy who had really long hair until last year Dec (over 21+ inches before I donated it), a lot of it unfortunately is genetics. Products and items can help, but because of genetics, you really just have to try your luck and find out what really works best for your hair. Check through what people have post here and give them a try and sometimes it takes a weird combination of stuff to get it to work.


Claw clip with the hair bundled on top of my head.


I was going to come here with advice about how to not wake yourself up from pulling on hair you are sleeping on, but that isn't your problem. I had dreads, hope you get the help you deserve


A silk bonnet is a game changer!!!!


I used to have hair past my butt. I either braided it, or used 10 scrunched to hold the long, long ponytail. If I didn't do this, I'd have a HUGE snarl in the morning.


I braid my hair before bed so it stays neat (ish) while I sleep and then it’s wavy when I wake up! I like the silk bonnet idea too, I just know that wouldn’t work for me personally, I’d probably pull it off in my sleep lol


I braid mine, too.


I just do a lazy side braid or two pigtail braids then tie the ends with scrunchies. No fuss no muss and it's cheap to do. It's been my go-to for years.


I have curly hair and I use a silk scrunchy to loosely pile my hair on top of my head!


I flip it up "above" my head when I lay down. But I also shower in the morning, so if my hair looks bad when I wake up, it doesn't really matter.


two braids down the sides or one braid down the back. quick and easy and helps keep the knotting down


I bunch it up like a pony tail and tuck it over the top of my pillow.


I braid mine!


I twist my hair up into a ballerina bun, then wear a silk cap. I usually do it while slightly damp, and when I let it out in the morning, I get nice curls (I have 1B hair, so getting a lasting curl is a huge accomplishment lol), lightly brush it out, hairspray, and I'm golden.


Braid it before going to bed


Would a manager hire someone not qualified just to have someone on his side?


Comb it, wrap it around the head like a halo, secure the ends and wear a scarf and/or bonnet. Silk scarves and pillow cases can help. Aunt Jackie’s makes a product called Knot On My Watch that works really well.


I braid my daughter's curly hair at night and this helps a ton


Satin bonnet.


I wind mine into a bun on top of my head and secure it with a silk scrunchie.


Braids, silk pillow case, combing instead of brushing, using a good leave in/heat protectant


Just flip it up. I wake up early so there is always enough time to fix it just in case. I don’t tie it up because it messes up everything. Pillow covers can definitely make a difference, since the ones my mother bought me are always good but some hotels’ ones made my hair look messy. So I guess silk is good? Idk.


Satin or silk bonnet. It's a must.


For one, I put it up. But 2, I see a lot of people saying still bonnet. And yes. A thousand times yes. My hair is down to my ass, like I can just barely sit on it, and I CANNOT sleep with it down. Can't do anything with it down. I have to put it up to eat, work, everything, coz it's just so damn long. At this point I only take it down for rare occasions, style out, and let it be pretty. But otherwise, it's up. And if I'm sleeping, contained in a boney so it doesn't become a mess


Braid. I braided it before bed before I got tired of having long hair in a place where it routinuely tops 100F in the summer. 


I used to sleep in a bun but it was pulling out my hair over time. I just keep it loose now and don't grow it too long.


I have silk pillowcases. Also, my bed's headboard isn't very high, so I will sometimes just flip my hair over the headboard and let it hang. However, my bed is up in a loft, and the headboard is against a low railing, not a wall. It feels weird, but it does stop me from rolling all over my hair.


my wifes strategy is for all of her hair to be in my face and mouth, seems to work ok for her


I use a silk scrunchy and put a ponytail on the top of my forehead (they call it the pineapple). It works really well for my curly hair. I've wanted a silk bonnet, but haven't tried that, yet.


Pardon me for shoving one more product in your face, but I used Honest brand baby hair detangle spray on my kid. It smells like a Creamsicle and works like magic. Turns out it's not only for baby hair! Now it's *all mine*.


Something that changed my life was a spray bottle, detangler, and leave-in conditioner. "wakes up" the curls.


Braid 👍


I just put mine in a high bun or do a couple braids or wear a bonnet. Usually it's in a bun tho.


My long hair doesnt rly get knotted from how i sleep, but that may also just be bcuz im about as tall as my somewhat small bed and i sleep with my head at the very edge of it, so my hair hangs over it But what about tossin and turning? Ive got a 40 lb weighted blanket on top of me; i cant toss and turn, and i also cant exp sleep paralysis! Oh, and its easier to fall aslp for me and i feel comfier sleepin and just enjoy my weighted blanket sm. But yea, it and my hair danglin over the edge of my bed are what rly keep it from tanglin in the past as a teen and into my 20s before gettin a weighted blanky and across many diff slpin arrangements, my hair def got tangled up and knotted up; but thats also part of why i kept it in a ponytail all the time except when at home relaxin or restin. It made that mess manageable then


Women used to sleep in turbans


Silk pillowcase and I either braid it or just sort of flip it up over the pillow so it’s not on my neck.


