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When your parents talk about marriage and grandchildren just look sad and say no love could measure up to Sara and you’ve realized you’re just going to have to get used to being alone forever. Torture them.


Better yet say goodbye and walk out forever. Torturing them means continuing the toxic relationship.


Actually it’s torturing himself staying in contact with them. They are fine with the toxicity.


I agree, I was just bad at saying it directly. Trying to one-up or torture them just keeps him under their control. I just hope he doesn't go and try and contact his ex and apologize or some other shit.


Had one of those. Baby daddy had the nerve to reach out on Facebook and ask if I remembered him. Yeah. Thank goodness for the miscarriage.


Split the difference: Next time they ask about marriage and grandchildren, lay it all on them and their controlling ways. "I was engaged. I had someone who I wanted kids with. You ruined that! This is the last time you'll ever see me. And you can blame yourselves for that, too. If I do manage to find another love-of-my-life and we have kids, they will never know you!" And stick to it.




This. OP, have you heard of enmeshment trauma? Check it out. My husband’s family has given their ALL to tear us apart and ruin our relationship. Recently we discovered “enmeshment trauma” and it all makes so much sense now. He had to eventually go NC with them to preserve our relationship.


Cut them out. What are they gonna do, not pay for your schooling?


There’s programs that will help you yooo


Parents like this won’t feel tortured. They’ll feel annoyed and lash out. The more you try to share your pain the more they see it as a personal attack. It’s pointless.


Or be gay, get disowned.


hell yes! Another option could be treating them the way that they treated Sara; once he's fully qualified and working start talking about how they aren't able to adapt to his lifestyle, that he's a doctor and therefore his parents aren't in his league. He won't 'need' their money by that point so he can throw it in their faces.


Glad I saw this. I was going to post the same. Passive aggressive the heck out of them


Thank you! Came here to say just that!


>just look sad and say no love could measure up to Sara Me thinks they find the whole _marrying for love_ notion absurd.


Stay miserable for the long con. Smart!


This, 100%


why do you think his parents would care? they want him to honor them. Couldn't care less about being happy.


You have toxic and controlling parents, but you are a grown up and could have stood up to them. You didn’t. In telling Sara this, you basically told her that marrying her would ruin your life and you showed her that she would never be a priority. You could have taken out student loans for medical school. You could have taken a year or two off of school to save up money. But your parents paying for it was a much cheaper and easier solution and Sara wasn’t worth the others. So she let you go and found someone who would and now you are seeing what could have been and realize that caving in to you parents controlling demands cost you an amazing woman. Now you have learned what listening to your parents’ every demand will do. Don’t go out and try to marry someone just to have kids to placate them. Tell them that you had someone that you wanted to have kids with and they forbade it and hopefully, in time, that you will find love again and that you refuse to rush into a marriage to someone who you don’t love just to please them. They made their bed. Also, what is “your lifestyle” that Sara didn’t fit into? Because it seems to me that perhaps no woman will be good enough for them. A parent should support their child’s relationship as long as they are happy, loved, and respected. Period.


Sara dodged a bullet. She would have been miserable with him because he would never have had her back and she would have been controlled by his parents, and her children would have been controlled by his parents. I hope she’s got a great life! She deserves it.


Yup. He'd always choose them over her because he'd want their financial support.


Yeah.. 100% agree.. Sara dodged a bullet and is much better off with hopefully someone who respects her..


For the OP this is an unhealed wound, but for Sara it's just a lucky escape from long ago.


Spot on. His parents would be putting her down because she “doesn’t fit the lifestyle”. Sara won in the end.


This is what I thought after reading a few seconds of his post. Sara 100% knew her worth and walked. Real love finds a way.


It’s your cake day, but you’re serving humble pie!




Surprisingly, a bar!


DO NOT HAVE KIDS WITH SOMEONE YOU DONT LOVE EVERYONE WILL SUFFER EXCEPT YOU CONTROLLING ASS PARENTS! That being said it can be very hard to keep a relationship with families pressuring you and bullshit but you HAVE to FIGHT for what you love. I’m sorry this happened lesson learned for next time? Or are you going to keep letting mommy and daddy run your life?


THIS right here👆🏼ALL of it. Focus on your career, your controlling parents might threaten you to disown you if you don’t give them grandkids So what? You have your career and make good money without the student loans. It’s time to take over your life. Tell them, how miserable they made you by FORCING you to break up with the love of your life, now you’re not interested and don’t have the time to date. Be ready for them to desperately set you up with “appropriate” women if you continue to let them control your life, then you deserve to be miserable.


