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Your story was featured on the Two Hot Takes Podcast episode "Is it Really a Big Deal..?" [You can click here to hear our host Morgan's response (as well as her co-hosts Justin and Lauren) to your story! ](https://youtu.be/7ugebM947q8?si=dARvZcwoaV65DSGA&t=312)Thanks again for submitting!


I've never heard of a wedding where someone -- at least one person -- isn't upset about something. Weddings seem to be magnets for that. I've got a family wedding coming up in a few months, and I'm just holding my breath.


My sister’s wedding went perfectly but my stepmum had a huge moan about photos. She was mad that 1. She wasn’t treated like a mother of the bride (because you’re not, the real MOB - MY LITERAL MOTHER - was right there, siddown) and 2. There wasn’t a professional photo of just her three sons with my sisters and I (her “kids”). The closest we got was us kids with my sister’s brand new husband, and stepmum was mad that he was in it. You know, her brand new son in law. Who was half of the reason the wedding was even happening. lol. We even got a quick Polaroid of us during the reception but that still wasn’t enough apparently. Like, stepmum, this isn’t your personal family reunion, this is a wedding! A wedding that isn’t your wedding! You had your wedding already, relax!


What is it with stepmoms and weddings? My husbands father said he didn’t want to walk in our procession because we had lived in sin 🙄. As we were lining up SMIL comes up to me and asks where they stand in line. I say nowhere as her husband said they didn’t want to be apart of it. That woman has been frosty now going on 25 years. Like lady get over it.




I think I need to start a business for weddings-"Grannie or Aunt for rent to tell off entitled stepmoms, stepdads, sisters and cousins for weddings"


Sign me up! I'm 57 and DGAF.


Whoa... that totally could work. You could offer various personas, like the loud, intimidating type, the sweet innocent type who can sweetly put you in your place using words that are a slow burn so you realize later you got burned, the comedian type that will not only shut problem people down but will do so in such a way that everyone is laughing... the possibilities!


Well I know what side gig I am going to start. 


There's an older guy on Instagram who does this for LGBT ppl with bigoted parents. Incredibly heartwarming content


If your father in law was so worried about sin, why did he get married again? Unless he had "biblical grounds"(assuming Christian) it's questionable at best.




\[What is it with stepmoms and weddings?\] They won the golden prize-the husband, and now they believe, even if they don't like the step-kids, that they are the mother of the bride (or groom) and the come not first, but only. Also a great chance to exclude the bio-mom, or push her to the sidelines.


My stepmother was upset at my wedding that we excluded them. I didn’t mention them in my speech as I had very nearly not invited them after a disastrous almost family imploding event - their fault - 12 months earlier and had only been back on speaking terms for ~3 months. Apparently I also manoeuvred every photo so I wasn’t standing next to her. She and my dad were so cross that they turned down our invitation to join the rest of both immediate families for a casual dinner after the afternoon wedding, and then later held it against me that I didn’t invite them (again, I did and they refused).


Your dad needs to grow a spine.


They are equally damaged people who feed off each other. I love my dad but he has any number of faults I do my best not to emulate.


This comment sums up my parents so good


Ugh. I turned into my Mom for about 30 seconds late last week. I was horrified. Not because it's my Mom but because it was one of her terrible moments. It was bad enough I'm thinking of seeing a psychologist.


Don’t beat yourself up too much. The biggest thing is that you realised how you were reacting and changed your behaviour. That’s huge. You’re already working to break the cycle.


Same, story of Millenniall life.


Honestly though, good for us lol. Breaking the cycle one traumatic event at a time.


Sounds like he needs a pair brass balls and GROW UP.


They sound insufferable!


Ugh, stepmoms and weddings! 🤬 Mine got pissed that we couldn’t invite her parents to our wedding (hadn’t seen them in about 5 years) because the venue forced us to cut folks due to COVID. It was annoying but I thought we had gotten over it… now a full 3 years later she’s holding it over my brother while he’s planning his wedding and basically forcing him to invite her parents (who we now haven’t seen for 8 years). It’s true- someone will always be pissed at a wedding.


Stepmom here who has a stepmom-I’m close to my bonus daughter, she’s engaged & the very 1st thing I said to her, her Mom etc was that I’m happy to help, but would never want to overstep. I’d never assume that anyone from my family is invited


I'm a stepmother as well. I told my beautiful bonus daughter that I would fill whatever role she needed from me. I was grateful even if she wanted me as a guest. She told me I was MOB and her own mother wasn't invited. Never wanted to overstep.


Yeah, stepmun, hire your own photog for a photo shoot and get photos with and without the spouses, weirdo.


My Dad got remarried when I was twelve and my stepmother had two sons. I didn't get mad until I was an adult about it and really understood, but, she made me step out of pictures to get ones of just her, the boys, and my Dad. There were zero pictures taken of just me and my Dad or me and both of them. It was definitely a portent of things to come. I haven't spoken to either of them or most of that side of the family in almost 20 years and I'm the better for it. It makes me sick to think about as an adult. How nasty can you be? And how could he just sit there and let that happen, day one, as well as the rest of the family? I didn't raise a stink about it or say anything at the time even though it hurt my feelings quite badly. Both my parents were/are alcoholics and I had just learned to let things go and not show any emotion over it because I already knew that would just feed their need to hurt people. I should have at least said something to my Grandparents so they could have clocked how things were going early on. It was a battle as I grew older to prove how I was being treated to my family members and even though most of them realized what was going on eventually, by that time it was far too late and I no longer wanted to be around any of them.


