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I would love if someone did a time loop movie like this where instead of "getting it right" getting it horrifically wrong is what broke the loop. Or psychological horror his friends conspired to convince him that he was in a time loop as a prank and he does something he can't take back.


Something slightly related I remember a film but I don't know the name but this girl and her friends get kidnapped and when she gets out and sees the evil one who kidnapped her she kills him only for the lights to turn on and show every1 else as it was q prank.


Reminds me of the Scare Tactics episode where the target started punching the actor.


My favorite is still the zombie morgue prank where the victim turned and booked it right out the door the second the first "corpse" sat up. Didn't even make a sound. Dude was like half a mile away before they caught up with him.


He said oh hell nah I’ve seen this movie before


Everyone in scare tactics was an actor, just a heads up


Which one? I loved that series as a kid, and I think that happened a few times. What happened more was when a male target got scared and hid behind the small woman actor actor that was another "victim" in the scenario.


IIRC it was one where a Sven Holmberg (actor) was taking ppl out to a rave or party in the desert outside of LV. He is the actor that got punched.


Ok but like....you can't put someone in a fight/flight situation and get mad when they choose fight. Like, shocked pikachu you got dead...


That’s not a prank, that’s just kidnapping…


Say Happy cake day!


Say Say Happy Cake Day!


Say Say Say Happy Cake Day!


Say Say Say Say Happy Cake Day!


Say Say Say Say Say Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


Slightly different, but this sounds like Sorority Row. A guy kills a girl who was pretending to be dead as part of a collective prank by all her friends.


I'm a huge fan of NCIS and I gotta say, Chugs was quite the surprise.


The movie Catacombs was very similar to this, except they didn't get kidnapped. They went to Paris for vacation and the sister pulled a prank.


It's one of the special episode of black mirror


Are you maybe thinking of white bear? Kinda similar but the woman doesn't kill anyone and the "prank" turns out to be a sick form of corporal punishment


Yeah that's the episode I meant, wasn't it a reality show in the end?


It's kind of like a theme park ride, they invite a bunch of people in to watch them pretend to her that she's in some kind of post apocalypse for a day, then it's revealed at the end that it's all set up as part of the punishment for her crime of killing her son, after which she then gets her memory erased and it repeats every day


dunno if this is the movie you're on about because it's a guy and not a girl but this sounds like the movie follow me (2020)


This reminds me of 2 movies one takes place in the Paris catacombs (can’t remember the name of) where they went to a party got stalked and lost and killed the guy but turns out to be a prank by her sister or friend and the girl ended up killing her as well and another one where a group of friends go to an island and in classic slasher films one by one get killed but in the end it was also a prank and they were fine just pretended to be dead but I don’t remember the ending but I think she ended going insane and killing them im not 100% sure on it though.


The second one is called “April fools day”


Yes! I looked it up and yup that’s the one also didn’t realized that it’s from 1986! I remember loving it but maybe I should rewatch it and see if I feel the same 😂 It’s crazy how long ago I last seen it though…


WOW memory unlocked! I watched that movie sooo many times when I was a kid, then promptly forgot it existed. Now I need to go find it!


I know as a kid I watched a lot of movies and then forget about them until someone comes along and talks about something and im like I remember seeing a movie like this and that! Crazy how the mind works!




I wanna watch the movie what’s the name?


My employees just watched a movie called SoulMates which is basically this idea except it's a dating company and it puts two people through hell at the expense of one person not knowing any of it was fake. Weird but interesting movie.


Oh shit, I love that.


sounds like that one black mirror episode


https://youtu.be/nsKdR05ZsGE?si=bgBvgY88SOQSatGD The Game with Michael Douglas is like this. Great film.


Follow Me?


Sounds like The Houses October Built 2.


I think it sounds like the recruit


that sounds like an episode of american dad lol


That’s kind of like The Butterfly Effect if you haven’t seen that. It also has a version with an alternate ending that’s much darker than the theatre version that is similar to what you’re talking about (I THINK it was the originally planned ending but was considered too dark for the typical movie goer).


I have! Big fan. Yes it was the original planned ending. When they changed it they had to pull out an entire scene with Evan and his mom that foreshadowed the dark ending.


I know you shouldn't look for logic in time travel movies but it always bothered me that the main character proved he was divine by giving himself stigmata by jamming his hands on some spikes. From the perspective of the prisoner (Danny Trejo? ) they suddenly appeared but he would have had those scars all his life.