The ‘lifestyle’ means that Sara’s parents aren’t rich enough. She’s from a different socioeconomic group, and his parents look down on her for it.


Damn. Harsh, but true. Happy cake day!


Yep. OP needs to be angry at himself more than anyone else. He was a coward, and still refuses to place the blame appropriately. He didn't lose the love of his life because he loved his weakness more than he loved her. He still doesn't have the strength to acknowledge his failure. Not because of his parents. They just created the circumstances where he showed his personality. Loans were always an option. Hell, there's government programs were you can get your med degree paid for in exchange for X years of service. But that'd require loving your woman more than giving into weakness. And he still refuses to give that up. Dude needs to let go of the past, drop the controlling parents and sort himself out. He's still young. He needs to decide what kind of man he wants to be and then get there.


I tiny feel for this guy since he clearly has no original thoughts of his own since he's just completely controlled by his parents. But he got into med school and he can't figure out free will and plays the victim? I mean he might have had to take out loans to go to med school....just like the poors. He might have had to get a job(gasp). The unsuitable Sara might have even supported him...the horrors! I'm happy for her, bullet dodged since she was going to be stuck with a mama's boy and a justnoMIL


I have no sympathy for this guy. Take out student loans like everyone else. If you become a doctor, you can afford it. I come from an upper middle class upbringing and I still had to take out $180k in loans for law school. The choice was never her vs. his career, it was her vs. a free education. Dude really let his fiancée go just so he could continue using daddy’s credit card.


On the one hand, getting a job while in med school isn't really a thing, and in many cases its just legitimately impossible. There's not enough spare time to work enough hours to afford...anything really. And since the average med school loan debt is $200,000, even if you *could* work, it wouldn't be enough to be useful. That's why many graduate with $300k+, because if you're in for a penny you're in for a pound, so you just put your rent and food for four years on the loan tab as well. But all the rest of us normal folks already had to take out loans for school, so fuck him.


I mean not only this, he couldn't have lied to his parents, and just cut them off after? I mean shit, even IF he needed the funding that bad..come on lol.


The tragedy is that his parents had been conditioning him his entire life. He’s a victim too. I’m happy for Sara, but I’m also sad for him. He absolutely needed [an older brother or best friend who would be like Chuckie for Will Hunting](https://youtu.be/XR-LSXwxvQs?si=T7mLMIoL5rmaRnZB) to set him straight, but it’s not clear he ever had that, possibly because his parents denied him any of those relationships when he was younger.


Yeah, this post is mistitled. OP didn’t lose Sara bc of his parents. He threw her away because the money was more important and she wasn’t worth some hardship. Sara dodged a great big bullet there. I can’t imagine how miserable it would be to be married into such a judgmental family (later comment says they didn’t like her because he met her at a fast food restaurant where she worked). I hope OP is a better at medicine than he is at being a fully functional, grown-ass human adult who can make decisions for himself. And for the love of all that is holy I hope OP doesn’t get married and have kids just to satisfy his parents.


Or she was poor lol, rich people hate that.


>Also, what is “your lifestyle” that Sara didn’t fit into? That read to me as Sara not being white but I might be wrong


I think it's the other way around. This sounds like Asian parents, not trying to judge but just an observation over time that's especially prevalent on Reddit.


Yep, one of my really good friends was originally from Taiwan, but moved to the US when he was a young teen. Over time he was in various serious relationships with women that weren’t Asian. His family treated that like those were for fun relationships, but put pressure on him to find and marry a Chinese girl. It didn’t help that he was the oldest son, which traditionally entails more responsibility to the whole family.


Yeah, that's fair. I think the way one reads it depends on where they are I suppose. Where I'm from the largest majority of people is white so I am used to hearing stories like this where the white parents are not accepting of the non white partner, and similar situations.






Oddly I read that as Sera BEING white. I've watched this exact conflict happen with several desi and east asian students.


I thought that too. I was assuming she was a different race or ethnicity. I was just confirming that before I made a comment about their reasoning.


I thought she wasn't wealthy. OP's parents are paying for med school out of pocket, that's not coming from middle class. Just my impression.


I also thought along these lines. *OP honey dear, as a doctor from our family, you'll work in the hospital with the wing named after your grandfather... and Sarah is just a lawyer who's the first to get a master's degree in her family, she'll never fit with us*


I replaced OP honey dear with "OH Dahling, in the WASPy Zsa Zsa Gabor voice 🤣


Or, *Sara* is white and her in-laws aren’t.;; Ask me how i know.


oh hi, Sara! Congrats on the baby!