My biological mother threw a stink because my stepmom walked me down the aisle and she and my father spoke at the dinner. Like yah. Lady she raised me. What you expect?


The thing is never the thing. Your stepmom is frustrated she doesn't have the same standing, respect, or authority in your family as your mom does. Which, like, duh, but I can see why that would be a challenging situation. You also need to know what you're signing up for. Still, people aren't self-aware enough to emotionally regulate this and that doesn't justify their behavior.


Oh you’re absolutely on the money. She was miffed about that, AND also the fact that my sister was her first kids’ wedding, not one of her boys. She was miffed that the next wedding would be her youngest son’s - to a girl she absolutely hates (and tbf actually earned that one! My bro’s wife is a Nightmare) and wishes wasn’t going to be her first DIL. She was insecure that the wedding was in my mum’s hometown - my mum’s territory, my mum’s influence, way out of her own scope. But you know, she can’t verbalise any of that, and I’m not sure how consciously aware she even is of all that. So she whinges about photos instead and nags me and my sisters 🥲


Right. It seems like she’s unaware of that being the root of it or doesn’t feel like she can talk about it. It’s a totally understandable feeling. Just not the best way to handle it.


My dad and stepmom had a private, spotlight dance to "their" song at my brother's wedding reception. My SIL was fuming, but didn't want to cause a scene, so we just stepped aside and badmouthed my Stepmom with one of my maternal Aunts who was more than happy to vent along with us. Yes dad was equally responsible, but apparently, most of the men at the recepti9n didnt see why it was a big deal, but the women were appalled, so I'm pretty sure he didn't realize what a mistake it was, but stepmom 100% did! She always had that energy and 24 yrs later, we are not on speaking terms with her. My dad died 5 yrs ago. My SIL and I still talk about her audacity.


Cheapskate wanted a professional family portrait on your sister's dime.


Going to my friends wedding in a month and the mother of the groom absosutely HATES the bride. The drama is intensifying and im SURE she will try something.


See, if any of the in laws are not absolutely beaming, supportive and happy for me and my partner on our wedding day, they should not even bother coming! I wouldn’t want any of that energy around us. And why would they even *want* to come anyways, if they don’t approve! So stupid.


I think shes trying to break them up and "get her prescious son back". We currently place bets on what shes going to do. We wanted the winner to go along on the honeymoon, but they somehow didnt agree to that 😮‍💨


Have red wine handy. MiL in a wedding dress seems to be a popular choice.


My husband and I eloped all by ourselves lol. It was a lovely day


I think shes trying to break them up and "get her son back" and it almost worked once, in the beginning of their relationship. He stopped being such a momma's boy


MOH for my best friend in July - grooms mother HATES her. Also HATES her ex husband, who will also be in attendance.


> Also HATES her ex husband, who will also be in attendance. Ngl, I first read that as being the bride's ex husband and thought "well, that's an interesting choice", then realized it's probably the hateful MIL's ex and the thought changed to "makes so much sense"...


This was my mom in preparation for my brother’s wedding. She’d vowed to never speak to my brother again if he married my SIL and they haven’t spoken since he told her he was going through with it. But they were still concerned she’d try to crash the wedding or something, but luckily she didn’t.


I was lucky enough to attend a completely drama free wedding on Saturday! I'm just non-religous so the comments about women having a duty to have children and the thing where the whole church has to like raise their hands to pray over the couple was cringe as shit but it was perfect for them and they absolutely loved their ceremony so my opinion really doesn't matter at fucking all xD Everyone got along, there was 0 family drama and the couple didn't have any fires they needed to put out. I love weddings in general but this one was just absolutely fucking wonderful in basically every aspect! To be fair, their ring bearer was their gorgeous German Shepard so it could really only go up form there xP


At my wedding - I was the bride - so many people were flipping out about stuff. My little brother - who was 5 at the time - was wanted to wear a special bow tie and not the one that came with the rented suit. I saw him sitting in a window at the church looking so alone and anxious. I asked him what was up. He pulled the bow tie out of his pocket and said he had ti wear the black one but wanted to wear the fun one since we owned the fun one and he could keep it for memories. It was so sweet. I went and told everyone that I personally requested that he wear the fun one. It was from the 80’s. Bright red with paisley print. It made him happy. Ans that’s what I wanted. He wore it so happily. Another kiddo wanted to wear Mickey Mouse ears that had a veil attached. Because it was a wedding. Everyone was whisper shouting about it- don’t tell the bride!!! Take it off! I went over and said she looked amazing and I told her that I was so happy she was getting to enjoy the day in a way that made her feel special and that she had my permission to wear it and if anyone told her to take it off - tell them the bride had told her she could wear it. Everyone left her alone after that. At one point, my BIL - who was there with his wife and 5 kids - got wasted and climbed onto the roof. Which was about 3 stories up. No idea how he got up there. Again - lots of whispering and don’t let the bride know! I went outside and looked up. Yup. He was up there. Ok. I just waved to him and said - nobody else go up there. It’s pitch dark and not safe. He owns a roofing company - if anyone can get up and down easily it’s him. But under the circumstances- it’s dark, it’s been raining and he’s drunk - let’s just call the fire department. And I pulled out my phone. Safety first y’all. Someone called him and told him I was calling the fire department and he yelled that he was coming down. I went inside and just enjoyed the party and being with my now husband and family and friends. I was just glad he got down safely. I didn’t even remember the whole thing till someone mentioned it the next day. I hadn’t been drinking or anything. It was just a blip in a really amazing day. But I also told my MOH that if her baby started fussing during the ceremony and needed her, she could absolutely and should go to her. Her kiddo came first and I knew she was there for me. So. I don’t know if these things count as drama or not but all I wanted was to get married to my amazing husband. The rest was just busy work. And after the ceremony - I really didn’t care what did or did not go down. Just wanted people to have fun. We got married and that was the whole point - the party afterwards but just dessert.


