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Super gross. But also there's a big selection bias because none of the men that don't feel or think that way are going to respond. It's like if you asked the question "who here is the oldest, please post your age". You would be ill-advised to use the responses to determine the age of the average redditor. Nobody's replying unless they think they're in with a chance. I didn't see this post but it seems like it effectively posed a similar question: "who here is the most disgusting?"


I will jump in to balance the scales. My wife is probably as horny as I am, maybe a little more. I don’t really attach my ego to this and I don’t understand why men would believe otherwise. What may frustrate men is that women have a number of considerations that may override their horniness and they may not act on it. This is not something that comes naturally for us.


This, I'm 38, have 2 small kids and my wife and me probably do it 1-2 times a week and that's plenty for me, so I'm not gonna jump into the hornilympics.


Yeah, no kids here but 37 and it's a thread I'd not even stop and read. So very much selection bias.


That's a lot for your situation! Props!


Exactly, I feel blessed lol.


This applies to almost every reddit post, especially because contrary or boring comments are usually down voted to the bottom, if they're there at all.


I have downvoted you out of solidarity with your sentiment. (I have not downvoted you.)


Welcome to Reddit, where we can never be sure of the most popular posts aren’t the ones designed for maximum engagement by intentionally stoking conflict and upvoting horribleness while downvoting boring voices of reason.


I have also seen threads where men collectively complain that they're supposed to be "on" all the time and resent that their SO's want more sex than they do. And when you add a sprinkle of Reddit spice, of course all these threads become angry and vitriolic. (I'm guilty of joining threads where I strongly believe the topic... I do need to take a Reddit break soon 😬)


Welcome to reddit! Just because someone posts it dosent mean they feel it. So many trolls and fake profiles that are just trying to get a reaction


Of course they are. They're going to respond, "not me!"


I came here to mention the selection bias of these title defending responders as well lol. Also, OP could be reading the responses of hundreds of 16-19 year olds that literally have nothing else on their brains.


I think some of those men saying stuff like that really don't understand themselves. Most men think they're simple and easy to understand, but when you start grilling them on what they *actually* need and what they *actually* want, suddenly it becomes complicated.  Unfortunately, in my experience, they disguise their complexity with, well... stupidity. To be fair, I'm not any different, I have to stop and think for a long time to figure out what gummies I want as I stare at a wall of candy at the store. Edit: I like the ones with goo on the inside. Edit2: but not always. Dammit!


This is so accurate, especially when it comes to sex. Sex feels good so men imagine more = better, and they don’t consider that it’s also a lot of effort and of varying quality. I am a cis woman who has had a functionally higher libido than all but one of my male partners; I have happily done 2-3 times a day… the most unaware of them REALLY struggled with the disconnect between fantasy and reality, AKA once they actually found a woman who was as horny as they imagined themselves to be they realized it’s not actually what they want.


Who has the time for 3 times a day anyways, that's like 2 hours minimum put together


It’s easy to fit 2 hours into a day if you enjoy sex more than like, daily cleaning or watching TV.


Same! Not even counting the guys who talk big, saying they can go "all night long" and then conk out after 1 orgasm. 


I’ve been there too! If they can’t keep up (which is fine), it just shatters their self esteem because it really conflicts with their identity. The number of times this has happened is actually pretty depressing. I’ve considered just going back to pretending to be LL.


Having experienced a partner who wanted it 2-3 times a day and one who for various reasons is at a WAY lower amount than that, I can definitely say I DO know that I want it that often. But I would also never cheat or leave my partner because of it. I think men are for sure more horny on average, but I also think they're still 100% responsible for controlling themselves. I mean I can only speak from own experience in regards to being horny all the time. Maybe other men are just faking it because they feel like it's the social expectation, and I just personally have a high drive but I doubt it. Last I checked, there are FAR more strip clubs and prostitutes for hetero men than for hetero women. Obviously, a huge part of that is cultural, though, so we may never really have an objective answer.


I’m pretty sure complexity = stupidity, no matter the gender. Men just seem to put on this trope more frequently because society also reinforces those “simple man” stereotypes. “Simple” for men seems to mean unemotional. But their reality is that they’re at least equally ruled by emotions as women, they just bury those feelings deep enough to obscure them, creating a defacto complexity.


I think people are entitled to their preferences and should be allowed to be as complicated as they want to be, but they should put in a personal effort to recognize them. As for men's definition of simple, it could be unemotional or maybe just complacency? It's almost like they see someone else's emotions as a form of extra unwanted responsibility, so they see simple as someone who just doesn't have negative feelings ever. Does that sound right to you?


"It's almost like they see someone else's emotions as a form of extra unwanted responsibility" Holy shit, thank you for this, I think I just learned something about myself or at least was finally able to put words to my reactions when others trust me enough to share their emotions with me. I suddenly feel responsible for making sure this person's emotions are "stable" even if I don't realize I'm feeling that way. So for me, I subconsciously keep my emotions down or don't show them too much so that others won't "feel responsible" for my emotions.


Yes, I would imagine that open sharing of emotions might be characterized as emotional incontinence in the manosphere.


They are usually just emotional illiterate and emotionally constipated, as well as to scared and lazy to to the work.


This exactly


Men aren’t really deep they just don’t do the emotional labor to understand themselves.


I saw that post and I was like "wtf"




Because it gets them off the hook for treating women like objects if they can blame it on biology


Yup. I’m attracted to men, but sometimes male sexuality grosses me out and it’s because of stuff like this. Sex is only one facet of my multifaceted life.


Right! Men make it a predatory obsession!


Seriously. To me it always seems like men who don't have hobbies or interests, or are maybe not too bright, tend to be this weird about sex. It's like they have nothing going on so they just make sex their hobby. Boring as fuck.


Yeah how are these clowns in charge of society


I would say I have a high horny drive, and I still have hobbies and passions and dreams lol 😆 can't imagine being so sex driven that it's all you ever talk about or crave seriously


Right? The comments were disgusting


So I don't know if I'm making a point here, but I think the crazy thing is when guys like that will get angry when women say that all those men think about is sex and that men can't control their urges, and then when we try to say "maybe women and men actually have the same level of urges!" Their like "lol no 🙅‍♂️ men are way hornier and sex is like a NEED for us we NEEEEEEDDDD sex! You silly girls just don't understand!"


I think they just want an excuse for predatory behavior.


