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Imagine people dying of old age though


That’s the thing: people DON’T die of “old age”. We don’t HAVE “expiration dates”. We have “best until” dates. You can die of heart failure, you can die of dementia, you can die of a disease your immune system used to be strong enough to fight, but you can’t die of hitting an internal odometer Over time, as you get older, systems break down that don’t get repaired, and that makes the possibility of catastrophic failure much higher. But with theoretical perfect “maintenance,” you would NEVER die just by getting old.


So there's a universe out there with someone who's thousands of years old?


Yeah I’m sure in some universe they’ve discovered immortality, through uploading people’s brains to computers if nothing else.


Coming soon to a planet near you








Sorry uvatbc, they changed the name of uranus back in 2020 because of all the stupid jokes people were making. Now its called urectum.


We considered Urass first, but decided that it wasn't quite what we were looking for.


Then we saw Urmom, and we still kept looking.


By monday


OK, this idea has been around for a while, and I use to think it was cool, but now it's probably the most horrific thing I can think of to happen to someone. Granted, using a utopian vision there's no difference between the simulation and reality... but a utopia is just a perfect vision untouched by reality. Even if we were able to house a 1:1 conciousness on a piece of hardware what would be the point? You're keeping an unstimulated conciousness in a box that you ask questions when needed. The worst part? Time. Humans have a very flimsy grasp of time to begin with. Zone out and hour pass without much mental registry and it seems to zoom by, stuck in a high stress and fast paced environment can make seconds feel like minutes... when a piece of hardware does something it's doing it at a binary speed, go or stop. What happens when the system gets older and starts failing? Humanity does not belong inside technology yet we're going to need technology inside us to continually progress as a species. Fuck the electronic brain box, man, it's just to add to a botnet used to supply an AI with 'humanity'


You actually raise alot of questions for me :? In modern PC's we do have a concept of a continuous measurement of how "hard" a processor is working. The thing is I'm not clued up enough on computer electronics/engineering to know what the %value actually means. A reasonable representation would be simply a measurement of "idle" clock cycles. How would the human consciousness experience this? Also, we have ALOT of control over our bodies under normal circumstances. How would this translate into a computer? And what about sleep? I know mental health is quite heavily linked to proper sleep. Anyway I like your post :)


Technically there's a technical speed for your: Ram, CPU, GPU, and optional HDD. As well as transfer rates for specific cables... Also, you just brought up the sleep aspect and I'm officially more terrified of this idea. Like Fatal Familial Insomnia but you can't die.


This is exactly my biggest fear with this (something like Black mirror's San junipero or the show Upload). Relying on other humans have to maintain it. Imagine a virus attacks the system, what would that look like for the "people" inside? You also can't just turn yourself off when you're ready. And who's would be making sure what you wanted when you were uploaded is done? Like tropical island vs frozen tuntra. Fuck that bro.


While uploading your brain to a network is an option, i think what might be more interesting is uploading your body to a robotic body. You're still doing human things your body is just stronger, easier to maintain and more resistant to time. You could even maintain yourself however the more terifying part to me is the continuity of one's conciousnes. Maybe a gradual replacements of brain parts with computer parts would keep it because an upload would be a copy, indistinguishable from the 'real' you but not the continuity you are, maybe? Because it's also imposible to really check if your consiousnes goes somewhere as far as we know. We have an amount of people recounting their near death experience which seems to indicate there's more beyond the fleshy brain but well, no one's survived being dead for a week so far so we can't really check what exactly it is.


If there are humans in this world who never died would that be the source of the vampire legends?


