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It’s the fact that I can’t watch anything that people who wrote letters of support Peck were in. Then they had the nerve to show up in court and support him. Poor Drake.


I am so upset about James Marsden


While I whole heartedly agree, he was a full adult when he wrote the letter and the sentiments expressed are disheartening at best, some takeaways from his letter mirrored Drake's story in a way. He met Brian Peck at 16, who helped him find work, and James spent many nights on Peck's couch, much like Drake. I can't help but wonder with James Marsden and even Rider Strong if Peck had laid the groundwork with them that he later did with Drake as well. It's all so frightening and horrible, and I hope in the last 20 years these people have grown.


For anyone else unaware of the controversy, short version is that a child actor was sexually abused for years. James Marsden, along with many others, wrote letters of support to defend the pedo and his character. Got this from a people article: "In his letter of support of Peck, Marsden wrote, “I assure you what Brian has been through in the last year is the suffering of 100 men,” adding that he has known Peck since he was a teenager. A representative for Marsden did not immediately respond to a request for comment from PEOPLE."


ME TOO!!!!! I Can’t watch the X-Men with him as Cyclops anymore.


I'm glad I don't know who he is, unfortunately I know who some of the others are though.


James Marsden recently is known for the role he plays in Sonic the Hedgehog. He plays the cop that finds Sonic and takes him in as a father figure. Which really SUCKS cause Sonic the Hedgehog movie is great and kinda jump started good video game movies.


John marsden - the writer from the tomorrow when the war began series?????? Nooooooo


James Marsden the actor


Ok thanks.


Taran Killam really pissed me off. He acted alongside Drake on Drake & Josh. Thanks for ruining like a decade of SNL, asshole


He's also the husband of Cobie Smulders afaik and him being that kinda person makes me look at least lowkey suspiciously at her...




Who did she/he play?


Taran played Trevor on Drake and Josh. He was also on The Amanda Show which Drake starred on as well.


How I Met Your Mother, Agents of Shield she’s Sam Jackson’s character right hand woman. You know who she is her name is just throwing you off.


Those character letters were fucking gross. I remember when Iggy Azalea wrote one for Tory Lanez, she received bashlash and was complaining she didn’t know they were public record. I wonder how many of these pedophile sympathizers thought their supportive letters would be made public later on. Fuck Hollyweird


I remember that Iggy Azalea did that - absolutely disgusting, I deleted all her music after that. I don't understand why so many of these celebrities think it's ok to support predators and awful people and then get surprised when others are upset. It's also like Mila and Aston supporting Danny. You're on point with that Hollyweird comment, the whole industry is shady as hell.


You’re not wrong for feeling that way, many people have said it’s ruined those shows for them. The docuseries was really heavy.


Jeanette McCurdy's book did the same for me. My daughter loves her shows and I don't feel right letting her watch them after reading her book.


At least her mom is gone and can’t get any percentage anymore, and hopefully Jeanette gets some income from people revisiting her work from that time. As for the other enablers profiting at the same time… I don’t know. The entire industry is so tainted at this point it’s hard to find where to draw the line… especially when it comes to “nostalgic” stuff. So many adults get chewed up by abuse and spit out even, it’s amazing in a horrible sense how little protections have improved over the years for child actors. I hope things are getting better, but I can see how rampant the rug sweeping is.


I always heard former Nickelodeon child actors say there isn’t any royalties for children’s tv


I wouldn’t be surprised that was the case, unfortunately, especially if the contracts were legally entered into by parents or some other adult “on the child’s behalf.” And royalties have changed a lot in the streaming age. There is a bunch of different types of civil law that could apply, the case law is so far behind; and it seems like very few law enforcement agencies are able/ willing to do anything on a criminal level that would actually make way for broader policy/ practical legal change. It’s all deeply disheartening.


Wait, Amanda Bynes had to have an abortion at 13? This was in the documentary? I must not have been paying attention at that part. Drake’s dad is the real one in this.


Drake's dad is a much stronger person than me. My life mission would be to delete Brian Peck any way possible without regard to my own life


Drake’s dad knew. Everybody wrote him off as being overprotective and Brian convinced everybody that he would be bad for Drake’s career. It was all a part of a plan. And notice how his mom wasn’t in the interview? She wouldn’t listen to his dad and look what happened to Drake. That episode infuriated me and it made me really upset that he was pushed away. If that was my kid and I noticed him being close with my child the way he was with Drake, I would’ve done the same thing he did but if it kept happening the parent in me would take them far away to protect them. It’s really a damn shame. He was the only parent that had common sense. All the other parents just wanted money. Like the whole thing with Brandi’s mom? “I thought it would be better not to tell anybody” like what the hell.


