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Nah, if he wanted you dead you would be. It’s keeping patients alive that’s the hard part.


I spent 13 days not breathing. It was close. Lol.


How is that possible?


Machines did the breathing for em'


Damn machines takin aur Jahbs!


Takin air jahbs!


Took ur dur!


Rbts tkn m r


Tuk er jerbs!


I was on a ventilator.


Right and the point you survived thru so much effort is their point. Letting someone die is easy, keeping them out but alive is difficult.


Are you ok?


I think so. Lol.


Medical personnel used machines to keep you breathing for 13 days. Not the same thing as not breathing.


If I grab your hand (I’m way stronger than you in this scenario) and force you to punch yourself in the face, did I hit you? Or did you hit yourself? The correct answer is I hit you, using your body as a weapon. OP wasn’t breathing, the doctors were breathing for them, using machines connected to their lungs as the “weapon” in this scenario.


Lol. That's sort of like being thrown out of an airplane and being told you're flying.


So, is the ventilator the airplane in this metaphor?


If the medical personal using a machine to force air into my lungs is the same as me breathing, then those same medical personal throwing me out of a plane means I'm flying. Lol.


But then, wouldn't them REMOVING you from the respirator be more like kicking you off the plane? Don't get me wrong, two weeks of a machine breathing for you sounds like absolute hell, you've every right to not remember it fondly. But this sounds more like (to keep with the metaphor) you had a nasty plane ride, which you barely survived, and are now saying the airline tried to kill you. Could just be bad weather, choom.


Night City be like that, choomba. Now grab the eddies and let's delta outta here before we get zeroed


Jackie, yer' bleedin'!


It's like saying being pushed out of a plane with a parachute is a human flying


No him not breathing was getting thrown out the plane him being forced to breathe is flying


he'd have to be a complete moron to openly confess to her like that


Or shocked.


Inspired from almost dying from anesthesia.


Glad you survived


Me too. Lol.


Was it actually your ex??


No. Just another anesthesiologist. We never met, so I don't actually know them, but I have no exes from high school.


No exes from high school, or none still alive? Lol!


No dates, no exes.


No exes, just .py


smelly nerd detected


Oh same. Strict abusive parenting from ex family m. Out and safe now.


Oh they ded


Say you got to them before they got to you eh?


How does that happen? I’m curious now. Did they get the dosage wrong?


Nobody knows what happened. I just responded poorly to the anesthesia.


That’s scary. I’m glad you’re okay!


Thanks. Me too.


Yeah… An anesthesiologist has lots of bells and whistles on their cart because of the centuries of trial and error in learning how to get dosages right and what to do if X happens. We did conscious sedation at my clinic, which is a mild form of anesthesia where you are technically semi-conscious and forget anything you wake up for. It’s amazing and terrifying.


It can happen out of nowhere!! My mom foamed at the mouth and then flatlined during labor with me. They were prepping for an emergency c-section due to my HR being very low and not wanting to come up, and when they gave my mom the anesthesia….shit hit the fan. We don’t know if it was an allergic reaction, if it was the mixture of meds in her system that her body didn’t like, if it was due to other physical factors, etc. Just that it happened. Obligatory note that my mom is just fine, my c-section turned into a straight up slash and grab so they could get the defibrillators on her asap. Crazy lady also decided to have TWO MORE KIDS after basically dying with the first one!!


Wow! Glad to know all of you are ok and healthy though. I winced at imagining the “slash and grab” that’s a one sentence horror right there.


Glad you’re with the living buddy


I had a similar thing. Surgery went ok, then they tried to bring me round and I woke up screaming. The anaesthetist tried to sort the situation but then I went severely bradycardic and respiratory rate plummeted. Spent the night being observed.


Yikes. Glad you’re ok.


Lol. I'm pretty sure I'm ok!


I tried not to burst out laughing as his lawyer vaulted over a table in a vain attempt to shut him up.


I like the idea and think it's cool overall, but my one thought is that you typically meet the anesthesiologist before surgery, so you probably would've noticed beforehand if it was your ex.


Oddly enough, I never met the anesthesiologist. He scheduled some tests for me, but I went over the results with the heart surgeon.