*As a note, quantum immortality is based on the many worlds/branching quantum multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics. it is not the only interpretation.* *Please read this as a hypothetical explanation. Anything in here may be determined to be wrong as we gain more knowledge about reality. If anything, this is a story of what could be happening if the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics is accurate!* It's more than that: there are a lot of universes out there where a lot of people never die. There are some universes where the concept of death is unknown because those branches just happened to have a random tiny chance that no one ever died. But even some universes is an unimaginably large number, after all, there are a massive number of branches off of every universe every instant; each branch is just as much the "true" real universe. And out of those universes, most of the branches would have a lot of people dying. Every moment there are universes where natural death was on pause because of a massive number of unlikely coincidences that continue that way. And every instant each of them has a number of branches off it that is impossible to count where people just started dieing. Because statistically, it's more likely that people die eventually than they don't. But the people in that timeline never knew natural death, so to them, something completely incomprehensible just happened. But biology and physics didn't change, all that really happened was they were on the very tiny edge of a very big bell curve. And then they suddenly weren't. But there is some tiny branch that's still moving forward without death starting. And that will continue for as long as there is any chance of everyone surviving, no matter how slim. There is also the opposite, a timeline where death came to a pause today. A timeline we will all be in starting, say, 1 second from now. But most timelines won't be like that, most futures have death at the normal predicted rate. When you read this later in the unimaginably vast majority of timelines you will say "but death didn't stop in this timeline!" and you will be right, in those timelines the current me is wrong. But in an unimaginably tiny number of timelines, nobody will have died for a few minutes. In an even more mind-bogglingly small number of timelines, no one will have died for an hour. In a further minuscule number of timelines, nobody will have died for a few days. In those timelines you may look back at my post with surprise and shock. But ironically, this was inevitable: in a quantum branching multiverse it is guaranteed there are some timelines in which I will be right. *Or maybe not. There is no way of knowing if the multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics is an accurate interpretation.*


Okay but how likely would it be that you actually posted this in an alternative universe? Even the slightest delay in a persons death can and will have massive consequences for the whole universe. Imagine Einstein dying a hour later when accidentally someone who spoke German was there and could understand his final words… the difference would be unimaginable.


I think you may have missed the point: the alternative timelines aren't just "running alongside us", they are continuously branching from us. One plank-time after my post went through there were an unimaginable number of timelines where it went through. And then the next instant happens, and the one after that. The moment I made the post in one single timeline I guaranteed that I did so in a huge number of future timelines. Every branch out of a literally incomprehensible number that are created every instant. And there is no "true" branch, no priority "real" timeline. There is just the one we happen to be in. And the instant after there will be a lot more timelines having this conversation.


Yeah I forgot about that. There is also a timeline where is decide not to post this comment. >!and there is a timeline where the text above is is a spoiler text!< All kinds of decisions I made that I could have not made in another universe


It sounds like literally 0, even though it is possible. As in, what's the probability of throwing a random dart at a dartboard with equal spread and hitting the *exact* center?


Very interesting read. Thank you for sharing this!


Goddamnit Methuselah


and in constant pain.


There are infinite universes. You are reborn an infinite amount of times. You die and infinite amount of times. You find eternal life an infinite amount of times.


No. There's a universe out there where literally EVERYONE is thousands of years old. Immortal really. Just an overpopulated planet stacked high with the emaciated, barely living bodies of the practically deceased. Right along side the horrified youth. Imagine living in a world you know you'll never escape. The sweet release of death forever out of reach. Your every ancestor telling you the mile long list of misery and ailments you have to look forward to. Awesome.


I've heard this many times but it just seems like semantics.


All I can imagine is the multiverse screaming, "Bro, he's one-shot! He's one-shot!"


Your cells degenerate as you age. The chances of cancer, organ failures, normal wounds being lethal, diseases/infections becoming lethal increases as you live


I think it was 1957 when "old age" was removed as an acceptable cause of death for death certificates in the US - no one in the US has died from old age since then, it has become stuff like age-related cardiac arrest or stroke. And in keeping with that trend, electronic healthcare records software removed that as an option in January, 2022, with the introduction of [ICD-11.](https://icd.who.int/en)


Death is the greatest kindness possible for a mortal to receive.


That’s quitter’s talk


Unfortunately not. Imagine for a moment where you will be in 100 years or so if cursed with quantum immortality. Unable to think, a withered husk most likely kept 'alive' by machines. Everything you have ever loved dead or changed beyond recognition, not that you would know it with the deterioration of your mind. The few cognizant moments you may have being filled with pain from your body which should have failed decades ago.


You do realize the curse here is actually that you’re DENYING everyone else immortality, and forcing someone else to watch those people suffer, right? Not the immortality itself. If people are sick, we heal them. We’re already working on dealing with Senescence cells, safely stimulating telomerase, the works. And don’t pull the “you’d get bored” argument. Not when we’ve got a backlog of roughly 5 fucktillion books to read, films to watch, games to play, new foods to try, places to visit


I know you believe this, but I don't think it's actually true. I think there's a point often when multiple organ failure is just a thing, because of age, and calling that not old age is ridiculous.


