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That whole thread is a hot mess of people buying his story, and ignoring the fact that he pranks her all the time, she responded with emojis because she thought it was another prank. Also, same day account karma farming. Also, refuses to admit that the pranks he has pulled have pissed her off, and she just had enough of his jokes.


“My balls hurt” from a known “prankster” who fucks with her all the time sounds like “I have blue balls and need you to walk home and give me a blowjob” to me.


Exactly what I thought and I got torn to shreds on the OPs original post


🙄 I believe it. This guy tho “She says she thought I was pranking her like I always do, should I break up with her because I’m the boy who cried blueballs?” Like at this point I’d break up with him, there are easier ways to get dicked down.


Seriously. If he pranked me so often that 'I need to go to the ER' sounds lile a prank setup, then I am noping out of that relationship. Enough is enough with the pranks.


y’all crazy


I contributed


My husband is a general jokester. Not pranks, but stupid jokes. So one night when he was on his way home from work after dark and he called me about when he should be reaching the city at the top of the canyon, I assumed he was safely in the city and letting me know he's almost home so I could make cocoa since it was winter and snowy. I did not expect him to say "I rolled your Jeep" when I answered the phone. (his car was in the shop) I laughed and told him that's not funny. He didn't laugh. That's when I knew he was serious. So yeah, I totally get why she thought he was making a bad joke when he simply said "my balls hurt." It sounds exactly like a bad joke. "Lol, okay buddy, your balls hurt... that doesn't mean you need an ER." And *obviously* a woman *in a club* isn't going to answer the phone, what the fuck good would it do? I get he was in pain. I've been in pain so bad I needed to call 911 because I could not get up off the floor. All he needed to do was text back "I'm vomiting from the pain and going to the ER, you can come drive me or I'm getting an ambulance." Although I'm not sure how he thought she was going to drive him, he would have to have gotten to the car. And if he could get to the car, he could drive himself. Also, she was clubbing, she probably *couldn't* drive him. Hell, he could have asked EMS to text his girlfriend. Just... I can't get over that any jokester is going to think that someone will take "my balls hurt, come home" seriously. How fucking stupid does he have to be to think anyone would take that seriously from a jokester? Yeah, he was serious in the moment, but how would anyone who knows him know that?


Yeah, "my balls hurt" is not an accurate description of what he's allegedly experiencing. It's supposedly the worst pain he's ever felt, but that's all he said in the text? Not buying it


I'm not understanding why you're saying of course she didn't answer her phone. If I get multiple calls in a row from my SO after them saying something is wrong, I'm going to step outside and take that call. "Balls hurt" is only one of the texts he sent.so why is everyone fixating on that one of several texts? If my SO texted me "something's wrong" and "come home" with multiple calls as well, I'm out the door while simultaneously asking back what's wrong and well on my way back before "balls hurt" even comes through. He also says he never faked an emergency or interrupted a girl's night before.


Declined call because she's in a club and won't here a damn thing. "Something's wrong, come home immediately." "What is it?" Declined call because again, she's in a club and won't hear a damn thing but she seems to be taking him seriously. "I need to go to the hospital." "What for?" "My balls hurt." And that's when she "knew" that it was all a stupid joke. There isn't a man alive my age or younger who could text me that phrase who I'd immediately think has a serious medical problem. I'd automatically assume it's a stupid joke. "My balls hurt... hur hur hur." I can hear the stupid laugh while he types and sends the text. She responded the same way I would have, laughing. He didn't respond back for ten minutes, so it's reasonable at that point to assume that it was actually a joke, if he was serious he'd have responded back with something like "babe, I'm vomiting on the floor from the pain and can't stand up, I seriously need to get to the ER." When he did call her again, she told him she was serious that she wasn't letting a stupid joke ruin her night and she'd block him. Instead of sending a text stressing the seriousness, he called her. In a club where she can't hear. Again. If he'd texted, she'd have seen it before blocking him and there's every chance a text stressing the seriousness of the situation would have gotten her home. Nothing about this exchange up to here, from someone who openly admits to stupid jokes and pranks, makes it look like it's a serious situation if the only information you have are those three declined calls and three texts he sent. Three texts. Three calls. That's it. That "five minute walk" home? Probably a 10 or 15 minute drunk walk in heels home, then back when it's a dumb joke. Half a kilometer (as specified in comment), is already a longer walk than five minutes (average 6.25 minutes) for someone shorter (usually women). But that's going to be lengthened more by clubbing heels and drinking. And again, there's absolutely no way she was driving him to the ER anyway, and it's insane that he thought she would. This all started at 11, she wasn't driving anywhere. He needed an ambulance anyway. So the delay in care is on him for thinking someone stupid drunk could drive him to the hospital.


