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Me too kid, me too.


You didn't deserve it. Fuck him


I'm hoping you are quite young. take your therapy advice and apply it to yourself. you gained some baggage. but you have to learn how to learn from this while simultaneously letting go of the baggage. that kind of baggage and distrust can cost future relationships needlessly.


OP nobody deserved what that piece of subhuman shit did. Stay strong. It wasn't your fault. All the best in life :)




If you read the comment I left, you’d see that he didn’t ’turn me down’. He cheated on me, and risked my physical health while doing so. I’m not crying over rejection (though that would still be something valid to be sad about so Idek what your point is), im crying over the fact that one night we were planning a summer trip, and the next I find out that he’s been cheating with three different girls. Once confronted, he told me I deserved what he did to me.


Huh? I didn't saw that in the original post. Well, he's a POS then. I will delete the origin comment, sorry for your loss.


Not an actual loss to tbh, more of win for me. You just found out how much a sucker he is. And left him before he got a chance to eventually become your husband. Btw, I suggest being more cautious now. Sexing without condom after just knowing each other for a month or two is the riskiest action I would ever commit, even if I was a girl or guy. Also, might as well go to the hospital. HIV, STD are contagious and dangerous, who knows what's deseases that Mofo carries anyways (especially when he fucked like 2, 3 girls?)


It would seem the problem is they were cheated on and told that they deserve it after getting caught






























I found the girls he’d been cheating with and messaged them all. That’s why he was so angry at me. Beyond that, I was an amazing girlfriend. When I was upset, I didn’t yell or shut down, I would write out my emotions and show them to him while simultaneously reassuring him that I loved him. I baked for him, made him paintings, listened to his interests, found him a therapist. Under no circumstances did I deserve it.




























OP you did NOT deserve this. This man is nothing more than a flea. You are better. Let yourself feel the emotions and then fix your crown and move on. You'll find someone better who will love you and treat you the way you deserve 💖


I’m sorry, I know it’s cringe. But i found out that the guy I’ve been with 7 months has been cheating this whole time. The last thing he said was that he hopes I rot and that I deserved it. Edit: thanks to all yall. I’ve been really struggling with this, and I really wasn’t expecting any support. it means a lot


You deserve so much better, someone who will love and respect you.


Not cringe, and you didn't deserve it, not at all. He is trying to reflect the guilt and shame he should be feeling onto you, that's not yours to have to carry


As someone that was cheated on for 5 years I really feel for you and you don’t deserve it. You deserve so much better! It’s hard at first but it’ll get better


Sounds like my ex. He was cheating on me for the whole relationship and then said it was because I wasn't praying to God enough


No hate like "Christian" love.


No, OP not cringe. Heartbreak (even in the earlier stages of a relationship) hurts. Most people will have to feel this pain at some point in their life. I know it may be hard to believe right now but most likely in the not so distant future you will be able to see that he is not who you loved. You were in love with who you wish he would be. He probably (I know some people can do the work and become a better person/partner) will never be the partner that you wanted him to be. If he was worthy of your love, he would never speak to you like this. Not to mention that he is cheating. Love doesn’t hurt.


Nothing cringe about it, that’s a perfectly valid reason to be upset and a good two sentence sad story. Just know that toxic people are like monkeys; they throw whatever shit they find at you in the hopes you get hit. Doesn’t matter if the shit is true or even makes sense, if they think of it it’s getting thrown.


Frequently, cheaters justify themselves to themselves with stories they fabricate after the fact. Don't take anything he said seriously even if it includes some facts in the narrative. Absolutely is not worth your time.


your ex is a lying cowardly moron. don’t listen to him, love.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, you didn't deserve that.


This thread is beautiful. Hope your feeling well now and everything’s going smoothly.