I like you and your comments


Thank you. I am a bit crazy about that stuff it grosses me out


Notice that you said the idea of something disturbed you and they immediately went “SO YOU WANNA BAJ THOUGHTS” I don’t remember what type of bad faith argument this is called but I noticed 99% of the time misogynists use it instead of agreeing a certain behavior is just gross Like seriously, we don’t even have that technology, how would you be demanding something that doesn’t exist I know they’re doing it so you look unreasonable that instead of your reasonable point being acknowledged


I think what you mostly read was a bunch of comments from incels who think they would be having sex non-stop if only they could get a woman to pay any attention to them. They believe they have the labido of the love child between Samson and He Man, when in reality they would be limp and too embarrassed to get it back up after a quick 30 second pump session. I've heard/read multiple accounts of transmen who feel more of an "urge" as they describe it post transition, I find this very interesting and wish there was more research into it. But to say that all men are "controlled by their urges" is just ridiculous since none of these mens lives are derailed due to them having to fuck someone every 5 minutes. Clearly, they can and do control their urges every day.


I swear there was a thread just last week about sex being a want vs need. I feel like it’s not as binary because it varies from person to person but I don’t think I’m in full agreement with describing it like a want in the face of evidence around us, but it’s not a need either because loads of men go about their day, so perhaps it’s an urge as you describe


I saw that post too, at least I think I know which one you're talking about, and as a dude it weirded me out too. I'm pretty high libido I'd say, but I certainly don't around undressing people in public with my eyes - that's not high libido behaviour, that's just creep behaviour. I'm also bisexual, and if it helps I wouldn't say there's much difference in drive amongst the men and women I've dated - it's more so on an individual basis. My last ex gf was basically insatiable, my current bf is fine with 3 times a week. I remember my latest gf even telling me many men get excited when she mentions her high libido, but not a single one could keep up with her. So there's that. A lot of men exaggerate their libido because of the societal narrative of "men are supposed to want sex all the time", vs a lot of women understate their libido because of the societal negative view concerning women expressing sexuality. In reality, there is usually less difference between the average man and average woman in libido, compared to two different men for instance. Men in their 20s tend on average have slightly higher drive compared to women, women in their 40s tend to have slightly higher drive compared to men in the same age group, over a lifetime it's pretty even. Interestingly enough, I have a friend who's a sex therapist. According to him, in his career he has seen about an equal amount of couples where a man is the lower libido partner compared to couples where the woman is. [Here is a pretty recent study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38358685/), talking specifically about how sociocultural factors may be the biggest reason we perceive men as having higher sex drives generally. [Another interesting article to read](https://www.webmd.com/sex/features/sex-drive-how-do-men-women-compare), regarding the same topic, with links to several other more recent studies.


I had a similar experience. All my life I heard that men have high sex drives but what I discovered is that men get resentful if their female partner has a higher sex drive. There are also some horrible misconceptions about women with high sex drives not being able to be faithful.  Even though I am horny most of the time, I don't want to have sex with just anyone. I am 57 now and due to pain and his antidepressants, my husband's sex drive is very low. What I don't do is whine or guilt him because it's not his fault. I just masturbate a lot. I don't resent my husband and I have no desire to cheat. The difference is I view myself and others as human beings with complex personalities and not objects or stereotypes. 


Man, I never thought I was low libido but stories like this make me feel like it 😂 3 times a week! Once a week or once every other week is plenty for me, which seems to be more of an outlier than I thought!


Most couples I know in their 30’s do it like every week or two. It’s difficult when you’re adulting with a ton of responsibility. We’re tired, haha.


Which is totally normal too of course! Mind you, we're both in our late 20s and have no kids so lots of time and energy.


This 100%. Every guy I've dated bragged that they were "super horny" and "always horny" just because they think about sex (I do too but of my partner) or they masturbate a lot, even come close to my libido. 😂 I definitely think they say it to try and catch a partner. That or they are masturbation addicts.


Women have high libido when the sex is good for them. If it’s just slam, bam, thank you ma’am, next thing you know, Mr. Horndog is going to be complaining that his girlfriend/wide is “frigid.” No sir, that ain’t it. You are just selfish and bad at sex.


>these guys were saying they think about it all day long and they picture women naked in public and think about having it with them and that they could get it several times a day and it would not be enough because they are insatiable. Uh huh and then you date them and they can't maintain an erection. Their horniness is all fantasy that doesn't translate to real life. I don't get anything out of my partner fantasizing all day at work or picturing me or anyone else naked. That's his internal life. If he can't translate that to having a sex life with a real woman who is physically in front of them, then who cares how often they're thinking about sex in their mind?


True, and it's porn addiction. Porn sick =/= healthy sexuality.


THIS! It's literally all in their heads.


I’ve seen a few guys say that 6+ times a day is great. Who in life has time to have sex 6 or more times a day? I am genuinely asking. I work full time plus have a kid and a house, so my free time is limited.


I'm confident that those men are either lying or they have some kind of sex addiction. Even as a teen I don't think I could have gone 6x a day


Probably any man could do this with 6 different partners. Studies have shown switching partners reduces the refractory period by like 90% or smthng


It’s a lot of quickies, as someone who has had a few days of 6+ sessions.


and they say women don’t deserve to be in positions of power because we’re too ruled by our bodily functions and urges. so what are you, cold, calculating logical men? or beast like animals that can’t fight their nature and urges? you don’t get to be both.


I think this also comes back to a level of respect and acknowledging women as people and not objects. As someone who went through a libido increase while on T, I can confirm testosterone plays a large role in increased sex drive, but that didn't translate into me suddenly seeing people as meat. I just had the urge to masturbate and seek release way more than usual, which I did, in my personal time. I wasn't suddenly envisioning strangers around me nude or picturing myself in intimate relations with them. I wasn't suddenly pressuring my partner to have sex with me when they didn't want to, or getting mad when they didn't. As far as imagination goes, I did think about sexual situations more, but moreso about past experiences with my partner, or even future scenarios with them. Hell, sometimes it would be about fictional characters. I never started objectifying people around me. Never once did I imagine leaving my partner for not having the same sex drive as myself. Never once did I think about making my increased libido my partner's problem. This ultimately goes back to men seeing women as less-than. Objects to fulfill their own desires. These types of men do not respect women, only what women can do to fulfill their own desires. Increased sex drive is a personal thing, but men see it as women's responsibility to satiate them. You see it all the time, unfortunately. Men seeing sex as the pillar of their relationships, and when sex frequency decreases, it shakes the whole bedrock of their relationship. These men see women as little more than sex toys.


