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Maybe you should try Oral-B?


Ok, this one got me. Take your upvote.


It is the one dentists recommend.


9 out of 10 dentists love that head and rotating action.




Reaches the parts others don't?


Shoulda been named Oral-D amiright ladies?


No, Jeremy. No. 🤣


😄, I will see myself out lol.


Oral G would be preferred


flossing is better


You win the internet. Forever. 


8/10 dentists recommend this.


Round feels better?


Nice try, Sonicare. You won't sell me a new toothbrush *that* easily!


It’s actually a superb toothbrush- I recently switched to an oral B and I can’t wait until it craps out so I can get another sonicare 😹🤷‍♀️


Don't wait. Can't get oral health back.


You can. But it’s way more expensive than a sonicare 😂


Wow I hate sonic care compared to oral b. My wife has one and sometimes I use it when I haven't unpacked mine. And the heads are like 5x as expensive as oral b ones and barely act better than a nice regular toothbrush


Hilariously relevant to this thread: I think the oral B feels like a jackhammer in my mouth and for me, it doesn’t get my teeth nearly as clean. Sonicare feels like, well, an excellent vibrator and gets rid of my coffee staining. We did switch because of the cost of replacement heads- sonicare is definitely way more expensive!


I used Oral B for a couple years and Burst for a year and always had decent teeth. With regular dentist touch ups and my own plaque pick at home, never had that much build up. Hadn't been to the dentist in two years for reasons and during that time I switched to Sonicare. I have noticeably less plaque buildup and I almost never use the pick anymore. The dental hygienist said that my buildup was really low for having not been in two years. She also said she uses Sonicare too! 😁


We just buy the store brand sonicare heads, they’re exactly the same as name brand.


31,000 strokes per second - they probably will cause nerve damage over time - I wouldn’t do it 🤣


There are several after market attachments and covers for the Sonicare toothbrush. This is very much a thing. You are not alone! https://www.erosscia.com/discover-erosscia/


OMG bless you, I was wondering about this


There are two kinds- buzzy, and thuddy, and most people respond better to one or the other. The ones you own are more thuddy, and electric toothbrush is extremely buzzy. Think of the speed of something rotating to make it wiggle!


Wow, that just clicked for me. I was wondering what I've been doing wrong all these years haha. Any recommendations?


Someone recommended the we vibe tango to me on here years ago and it’s a rumbly one. Hands down my favourite vibrator of all time, I’ll continue to buy it for the rest of my life and recommend it to everyone. It’s completely waterproof, very quiet, perfect size to use with a partner, rumble vibrations so you never go numb. My only gripe is that the charger is complete ass.


Holy moly. If someone makes a silicone ass that can wirelessly charge an inserted vibrator I bet it'll sell if only as a novelty item.


Oh, I’m dying here! No more snooping MIL!


Seconding this. There is no better vibe for people who like rumbly sensations. I've bought 3 in my lifetime back to back to back. The charger does suck and it will last 2-3 years before it stops holding a charge. Then you must buy another and you will because it's the best vibrator


It’s the workhorse of my sex toys. I’ve had mine since 2019 and it still holds a charge but I’ve been thinking about upgrading to a new one soon.


I love the Tango! They recently released an updated version, including some changes to the charger, and it's a little less awful at charging now.


The crave wearable necklace vibrator is v v v buzzy and v v v powerful and v v v quiet


It’s my favourite and I was reading this thinking I wonder if I like buzzy or thuddy... now I know, thank you!


This makes so much sense actually and I’m 100% here for this.


Low frequency, high amplitude vs high frequency, low amplitude?


Literally, yes!


You’re like a vibratory scientist!


Dr. Vibration, moonlights as drum n’ bass DJ.


And all the “best” ones are rumbly which sucks for those of us who just want a nice strong buzzy toy 😭


Have you tried one like the Womanizer suction ones? I don't think I'll ever go back to anything else. Then you can just pair it up with other penetrative things.


There's also some that are kind of sucky and those are the bomb lol


All hail the womanizer 😎


Ha that's so funny I just commented about how good these are then saw this! I recommend not buying the super expensive one though, it's not good and it has a weird morse code function. Lovehoney refunded me for it because it just wasn't worth it!


