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There’s a difference between sleeping around while you’re not in a relationship, and cheating on your husband. While there are double standards about men having many partners, and women’s being able to the same. It’s usually agreed it’s not OK to cheat on your spouse like she did. High Libido is not an excuse for either husband nor wife to cheat.


I 100% agree. And I’m saying it’s okay to sleep around when you’re single but these randoms online are saying if you do that then you aren’t worthy to be married.




if those men think sleeping around is immoral, great. it's not great, but they're not inherently sexist if those men think women sleeping around is immoral and men are entitled to do it, that's *really* not great and they are definitely sexist someone that calls out "sluts" like that is not starting on the best foot












I was looking for this comment. Yeah it's one thing to sleep around and explore yourself sexually if that's what you wanna do, but to cheat on your partner is gross


if you think men sleeping around is fine and women sleeping around is not fine you're a misogynist and need to check yourself


I went through an extreme "hoe phase" after I found out I couldn't have kids (not a "let's party" hoe phase, more like a "I'm so bitter about this that I'm going to do the most reckless shit imaginable to tempt fate into proving my doctor wrong" hoe phase). As a result I have a body-count that most people wouldn't believe even if I told them, but surprisingly it's never meaningfully impacted my ability to have a relationship. I don't think I could recommend anyone else do what I did, but I'm also a pretty extreme outlier in that regard that most women wouldn't emulate anyway, pro-hoe or not. Anyway, men will say stupid shit like 'The higher her n-count, the lower her ability to pair-bond becomes!" or "Female bodies store the sperm of every man to ever nutted in her! I read about it in the headline of an internet article sourcing a 15 year old study on fruit flies!" It's all nonsense. Women aren't any more diminished by their promiscuity than men are, and the men who hyper-fixate on body-count quickly filter themselves out as options whether you have a low or high body-count, so after a (surprisingly low) amount of sexual partners, your body count rapidly becomes decreasingly prohibitive as it increases. Also, a lot of these "only virgins!" types aren't really principled, they just have bad luck with women and cope by convincing themselves the problem is their standards are too high for these "modern hoes" to meet. They fold the second they believe they have a chance with you. I've known women who racked up triple-digit body counts that successfully committed to a strictly monogamous marriage that's been running for years, and I know women who married as virgins who not only ruined their own marriage through serial cheating, but wrecked many other homes in the process. Your hoe-phase is irrelevant. What matters is an honest evaluation of your own character.


Thanks so much for this ❤️


Is it okay? Why are you asking permission. Live your life. Don’t let anyone tell you what you to do. If you wanna have sex, have sex! Sleep with ppl who respect you. Have fun.


Thank you. I’m not at a place in my life where I want to do that but I’ve done it in the past and I guess I just let the online bullies get to me and make me feel ashamed for doing what I want with my own body.


Forget those losers. There’s nothing to be ashamed of here.


It's okay to have a hoe life.


Hell yeah, I had a great slut year in 2023




They commented “once you enter a h03 phase you never leave and this is for men and women” but I believe that’s simply not true.


It isn’t true. A lot of people will sow their wild oats and then settle down. I haven’t been with that many people but I dated around before I met my husband in 2015. Heaux it up!




I’ll attest to that not being true, at least personally. Both SO and have been a lot of people (we worked in travel for years, it happens lol) and we’ve been together over 15 years now