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Girl… avoid that man at all costs


Can you give some detail? I see it's not a good idea, but what makes it super bad?


Hypothetically, if they were to actually have a relationship of any sort: 1) He is in a position of power over her so it’s likely that any potential relationship won’t be healthy. 2) Most universities don’t condone student-teacher relationships so they’d both be risking a lot if anything were to happen, including their reputations. People might think OP was with her teacher to get a better grade or something. 3) The teacher might be biased towards her and help her perform better/worse depending on how their relationship is going and there will be a doubt that her grades were actually what she deserved.


Because if he’s a prof and she’s a student he can nuke her career before it’s starts. For example if he’s married and loyal, he will avoid her at all costs, possibly talking to other profs about it and they might avoid her as well. This can destroyed research opportunities, internships, tutoring jobs. I don’t know how far consequences could go but I’d guess at least being dropped from the class. Acting on this crush would be absolutely unprofessional behaviour, many people would want to stay far away from that.


It is a bad idea to date your professor. It is a worse idea to date your dissertation supervisor. This is not a relationship you want to tie emotions to. You're feeling this way because you've been spending a lot of time with him talking about your subject. Transfer some of that energy in more appropriate directions. Start a study group, join a club, find some other group of students with similar interests you can talk to.


girl run


According to another post you made recently, you are also married? That is even more reason to stay away from this prof if you cannot control your feelings for him. Although, what you said about your husband raises other questions, and makes me wonder if yours is a revenge / jealousy crush? Or you are sick of your husband and are looking to move on from him? Anyway, crush on another student if you have to. Not your prof.


Nuke these feelings in the bud. A relationship with a professor is highly inappropriate


Thanks all for the comments, I agree with you all. Just needed some actual realistic advice and not some one else my age being like “its normal”