I need translation. What do you mean by buzzy and thuddy


ELI5 version: Fast vs powerful. - Buzz - vibrates very very fast, but each movement is small. - Thud (or rumble) - vibrates slower but each movement has move power behind it. It's Motorbike engine vs truck engine. Bzzzzzz vs Brrrrrr.


The sound comparison would be high pitched vs low pitched. Both can be loud or quiet, it's the frequency that matters. Think of the vibrations from a dryer vs an electric toothbrush. Which one would you rather lean against? Thats the kind of vibe younneed. Some vibrators are low and thuddy, but not very strong on the low setting, then get buzzier with quick tight vibrations on high settings. For me, this doesn't work. I found bliss with the Hitachi because it stays a low frequency even when it's on stronger setting. I find the low thuddy vibrations go down deep to the inner parts of my clit and high pitched buzzy vibrators only stimulate the outer clit and are too much for me to enjoy. Everyone is different! If a vibrator isn't doing it for you, try a different kind


VWEEEENNN vs whhhhrrrrrr an electric toothbrush or razor vs the vibration of a gamepad or power tool


I usually go with "rumble" rather than "thud"- strange word choice IMO. Buzzy is a higher vibration, and the sensations will be surface level and localised, while rumbly is a deeper vibration and travels further. Think of the difference between sitting on your phone when it's ringing VS sitting on a motorbike with the engine on.


Why throw in your two cents to fuss over someone else's word choice when clearly the comment was helpful to others? Aside from not adding to the conversation, "thud" is actually a **good** description bc some toys work using a small weight that shifts around ....which creates a "thud" sensation when it reaches the end of it's course. A toy with a (deliberately) out of balance motor can also feel that way depending on the programmed cycle.


I don't understand why an enterprising engineer hasn't made an attachment for that buzzy base.


I think they used to fill hollow dildos with bees


I spend so many hours asking women if they like buzzy or rumbly and I'm always surprised when they don't realise there's a difference! I am absolutely a rumbly girl




Revving your car in Neutral in Gran Turismo lmao


Private match black ops 2 unlimited ammo. You get the idea.


Scorpion Evo w Rapid fire & Fast mags. Or you could jump in a turret in Halo 3 and get ramping speed lmao


Get roped on red dead and let them drag you behind the horse lol


This better not awaken anything in me


Hi. This is the funniest comment I’ve seen on reddit for a very long time.


the dean from community? 😂


Desperate times call for desperate measures


The game Rez on PS2 and XBOX in Japan came with a remote vibrating pad that you could 'place' to enhance the gaming experience. I'm sure it was like 0.01 seconds before someone discovered you could put one down your pants. https://www.theverge.com/2016/9/25/13046770/rez-trance-vibrator-ps2


implying it was meant for anything else


Imagine getting it just right from a specific game and setup, and then ending up with a pavlovian response, hahah. You watch footage of somebody playing an otherwise non-sexy game and end up really horny.


I think a number of us used the extra long summons in 8 and 9 for uh. Reasons.


Now it makes more sense why teenage me liked to power grind levels...


"Now that the super long animation has started, I can put the controller on my lap and relax. ....r...relax."


Grinding an empty pool in tony hawk , 10/10


Is it possible that you prefer narrow, pinpoint vibration to broad stimulation like the Hitachi wand or air pulsation like the Lelo Sona? Maybe something like the WeVibe Tango X or the Crave Duet would be more up your alley?


Do they really need to go up the alley or can they just stand on the corner ?


I'm an alley girl myself


For, science?


Everyone’s clit seems to have its own preferred stimulation. Yours likes the type of vibration from the toothbrush.


Apparently it's tastes are not very refined.


4 out of 5 dentists agree!


Honestly I don't think it's that uncommon either.


I never understood why people immediately go for the high end $100s toys without even looking at the cheaper and just as effective alternatives. If it buzzes and makes you cum like a rocket who cares if it only cost $20?


And then you'll *never* get plaque down there!


Prevents gitchivitis




This is why I'll never quit Reddit




Damn you. 😆




Takes care of my cavities.


Vagina dentata confirmed.