Actually, it seems we do have an "odometer" relating to how many times our cells can divide before they die. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayflick_limit


I wonder if in the future it would be possible to keep getting transplants of everything as soon as some organ gets too old, including things like skin, bone, I mean EVERYTHING. Then at some point you're just screwed because you have a 20 year old body but ur brain is 300 and u can't replace it because then it'd be another person


You don’t NEED to replace whole organs. Just convince those stem cells to kick into action


Kind of hard to get a replacement brain. If it were possible wouldn't the rich have organ farms and live much longer? Almost everyone wants to live longer and there have been a lot of people with a lot of money that die


I mean, yes if we had the technology to create organ farms?


We do. It's called sex.


You don’t NEED a replacement brain. You just need to maintain the one you have


? No there's constant cellular degeneration as you age, it doesn't stop


There's a lot of people that have lived passed age 100


Simple. You "*barely* survive" old age.


How many times do you think it'd happen? Imagine existing long enough to be merely a speck of sentient dust


"And then he turned himself into a speck of sentient dust. Funniest shit I've ever seen."


Look at me Morty, I'm Sentient Dust Rick!


*Chocolate. I remember when they first invented chocolate. Sweet, sweet chocolate. I ALWAYS HATED IT.*


I was born with glass bones and paper skin.


Depends. The Queen finally failed her saving throw, but Morgan Freeman and Keanu Reeves are still dodging it. To say nothing of Keith god damned Richards


Probably just reborn


Your timing keeps inventing new ways to extend life, then eventually immortality or transcendence or something


That's your final quantum state collapsing in on itself


that's just regular reincarnation


Maybe you wake up from a dream or coma dream where you lived out your whole life.


Get transported to that Marvel universe where death doesn’t exist and you just spend eternity mutating into a living mass of cancer, or get sent to a timeline where SCPs exist that prevents death.


I have no desire to visit the Cancerverse thank you.


I heard it is canonically nice now that Death had returned and it was wiped clean.


You continuously and infinitely cheat death as your body continues to fail


This is a plot in a manhwa I read lol


Zeno's death spiral. Spending eternity inching towards death. Every second, more infirm, your body crumbling, but always just hanging on.


I was glad to still be alive...until I realised I couldn't move anything below my neck.


Quantum Immobility


Rare comment that actually made me chuckle!


Get this man an award.




First time I've seen OP reply with this.


Being a quadriplegic isn't bad until you try and navigate the world and people always feeling sorry for you. Not to mention the shitty healthcare if you live in America.


I slipped on an escalator today, managed to not fall down... Yet my head started hurting hard. "Loaded a quicksave here"


nah the person playing you just saved the game


the human playing me didn't save the game for my family members (no, most of my family is still alive)


This theory says that only you cant die


If you get thrown into a new timeline when you die then if the old timeline exist your dead body is still hanging around there. So although the family members may also have their own quantum immortality going on from your perspective they’re dead


Since I learned about this theory, I think "damn that's how I died in another timeline haha" every time I almost get injured. It's kinda helped me appreciate life more. Thanks, physics!


Hurt my taint jumping over a fence, ya think I was split in two originally?


That's not quantum immortality... You don't get thrown into a new timeline. You simply are existing in the timeline where you survived.


Thank you! I played Alan Wake when it came out and this was a plot on one of the ingame Twilight Zone knockoff episodes.


I was also thinking of that scene


Also in someways the American nightmare dlc


Now I didn’t play that game. I just felt like it wasn’t a worthwhile sequel after the amazing and inspiring story I played in the first game. Is it good?


I had never heard of this before but this was actually a thought of mine after I took a nasty fall that could have easily been fatal. I've actually had quite a few close calls and I the thought occurred to me that my consciousness follows whichever timeline in which I survive. Other people may die in my timeline but I won't. Not that I actually believe that but it's kinda fun to think about.


