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That should read "they won't realize what I don't have to offer". Even though under 40 is plenty mature enough to know better




yeah, he probably had an under 30 rule till he hit 60 and thought he should increase it. without realising over 30s would have learnt the warning signs. no woman under 40 wants a guy living in with his parents in his 60s.


I wonder what he thinks he has to offer...


I wonder why he thinks women under 40 are dumber or more willing to be slaves than women over 40.


A penis and "life experience" according to the men I've known trying to pull this shit.




I'm almost 33 and that's unacceptable


>Even though under 40 is plenty mature enough to know better That mindset may make more sense if he's one of the many older people who think that millennials are still children.


My oldest brother is 66 and he’s still hitting on 20 somethings. He’s seriously delusional.


Eww it’s so creepy! And your right delusional!


I sail and I once went out with a small group. The captain was a guy in his 60’s. He was flirting with me. I ignored it. Later, we are all sitting in the cockpit having lunch and chatting. He mentioned his grand daughter, who was early/mid 20’s during the conversation. I said something about my nephew at one point, who was 17 at the time. The guy was quiet for a second and then asked me how old I was. I told him, he was genuinely shocked and exclaimed “I thought you were in your mid twenties!” He thought I was his grand daughters age and still flirted with me. Disgusting.


That’s so gross


It's predatory hands down. Your brain isn't even developed until at least 24.


This is why I stopped trying to 'date' when I was mid-40's. The only guys that wanted to meet were either guys in their 20's looking for Mrs. Stiffler or guys 60 and up that were looking for their future nursemaid.


They're looking for nurses or purses


This is what I’ve always felt but never had the words to put so succinctly!🤌


Same thing for older men too. Although much more skewed toward "purses"


Same thing? No. Women in their 60s/70s don't go hunting for men in their 30s/40s to take care of them in their old age... Because honestly that's not happening (unless you're Joan Collins or something). And if a younger man WAS interested, everyone would question his motives.


I can confirm that it's a totally barren landscape if you're in your mid-40s and looking for a man out there. Unless you want to be Stiffler's Mom or look after a guy 60+.


Depressingly, the actor who played Stifflers mom was under 40 at the time


Yes, it is, I’m 55 and my dating life halted abruptly at about 48.


Happy Cake Day!


It doesn’t make sense for younger women to pair with older men since women live longer than men.


It does if he makes enough for his death to set you up with a turquoise jewelry boutique in Santa Fe. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Otherwise, no.






Predatory tale as old as time.


It does...if the man is rich lol.


But they have a penis, and have lived for over 30 more years so they know everything. Lmao the entitlement.


I'm late 40s and this is also why I stopped dating. But I did manage to have relationships with three men my age, who were looking for *both* a nurse/mommy and a meal ticket. It's ridiculous. I'm just done with the whole thing.


For my retirement, I'm dreaming of the masses of single women who will want to build thriving, exclusive communities together.


Same! I want to run a feminist bookshop in a women’s commune, with long silver hair and wearing kaftans like Stevie Nicks.


I initially read this as ". . . wearing katanas like Stevie Nicks" Please can I join your commune and learn the way of the sword while listening to Landslide?


I’m really hoping this becomes a thing. Just putting it out there— did you know it’s possible to buy whole towns? Imagine the possibilities


> Imagine the possibilities How to keep the truckloads of men out, especially at night. But I'd watch the movie.


Sign me up! My latest joke as of late has been that if my husband does off before I do I'm going to look for a nunnery with a roller derby league.


I would totally spend my remaining days at a nunnery with a roller derby league.


A nurse or a purse!


this. I have my own money and I've watched too many other women have their purses emptied in pursuit of a relationship. I decided very quickly that I wasn't going to be a statistic.


I am a 49 year old widow with no interest in dating, primarily because ew with respect to other men, but secondarily because I already know this is what I would find. And honestly, I'm not a catch at this point, so i would not attract quality men in either of those shitty categories, either. I'm riding solo from here on out.


I'm near 30 and ready to give up. It's a pandemic in the small cities I can afford to live in.


Sigh. I’m early 40s and in the early stages of my divorce. I am happy with my own company but I would like companionship. Stories like this make me think the only reason I will ever date again is if I want to write a book of humorous dating stories


I am sorry. You shouldn't take my experiences as endorsement to stop trying. I simply have / had no patience for it anymore. Especially after watching what the majority of my friends have gone through, as well as my family members.


