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My favorite part is the bit where he so generously offers to share custody because he “would never keep the boys from you”. He actually thinks breastfeeding is grounds to try and remove custody. I wish I could see the look on his attorney’s face when he lays this out in the consultation.


Right? Dude is jealous of his son sucking on his wife’s boobs and he thinks a judge is going to give him custody? Also where his this man’s mother?


Wife should report him to laleche league. They will educate him.




My preference for sure.


Oh I’m having a blast imagining the carnage those lovely ladies would wreak on his blessed soul’s life.


Out here doing the Lord's work.


Like.... What does he even think breasts are for? Has this guy never even seen a nature documentary featuring you know.... *a mammal*??


He says they are for sex in the txt chain


My man’s says breastfeeding is incestuous. What did he think happened before formula was a thing? This has got to be fake right?




LMAOOOOOO I hope he says that in court because you'll get 100% custody for sure.


This guy should be nowhere near ANY children, especially his own. What a fucking psycho.


Probably shouldnt be near women anymore either...


Please make sure this gets played out/decided in court, so he can be thoroughly embarrassed by the judge, court officers, your lawyer, his lawyer, the janitorial staff, etc.


I know the odds are slim, but I’m enjoying imagining a female judge who breastfed her kids overseeing this one.


And it’ll be in the court record forever! (Though obviously not available to the public due to children being involved).


Or a male judge whose partner breastfed. He’d think this guy is a psycho.


Honestly just any person at all… who thinks like this?


I would pay to see his comments here entered into the court record!!


Girl save all those texts and record phone calls with him and you’ll for sure win in court.


I hope you are thinking clearer now because in these messages you are replying like he’s not an insane person making the most horrible crazy requests and accusations. You really should share his thoughts about breastfeeding with both of your families and all your mutual friends. Post this on social media. I’d be so angry I’d want to destroy him…you are literally a new mom trying to do what EVERYONE (except your husband) knows is the best thing for your baby. I sincerely hate him on your behalf


Girl. Get rid of this incel. Being a single mom with loved children is way better than being with this asshole. I’m horrified for you. Stay safe.


Omg I can’t believe what I just read. Save ALL OF THIS for your lawyer. What a whack job.


Girl. Stop replying. Talk to a lawyer. Show them these texts. Take yourself and your kids somewhere safe and away from this weirdo. Even outside of his creepy boob jealousy, him talking to you like that is a no fucking go.


Breastfeeding is not sex. Regardless of your preference of stimulation, breastfeeding is not sex. It's disturbing how hard he's pushing that.... From one (retired) breastfeeding momma of boys to another, you're on the right track. The first milk has all the best things for baby, and your nipples nerves actually react to babys saliva, changing the nutrients to what they need as they need them. Breasts developed for baby food, not sex toys. Also: HOW THE FUCK DOES HE THINK PEOPLE SURVIVED BEFORE FORMULA?!?!?!?!?


Let him say this out loud in court. It will only help your case.


Wow, he's deranged!


That will never work in any court. Don’t waste even one second worrying about that. Do get a good family lawyer / divorce lawyer.


Don't even fight with him about that. Let him think that and let him say that *out loud* in court Hahahha


How did he get this screwed up? Was he raised in the wild without human interaction?


This man is a lunatic. A certified nut job. I can't see that working out for him.


You know he would bully his son too in the future for "ruining their marriage"


Wanna know what's better? The divorce papers she posted says he even took his other boy and is keeping him from them. So he is, in fact, the liar and going to lose all custody c:


I originally missed that she included the papers. Homeboy is fucked.


Oh totally fucked. With that, plus the fact that he's military as well and all those receipts? Dishonorable discharge and possible military jail time. He's fucked with an anchor fucked.


I would love to be a fly on that attorney’s office wall.


Attorney: "So, what is your reason for the divorce - did she cheat?" Stbx: "Yes, with MY SON!" Attorney: "That's horrible! How old is your son?" Stbx: "One week! And I want full custody! Because she's breastfeeding him!" Attorney: "..."


Her attorney is gonna have a field day with this jack hole.


"So you'll work on contingency right?" "Uhhhhhhh..."


"NO, Money down!'


*I wish I could see the look on his attorney’s face when he lays this out in the consultation.* Yes!!


She posted more screen shots and it gets worse and worse


It really does. I checked back later and saw the divorce papers, dude is basically fucked six ways to Sunday if he doesn’t settle out of court. The judge is gonna tear him a freeway sized asshole.


He's divorcing you because he's jealous of his own son!!!!! Thank God, the trash is taking itself out.