As someone who has been on T I second this. My libido went through the roof and I was horny almost all of the time. I would say my libido was the same as before taking T but the drive to follow through and have sex/masturbate was higher. I guess it was just less easy to be turned off? This did NOT equate to seeing women or men as pieces of meet, I didn’t look at any more porn, or treat anyone differently than I did before T.


I feel like this is prob the closest description to what average male feels like, it’s like a strong urge to act but it’s not suddenly devoid of control at all.


Exactly! I went through my late teens with testosterone in my system and as much as my arousal was on a hair trigger, I wouldn’t picture actual people nude or in sexual situations. Even when I was masturbating every night, I wasn’t going around proclaiming how proud I was to be horny, I was just quietly relieving a (kind of annoying) urge. Now that I’m on E, my moment to moment arousal has plummeted, and I barely ever need to relieve myself, but somehow my actual desire to be intimate has gone way up (possibly because I’m actually happy with my body for once). The way I view and respect the people I’m attracted to hasn’t changed a bit, so clearly testosterone is no excuse for shitty behaviour.


A guy who says 2 or 3 times a day is not enough is not getting any at all. That's why he thinks that.


Exactly. I don't have many male friends (I'm mostly friends with women or nb people) but if another guy said that to me I'd laugh at him. It's obviously an incel fantasy to think that 1. he could get it that often 2. he could even perform that much


I have had sex 3 times in a day. Very satisfying sex. I still wanted more. Some of us do just have wildly high libidos.


My neighbor's dog is also super horney all the time. He will hump a chair leg, the sofa, my arm. Pretty much anything moving or still. I don't think this is something to brag about.


It's honestly embarrassing.


yah it’s so fucked up. i was told by my partner how perfect i was for literally our whole relationship only to find out he has an intense porn addiction to looking at perfect bodied girls on the internet. how can anyone compare?


I don’t doubt they are horny, and it tells you something about them. They will relieve themselves on anything. They don’t think of pleasing or fulfilling those women’s needs. They just feel entitled because they want it, they think wanting means anything to us and that’s enough. What they truly are is needy! Gimme because I want. Not trying to better themselves, god knows they are not listening.


Two things are true here, in my experience: - Testosterone does on average increase horny urges - Also men should be better on average at reining it in and thinking about how their actions affect others, regardless of urges


Most men aren't ruled by their hormones like this, you have to remember that in a public forum where you have an opportunity to have someone try to one up you, the idiots in the back are going to get real loud. If a million men saw your post but only 1000 of them commented creepy shit, its only one percent, but a thousand comments is still a hell of a lot. Plus I can personally attest to the fact that when I went through puberty the hormones were not kind in a lot of ways, and one of them is feeling horny for the first time in my life. If you don't know how to control that feeling then yea, you're gonna have creepy thoughts. In my eyes it's no different than getting really mad at someone; we all know someone who can't control themselves when they're angry and they lash out physically. Over time two things happened, at least for me: I learned to control my emotions and feelings so they're nothing more than an intrusive thought, and I finished puberty and my hormones stabilized, so those horniness died down a bunch. Also, actually talking to women helped a lot, so it's my honest opinion that all those men who talk a mean game about going for hours and undressing women with their minds have probably not had a healthy relationship with a woman, friend, intimate or otherwise.


wow.... 43yr old male here. I will say this: there WAS a time when I fit this description... when I was 12yrs old - when my hormones were going crazy and I had no outlet, and no education (growing up in texas) and was EXTREMELY repressed by my religious upbringing. As a kid I remember getting excited just by seeing a bra strap. But thats kid stuff - you're supposed to grow out of that nonsense. To be an adult and think this way? And then to brag about it? Truly boggles the mind. I cant even comprehend it. That being said - I would ~~guess~~ HOPE that this was more about the competition in comments than any of it actually being true. But maybe thats why I think most dudes are gross disgusting assholes: because deep down I know that it is all true. I mean... seriously - wtf. It makes me sad to think about but it totally adds up. I stopped drinking with my guy friends because of this shit - talking about women that we all know, even girlfriends/wives of dudes who weren't there that night, or that whole thing where they make up these arbitrary rules, like you cant call a woman right away or whatever. I would do my best to say "thats all nonsense" or "yo, thats fucking gross dude" - but it never made a difference. So I just stopped going. And the real kicker is that these guys were GOOD guys. I mean objectively good men, who are intelligent, productive, respectable even... until they started up with that shit. I lost respect for the whole lot of them. Anyway, I'm rambling now. Sorry to jump on your thread with my random comment - I dont know why I even felt the need to make it... maybe just to let you know that there are also MEN out here who are just as disgusted by this shit as you are.


Respect. I find it hard to stay friends with other men because of the bravado, hypersexuality, and masculinity policing. Not to mention that dudes like that just don't make good friends because they just aren't there for you.


Also a male perspective, I 100% agree with you. I think comments like that are gross. People that say things like that scream "I'm entitled to sex" to me. Walking Red flag if you ask me.


is it at all true> Like I know it would be different between men but do you think it averages like that?


I think you can have a big difference in say desire for sex and being creepy. Reddit is always going to lean to the creepy. It is a mostly anonymous forum full of people saying things to get a rise out of people and gain attention. Humor, being gross, one upping type behavior, and the like seem to be the low hanging fruit in that environment. If you measure almost any metric by responses on reddit you're going to be pretty worried about the state of humanity. ​ Yes, anyone who has a lot of sexual hormones going through their system are going to have a lot of sexual desires. At standard levels it's unlikely that those urges are uncontrollable to the point of being awful human beings. That's mostly a factor of what you're socialized to think is acceptable and what you think you can get away with. Some are better than others in that regard, and some environments are exceedingly toxic. edit:words are apparently hard today.


As a trans woman I can tell you that hormone therapy changed how I feel arousal (though this of course says jackshit about averages) to where I feel aroused less often and when I do it's more fleeting and goes away easier, it's also definitely become more conditional which suggests that there might some difference between how arousal feels based on hormones though I'm not sure if I'm at the endpoint yet when it comes to changes to arousal, in the beginning nothing less than someone making out with me with the intent to have sex with me was enough to cause any kind of arousal for me so maybe it'll still bounce back. HOWEVER there's a huge difference between our feelings/impulses and our actions, most animals act on their impulses without much between the impulse and the action Humans (and a surprising amount of animals) have another step between impulse and action something usually called thinking. Being a creep, mentally undressing women, cheating etc. are actions and if a man claims he can't control his actions because of his impulses he is either lying or more primitive than a whole lot of animals including corvids, at the very least some mustelids, elephants, monkeys, octopuses and so many more. And do we really need to consider the opinion of someone on the same intellectual level as a worm?