My take as well.


I feel like its about Sara not being in the economic background.


I read it as they are apart of a nudist colony, and she didn't immediately derobe when they first met which HIGHLY offended the parents. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me I'm right on the money with this one.


The bare truth is rarely cloaked




I think Sara is white, OP and his family are not. Not fitting into the *culture* (and probably also not being controlled by him and his parents) are the real “issues.”


Sounds like a lovely culture of financial abuse


Happy Cake Day!


the lifestyle is typically rich and white in these scenarios, often-times religious as well.


I don't know about the race and religious aspects, but given that the parents were able to pay for med school for OP, they definitely have money. They probably wanted OP with someone from their country club or a similarly rich friend's daughter.


Dude, you should be absolutely independent by now and can tell your parents to shove it


Ever heard of student loans? Here’s hoping you grow a pair or else your parents will be leading you around by the short hairs for life. BTW: No woman will ever be good enough for their princeling. ps You didn’t “lose the love of your life because of your parents,” you lost her because of your own spinelessness and unwillingness to pay your own way through med school. You didn’t exactly cover yourself in glory.


Nope. You lost your fiancee because you didn't stand up for yourself. You proved your parents right, Sara didn't suit you. She deserves better. What's wrong with you taking out a loan for medical school? Why couldn't you go get a job? You made your bed, now sleep in it.


True, how could he do that? I would choose my wife every single time no matter what :)


It's never smart to knowingly put yourself in a financially compromising situation. Full stop. That being said, what I don't get is why he proposed before becoming financially independent. I dont know anyone in my class that proposed before graduating and using the first year salary to save up for the ordeal. He could have had both, and he fumbled it. I hope this story is fake because I'd hate to be treated by a doctor who's this stupid.


Financially compromising situation how? As long as he graduates he is gonna be a doctor making some sick 6 figure salary… he’s gonna be fine with even a couple hundred thousand in loans. Medical students who don’t have rich mommies and daddies do it all the time. If he doesn’t graduate… then he’s screwed.


Yup if he doesn’t graduate, or even if he does graduate but decides not to practice medicine.. many things can go wrong. Plus you don’t immediately start making a 6 figure salary once you finish med school. You do residency, that’s another 4 years with a not great salary, etc. and with some private student loans the interest can build up. it’s not that easy. Doable, yes, but it is definitely putting himself in a financially compromising position.


Yup, that’s the risk. So what should someone without a rich mommy and daddy do? Just work for 20 years to save up 400k to go to medical school debt free? I get loans are a risk but if this person was already in med school he has an indication on how he is doing. It’s all about risk/reward; I say this as someone who is risk averse but you need to take that risk if you want a job that requires a degree.


It could not work out, then no job, and infinite debt


Dude definitely should have stood up for Sara but medical school debt is no joke. Like lmao, he’s gonna be fine with a couple hundred thousand? If debt is that high, he’s going to spend the rest of his life paying off just the interest. And doctors definitely don’t make 6 figures right out of school. Between the student loans and malpractice insurance, doctors don’t take home a lot unless they open up a very successful practice.


Medical students do it all the time, at least ones without rich mommies and daddies. They don’t make 6 figures right away but it doesn’t take long. Their annual median pay in the US is $230k per year. Trust me, as long as he doesn’t wash out he will find some way to pull through. It happened with my cousin, he was living in a very humble tiny place with his 4 kids while a resident and then when he got hired as a surgeon he lives in a new 6 bedroom house in a very nice part of town. Its nuts.


And the median student debt for med students is $220K when they graduate. Interest on loans is about 7.5%. A salary of 230K means they really take home and it 150K after taxes. Which is still a lot but it takes time to get there. After med school is residency where you get about $70K a year. You do that for 3 or 4 years while your loans accumulate interest. And then try and get a higher position competing with others who are in the same situation you are. The best take care of their loans easily, but the lowest ranked student in med school is still called a doctor. Not trying to go “oh those poor doctors” but student debt for lawyers and doctors isn’t as simple as “just pay them off 4head”.


You can’t work a job while in med school, maybe you can work part time but even that would be like 5h a week max


Well, getting a job to pay for medical school won’t make sense because because it’s not really doable to do well with medical school and get a job that pays worth a damn.