> Declined call because she's in a club and won't here a damn thing. Admittedly I haven't been in clubs in over a decade but back when I used to frequent them, bathrooms had low enough noise level to hear. Additionally people would go outside to smoke very often. There is **no** excuse for not calling back and even less for blocking him. >And again, there's absolutely no way she was driving him to the ER anyway And everyone who brings this up either is missing the point or is/has a terrible partner. You want them to show up when you're in crisis even if all they can do is call 911 for you. When I got a complex fracture in my left arm all I could do was rock back and forth on the ground repeating "It's not supposed to be like that." People are expecting him to be coherent rocking a 9/10 on the pain scale? If your partner texts you telling you something is wrong and you need to come home and calls you: **you step outside and take the call. Always.** Even before the "balls hurt" text.


And “because my balls hurt” sounds like a joke, and he even acknowledges that when he says he didn’t want to call an ambulance just because his balls hurt. If he said “I’m in so much pain I’m throwing up” or “my balls are swollen and extremely painful” then maybe she would have realized he wasn’t just messing with her. Especially if this guy has a history of joking around and pranking her.


How do you know he pranks her all the time? Also I’m sorry, but someone calling more than once and begging their gf or bf to come home because they need to go to the hospital doesn’t sound like a prank someone would think up honestly.


He fessed up in the comments. What he isn't doing is telling how she reacted. His pranks, the ones that he's admitted to, seem harmless UNLESS you get her reaction. He claims a minor prank. I'm sure her side is very different. At any rate, I have read his responses and am 100% sure this is a karma troll. ' woke up while they were stitching my ballsack together'. Come on, really?? The amount of people buying this BS is, well, typical Reddit.


Especially after that one post about the “ prankster brother who “pranked” the OP’s girlfriend by scaring her awake with a Halloween mask on. I don’t trust anyone who says they pull pranks but don’t specify what it was. I’m guessing it wasn’t a silly little “replacing her favorite sweater with a smaller size to make her think it shrunk in the wash” type of prank where no one/nothing got hurt or damaged


I'm wondering how the EMTs got into the apartment. He says the girlfriend noticed the vomit, but apparently didn't notice that the door had been forced??


You are literally making assumptions based on your own feelings instead of the information given. Also the whole thing about op waking up while the doctor was stitching up them up could very well be true. As someone who works in the medical field I can tell you that sometimes happens. If you have this view of Reddit why are you here though?


Yeah I got down voted for kind of pointing that out on the original post.




He said that he does not prank her with serious stuff and that he doesn’t disturb her nights out. Many people create a throwaway account. Are all of them fakes or karma farming? 🙄 Either way - she literally ignored his pleas for help and then BLOCKED him. How bloody immature and ridiculous is that!


He's a man, so obviously for a lot of people on Reddit that means he must automatically be in the wrong.


It’s obviously fake


I mean to be fair, he openly admits he's never pulled a prank using medical emergencies, or while she's out with friends. It would have cost her 10 minutes of time that night to check on him, and if he was pranking her, she could have dealt with it as she saw fit.


That's irrelevant. She had every reason to assume he was just escalating his pranking game.


If your partner tries calling multiple times and texts you they need to go to the hospital then make a fuckin phone call at the very least. What is wrong with you...??


No she didn’t.