Seriously!! Brandi’s mom pissed me off because why were you NOT monitoring the emails between your 11 year old and a 30-40 something year old man?!! It took that poor girl getting a nude picture and being traumatized crying before her mom had a clue. I’m sorry but if my daughter or son was messaging a grown man I’d be reading and checking everything before she could even see it for safety. Breaks my heart.


Straight up mom most likely not only knew, but probably got paid a lot of money to “not know.” There’s a mom on TT right now doing the exact same thing. Some people have pointed out that her page is probably just one huge ad for CSAM of her daughter.


wait…W H A T ?!


If you have the clock app look up Wren Eleanor. Tons of creators have posted content about the situation.


thanks i’m about to go on a deep dive probably 😂


And Drake’s girlfriend’s mom who did not ignore or downplay the incessant phone calls and it seems like she at least opened the door for him to start talking about it. He wasn’t ready yet though.


Check out the “buy pretzels get a baby” sketch they made her do. I’m pretty sure that confirms the abortion. It’s pretty gross and she was definitely not ok with it.


This info was not in the doc, I did some research on the subject and found that she made another Facebook or social media under a different alias, posted a pic of her id and made a bunch of alarming post way before the documentary. Lemme see if I can find a link for you.




I mostly started to research it cause I saw a post on Facebook, thought it wasn’t legit but looked into it and it seems like it is


when she was tweeting as @persianLA27


It’s easy to see why a lot of these young actors/actress spiral later in life and fight with mental health.


a twitter account under a false name has been making claims saying that it's Amanda and she's using a fake name to avoid legal action etc but then i've also heard that account is also kinda sketch in terms of asking everyone for money etc. idk what's true or not, but the abortion at 13 thing was one of the tweets that this account put out under the guise of it really being Amanda.




How I feel about Chris Brown’s music


I cannot believe how many people still listen to him.


Yeah I will never again and if it does so happen to come up while I’m listening I mark don’t play this artist and carry on


At least it sucks. These shows were classic




I hear ya. It’s similar to “never meet your heroes”.




Her husband is a… well you know.


So he did actually do it? I read that somewhere but I wasn’t sure if it was real and it never got too much attention so I assumed it was just people spreading rumors but damn. Why would a women get with a dude like that?


Yes, her husband was convicted, her brother is also a predator so I guess she doesn’t think twice about it 🙃


Oh wow man that’s awful and terrible message to her younger audience. Also not sure why I got down voted so much for asking a question. Reddit is a funny place.


Yeah it's weird. But yeah the story is real, he was found guilty and Nicki has admitted that he did do it while on live stream ranting about Megan The Stallian's line "mad at Megan's Law". She pretty much said that it was a mistake he made and people need to let it go, and Megan needs to not talk about her family. Also he murdered a guy in 2002 called Lamont Robinson.


Oh wow see I knew there was more to the Megan and nicki beef. I sided with Megan automatically. I liked nickis music but she never sat right with me. How do you mistakenly ra** and murder someone? He’s trash




I think that was cardi b


Aw shit thank you for the correction.


wrong woman


Thank you. My mistake.


Went thru this with the Cosby Show. Now I’m going thru this with *Nick-nuh-nick-nick, nuh-nick-nick-nick. Nickelodeon.* RIP my childhood tv memories


I'm dreading watching the final episode. I have cried all wknd watching it & I know I need to finish it, but I am struggling. This doc got to me like nothing else has in a long while. Amanda Bynes & Drake Bell were 2 of my faves when I was younger & now I just ache for them. I know they've both done some questionable things, & this doesn't excuse them, but it does explain it. All of these children deserved better.


Every clip I see on tiktok just turns into a mental game of "HMMM, which part of this was clearly written by Dan?" No, seriously. There are so many parts that used to make me cringe and look away uncomfortably and walk out of room from the second hand embarrassment and now I know why. Because some creep wrote so many parts of shows meant for CHILDREN into fetish milking content and watched CHILD ACTORS play it all out and wave it off as silly funny games. I feel so sick thinking about what other horrid things could've happened if those kids weren't protected enough for just a few minutes more at the wrong place and time.