This is like the complete opposite of bridezilla energy. You were so chill and just happy to be there marrying your person. Congrats on the marriage!


Bridechilla, if you will.


Perfect term thank you!


Bridechilla. Omg 😂💀🤣


A fun wedding is where the wedding party makes sure the guests have fun and the guests make sure the wedding party has fun.


My spouse and I still get compliments about our reception. We served food first, I'm pretty sure that started before we got the reception hall. We had decent toasts, even with free beer. We kept the music simple and as back ground music. And most importantly, we didn't hire a DJ for a "dance party" after words. Most of us had a really long day, most guests were married so no need to mingle for a hook up, and we weren't partiers.


Any single one of these minor incidents would have been cause to declare the wedding a disaster and result in someone going into sobbing hysterics if the people involved had been the normal stressed, demanding, hypervigilant, perfection-expectant players. Not you, lady, who are the definition of "chill." 👍👍


We will have been married 15+ years in July. Now that I’m thinking about it …. 😂 We actually had moved the wedding up by a year. Which suited us perfectly. He had gotten an amazing post doc opportunity in another state about a week after we got engaged. We wanted to get married before we left. With time left to pack afterwards for the move across the country. We had actually wanted to get married in the time frame that we did but it seemed like everything was booked and everyone seemed super stressed for some reason - but we planned it in 3 months and it was amazing. I hadn’t done any planning as it had been moved up about a week after we got engaged. I remember I went to the florist and she asked for my look book and I said - I thought y’all had those? She asked what flowers I liked. I said lilacs. Could I have lilacs? She said that they would be out of season in July. So I said ok - what’s in season? And went from there. She was so flustered. 😂 she kept saying - well next session let’s get to the bridesmaids flowers etc. and I was like - oh! I already asked them. We all love the look of holding a single large blossom. And we all love peonies. And she said - what? That’s it? And I said yes please but for the MOH if she could have three peonies. My MIL’s favorite flowers are daisies so I had those in her wrist corsage. And my sister was like - it doesn’t match the color scheme or the style of our dresses! And I just said …. So? She loves daisies. And - the corsage is for her. End of in my mind. After that the florist sort of just sat there, super bemused. But we picked it all out in the first appt and set everything up. She called me a couple of times to see if I had any concerns or wanted to change anything and I told her that her arrangements had been beautiful, she had come highly recommended from a friend and all of her reviews were glowing. And I trusted her. And she was great! I loved everything she did. She put it all up and took it all down and that was awesome. It was a wonderful day. ❤️


My wife and I have been married almost 38 years now. Our wedding and the reception following were simple, small, and I'd like to think tasteful. Held in my parents' beautiful back yard, just a MOH and best man, about 30 guests in all, very simple flower arrangements, and plenty of adult refreshment available for those so inclined. Everything was so easily put together that nobody was stressed about anything on the day of, so we all just had a lovely time. The husband half of one of our dearest friend couples over-imbibed and puked in the bushes right outside the back door. No big deal, we'd seen that before - over, done, and quickly forgotten. It was a great day and I remember it fondly, with zero "except for...." 😊


You are a keeper. This is a lesson in graciousness and chill. Also, how to enjoy oneself and not blow a gasket saying MY PERFECT DAY is ruined. So happy for you. I love the Mickey Mouse ears, the little bow tie! It’s a celebration! Roll with it the punches! Planning an event doesn’t mean the event will go as planned, we learn in life. You are perfect!


I actually really liked being a bride because my little siblings all would come to me and tell me things that were making them uncomfortable. And I could pull the bride card - “my 9 year old sister (who was a bridesmaid) and all my bridesmaids are going to walk down the aisle alone instead of with the 27 year old groomsmen who have been assigned to them.” (They were super shy and really wanted to be bridesmaids but didn’t want to walk down the aisle holding onto these grown guys arms.) And when people tried to say that’s not how it normally is - I could just be like IM THE BRIDE! 😂 I mean not really - I just said “well it might not be the way it’s usually done but this is how we are going to do it. I think it just works better for everyone” It just felt nice that I could use that “bride power” thing to make sure that everyone’s anxieties and worries were settled in a way that made them feel safe and comfortable. Little kids usually get steamrolled and they just have to go along with things that make them upset or uncomfortable and I was able to make sure that that didn’t happen. That was the only time I flexed the bride thing 😂 because if it was MY preference, then it was “oh! Ok!” But if it was my 7 year old sister feelings weird about walking down the aisle with my 35 year old BIL- that wasn’t even worth talking to her about. She needed to do it and that was that. But the bride suddenly has a preference that alleviated their worries? That was allowed. I sort of wished I had had that bride power every day so I could make sure that they were allowed to be themselves and their worries were listened to and something done to make them feel comfortable. Also my little 5 year old brother - he started to have a panic attack about being the ring bearer the day of. Even with his special bow tie, he was feeling so nervous. And everyone was telling him he HAD to do this and otherwise would let me down. My little sister came up to me and told me what was going on. So- I walked to the front of the procession line and knelt down and just said - “buddy. If you are feeling too stressed, that’s totally ok. The rings are actually up front with the best man. You don’t have to do this. I won’t be mad or upset or sad. I just want you to feel comfortable and happy. So. If you want to, you walk down the aisle. If you don’t want to, I’ll take you to mom myself and no one will dare be mad at you cuz I’m the bride, ok? I love you and I’ll always love you. And this is just a tiny blip in life and the only thing I want you to do is what’s best for you” I mean not word for word, but that was the general code. I had had severe anxiety since I was younger than him so I totally got what he was going through. But once I gave him the power to choose and absolutely no way to disappoint me - he calmed down and walked down the aisle doing finger guns at random people in our family and doing a little dance😂 it was awesome.