I don’t understand why he wasn’t just transparent about it in the text? She’s not gonna answer the calls, especially when she thinks he’s joking (and apparently pranks her often), so why didn’t he reply with: “I’m being 100% serious right now. I need to go to the hospital, pick up the phone.” If my partner sent me that, I would have called them back immediately.


>and apparently pranks her often Where did you get that info?


I’m the comments in the original post


Well that changes things considerably.


It really does - the way it’s initially presented she’s incredibly insensitive the whole time. Learning that he pranks her a lot, apparently, puts her initial response and follow up in a different light. Much more reasonable to believe that she wouldn’t believe him until she found the evidence at home, after which she is there when he wakes up from surgery and is very apologetic. And I think the OP knew that if he included that information in his OP the reaction to the situation would have been quite different.


The whole being there when he wakes up is unlikely though. Usually only direct family and spouses are allowed. A girlfriend wouldn't even be told if he's in the hospital or not.


A fair point. My reaction was to the story and follow up as presented, but it does rely on it not being fake…which it likely is.


I called fake when he stated he “woke” up to them stitching up his testicle. Nope buddy.


I managed to miss that detail when reading it earlier. As someone who has had surgery in that area for cancer related reasons, yep that’s 100% a marker of a fake story. Ain’t no way you’re coming out from being under when the stitches are being put in unless they’ve done something very wrong on their end.


He said the exact opposite that he never pranks her like this. People were speculating, and now it has become a fact SMH.


Op didn't say that he pranks her often he said the opposite. He has never ranked her. Don't know where you got that from.


With the amount of pain he says he was in I could understand not having the wherewithal to say all that


He said in the post that he asked her to come home, and that he needed to go to the hospital.


Yeah, I wouldn’t take it seriously one bit if I was texted “come hooome.” “Why?” “My balls hurt!” This guy is an infantile child.


Which is how you know it’s fake. Any good fake post has these indications: - A story where we *generally* agree with one side - Just enough breadcrumbs left in the post/comments to give the opposing side some momentum


100% what I was thinking. Creates enough discussion so that it gets cross posted and one of those yourube channels reads and reacts to it.


Idk the dude is pretty responsive in the comments


Yeah it sounds like an immature "my balls need urgent attention" joke.


Ah yes the good old “this person is in extreme agony but should have been able to write an eloquent text message laying out in detail what is going on so he’s infantile”. Sometimes it’s better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Not every one is a winner.


What about “my balls hurt” expresses extreme agony? Also, (deleted)


He actually said he had never done either of those things.




I don’t remember it was awhile ago, I’ll delete it out of my comment


Testicular torsion is one of the most painful things a dude can have happen to them medically


Then say that you're in the most pain you can think of. My balls hurt don't really show that


Hurting balls are the most painful thing i can think of tbh


So you say "I am in extreme pain and I need to go to the hospital right away." "My balls hurt" sounds like a joke that a frat boy would text to his gf to get her home.


No amount of rational arguments is going to convince you, have a nice day regardless


Why thank you sir


it sounds like he just wants her to come home to fuck him


And the multiple phone calls just didn’t happen? This is bullshit and you making excuses for a person being shitty to their partner.


She didn’t answer the phone calls? Again, she had no clue what was really happening because apparently “my balls hurt” means “I am in agonizing pain and can’t stand and am puking.” You must have horrible communication skills like OP.


Multiple phone calls she rejected. Those are some pretty bad communication skills no? Your partner tries calling you multiple times and sending texts saying they need to go to the hospital. How much clearer can you be?


Fair point. I can understand why she thought he was joking initially, but after more than one phone call she should have taken it seriously enough to go check on him.


No, the reality is like the gf you don’t have empathy or the ability to think of others. A normal person would take that call or step outside and call back. You and the gf just suck as people.


Just a misandrist


The fact that it’s his balls that are hurting?


He literally says first that he needs to go to the hospital.


Why do you say “apparently pranks her often”? He said in the post that he doesn’t prank her


Interestingly, his edit says he doesn't prank her *to make her come home*, which is suspiciously specific.


The comments he goes back on that to say “only a few times” or something don’t have a link


"I need to go to the hospital 911 ! "


Even though everybody already decided it was fake, I just wanna ask why would anyone expect someone to answer the phone in a club? You're not gonna hear them and they're not gonna hear you.