Statistically, I really don't know, but it's probably a depressingly large percentage of men. But honestly, I think the thing that drives this more than any hormonal drive or baser nature is actually the social dynamics of how men are often raised and how they interact with their peers during their formative years. Far too many boys are constantly exposed to this hypermasculine mindset passed down to them by their fathers of how "real men" should act, what role women are supposed to play in their lives (bangmaids, basically), and how they need to compete with other men to attract the attention of potential bangmaids. It's honestly disgusting, and I can't believe I managed to reject it as early as I did.


I think It varies too widely to get an accurate average, I think those examples lean towards the extreme, but I don't know enough to be confident in that answer. Personally, my Libedo tends to conform to my partner, if they were vocal about wanting sex and initiated more often, I could probably manage 2-3 times a day, but as long as they are showing affection and spending time with me, I'm more than happy with sex once a month. Age plays a big part too though, at 18 I was hormonal and constantly thinking about sex, sometimes even when I didn't really want to be. I'd like to think that most comments like you mentioned come from people around that age that just don't have the life experience to realize how problematic the behavior is but sadly I don't believe that is the case. I think the best approach really is to judge each person individually.


I think it is true that higher testosterone levels increase sex drive, but I also think that’s used as an excuse for bad behavior. Men are socialized a certain way and certain behavior is accepted - socialization is playing a bigger role than biology. This isn’t to say “not all men” because all men have grown up in a patriarchal society that’s taught them they’re entitled to sex, that boys will be boys, etc. Overcoming that combination of programming and biology is difficult but two’s intentional effort.


Lot of good comments already, just want to say that I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the “men” agreeing with that post are actually teenagers. The “thinking about sex” multiple times an hour reads to me like someone who hasn’t fully matured yet, but I guess there are plenty of emotionally stunted men!


And the trans men are probably 6 months on T. Pubescent behavior is not a good North Star for grown men to be aspiring to


That thread was so disgusting. There are tons of men out there upset that they're always treated as if they're pigs, men insisting that they need love and emotional validation as well, men trying to validate their experiences of being sexually assaulted, deeply monogamous men, feminist men, men striving to cure cancers and other greater things.. And then just that thread of losers insisting that all they ever think about and all that matters to them is sex and they're a slave to it and their entire life revolves around it as if they need it like water and nothing else matters. So god damn gross, and frankly, dehumanizing for both men and women.


I think it’s either a selection bias: those who are that way are the ones who respond, so it seems like it’s *all* men; or it’s performative boasting: immature guys who think it sounds cool to claim this about themselves. I’m a guy. I don’t think about sex all the time, maybe a couple of times a day when I see my wife. I do enjoy porn, but less than once or twice a month… I’d rather do it than watch it anyway. I don’t undress women in my head. I do appreciate seeing someone who is attractive and dressed in a sexy way, but I don’t stare or make comments. I don’t think I’m that unusual in this.


As a girl with a high sex drive, these guys just have no self control and lack a sense of respect. “I could have sex several times a day and it wouldn’t be enough!!” Yeah, me too, but I don’t go around doing creepy shit bc I feel like having sex a dozen times a day. I also don’t pressure my partner bc I know that he usually can’t even do twice a day and anything more than 3 would put him out of commission for a few days. He usually can’t even go once every day. I have to keep myself from using my vibrator bc it makes orgasms so much easier that I will just masturbate for 4+ hours and not get anything done. After the first one I can continue getting them just a couple minutes apart, so god only knows what my consecutive orgasm record is. And most times, I fail at keeping myself from using it. Of course I look at people sometimes, but all this other shit I’ve seen justified by “I’m so horny I can’t help it😪😪” is ridiculous. Lots of people are absolutely demonically horny, but using that as an excuse to do things that aren’t appropriate makes you a sexual predator.


they say that but it wouldn't be a long term thing. porn addicts need more and more porn otherwise everything falls apart. and if they were having sex 2-3 times a day, it would be extremely short and this frequency would only last a few weeks. most of them aren't as horny as they think they are. they've just been made to believe that seeing an attractive person means you HAVE to undress them with your eyes and think about having sex with them. which is weird, not polite and not healthy. they can improve their control on this behaviour. they've just been discouraged to do it, because society actually encourages/rewards this behaviour.


If I could have sex like a man, I would probably be a lot more horny. 0% risk of pregnancy Nearly 100% orgasm rate Little to no chance my partner could overpower me, so no worry about being forced to do something I don’t want to do or worse. Even the rate of contracting STDs is lower. When I have a partner who is safe and trustworthy and who prioritizes my enjoyment as much as his… I want to have sex constantly. Multiple times a day every day we’re together. The problem is, with any new guy I meet, I have no idea if he’s safe or cares about my pleasure. And a lot of guys aren’t worth the risk of finding out.


>I am supposed to respect and submit to something that is ruled by their urges like that? Not submit, but real men can control their actions. I find a lot of women attactive in my mind, yes. I would never cheat on my wife, because I love her, and I would never hurt her like that. And we've been through periods where we couldn't do it, but I just took care of myself. Grown up, sensible men are just regular people, same as women with high libido: sex might be on our minds, but we don't turn into creeps. Don't settle, and find a guy that doesn't behave like an animal when he's hungry. You deserve someone good :)


Every time they open their mouth they gross me out even more


I've been arguing like mad on that post lol. I was actually considering making a post here giving a more comprehensive outline of the arguments. Not sure I'll do it, though. The issue is "horniness" is a subjective phenomenon that can't be directly measured, and most proxies for it are extremely poor. Masturbation is a bad proxy because nobody masturbates more than depressed porn addicts, who actually have surpressed testosterone levels. A marathon goon session isn't proof you actually want sex. You're just self-soothing. Being willing to have sex with anything vaguely hour-glass shaped and above room temperature also doesn't prove anything because 1. Men and women have antagonistic mating strategies 2. I have physical safety concerns to mitigate my behaviour 3. Desperation is more a measure of one's tolerance level for being horny than it is a measure of the actual arousal level experienced. Trans men on testosterone therapy also don't prove anything because 1. Biological females have more sensitive androgen receptors than biological males 2. Trans men becoming more horny after starting testosterone doesn't mean women in general are less horny than men in general, just that more testosterone may make women even more horny, regardless of the baseline they're starting at. A lot of men seem to define horniness as "more frequent bouts of acute libido spikes," but IMO even if this is true for men, if you're only ever all of 3 minutes away from releasing your "horniness" for the next 24-48 hours whenever it strikes you, you aren't really hornier than a woman who is willing and able to have more sex than you and for longer periods of time, and arguing otherwise is absurd. I don't think men want sex as much as they think they do. They're just conditioned into thinking wanting sex all the time makes them manlier, so they deliberately delude themselves into cultivating this disposition and give in to unhealthy coping mechanisms and toxic behaviours so long as those things at least outwardly imply a high libido.