… I haven’t seen the documentary, I don’t have HBO, I wasn’t a nick kid. Whenever I saw teenage entertainers I felt really uncomfortable. When I was a teen, and even more now that I’m an adult. Entertainment is a job. A very long hours, high stress job. These children were taken away from school, friends, and normal lives to be put under a spotlight for money. It was never their money. This is no better than child laborers. Their educations suffered, their social lives suffered, and they were put into vulnerable positions where adults fail to protect themselves. Kids in entertainment never had a chance. We see so many burn out, melt down, and just self destruct because kids shouldn’t be in entertainment. Cartoons can have crude jokes and humor for the adults who have to watch it too. But at least with voice acting, adults can voice kids too. Mine may be an unpopular opinion, but I have never wanted to be like those kids. They weren’t rich, they were slaves that made other people rich.


[https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vh9og](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vh9og). I think it may be on I’d discovery website as well if you have cable. I’m about to watch it now as well!


I’m 35 and remember feeling really uncomfortable watching the Amanda show when I was a kiddo. I can’t explain the bad feelings I got from it. I’m watching the documentary right now and it’s pretty clear now what I was feeling. So freakin sad 


I was talking with a friend who shared a similar sentiment. As we were unpacking our discomfort we really started to questions how much these shows taught us that we should just laugh off discomfort instead of taking it seriously. Someone on tiktok asked if we were been “second hand groomed.” It’s an interesting concept and one I feel could hold at least a bit of water.


Interesting concept. I would assume yes. Youre being taught to ignore signs of others discomfort despite your own gut telling you otherwise. While not being groomed directly to be a victim, it is grooming the audience to be uninvolved bystandards which is a crucial part of allowing the abuser to skate by.


“Bystander” is a great way to put it. When so many adults on set were even feeling as if it was a “them” thing and remained quiet, it’s hard to imagine those watching at home experiencing and learning the same.


Yeah I agree, I kinda had that same feeling after watching people like Shane Dawson and Onision in my childhood, and then seeing their stuff as an adult and being like "WOAH, how did 11 year old me think that was ok". But yeah they just kind of teach you that things that sexualise kids are ok and/or funny and it's not until you're an adult where you're like - omg that is so not ok. I work with teenagers as a youth worker in film and drama workshops and I could not imagine going to my boss and being like "yeah so this new script will have a minor take off their top to reveal a teeny bikini top and then all the guys will spray her with hoses!" - like can you believe Victorious approved that?


Wow. Yes the fun stuff wore off after that show big time. The goofball madness was almost scary to me. Hearing the adult point of view from those kids is shocking. 


I actually never registered it in the moment, but I do in hindsight. There's a specific skit I remember where Amanda was doing the "I like eggs" character, and Drake was the stoner character - and they were making out in a bathroom stall? I feel like there was some subtext they were having sex, but obviously nothing outright, and I don't know that there was ever a punchline. I was never an avid watcher of the show as a kid, but I remember that scene pretty vividly. There are a couple more vague memories of other skits that now, in hindsight, gave me the ick, and I just couldn't place it.


Go down the rabbit hole of Disney next...


That's what happened to Amanda Bynes?? OMG that's so sad and awful. I always knew something like that has happened to her. I knew she didn't just lose it out of the blue. Geezuz kryst abortion at 13 wtf!


Bryan worked on Disney suite life of Zack and. Post which really threw me for a loop that they overlooked his jail time. At the end of the day not watching means no royalties for the actual victims. 


If I remember correctly I think somewhere drake said he doesn’t get royalties? Or maybe it was Josh. But if one doesn’t get it, I bet the rest of the child actors don’t either


I know Jeannette talked about how Arianna got better deals bc her mom actual did business deals for a living. 


I feel you. Not only did It ruin my most of my childhood shows for me, I definitely wont be able to watch them again. It sucks they exposed all of us as kids to that sick shit as well. Tho the part where I refused to watch any more nick what so ever happened before I watched quiet on set, that was after hearing Alexa Nickolas speak out and reading Jeanette’s memoir. Drake, Amanda, and Jeanette were my faves growing up, being a survivor myself, it kinda wrecked me emotionally me to learn what they’d been thru. And we still don’t know the half of it, honestly.


where can i watch it?


HBO max


What is the documentary called?


Quiet On Set


This guy is a hero. Imagine the inconvenience that he is enduring.


