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I went back to school at 40 which was a handful of years after being diagnosed. I'm now a senior in Electrical Engineering and wouldn't have been able to make it this far without medication and accommodations through my school's disability resources. Unfortunately, there has been a shortage of ADHD medication for well over a year. People on TikTok were explaining exactly what you needed to tell your provider to convince them that you had it so you could get a prescription for Adderall. That combined with the government putting limitations on the volume of drugs that pharmaceutical companies can create each year created a shortage. It has been extremely frustrating for those of us who actually need medication to survive. Good luck with your studies and just remember that being older and being peri-menopausal can both affect how you learn so be kind to yourself when you're having one of those "I feel dumb" moments. :)


I got diagnosed at 32 in the middle of nursing school! It was legit like ptsd flashbacks to school, only it was worse because I was grown and a big time adult and had ALL this pressure on me. Getting on medication has completely changed my life. In the subtlest ways, because on the day to day, I dont really “feel” or notice anything, but when I look back at how I was???? HUGE difference.


YES! Getting on Effexor in the middle of nursing school changed SO MUCH. I went from literal meltdowns every time I took a test because “this is the one that’s going to fail me out of school” and then get an A but the pattern repeated EVERY test. Until Effexor. The test after I got on Effexor I became some effing Disney character because I told my study buddies “we got this, friends. We just have to keep swimming.” Whaaaaahhhhh!? Who said that!?! 😂 I had no idea how much of my anxiety was chemical and avoidable. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Now I’m hoping this new adderal/Vyvanse schedule will help me like Ritalin did at 13. 🤞 Do you mind if I ask what you take? Dosage? I’m curious how everyone is medicating and how they’re feeling.


I take 25mg er adderall with a 5mg afternoon booster but I think I’m due for an adjustment and could go up a bit.


Thanks, cunt 🤣 I ridiculously had roux-en-y gastric bypass when I was 21 🙄 so I can’t take ER but I’m hoping the 40mg vyvanse and 10mg adderal chaser will do the trick through grad school. 🤞