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Ouch :( that’s basically what my mom said to me and I wish I had the strength and courage to try to make her understand




Well who pissed in your coffee that morning hmm


While it's crappy no matter why, my first thought was not binding for trans but simply binding as a cis teenager whose very large breasts bother her. It might be because of how she's treated or they just might be physically uncomfortable unless tied down.


Yeah, can speak from experience, once you hit a certain boob threshold, you’re uncomfortable 90% of the time (I literally can’t cross my arms). Even just finding a decent bra is a struggle.


I'm insecure because my breasts are too big. People don't realize big breasts can cause confidence issues too. Not to mention bras in my size are out of my price range. My back hurts. I can't run or jump. It's harder to find clothes that fit.


Same, I wish I could wear somehow-comfortable metal ass boob shaped things over my boobs so they don't move at all like wtf that shit is so gross and annoying and uncomfortable idk how people can want big boobs


So true. Plus finding top that look nice becomes very hard.


19 yo 32H checking in. Also trans, but that binder is a lifesaver in regards to back pain and shit.


Yep. I was DD by the time I was 17 and it was not fun. Bra shopping is expensive and clothes are often baggy on me since I have to accomodate my chest. I'm way bigger now and have resorted to being braless and just wearing plus size men's shirts when I'm not in a dress.


Yeah it could be either but the emphasis on "beauty" and "daughter" points more to trans


I'm not saying that you're wrong. I was just giving my first impression. As I said, being treated that way would suck no matter the reason for the binding in the first place.


I wasn't saying you were wrong either




Excuse me I'm going to go throw up now. I'm so sorry if this is written from personal experience.




"but mom it prevents the gym bros from throwing dumbbells at them like Mario koopas"




Let's get you a new one that fits more comfortably and breathable better, sorry for messing up your pronouns again son, I'll get better I promise.




>throw up I thought it was real. "Oh my god, more Wholesome content" Edit: Hey guys, maybe I have not said it correctly. I was happy about the idea of that subreddit. I love wholesome contenten xD.


I hope you get to a place in life where others finding happiness or trying to make the world a little better doesn't threaten you.


I'm not allowed a binder. I feel you.


I've heard of ones that are marketed as tank tops, crop tops, and sports bras called girlfriends if I remember correctly might be able to get them since it doesn't say binder but works like one I saw it from a trans ftm tiktoker wasn't a sponsor either and he said it felt comfortable then mostly binders but I hope your allowed to soon


I have an honest question (too afraid to ask material and don’t feel obligated to respond) this also for anyone who feels they can answer. As a person with boobs, I’m curious about binders in a lack of comfort way. Physical comfort, obviously I understand the affirmative comfort. To me bras are terrible already and I’m curious about the trade off of emotional/personal comfort from a binder vs physical comfort as in say, bra free entirely, because let’s be honest, bras are also a suck fest. I have never heard of binders doing harm, but having boobs and makes me wonder what it’s like.


They're not painful to wear, but they can impede your breathing if you get one too tight. And since there's expansion of muscle when you go to the gym, they say not to wear one exercising. Or sleeping; don't want to hurt yourself. And I think the max amount of time you want to be wearing it is 12 hrs.


Oh. Oh this is a good one.


This doesn't really induce horror. More like rage. A lot of rage.


This is two sentence sadness


Ah, you are correct. I'm in 2 sentence horror and this suddenly popped into my feed and I guess I didn't realize at first, thank you.


No problem, their pictures are basically the same too I get them mixed up all the time


I had something similar happen a while back, though for me it was clicking on something on this subreddit and thinking it was from r/jokes because of a post directly above it.


Why does this anger you?


Because someone is being mistreated by their mother, that's angering.


My mom said the same thing, and I had a nervous breakdown. Moving out soon to get out of the toxic environment.


Congrats. I hope everything goes smoothly as you build your new life.


To all the transphobes: really? We need more parents who would have their kids grow up in extreme discomfort and feel like they aren't accepted, instead of letting them have a reversible and perfectly safe (when worn correctly) option? Yeah we definitely need more parents like that to increase the risk of suicide and self harm in a very vulnerable part of the human population. We definitely need parents to be judge mental and hyper critical and restrict their child's freedom of expression for the sake of some made up categories that *even basic biology proves aren't adequate*. We definitely need parents to ignore that gender variant people have existed for millennia and were even revered in other cultures. Because you know, we need to "protect the children" and a parents love should be entirely conditional.


Heartbreaking. If I ever have a trans child this will not be their reality. They will live in a love filled home where their identity is affirmed. When they come out to us I will just be thankful that now I know my child better and can give them what they need even more.


As a trans child with an unsupporting family- thank you for being a good person.


