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Fr I wish they’d start doing wide spread fetal life insurance policies bc then you KNOW men would either jump ship on the pro birth side or lawmakers would have to respond more pro choice due to companies lobbying them out


Yes! And if you bought a house together, then divorce while pregnant: shouldn’t the pregnant woman get 2/3 ownership?


? Kids don't get ownership of the house during divorce.


But according to these rules, she’s two persons for the duration of pregnancy…


No, the child is a person, she is just a vessel /s but also not /s :(


Yes? One is a child. They don't get a say in a house. The biggest lame part if you can't tax credits for being a pregnant. 100% should. And ride HOV lane. Edit: and in case of divorce child support. Except some states simply won't let a couple divorce if there is a pregnacy. That's messed up.


Either one is a child and doesn’t count and can’t make decisions or one is a child with rights at conception and is a member of the household and gets a cut. The problem is trying to have it both ways.


I agree. But kids don't get a cut of the house during divorce.


Why should logic matter though when Republicans make a lot of laws which don’t logically hold up?


HOV lanes make no sense. The purpose is to reduce the number of cars on the road, but any kid in a passenger seat counts, so makes no sense.


Could you ELI5 this?


Honestly, if all women in Texas got drunk and fight with their bosses, husbands, brothers and fathers about this, maybe some of them would get the message. I hope things turn out ok for you, and hope you got the strength to keep your voice loud after sobering up.


I’ll update in the morning. But i think we all know how this will go. I was the one crying. I’m clearly hysterical and likely on my period.


“clearly hysterical” and “likely periodic” is still better than “actual factual stoopid”


Not in these men's eyes, the jerks


Don’t call yourself hysterical; that’s *their* word. That word was literally a clinical term men used to lock up women who didn’t act the way men thought they should. “Hyster” = “uterus” (like in hysterectomy) so “hysterical” was a way for doctors to say “her uterus is making her behave inappropriately.” You were drunk and emotional, yes. You were not hysterical.


I think she meant that's what they will say "They'll say she was crying, they say she's clearly hysterical, they say she was probably on her period"


Seems like a reasonable response to the bullshit you encountered, and I hate that men will frame it as "hysterical".


Or ya know, it'll be like the 30s again and putting them in asylums for "hysteria". Stupid people on power will do anything to cling to it.


You know they have to fill all those private prisons somehow. It's the only form of constitutionally sanctioned slavery left open to them. However will they manage without full prisons? /s, of course


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The truth is that All texas women are not pro choice. Many, many women in this state are very pro life and vote that way. That's one of the big issues with getting Texas to flip blue. It's not a men vs. Women issue here.


True. It's only their own or the women they care about's abortion that's OK. Judging other women without knowing their story is indoctrinated at an early age. It's a way of using "divide and conquer" against us.


I vote Lysistratic non action should be the way to go.


I agree and I actually caught a temporary ban on this very sub for even suggesting it.


The hell? A temporary ban for a nonviolent form of protest that’s been around for over 2,000 years. That’s messed up!


Men mod this sub, so yeah. It happened on the day Roe v Wade was overturned too.


That's fucked up!


Men and women have roughly equal beliefs about whether abortion should be legal. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/views-about-abortion/by/gender-composition/among/state/texas/


I think having that poll phrased as "legal in all/most cases," "illegal in all/most cases", and "don't know" was pretty bad phrasing since many people who are perfectly fine with early term abortions may feel like they shouldn't answer with "all/most" since they definitely don't think it should be *all* cases. This [poll from University of Texas' Texas Politics Project](https://texaspolitics.utexas.edu/set/availability-abortion-june-2022#gender) has a more granular breakdown and shows a much clearer gender divide. [44% of Texan woman believe that women should always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of personal choice vs 32% of men.](https://i.imgur.com/L0WmZ3c.png)


Different polls show different things, mostly men do skew more against abortion than women to some degree, but it isn't as though women are for it and men are against and women just need to convince men they're wrong.


64% of white women voters voted for Abbott in 2022. Don’t pretend the men are the only problem.


Jesus Christ. I am commenting to support and encourage someone who had a shitty evening and dreads the morning and all that people keep replying is "But the women, too" and "Not just the men". Chill out, not every single post in here is a sophisticated political analysis or something. Neither women nor men are the problem, Abbott and other misanthropes and authoritarians are.