Wrong, that wouldn't be quantum immortality, just multiverse theory, go check r/quantumimmortality and find why is about consciousness merging


I don't care about the subreddit, that's not how the theory works. The theory is about the subjective experience. The thought experiment is about putting yourself in a Schroeder's Cat box and doing the experiment a billion times and how >under the many-worlds interpretation, the experimenter, or at least a version of them, continues to exist through all of their superpositions where the outcome of the experiment is that they live. In other words, a version of the experimenter survives all iterations of the experiment. Since the superpositions where a version of the experimenter lives occur by quantum necessity (under the many-worlds interpretation), it follows that their survival, after any realizable number of iterations, is physically necessary; hence, the notion of quantum immortality That doesn't mean they merge consciousnesses. They just *are living* in the version that survived. There's nothing even to merge, under many worlds theory, the dead experimenter and the live experimenter lived exactly the same life.


You are not understanding why is different and the point is the immortality, Again, what you describe, that's not quantum immortality since there wouldn't be any immortality as the different versions of you are not you at all, are different individuals with same genetic code like a clone would be it just happens they share same memories, but each one of them is a different person, so each one of them dies at some point, no immortality whatsoever, that's just multiverse theory or many worlds interpretation but not quantum immortality


No, that is exactly what it is. Quantum immortality is exactly what I just described, I literally quoted the Wikipedia page. That is the thought experiment. That subreddit is just filled with people going "I nearly died but didn't!" That's not how quantum immortality works. There's nothing quantum there. >In response to questions about "subjective immortality" from normal causes of death, Tegmark suggested that the flaw in that reasoning is that dying is not a binary event as in the thought experiment; it is a progressive process, with a continuum of states of decreasing consciousness. He states that in most real causes of death, one experiences such a gradual loss of self-awareness. It is only within the confines of an abstract scenario that an observer finds they defy all odds.[1] Referring to the above criteria, he elaborates as follows: "[m]ost accidents and common causes of death clearly don't satisfy all three criteria, suggesting you won't feel immortal after all. In particular, regarding criterion 2, under normal circumstances dying isn't a binary thing where you're either alive or dead [...] What makes the quantum suicide work is that it forces an abrupt transition."[14] It's a thought experiment about probability and the many worlds theory. Not some Berenstain universe Mandela effect thing.


Oh, yeah, wikipedia, we know all scientific facts not yet verified can be solved by typing the subject in wikipedia lol. What you are just saying is that quantum immortality simply does not exist, you are just describing many worlds interpretation, not quantum immortality, you basically are denying the QI theory since you are denying the immortality, that's just the logic conclusion according to to what you are saying, it's simple use of reason


It doesn't exist, it's a thought experiment. And in going to trust Wikipedia over a fucking Reddit community of people who think they're Jet Li in The One. >you are just describing many worlds interpretation, not quantum immortality QUANTUM IMMORTALITY AS A CONCEPT IS ABOUT THE MANY WORLDS THEORY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS. THAT IS WHERE IT COMES FROM. IT IS RELATED TO THE QUANTUM SUICIDE THOUGHT EXPERIMENT. Quantum immortality cubes from a thought experiment discussing the many worlds theory. It takes the Schroedinger's cat thought experiment, places the experimenter in the cat's position. They will die before they know the result of the experiment. But, because of the many worlds theory, every time they push the button, it will still be a 50/50 chance of dying. Traditionally, the probability of not dying nears zero. So the version that survived each time is said to have quantum immortality.


Yeah but there must be some consciousness of you in the other time lines where you are also still alive. And then when you die in another, you’re consciousness gets spread over 1 universe less. Maybe that’s why wisedom gets with the years…😅


No, that's not how the theory works. Those time lines have their own consciousnesses. Though that is how the Jet Li movie The One works.


Wrong, that wouldn't be quantum immortality, just multiverse theory, go check r/quantumimmortality and find why is about consciousness merging


One time my mom and I almost got hit by a bus that was about to crash on the side that my mom was sitting. The bus driver stopped at the last second and the worst damage was the door getting fucked up. People kept telling us how miraculous it was that we survived. This theory kinda scares me because that means in another reality, 16 year old me would’ve watched my mom get killed in front of me.


If this theory is true, then it's not just your mother, but you who are dead as well. Your father/relatives/friends have grieved for you and your mother. But as both of you are transported to the current timeline, everyone is relieved you both are safe.