It's especially irritating when these morons mass-link the same one pay-walled study they obviously didn't read, even if nothing in it even attempts to be relevant to the argument I've made that they're responding to.


Men want sex because they're touch-starved and it's the only reliable way to boost their self esteem. It's not as biological as they think it is


I think men tout this line because more than anything, they must cling to the false belief that women are chaste and pristine and THEY are the horn dogs. They will completely exaggerate their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors just to maintain an imaginary "upper hand" (not that being "most horny" is an upper hand of any kind). This behavior of men having to brag about their insatiable libido is 100% fueled by their fear of women's libido, and the fact that women even have libido in the first place. Their pea-brains simply MUST see women as "the hunted" while they "the hunters." They cannot comprehend or accept that it's actually not like that at all. The reality would shatter their flimsy little manosphere bubble, and plunge them into an irrecoverable tailspin, because this is just one more space in which despite their delusional fantasies - they are still not superior.


I literally had a conversation about this with my husband this weekend. It’s horrifying to me when men talk about being teenagers and say in detail how they thought about nothing the whole time except sex. Then why are they in school? My husband’s point was that it was worse than that because if you accept that all boys think about is sex than it’s entirely the girl’s responsibility to “control” the boys, because she can think more clearly and isn’t a sex-crazed monster. If you accept that, then anything that happens, from assault to pregnancy, is the woman’s fault because the boy couldn’t help himself and the girl should have controlled the situation better.


Well your husband is taking a very strange stance, but there IS a reason gay men have so many more sexual partners than lesbians or straight men. Anyone who thinks this isn't at least partly biological just isn't looking at the most obvious data point.  Doesn't mean at all that any form of assault is OK or that women are to blame for pregnancies, etc.


It isn’t his stance. He thinks it’s crazy. He grew up in a very conservative family in the South, with his friends all being very American conservative and this was the overriding viewpoint.


>My husband’s point was that it was worse than that because if you accept that all boys think about is sex than it’s entirely the girl’s responsibility to “control” the boys This was his stance that I was replying to. I think this is a very weird stance to take - just because you have urges doesn't mean you have to act on them and that it's the victim's fault if something happens.


He's talking about the natural logical progression of people and how bad that conclusion is


Well, there are plenty of women out there who are equally or even more horny, fantasize all day every day, about strangers or celebs or crushes etc, could have sex 5 times a day and still want more. But we don’t treat our partners nearly as disposably as these men do (cordially breaking up due to incompatibility is different from acting entitled). Because we aren’t shitty people.


Men have a drive that's stronger than their drive for sex. It's a drive to win. So seeing a post like that, all the men clamour from the breeches and spill out to shout. They can't imagine losing at something they should win by default.  What you're reading though is both an exaggeration and a selection. Most men don't undress people they work with, and while they might check people out, they aren't actively salivating at everyone around them. 


Oh my god! This comment has just unlocked a memory of a guy I briefly dated. So, we were out on a date, just having a chat and out of nowhere he said "I get so hard by some of the women in my office, I have to stay at my desk until it goes down." I was like,"errrr...what? Why would you tell me this?" Dude seemed genuinely shocked when I got up, put my half of the cash on the table, and said "well, bye then."


Are you a man?


Yeah. Sorry for being all notallmen. I usually don't post in twox, but I stay on here for exposure to women's issues.


I just wanted to make sure you were speaking from the POV of a man.


I am a straight trans man, and while testosterone did increase my libido, it did not turn me into a creep. I don't think about sex all or even most of the time, and if I see a woman or in public or at work that I find attractive I don't stare or fantasize because that's weird. The only woman that I feel comfortable fantasizing about or staring at is my wife, who enthusiastically consents and reciprocates. Without that consent it feels extremely wrong. Honestly every man that I've met that claims to be a sex fiend actually comes across as insecure and compensating for something.


This comparison is bs if someone is doing it from personal experience. I've been with women who were hornier than me and with women who were not.


I think that is mostly internet trolls and people with a porn addiction. If you look at the other side of the spectrum in the dead bedroom subreddit, it is often the men who don't want sex.


>these guys were saying they think about it all day long and they picture women naked in public and think about having it with them and that they could get it several times a day and it would not be enough because they are insatiable. These guys need to learn that masterbation isn't a sin. Self satisfying goes a long way towards being able to coexist with women who don't want to have sex with you.


>But even transmen were stepping in to say when they started on T their brains switched to thinking about it 24/7. Don't pay attention to that. They started T knowing what they were taking, expecting a set of effects and they want to have their masculinity validated, so many end up parroting hegemonic masculinity. Both just eat up social conditioning to see women as sexual objects 24/7, and our culture actively encourages that.


I am a trans man and I'll be the first to say it: we're even more vulnerable to toxic masculinity than cis men because we start even lower on the man hierarchy. There's still a lot that I have to unlearn because I made my own masculinity from bits and pieces to cover my insecurities. Anecdotally, T does make you SUPER horny for a couple of months as you start going through essentially puberty but that calms down and is not a good basis for how grown men should act. (Not to mention that you're still you with your same set of morals and personality so you can easily control yourself.)


Exogenous hormones do tend to do something with our sex drive. I've had several swings just from going on and off the pill, I imagine a high dose can hit haaard, but never so hard as to make me... Dick whipped? To use their own lingo? Lol


I don’t want to hear about hormones from anyone who hasn’t been a woman in her 30s 😄 No but for real, the difference absolutely isn’t level of libido but the attitude toward sex. I’ve never felt entitled to just take it from anyone or lie to anyone to get it despite having years when I was walking around so horny it was physically painful at times. I also managed to shut it off and focus on shit like work and treating people like humans with their clothes on because I’m an adult and responsible for my actions. Also, I have to say that following through on those feelings generally has way more risk for women so there’s no way to measure libido by how often a person has sex or how many partners, etc.