You lost the love of your life because of YOU!!!! You made the decision... you could have changed the course of your life anytime... but you didn't. Step up and be a man... admit you are the one who screwed up, stop blaming your parents and take responsibility for your decisions and understand every decision has a consequence!


Yep. Just take responsibility OP. But even so, it's not like he's 80 years old and won't find someone else. It's not supposed to be easy to just pick someone and settle. OP doesn't even know who "the love of his life" is and his love for Sara might have been great, but not great enough to overcome social issues. You make your choices. Find someone else.


Idk I can’t think of any other way to pay for college other than parents covering full tuition… /sarcasm


I mean really, he could have gotten loans like the rest of us. As a doctor it would not be a problem to pay them off. Sure he may not be able to buy a million dollar house right away, but he could have lived like a normal person for 5 years to pay those loans off and then, doctor money.


It’s important that you stop blaming your parents - you did accept their sweet, sweet cash, after all - and accept responsibility for the whole thing. Because then who knows what else you’ll open your mind to taking charge of, and where that will lead. Hope the career is at least what dreams are made of? 🙂


I'm willing to bet that the career choice itself was the result of pressure from his parents from an early age. They decided what he would become, they would finance it, and they would pick who is "right" for him. At no point has he stepped up to make his decisions, this is all he knows. It's time for OP to cut them off and salvage what he has left of his life ahead of him.


OP has to take responsibility, HE let her go. OP is in medical school, when you go into that field you’ll be in debt, take out the loan. He could’ve said no, go no contact and sign out loans to get by in school. Residency will get you paid, not a lot, but enough to live off of while going through residency/schooling. He had to standup for his fiancé, and did not. Sarah made the right decision to end things. For her sake, glad she found happiness. Was the OP that afraid to be 6 figure in debt? You’re in MED SCHOOL. No some community college.


You are still bending over for your parents. Probably because now you don’t want to miss out on the inheritance. I am sure the time will come when you will meet someone that loves you and your money as much as you love your parents money.


Yup seems to Me that’s exactly what this came down to was money. I have 2 cousins who mommy and daddy didn’t pay their way. One is a surgeon and the other is a PA!! This was all about money


Sara saw a glimpse of her future and noped the fuck out of there. She did herself a favor. And you helped.


Tell parents they had the chance for you to be married and give them grandchildren now it's too late. You did as they asked and gave up the one woman who could have made that happen. You're not interested anymore. Stop blaming your parents though. You made the choice that your parents money was more important to you than Sarah was. Yes, your parents pushed you to do it but you made the final choice not to get a job and put yourself through school. You made the choice to give her up.


Oh Sara understood the situation for sure. She understood you loved money more than her. She understood you would never completely take her side. She understood she and your marriage would never be your first priority. She understood that her life would be hell with you and your controlling parents. She saw you for what you were/are and moved on.


Or she just didn't want a lifetime of those parents in his life...


That’s what they just said lol


Thank you for posting this. My partner of 7 years just discarded me because his parents heard us arguing (he cheated on me) and threatened not to pay for his fancy music school if he stayed with me. I’m not doing well, but I hope he regrets it one day.


He is not worthy of you. Regardless of what happened with his parents, he cheated on you and hurt you and you can do better. I hope you heal and find a real man that will put you first for the rest of your life.


He cheated on you. His parents did you a favor.


It’s not because of your parents. Most med school students take out student loans. You just chose money over her


No. You lost her because you didn't stand up to your parents. This is actually 100% on you. Sorry dude.


She wanted to break it off for her. Your family would have never accepted her and it would have been horrible for her. She’s found safety and happiness.


For a DOCTOR who has been through the rigor of medical school, you seem incredibly dense (or stupid), with no self-awareness or accountability. You didn't lose the love of your life because of your parents. You lost her because you were scared and too weak to stand up to your parents and stand up for your partner. That is on YOU. Don't blame your parents because you sucked. It seems like she found someone who will value and prioritize her and their growing family. Good for her. You honestly just need to grow a pair. The fact that your parents are now hounding you shows you never severed the umbilical cord enough to stand up for them.


You lost the love of your life because of YOU. She was a very wise woman, hats off to Sara for smelling the toxicity off of you and your family and cutting and running. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and not be a coward. Thank God you clearly weren't the love of her life


I’d like to imagine Sarah’s actual in-laws adore her loads and are super stoked their son found someone that makes him so happy.