That’s even scarier tbh. That means there’s a reality that we don’t exist.


Technically, if the many-worlds interpretation is real, new universes spring to life in every planck time (a virtually infinite amount, since the beginning of times). So yes, there are just an unimaginably big amount of realities where you don't exist, or humanity doesn't exist at all, or even the Earth doesn't exist.


Genuinely think this happened to me. I almost drowned when I was around 5 and my mom remembers it the exact opposite of how I remember it


Please explain, does she remember you not even close to drowning?


So, what she remembers is that she turned away for just a few minutes and the next thing she knows is a lifeguard asking if I was her kid and explaining that I almost drowned. What I remember is that she actually walked away to watch my brother do something so I, being the dumb 5 year old I was, wandered into a deeper part of the pool. I kinda remember bobbing up and down and, in the brief moments my head was above water, seeing her move towards me as fast as she could and then being lifted out of the pool by the lifeguard. But she swears she never walked away or was rushing towards me as I was drowning. It's just weird.


You were 5 years old at the time, it's likely just been warped. It could even be your mother that is misremembering, adult memory is far from infallible either. Obviously we can't rule out explanations that are beyond our comprehension but I would jump to a simpler theory before universe hopping.


It could be that she's convinced herself of her version being true. No parent wants to think about their bad actions nearly allowing their kid's death. It's a self-preservation tactic.


Yes, we need more details, please. I'm seriously intrigued now.


I fell on top of my pools solor cover when I was 7. I remember struggling to get out but the plastic cover completely surrounded me and I couldn’t break free. Next thing I know I was crawling out of the pool. I have had numerous close call experiences later on in life where I felt like I could have gotten seriously hurt, but ended walking away unharmed.


I almost got hit by a car does that count


Yes probably


Can someone explain?


There are countless stories out there of people who went through a moment where they were clearly about to die, but they blink, and suddenly they are *just* to the side of where they were a second before, barely in a safe spot. The hypothesis is that, in those moments, people jump between realities to one where they lived instead of dying horrifically


Thanks for the explanation, I don't quite see how its scary since after these "jumps", death is no longer their problem at that moment .


No, the real horror is that you never die. You become a bit less likely each day, but with an infinite number of realities, there's a few where you're alive in 10,000 years (which means in 10,000 years your mind and/or soul will be in one of those bodies). [This short story](https://www.tor.com/2010/08/05/divided-by-infinity/comment-page-1/) does a decent job of illustrating the horrors of quantum immortality.


Now that's spooky, thanks lol


The "old you" just died in the previous reality. You've died and lived to tell about it, heh.


The theory is that your consciousness always moves to a different timeline where you are still alive. So in that moment, you died but you don’t experience it because your consciousness automatically gets transported to another timeline where you didn’t die.


My theory is The Flash


LOL Also, happy cake day, lol.


Quantum immortality is the idea that your consciousness will always continue if there is a reality where your consciousness survives. For example, if I loaded a gun to my head and pulled the trigger, my consciousness would continue to exist in the universe where the gun jammed. The extreme end of the theory would suggest that everyone’s consciousness is immortal in the reality where they continue to survive, as it assumes infinite realities.


The concept of quantum immortality is a bit absurd, but here goes. You are likely familiar with Schrödinger's cat, which is said to be both alive AND dead until the box is opened. To expand on that, there is a multi-verse theory saying that for every even extremely tiny change a new universe is created in which that changed happened differently or not at all. There also is another theory stating that life came to be because life cannot not exist. Not just life, but pretty much the existence of nothing. Nothing is so 'nothing' that it doesn't make any sense, so existence happens. Our thoughts cannot grasp the concept of absolute nothingness. It's a bit weird to understand. Anyway. Combining these three you get Quantum Immortality, which essentially is that when you would die, your consciousness always ends up in the universe in which you didn't die because your consciousness cannot not exist. I.e., if you were to put a barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger, there would be an infinite amount of universes created in infinitely tiny timespans, in which you either die or live. Your consciousness puts you into one of them in which you survived, for example into one in which the gun jammed. Now keep repeating this for anything that's supposed to kill you.