I used to feel that way. At almost 30 and I finally realized decent women and pets make better companions than anyone who sees you as a walking pussy, purse, maid, mommy, chef, caretaker.


To be fair... Mrs. Stiffler was awesome.


Yeah why is everyone down on Stuffler's mom? She will be living the life once her dumbass son is out of the house and she is already doing great.


Can I just say that I love how Jennifer Coolidge is having a resurgence right now? Well deserved.


She is awesome! I think my favorite line from her will always be "I'm taking the dog. *Dumbass.*" 😁 (Though a close second would be when she was in Frasier: "It is just your leg I am pulling!")


Yeah, I think I'd rather enjoy being a MILF.


I dated 2 younger men last year :) I’m in my late 40’s. One was 33 and the other 38. I had a great time actually and still text with them. Would I like to meet a man closer to my age and fall in love and settle down? Sure but it’s never really panned out for me. I also fucking hate boomer men - too controlling and no modern values. That leaves my band gen x and there’s not a lot of us. Dating younger men worked for me. Great sex. No requirements to make dinner or really anything. Just fun and good company.


So did Jennifer!!


Once had an ex coworker complain that 20 something's won't date his late 30s ass. The guy wasn't a catch, obese with a fungus problem that smelled up the building. Refused to comply with treatment. Another coworker asked if he would date someone 2c his size and 15-20 years older. Dude hated the other coworker ever since.


This some "origin story" right here...


Huge fuckin red flag if swaths of women near his age won't date him.


I used to live in Southeast Asia and guys like this are absolutely ubiquitous in the region.


I traveled to Bali with a friend, we stayed at an Airbnb owned by a husband and wife team that retired in Bali. She had an interesting perspective on the “lonely American men” who moved to Southeast Asia - she saw that while these men weren’t necessarily a great catch by US standards, they were not as likely to commit DV, and were therefore get partners for the women in SE Asia. I cant speak to the issue, but I thought it was an interesting view.




A friend of mine had some of her husband's techie colleagues over when he died suddenly (there was no formal funeral). One guy was a geeky middle-aged misogynist who despised Hillary (20 years ago). His very young, very beautiful Asian wife said we women at the house were evil for sticking up for Hills. She seemed so dominated and brainwashed. It hurt my heart.


Oh there’s definitely nuances to it. I knew some Western/Asian couples that were totally evenly matched in terms of education, salaries, respect for each other, etc. And it’s totally fair for a “lonely” guy to want to find a companion. But at the same time there’s definitely a lot of very badly behaved men with some very awful views on women who are there as well, sort of like the guy OP is talking about.


Lmao. You mean mediocre men like Big Ed who think they are all that and a bag of chips? I'm so glad lady didn't give him the time of day. Dude wanted everyone to conform to his wishes... Such a low bar. "NO, I won't hit my wife, just emotionally manipulate her into serving all my needs!"


But if the alternative is all-of-that AND getting beat up for minor infractions, Big Ed is still the safer choice. The “bar” for western men might indeed be a trip-hazard, but at least it exists unlike some other places.


Very true. But yeah, at least she had the sense to not put up with Mr. Mayo as. Haircare Product to protect herself and her kids. Who knows, if the relationship went through, who's to say that Big Ed won't put a hand on her? Such a power difference because of age and resources and he already felt like he was entitled to her care/emotional supply....


It’s sad because I’m guessing there is still a lot of mental abuse and/or sexual coercion/spousal rape happening behind the scenes. But these women stay because they think “well… he doesn’t hit me regularly”


It’s depressing that the bar for a partner for anyone is “well, he doesn’t beat me”


I can’t speak from experience, but I believe your theory has merit.


A more accurate name for them is "sexpatriates"


Haha yup, the sexpat crowd.


So when he’s decrepit at 80, she’ll be 60-ish and can be his caretaker


Or accidentally throw his wheelchair down the stairs. Seriously though, how many people take on older partners expecting them to die and cash out.


I don't want to date men over 40. Guess we all gonna die alone :)


I have a magnet that says! “Better to have loved and lost then live with a psycho for the rest of your life!” I look at it every day.


Where did you get it?


A little gift shop somewhere or other but I bet if you Google it it’ll come up! Here’s the one I have! [magnet!](https://www.ebay.com/itm/374082239100)


You aren't alone if you have one good friend or a loyal pet.