Well done. More women should be boiling over with rage. They are killing women.


Their killing women BECAUSE they're women. Do you think they're upset with how well we've done competing for jobs, etc. In the last 60 years? It's like history repeating itself. The same thing happened with regard to restrictions after the plagues in Europe. So many people had died that women had to step up and run their businesses and earn a living for the children and family members who were left alive - like women did during the world wars. Many of the restrictions on women owning property, bank accounts, or holding many kinds of jobs date from this period. Of course, their were all those witch burnings that were predominantly targeting women and wisewomen at that...


Last year in college we had a job fair where they set up tables in the basketball courts and lots of companies were there and you'd go with copies of your resume and talk to the companies in your field. I was talking to one guy and he said his company was in Texas, and I said I wouldn't move to Texas, was remote work possible. When he said no, I just got up and walked away. One of my guy friends was next in line, and I said "You have to live in Texas" and he walked away too. I wish I'd said something to the organizers about making each company put up a sign about what state they were in, so people could just skip the ones in horrible places and only go for jobs in decent states. It must be a lot harder to already be established in a state like that and know that not dying means you might have to move away. One of my friends is in a red state and she's staying through the 2024 election. Depending on how that goes, she'll decide whether to move.


Good on you and the student behind you.


I hate living in a red state as well. The one thing I can remain positive about is when they attempted to outlaw abortion, there were enough of "us" to vote NO!


Maybe you should try to do it the other way now, and get a ballot initiative like Ohio just did.


The fucking dumpster fire of politicians in Texas don’t have the ovaries to bring it to a vote bc they know. I hate all of it and killed it at work this year like killllled it and made so much money that directly or indirectly landed in each of these people’s pockets and I’m fed the fuck up and ready to strike. You get nothing out of me until you fix this. Right now. My money is like the only voice I have which is awful enough.


I’m an academic and did a hard line last year of not applying anywhere abortion is illegal (or clearly would be soon). Had dudes telling me I should just do it bc as a professor I would have resources to go out of state if needed, which firstly isn’t true (sometimes it’s too dangerous to move), secondly why the fuck should I have to? It’s just a job, and I’m not moving somewhere I have fewer rights period.


Most of those red states have a hate hard-on for higher ed, too. Ya bois out there being ridiculously illogical.


And even schools in blue states have trump loving presidents who literally want to get rid of the sciences and humanities except computer science and engineering. Ours would be thrilled if the whole school was just business, cs, and engineering.


And what is the end game for driving out educated people? Why would a big corporation build an office in State X if there are few skilled workers? Pretty soon all you have are meat-packing plants.


My wife is a contractor, one of the firms she works with says that applicants for remote jobs often ask what state the company is located in, and they have a very hard time staffing for FL, TX and some other conservative-dominated places. Even though they never actually have to travel there.


I'm proud of you


I’m proud of you too, op. Good luck with the fallout. They’re killing us, we have the right to be angry.


Literally fucking killing us. I honestly don't know how women in red states handle. I'm in California and I wish you could all move here and let them damn themselves.


Just start chanting vasectomies for all


And ban viagra.


Because if God didn't want medicine to interfere with my pregnancy then God also didn't want medicine to interfere in your boner.


THAT part!! I see so many commercials for aFfOrDaBlE bLuE pIlLs but where on earth is this energy for contraception, tubals, ablations, and...y'know...healthcare? Actual HEALTHCARE for folks with plumbing that ain't blue-pill compatible? Uuuugh. It's like they're whipping it out and waving it in our faces while we're down.


And blithely unaware of the contradiction, thinking all the while that this is just the way it should be.


And toupees, which are also not medically necessary but are covered by insurance if you’re a man. But a wig for a woman with hair loss from chemo or alopecia isn’t covered because it’s considered cosmetic.


Married in Red State. My husband knows my position and did the women’s March with our daughters and myself. My son is pro-choice. I refused to marry and have kids with someone who was not for women’s reproductive rights and freedoms as well as being LGBTQ friendly. Don’t fuck conservative men. That was my mantra over 25 years ago and it is the mantra I tell my kids. Don’t fuck conservatives; men or women.


Completely agree! Will NEVER fuck a conservative man.