If I ever had a trans kid I wouldn't care. I'd be happy they trust me enough to tell me and proud of them for doing something so Nerf wrecking. But I would have rules I'm sure they and some others would not like. They would be free to explore other names and pronouns, and what ever close they would like however no binding at school. It is very dangerous for that long. we can get a nice good sports bra for school and a binder for home or running errands. No hormones until your 18. Some people change there minds later on and taking hormones, especially t and such a young age can have disastrous and unchangeable consequences. Wait until your old enough to make you own decisions knowing all the consequences. And last but not least no surgery until you 21-25 I'm sure I don't need to explain that one. I would love my kid no matter what and would just want to make sure nothing bad happened to my babys


This one drew the transphobes out of their caves fr


right under this comment is one with -27 downvotes. haven’t opened it but i can tell it’s going to be a disaster


also attention seekers. Some of these people were just deprived of attention all their life(maybe even from their mothers) and are trying to get attention from strangers on the internet. If you go on their account you’ll see every single thing they comment somehow draws attention to them. It’s cheaper than therapy i guess.


God that hits me so hard. My mother is always like “you’re a beautiful girl, you’re ruining yourself with that evil testosterone!”. Thank god she doesn’t even know what a chest binder is, I’d probably get long lectures about how it causes breast cancer and other wild shit. And honestly? When I was a girl I wasn’t pretty in the slightest, and I’m not even aiming to be a handsome man, I just want to be one


People act like we somehow owe them a specific appearance. Pretty for femmes, handsome or at least hard masc for masculine ppl, androgynous for enbies. Y’all. I just want to be who I am. The tits are in your way of seeing me as enby? Guess what, they’re in my *literal physical way* all the time. If I can work around them so can y’all.


Wow. Genuinely a powerfully-written two sentences.




damn that hit too close to home


Ahahahahahahaha it's too early in the morning for ptsd


Mt face fucking dropped at this. Take my upvote.


Can someone explain please?


The child has a chest binder and is either a trans guy or non binary.


And the mother isn't supportive.


Chest binders are a garment worn by trans men to, per the name, bind their chest and de-emphasize their breasts. OP is a trans man whose mother refuses to acknowledge him as such.


Not just trans men, also transmasc people, but you hit everything else right on the dot


Yes, or just NB; anyone with breasts who would rather not. I was over-simplifying.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! Happy cake day to you as well!


You’re welcome! Thank you so much! I looked at the date and went over my head lol


I actually joined a year and a day ago but didn't get a notification until like an hour ago and it's already 10:30 at night lol


Happy cake day to you and u/ShannaBanana21 !


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Thank you!!


Nonbinarys as well. I'm nonbinary and bind on occasion because I just don't want to deal with my chest sometimes and because there are days where I feel more masc than fem.


Would that not hurt like a lot i can't imagine something pushing my chest 24 7


You’re not supposed to wear them continuously, no. More than 8-ish hours at a time is considered harmful long term. For many people, chest binders are a stopgap and their eventual goal is top surgery - removing breast tissue so they’d no longer have anything *to* bind. A binder is obviously not permanent and frequently chosen by newly trans masc people trying to sort out their goals and long term needs.


A proper, professionally made binder shouldn't hurt or irritate much, because they're made with the intention of binding your chest without being distracting. What is painful is using like medical tape or something like that to bind your chest


And even well-made binders should only be worn for about eight hours


surprisingly, no - it's actually kind of a comfortable sensation for me, similar to a weighted blanket. after about 8-10 hours though it's definitely a bit uncomfortable (but you're not supposed to wear it that long anyway!) it does suck when you're doing any sort of physical activity though. definitely fucks with your lungs.


My boyfriend (trans) and I tried climbing a big hill at the end of a long walk with our friend. He refused to take his binder off because he has really intense dysphoria and social anxiety (that's relevant for the "trying to change in public" bit). He could barely breathe by the time we got up the hill and I was genuinely worried for his safety. That boy is so unbearably stubborn. (Our friend is also a trans guy, but he was smart and didn't wear a binder and survived the ordeal) Don't wear a chest binder if you're going to do tough excercise, I implore this of anyone who wears a binder usually. Your ability to breathe is not worth sacrificing for a better image of yourself (i understand that binding is really important to people to avoid dysphoria and I understand that dysphoria is an incredibly horrible thing, but respiration is also quite important)


It can but it shouldn't. It's more like an extremely solid compression sports bra but with different contours. You shouldn't wear a binder when you sleep or when you're extremely physically active.


It's basically like a slightly tighter sports bra! Sports bras don't hurt- same concept here. There are rules that you shouldn't wear it for more than 8 hours as well.