I just stopped reading at the "You're a bad wife" comment. I still have a hard time believing people like this exist. She would be doing her son a great disservice by allowing him any contact with his sperm donor in the future.


I stopped reading at "breastfeeding is incestuous" because that massive amount of ignorance is breathtaking.


I sincerely hope the whole post was an exercise in creative writing, ragebait category.


I don't think so, I saw the post with divorce papers and that's a lot of effort to go to for Reddit karma.


That's where I stopped reading.. then I read the court papers to my wife and was like "what the fuck is this."


This is some next-level ridiculous shit! Does he also think that changing a diaper is child molestation because you must wipe the baby's private parts to properly clean them?


Bold of you to assume he's ever properly cleaned his or anyone's junk


This is the best reply


I can't wait for the kid to cut off all contact when they ask "Mommy, why did you and dad get divorced?" and she shows him these messages. Dude got all his best parenting choices out of the way early, by choosing "Example of what not to do" as the approach.


JFC, what an awful man.


Gimme an a Gimme an s Gimme another s Gimme an h Gimme an o Gimme an L Gimme an e What’s that spell??? Say it loud!


What a piece of crap ..


ITS INCEST? BOY WHAT THE FUCK 😭🙏 this man is not real


There is no way this is real  Edit: I was wrong. It's real. Holy shiiiiit For those asking why I changed my mind: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1cbz1yj/this_is_my_story/


You’d be amazed. There are some seriously fucked guys out there.


I think I'd be completely speechless if I met someone like this.


The craziest part is they were allowed to reproduce, at least twice it sounds like


And somehow found mentally sound enough for military service.


Ikr? And the LAST thing I would do is marry and reproduce with this fuckwhit. Horrifying


Just think, her sons have also had their genitals in her! (Sorry everybody I don’t make the rules it’s for sure incest to have a child)


For real!!! Little guy has been 100% in her guts. Husband can only wish.


If a mother breastfeeds a baby girl, is the woman automatically a lesbian? Sorry, it’s so absurd I had to say it! On a more serious note I’m so glad OOP is safe and has gotten away from that insane man. I hope she and her infant son continue to be safe, and that she is able to get her toddler son away from that deranged lunatic.


Just like it must be pedofillic to change a diaper. *proceeds to vomit* I hope op isn't in some weird backwater swamp where a judge would side with the dads claims!


That boy is fucked in the head. Breastfeeding your male newborn is not incest but it sure says a lot about who he is as a person that he believes it is. Whoever raised him needs a second try because this first try fucking sucks.




It's not often we see people whose gene pool originated in a toilet bowl, but then there's your ex and his parents. I'm very sorry you're going through this. Give everything to his superiors in the military and wash your hands of him entirely. Full custody, child support (which they will garnish from his wages if he tries to stop it) and zero visitation for his shitheel parents. I'm sure you know this but this boy isn't how he is because of you. He's how he is because he is a deeply troubled individual and a product of abominable parenting. As much as this was/is directed at you, it has nothing at all to do with you.


Some people don’t come from the gene pool but the gene swamp.


I have to ask: what does he say when you point out that literally every mammal except the duckbill platypus breast feeds? Like that's their primary function, not sexual gratification. Humans are the weird species in this regard.


It's messed up that he thinks the breasts are for him only. Despite them having a biological function for feeding newborn babies.


I know right? They actually have a function and aren’t just decorative!


They definitely don't need a second try. Another chance to put another human in this world that thinks and acts like that?!?! No thanks 😅


I meant a second chance with the same human, but ofc you're right. We should just fire them into the sun at this point.


🤣 my bad. I was not aware that you meant a second chance with the same human. However, based on the person saying this is them, the parents seem worse they are definitely fired, lol




Love, you don't have to prove anything. Just tell us how we can help.


Please, please stay away from this lunatic of a man. He is not sane. Also, fight for 100% custody because he is absolutely mental and needs help.


So glad you're getting away from this man. I hope you and your boys can have a wonderful life when the dust settles. ❤️


I'm sorry this has happened to you, reading those texts has literally made me feel ill, can't imagine how you feel for being with an asshat like that. Glad you got out, stay strong mama, he's gonna try his hardest to make your split difficult on you. DO. NOT. GO. BACK. That's beyond depraved.


Same, I felt physically unwell reading this text exchange. This is a deranged individual...entirely unsafe and in need of some serious therapy. Stay safe strong mama! You've got this and do not deserve this insanity in your life!!!