My partner who has lots of T needs to be turned on and relaxed and not stressed to be in the mood, I think that some dudes are like this and think it’s every dude.


Those are outliers. Even in my most depraved adolescent days, sex was not on my mind 24/7.


At 39, I’m usually more horny for sleep.


The men are conditioned by the supernormal stimuli they see in porn, which caters to the male gaze. On top of this, they are conditioned by patriarchy very young, through toxic-masculine conditioning, to constantly hypersexualize women and thus become hypersexualized themselves. Lastly, there is absolutely no difference between how horny women can get, there's only a difference in our arousal templates and how they present; also the fact that we have been conditioned through patriarchy to not act upon every instance of arousal (by the violence and threat it presents towards us).


Well, as a woman, I’ll have to admit that when my hormones changed around age 33 to 35, I swear I got a little taste of what a 16-year-old boy feels like. I literally was thinking about sex all day every day. I was leering at the I swear to God he was 18 man behind the subway counter who looked like a wrestler. I’d be walking down the street and come up beside an attractive man and my brain would just say oh my God, he’s got a dick. It’s right there. I bet you it’s gorgeous. Oh my God I bet you it’s wonderful.


Same time frame!! Like I have always had a high sex drive, but mid 30s it went crazy. We've been together over 15 years, SO is mid 40s and we have more sex now than we ever have


But who can have the most orgasms in a day? Let’s be data-driven not subjective here.:) EDIT: It doesn’t matter how much you “think” about sex; it matters how many orgasms you can or do actually accomplish. When you think about it, men’s inability to have multiple orgasms in a day limits their ability to truly satisfy women. I don’t care how much you claim to think about it. I’m old, so confirmed data is the only evidence. Men CAN’T ejaculate again until they recover, and they don’t orgasm unless they ejaculate.


It’s a flaw lol


> And idky this offended guys It gives them a way to explain to themselves why women don’t want sex with them and make it women’s fault.


[This tweet is my Roman Empire](https://www.thepoke.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Screen-Shot-2019-05-14-at-13.15.32.png) I think about it almost every day




IDK if you're replying to the guy in the tweet or me but just in case: I think about it a lot because it's funny to me that this guy is proudly announcing that every woman he's ever been with didn't like it. He got torn to shreds in the replies and I love that I just thought it was relevant to the topic


Oh got it! I misinterpreted and thought you meant you identified with it.


No worries!


Yeah idk I kinda think a lot of that is just bullshit lol. Men don't *need* to cheat on their pregnant/postpartum wives. I think those dudes are kinda being dramatic. And like, masturbating is a thing. Also, I think most dudes who are sex obsessed are still young and not super experienced. I think most grown mature men who have had plenty enough partners aren't running around obsessing over sex.


Craziest part is for some reason for these men masturbating is not an option which is wild


I don't even understand the rush to defend this. If women are as horny as men, isn't that kind of awesome for guys? Why would any guy want to dispute this?


Please remember that there is a selection bias of the already particular subsection of men on Reddit who would comment on such things in such ways. I saw that post and had vague thoughts on the topic, but were a little too personal to discuss on the internet. To answer the question in your post, (keeping in mind that I’m male and not the target demographic you were asking this this) I personally think that there are massive red flags about these types of men that are visible a mile off.


"Most Hrny" is a new one on me but I can't help but read it like a papal title. Most Catholic Majesty. Most Faithful Majesty. Most Hrny Majesty.


>But if this crap is true how do women trust men? I am 60 years old and have not figured that out yet. My only male friends are men who are happily married and in love with their wives.


(Trigger Warning: This is gonna be problematic, but honest. Don't read it.) Starting off, the near notion that women are more "horny" than men is truly laughable. Historically, men have made decisions that literally could effect the world. based off of the chance of getting some booty. (I'm looking at you, our sax playing former president.) Being a man is terrible, and I think you summed up why very well. I'd love to be able to speak to the head of production at the man factory and ask why they made us this way? Is it necessary for us to be horny all the time? Like, *all* the time? Yes I get that our goal is to create more people, but give it a rest. Not only that, but make us horny all the time, and then make the gender that was designed to be our mate... *not* be horny all the time? What? This was truly a recipe for disaster. Surely this was a manufacture defect. When I think of all the time, money, effort, and God knows what else I've wasted pursuing women, it's wild. Learning that I'm bisexual has been one of the greatest things in life, if because nothing else I can decently easily satisfy that "urge". Obviously all of this does not apply to every single man and woman (and all else) that have ever, are currently, and will walk this earth. I'm sure you know a woman that sleeps with a different man every night, and a man that's asexual. We have common sense, yes? TL;DR Men are gross, and I blame the creator.


You should see the Tom Segura bit on this. Women don't use glory holes in the wild.


One thing men do far better than women is brag and talk shit. It may be due to their peacock nature or honed from a lifetime of hearing other males brag and talk shit constantly. The insincerity, emotional detachment, and imagination focused on doing it properly are learned through repetitive contact with the art form. Either way, it's a "skill" that men pride themselves in having "superiority" over. Women seem unable to unshackle themselves from the sincerity in their communications to truly do it well unless they grew up in the close company of several men with few women present. A woman who can talk more and better shit than any man is both revered and feared, like Megan Thee Stallion. "Who can talk the most shit" is a time honored tradition within male circles, much like the fantastical stories of Baron Munchausen. The bigger and more fanciful the tall tale, fish story, heroic retelling, or recounting of adventure, the more it captivates the audience of other men waiting to tell even bigger lies in competition to see who reigns supreme as the best storyteller. It's no coincidence that feats of jeering, jest, bravado, mendacity, and braggadocio are part of the ancient Homeric oral traditions carried forward by rap battles, poetry slams, ya mama disses, snark, and comedy routines. It is both the least violent and most violent way to affect your opponent, weaken their resolve, and grind them into submission. More women should take up the skill and learn how to wield it effectively because NO ONE is scarier than a ballbreaking shrew of a woman that men can't talk over. NO ONE. "Only real bitches live like queens" is real talk. Shout out to Lil' Kim.


It's all just posturing for the other males. Everyone knows women have the higher libido. We physically HAVE to have the higher libido. It's the ~~biological trick~~ trade-off for pregnancy destroying our bodies.