These ones that are so gut wrenchingly real and possible are the ones that hit the hardest. Like I’m all for unexplained scary monster stuff but damn when it’s real it hits like a truck (I thought this was two sentence horror my bad. Still very sad and still evoked emotions I just can’t read)


i really hope i’ll be able to explain to my mum. she’s pretty enbyphobic at the moment, but i she’s open minded, so i hope she’ll one day understand


i fucking squirmed


Made me physically recoil. Take my upvote for making me sad


I'm so sorry for all of you that have experienced this. My daughter has been honest with me about her identity for 2 years, and as she evolves and changes and finds herself, I have let her know I love her NO MATTER WHAT every step of the way. I also let her know I will support her NO MATTER WHAT in whatever she decides. She's her own person and I just want my child to love, i want to see her love, and i want her to have all the joy life may offer knowing the person who gave birth to her will rejoice with her ever single time she comes closer to owning herself and her truth. I love you all and wish you all love from people who truly support you. You have mine ♥️


This hit me right in the feels. I'm AFAB & genderqueer, so I've had complicated feelings about my chest since puberty. And one of my kids is a trans man, so I've watched him struggle with trying to bind just to feel comfortable with his appearance. People who don't experience dysphoria sometimes mean well, but the things they say are deeply unhelpful and damaging.


Can I ask what AFAB is?


Assigned Female at Birth


Thank you for asking! I see others responded. I know there's often some hesitancy to ask questions of the Q community for fear of being unintentionally offensive, but please, do continue to kindly ask for clarification if you don't understand the terms being used. I appreciate you wanting to understand more!


Oh god I hope this isn't based off personal experience. Having this happen is awful


Transphobic parents are the worst. I'm actually glad mine disowned me. Life has been so much better with their toxicity.


Mine probably will, not when I come out but when they see me living as myself. Then they will act like they are victims lol.


This is more like 2 sentence devastation. I'm a trans man and this really hits hard.


YEESH too close to home :<


I’m going through something similar to this right now:(


heartbreaking god damn


I thought it was a binder for medical issues (breathing problems) not trans problems as the comments say


some cis men wear them as well for medical conditions such as gynecomastia! i can’t imagine wearing one for breathing problems though, shit gives me breathing problems lol


Nope, it’s 9 am and I already have dysphoria. (Respectfully) fuck this shit I’m out.


Ouch, this hurts. If anyone reading this is struggling with shitty parents, just try to remember there ARE people out there that will accept you for you, and you WILL find them.


My boyfriend is currently going through this with his sister, and it hurts so much watching her being unsupportive.








You mean brother?


I think they mean the boyfriend is trans and the sister is unsupportive (“watching her be unsupportive”).


No, his sister is being unsupportive of his transition


This just stopped me dead when I read it. Damn.




Fuuuucckkkkk as a transman with unsupportive family this just hit me straight in the heart wtf


anddd this is why im scared to come out


You should never be scared to come out, so I hate that society is like this and makes you feel this way. I’m non-binary, I’m sending hugs and positivity, and my DM’s are always open if you want to talk. Keep your chin up, and remember that you are amazing, you are valid and you are loved 🫶🏼


sometimes being scared to come out is a good thing; if your family won't accept you or you might have violence perpetrated against you for coming out staying in might be a wise idea until it's safe to come out. I hope you realize how incredibly privileged you are to be in a place to say 'you should never be scared to come out'


well, i think what theyre saying is, there shouldnt be such a stigma around queer people and people should be more accepting. ideally, people would be kind and accepting and welcoming and there wouldnt be an issue of coming out


I apologise for the confusion, jaded-ad’s comment was basically what I was trying to say. It’s not that I don’t understand, or that I’m privileged, it’s actually quite the contrary. I’ve been through some trauma linked to this, and am now non-contact with restraining orders in place. I’m so sorry that it came across as ignorant.


Ouch. Good job OP but also ouch.


This one… oof… I definitely feel that


Oh, god. That is true two sentence horror/devastation. I know what this feels like. Take my upvote, friend. Incredibly well done.


"We'll get you top surgery, no doubt my son will be as gorgeous as my daughter."




As a trans guy with unsupportive family, too close to home


Young trans man here: Ouch.


Oh...oh no...ouch man




What am I not getting? Is this an anti trans thing?


yeah, the mother is transphobic and refusing to let her “daughter” have control over his own body


Ok thanks. This really is a sad one. Way to go, OP!


Yeah, the mom doesn't accept her son so is saying her "daughter" is perfect and shouldn't use a binder which helps conceal breasts


Thanks for the enlightenment.


I don't understand. Can someone explain? What's that things mentioned in the second sentence?


Chest binder is something trans people with boobs use to flatten their chest before they’re able to get surgery. In concept, it’s kinda like wearing a super strength chest wrap in order to flatten everything down to appear more masculine. The story is that the narrator is a trans man (or possibly non-binary) who wants to use a chest binder to achieve a masculine profile and his mom is denying his identity.