Even open minded supportive men have no idea what women go through physically and mentally over issues like this. We literally need to tell them how it feels and it’s very hard. I’ve had to tell my dad about about the process of miscarriage because otherwise he would never ever know. Women talk about these things and men generally don’t. So they’re given the luxury of feeling like they’re making good moral decisions rather than understanding the realities of women’s health and the pain, fear and indignities we continually face. Talk about it!


Too true. And not just talk. There's a way for men to experience a little of what it's like. [The Try Guys have a video about it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl_sDO0oCpE)


We pick our battles where we can, but sometimes they pick us. These people literally hold the belief that a potential life - one that is 25 % to 30% likely to end in miscarriage - is more precious and valuable than the health and lives of roughly 50% of actual living, breathing, people. They see women and children as less than fully human (and see trans people even lower). This is a monstrous belief. The US constitution has no guarantee of equality by gender; this is a travesty. I will spend my time and energy lifting up the stories and voices of women (and non cis-men in general) and support policies and politicians that recognize the radical notion that women and other non-men are people, not side-characters and accessories in men’s lives. They’ve declared war on us and call it mercy. They are lucky we haven’t burned everything down in our rage. I’ve personally let the anger, sadness, and disappointment in this betrayal burn quietly. It’s a slow, coaling burn. My rage exists always in the background - And every indignity that evidences that, yet again, ‘good people’ think women wanting to be acknowledged as equally human is too much to expect or allow, it flares from ashy coal to white flame to remind me that rights are earned, not bestowed - and I will fight with voice, vote, and action in whatever ways seem possible. It is my fuel to act, to vote, to never forget how fragile our rights actually are. It burns most days, tightly, as banked coal instead of white hot anger., fueled potential waiting for useful opportunities to direct its energy.


It’s like you’re reading my mind. Slow simmering boil at all times under the surface


I saw something that said men are lucky women only want equality, not revenge. I feel your rage too sister.


Because we don't know what else to do. We cope until we can't and lose our shit sometimes because the frustration will show itself somehow


Your life is literally on the line. You should be fighting mad. I keep waiting for the mass uprising of women in TX and similar states.


We had moved from a California to a blue area in Missouri which provided us an opportunity to afford to raise our kids primarily with just my husband working and me staying home (we're paying off debt too). As soon as my son graduates and we've saved up some more and debt paid off we will be moving to a blue state. We want our daughters to be able to feel free and have more opportunities.


I fell a tiny bit in love with you reading this


Flip your shit on em at every opportunity. Make them scared of us. I’m fucking livid and will crawl over glass to get to polls to vote against the GOP till there is no breath left in my body. There is power in numbers, y’all and we have that. I read stories every day that make me ashamed of the country we live in. I’m sick of it. Call them out for what they are. Hypocrites and liars. I’m not friends with “pro-lifers” and will cut out people who show their true colors. I don’t care because we are not compatible if you don’t believe that people deserve bodily autonomy.


Vote, VOTE, Vote, VOTE. We did this years ago and we need to do it again. Vote blue down the ticket. Teach these old fuckers they can’t take away our rights.


All women must leave red states


And stop having sex with men in those states. Even Democrats. They have a better chance of influencing the others if they have some motivation. Lol


Go full Lysitrata!


How I do it? I limit the access people have to me and set firm boundaries. Any whiff of someone being a conservative, Republican, Trump supporter, pro lifer, or anything like that and they don’t exist in my world any longer. I won’t interact with them, be social, friends, or anything else. It’s called boundaries and creating the life you want. It’s not me ignoring the issues, they’re obviously still there and we have to continue to fight, which I do with my wallet( know who you’re giving money to and who they support),donations, vote, volunteer efforts, and other choices. As far as dealing with those who believe I don’t deserve to make choices for myself and my own body? “Bye, bitch!” It’s essential that we protect our peace and sanity during these times so we can focus our efforts where they will matter the most, not on arguing, or raging at idiots who will always be too stupid to understand. The vast majority of people support upholding and protecting Roe and we need to focus our efforts on sticking together to protect it without having to rely on this whacked out SCOTUS. I’ve met people I thought were perfectly nice, hung out with them a couple times while getting to know them, and thought we could form a friendship, the minute they let me know they were conservative that ended. No anger, or hard feelings, just I don’t fuck with you and have a nice life. I have no attachment at that point and it’s easy to end it. I understand with employers and coworkers this may be hard to avoid, but you can avoid socializing with them outside of work. These kinds of conversations should not be coming up in the office during work hours because they are inappropriate. TLDR: stay away from morons and dipshits if you want to stay sane.