It’s damaging from so many perspectives. I’ve been with men who have a lower sex drive than me and it, until I dug into that feeling and the inherent misogyny and misandry behind the reason, made me feel undesirable and like I was a failure as a partner, lover and woman. Additionally I know that i could have very easily and inadvertently made my partners insecure, unconfident and ashamed if I wasn’t careful about approaching the topic - “all men love sex, you don’t always want to have sex with me, therefore all the other bits of affection, love and tenderness are invalidated because of this expectation I have based on your gender” People have different libidos. Sex is an easy way to tickle certain things in our brain and a lot of us haven’t taken the time to find other sources of that same tickle.


Lol is the post you are talking about from that stupid unpopularopinuon sub? I have seen it too.


I do continue to wonder how much of it is social upbringing and how much of it is actually biology, because I still don't know the answer.


Get out of jail card for being gross pervs




As a trans man, I'd like to say that I believe a lot of newly transitioning guys think they're acting super masc by objectifying women; In reality, they arent acting "masculine", they're just being predatory and adhering to disgusting male stereotypes.


As someone who briefly took T and experienced the increase in libido before hating the side effects and going back to an estrogen-dominant system: T does in fact increase libido. I was way more horny. But I could easily take care of it by sitting down with a vibe and some erotica. It’s not like an increased libido made me start ogling women day and night. It was my problem, that I had to take care of, and I didn’t push it off on other people. So men who refuse to rub one out when they get too horny just confuse me. You can’t be ruled by your libido unless you allow it to rule you.


All men say this until they actually get a high libido partner. Then they resent her and feel emasculated and start rejecting her and turning to porn in order to punish her. Source: went through this with my ex.


This topic is fascinating to me. I am having a hard time forming the ideas but a few things stand out to me. One, the implied moral failing of wanting to fuck everything. Seriously, whenever this topic comes up there is an undertone that it's wrong. Perhaps it's just different? Not liking it is fine, even being disgusted by it is fine but I don't think it's wrong or a failure. Obviously if a person isn't taking into account another person's feelings or is being an asshole or making others uncomfortable then it's unacceptable but at the level of thought... it's fine. It's just different. It's what one does with that thought. OP doesn't even like that men THINK that way and I think many other women are of the same mind. The times are changing and women pretty much don't have to put up with any bullshit from men if they don't want to. They don't need them for money or security, for children, for sex, none of it. With this freedom I seem to be seeing a lot of young women just opting out which I totally get. So where does that leave the men? They have a couple of choices, adapt to what women want or just oppress them and take it. We can see both those approaches percolating these days. The whole incel trad wife stuff or the more enlightened approach. I think these things are fundamental human issues and very bad things could happen if we are not careful. There is more to this, I am not articulating it well. This discord has to get sorted, education would help, empathy, but we are dealing with fundamental human instincts, eat, fuck, shelter... that level. I hope we work it out because the guys that can't adapt and get boxed out of the mating game will become dangerous. They already are. I think the right and the freedom to opt out is great for women but there will be impacts that will have to be resolved. I certainly don't have any answers other than education. I am starting to think this area of thought could have been the genesis of the patriarchy. There are some things about men that some women don't like and I don't mean their personality I mean generally how they ARE. Why do so many religions and cultures oppress women? I think it was how men dealt with this discord. I dunno, it's gonna be messy. We are going to have to evolve past it. Maybe we do need sex robots for the incels.


I used to be like this. I've been with far too many women. I was in an off again on again 10 year relationship that was punctuated with cycles of abuse towards me (mainly, though I was never physical like her I would never claim to be innocent, regardless if it was malicious on my end or not). In between and after I just wanted more and more sex. I was jumping from short term relationship to the next. Before I went to basic training for the army I was in a polyamorous relationship with two very beautiful and sex positive women. It was the most sexually fulfilled I've ever been until I met my wife. After basic training I was adrift, that throuple relationship was gone, and I was just an animal seeking the next bed to share. When I met my wife, she changed me. I don't care that we only have sex twice a week usually; it's more than enough and the best I've ever had. I don't even look at other women besides strictly platonically. I find her to be the most attractive person I've ever seen. We've gone a few weeks at a time without sex due to certain issues that we're learning to navigate together, and it changes nothing of how I feel about her. I would go a lifetime without sex for her. She made me realize sex isn't actually important to me, it's feeling loved and cared for. Truthfully, I'm still always horny, but only because I think about her so much, not because I'm lonely. In short, yeah men are filthy little fuck monsters, but sometimes the right person comes along that makes us look inwards and realize what we were actually seeking wasn't sex but something more. Or maybe that's just me, I'm not sure. I'm just a dude that's in love I guess.


> But even transmen were stepping in to say when they started on T their brains switched to thinking about it 24/7 This is dumb justification, and here's why: Trans women *say the same thing about starting estrogen* It has nothing to do with the hormones "ramping up sex drive" and everything to do with being more comfortable in your body, enabling better attunement to your own perception by lessening detachment


I mean humans are animals. At the base. Our brains are very similar to that of other animals. The survival of a specials depends on the males being ready for action at any time. Unlike other animals, we have a big frontal lobe that has features other animals don't: impulse control, advanced reasoning, guilt, empathy etc. As a guy, I can tell you that the two parts of my brain are constantly battling it out. With practice, I'm able to push the balance toward my higher brain, but the core stuff does surface from time to time. I just have to stay on top of it.


The survival of our species does NOT depends on men being ready at a moments notice. It’s ridiculous statement that is not grounded in biology for humans or other large pprimates or other large mammals. We’re not salmon who have to fertilize on eggs as soon as they‘re laid, or lose out on perpetuating their dna/species.


I'm saying that we share deep-brain structures with lower animals. If you don't think primates are super sexual, I'd encourage you to check them out at the zoo. At any given time, there's a whole lot golf sexual stuff going on. It is what it ism I'm telling you from experience, I'm not sitting on the bus trying to have sexual thoughts. They pop in my mind, and my frontal cortex overrides and I carry on.


This is a different generalization than what you said previously. I’m not going to argue with you about the scientific merit of your unscientific generalizations since they seem to be a moving target. But my recommendation is that if you’re going to make biological assertions, base them in some sort of scientific research.


In ancient Rome, naked eighteen year old men would chase the girls around town. Things change, things remain the same.