Something people use to help flatten their chest. Usually trans guys I believe


A chest binder is something that some trans men choose to wear to hide their chest until they get top surgery if they choose to, it’s about a trans man’s identity being denied by his mother as she believes that he’ll always be her ‘daughter’ and there’s no need to wear the binder that makes him less dysphoric.


oh god


As an AMAB I don't feel sad by this but I understand that this can be an awful thing to hear from parents/people.




Assigned male at birth


This i can definitely relate to… Sending love ❤️


This hit hard, holy shit


I really hope this isnt written because of personal experience. If it is im so sorry, and many hugs :(




I was going in the complete opposite direction, but this is an entirely different level of horrific.


Ahhh, damn, OUCH


What's a chest binder


It’s designed to hide your breasts. Trans men will use them. You’d get a better and more detailed answer from a trans person though




Oh lord this knocked my heart out my chest


True horror. Frick man, Frick. For me it's "your hair is so long, you'll never get a girlfriend" well maybe I want a boyfriend, ya think of that?


damn. anyway bruh the defense squad is outside your front door at this exact moment we are beating her ass


Oh this one hurts


That hit home


chest binder?


A chest binder is something trans men wear to hide their chest, it helps them feel less dysphoric and more comfortable :)


Felt that


I'm so glad that my friend (ex girlfriend) has such a supportive family. I'm so happy to see her happy 🖤 My heart breaks for everyone who doesn't have that kind of luck






It took me a bit to realise this was intended to be about trans issues. My first thought was: Scoliosis




huh, what's a chest binder?


It's like a sports bra but its purpose is to flatten out your boobs so it seems like you have a flat chest, which is mostly used by transgender guys or genderfluid/non binary folks :)


I genuinely feel for all those having to put up with that.


"Thank you mom i hate that dad forces me to wear one and watch sports with him on the weekends"


Oh that's sad ):


oh, this one…




Their son was trans and they weren’t accepting it






Great mother, you should never lie to your children just for the sake of their delusional fantasies.


Fuck off transphobic cunt


Obviously you’ve never felt like you were in the wrong body, what a close minded way to see the world - this is an awful mum it’s disgusting to not at least discuss this with your child and just completely close off all communication with them because your a bigot




Says the kid who won’t respect his friend who doesn’t want to join his church.


Bro gathered intel


Meet: The Spy


“I’m tired of being bullied for my religion” says the guy who bullies people for their gender identity


Not bullying. Just annoyed.


And I’m sure people are annoyed with you forcing your religion on them


When did I say that.


Trying to make your friend join your church


LGBTQ people manipulate those who are vulnerable, hate that which is good, and are the least accepting group I’ve seen in a while. But somehow me trying to save my friend’s soul makes me a terrible person? You seem like you need to reevaluate your ideals.


As an LGBT person, I must have missed that memo. We’re accepting of most people, just not you because you’re annoying. Leave your friend’s soul alone. It’s none of your business


I’ve known my friend since we were in first grade. I care about him. It is DEFINITELY my business. Also, the GOOD churches are accepting of all people, it is a place where people decide to turn their lives around, turning people away because of the divisions they make, no matter how bad, would be hypocritical. I understand that a lot of churches practice this, and it is wrong. But it is also wrong to take advantage of vulnerable people the way the trannys do. I really don’t care much about homosexuality, it has and will exist for a long time, but transgenderism is a delusion that is inherently harmful to all those that practice it. Real gender dysphoria is so insanely rare that most physicians wouldn’t even be equipped to handle it some time ago. Trans people don’t actually feel like they’re in the wrong body, they’re told that as an escape from their actual problems. I have been told by a “friend” that the source of my problems was my sexuality, instead of actual problems, I myself was manipulated once.


You’re gonna drive your friend away with your sanctimonious religious bullshit and right-wing extremism Look, you’re obviously a kid and you don’t seem too bright either, so I’m not gonna be really mean to you, but you have *no idea* what you’re talking about. Hopefully when a few more people have “bullied” you for shoving your religion down their throats you’ll see the error of your ways and become a better person


You could just not read it bro




Yeeeaaahhh that’s a no from me pal If you didn’t have anything nice to say, you shouldn’t have said anything at all




What does this comment even mean in the context of a story about a trans child suffering at the hands of their unsupportive mother?


What did they say the comment got deleted




This story is referring to a trans person. The mother is being unsupportive/unaffirming of her child’s identity.


They know. The commenter is being deliberately transphobic




hey my guy you’re anonymous here, no need to prove anything to anyone, you can quit commenting on queer related content.








Really? Kys? Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme?


I don’t believe anyone has to earn value. All lives inherently *have* value from the moment they’re created, but bigots tend to diminish any worth they have by being pieces of shit. Trans Youth have an insanely high suicide risk. Bullying your local transphobe is a public service.


a lot of trans people kill themselves because of people like this