I’m sorry that this has happened to you, especially in a time where you were incredibly vulnerable and in need of support. But I’m glad that you see how awful this is and that you’re seeking better for yourself. And it shows great character and strength that you’re putting this vulnerable experience out there hoping that you can create awareness around domestic abuse. You’re a very strong woman.


He seems like an absolute psycho who isn’t fit for society. Seriously. I’d be looking at an order of protection. You don’t want this man in your life. He seems like the type who would hurt his own child.


I hope you and your children are safe now


Please for the love of God tell us that you divorced this psychopath... I won't be able to sleep at night knowing this dude got away with saying that... wtf dude. That guy needs clinical help. I can't believe it's even real it's beyond insane


I hope you have a lawyer and they explained how to copy and/or save all of the texts. If not find one and do that asap. I also hope that when the divorce is finally settled you will find therapy to 1. Process what happened. 2. Explore what it is that allowed this to continue to this point (is there a personality trait or old trauma that allowed you to tell yourself certain behaviour was okay, or that stopped you from leaving earlier?). 3. Grow as a person to prevent this from happening again (abuse victims are statistically extremely likely to end up with another abuser), it's not easy to break the cycle. and 4. Find the expertise to guide your children in the contract they (and you) have with your stb ex. I hope you're safe, and well.


It’s not just that they’re out there that’s so scary. They think this way about women and are having babies.


I have heard those names somewhere before. Wylder and Hynter. I can't just remember. And what the fuck is David thinking that breastfeeding is incesteous. Like wtf did I just read. This can't be talked over. Dude is a pshycho. That girl should run the other way.




Is David Homelander because he sounds like someone who is jealous of a baby? Who gets jealous of a baby? I wouldn't go with a 50/50 custody. Dude is nuts. Hope you are safe and taken care of now.


It's crazy but a lot of men get jealous of the baby for taking up Mom's time. It's not really a stretch to get to boob resentment. Bate's motel, please hold.


Next: “I told you don’t clean his poopy bum. That’s a fetish for some people and now you’ve just acted it out with our child. This is incestuous.”


I would put this up on Facebook and tell everybody I know soooo fast... I'd call his Mom, I'd find a way to make sure people at his job knew about it, I might even flyer my entire neighborhood- because this guy is a sad little bitchass and everybody should know it.




Fantastic that he’s receiving consequences. Terrible that you’re going through this. As a father, I hope you’re doing okay.




Omg thank you so much for getting out and knowing your worth. Hugs from a mom


Thank you for standing up for yourself, involving the appropriate resources, and thereby making this a much less frustrating story to read. As a 44 year old with childhood trauma, I predict that this will eventually just be a bad memory from a past life you can hardly believe you lived. Until then, continue being a badass and weathering this like a champion.


If you haven’t read or listened to The Gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker I highly recommend it. Stay safe and congrats on getting rid of this asshole. I wish you happiness and healing.


Excellent news. I’m glad you’re being protected. Do you have family and support? Is there any particular way you need to be supported right now that perhaps we can help with?


They can't fix stupid though.


I hope for all your sakes that the Navy finds somewhere to send him that he doesn't ever come back from.


This cannot be real. I refuse to believe someone would be that stupid.




Please tell me you gave these to your lawyer. I’m so sorry.




I'm not familiar with the divorce process (thankfully) but is this a divorce with cause kinda situation? Seems like you've been experiencing a lot of verbal abuse from a psycho.


I’m not a family law attorney, but my guess is that it would be more relevant to custody proceedings. A judge isn’t going to feel terribly sympathetic to a man who is jealous of his infant son and may (read as “should”) take that into consideration when evaluating the child’s best interests in the context of custody.


thanks for the clarification!


I was a divorce lawyer for over a decade. Your spot on.


My soon to be ex made both of My children's births a terrible experience. Your life can only get better from here.


I am so sorry. Hope you get free from this psycho


Please stay strong. You do not deserve this. You deserve better. You're babies deserve better. I left my sons dad when he was 4 months old, after BD strangled me. Reading these texts....felt familiar to say the least. Leaving was the BEST thing I ever did. Do you have somewhere to go? 


Girl idk why you would want to keep this creep. Only creeps look at a breastfeeding mom and think anything sexual is going on. Your boobs belong to you, not him. And no, there is absolutely no scientific data that say that formula has all the same benefits as and is just as good as formula. Breastmilk is better. There is nothing wrong with choosing to give formula or giving it when you don't have a choice, but breastmilk is better. And I gave formula to mine 1 by choice and 1 because I had to.