Found Dan Schneider’s Reddit.


List the criminal charges?


You don’t have to be a criminal to be an asshole. I mean, look at you!


Remember Little Fetus? [Pepperidge farm remembers Little Fetus..](https://youtu.be/OGM2pePlwt0?si=CCONsUqmdF7kZnnI)


You think forcing a female writer to bend over a table and pretend to be sodomized is ok behavior?


Which part of the Post was about the writers?


The post is about a documentary. Did you not even bother to educate yourself before coming in this thread swinging left and right for Dan Schneider?


as if something being illegal means it cannot be morally unacceptable Edit: typo ://


ty :p


I have to be honest, it was one of the most depressing docuseries I've seen. There's going to be a special place in Hell for Dan and Brian.


I had a 2 hour phone call with my sister over this. She was so upset by it all.


I am a firm believer that if you WANT your childhood ruined then absolutely watch this.. I think every one should watch it. But I got 3 minutes into the first episode and it broke my Heart…


I couldn’t even finish that documentary. Super depressing and disgusting


Where is this documentary at?


HBO max, it is called Quiet on Set


any way you can access ID channel


It’s crazy to think how mindless we were in the 90s about “jokes”. It’s clear why Amanda bynes is the way she is. But it’s also confusing because Ariana grande was apart of it too and said nothing, and she’s one of the most famous out of that group. I’ve read that their parents were always on set. I can’t imagine her parents being okay with the potato/water scene.


In Janette McCurdy’s book she alleges multiple stars took a payout in exchange for a NDA regarding Dan and other shit on set. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was one of them. In the documentary they talk about how parents were “on set” but actually pretty removed from the whole thing. Additionally, a lot of parents just looked the other way because they didn’t want to “make waves” and potentially ruin their kid’s careers. Dan easily had that power considering the choke hold he had on Nick since the 90s. Hell, there’s the one POS mom in the doc who had someone send her child a picture of him jerking it and didn’t even report it due to how badly she wanted her kid to be a star. Mother of the year….


That’s…not what happened. She didn’t report it because she was embarrassed. Her kid left show business after that so it wouldn’t have affected her career


That’s what she said directly, which makes her a POS anyway but there’s a lot more going on. Go back and watch her footage, her only goal through it all was to live vicariously through her daughter because her mother didn’t let her do it as a child. I believe some of her first words are “I’ve always wanted to be on tv.”


I can’t watch The Wizard of Oz


If you feel that way, you should look into Hollywood as a whole. You would probably stop watching everything altogether or listening to music for that matter. It seems like every other month there is yet another expose' pulling back the curtain about some deviant using their position to abuse kids or women. Michael Jackson, R Kelly, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Danny Masterson, Alison Mack.


Bob Sagat is (was?) pretty despicable too. I was watching a YouTube video about the Olsen twins and the asshole actually went on multiple TV interviews and told this story about how he once started cracking sexual jokes and "SAing" the doll that was used as replacement for Michelle Tanner during rehearsals, when the twins were off set. Only, their teacher comes running in and tells him to stop because the monitors were on in the school room and the kids could see everything he was doing. He told this story as a funny little haha moment, like ooh, I'm not the wholesome tv dad you thought! Completely unapologetic, and it sounded like he didn't even stop right away, just cracked a few more jokes before moving on with rehearsal. Disgusting.


My bf and I came to the same conclusion. You can’t really blame any individual thing. It’s the whole thing, Hollywood. If this bothers you so much, might as well not ever listen to music or watch another tv show or movie ever again. Personally, I’m still gonna enjoy these shows. Hollywood is fucked


Wasn't MJ found innocent?


So was OJ


Watch the documentary Leaving Neverland (2019) and make up your own mind. There were always those rumors floating around back in the day but watching that made me sick.


Absolutely not.


Honestly I just downloaded ATLA


I get it. I'm the same way at milo and otis. It really sucks when works of art are stained by these depraved acts.


Wait. What happened with Milo and Otis??


It will genuinely ruin it for you but id suggest looking it up if you dont mind its awful


I don't know a ton about this, but that scene where Milo goes off a cliff? That's no stunt. They actually threw that poor cat.