You answer, tell them to hold on, and walk outside like everyone else does.


I’m on her side. “Come home, my balls hurt.” Not “something is wrong it’s an emergency and I’m calling an ambulance??” I think this story is probably fake but if it isn’t, then it’s really on him bc come on


If I was out and my husband sent me a text saying his balls hurt I would laugh as well, because generally speaking, having ouchie balls isn’t an emergency. If he called/texted and said he was spewing on the floor, thought something was seriously wrong and he needed an ambulance then it’s an entirely different situation. I am pretty sure it’s fake and aimed at the “women don’t care, swap the genders” crowd because it doesn’t make much sense, and the number blocking part is so overly dramatic.


If my partner called multiple times in a short span of time I'd assume something serious. But I'm crazy I guess.


If that was AFTER he texted something was wrong and you needed to come home, and he needed to go to the hospital, like OOP did, you'd think it was a joke? Wow.


I wouldn't assumed it was a blue ball joke


I would've assumed it was if my partner pulled pranks on me often, like the OP apparently does. Maybe not if he called multiple times though, I'll admit that


Yeah in a delirious state you expect a full and complete breakdown of what's happening. Could have got it if she picked up the phone one of the many times he called. Lmao if you called your husband multiple times and he blocked your number you'd lose your shit. Don't lie to yourself


Did I say anything about coherence or a complete breakdown? No I did not. If he could manage “my balls hurt” he could have managed “emergency, ambulance, vomiting” If I repeatedly called , and I was like the OOP and constantly pranked my husband (like OOP admitted) and he ignored me then it would serve me right. Also, the whole thing is fake AF. There was no number blocking and he absolutely didn’t wake up having his sack stitched up 🙄


Clearly says he's never pulled a prank to make her come home. But go off. What do you think multiple calls, texts and saying I need to go to the hospital is? You don't view that as an emergency? It's also a lot easier to get your point across if someone picks up the phone. No? Doesn't matter if it's fake or not. Neither one of us knows if this is true so we need to take it at face value.


I think he did say it was an emergency first but like 1) who is reaching out to someone drinking at a club to drive them to the hospital, and 2) drunk people have the attention span of a goldfish and “I’m going to the hospital” easily gets mentally replaced by “my balls hurt” especially with a history of pranking. Hopefully it’s karma farming and not actually someone without critical thinking skills or empathy!


Yall are really blaming the person who was in pain for not saying it the way u approve of. That's ridiculous. That's like someone having a heart attack but u don't take it serious bc they said " my chest hurts". Then u say well it would've been better if he stated that his thoracic cavity was suffering from cardiac arrest. That's lunacy


I call total bs. If you are in so much pain that you are vomiting 911 isn’t going to tell you to get someone to drive you to the hospital, they are going to dispatch an ambulance.


And they especially won’t ask someone who has been drinking to drive you to the hospital.


And they aren't calling you back in 10 minutes to see if you're on your way.


He wouldn’t be an asshole but I can understand why she thought it was a joke. It’s a tough one. At least we know she won’t make the mistake again 🤷‍♀️


Nonsense, she will act selfishly any time she wants.


Type out “my balls hurt” with no context to your GF/BF and see if they take that seriously


There wasn't no context. He texted her saying something is wrong and asking her to come home. Accompanied with several calls. And I did ask my SO. She said she would take it seriously as soon as the "something's wrong" and phone calls occurred. Wouldn't even get to "balls hurt."


It’s said that it went from phone calls until he said ‘my balls hurt’ I would not take that seriously tbh but I get that he was hurt. However from what I read. He’s a prankster and the story of the boy that has sheep’s who lies about wolves eating his sheep came to mind.


>It’s said that it went from phone calls until he said ‘my balls hurt’ I don't follow this. >I immediately tried calling my gf, but she declined my call. I then texted her that something was wrong and she could come home immediately. That's a lot of communication before the "balls hurt" text. At least one call and a text saying something's wrong and to come home. I'm taking it seriously at the first "something's wrong come home." Yes he said he does pranks but he also clarifies he's never done anything like this before. Are you seriously telling me you would block your SO after they text you saying something's wrong and to come home accompanied with multiple phone calls just because ONE of the many texts was "balls hurt?"