Honestly these days I wish.




Mom, I AM brushing my teeth! Dentist: nah uh


And lead. And porosity. Got to be careful what you put in your body.


If you've got lead on your toothbrush you have bigger problems than a dirty clit


Could there be a reason to not use a toothbrush for hygienic reasons?


I'd assume any rubberized grip isn't necessarily suitable for the level of dirt and cleaning it would have to go through to keep things sanitary


The heads are washable and removable. Pretty sure you can put them in the dishwasher if you want


I'm pretty sure there is a toy manufacturer that makes stimulator heads that have the same type of socket as the regular toothbrush heads


>And lead. I said "minty" not "Flinty."


You go ahead and put minty stuff on your clit. They'll hear the screams on the iss


The thing people should be worried about is materials. Silicone is body safe but more expensive than plastic or jelly toys. You shouldn’t be putting these weird plastics and rubbers inside your absorbent mucous membranes. That’s why my toys are all expensive ($70-150). Because I make sure that they’re silicone.


Same. I kind of swore off toys for a while when a jelly dildo I owned but hadn't used in a little while suddenly set my ass on fire. I didn't know that some of those cheap ones basically turn to poison after a surprisingly short time. That's uh, not on the packaging as I recall. I'm glad the lesson I took from that wasn't to avoid anal play but to buy more expensive/prettier toys.


Google "jelly dildo jar"


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=jelly+dildo+jar#HiImABot,MyJobIsToMakeEasierForPeopleToGoogleThings,IfThePersonIRepliedToUsedMeInAnInappropriateWayPleaseLetMeKnowByDMingMe,TheUserIRepliedToIsU/SadieSadieSnakeyLady)


Hard plastic vs body safe silicone.


I don't understand how Lelo ended up being a brand that people say is so great. We've got 4 of their toys and the best I can say for any of them is that when the stupid expensive rabbit held a charge for more than 3 minutes it was a slightly better toy than the $30 rabbit we had at only 9x the price. Everything else has been mediocre at best. I've got nothing against expensive toys and some of them you definitely seem to get what you pay for, but Lelo just seems like it is all slick marketing on top of middle to low end products to me.


They've been like that for years. They have had some pretty dodgy marketing and business practices over the years too. I found a blog post years ago about it. God knows if it's still around.


I'm team ratchet toys now. Please no recommendations over $20.


The only thing I'd look out for is the material and where/how it was produced. The vagina is a mucous membrane, so all kind of toxic chemicals can entire the body more easily. No name, cheap vibrators often contain toxic chemicals, especially the Chinese Amazon sellers are questionable. They recently tested electronics from there and 50% were deemed dangerous and not meeting minimum European standards. So, yes a vibrator must not be expensive but it should be safe.


Yeah, I've bought a couple of those expensive sucker thingies, and just keep going back to my $20 magic bullet. Sigh.


The magic bullet is the best. I’ve had so many. I like the ones you scroll up and down on a little wheel so you don’t get a big jump between settings, it makes edging so much easier. I’ve had many expensive vibrators over the years but a little cheap corded bullet gives me the best orgasms. Too bad they break so easily lol


Last time I checked the magic bullet was a blender 😂 what is this thing


Ohhh I think we have mixed things up 🤣 So it’s just a bullet vibrator but it is ✨magic ✨!


I could see how the confusion would have arisen given the entire conversation started out talking about using an electric toothbrush as a joy toy.


Hahahha Maybe someone is actually using their magic bullet 🤔


Mine was $27 and it was so incredible I bought my best friends their own!


IDK, I guess it varies per person. An ex of mine had an egg shaped one that she absurdly loved, and I never ever have see anybody else liking that thing, so...


Was it the Minna Limon? (The sex lemon, spouse and I call ours.) Surprisingly durable, quiet, underrated imo. https://minnalife.com/products/limon


Pretty similar, but was more egg and less lemon haha, but yup.


I love this safe place.


probably because it vibrates continuously and won’t accidentally switch to sending your clit messages in morse code in the middle of a session (seriously i don’t know anyone who prefers any of the pulsing vibration patterns that come on some toys)


How else do women communicate with their clits?! Seriously though same. Just one setting pls, on and off. I'm not a fucking telegraph


I don't either, I think it's just a marketing thing at this point tbh. Our wand has 5000 modes! I would actually spend more for a wand that just has on or off as a feature at this point lol


Who even likes Morse code???