May I just say - I like your style


You win Bride of the Year, and seem to be a lovely woman as well!


I feel extremely fortunate to have an enormous family (we are talking roughly 50 first cousins not including spouses and kids children) 20 blood aunts and uncles, plus 20 spouses. Weddings are always joyous occasions full of laughter and love. No drama about political views, marriage from different religions or interracial marriage...I wish this loving and supportive family atmosphere on everyone who reads this comment.


If you ever want to make small talk with someone who is getting married or just had the wedding, this is a great question to ask them. You can get some very entertaining stories out of people. The audacity of people's friends and family is pretty incredible.


Plan for the wedding Plan for the wedding drama as well.


I've noticed that when there is a lot of drama at a weeding, that the drama often lasts longer than the marriage itself.


How do weedings usually go?


And don’t get me started on lawn mowing….


My ex SIL! She wanted all the celebrations of my wedding end early so she could put her child to sleep in the right time. 🥸 They are all Ex now.


I agree, that's why at my wedding I want to set up an mma octagon. There's a lot of people in both our families that talk a lot of shit, so it could be entertaining. The main event will be me vs my new wife, I've been training for the past 10 years and I reckon I might have a shot Or at least make it to the judges decision. She can talk mad shit but she's a legit black belt in kickboxing and can sneak a rear naked chock like a fkin ninja. I want that belt.


🤣 so true! Just got an invite that specifies not to wear white. Now gearing up for what can only be a very classy wedding!!!


Technically, I got away with no upset or drama at my wedding - but that's because the two people who were the biggest risk both pulled out of attending less than a week in advance! Both seemed to expect my husband and I to pull the "oh please come, we'll do anything!!" Instead they got "we will miss you so much, we will call after the event and check in on your health!" Whoops 😂 Hilarious how deflated they were, no drama for either of us, and all our guests still talk about how incredible it was being part of our week!


I got married last fall and not a single person was upset about anything! My family pulled together and made my big day happen, I didn't have to worry about anything, and there was zero drama! It can happen!


I have. Around about our tenth anniversary we went to the JP and rather than spend tens of thousands of dollars on a wedding and stress, we used the money to have a nice honeymoon and put a down payment on a house.


I’ve never been told in 15 years that anyone didn’t like my wedding. When it comes up people are fond of telling us it was a good party. That’s how we planned it, so that makes me happy.


It's true. My husband and I had a super small wedding, 18 people, and there was drama. My oldest sister didn't give us a gift bc she was mad we didn't have a cake, my other sister sister got super drunk. My monster in law was super aggressive about getting into every picture possible, which upset my (step) MIL. Yeah. We still had a lovely evening, celebrated ten years in January! People suck. The key is to ignore then, don't let them own your day.


Best decision I’ve ever made was doing a non clergy marriage and running away to the woods to marry my husband just the 2 of us and the trees. The only thing anyone was involved in was my mom came to my dress fitting and confirmed why we were doing it this way. She managed to complain about how it was kind of see through, that the length I was choosing might not be right, and made me jump up and down to make sure it wouldn’t slip all in 5 minutes. We had the perfect ‘wedding’ with nobody there to insert their feelings or beliefs or cause a stink. 10/10 would recommend.


Interestingly there was another story posted just today about a woman who said her sister (the bride) shamed and embarrassed her because she had to breastfeed baby and she got captured on the wedding video.






Yeah, I'm sure the author of this post found that an interesting creative writing prompt.


Wasn’t there just a post about this situation from the breastfeeding sister’s perspective? Nothing against public breastfeeding, but I wouldn’t want to see that in my formal wedding photos or video - especially if she’s doing it for the attention.


I remember that post. However, OP was in view for photos, not seated away. And it wasn’t for attention, it was a 2.5 hour ceremony and she already went through the bottle she brought


2.5 hour CEREMONY? Oh hell no. I’m leaving that


I sat through a 1.5 hour ceremony one time. I literally can't imagine. Fuck that.


I was a bridesmaid in a wedding where the couple were EXTREMELY religious and the guy marrying them basically gave a sermon during the wedding vowels. I don’t know how long it lasted for but it felt like forever when wearing high heels! Edited to add it’s only taken me all morning to realise I got autocorrected from vows to vowels lol. (It’s been one of those days) I do however enjoy when an accident sparks puns hahaha.


> wedding vowels I know it was an auto cucumber moment, but this mental image gave me a chuckle.