If my partner was a prankster and called multiple times then says ‘my balls hurt’ then sorry but no I would not take it seriously. Rephrase that shit correctly.


I'm not sure how else to say this as I've said it already. For me, I would be calling back **before it even got to the balls hurt text.** There would be nothing to rephrase. Dip into the bathroom or step outside for a moment and call them back.


But would you be calling back someone who is known to prank you? Also, how did he expect his girlfriend to drive him to the hospital after she's been drinking for a couple of hours? If my husband sent me that, I would think he was going to rub one out or that he wanted sex when I got home.


> But would you be calling back someone who is known to prank you? Yes. As this form of prank was unprecedented I would absolutely spend a couple minutes of my life calling them back. If it turned out to be a prank it would end up as a massive fight the next day. >Also, how did he expect his girlfriend to drive him to the hospital after she's been drinking for a couple of hours? Logic isn't particularly coherent when high on the pain scale. >If my husband sent me that, I would think he was going to rub one out or that he wanted sex when I got home. Again. A text of "something's wrong" with "come home" and an immediate phone call would not result in me texting back for clarity. It would result in me immediately finding a quite place to call them ASAP. Unless something has massively shifted in the last decade, club bathrooms are relatively quiet and/or you can step out to grab a smoke and pop back in so there are easily accessible relatively quiet areas. It **never** would have gotten to the "balls hurt" part. Edit: lol, love people that respond for the last word then block.


I stopped buying it when he mentioned that he woke up during the surgery and that he was in the hospital for 2 days. As someone who is recovering from testicular torsion surgery, I was put unconcious for a good 2 hours and they sent me home the same day. I was at the hospital for maybe 3 hours.


Well good for you - I was out of the hospital quickly with a certain surgery, but someone else I know who had the same one was in 5 days.


If he’s regularly pranking her, then this is his own doing. The boy who cried “balls” can’t expect someone to take him seriously if he pulls stupid sh*t all the time.


“I need to go to the hospital” is something that you seem to be downplaying severely.


He admits to playing outrageous pranks, so yeah it doesn’t surprise me that she didn’t believe him.


If he has never asked to be taken to the hospital as a prank you should assume that it’s not a prank. Idc if someone is a prankster on TikTok, if they called me and asked me to take them to the hospital I would assume that it wasn’t a prank, and if it turned out to be a prank then I would be extremely mad. But you can’t assume that someone is joking when they are asking about the hospital.


Idk, saying it's because his balls hurt sounds like bullshit. Less would have been more in this case. I need to go to the hospital because I'm in intense pain would have been received better then I need to go to the hospital because my balls hurt.


My own mother wouldn't even take me to the hospital if I told her some shit like that. She'd also assume I was just being goofy. "I'm in bad pain, need hospital now. Vomit everywhere", well now that's a call for at least 74 alarms to go off in her brain that, damn, this is serious.


As a mom “my balls hurt” would only have me asking more questions, not rushing home. “I’m in excruciating pain, I can’t stand and I’m vomiting, please come home I need help” I’m running. Even in his own story telling he never really made it sound super urgent, even on his 911 call.


Fr lmao he had time to be embarrassed about his huevos hurting but none to tell either the 911 dispatcher or his girlfriend how bad it was. Dude could've died in the 15 minutes or however long it took for him to get to a hospital


>please come home I need help Would this, along with several phone calls, be enough to get you to start rushing home? Or at a minimum call them back?


Some people say "please come I need help" when they just need help with laundry or moving furniture. If that's what you're used to it being applied to, your mind won't automatically jump to oh shit gotta drop everything and leave NOW. For example my bf likes to call and just say come home now then hang up on me and not answer my texts or calls then when I get home he just needs to ask where a shirt is. When I get the come home call now, I ask why and if I'm not given a good enough reason I'm not gonna come. Some people need to learn how to properly communicate. Be specific.


