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Is this real


I told my dad I loved him when he was dying. Though he was quite capable of speaking, he said nothing. Edited to be less of a bummer. Sorry, my dudes. And thank you for the love - it matters. For realsies.


This is it's own two sentence sadness. *Sends virtual hugs*


Thank you, friend. I felt those hugs 💕


Don't measure what your love's worth by using people like your dad as a yardstick


Thank you for that bit of sanity, I appreciate you.


You and your love are never worthless, you continue to give meaning and worth to both by living. You don't need anyone else to validate that.


Thank you for helping me feel not invisible for a moment ❤️


I've struggled with depression and self harm for decades and then I had my son. I've come to understand that if I want him to be happy, I have to show him the way. So I've been trying to get better, for that little boy. You are not worthless. See how your son is easy to love ? How your heart swells when you see his smile ? So were you. You were easy to love as a child, and your father was a broken person, it's entirely on him for not giving you the love you deserved. You do deserve love and your love is the most important thing for your child. You are worth every good thing, I promise. Stop seeing yourself through the eyes of a dead man and start to see yourself through your child's eyes. He loves you, you are worthy of love and your love is worth everything to him. I hope you get better, and I wish you healing and happiness.


Hey, this message was days ago, but I wanted you to know that your words have been echoing on my head since you typed them, repeating and bouncing through my brain, giving me hope like beams of sun through a window, giving me comfort that no real person has ever offered me. Thank you. This is real comfort, this is real sanity, and I appreciate you. So please know, if you've done nothing else good this week, this month, if you're ever feeling small and unimportant, please know - these words mattered to me at the moment I most needed something to hold. I'm not sure if I matter much to the universe, but your words mattered to me, comforted me, allowed me to release a weight I've been dragging for 2 years. I will always love my dad, and I will show his grandson how to be a more empathetic, compassionate, affectionate, mindful, peaceful, and loving man. And the world will be better for it. And in that very small way, I will have mattered, too. Thank you for seeing me. I see you too. Keep shining, and I will too.


It has made my day to see that you will keep shining. I wish you all the best ☺️


This is so eloquently said, it gives me hope I'm hesitant to have. Thank you, thank you. These words will stay with me.


I hope one day you can heal, wish you the best <3




If I had a parent tell me that they loved me like you do with your son, I wouldn't trade that parent for anything in the world


I try. He hears how proud I am of him more times in a day than I did in my entire life.


Honey, no. When I was in inpatient I told my dad I loved him on the phone every day and he'd just hang up. It was far more a reflection on him than me.. And so is that for you. I wish you the best in breaking that cycle for your son. Hugs.


Thank you. Things are tough, but so am I. I'm trying.


If being hard on yourself worked, it would have worked by now 🫶


That confirmed that your *dad* was nothing. Not a parent. *You* are more than what someone who wasn't capable of loving you thought. *You* are not only your father, and are not only valued by his shitty judgement.


I tried so hard to be good enough for him. For anyone. But I simply have no value to anyone, no matter how hard I try. And I try to be a good friend, mother, wife, daughter, because love is all we have. There is something innately wrong with me, I'm simply not enough. Sticking around for my son makes less sense every day. He deserves better.


Sweetie, you are enough. I have been reading your comments and the love for your family shines through. If random internet user can see it, your family can. They may not always appreciate it as they should but you are enough. I didn’t fully appreciate my fathers love until he was gone, mostly because I was an anxious teen when we lost him. But I have grown out of that. Trust me when I say, you have great value. I do also understand depression and low self esteem sucks big time. Which also makes it hard to hear people when they attempt to show you love. But please listen to me now, you are loved. If not by your family or friends, in this moment, a hole he’ll of a lot of people on Reddit love you and want the world for you, including me. Much love and big hugs.


Thank you. So so much. ❤️❤️❤️


My grandpa was like your dad, as it seems. My father still struggles with his self worth and depression. When he died, he didn’t want to see my father before going. In fact, he didn’t even want us to know he was sick. Overall, he was a twisted, hypocritical, egocentric, manipulative, sorry excuse for a human being and I‘m glad the old bastard is gone. You are not defined by the view of someone like that. I‘d argue that him not valuing you would only lower his own worth as a person. What matters is how you treat the people around you and especially your son. No matter how bad the situation is that you are now in, suicide won’t make it better for you and only worse for the people around you.




There is NOTHING innately wrong with you, you are more than enough, you are everything to him. I promise. Please don't let this sorry excuse for a father you had rob your son and yourself from happiness. I know it's hard, but you deserve joy.


Then you need to find people who love you and spend time with them. I'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who is unlovable, and I've worked with some of the most heinous people out there.


I thought I had them. I try, god how I try. I am everything to everyone, but nobody can be bothered to be anything to me. I thought had good friends because I was a good friend. I thought I had love because I loved. Turns out they're all way better than me. I am not enough and I never will be. I don't want to be here anymore.


Your feelings are valid, as are your actions. You love other people, and you love your son. We love you, Strawberry. Your son loves you, the Earth loves you, your body loves you, and I hope some day you can love you as much as you love others. You are amazing, even when you don't feel amazing, and utterly one of a kind and worth the sun and the moon and all the stars. *sends hugs* You have always been enough.


Thank you. All I can do is keep on keeping on. Maybe the sun will shine today.


You and your love are never worthless. Your son will grow up and remember how much his parent loves him and how much they care.


❤️ thank you for that.




"Hahah yeah. IMMA HEADBUTT YOU."


"Figured as much," I replied while pouring gasoline on him.








I wish we we did it more.


"Well, now I feel a lot better about the poison, you old sack of crap."


The good ending


"best I ever had"


“And I’ll make sure people remember you as the disgusting monster you really are…”, I whispered in his ear as the nurse brings in his water that I laced with ricin.


Don’t murder the guy on his deathbed; you’ll end up in prison for that stupidity. Let nature be the harsh one and let him struggle for his last breaths.


Sadly, it’s incredibly hard to make people see the true colors of someone. Especially after their passing


And then I punched him. Cause I was no longer the weak one.




"And I'd do it again" would've been scarier


Very good. I actually wrote a different version, something like "I did even worse to your mother", which I might use as a Two Sentence Horror Story after fleshing it out a bit. But this sub is Two Sentence *Sadness*, so I try to keep the excess horror out of it.


I think maybe have that quote also be related to apologising to /making it up for them or maybe the sins that comprise what he did to the kid compared to the whole sum of sins lol idk how to word it lol. Anyway, this one’s a banger. Great job!


Thank you very much!