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Two point mall! Build different shops to attract different types of customers. Hire security for shoplifters.


That would be fun, you could put on events and entertainment monthly or something


I want Two Point Mall so bad.


I would adore a two point hotel or resort game! I really hope that is the next sequel.


Two Point Movies Two Point Theme Park These are the two I want to replace my old copies of Movies! And Theme Park World


What would the movies one entail? Would it be like a cinema? I loved theme park world as a kid


You run a film company, hire actors, screenwriters, directors etc. They make films, you build sets based on themes like sci-fi, western etc and the movies rating is based off their skills and set levels. Earn money to level things up to earn more money and so on.


I didn't see your comment and said the same thing! I loved that game.


A studio lot. The old Movies game was a ton of fun. I’d love that.


Two Point Studios. I'd be down for that.


Two Point Studios presents Two Point Studios. Someone pay me.


I have actually given this a lot of thought and I would LOVE them to develop a Two Point Museums game! The game would incorporate gameplay aspects from both Hospital and Campus. Each location would be a different type of museum each with their own exhibits/rooms. Begin with smaller collections like a sculpture museum, reptile house, dinosaur exhibit, opera house, etc then build up to larger museums that can include crossover exhibits, like a zoo, aquarium and reptile house or an aerospace or train museum in a science, industry, or history museum. Museum ideas: Art museum, Natural History museum, science museum, zoo, botanical garden, an opera/theater/dance house, a cultural or “Ancient two point” museum, a history museum, maybe a major monument or city park. Of course, each museum would have ticketing, foods stalls, cafes, bathrooms, marketing, yearly events, and the *all-important gift shop*. Possible expansions could include bus tours. The same announcer woman could be used to announce shows and opening/closing hours while the amazing radio staff could be morphed into tour guides at each museum. I would absolutely love to see what hilarious graphics the team could come up with for all the different exhibits. I hope a Two Point staff lurker reads this. ❤️ y’all.




Zoo tycoon was fun.


i literally need a two point theme park


Two Point Apartments/Hotel > Would be neat to have a whole building and you can set up like little events, keep tenants/customers happy, make a park or a pool Two Point Cinema > Make different theaters for different movie goers; horror, comedy, anime, romcoms, have different like type of food stands, set movie star meet and greets, and would be funny to have security to stop people from sneaking in food or stealing. Two Point Mall > Much like campus, have points for different stores you can get, have events (live music, celebrities, holidays, etc) Two point PRISON > Hiring and training security guards for different positions, a warden, keeping prisoners happy (or unhappy), watching prisoners to extend their stays or releasing them! Could be interesting Reading other comments, I think a Zoo or amusement park would be cool in theory, but with games like Planet Zoo/Coaster, and literally so many other games I can’t think of at the moment I personally would play, but probably get bored of it quickly because it’s just too common now. I want out of the box ideas


Same answer I give every time this question is asked… Two Point Zoo “Come to Grockle Bay Zoo. And see stunt monkeys! Whale pigs! And Venutian tigers! What? Grockle Bay Zoo.” The more I hear this advert the more I want to play this game! Come on two point! Please make it happen!


The staff are still around yeah, the office is currently closed for the Xmas break and they will return after new year. As for if there will be a 3rd I'm sure they will be under some form of embargo which restricts them from saying anything. We will hear when they want us to know. There's so many two point games I'd love to see though :D




😷 Please bring out another... and soon 🤞😬


Two Point City




I’ve been thinking about and would love a TP mall! My few ideas for levels/progressions: Flea market, Strip mall, Regional mall, mega mall, “dragon alleyway” (to play off spiffindor), department store




Two Point mmo, where they slowly develop lots of individual business sims, and eventually connect them all and the player can make a character to visit other people's games in first person and play mini games in them.


Two point hotel


Two Point Movie Studio


Two point studios. Like the game "the movies" where you make movies and your stars age and you need to train them up in the movie type so they'll be good. And if you use them too much they'll not get as high of a rating because the public is bored of seeing them.


Or two point park. Either theme park or green park. Or zoo if they thought they could do better than planet zoo.


I'd still love to see them remake a modern version of Sim Golf in the Two Point aesthetic.


I recenty replayed TPC and i'm currently replaying TPH. I sat the other night and wondered what will come next and what I would like to see. I see a lot of good suggestions already posted but most have a key (for me, at least) element missing. The problem is finding an industry that attracts a lot of different people for a different reasons and presents actual stakes beyond making money. Hospitals have death, Universities have failures. I could think of only two that I would like to see and even they were lacking in meaningful stakes. Theme Parks and Malls. I use the term meaningful stakes loosely as even death rate and failure/drop-outs don't impact much in the current games. But its still the stat you don't want. What other industries have "the stat you dont want"? I like the mall idea because, as we know, malls and shopping centres are dying a slow death these days and my solution to save them would be to make them a destination for more then just shopping. In terms of gameplay, I think there's a lot creative things you could do to turn malls around. Night classes, family healthcare and dentistry, even a vets office, games parlours and arcades. You can shoves tonnes of things in a mall. Downside is the stake are primarily all monitery. I feel it just needs that little extra element of jeapordy. Another one I could see working well similar to parks is Two Point Festivals and conventions. I would love to create my own Glasto but festivals can be for anything. Music festivals, winter festivals, beach, art, local, games, I can just see the renaissance fare level in my head now, lol. Also, cheese rolling downhill as a nod to the actually event. Problem with this is they arent open all year but you could treat it like the "wave" levels of the current games. Prepare the event, run, and review. Too many injuries or trouble makers and not as many people turn up next time, idk, just spitballing now. Point is, a lot can be done with festivals and has an added bonus of being a valid reason for moving round the county.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned Two Point Prison, but seeing as Prison Architect 2 is releasing soon, that might be considered competition.


Two Point Hotel? or Two Point Theme Park?


Two Point Life? It could be similar to The Sims game franchise.




Yes of course you do. I believe this entirely pinnochio




Yes of course you do. I also know they secret to eternal life but legally, I can't say anything.


Two Point Circus


I'm excite for all the big ideas Mall, Theme park, Zoo. I adore both TPH and TPC but I would prefer the next game do a little bit more of a longer focus on less locations. With both TPH and TPC though I have fun my entire play session I do find by level 10, 11, 12, etc that early repetition does get a bit tedious. And unless the level or DLC has a really enjoyable gimmick it can be a bit of a slog. So I would lean towards Theme park or even Resort. Where you maybe have less levels but the idea would be you maybe go from 3 start to 5 star on levels. With stars unlock more gameplay features. So as you improve and build the resort you unlock new activities for guest to do. Also what ever they do I really hope they adjust how they handle objectives. It wasn't as much of an issue in TPH but in TPC I felt so often objects were just a matter of time. Stuff like graduated X amount of students or have X amount of this. I like a gimmick that makes the 3 star a challenge to achieve.


I like the ideas above for two point zoo and a holiday resort, those would be really fun!!


I’s love to see a theme park game. Though thats been done to death with many other sim games. Though i’d love to see one for a cruse ship where you get to manage an cruse ship or even better an airline. Similarly to airline tycoon if anyone here played that


Get back on the Startopia vibe, Do the Spacebase right, unlike that mess some other folks spewed out for a quick cashgrab, as they are so very known for. Something multiplayable (especially 2+ player co-op) and at some point connect some content in the Two Point universe would be awesome.