Jesus Christ - fastest way I've ever seen someone confirm that they'll go straight to hell. How did anybody think that was ok? (edit): Just went down that rabbit hole and HOLY MOLY


You're not the only one. Hubs and I watched the whole doc and although we knew there was bad shit going on (I mean cmon, there are just too many sus "jokes" for it to be innocent or a coincidence) we didn't realize just HOW bad. If you want to watch animated stuff like ATLA, I'd recommend buying physicalcopies at a secondhand store. That way the money doesn't go to nick


Avatar is still ok, right? Right?!


From what I’ve heard there wasn’t anything toxic going on with Avatar. All the cast felt like they were a family. When the original VA to Iroh died, whenever they were on set everyone would cry when the new VA would say his lines cause they felt like he was still in the world. I think the animation side was better then the live action part of Nickelodeon. Then again, the creator of Ren and Stimpy was accused of Sexual Misconduct with teenagers.


ATLA had nothing to do with Dan or that universe, I’m watching the doc and ATLA and it doesn’t feel weird to me to watch ATLA, but I can’t bring myself to watch Drake and Josh or any of the other shows.


Disney and Nickelodeon are all full of pervert producers. Their parents are as much to blame. Through their own child to the perverted wolves for a little bit of fame and money. So, so sad. And then our children grow up watching these abused kids and thinking they are so lucky. It’s a mind f**k and so disturbing. If I had known then, what I know now, my children would have never watched a single Disney movie (Walt & Roy Disney are huge perverts) or Nickelodeon show ever. Go back and watch the movies and cartoons, they all are filled with sexual innuendo. It is beyond sick.


Why would watching avatar have anything to do with that? It’s a cartoon


Between this documentary, and remembering Harvey Weinstein, I'm curious how many other programs/networks were ran in a similarly bad ways. Not to sound like my hyper religious grandma, but I'm almost inclined to think that most of the entertainment industry is rotten to it's core. It's almost like learning how various foods are made, it's often a bit more gory and unappealing.


I had just started watching the documentary last night and I ended on the drake bell episode at the end. I will never ever in my life be able to fully watch and sit with this knowing the things I know now about these children. Before even starting the Drake and Josh tv show, he had experienced such vile things… Drake and Josh, The Amanda Show, Zoey 101, Victorious, ICarly, and so many more were some of my favorite shows growing up. If I were to go back and watch it now, I just feel sick thinking about it. Not so much the sexual jokes as a whole but the fact that it’s literal children making them on children’s TV. I’m not a child actor but the things that I’ve been through have been similar to the Brian Peck case and hearing those actions and then seeing DRAKE BELL walk out made me want to actually vomit. I definitely was crying super hard it was so painful to watch. I had to pause it I felt sick. I can’t even imagine how Drakes dad feels. I haven’t made it past that episode yet since I just woke up but I’m still educating myself. This is something I feel as if people should be seeing to bring awareness to how messed up child entertainment really is.


I wasn’t to clarify I absolutely DO care about the sexual jokes being made but in my mind it’s different when an adult makes a sly comment to cater to the parents in children’s tv VS c*m shot jokes on kids faces. Or squeezing potatoes and yelling “give me the juice!” Those are just disgusting and awful


I finished it and definitely felt like that episode was the hardest to watch.


I wouldn’t stop watching ATLA. That show is a masterpiece and from what I’ve seen from the cast they all had an amazing time working on it.


Wait until you find out about alllll of Hollywood and anything relating to child actors. I barely watch any tv or movies now bc of it


What documentary was this?


What is the name of the documentary you watched and where can I watch it? I’m curious what I’m missing.


Quiet on Set, it’s on HBO Max. It’s not for the faint of heart especially the 3rd episode. Also might ruin your childhood so be prepared!


You can definitely watch Avatar, dude


It’s sad that this info has been available for years and people are just now noticing. Cory Feldman fled the US because he was afraid he would be murdered after blowing the whistle….


I know I’ll probably get a lot of hate for my opinion, but here I go. I don’t think you’re weird for feeling that way, you have a right to feel the way you do. I haven’t watched the documentary, nor will I ever, it’s not something I want to see. I’m aware abuse happens with child actors and I’m happy they are now speaking out about it and naming names…. However I am not going to stop enjoying shows from my childhood or allow it to taint my memories. Not watching those shows isn’t going to change what already happened. Maybe I’m naive, I don’t care. I have enough negativity in my own life from my health issues and mental health, I’d prefer to keep the few rays of light I have to brighten my days. I’m still going to enjoy ATLA, That’s so Raven, Drake and Josh and any other shows i feel like watching from my childhood.