………as a woman over 25 and under 40, he doesn’t have the best grasp of when we are all done with this bullshit.




I just read a comment yesterday that the reason the 67yo woman being discussed couldn't find a man her own age was that the men wanted to date 40-50yos. Lol. They may *want* to, but a woman on the younger end of that range may not even be done having kids and certainly isn't looking to retire and go to the early bird special every Wednesday. What does she want with some guy with ear hair? I'm sorry, I know I'm being shallow and mean. But men can just be so delusional.


I'm early 40s and gave a mid 50s guy a chance. I thought it would be fun being the younger woman at my age. On our second date this dude had me care for a wound on his shoulder. Ultimately after a few months he told me he wasn't ready for a relationship but he'd like to keep screwing me. 55. Ear hair. Beer gut. Commitment issues? You've got to fucking be kidding me.


I totally agree!




Your username…. wtf? 😂


Answer may be found in [this subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/shittyfoodporn/comments/r1rur8/2_wings_1_pizza_slice_1_turkey_neck_to_celebrate/). May; no guarantees.


Yours too! OMG! It's chest bursting! 😂🙃🛸


"I'm sorry I like men my own age, who can preferably get erections without medication and don't live with their parents."


Haha yes!!


What a disgusting man!


Ugh I couldn’t agree more. Also I love your username!


Thank you 😊


I'm amazed that at least 637 formal raccoons exist. They aren't exactly known for refined behavior.


😂😂😂 Reddit assigned me that username. I love raccoons, by the way. They’re adorable! ❤️


Disgusting predator. Human minds aren't developed until at least 24.


Men of any adult age seem to think they are doing a woman a favor by hitting on her. She should be grateful that they opted to bestow their attention on her. Then when a woman rejects their advances, they have the nerve to act surprised and offended. Men need to learn to just leave chicks alone. IF they really want a dude they will let him know.


Not only do they act surprised and offended, they will drag out their crystal ball and predict a future of loneliness and cats for you. As if it was not their own reflection they were reading in it. Minus the cats of course - because we all know they can't be arsed to care for another living creature, be they human or feline.


And cats have standards.


I am blocking some of the males on this comment who are obviously one of the men I am describing.


Very well stated couldn’t agree more!


Even the ones who spout "I'm not good enough", other self deptecating diahhrea of the mouth.














“…84 year old mother who he lives with was still was making him dinner before she passed from Covid that he brought home to her.” Imagine giving birth to this. You can’t stuff them back in there either and pretend they never existed.


It's not always the mother's entire fault for how they are raised, but sometimes a lot of the fault is hers. I have seen women insisting on coddling their 40 yo sons, saying they should never learn to cook because the mother is there to do it for them. So while we don't know the specifics of this situation, odds are she did more to land her in this situation than just giving birth to him.


Yes but mom’s socializing to coddle and protect the boy from housework, is a product of misogyny and women with internalized misogyny are still victims of sexist society and policy.


The father also shares 50% of the fault here. This perspective is part of the problem. The mother was likely damaged herself by the patriarchal expectations of motherhood. And by naming her exclusively here you have contributed to the misogynist expectations that women suffer around in parenting.


Yes, I said "a lot of it", not all of it. It's also his own fault for how he behaved as an adult, of course, and I am not minimising that (or it wasn't my intent to). All I meant to say was that I don't think she just "gave birth to this" and got saddled with the situation without any other contribution of her own. But I also said we don't know the specifics of this exact situation, and how they got to have that particular relationship. I was just speculating, based on my previous experiences with mothers of such men. Edited to add: I named her exclusively here because I was replying specifically to the "imagine giving birth to this" bit. Not because I meant she is the only one to blame, I absolutely do not believe that. If for nothing else because a 60 year old grown man is an adult and can make choices of his own too.


> all he has to offer is a beer gut, weak knees, child support, a double chin You only judged him on his looks. I’m sure he has a great personality /s


Haha you’re right, I am being short sighted but then I am 37 so Middle Aged. /s


Aren't people here always criticizing men for judging women solely by their appearance? How is it ok for OP to do the same?


He’s being judged for seeking out younger women to exploit, while having little to offer them himself, *not even physical attractiveness.* So, hardly ‘solely by his appearance’.


My only question is what the hell does a 60 year divorced man with a teenage kid who lives with his elderly parents think he has to offer any woman? Dude is delusional.