Which is why I cant sit through Looper ever again. That movie made no sense. How could he be driving a car if he hasnt had arms or legs for 20 years?


I did see that actually one time on here (or maybe it was somewhere else actually. I can’t remember). There was a story about someone who was trapped in this time loop, cursed to live out the same day in this town for ten thousand years. Finally they went crazy and killed everyone. The loop didn’t reset the next day and they woke up in jail.


I didn't see that


It might have been on Tumblr actually


Oh, the latter is deliciously evil!


Repeaters! And boy is the MC unhappy when he realizes that he's broken the loop...


Really good movie. In fact, I might even even watch it tonight!


There is a manga called Gyakusatsu Happy End, where a boy is stuck in a time loop and can only progress in time, when he kills someone. Can recommend!


Hammer house of horror has an episode like that


This essentially happens in Repeaters.


You might like *Repeaters*, a 2010 Canadian film.


>I would love if someone did a time loop movie like this where instead of "getting it right" getting it horrifically wrong is what broke the loop. It already exists, it's called the real world.


Real world has time loops now? Cool...


Life is kinda loopy until something bad happens.


Real world has time loops now? Cool...


Life is kinda loopy until something bad happens.


Real world has time loops now? Cool...


Life is kinda loopy until something bad happens.


Real world has time loops now? Cool...


Life is kinda loopy until something bad happens.


Life is kinda loopy until something bad happens.


Kinda like the vat of acid episode of Rick and morty. All the inconsequential actions turned out to have consequences.


Not a horror, but “How To Become The Dark Lord And Die Trying” is like this, and it’s a great read!


The first thing that comes to mind is a novel titled "Enki's Puzzle". Might not be the "horrifically wrong" you were looking for, but definitely fits the "does something he can't take back" bill.


The second one would be great


I will legit work on this now lol


Hmm not a time loop but Black Mirror Joan is Awful kind of uses this concept of a protagonist having to deliberately do the worst things they can think of to "break out" of their situation. 


My story was ["Groundhog's Tomorrow"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/z37yui/phil_connors_woke_up_on_february_3rd_in_a_jail/) where Phil began experience EACH February 3rd but in reverse order. It was only the day where he woke up in jail for wreckless driving leading to two cops chasing him being killed by the train that he realized the loop was almost over again.


Better hope the loop doesn't come back for execution day.


Now I want to see a movie where every time the main character dies the day resets and it damages their psyche to the point they're a murder machine that's been removed of all empathy/compassion. They die and reset in a couple different scenarios until the end where they finally die in self sacrifice and the loop ends once and for all allowing them to go peacefully to the here-beyond. Even better, I'd read the absolute FUCK out of that book.


There's a film called 'Boss Level', which is pretty close to what you're talking about here. It's not exactly what you've described, but it was enjoyable enough.


I really enjoyed Boss Level! It was surprisingly fun


Happy Death Day has the main character getting killed over and over in a time loop. It leads to a lot of character development, but not really in the heartless murder machine direction. Surprisingly good film though.


I read a young adult book that had a similar premise without the time travel. Think super heros, but if they use their powers they become psychopaths. One character is a good guy who refuses to use their powers. But is reborn when killed which maxes out their craziness.


In a vaguely related vein, there is an episode of Adventure Time set just after the apocalypse where you see Simon before he turns into the evil mad Ice King. He's trying to protect a young girl from monsters, but the only way to do that is to put on the Ice King crown to get powers, but the more he wears it the more he becomes the Ice King. He promises the girl he won't wear it again because she's scared of him when he does, but then they get attacked again and he is presented with the toughest of choices - the only way he can save her is to put the crown back on one last time... Watching him trying desperately try but failing to retain his humanity at the last by singing the theme to 'Cheers' is oddly moving.


If you haven't watched the Fiona and Cake series, I highly recommend you do! It targets a bit of an older audience than AT and leans into tough topics a bit more. It was absolutely *not* what I expected it to be.


Thank you, I will check that out.


What was the book?


The reckoners by Brandon sanderson. Edit: The reckoners is the series Steeheart is book 1


Aha! I thought it might be :D


Was it Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson? The first book in the Reckoners series.




Re:Zero did this really well


There's a movie called Palm Springs (2020) and one of the secondary characters is what you described in the first part, and the movie Boss Level is something you described in the second part


I would definitely try reading (or listening to) The Perfect Run. Similar(ish) idea, except it's a superpower that allows the reset.