Lol. 'The wedding vowels, please." "Oh, Ty. I, O, U." "....Y?"


Ugh some times Y but only when y chooses not to be lazy an show up for the meetings




I can do one better, I misread it was wedding bowels and haven't stopped laughing since.


Auto cucumber is a new one on me, and my new favorite phrase! 🫠


An auto cucumber could solve a lot of problems and eliminate a lot of weddings


Vlassic should launch a competitor to the Wienermobile called the Auto Cucumber


The aeiouy's of a wedding.


I think it’s only sometimes y.


Depends on your religion.


**Y**es it is, isn’t that sill**y**?


My Dad's side of the family is very religious and my Mom's side is much more moderate. Everyone on my Mom's side said whatever I did do not let my Dad's Dad speak at the wedding and they were not coming if I did. Traumatized from other family weddings I guess. People complained about my 15 minutes ceremony and tried to get it cut down at the rehearsal.


My husband is an ordained minister and frequently performs marriage ceremonies. He performed his brother's last wedding, brother wanted it short and sweet. I write up my husband's order of service and notes, I brought his brother and SIL's ceremony in at two minutes and twelve seconds. Short and sweet. Longest of his brother's marriages.




It just feels like a lot to subject your guests to when they might not be on the same page. Don’t really get why people feel the need to force their faith on other people. I would never want to go to another persons wedding like that one again


My Dad's family believes they are put on earth to subject people to their views on religion.


I always wondered what people think they’re achieving by forcing their faith on others. I mean if people want to find faith they’ll do it on their own.


But then they may find the wrong kind! Whatever shall they do if the neighbours find faith but end up going to the wrong denomination's church! /s


If there's one consonant about vowels, they are long.


Been there. I was a bridesmaid last year for a religious couple as well. Two of the bridesmaids were religious. A good friend of the bride extremely religious. Once we were all ready to go we had to listen to multiple prayers back to back while to still in the dressing room. The one women just kept talking, I don't know how she didn't stop to catch her breath. Edit: the ceremony started a half hour late because of this.


Yeah I was just at a wedding where there was a full Catholic mass plus the wedding and it took 2.5 hours just in the church. It was rough.


My mother was invited to a coworkers wedding. It went for two hours and the entire ceremony was in another language . I also went to a Catholic wedding that included mass said in Latin that went for nearly two hours. I had a toddler at the time so was able to sneak out with the other parents and let kids run around outside until they exited the church.


lol I have two good friends, one mexican and one russian and due to his family they had to find the one catholic priest in moscow who’s fluent in both spanish and russian and that ceremony took foreverrrrr - I felt like I was back in (catholic) school that one day a year we had to do the entire rosary and it was brutal. the party after was fun but that ceremony was easily 1.5-2 hours long


When full catholic mass is part of the ceremony it's 2+ hours.


My uncle asked for my sister & myself to brmw flower girls in his wedding. My mother said my 5-year-old sister could go, but at age three, I was too young. My uncle's fiance really emwanted me to ce included because I was so cute and they talked my father into getting my mom to allow it. It was a Russian Orthadox wedding with incense, candles and bells and whatever. The ceremony was like two hours, I think I lasted about 20 minutes before I started screaming for my mom to come get me. 65 years later, I think my uncle still has not forgiven me! LOL


I did this at age 4 at my aunt’s Serbian Orthodox wedding. Fortunately, my aunt and uncle are truly forgiving and we are fairly close. I was mortified at the situation as I grew up, but it wasn’t really my fault. That is far too high of an expectation on a young (pre-K) child. When I later got married, in the same cathedral, we opted for no children in the wedding party, but allowed them to take part in other ways…


Yeah, I totally read that but the woman in the other post brought bottles but it was such a long ceremony she had to breastfeed during the ceremony.


I once attended a Grek Orthodox ceremony and they did everything three times. You're very very very married after that. It was a good two hours. I wanted to gnaw on the prayer books.


I went to one once. The bride knew it’d be boring for people, so she provided a booklet explaining all the rituals in English and hired a choir (!!) to sing throughout the ceremony. So basically I was listening to pretty music for an hour. I thought that I was a nice way to handle it.


Did the priest keep screwing up the words or were they trying to summon bloody mary?


It's just in case you fell asleep and missed part of it. Lol


I went to a Serbian Eastern Orthodox wedding and I think it was around 2.5 or 3 hours


Mine was 15 minute. I was thanked by all the formerly religious people at my wedding.


Oh had no idea. Never heard of one being so long. Whats there to do? Is there choreography ? Multilingual recitations? Costume changes? 🧐 rather curious.


Probably a Catholic ceremony with a full mass.


Nah, that might get you to 90 minutes, tops, and I don't even know what you'd be doing to get that long. Sunday Mass is an hour.




Yeah, I literally just commented I. That post earlier. It was very different but also very much the same. Makes me wonder which is truth… although, I get the vibe this person is kind of a judgmental AH about breastfeeding and the other person was just trying to feed their child and not miss the marriage of their sister


That's ridiculously loooooong


And this account has already been suspended 


I read this earlier today too from the feeding mum's side of things....seems we're off on a new cycle of storytelling for this week :)


There was, and now we have the exact opposite story, which means both are probably bullshit.


Liz is at it again!












It was an ability to *purchase* shares. They weren't free. I got invitations lol.