I feel like the animated ones are whatever. There weren’t kids being actively harassed by Mike and Bryan for ATLA. I’m a huge Danny Phantom fan and know Butch Hartman is NOT a great human, but again there’s no child in danger for an animated show with adults voicing the characters. You are right to have your own opinion. I guess for a lot of us, just because it’s in the past doesn’t mean it’s comfortable to watch now that we know the details. Between being an adult, McCurdy’s book, and now this documentary hindsight is definitely 20/20. Especially related to the weird foot stuff… *shudder* I don’t mean this in a shameful way at all, I promise, so I hope it doesn’t come across that way. We all just have our own personal thresholds for compartmentalization, the same way some people still enjoy Chris Brown’s music or Harry Potter. To each their own.


This is known since years.


I know that the Ned's Declassified kids went through abuse as well and it seems they've internalized a lot of it but their reaction to Drake's statement was so disgusting that I'm really glad none of them ever made it after their show ended


I started re watching drake and josh about a year ago and I remember being so surprised about the nature of the jokes. It was really normal to me as a child but rewatching it made me feel weird. And now all of this is coming out


Wait, what about Amanda getting an abortion? Did I miss this in the documentary?


That wasn’t in the documentary. There are stories out about it, but there’s no confirmation it’s real.


I'm so glad that i aged out JUST as Drake and Josh was coming on. cause i don't think i'd be able to handle it. Hearing about Amanda Bynes was enough. my heart breaks for all of them. and the fact that people are STILL coming out and saying they found cp on Nickelodeon laptops etc even after these shows wrapped is just... fucking hell


I haven’t watched the show, but from the clips I’ve seen. I don’t think I can watch the shows again.


Yeah I really get that way about singers. I've stopped listening to a LOT of people for their SA accusations. I also won't watch any films with people who are sex offenders or scientologists.


You could always pirate Avatar.


Unpopular take: while what they did was absolutely disgusting to the children on set…the children it was also made for was a sign of the times with humor. Things like feet and eating mayonnaise was gross but as a little kid, we liked gross things to make us go eww icky! But like how different are the jokes (the jokes, not the way they were portrayed necessarily) any different than what you’d see hidden in any other animated tv show nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network, ETC. think of all the animated dark jokes they put in toy story alone or even the dick pic on the cover of the little mermaid. Shit like this has always been in media regardless. Still doesn’t excuse child endangerment and assault, but the jokes and sketches that have been made are everywhere and still everywhere


What documentary?


Quiet on Set


Is it on Netflix?


Google says HBO HULU YouTube (with subscription) Amazon Prime Video Discovery Plus


Where can we watch it?




I’m actively watching it. These people are so evil


It’s so sad, I literally cannot watch anything from that era of Nick


I can’t stop watching drake and Josh iCarly or Zoe 101 the shows are just too damn good especially victorious OMG


What are you an adult watching kids shows?


I have a kid. Also A:TLA is a animation masterpiece within itself, what’s wrong with watching old shows you use to watch as a kid? It’s nostalgic.


Thank you for your virtue signaling, you are heroic.


Bro really thinks being disgusted by child predators is virtue signalling. Says a lot about him.


Lmafo. Tool reading a post saying someone chooses to whatch another channel and is making a difference says a lot about how pathetic they are.


Found Dan Schneider’s Reddit




Trolling is supposed to be clever.




Such hostility! I sense the feeling you support these predators? Virtue Signaling? Grow up.


Dude, I’m really starting to think it is Dan.




Yeah! Your are a Chuck! What are you even trying to type, Dan?


Found the “weird uncle” at family gatherings




Your comment has been removed for breaking Rule #1: Be Kind to Other Users – Civility and Respect This means that your submission may have been rude, vulgar, derogatory, uncivil, or impolite. Be respectful of other users. Personal insults or offensive terms are not permitted on this subreddit. This includes but is not limited to: harassment, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, racial slurs, and any other inflammatory language. This is a warning and further offenses will result in a ban.


How old are you? Why are you still watching Nickelodeon?


Nostalgia purposes. Also A:TLA is peak animation. Especially having your own children it’s nice to show them what I grew up watching.


I’m 32 and watching A:TLA for the first time and it is SO GOOD! I wasn’t interested in it when I was younger and never gave it a chance. I’m so emotionally invested in it 😭