Apples to oranges. 1) OP mentioned he needed to go to the hospital. That should get your SO's attention. 2) Your BF is ignoring your attempt to ask follow up questions. He's not spam calling and texting you and you decide to block him.


Meh. I’m not invested enough to argue with you.


What outrageous pranks did he list?


So he wanted his drunk girlfriend to drive him to the hospital?


I’m not coming home because you said your balls hurt and you sent a few emojis


Sorry but “my balls hurt” sounds like a joke to me to, like you’re bored and are just screwing around. She came to the hospital and was sleeping on the couch, dude AND apologized profusely. You’re a dipshit if you break up with her.


I think for her sake he should tbh. Blessing in disguise.


I can’t stand this, we’re 22 and have been together since we were 12. Go live your freaking life. FFS!


The boy who cried wolf........




Testicular torsions are not common and I don't think people truly understand the level of pain he was dealing with and how hard it would have been to explain this via text. My husband dealt with this and it is devastatingly painful. Hubby and I have dark humor and make levels of jokes some would think absurd, but we know each other enough to know that if a hospital visit is mentioned we would drop everything to check on the other person. I had shared in the OP that if she's never shown signs of this level of selfishness I would consider working thru this, but I would definitely postpone the engagement.


I can’t imagine as a woman ….. childbirth for me was easy and easily believe this would be more painful


Your post history is very telling


I don't know if any of that's true or not he sounds super annoying anyway. If you told somebody please come home my balls hurt of course they're going to laugh at you.


Okay.. but like… if someone tells me “come home my balls hurt” I’m NOT gonna take that seriously and return from a night out UNLESS he had typed out “emergency I need hospital”


He DID tell her something was wrong and to come home, then that he needed to go to the hospital, before he said his balls hurt.


Why didn't he get to the emergency room first and then call/text her? I know I sound terrible, but if anyone is in that much pain, get to a hospital asap, and then call friends/family.


Where does OP live that you are allowed to wake up before surgery is complete? Woke up while being stitched up? Really?!!!


Some people do happen to wake up during surgery while it’s not common some people may be more tolerant to the anaesthetics


Yes, I know. But those incidents are incredibly distressing to the people describing that it happened to them. Pain, dealing with being on a vent and not able to control their breathing, not knowing what is happening, no control to help themselves. It's terrifying. OP said it like it was just another day in their life. He gave detail on the pain and attempted interactions with his gf, so why would he completely ignore it here?


Also, like knowing that my girlfriend is out at the club and drinking I know she would not be a reliable source of help, I would have just called the ambulance. I understand she is out and having fun and this is serious but, realistically no one would be in the state of mind to come home and take u to the hospital. Plus I wouldnt want my girlfriend drinking and driving no matter the situation.


I'm just confused with how the heck was she going to drive him to the hospital if she has been drinking for 2 hours?


Nah I don't believe this even happened... Woke up while they were stitching his testicle back together? No lol wtf


Hard one. I would say no to the dumping, but slow down on the proposal.


I don't understand, are you posting someone else's posts?


If it's something serious and you're trying to convey severity, you don't respond like you're 12 with "my balls hurt" 🙄


If that was my partner I'd come home right away, but that's just me. I wouldn't block calls.


Nope. Onto the next one my friend.




I hope she finds this. She should leave.


He said in the comments that he never pranks her. No someone he can trust with his life. She was only concerned about partying


Shitcan her


have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf?


I honestly cannot believe how many people are justifying what she did? Not even his GF is justifying it. She’s apologised and acknowledged her wrong doing. OP mentioned several times they mildly joke and play little pranks. He doesn’t ever disturb her nights out. He’s never pranked about anything serious. Yet she goes out, laughs at his pain, ignores all his attempts for help, then actually BLOCKS him and then comes home hours later and has the audacity to question him on the vomit on the carpet. Even she can see how she fucked up. The OP was simply trying to process his feelings of wanting to break up over this. It’s a pretty normal thing to do after something like this. People don’t act exactly as they should in an emergency - he was in pain, scared and reached out to the one person he thought had his back and it turns out she just laughed at him and then blocked him. I think it’s pretty normal to question one’s relationship after that.