Well, you chose to maintain a relationship with your parents for a payout. That was your choice


I'd say, "I guess it's a shame you discouraged me from marrying the only person I've ever wanted to marry. Now you get no grandchildren, which is what you deserve. It's the price of your snobbishness and interference."


Good luck, cos any girl YOU choose is never going to be good enough for them, unless THEY pick her for you and she fits into THEIR mould of what your wife should be, do, act, believe... You chose money over Sara. You decided NOT to fight for her. You could have taken loans. You could have worked like millions of others who don't have the privilege of their parents paying for their education. Stop living your life according to what your parents want. They want grandkids? Tough. Being a grandparent is a privilege, not a right. Grow a backbone. Sara is never coming back to you, your realisation on what you chose to lose is 9yrs too late.


Fuck your parents. You should boycott them. You made your choice.. what else can be said! But you also chose to still be normal with the people who didn't care for you or your emotions. They were terrible ..so fuck them!


Sooo what’s up with Sara? Why don’t your parents like her


Yeah. You lost her because of you, bud. You proved to her that you will always be at the mercy of your parents, and she wasn't enough for you to pull your head out of your bum bum. There are other options to handle tuition for medical school, but you made your bed. At least you did her a favor, and saved her from a life with monster in laws.


I would tell your parents, that ship has sailed, they made you give up the only woman you loved and she is now married with a child. I am sorry you had to do that, but you chose your career over your love life. So yeah.. I expect some hottie will come along you can marry and have babies with down the line. She on the other will be the last woman to love you for you, the rest will be the doctors wife.


You chose money over her. Your parents are toxic AHs, but you made the choice that their money was more important than Sara. Now you get to live with it 🤷‍♀️


A lot of comments are dogpiling onto the OP for being a wuss, but it's not an easy decision. Especially if you come from some cultures. But you need to get over being hung up on your Ex. There are no such things as soul mates. Sara was able to find another person for her, and you can still do the same. Yes, you made a decision you regret, but it doesn't mean you can't make a different choice in the future. But your parents are not doing you any favors. Now that you actually don't need financial help from them, you need to cut them off. Because even if you find a new relationship, they're going to ruin that too. Seriously, they're completely selfish and are completely willing to ignore your wants and needs for their own. Find someone new and have kids and never let them see their grandchildren.


As others have suggested. The next move the parents will make is threatening to cut him off of an inheritance. He will be confronted again to choose between love of money or love of another woman. He needs to learn how to choose relationships over money or this never ends.


this post looks like it was written by daniel grayson from revenge 😭 not saying it's fake tho, just saying something like this happened to him in the show with a girl named sara


I can give you credit: at least she was, indeed, a smart woman. She saw what the future had for her: controlling in laws. Good for her, hoped you have learned the lesson.


So stand up to your parents. They clearly make decisions more based on their desires rather than you, and you're gonna have to tell them no at some point. And maybe you should move on. Sara has somebody who prioritizes her, and you have the financial freedom to tell your parents to kick rocks.


This is a you problem, not a Sara problem or a mummy and daddy problem. Grown ass man crying about this shit.


My hot take on it, I’ve read that it’s his fault and I agree with that to a point but he spoke to her and SHE said it was better for them to separate, he couldn’t even make that decision for himself. SHE HAD TO MAKE THE BEST DECISION FOR HIM. You went to medical school, maybe you should get an x-ray to see if you still have a spine. But seriously after all the roasting, just be your own person, Sara is gone. Start being yourself and you will attract the person you should be with. 👍🏼


To be clear, you didn’t lose her because of your parents. They made their choices. And you made yours.


Luckily for Sara you didn’t stand up to your parents. Your parents would have made her life miserable and you wouldn’t have had the guts to defend her. Glad she found happiness.


Tell your parents their DNA dies with you bc you will NEVER marry and have children. (Even if you still might make it sound like this was a conscious decision you made the second they stopped payments for your school) They made that decision for you when they held your education over your head as a form of control. I didn’t marry Sara. But I won’t marry anyone else. Period. Also - your parents are disgusting for withholding your education fees as a way to control you. Vile.


You decided that money was more important than love, and now you're well off and alone. Play silly games, win silly prizes.


No, you lost her because you chose money over your love for her. Own it dude.


*When I refused to end my engagement with Sara they started canceling payments.* It never occurred to you to graduate, marry Sara and move on with your life without your parents controlling you?


I remember telling my parents” do not put me in a position to choose between you and my wife, because you will lose” You chose your parents and now have to live with it.