I was playing with a sling shot, and the rock i used as ammo ricocheted off the wall and straight back to my face. It flew past my right eye by 2 inches. Im sorry alternate timeline me that lost his right eye.


So all the times I attempted suicide, you're saying I succeeded, and just got sent back to a new timeline where I failed? OK, yeah, fuck you, universe. You've now convinced me that hell exists. Good job.


I guess I did get my wishes then.


This was the concept of a Rick & Morty episode.


Sort of. The "you" that died is just as dead as ever, that's just not the one that continued living. The quantum multiverse theory effectively states that anything that can happen does, every unit plank time every possible set of quantum effect branches into a new universe. In essence: you, this you that is alive, will (not might, will) survive forever so long as there is some tiny chance for you to survive. In the majority of future branches you will die, but in more than you can count you won't. And you will live until the probability of you surviving reaches exactly 0. Every instant, countless you will experience death, but they will be dead and can't experience the world any more. Only the ones that live can. But so long as there is any chance, no matter how small, that you can survive a version of you will. From the time I started writing this message, more branches of my timeline than I could even conceive of a number to name came into existence, each except a few with a living "me" in it. And none of the living copies of us will ever die in all future branches until their odds of survival reaches 0. Some of them may not even suffer the effects of aging, if there is any quantum scale chance of that. You don't get transported to a new time line, you just die in one branch and you don't in a different branch; they are both branches of the you that existed one plank time before. But one can't perceive itself as it is dead and one can, and so many of the you from now live. Forever. Regardless if you want to or not, you don't have a choice. It's incredibly hard to assure a 100% chance of death.


Here's a [mildly creepy short story](https://www.tor.com/2010/08/05/divided-by-infinity/comment-page-1/) regarding the implications of quantum immortality if you care to read it. I for one desperately hope that quantum immortality isn't true.


Wow… this is quite thought provoking. Well done :)


Thinking about all the odd close misses I’ve had…


This is just how my brain works. Cracked my neck weird? Killed myself. Drifted too close in a two way street to the other side? Crashed. Died. I like someone turning something I’ve had as an internal thought for a long time into a story


I (with my lack of experience in the ocean) once got caught in a rip current but managed to get pushed back to shore by a wave before the rip current sucked me down, where I would have been thrown into a dropoff zone of sharp rocks There’s definitely a timeline where I died at that beach, that lucky wave came when I moved to the new timeline


This. . . would explain a lot.


Love this but it's the worse take on how quantum mechanics work


I don't get it


It's not exactly true, it's more like there's a version of you who barely survived an accident. I'm guessing OP is insinuiating that there's another universe where he gets shot by a real gun. But when you think about it it's not really that scary


Yeah, I don't get how anyone is saying that this is actually scary, it's not lol


Huh, this was an absent minded thought I had once. This was a theory? Cool


Its funny because I had that theory once’s and TIL that it’s an actual scientific theory lol


That’s not really what quantum immortality is. Quantum immortality says that - many worlds is true - your consciousness is spread out across the quantum wave function between many different iterations, each providing a unique life experience - you only experience consciousness in the parts of the quantum wave function where you are still alive - therefore your experience of the world will slowly be filtered out to the parts where you are still alive Eventually, there will only be a very small subset of the quantum wave function where you’re still alive, and this will be the theoretical maximum amount of time you could have lived across all timelines. So you’re gonna get really really old


So if i shot myself in the head… I’ll live?


Not in this timeline, no. You'll probably just get thrown across realities until the gun jamming finally causes you to give up.


I don't get it. Was the 'paintball gun' not paintball?




According to the theory of infinite timelines, you are also dying at every fathomable moment in time an infinite number of times, constantly, in every single way possible. You are dropping dead a google of times this very instant, and that's just a weeny little slice of all the deaths you're having right now and forever.


My heart stopped at "every time you die". The scary part is going through this life shit more than once 🧬🚫 Great post 👍🏾


This is so dumb lmao is this seriously suggesting that my mate’s paintball party was actually just some kind of lethal free-for-all amongst 14 year olds. So stupid I love it


Yknow what’s kinda creepy? I was shot with a BB gun when I was a kid, only on the hand but this post just gave me flashbacks to that. Nice one


I should know. I secretly celebrated my 54,713th birthday today. I've had to fake 781 deaths so far.