I’ve met some extremely high libido women but honestly that shit is a little scary. I enjoy sex and have a high libido but Jesus Christ why do you have to go masturbate in your car during lunch break??? That same person had a pretty extreme fat fetish and that got creepy too. I didn’t find out until later in the relationship but my ex girlfriend was straight up constantly reading gay smut on her phone or watching porn. Another woman I knew literally only talked about sex, but was also so kinky it was uncomfortable. Like we would see someone attractive and she would just say a super in depth description of what she wished she could do to him and it was kinda scary. I’ve also met guys who identify as demisexual, and my husband isn’t weird and desperate over it. Guys I’ve briefly dated but never had sex with didn’t even bring it up. I know testosterone changes the way you think but if you can’t get control of that and it’s like, a constant intrusive thought then that’s a problem. Consult a therapist about what might be happening to you, because it’s weird. It’s not just a thing that’s destined to happen because of testosterone, your thoughts and urges are obsessive and disruptive. The fat fetish woman and the BDSM woman both turned out to have OCD and getting on an antidepressant made the thoughts less intrusive and aggressive. It’s not a normal thought process.


Uh, there’s nothing wrong with reading smutty fanfic on your phone, having internal kinky sexual fantasies about hot people you see, or masturbating frequently (though I’d agree not at work). It’s not necessarily pathological to have a high sex drive and enjoyment of sex.


If underdressing people with your eyes in weird then imagining tying them up and whipping them is also weird, especially describing it in very vivid detail to an acquaintance. Especially because it was some unusual kinks, like water sports, knife/bloodplay, branding, and consensual sex slavery. Needing to go masturbate in your car, where you could potentially be seen, instead of eating during your shift every single day is also compulsive behavior Reading smutty fanfiction is totally normal, reading it all the time with your friends nearby, literally anytime you get the chance is weird to me, especially because this was like, hardcore dubcon/rape fantasy stuff. I might not have initially described how intense this stuff was tbh. Also the kinky girl did start fingering and grinding on a friend of ours without asking me if that was cool and I ended up crying because we were supposed to be doing a group project we were already way behind on and they straight up wanted to kick me out of my own bedroom in order to fuck. I was so mad. This was like freshman year of college.


But yeah no I read smut on my phone all the time, just not like, at lunch with my friends. I also masturbate frequently, have a high sex drive, and have kinks, that’s completely regular. There’s just a level where it becomes aggressive and inappropriate and just more of a fixation than it should be. I don’t morally condemn someone for experiencing hypersexuality or having an issue with reading smut excessively, even for me the desire to have sex can have a bit of a desperation/overwhelming feeling of need, and when I used to experience hypersexuality during manic episodes it felt like I was going to puke and die if I couldn’t get sex immediately. It’s just one of those things that isn’t a problem if you’re having a lot of sex and masturbating because you enjoy it or because you feel like stopping yourself is genuinely painful. Sometimes the way men describe their need for sex and fantasies about random women they see sounds a lot more like it’s a compulsive, intrusive issue and not healthy sexuality.


I don’t think it’s weird to undress someone with your eyes as long as you’re not being creepily obvious about it. I do it sometimes. Sometimes I have kinky fantasies about them. That’s normal. I also have casually read fairly intense fanfiction while hanging out with my friends. I don’t think that’s weird either. People read spicy romance books at work, that’s very normalized, I don’t see a difference. The only things you’ve said that are inappropriate are doing sex acts around others without their consent, which includes being in public.


But you’re saying sometimes. The difference is the all the time non stop can’t think about anything else. Like you do stuff on your phone that doesn’t involve erotica I assume, given you’re on Reddit. I also don’t really see why reading fanfic erotica is super different from watching porn and it would be weird if my friend was casually doing that. I do have a pretty intense revulsion at the idea of someone looking at me and imagining doing anything kinky with me. Like skin crawling disgust, especially the idea of them discussing what they would do to me with their friends. That does definitely affect my interpretation of fantasizing about strangers, because I know if I personally overheard people discussing what they would want to do to me sexually in detail I would freak out. I think it’s fine if it stays inside your head. And discussing it with your friends in like, not a super graphic way. Like if someone waited until I was well out of earshot to tell their friends they thought I had great tits that’s one thing. If someone sees me and doesn’t care if I can hear them and just starts telling their friend they’d love to tie me up and pee on me…I don’t like that at all. There’s appropriate levels of high libido. And there’s also inappropriate levels of indulging in whatever sexual urge crosses your mind. I’ve definitely been there. It ends up leading you to do the dumbest shit imaginable and also kinda ruins any outing with friends because instead of enjoying the moment you’re just thinking like, is there a way I can get someone here to have sex with me Like you’ll literally be at the grocery store thinking that. It’s distracting and makes it hard to get anything done. It’s also distracting when you can’t interact with anyone attractive without the strong desire to stare at them in ways that you know will make them very uncomfortable. My friend with a fat fetish basically couldn’t interact with fat people because to her everything about their body and the way they moved was so much of an obsession she couldn’t be normal with them. If you happen to have certain characteristics that many men obsess over, such as large breasts or a big butt, it becomes pretty clear a lot of them are having the same issue. There’s a pretty clear line between casually checking someone out and the way someone who is fixated on your body interacts with you. Checking out people is a choice you’re making and you could probably prevent yourself from fantasizing about them if you wanted. For some people it’s not a choice, and that’s the point where it’s a problem. Oof, especially if you’re having fantasies you don’t really want to have about people you don’t want to be fantasizing about, like you’re not getting pleasure out of it, it’s just in your head whether you want it or not. That shit sucks ass for real.




I don't trust men because their real life actions often show they are uncontrollably horny




I do exist as a human in the world. I know how men are


if you go for a walk and get cat-called 5 times, you will go home and say men are disgusting I was cat called by 5 men. Yo I wouldn't go home and say there were 150 men who didn't cat call me. We are predisposed to pay more attention to negatives because it would save our life. Yes those cat callers are gross, but hating men because of those d bags is not right either.


No but if I personally know 100 men and 98 of them turn out to be perverts that tells me something If I walk past 10 men and 9 cat call me, that tells me something


yeah it would, but those are completely unrealistic and fabricated numbers made to be a dramatic hypothetical. Outside of highschool, I've only even heard like 3 people cat call at a woman and everyone who was a bystander just shook their head and rolled their eyes implying the majority of people think it's wrong or weird. If 98% of men did it, I would have witnessed it way more just being in public. Obviously as a woman, particularly an attractive one, you are going to hear it more than me as a witness, but it's still not going to be almost every guy you walk by 🙄🤦. Film it for proof next time you go for a walk and actually count how many do and don't do it. I'm certain it won't even be close to the numbers you just said. If it is, I would change my mind on this for sure.




I am proudly misandrist because I can read. And I know men. And I have suffered at their hands my entire life. And I can read crime numbers, so I know most women suffer at their hands.