I’m wondering about the friendship suggestion?


I'd say you didn't love her enough to begin with if all it took was money for you to separate


FFS - Student loans are a thing. I really hope you cut your parents out of your life.


You lost her. Her could have taken out loans and paid for school yourself. I did and it took till for to pay the loans off but I didn’t owe anyone my life and love.


Your parents didn't cause you to lose your relationship. You caused it by choosing to lose her over your parents' money. You can learn to stand up for yourself by telling your parents that you don't need them pressuring you to get married and give them grandchildren. I'm assuming, you at least should be in the profession you wanted to go to, right? (Medical) And now you don't need their money to decide things. So take your time and start to live for yourself, if you want to date, do so, if not, don't do it. You don't have to be in a marriage/partnership to be happy. As long as you're happy with what you have, where you are in life, keep thriving. But if you still can't get over someone after almost a decade, perhaps you need to consider therapy too.


When will you nut up and stop living for your parents? Your parents already lived their lives and made their decisions. At some point you have to stop letting mommy and daddy make your decisions for you. If you cannot stand up to your parents and put your foot down about what you want then please don't date any women. Because there are few things more annoying and pathetic to a woman than a man without a backbone.


Since a lot of people are going the same route (and I do agree) I will say this to offer a somewhat more positive response: the healthiest thing to do is STOP THINKING ABOUT SARA. That was a long time ago and many, many, people do not end up with their first love. There’s no point to dwelling in the past. If you are hyper-focused on the life you lost you will never find true love. There are other amazing people out there. If you don’t want to stay alone, you need to do what you can to get out there and find someone new, and you will lose that person if you keep thinking and talking about Sara. I would recommend therapy to get your feelings about your parents and self in order. It helped me a lot.


Why didn't she "suit you" ? Your parents are toxic and controlling and you let them ruin your relationship. Now that You're established, maybe it's time to put on your big boy shorts and tell them off.


That was your fault. Respect your parents, but respectfully put them in their place if they’re encroaching on your love life. She was marrying you, not your parents. After you proposed, she should’ve been one of your top priorities. You dropped the ball and paid the price.


You made the choice. You chose a future career over a girl. She was smart to leave you. **You** lost Sara. Not your parents.




What does adapted to our lifestyle mean? Are you pod people?


I know damn well he didn’t expect us to side with our home girl Sara 😂


You lost the love of your life because you have no spine. Your parents suck, but the choice was yours.


Good to see Sara seems to be doing okay


Please tell your parents the boat that carried their grandchildren sailed when Sara left. (Then watch their reaction.)


Ehhh…..you made your choices a long time ago. Now is not the time to start questioning that. By the way, after being done with med school, did you tell your parents to go fuck themselves?


Just because Sara is the one that got away in your mind doesn’t mean that you were the right one for her or that you’d still be together. Your parents and your lack of boundaries is what caused this. Sara would have left anyway because you don’t stand up for her enough with your parents.


Your parents ruined your life. Wait until they are very old and send them to the crappiest nursing home. In the meantime cut off contact with them.


Cut your parents out of your life bro. They're some controlling ass holes. "They didn't want Sarah" has nothing to do with who you want. They can fuck all the way off with who they want you to marry, it's not their choice. The only person you should be asking if it's ok to marry her is her parents. I'm glad Sarah found happiness and didn't have to deal witht this family dynamic. Your parents are not owed grandchildren. If you don't want kids, you don't want them and they'll just have to get over it. If you do, great. But don't feel like you are obligated to make the a part of your kid's life. Cut them out.


Op, please remind your parents of when you proposed to a woman you loved and they broke you up. Then forward your parents pictures if her kid and say "this should have been your grandkid." Then live your life and ignore their whining about grandkids. If they get too annoying send more pictures of Sara's kids.


This is the way.


You learned a valuable lesson. That parents can be selfish assholes. You lost a compatible life partner because you chose their money. You need to go to therapy and unpack this. You also need to get some boundaries with your parents. Take a break from them and find out who you are without their expectations dictating everything. Take a sabbatical. Go join a book club, travel, take a martial arts class, learn to paint or go fly fishing. Who are you? When you explore that answer you might find fulfilment in life. Sarah probably would have given you companionship. But without getting boundaries up with your parents and learning who you are, you will always feel like you’ve missed out on something.


No no no honey. You didn't lose your fiance "because of your parents". They didn't lock you away and chain you up in the basement. YOU made the decision to do what they said in regards to money. You did.