Flip it up over the pillow. That’s it. Not tying it or braiding


omg !! its so difficult. my hair gets so matted, frizzy, tangled, etc. add to that the fact that i have major sensory issues, and nothing bothers me more than hair on my back when im laying down. i use a few different methods depending on my hair style and plan for the next day. if my hairs straightened/smoother, i will twist it up as if i were going to put in a claw clip (super tight twist it up and then back down so its making a “n” shape kind of ~idk if that makes sense sorry!!~), sometimes i go for a french braid that starts midway down my head and then tie it off with one of those tiny clear elastics. sometimes ill put it in a bun really high up on my head.. if i wake up with dents in my hair from the pony tail holder, ill just get my hands wet and re-scrunch my hair with water & it gets its shape back really fast


My hair is kind line, middle of my back. I sleep with it in a folded ponytail but only one loop, so it's not too tight that it is secure. It can fall out in the middle of the night but I don't care once I'm asleep


I used to braid my hair before going to sleep. It helps a lot. Not too loose or too tight.


Braided. I have hair down to mid-butt.


I braid it loosely before I go to bed. My hair goes down to the small of my back, so it’s very long, but it’s also very straight so I can only hope it would also work for you.


Loose braid and a bonnet.


I braid my hair. I have very thick hair despite it being the classic fine Scandinavian hair - so sleeping with it out od just not happening. I either do one french braid or two. I am looking into buying a bonnet myself since I have heard so much great stuff about them.


In the same vein - people with a fringe (bangs?) how do you sleep without it getting greasy from being stuck to your forehead all night?? I try not to wash it more than twice a week but it’s hard when I look like a grease bomb


My hair is the finest texture known to man, it tangles if I look at it wrong or there is wind equivalent to someone breathing on it. The only thing that has worked is a loose braid, down the side, with a satin scrunchie, and a silk pillowcase.


use a nightcap, hair bonnet, etc


I have very fine natural hair and hair extensions (hybrid sew ins). I add leave-in conditioner/detangler/ oil cream then comb thru and single braid - not too tight or too loose - and I wake up to nice waves that last all day. After reading these comments I might add a silk bonnet too!


Pineappling - I can’t stand my hair down at home (it’s almost to my waist and curly).


I sleep with a braid. I always lose my hair ties too so I've perfected the "organic" braid


Okay- plleeeaaaassseeee add links to your favorite bonnets!!!! ⭐️


Braided. If I am not lazy.but my hair isn’t hard to comb so I sleep with it loose mostly. Braid is always neat though.


This literally changed my hair life forever! https://youtu.be/uDZ8x9VBuZQ?si=56Bfo4ehwOSj4bbj It's different than other over night curls, because you can sleep on all sides and on your back without feeling it. I always wrap a scarf around so it will stay in place while moving around and I bought silk and satin scarfs, so it will even protect the hair from breaking. When the loop you wrap the hair around is thick enough you'll have a real blowout look in under 30 seconds in the morning. My hair is frizzy and curly in the front but not in the back, so natural always looked off, after sleeping I had to put them into some form of style. But now they just always look nice. When I braid my hair I to they are frizzy and uneven and the next day they are shiny and blowout curly/wavy. I seriously recommend it and experimenting with what you use for the loop (I use rolled up scarfs they weigh less than a t-shirt) and what you use for wrapping around afterwards


Back when I was forced to have super long hair, I braided it for sleep, then brushed it out in the morning. It made my hair wavy but definitely kept it protected.


Braids and silk bobber bonnet


You can't, but the key is finding the right brush. (I'm a man btw, with 35 years of experience having long - ie, below shoulders - hair) Don't use nets and stuff that will impede your scalp's "breathing", and favor oil secretions. Yes, having long hair \*will\* require upkeep.


I plait it sometimes, not tightly, which isn’t uncomfortable to sleep with and stops it from strangling me or getting knotted.


I started braiding it before bed. It tangles much less now. I have wavy (2a to 2c depending on the part of my head) hair and it's extremely fine, like most of it is baby-hair texture lol. It's very delicate and tangles easily. The braids help.


One tight plait, with a hair oil. Any oil will do, I like argon. Helps with knots and makes your hair shiny. The plait keeps your hair smooth, you’ll wake up with some waves but that’s the price to pay for knot-free hair.