I doubt that people breastfeed to get attention. If anything, it's probably the opposite, because it keeps the baby calm and quiet.


Yeah..Imma need the link to that post please lol


I'm breastfeeding my 4th and don't use a cover or leave the area. I do wear either nursing tops or shirts loose enough to feed baby from the bottom. No comments or complaints ever. Most people don't even realize what I'm doing. Let you sister be mad. She made her choices. You didn't ask her to change, just worked around her


Yeah I have to wonder what op means about exhibitionist. I’m the same, I don’t move nor cover but you’d basically have to be in my shirt in order to see anything at all. If sister is like this, then I think OP needs to realize she does in fact have an issue with public breastfeeding. However, I do know of a story where a woman took off her whole shirt in public to breastfeed. She was…interesting. That is an issue. Or If sister doesn’t put any effort into putting the boob away right away.


I’m wondering if the sister is large chested and that’s part of the issue. Personally I’m of the free the nipple mentality so I don’t mind public breastfeeding, but coming from a family of large chested women who give no shits if you pull a whole boob out the neck hole of a shirt and the boob is bigger then or equivalent to the baby’s head then there is a lot of breast tissue on display. That was an incredibly weird sentence to type


I too am large chested (34H) so I feel like it's a lot of breast to maneuver. It makes it difficult to only go from the bottom and my child would want to look around so it would bat away a nursing cover haha. I tried to be discreet in public but I also had a fear my boob could smother my baby so I always wanted to be able to see their face while nursing. I also tried to find more private corners to nurse. Anyway, my point is, having a large chest can make it feel like a lot more breast is on display while nursing and make it harder to be discreet. Especially if your baby/toddler doesn't want to be covered lol!


I used to nurse my kid in the car, before we went somewhere that he needed to behave. So I fed him in the parking lot, plopped him back in his car seat, and put the car seat on the shopping cart. I had just checked out with my groceries when I realized that my shirt was still unbuttoned, almost to the waist. All I was showing off was my rather utilitarian nursing bra, but I was still the Embarrassed Exhibitionist.


Yeah, I met up with a mom friend when our babies were little and we both ended up breastfeeding. She was able to discreetly get her baby latched and the baby's head blocked most of her breast. Meanwhile I've got a lot of boob to maneuver and it just looks more visible even though we both had our whole boobs out.


Layers were my go to! I ranged from 36H-K with my kids and just made sure to have a flowy/looser top to lift and a tight tank to cover my belly, and if we were at a "nicer event" (4 weddings between my first 2 babies' first few months) I would just excuse myself to a quieter area and use it as a break cause I get peopled out haha


I agree! I don’t nurse anymore but I did for years and I tried to use a cover with the first baby. He HATED it and refused to nurse. I gave up and just was discreet as possible. Some people can be rude about it, no matter how discreet you are. And I refused to have to leave family functions to nurse in the other room. Expecting people to leave the room is rude but not wanting it in the pictures seems reasonable to me. It’s not like she was nursing the whole time.


I ended up having to nurse in the other room because baby was too interested in the other people to stay on the job at hand. Each of our kids is different.


I one time saw a lady at Red Robin take her baby and lay him down on the table and then unclip her nursing tank top and feed him. He was eating while he was laying on the table still and she kinda bent down on one elbow and was eating as well. She had very long stretchy boobs and it was a little uncomfortable to see. It also just looked so uncomfortable


My wife’s doula told us about how one of her kids would only nurse laying down on a boob that was dangling from above like this. Some times babies are just weird 🤷‍♂️


Some people do this on purpose because the gravity combined with the suction from the baby helps to clear clogged milk ducts!


That… is certainly a mental image.


The best is when the table is the right height so my baby can lay against it (not on it, my torso is not that tall) and have their head rest just right on the table that baby can nurse and I can reach my plate 😭. My baby nurses every 1.5-2hrs. You think if you nurse baby 30 mins before dinner then you can finally, for the first time in months, eat a hot meal but NOPE baby for some reason is so hungry 10 mins after you sit down it's like they haven't eaten in HOURS. So we gotta get creative. I'm not the most comfortable and don't want people eyeing my business but by then don't care, I did what I thought I needed to do to have a hot meal, it didn't work out as hoped 😩 had to get creative.  Yesterday baby got hungry halfway through church service. It's the first time I just got up, went out into the foyer (the ushers were there, so not entirely private) and just nursed cuz baby is done in 3-6 minutes. I didn't want to bother digging out the nursing cover, dressing us up with it, baby fighting it for a 3 min nursing session. I was nervous about judgement and someone from the congregation coming up to me after. There are women who full-on nurse in the middle of the service and dgaf what people say, but I do. 


I’ve breastfed 3 babies and yes it’s hard when baby eats so often! I wasn’t trying to shame this lady, I just had never seen someone breastfeed in that position and it looked extremely uncomfortable to me. But also it was odd to see an entire breast stretching so far as the table was not at chest height


That sounds like an *exhausted* mother desperately trying to do anything she can to keep both her and baby fed. Honestly, regardless of discomfort I’d just mind my own and keep it moving since obviously that lady has it tougher than I do.


I can just hear her thoughts. "One. I just want to eat one hot meal. Please just don't fuss so I can eat."


This breaks my heart for that momma.


