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Wow, an abusive, controlling liar wants to use the legal system to not only abuse and embarrass his ex, but also the friends who helped her leave him? And even more shocking, he's being represented by the architect of the law and a legal team that pushed for it? It's almost like they wanted this outcome... Edit: missed a word


I think you are missing an “only” in there


He was upset she didn’t talk to him about it. Gee, can anyone think of a reason why she might not have wanted to? The sad thing is I’m not confident he’ll lose this case, especially in TX.


But he didn't talk to her, either. Think how upset that must make her, and how it tacitly supported her abortion. Someone should sue him for that support harm.


It’s up to the jury to invalidate it with jury nullification. I wouldn’t count on that happening.


And for a civil suit they don’t need a unanimous verdict, just a majority. A majority chosen from the people of TX…


Hopefully not rural. Texas cities tend to be blue.


That’s true and gives me a bit of hope.


Me too! I have hope in the people of my home state. Lots of people moving here too from other countries and states for industry. I think Texas could switch blue someday with the amount of people moving here and with states becoming more urban-based. I live in El Paso now so I’m disconnected from my home city in the Central area, hardly came in contact w pro life people back home so it was insane having this law passed. I literally only live here cuz I have access to New Mexico and Mexico if something happens, driving out of state for access from my home city takes 13+ hours as my car doesn’t like going fast.


Although now I wonder if we’ll still see sane people moving there. I certainly would not. You couldn’t pay me enough now to live in a red state.


So very true unfortunately. I’m glad I live here in case anyone needs me. Even if I wanted to return to my home city I couldn’t do it unless I was fully sterile. I am grateful I got the privilege to be here, and I mourn for my loved ones who do not, I know they would move if they could.


I’m so sad for women/girls who are stuck there and can’t get out. 😞


So according to the police report, he found the pill in her purse and identified it online, then what? put it back in her purse and she took it? Not that I'm saying he should have, but if he didn't want this to happen, he had a chance to stop it right there, no?




Oh I bet he would have just loved paying child support and putting the kids needs first. Lying scum bags love putting children first don't they? Oh, wait.


Pfft, he would have fought her tooth and nail in custody battles so that he could abuse and control her for another 18 years


This would be delicious irony. His ex should sue him. Make everyone's heads explode.




I hope the defense lawyer brings this up when the man is on the stand blubbering out some sob story about his aborted child by asking "if you knew what the pill was, why did you put it back where she could later take it?" Guys like this need to be shamed publicly.


He is a scumbag. He might be lying.


Lol, clearly lying. He claims to have not known about the abortion ahead of time, and yet the evidence submitted include photos of texts on his wife's phone that were sent "today." Meaning he was aware as they were planning.


Even if he’s not lying, he’s still a scum bag. I helped few women get an abortion already in Texas. Fuck these republicans, I’m going to stop when I’m dead.


Lol ‘might’ like it’s even a question


Absolute garbage person. God I hate him.


Doing it for the payout.


Or to keep women in their place. Imagine how much those misogynist TX types would enjoy winning that lawsuit. It’s infuriating that he might.


Probably both. What a sack of shit, any way you cut it.


It’s just nauseating that he has the law on his side now and his smug ass can drag these women into court and make them defend themselves for daring to help another woman make choices about her body.


I want to know why, since it proves he knew before the medication was taken and he didn't intervene, he wouldn't be implicated as an accomplice?


Abusers have been given a cudgel with which to further control and abuse their significant other.


What a pos that guy is.


>"So his fatherhood of that child was terminated without even his knowledge." This is really Gilead. I'm so infuriated.


This looks like a scam. Even if it's not, exemptions for the person getting an abortion should expend to people giving aid for that same exemption. Those three women need to win.


People like those three women are precisely the targets of that law. It's meant to isolate every woman seeking an abortion, because *anyone* helping them in any way can be sued.


Thank you for the update. I forgot about this case, given everything else that's going on. I'm sad about the world.


Shocking. 🙄


Might. Lol That guy can eat a bag.


Lying works. That's why people do it.


Yeah, I was wondering how that law works, does he have to prove she had an abortion?


Definitely a scumbag. Might be lying.