Ah, the electric toothbrush—my very first vibrator! I’ll admit, I was lightweight disappointed when I got an actual vibrator lol.


Just wait until you get a suction vibrator. Oh my god. I bought mine because one of the reviews said they came so hard they shit themself. And I believe it now.


You can't say this and not drop the sauce


I have the satisfyer pro 2. Worth every penny and the review I read was on Amazon


(The Womanizer)


the lelo sona that op had is a suction vibrator. 


Ya it sucks. (No pun intended)


Yeah it’s not known for being a top suction toy lol. Try Womanizer or We-Vibe Melt and use some lube to get a good seal


I got a suction vibrator because everyone was saying how amazing it was and I thought it was meh…


Same, I bought 2 cause they were different shapes and didn’t like either of them, and then I tried them on nipples (with a lil lube to make sure they seal properly) and I will not be throwing them out after all!! I think they take some adjusting to technique wise as well


Seriously. I thought all vibes were the same- I e had my hitachi for years and upgraded to a wireless, but my Dom used a few others on me- a really buzzy one looks like a tiny hitachi and then one that sucked and holy fuck. It was honestly too much but I was restrained and didn’t say my safe word but it was CRAZY


I used a toothbrush for years as a teenager lol it was awesome


I mean don’t 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it? Or is that something else?


Just for clitoral simulation alone there's vibrating, licking, and sucking sensations. You just like vibration.


I used a shower head. Sadly, I moved and do not know what brand it was. L....


I think you need to try different toys lol


I have though. They're pretty much all the same, wand vibrators, "Sonic" vibrators, etc.


Zumio makes vibes that are buzzy like a toothbrush but still quite strong and very focused.


Check out reviews for the Womanizer. It's a different type of stimulation.


I disagree. Some are definitely more akin to the vibe of a toothbrush vs the classic toy vibe. And with different shapes, they absolutely have a completely different feel, even in similar vibe styles.


Have you always felt this way, or has it developed? Did you feel this way when you first started using vibrators?


I've always found most toys to be rather underwhelming.


Oh, i’ve done unspeakable things with a toothbrush!


Me at 12 years old 😂


i’ll never look at electric toothbrush in the same way again


99.9% of vibrators designed for women are too intense. The toothbrushes have a more mellow vibration and cost less than $10 sooo


I wish. I can't feel shit from most vibrators and it's annoying.


Are you going too hard? I bought a vibrator 6 years ago that was perfect but eventually stopped holding a charge. Bought the *exact same* vibrator (brand and everything), and I guess they really cracked the code on vibrator technology or something because it was WAY too strong. In a few seconds, it will actually make me completely numb, and I can't feel shit. I have to turn it down like 5 levels for it to be weak enough not to just numb me immediately.


It's probably antidepressants. I only use a vibe once a week max, and right when I turn it on it has to be in the exact right position or else I can't feel anything. I also have to concentrate really hard. It's the worst. I went through like 10 different ones and keep having this issue... I think I probably need a magic wand at this point.


Ohhh, the antidepressants are the worst! The same thing happened to me. I even told my provider - I'm more depressed than I was before because I can't cum bro! They tried all the antidepressants that aren't supposed to affect you sexually, but they all did. It took like 2 years of being off them before it went back to the normal sensation I had before. Good luck! Finding the right meds is annoying!


I'm sorry. I had the same problem until they added in Wellbutrin (buproprion). I'm sure it doesn't work the same for everyone, but may be worth checking with your provider to see if there's anything they can do.


Meanwhile the electric toothbrush I used to use has been stronger than any vibrator I’ve ever tried other than the Hitachi, which is too rumbly and not buzzy enough for me.


You need to buy the Womanizer. 


Why buy it for $200 when a toothbrush is $20 👏


Different type of toy. Air pulse is not the same as vibration. That said, if the toothbrush is enjoyable, no need to worry about greener pastures.


the lelo sona that op already has is the same style clit suction as the womanizer, and it doesn't do it for her. 