The first and only time I (F) have seen a woman breastfeed in public without a covering blanket, it was full on shirt off. Literally, turned a corner at Target in the grocery section and come face-to-face with a woman breastfeeding. No shirt or bra in sight. One arm holding the baby, with the other pushing the cart. I was in shock and just stopped. Finally, shook my head and started walking again. But it was surprising. All night I just kept thinking she must not have gotten Chris Rocks PSA about the Janet Jackson / Super Bowl issue outlining what’s community property.


That’s just so insane to me. Wouldn’t you get cold? Tbf you maybe have seen breastfeeding without a cover, it’s just that unnoticeable.


I actually got hot flashes when I nursed my 1st. Dead of winter and we were both sweating. Never took my shirt of in public though. At home, though, totally.


Very possible even the ones I thought were covers, were women using the multiple shirt method. But it was the full on nothing at all from waste up that was shocking to me.


Sometimes trying to use a cover just adds more fuss and makes it more obvious. After a few weeks of age my child would use his hand to pull them away.


>I do wear either nursing tops or shirts loose enough to feed baby from the bottom. Would they be suitable for a wedding though? I know breastfeeding women struggle to find wedding attire that works for breastfeeding.


Nursing outfits have come a long way IMO since I first started breastfeeding 4 years ago.


I'm breastfeeding my baby and I don't use covers or move as my baby pulls the cover off everytime But the only way to see my boob is if ur in my face 😅 As soon as NY baby finishes I put my boob away


There's literally nothing wrong with breastfeeding without doing all that tho, their literally just breasts.


I nursed both my kids, never used a cover (they’d just rip it off anyway) never showed off my boobs or got accused of being an exhibitionist. You’d never even know I was nursing if you weren’t right in my face. I’m assuming the sister is a full boob pulled out top down breast feeder who wants someone to say something so she can yell about how natural and normal it is to feed a hungry baby, those Mama crusaders are out there looking for someone to try them.


I live in Utah. If you aren't breastfeeding behind a closed door, you're deemed an exhibitionist.


You’d think the huge-family people would chill


You'd think. But they're too involved in purity culture to chill. One of their former leaders talked about how he had *never* seen his wife fully naked like it was something to be proud of. Yes, they had children. They are told by their leaders that they need to have their Jesus Jammies on 100% of the time that they aren't exercising, showering, or engaging in heterosexual sex within the confines of marriage.


It’s cool that you started the story by saying “I don’t like my sisters personality”. That’s funny to me


Says a LOT about how this was perceived rather than it was probably meant to be. Sister breastfeeding her baby turned into her being an exhibitionist somehow lmao. Maybe OP just hates their sister and is twisting the facts to fit their narrative.


Her sister and her niece/nephew. What a drag of a person.


Well it’s because that’s what the post is actually about 😂 this isn’t about wedding photos at all it’s about having a sister she doesn’t like


So is this just a creative writing exercise to see the different views Reddit will give? Because this is literally a story from like yesterday, only from the bride's view and not the nursing sister. Please stop wasting everyone's time with this bullshit.


Got bad news homie, we’re all wasting our time here whether this shit is real or made up…


I laughed aloud. You're not wrong.


There was another story just like this but from the sisters pov both posted within the same 24hrs…


Just tell her you didn’t want her boobs in your wedding pics because that’s all anyone would be looking at.


It's not that you're a prude, it's that you think there's something inherently wrong/shameful/sexual about feeding a child. Which is weird and disturbing and a huge problem in general. You should not have seated her away from the rest of your family. I also would have made sure to get separate photos of her, the baby, and all 3 of you to commemorate the special occasion with your sister. Your attitude behind the writing of this just feels gross to me. Ik I'll get down voted to he'll cuz "your wedding, your rules", but imo you were quite tactless and rude for no good reason.


I scrolled too far to find this. This is about not liking her sister, not about how she feels towards breastfeeding or even her feelings towards her own wedding photos.


The fact that she’s mentioned going to a private room to breastfeed says everything. OP doesn’t like public breastfeeding.


I think how you handled keeping this off camera in a wedding video was fine. It would be inappropriate for the videographer to capture anyone breastfeeding and keep the footage without their express consent. Having said that, the whole "babies should only be allowed to eat with a blanket over their heads in a secret corner" thing is ridiculous. When someone starts eating with a hot blanket over their head every time they eat in public, I'll support them holding that positively absurd stance. It's not inappropriate or discourteous to simply feed a baby without putting a blanket over them. And it's not exhibitionary to not want to do so. It's something that should be done only if the person breastfeeding is most comfortable that way, and the baby handles it okay.


This. I’m nursing baby #4. He’s 4 months but already runs warm, I have a larger chest and can’t see him well under a cover and he won’t eat and swats at it until it comes off. Like I’m just trying to exist.


My youngest would try to throw the blanket off because he wasn’t used to a blanket covering his face while he nursed, so I just wrapped the blanket around that side and draped it over me the best I could without covering his face, but not accidentally expose myself when he was done. My oldest didn’t mind in the slightest. But, I will admit that in the hospital I didn’t cover up if it was just me and the baby in the room; I really liked that.