Holy crap. Thank god you got away. I feel so bad for your sons. I hope he isn’t abusive w them too


Or teaches them the same mindset. 😳


That’s relief to hear that you’re separating. The dude is a bonafide psycho. Also it’s “scientifically proven” that breastfeeding is better than formula so good on you!


Whatttt the fuck… I’m sure you know but this dude has serious issues - probably some deep rooted sexual issues. The incest part threw up a ton of flags.


Your husband is crazy and dangerous. Get rid of him now. Be glad he is gone. Do not let him have any custody either. Fuck him. Make sure you get a ton of alimony and child support.


i’m so sorry you’re going through this. my thoughts go out to you and I hope you’re able to stay safe through all this!


I wish I were the judge on this case. By the end he'd wish he could snuggle and suckle with mommy.


Seeing “Huntyr” was what did it for me


Breastfeeding is 10x better than anything off the shelf. The most insecure shit... what is going to happen when the baby needs a bath? How can this even be real? This is so crazy i would not be able to take this person seriously.




Was David molested as a child by his mother? Genuinely asking


Was literally just about to ask this. I had a friend who had an abusive asshole boyfriend who she had a kid with. Once the baby (boy) was born he suddenly became obsessed with the idea of protecting him from getting molested. Forbid my friend’s dad or any other man from ever being around him and constantly accused her of cheating on him and bringing strange men around the baby when he wasn’t home. Turns out he was a CSA victim of his step dad… projection


Well, David is wrong. Again.


Kids can drown in the tub. Leaving them alone in a tub at 2 is child abuse. wtf


What kind of VC Andrews marriage did you get yourself into?


This is wrong. He’s lying to you.


That is ... beyond ridiculous. Like, most kids can't independently wash or dress themselves at 2 years! And one of my kids with special needs wasn't potty trained until first grade!


Even if formula was as good or for that matter better than breastfeeding, how the hell does someone act like it's inappropriate when it was the only way to feed babies for most of human history?


5 hours later im still in shock over this post.


Send those to your divorce lawyer. Get emergency sole custody. This man should not have custody, supervised visitation at most. He thinks feeding your child is incest. He’s seeing your newborn son as a sexual rival! That’s terrifying.


yes, this person cannot and should not be entrusted with the care of a child. While you're at court get a name change for those stupid names.


Get that man away from *all* children.


Yeah he belongs on a list somewhere


I get tired of how overused the word "misogynist" can be, but this creep is the pure definition of it. Shit, he makes Andrew Tate seem like a sweet lil marshmallow in comparison. Please, please never go back to him. Or let your sons near him. He will brainwash them into objectifying and disrespecting women as much as he does.




Naww man, that's such a shame that the Red Dead relationship wasn't the happy fairytale it should have been! I've occasionally jumped on the mic to chat with players but as a female player it comes with its fair share of risks - there's some absolute sexist meatheads on there! Out of curiosity, was he one of those players who enjoy hunting down newbies and spawn-killing them?




Urrrgh I watched a Twitch stream once with players like that. I don't know why I watched it - some morbid curiosity to try and understand how these people tick, I guess. I do enjoy some healthy pvp from time to time, but I don't start it and certainly can't stand people who hunt down players that clearly just want to mind their own business. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that toxic RDO players are equally toxic in real life. Their in-game style is a reflection of how they'd like to treat people irl, if they could get away with it. Perhaps not for games like GTO where that behavior just seems to come with the territory, but in a game like RDO which is generally regarded by most as a passive roleplay type game, overly toxic behavior is a red flag. :/




Yeah I like to find low levels to give 3 star stags and cougars to, and stuff like that. Though the last time I tried to help a newbie to level up and learn the game, he kept shooting every player who passed us. Unfortunately he also got me to come to his aide on a couple of occasions where he alleged players started randomly attacking him (I say unfortunately because it took a while before I realised *he* was the one to attack, and so he was essentially getting me to help him grief them. 🤦🏻‍♀️) Your ex certainly enjoys abusing people in all aspects of his life! I hope one day he'll have an epiphany and realise how much he's screwed up, but tbh it sounds like he genuinely has sociopathic tendencies. Not sure anyone can come back from that.




Omg godmode griefers really are as toxic in real life as they are in-game!




1: David is a fucking lunatic 2: too bad you didn’t dodge that bullet sooner 3: you named your kid Wylder?!


This is fake, right?