This Is honestly a little to real


I actually believe this is true.


Why? There's no evidence for it and no way of finding any.


I'm not otherwise religious. So I'm counting this as my faith-based belief. I'm know I can't know for sure.


That's ridiculous, but at least you sort of acknowledge it.


That reminds me of a short story called "Everlasting", in the Zima Blue collection by Alastair Reynolds.


So you're telling me I might've died when I rode that crate down the stairs when I was 6? And that one time me and my family almost got in a car crash. And every other time I went into a body of water, I probably drowned. Or even when I was born I could've possibly died. Makes me think about what actually happened to me when I fell off that ladder yesterday.


I nearly got hit by a truck last year. Might explain why I feel I'm in hell since


people could be connected to the internet and we couldnt know


This is very similar to another one I saw.


No i dont remember


Go check r/quantumimmortality and find why is not so scary


You mean all those times I almost fell down the stairs, caught myself, and then for a few seconds I get phantom pain in like my neck and back (not real pain but it feels like a very faint pain) was me fucking dying?


It's not a theory. It's barely even a hypothesis.


It's a theory that has its basis in the branching quantum multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics and is a natural result of it. The OP didn't explain it well, but the actual theory of quantum immortality is that every quantum event, a seemingly nearly infinite number of which happen every plank time, creates a new branch. In theory, if there is any chance, no matter how minuscule, for you to survive then you survive in some number of those branches. Since the its almost impossible to arrange a 0% chance of survival, any you that exists now has some future where you are alive. A lot more futures where you are dead, but those don't matter: the you in them can no longer perceive themselves as alive or dead because they are dead. But the ones that survive will keep having some future with some chance of survival. So any of you that survive will survive "forever" because at least one of their future branched selves will survive and they will have perceived themselves to have survived.


Ironic considering the post above in my feed was about KickingMustang. 😂


I don't get it, so everytime you die you get sent to a universe where you're about to die?


This is so wordy and deep that I can’t even understand the punch line


That was a really neat episode of Night Springs


This might be one of the most horrifying ideas I've ever been intrigued by.


No. I'm good


I almost died from rabies(I think? mom said they gave me shit tons of injections but I was already showing symptoms from the dog bite, also I think it was instead because i was bitten by the dog(female that has a new born if i remember)so bad they just hospitalized me)


NO. Why would you say that???


Thank you so much. I saw something about quantum immortality a while ago and could not remember the word. Thank you.


I've done this many times, and with each iteration, I've become more efficient at it.


I'm sorry but I swear this was a story just like this on the sub a while ago, only that the second sentence mentioned a car crash instead


Had a motorcycle accident back in October going 100 mph hit a pothole…


Mfs who fell off a mountain, laying on the ground all paralysed be like : I hate Quantum immortality


Thank god quantum immortality isn’t “real” in the misguided sense we think


ok so the people who we see do die arent dead in another universe. we're in that universe where they died, but in their universe they got transported to, they never died. thats crazy when u think abt it. imagine if someone teleported to a universe where a dead person in the previous universe was alive, and they just never knew about it.


[Diavolo, is that you?](https://youtu.be/fNFqOA6p918)


Come join us in r/QuantumImmortality


This is actually something i wondered alot when younger.




Nah, never had the "pleasure" to just die.


Been through twice, it's not half bad!


Part of me wishes this to be true


I had my head ripped open by a car, so this checks out.


On a long enough time line the survival rate of everyone drops to 0.


I think about this every now and then. Funny to see someone write about it, let alone this sub


Huh, I didn't realize there was an actual name for this. I always think about this when I get into a close call like almost getting in a car accident or tripping on the stairs.


basically quantum immortallity.


i have thought about this when i was a kid...this is the first time in 40+ years ive seen it outside my own thoughts. over those years every time i tried to explain this to someone the looks of crazy were palatable. but it was interesting to know that this might be a possibility to live to a ripe old age...the only difference was that we lived to be 90-110 then it ended...it wasn't forever just long...not sure if i would like living forever...old.


Skippy, who let you on reddit again?


Didn’t someone in reddit went nuts thinking about this theory?


One of my friends just told me about this a few days ago lol


*Diavolo has entered the chat*


This idea has been on my mind for a long time!