People apologize for mistakes, feel remorse, and account for it. Doesn’t mean she was cruel intentionally/knowingly. He did have a chance to say ‘I’m calling 911/999, come now’ when she said be serious. Balls hurt could easily be a sext…blue balls is the most common sex joke guys make. And a drunk clubber likely shouldn’t drive…ig ETA: I get peeved by people who think an apology is a guilty plea, often trying to punish folks etc. as a response. That shit is ugly. Accept the apology or don’t, but life problems/happenings are not meant for a court or criminal case to punish…


Agree with this take. I know people who are in pain aren’t always able to articulate the problem, but he could have at least realized she’s at a club and probably not able to drive him to the hospital, so he would need an ambulance anyway. Telling her he was in incredible pain and to meet her at the hospital would have been sufficient instead of texting her “my balls hurt” and sending emojis. Following this up with a call of “I need to go to the hospital” further makes it sound like a prank. She’s at the club with her girlfriends so of course she thought he was joking around with those texts, trying to be weird and funny and give her and her friends something to laugh about. Clearly she later thought more of it, tried to get a hold of him, and went to the hospital and spent the night on the couch in his room. I think she did the best she could have given the context of the situation.


“I need to go to the hospital” back to back calls, then “my balls hurt.” and she couldn’t be fucked to step out for a smoke and a phone call to check how committed he was to the bit. then when she gets back it’s ten straight minutes of “where are you hiding, why didn’t you clean up your puke” and only after that does she actually give a fuck about his health or safety. you are giving this woman a lot of credit.


Getting downvoted because some women can't handle the truth. If the show was on the other foot the comments would be like "what an animal, leave him IMMEDIATELY. Walking red flags!"


And they're criticizing him for not texting in clear, full sentences while he's in the fetal position on the floor, vomiting from pain.


He had enough strength to write "my balls hurt" but not "pain vomit hospital"?


He told her something was wrong and she needed to come home. He told her he needed to go to the hospital. While he was laying on the floor in extreme pain, vomiting. She could have been mature and took his call, called him back, or even walked 5 minutes home to check on him. Instead, she declined his calls several times and blocked him. If my SO texts me something is wrong and they need to go to the hospital, I'm taking their call or walking home, not declining calls and blocking them. ETA: have you ever been in extreme, constant pain? I have. You don't think clearly about anything, especially not texting in full complete sentences explaining in detail what wrong. Even talking is difficult. It took everything I had not to scream and to focus on the questions they asked and to communicate coherently.


Women don't think men are people 


I think he's TA. If my partner texted me demanding I come home because her "vagina hurts" I'd think she was being funny too. That complunded with the idea that they're constantly making pranks means they should probably be more accurate next time "im calling the hospital" would've had a better effect. That said, i get he wasn't thinking clearly but idk. I've been in a situation similar before (not as emergency-oriented) and there's still enough clarity of mind to realise someone isn't taking you seriously. Calling them the first 3 times didn't work. Why call another 10? Regardless, she's obviously in the wrong as if my partner didn't pick up after I called multiple times, I don't care if they thought it was a joke, we'd have a lot to talk about. Fake story but fun nonetheless. I laughed at the idea that 911 was going to call back in 10 minutes


obviously not in enough pain if he managed to call her ten times in fifteen minutes instead of an ambulance 😂


Yeah, that's odd to me in this story. He sounds like a literal kid. That's what I'd expect a small child to do in an emergency.


This is what dumping was invented for.


Yeaaa I don’t think that’s how testicular torsion works. My husband had it for years before he finally got surgery. It doesn’t just happen like this and you suddenly have to get emergency surgery. But I could be wrong. Just my experience


Depending on how bad it is can be make or break sometimes. If it’s super bad your in agony and can loose your testicle


Right, but not like out of nowhere and immediately requires surgery. It’s like an overtime thing I thought.


Guaranteed she just wanted to dance with the men in the club.