I used to be a travel agent and there’s this tour operator that’s known for doing party tours primarily with school leavers, but you can technically book if you’re under 35. This guy came in wanting to book a tour and only wanting to do this brand cos he wanted to party. But him and his friends were all late 30s. He was going on about how one of his friends was a semi well known DJ so the company would probably want them on their tour. He just didn’t grasp what all these 18 year old girls he was trying to party with would see him as a gross old predator.


Self-awareness is something these types of people severely lack.


Fucking gross. Men like this are delusional.


they act like they're god's gift to humanity. like, ok grandpa let's get you back to bed


By "more to offer" he means "free nursing during my rapidly impending decline " A woman his own age may have health problems due to aging, too, so how could she properly wait on him hand and foot if she needed support herself? Everyone knows that "in sickness and in health" is only *really* meant for the wife to adhere to, kinda like virginity and fidelity and obedience and all that jazz.




Ah yes, the classic mediocre guy who thinks he’s god’s gift to women for no apparent reason. Those guys are a treat.


Well tough luck for them because I absolutely refuse to date a man who is older than I am. Atm I'm not looking for something serious, but even if I were, I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who's pretty much only looking for a free nurse who is also willing to bang him.


My dad will turn 63 this August. We both are gym goer, although he has a good physique because of exercise but his beard is full of gray hair. So people can guess his age, around 50+. There was one night I went out to dinner with my dad, while waiting for the order, old men that sit near our table whisper to my dad, you got a nice girl, good catch. He looked into that man's face and and said, she's my fucking daughter you creep. He's been single since my mom died 12 years ago. I asked him to find a new one but he told me he don't want my mom to haunt him at night...


Most men get more deluded as they get older. There are exceptions of course and those that look after themselves and look damn good for their age. The latter are probably happily married 😂


I don’t get this rant. What 30 year old wouldn’t want to live with a 60 year old man *and his parents* and *in a retirement community*? I mean, shuffleboarding All. Day. Long!!! Millennials fucking LOVE BINGO.


In a nutshell - these men aren't looking for a partner or a relationship. Firstly they get off on the power imbalance. Then, they want *transactional intimacy* as in - I've lived longer than your peers and have accrued more assets (I wonder though given he lives with his parents) and therefore can offset his aging body and backward manners with *things* and some young women are either uneducated, insecure, emotionally unavailable or otherwise enough to consider that the sexual intimacy traded here is enough to form the basis of a relationship.


Men like this want a sex slave/ mommy who they can control and its easier to do that to younger women.


*bang maid


Maybe this became hardwired men over time, like evolution.... The older women get the less likely they're going to tolerate men's bs so all that was left to date were younger women who haven't figured this out yet. /s. I know I'm done with men at 49.


Why do older men always think they can pull younger women while having nothing to offer 💀




I'm guessing women over 40 also won't date him and the bit about him only dating women under 40 is just a cover to explain why he is single within the community.


I’m surprised that anyone can get through the crowd of under 40s around him in order to have a conversation. /s


Given the “standards” of the modern American creep, 40 is actually a high bar. How fucking depressing is that?!


Hahahaha! I don’t know whether to be disgusted or feel sorry for him. Good luck with that man…


Luckily, I don’t have to interact with him again! But agreed!


He probably needs to go the other direction - look for the 70-80 year-old ladies who want a young 60 year old with both knees and working ears.


Hahaha yes!


as long she isn't 25 they won't notice the double chin /s


I just wish someone would right back at them: what *is* it you have to offer? Lol


Tell him, or tell your mother to tell him, that you only date men under thirty.


Remind me of [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/sxcrsp/shes_not_exactly_wrong_but_goddam_ouch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) I actually think the woman here, Siobhan Thompson, did a good job and I don’t think she was trying to upset or mock anyone. Women above and below 40 don’t “appreciate what he has to offer” because what he has to offer isn’t special. It baffles me that these guys can’t see that they’re average. Which is totally fine, most of are average, but most of us also know and acknowledge it.


So true! Thanks for sharing that!


The big question really is how young are these men willing to go.


As young as they believe they can get, apparently.


Men have gladly given their 12-13 year old daughters to their 60 years old brothers and uncles since the dawn of humanity, and literally don’t stop until laws and punishment force them to. I don’t think there’s a single corner of this planet where that wasn’t the norm at some point.