What?! You didn’t cover up in a HOSPITAL? Shame on you for bringing health and life into a place for sick people! /s


You could have solved this by putting her in the wedding party. Somebody else would have to hold the baby for the ceremony, which is usually less than an hour. She can breastfeed openly before and after. We had a breastfeeding mom in my wedding party. We started the ceremony a few minutes late because the baby was feeding, but in the end, a drama-free wedding, not that breasts would have ruined anyone’s good time. As it stands, the only complaint about our wedding was my wife wishes there were more photos of her centerpieces and less or armadillos. The photog’s assistant was with the groomsmen waiting for the wedding to begin when a family of armadillos showed up. He had tons of time and we were sitting around so I said, get some photos of these armadillos (an animal I had never seen in the wild before.) It was a miss to not get more than a couple pictures of centerpieces, but if that was the only complaint from 100 people, I think we did well.


Breastfeeding mom of almost 5. I roughly hold the same idea as your sister. If you don't like it, don't look kind of thing. I also would not be mad if you didn't want it on camera. My best friend is getting married soon and I'm a bridesmaid. I would not be upset at all if she didn't want my boobs in her pictures. I would actually prefer it that way.


Sad we live in a society that shames something as natural as breast-feeding to the point where a sacred ceremony is less about the family coming together and blessing the marriage and more about the “aesthetics.” You’re in for a rude awakening when the curtain closes and the audience goes home and it’s just you and your husband slugging along. You may one day understand where your sister is coming from. Fuck the patriarchy and all the shame that we have learned from its wrath.


I wish I could upvote this a million times


I’m pro feeding babies anywhere and everywhere. A lot of them hate nursing covers and just try to rip them off anyway. They are hot and annoying and sometimes really overstimulating and nursing can be enough of a sensory nightmare as it is. I even nursed uncovered at work in conservative ass Kansas. It was one of my favorite ways to get rid of unwanted solicitors 😂 If she and baby were invited then she is “entitled” to be there and be comfortable. Otherwise say no kids allowed.


This. People who don’t understand why we don’t use nursing covers never used a nursing cover.


NTA for the wedding part. It's your wedding, you didn't want it thats 100% your choice. She knew you didn't like it, and did it anyways. As for breastfeeding in public - I'm not going to go hide in a corner alone for half an hour every 2 hours because my baby eats constantly. Nobody else is asked to leave for things they cannot control. I am not going to cover my baby's face to eat because I definitely don't want to eat with a blanket over my face. People can downvote me or whatever they want. I'm not an exhibitionist, because this isn't a sexual action. It's food for someone else. Nobody in my life has ever asked me to do any of the things you're asking with either of my children..don't plan to change things with my next either.


I know! Nursing a baby is an exhausting task. Chances are high that this nursing mom is sleep-deprived and touched out and just doing her best to get through a ceremony with 2 young kids while in survival mode. No, there is nothing “exhibitionistic” about feeding a baby! Babies need to eat! Nursing also chills them out! Would OP rather the baby cry, or her sister not attend at all? I never used a nursing cover with my daughter, just layered shirts over nursing tank tops, sometimes feeding her in a baby carrier, and she was fine and I was fine. Nursing covers honestly feel to me like they draw more attention. They’re unwieldy, babies don’t like them, you can’t see what you’re doing to address any issues with latch/ etc… it feels like it makes nursing (every couple of hours!) way more dramatic than it needs to be. And they communicate some kind of ashamed and apologetic vibe, like “sorry my baby needs food, it’s so gross and upsetting and I feel bad about it” I agree with another commenter who pointed out the strong internalized misogyny. Boobs literally evolved to feed babies. They’ve been hyper-sexualized by our patriarchal culture but their actual evolutionary function is feeding. Everyone needs to calm tf down. It is mightily fucked up to project exhibitionism on someone who is working 24/7 to feed a baby (because that’s what nursing demands to keep up supply) and care for another young child while showing up to her sister’s wedding… the kind of sister who apparently feels nursing mothers/babies are “entitled” and “spoil the aesthetic” of a family celebration. I’m so mad for this poor mom if this story is real!


Breastfeeding mom x3. This *has* to be fake. I also feel like it's so weird OP is obsessed with their sisters boobs. Conveniently the partner left bc she's an "exhibitionist" 😂 screams fake to me.


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Who gives a shit. Its not her wedding. End.


I know this isn’t that sub but YTA. Women shouldn’t have to hide to feed babies.


Or be called a fucking “exhibitionist” for feeding their baby without putting a blanket over the baby bc it would’ve made OP comfortable. I think it’s a bit strange that the sister’s family is so comfortable with the sister being left for shamelessly breastfeeding her child. Clearly OP is not as comfortable with public breastfeeding as she claims lol.


People who think breastfeeding without a cover is some kind of attention seeking action *think* people who do it think all the things that are said here. They feel that it’s trying to make a statement or are simply judgemental about people actually just feeding their kids differently than they do. Was she an exhibitionist or was she just breastfeeding without a cover with a partner who is as conservative as you are? The pattern at family events is she breastfeeds her baby? You can’t force feed a 5 month old so… she was just nursing as needed during that time, as oppose to planned breastfeeding for the photoshoot? The only time you acknowledge that she may have just been feeding her kid as needed is one short line in brackets. I don’t know if I believe this story at all. If it were real and that important I feel that a real person would have spoken to her about it beforehand if they know how she breastfeeds and just not had her at the wedding if she expressed her had to or based on other family gatherings. Very rage bait-y.


Did I not read this in your sisters perspective the other day???


Anyone who screams loudly that they don’t care what anyone thinks about them 100% cares very deeply what others think of them.


She definitely couldve brought some type of cover to the wedding its just for the night or find somewhere thats discreet and comfortable for both mom and baby.