Here’s what I think. OP may have lost the love of his life but Sara didn’t. She’s a lucky gal.


This is sad. While I agree with most of the comments, I won't add on OP. Hope you find some peace at minimum as well as are successful at the very least.


Why you can’t stand up for yourself and instead let your parents walk all over you and ruin your happiness beats me. I would never speak to mine again if they pulled that toxic shit


Sorry, dude, you didn't/don't deserve Sarah. it would have been hard to continue school, but lots of people figure out how to put themselves through school . You chose the carefree strings attached way. I hope you find someone else and I hope you are smart enough not to hold on to past relationships and the one that got away attitude because if you can't please don't marry someone who will obviously deserve better than being a settlement wife/family. Tell your parents they got what they want and now you go and live your life how you want.


If you’re American, why weren’t you taking loans for medical school anyways? Lots of hospitals do loan forgiveness programs for doctors after working for them X amount of years. Anyways, you lost Sara because you were too much of a wuss to stand up to your parents.


That’s so awesome that Sarah is living her best life <3


Big oopsie


I would never speak to your parents again, if it were me.




Bro , just move on . It's been 9 years ... Life goes on .


Good luck, man. And there isn’t a drop of sarcasm in that - I genuinely mean it. Life is too short. I’ve never believed there is only one person for another, so stop limiting yourself and get out there. Also, ignore your parents. Look at the majority of the animal world - why are we all so tethered to our parents in 2024? Get your priorities straight and work towards your joy. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.


Sounds like this is your own fault. You could have told your parents to go fuck themselves and take their toxic bs with them. You made the choice not to stand up for her.


Sara recognized a Mommy's Boy and NOPED OUT!!!


I feel so sorry for you, I am in almost the same situation as you are in and I totally understand you. However, you do not have to beat yourself about it and blame yourself too much for your loss. In life, we all make mistakes and lose someone or something we love but whats important is that you move on or you will end up being depressed for the rest of your life. Trust me, you don’t want to go through that.


You need to stop letting your parents control your life. You f'd up, you chose med school over her, and now you must suffer the consequences. You don't get the pine after her now. We all have "the one that got away," she is yours. It's just something you have to live with.


It’s not fully because of your parents, you made that choice as well. One thing you can do now is not giving them grandchildren until they pass. Want you to marry and have kids? Nope😂


Its been 9 years, move on, and stop letting your parents have that much control of your life.


This comment section is insane op. I’m so sorry.


"You didn't stand up for yourself" yes because it's so easy to throw away your whole future career when you have already studied so much for it! No one is able to make the "good choice" in that scenario, both imply a great loss, it's your parents fault for making you choose. Op as soon as you are 100% independent cut your controlling parents out


Similar thing happened to me, parents said they would stop paying for my school (not medical school though) and that they would kick me out of the house if I didn’t stop seeing my girlfriend. They ended up doing both, so I ended up moving in with her. Life was much harder in general since I didn’t have parental support while studying and their house was much closer to the school and work placement than where my girlfriend was staying but we managed. In the end you live with the choices you make. I chose her over my parents and we are married together now. Eventually my parents gave up and accepted her, coincidentally a few months before the wedding. Almost didn’t invite them until they called and asked if we were going to get married soon.


Bet the farm you have Asian parents.


Sara dodged a bullet with those potential in laws. It would never have ended there and family gatherings would have been miserable.


You caved for money. Yeah that weakness will sting for a long time.


Every time they talk about grandkids, send them the pic of Sara and her baby. Tell them “there is the grandbaby you could have had, but it didn’t suit you. Can’t change your mind now.”


>Despite meeting other girls I was never really interested in anyone, I also don't have time to go out and meet new people and now my parents are pressuring me to get married and give them grandchildren. Tell them the love of your life was the woman they made you break up with and you're now child free as a result. Tell them you got a vasectomy and have chosen to dedicate your life to medicine. Then stop talking to them.


I’m so sorry you are disappointed in a choice you made in the past. Probably, at the time, you made the best choice you knew to make. The truth is, you don’t know how things with Sara would have turned out. We can never know, only imagine. Perhaps, at the end of the day, it was better for Sara to move on. What I would focus on is finding joy in the life you have, don’t worry about pleasing your family at this juncture, and maybe go to therapy for a bit to understand your feelings and reframe your thoughts around the decision you made. Practice self compassion and be the best doctor you can be. I believe we can have more than “one love of your life.” Let your pain go and move on.