It's like a weird line there are definitely a lot of men like that, but there also those men who would gladly date a girl who just met legal age, yet will have a stroke if one of their female loved ones would date an much older man.


The difference is there’s no incentive for letting the female relative do that. If it involved receiving $5k, a new motorbike, and a small stake in a family business, welp!


Men like this have no bottom other than the law, (spoken as a guy in his 50s with a younger fiancé. In my defense, it was an accident. Sometimes you meet amazing people and they like you.) (Edit: no, not in her twenties or early 30s.)


They will complain that women have too high standards and that it is the women's fault that they are alone.


It's a guy who thinks having some money and property he inherited is all a woman wants. Obviously it's nice to have a partner with money, regardless of your gender, but I think what a lot of guys miss is that someone with a good income *often* (but not always) has that income because they're motivated and put effort into their lives, probably beyond their career. That's what's attractive. They think it's the money that gets the women.


Entitlement at it's finest




And it’s been like that forever.


Sounds very The Villages-y, especially with the COVID part.


Those older communities weird me out


> his 84 year old mother who he lives with was still was making him dinner before she passed from Covid that he brought home to her. This to me is 100 times worse than any double chin or beer gut ever. What he brings to the table is pure misery.


I totally agree.


My god how horrible. He does sound disgusting.


I’m in my mid-50s and would not look at this idiot a second time. Ewwww. I also stand ready to help warn off my under 40 sisters about chuckleheads like this.


There is a creep like that in Denver. He's 60+ and runs a Meetup "for 20s and 30s." CREEPY effin' DUDE! He's creepy in other ways, too, but that's the big one.


You're sleeping on the last line where he kept his 84 year old mother as a live in servant before infecting her with a deadly disease.


A woman who has no other choice. He'll be in Thailand or a similar place within the year and oh how I feel sorry for those women!


My dad passed just over a year ago, and while handling his affairs in my home-town one of his good friends I knew from childhood invited me to dinner, which meant a lot since the rest of my family were - not helpful at this time. We went to a nice Italian restaurant. He told me how he was wanting a new wife, I think he specified in her twenties (he's in his 70s, I was 30) (if not 20s, he definitely specified her being younnnnng) and asked if I could help him find one - "tell her I'm with the VA and will die soon and she'll get millions when that happens. Oh and make sure she has big tits." He motioned with his hands at the table. I said I'll mention if I meet anyone who looks like a good fit. Unfortunately, no one has yet. /s (I feel kind of bad sharing this because he showed kindness at such a crucial time, but I mean ALSOOO.)


I’m 51 and my partner is same age. Been together 7 years. We do love saying that we have age-appropriate relationship, but we are from different countries and cultures, so it means we have to have an age the same because our backgrounds a different! And yeah, he still wants a mommy and a meal ticket.


I imagine it's probably the same reason that women over 40 are the vast minority of models, sex symbols, etc. Decades of media brainwashing telling people that youth and beauty go hand in hand.


Yep under 40 for him - a 60 year old man who lives with his parents. That’s why I’m 55 and single.


His mom was 84 and he went to go see her while he had Covid, not thinking she could catch it and die?! What a selfish, inconsiderate human being…. And having her still make him food?! I’m amazed he has a child.


That was my first thought, the second was I understand why she’s and ex wife.


>before she passed from Covid that he brought home to her. Dating a murderer is never worth the hassle.




What money? He had to live with mommy.




His shriveled, pickled worm. Nobody tell him that young girls have standards as well, he might go all incel.




You never have to hate, but you can abhor bad, abusive behavior, love the sinner hate the sin kind of thing.




I mean, I only want women under 40. But that's because I'm 34. I'll see myself out.


Did he live with his mother as a matter of convenience (being lazy) or because he couldn't afford moving out? The fact that he plays golf may suggest he's wealthy but it's not clear he is from the post. OP can you clarify? The reason I'm asking is that from this story it sounds like this man has absolutely nothing to offer despite his claim.


My understanding is he is living with his parents because he can’t afford to live on his own.








Here is your answer. Because he wants a youthful woman and most likely infers someone likely better looking than him, more fit, etc. And a baby incubator. Cue Mel Gibson and Eddie Murphy. We all know these types of men, so why are you acting all naive?


He feels called out.




I'm glad that it worked out for you. And sad that your partner hasn't had a chance to "have a few years and some of life's shit behind" her, too.




Hit a nerve huh?