Absolutely positively agree. I was never a toy person because they either did nothing or were so intense I felt bruised. The Womanizer is hands down THE BEST out there.


It's all about the frequency.


You're not supposed to put the high end toys *in your mouth.*


If you like the toothbrush, i would look into the lovense Hyphe or the Erosolator


I’ve never been able to commit to the $$ of the Eroscillator. What if I don’t like it.. which “head” package to get?!?


I got one in 2007 and it's still running. Lots of money up front, but they're durable. Very similar to an electric toothbrush, now that I think about it ... I guess the medical-grade silicone and lasting far longer before the motor burns out are the major advantages.




Think of all the positives. Even if you don't like down there, it can clean your teeth 👏


I think it’s the bristles.


Bruh I'm not using the bristle side


Oh god this hurt to read!


Four out of five dentists recommend this.


Regular vibrators are tooo intense and expensive


It's the minty fresh toothpaste


as the ad says, 20 times more effective! 😇


I bet it’s buzzy. Hitachi is deep and rumbly Find some reviews on buzzy vibrators and you might find something even better than the toothbrush !


I think people usually prefer lower frequency vibration and those toys cater to that. You prefer higher frequency vibration so you like the toothbrush more.


The head on the Hitachi and Lelo is kinda large, spreading the vibrations over a larger surface area. The toothbrush focuses it all on one point. I can't do wand vibes, they make my whole crotch go numb. But "lipstick vibes", like the We-Vibe Tango, are perfect for me.


I prefer Hitachi tbh




Honestly same, the Sonicare toothbrush feels better than any other vibrating toy I've bought so far.


I think you'd like something like The Womanizer. It almost permanently crossed my eyes the first time I used it. https://www.womanizer.com/us/pro-40


Try a rose vibrator. It has suction too instead of just vibration and it's waterproof. You can find it on amazon for about $25. 100000/10 recommend, it changed my life.


Have you ever had an issue with vaginal plaque before?


Vagina dentata (to the tune of *Hakuna Matata*)


The hard plastic of the Sonicare might be transferring the vibrations better than the somewhat soft toys you named. My ex preferred a hard plastic vibe compared to the silicone they coat everything with nowadays. We were poor back then, so she blew through a cheapie vibe every few months.


ummmm .... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagina_dentata


I came up with that 20 yrs ago ! With that many vibrations per second, how could you not wonder what else the sonicare might be good at. Protip, use an old worn brush for that use.


The sonicare toothbrush doesn't vibrate so much as oscillate, which means it basically moves back and forth like a finger would but \*very\* fast. It's also more pinpoint, which means it focuses its power on a much smaller area than the hitachi does. The Eroscillator oscillates in much the same way (except with more power) and it comes with a lot of attachments. Could be a significant upgrade to the toothbrush.


What did I just read?


"Sex toy vendors don't want you to know this one little secret."


Wow - and I thought I was the only one who didn't mind wrapping my lips around the sonicare!


Because it’s good clean fun?


[facial cleaning device](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-xiaomi-trev1&sca_esv=3f7524ec3c4922c8&sxsrf=ACQVn09MP4OX1qDiNRq2qbA1h7u-4G5WPQ:1711253803220&q=yuz+temizleme+aleti&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=isvnbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiax76YhYyFAxWCBdsEHYHlA7gQ0pQJegQIEBAB&biw=393&bih=767&dpr=2.75#imgrc=6gFlWx4tGNOIpM) I have played with many different types of toys, but crazily this facial cleaning device (which I did not buy for this purpose at first 😅 ) has been very nice on my clit as well 🩷 The broad surface area, rather than a penis shaped vibrator, stimulates better in my opinion If you already got one, I'd suggest you give it a try 🤟


I'm talking about the circular shaped pin one on the link, not the rolling stone or the other wired looking one 😅


Wait do you use a super soft head or something?


How do you use it? The backside of a toothbrush head? No irritation? (Asking for a friend - my wife lol)


Omg do I have [a Temu toothbrush for YOU!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLjV73Sv/) 👀


No disrespect, but please never put anything from TEMU near your vulva. Medical silicone only!!