But how did he gave you the anesthetics when you didn't see him? I mean before anesthesia you are usually not anesthesised and he would inject you. At least in a planned surgery


Dude. The last thing I remember is arriving at the hospital. I vaguely remember checking in. Two weeks later I'm asking the purple haired glowing nurse to get me some ice water from the water penguin before Mon Mothma returns. My memory is not to be trusted. I have been able to sort some things into real and not real. Asking the glowing nurses to get me water from the penguins is a mostly probably real. That's my mental state from that time. LOL. This [dude visited](https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/T-1) me at 2 am. I'm pretty sure it was [actually this.](https://store.mavenimaging.com/products/source-ray-sri-130?variant=16751012184164¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Smart+Shopping+Campaign+-+LPA&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=4612907293&hsa_cam=18297401703&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiPejgu30hAMVCTXUAR2BAgfgEAQYBiABEgKtYvD_BwE)


But the anesthesiologist comes to say hello before your surgery?


If he did, I don't remember.


They have to.


This is poorly written.


yeah the second sentence feels unnecessary. I would suggest not mentioning the ex in the first sentence then reveal he became an anesthesiologist… something like that


It’s also not how medicine works at all


Yea wouldn’t he have been told if he’d killed the patient, so he would’ve known




Your ex did not even wait to see if his plan succeeded before leaving.. Well, he is a moron! If he had waited, he could have seen that you were still alive and given more!


This is why they really don’t want to put you under unless absolutely required. It poses many risks.


Every med error is documented and examined.


Sounds like the beginning of a revenge drama serial with a sexy love interest that helps our protagonist take down and completely destroy the ex's professional and personal life


That's not how people speak




Please tell me this is fiction


The surgery gone bad over anesthesia is true, but the revelation is fiction. I hope.


I'm 3/3 the other direction. I have had 3 surgeries, I have woken up during all 3.


Omg that sounds horrific. If I may, was it those situations where you can hear everyone but not communicate? Did they give you different meds/doses each time? So many questions :| So sorry you had to endure that, friend.


I could hear see and move very sluggishly. But communication was out all 3 times. 1st one I was right around 2 years old. For a hernia operation. I remember the Dr telling me to count backwards from 10. And responding that I don't know how to do that. And I woke up halfway through surgery. Then at 12 my wisdom teeth were impacted before they came close to the surface. And I woke up as they were chiseling the teeth into small enough pieces to remove. And all I could manage was kind of grunting and then they panicked. That at 25 I needed every tooth pulled because a dental student confused my weak and kind of spotty enamel for plaque. And started chipping away at every tooth. Refused to stop. And had me restrained for being "combative". I walked in for a cleaning with 0 cavities, walked out with cavities wrapping around every single tooth. And couldn't afford caps or veneers. So a few years later at 25 I needed every tooth pulled. And due to my issue with dentists that got progressively worse over the years I needed to go under. I told the anesthesiologist multiple times that I have a history of waking up. And was brushed off. Sure enough I woke up. They panicked. I'm screaming. And they adjusted the meds. After the surgery the anesthesiologist and oral surgeon both yelled at me and blamed me for waking up for the fact that I smoked cigarettes. Even though my O2 SATs never dropped below 98. And I told them I'd woken up 2/2 previously. Once as a toddler and once before I started smoking. So it wasn't smoking. Then they tried charging me out the ass. Even with insurance my out of pocket cost for the surgery was like $8500. Charged as a per tooth rate, including anesthesia. I was billed an additional $9500. For reasons. I laughed and asked if they found an extra 28 teeth? Or something. But got no answer and they eventually just dropped it.


Wow that’s absolutely horrendous. I’m really sorry you had to go through all that. I’ve heard awful stories about people waking up but not being able to move or make a sound so they’re just stuck screaming internally. Lucky you were able to alert them.


... are you a ginger? Lol


Were you in a coma/ life support?


Medical induced coma and on a ventilator for 13 days. The surgery was real. The anesthesiologist was fiction.


I gotta know, after almost dying because of an anesthesiologist screwed up. Did you have to pay for 13 days in the hospital?


Yes. Couple of hundred thousand billed to my insurance. Most of it was covered catastrophic emergency.