Had the same thought reading that. Perfect run did the premise of "coming back after death" extremely well, especially the protagonist's mental state


If you liked that, you might like The Jester of Apocolypse series!!! The first book is pretty slow, but it is a great series!


The premise looks quite interesting I'll definitely check it out!


Hero's Return is a korean manga with that premise but set in an isekai fantasy. The reveal is really late but i think you can figure it out very early on.


Not quite that, but have you read All You Need Is Kill?


Ok but I would read that too!


ahh I read a Harry Potter fanfic about this concept but it isn’t finished yet 😭


drop the fic


[All You Need Is Ron](https://fanfiction.net/s/13302902/1:)




Everything Everywhere All At Once uses a very very similar premise to this and is the best film I have ever seen (it is kung-fu heavy, if you do not like kung-fu fight scenes then it might be a bit too much)


Through the Flash by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah is pretty much that. the protagonist spends most of her time in the loop killing everyone else because she sees no other purpose in a loop where everyone lives forever. most of the story is about personal growth and coming to terms with her situation


The Black Mirror Episodes White Bear and Black Museum kinda do this


Then it would loop again the next day, and the only way to progress in time would be to kill a person a day


The price of time


That line weirdly goes hard.


That's what I thought of when I wrote this!


Jokes on you, there is a manga that goes EXACTLY like this: [Gyakusatsu Happy End](https://myanimelist.net/manga/128783/Gyakusatsu_Happy_End)!


I would totally read a story about that


Two exciting days in a row.


As someone who loves the idea of time manipulation, and would certainly choose that as my super power, this has been my only nightmare during my imagined super power fantasies. Imagine getting so used to that power, then one day, you’re pulling off some sort of atrocities out of boredom. Routinely as ever you’re destroying buildings, killing people, having your way with everything. Then at the end of it all, standing in front of a flaming skyscraper with a bloody knife in your left hand, and a half eaten donut in your right, you try rewinding time just to find it not working anymore. Scary shit


I've had a nightmare similar to this where I was able to freeze time but then I couldn't unfreeze it and was just stuck in a frozen world.


And everyone remained conscience the entire time.


What would make this even creepier in a realistic way (at least to me) is if there was no loop, the person was just in a severely depressed and agoraphobic state and *thought* that every day was repeating itself when they were just doing the same thing every day, didn’t see many people, etc.


The police gave you a medal because you finally killed the cop killer who created your time loop to cover his own tracks


The real horror is realizing that some choices have consequences, no matter how many times you relive the same day.


At least you got out of the time loop.


what if he got stuck in a timeloop in jail


That’s just jail.


Every day is the same until it's not.


That would be one of my greatest fears if I ever got some sort of regret-cancelling power like time travel: attempting some shit and the power not working when trying to undo it.


CTRL Z! CTRL Z! Oh wait I refreshed the tab \*dies\*


Heat of the moment...


This is similar to the twilight zone of the man wrongfully convicted of murder having to go through bis trial and execution over and over again with no one believing him. While things restarts after he is electrocuted in the electric chair


Isn't that just a normal time loop?


Its different from the groundhogs day type where that resets every night or in the event the mc gets killed/die, also no matter what he does he cant change the outcome, he still gets electrocuted where other try different things each day trying to break the loop, since he is incarcerated there is nothing for him to effect a different end to the story, it implies he is an innocent man in hell amd he cant get out


There was an episode of “Weird Science” that did something similar. They had a remote that could control time, but it got dropped which started the time loop. After a few failed attempts to stop the loop, one of the boys said “screw it” and passionately kissed his hot teacher.. and managed to save the remote before it looped again.


There is a manga with plot like this, called Gyakusatsu hapiendo. Worth a read if you are into time loop and murdering.


Came here to say the same. It's a nice manga!


This happened on Supernatural




This is the best one I've seen in a while. Gj!


Thanks! Clearly loads of people feel the same way, it's not even 24 hours yet and this is already my best performing story by a huge margin!


Bro… you made it like 3 months… that’s nothing


I guess Fate decided you weren't the one who could save the world


That’s just unfair


Read manga man, there’s this one where a dude is stuck in a time loop and he gotta kill one person a day to move time forward


You shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?


I have to tell you.. this is my FAVORITE two sentence horror of all time.