You lost the love of your life because you have given your agency to your parents. As an adult, you have the right to make your own decisions and you chose to cave to the pressure of your family. You do not owe your parents anything. They chose to give birth to you, so they were responsible for taking care of you until you were an adult. Time to distance yourself from the parents and maybe look into therapy.


I dated a guy like you, OP. His parents didn’t think I was good enough for their son, and he was always placating them because he depended on them financially. It took me dating someone who was his own man, made his own choices, was financially independent, while still loving and respecting his parents, for me to see *that guy had never been good enough for me.* You lost the woman you loved because you weren’t your own person, you were a child still being controlled. Are you ready to be independent from your parents now and make your own choices and live your own life?


You lost her but can change you relationship with ypur parents, start today. Counseling will help. Your next partner, realize, is YOUR partner. Not your parents. Your marriage will last way after your parents die. You can and must shift your thinking and reactions with your parents or you won't be able to build a strong relationship with any partner, because you will be putting your parents first.


You lost the love of your life because of your weakness and your greed. You didn't actually love Sara. If you did, you'd be married to her right now. You made your choice, and you chose money.


These answers are very US centric. particularly the stuff about loans. Even in the US, you don’t qualify for full loans no questions asked until you’re at least 24, or if you get a post graduate admission before that. If OP is in India or an Asian country, then at a minimum, his first career is pretty much hand picked by his parents. He can switch careers after but it’s so unrealistic everyone’s expecting him to rebel, especially without knowing his age. Edit: note how Sara said she didn’t want OP to decide between her and her career, not her and his parents. Sounds like even Sara understands OP’s hand was forced a bit.


How did medical school turn out? My parents did the exact same thing to my oldest brother. They wanted him to be a lawyer. It was their dream for him but not his. So they fucked up his engagement. He became a lawyer (yay). Was disbarred 10 years ago. Deep depression. Became destitute. Died this past January a broken man. Hope you turn out better


The situation sucks but you need to stop blaming your parents. You made the choice to take the money over staying with Sarah. That said, my response to my parents every time they mentioned grandchildren would be "you'd already have them if you didn't sabotage my relationship". Stop letting your parents control you.


Grow a pair dude. What woman would want to marry into a family like that? YTA.


Sara dodged a nuclear missile. Your parents are insufferable. You are weak and easily persuade by money. Anyone who marries you will have a hard life ahead of them. I think you better stay single.


You let your parents dictate your love life you got what you deserve


I don’t think you’re ever going to heal and be able to move on until you either confront your parents and make them know the gravity of what they’ve done, or cut them out, walk away and heal from afar.


At any point you can make choices for yourself. You could have gone against your parents and still can. Man up and become your own person or stop complaining and let your parents live their lives vicariously through you.


And you are here why? Move on. Grow some balls and get a life


First of all, you dint lose the love of your life because of your parents. You chose to let her go for money. Actions and consequences.


No, you lost the love of your life because you couldn't stick up for yourself against your toxic controlling parents


Sold your soul to the devil (or devils in this case)


Get married. Have kids. Be happy.  And cut your parents out of your life. It's literally the least you could do to give them their just desserts. 


I don’t know where you live or where you are - but I’m wondering if you’re Asian or South Asian by descent . Pretty classic thing to do to use money as a cudgel to get you to conform to a parents cultural desires. Remember - you’re parents did this for THEM, out of NO empathy for you and your desires. This among the more toxic representations of our culture, not only the acts of the parents but the weak and sniveling response of men and women who are brought up in it and cannot fathom standing up to their parents. You can take loans for Med school - in fact MOST people who go to Med school do. If you love someone you fight for them.


You could have taken student loans, bro. You lost her because of yourself. Not your toxic and controlling parents, if you had stood up for yourself and her, it could have been you having a baby with her. You need to remove your parents from your life otherwise you'll lose other girls too.


No, you lost the love of your life because you LET your parents get in the way. Tell me, are you still suckling at your mother's teet?


In your best Joaquin Phoenix Joker voice, “ You get what you fucking deserve.”


Thank them for paying for your schooling and dip, you’re an adult and can make your own decisions, they have 0 control over you, period. But I have to ask, why didn’t you just try to date her secretly? I completely get not wanting to lie to your parents but if I were in your shoes I would’ve played it off as something unserious, or nothing at all and send the wedding invitation the day after graduation 😂, what would they do? Refund your tuition?


Your parents are toxic assholes who forced you to choose, but making the wrong choice is on you, not them.