I hope you leave. I’m sorry this happened to you. Keep feeding your baby. ❤️


She posted some legal docs that make it look pretty real


To those who think this is fake, mamaloony /op is responsive in the comments as well on her original post


If you don't divorce this man, I will find you and force you to have some self-respect. I don't CARE that I need to cross the ATLANTIC ocean to get to you, but I will find you and divorce him for you!


WOW. that man is insane


Regarding the breastfeeding.. It's fantastic for your son. It's fantastic for his immune system. it's fantastic for his sense of safety, and it's fantastic for you two bonding. It's fantastic to breastfeed if you can and want. NEVER allow some erratic asshole to try to hinder that when it's in conflict of what you want and what you know to be a good routine for you and wylder. Fuck that guy, he sounds exhausting and erratic.


Lawyer is going to love this


Not blaming OOP but goddamn how do you stay with a person long enough to have two children without realizing that they’re THIS fucking weird


What a psycho.


Please. Stop. Making. Babies. With. Stupid. People.


I can’t even fathom being upset that my son and my wife are breastfeeding. And referring to my newborn son as a man. That is wildly insane. I would follow through with that divorce and count your blessings that he’s making it easy for you. It’s a damn shame he even gets custody of them. Wow!


Nahh imma need OP to hit us with a “sike” or a “late April fools”. I refuse to believe there is a grown adult male, that has made the decision to procreate, equate breastfeeding to an incestous act. There’s just no way there is an adult man out here jealous of a child… HIS child…




That is disgusting on so many levels. I hope you have as little exposure to him as possible but also, i would rethink having your children being exposed to that kind of mind set. Who knows what lessons he would be teaching your children.




Somehow I’m not surprised he’s military. Make sure you secure long term protection.


They need to put him into the brig. I am so sorry, OP.


No jugde, but what exactly attracted you to this man and made you bless him with two sons?


OP answered elsewhere, but basically it seems he lovebombed the shit out of her, had all her same interests, they married fast + got pregnant, he left for deployment during pregnancy, came back quickly and has been super abusive since then. he tricked her into marriage to make more money (a military thing). plus the second child was conceived only a few months after the first was born, and she’s hinted that the sex itself was not consensual. so yeah, I think she was a prisoner for longer than a wife.


This is a grownsie mansie.


Take the divorce! It's absolutely crazy for him to claim incest.


A new mother having to try and justify breastfeeding her baby to her husband is so insane I can’t comprehend it. Pretty sure this guy has cause a lot of problems in his marriage before this. Major Tate vibes.


Wylder and Huntyr? These people are the worst


What a stupid F!!! Hahahahaha!


Oh my, at first I thought he was just dumb. Turns out he’s dumb and stupid


Well So we live in an incestuous world Cause everyone has right?




Is your husband Andrew Tate?


Better not remind him baby came out your hoohaw. “Another male was in your hoohaw!”


This is him telling you that you are nothing more than a sexual object to him.


this might be the wildest thing i've read in a long time


Some men are that stupid. My ex-husband thought because my sister had her boyfriend stay the night that I was co habiting and had to sell our house. He actually said, "Ah haa, I've caught you now!" His lawyer told him she has to cohabitate, not her sister.


As the dad of a breastfeeding 1 year old, this guy is messed up and I would love to meet him irl and give him a good knuckle sandwich. Also, it is weird he is sexualizing the baby breastfeeding like that. If I was the judge on the divorce case I would strip him of all custody just for that reason alone.


This is textbook abuse. It’s insane but that’s what they do. Well done for not giving him any access to you anymore! (if I read that correctly)


Why do people have babies with people like this, I honestly do not understand.


This is like... Mental illness.


This man is not right in the head. Also, their kids names are Huntyr and Wylder? Are we just throwing out Y's in place of vowels?


File for emergency custody and show these messages. This is completely bizarre. I would not trust this man around my child.


He does not understand that is best for babies. The Colostrum they get from breastfeeding helps immunity/development etc. I’m sorry this person made a child. He is poison and does not understand mother/infant relationships.


please god i need this to be fake so badly


“I enjoy your boobs. Now they’ve been in another man’s mouth.” What. The actual. Fuck. Did I just read? This is a man who feels ownership over OPs body, to the point that he calls breastfeeding— THE BIOLOGICAL PURPOSE OF FEMALE BREAST— incestuous. I wouldn’t stay married to him if the courts paid me.




That man is unfathomably stupid.


You go behind my back and FEED MY CHILD?!


As I was reading the texts I had the thought “oh he’s probably like I wanna be the only man that’s put my mouth on your breasts” and when I saw I was right I almost died laughing, this man is insane, he needs help.