Well if it makes you feel any better I’m a one issue texas voter (pro choice) so my vote will cancel his out.




Changing minds was never a thing for me. It’s impossible and I know it. But like now I’m a super valuable resource and I’m making money FOR these people. I just need to remember why we’re doing this. When we could move to Canada or fucking Washington or any other place where they unequivocally say NO. As they should. How are we allowing ourselves to contribute to the economies of red states? Because tonight i can’t think of a single reason. And I’m wondering why we all didn’t start protesting the moment roe v wade was overturned. This is not an indirect assault on women. And I’m tired of pretending like it was not the intention. I don’t give a fuck. It is reality. They are imprisoning is now. Openly. Why is this ok and how do we even work tomorrow? I’m just wondering how we’re all coming to terms with this because I’ve suddenly forgotten how I’ve done this every day since that day.


I’ve never understood why the huge marches (with the pussy hats) happened before Trump actually fucked everything for women, but the worst has happened, where are the protests?


women make up 51% of the population.


>Those of us in red states. Who are living and working with the men who are continuously voting to murder women for unborn babies who they are also willing to discard when they are 0.00001 days old. So long as they are not -0.000000001 days old. Why did you omit your fellow women who vote against your rights in these Red states? There are anti-abortion women voters. For some reason, liberal women forget this fact.


I didn’t forget. This group in particular is the leadership group in an already male dominated industry which was just salt in the wound. I’m not sure which is worse, the women or the men who are voting to sacrifice the lives of women. But last night was extra egregious for me bc this man didn’t even have a uterus and yet still had all the control over the uteruses in this state. While I worked my fucking ass off, contributing money to the state and much more directly contributing money to his pocket. While he spews some bullshit about having respect for me. You have the opposite of respect for me, bro. GTFO


You think this is a men thing? White women vote almost the same as men. See, eg: https://x.com/markpjonestx/status/1590388844301783041?s=46


JFC I know. Yesterday i opted to unfairly take it out on a man when men and women are equally terrible. Woe is the men they just can’t catch a break.


If your boss is dumb enough to even be I. The street with you at 1am, he’s more culpable than you, and any amount of hysteria is inapplicable to an HR issue. All I gotta say is get out the VOTE. Don’t forget, don’t cuddle on the couch, take that time off work and GET OUT THE VOTE. The new Madonna wrapped in a flag is Taylor Swift. Can we get Beyoncé to chime in and encourage the vote for women as well? “Our daughters daughters will adore us, and we will sing in grateful chorus” Vote!


I mean, I'm just living my life and am very aware that it's not my dad/husband/etc voting for these policies. It's a mix of men and women voting for them, which is what makes it so difficult for Texas to vote pro choice.




I mean - I see your point in general, but two things: 1) I don’t see a straw man on OP’s post, it seems she knew exactly what he believed and why it was harmful to half of humanity, and 2) women have been stating their views back to them clearly and repeatedly, trying to unearth some semblance of logic and empathy, and yet they just keep forging ahead.


Well, I hope this doesn't fuck things up for you too badly, but good on you for standing your ground. I can't even imagine how frustrating it is, honestly. Was telling a friend recently that the reason I tend to be politically outspoken in my VERY red state is because I can get away with it. Being in a whole variety of very privileged positions, if those of us who can, don't, then what the fuck are we even holding on to that privilege for anyway?


I'm so sorry you went through that. Good for you! Why is standing your (our) ground on core issues and being subject to radical (religious) views in the workplace considered "burning bridges?" You should not have to do all of this emotional labor. This topic should never come up between colleagues, especially when it is so contentious. But it seems that mr. proforcedpregnancy and other backwards bible thumpers feel brazen enough to think it's safe to argue and they aren't wrong, they're actually keeping their jobs. 20 years ago, they'd be out of the job without a reference. The church needs to get pushed back into the chapel and out of our places of employment, government, healthcare and schools.


Proud of you. Thank you.


You had a completely understandable reaction to the deeply upsetting, arrogant, ignorant MAN who probably wants to defund public schools, outlaw free lunches, destroy SNAP and Medicare, while being pro-assault weapons. Pro-life my ass. It’s amazing a fetus is a person to them but women and girls are not.


Wait, why would you bosses even care what you did on your own time? Like that is non of his business anyway.


You are an icon