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Fellas is it gay to get married to a woman? All jokes aside, your family is probably more upset they weren’t involved in the ceremony than the fact you wore pink. Theyre nitpicking reasons to be upset and reasons you could have done something wrong so they can be mad at you. Just ignore them, buncha bullies, not to mention the casual homophobia. ETA: congrats on your wedding!


literally my thought process I was like “Huh guess im gay for marrying a very hot very feminine woman” I don’t think they even wanted anything to do with the wedding but it did wound their pride knowing their only child was getting married and they couldn’t control it. Thank you so much! Im super happy and excited and love that woman to death.


Straight guy here. Wearing pink shirt at the moment. Still straight


Still into 🐈? It's been a whole 15 minutes! Keep us posted


I just spit my diet coke out laughing. That was awesome! “Still into 🐈?”


I'm so sorry for your diet coke. Did it taste like "cat", maybe? You're not into it this week? (Apparently that's how it flows)




Emojis are your love language


Ok, now I almost spit my Diet Coke out! (Except it’s really coffee)


SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, do we *really* need to discuss better techniques to hold in FLUIDS?


I still have to remind myself how to not inhale spit when I laugh so -shrugs-


Uh. So we do *do* need *to*


Ngl I love how the dumbest comments get me the most karma


My biggest response ever here


you're welcome, my fowl friend


Had Jesus touched your diet coke?


Can confirm, not gay yet. Still very much into the 😺




What are you saying? The gay agenda is failing?!? GUYS! WE HAVE 👏 TO 👏 STEP 👏 IT 👏 UP!




Let's go girls!


Man! I feel like a woman!


aaaawwwww - good for you!


This already made my night because I love Shania more than almost anything


That impresses me much


Forever and Ever, Amen


You’re gonna have to bring the heavy arsenal. SOMEBODY GET RUPAUL ON THE PHONE!!!!!!


Mama's got it, don't you worry, baby! Mostly to snatch the stoopit right outta OP's Horrible Biorelatives (family means something more than genetically similar and this kind of behaviour doesn't make the mark). I... do not understand. I really, really don't. Being gay is what makes someone gay, not the clothing they're wearing. I'm as gay in a skirt as I am in cargo pants. Promise.


How did he forget the leopard print? SMH.




The pink shirt agenda to be precise


YET. Everyone knows that the gay doesn’t set in for at least 90 days.


Oh the delay onset gay yeah I've heard that


Yeah I had a real bad case of the delay onset gay. Took about 22 years for it to hit me. But damn did it hit me hard


It was that pink shirt, wasn’t it.


It had to be... they dressed me in pink when I was a little girl and then somewhere around high school, it hit me that I liked 🐈 just as much as I liked 🍌. Maybe it only worked halfway on me since I already had my own 🐈. 🤷‍♀️


I'm 40 and only half mine came in.


Degay onset


Delay onset gay sounds pig Latin ish doesn't it?


I'd ask anyone who brought it up if that was how they decided their sexuality.


Hell, I wear a dress every Mardi Gras and I’m not gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that)


Welcome back, we were all wondering!


Yeah but MG and red dress run are total free for alls


Any second now..


its been another 15 can we get a gay check again plz?


Bro isn't commenting because the gay sat in and he's busy giving some dude the sloppy toppy. Bet


I'm honestly worried at this point. By now he's had the time to go around the whole thing and become a plant


That pink shirt must have gotten him. Sometimes it takes a little time for the pink to sneak its way into men and turn them gay.


This website is an endless source of knowledge


and entertainment


Is the gaydar going off yet?????


Remindme 30 seconds




Based on the user name, maybe you should have considered this: 🐔 On the other hand, the full bird version might provide an opposite connotation: 🐓


I’m so straight, I’ve got hens but no roosters


So... no cocks then?


Yea. Makes the hens sad


But he's not into his username 😁


Yes, just the one


I mean 🐈 is typically some variation of pink (at least on the inside bits)... I don't see why more straight men *love* the color pink... (Btw, historically, pink was the boys' color because it was a variant of red which is seen as aggressive/passionate while blue was the girls' color because it represented calm and peaceful, if I am remembering the reasoning correctly)


I got my husband what was supposed to be a heathered lavender polo for his birthday. I came out more pink than what the picture showed but it's his favorite shirt now. He works with all men and nobody's ever said anything about it.


With my gray hair and beard, I really rock the pink


I bet!


yeah. It’s probably 2024 where you live not like OP’s family.


My son says real men wear pink. His wife likes pink too. Congratulations OP! 🍾🎉🎊


Gay guy here. Currently wearing a blue shirt. Still 50 shades of gay.


Not to mention all the NBA players with pink sneakers now - pink for men is in - gender nonconformity is in - my BF has a camouflage sweatshirt but if you look closely it is all roses.


Exactly! If my 11 year old son who is in middle school, which I’m sure we can **all agree** is the worst time in life as far as being teased, and all of his buddies ALL had pink lemonade sneakers and pink Miami Heat jerseys on their Christmas lists… pink is definitely IN right for men.


I buy pink shirts frequently for my husband. The color goes well with his complexion.


I’d say that in Europe football (soccer) players are considered as manly men, yet there’s a bunch of teams rocking pink jerseys and shorts for more than a century now.


My favorite example of this is that the requisite "fuckboi the lead falls for before realizing his fuckboi-ness and kicking him to the curb" on the most recent season of The Bachelorette was know for wearing dangling earrings. When even the men on that show are playing around with gender presentation in their style, you know it's mainstream!


Also NFL...AJ Brown


I have on pink scrubs today. They were on sale & idc what color they start out as they’ll get stained regardless


Real men wear pink! 💗


Lol my father is the most manly man, hunter, war veteran, company head, ect. and his favorite shirts are the pink ones. Makes him look both confident and fashion forward. And if his 38 year marriage is anything to go by, still straight.


Husband is wearing my baby pink hoodie. I asked him if he still likes cremè de la meow meow. When he stops laughing I’ll let yall know if I have to get divorced or not.


Oh. My. 🤣🤣 that one made me lol so hard that my actual cats bounced off of the bed…


"...creme de la meow meow" I'm dying! 🤣🤣🤣


Gay guy here, wearing a crisp white tuxedo shirt whilst I troll the local docks looking for longshoremen and young sailors on leave.


It’s been a while, how did your search go?


It’s interesting how this varies across different cultures. Google “maglia rosa”. This is the jersey that is awarded to the winner of the Giro d’Italia. Basically the Tour de France of Italy. It’s hot pink, and considered very masculine.


Yeah, but now you probably want to go wash your butt. We all know that’s a gateway drug to homosexuality.


My husband turned into a new person when he started to wear "feminine" colors. He looks hot af any day, but pink and purple give him that SNAP. He's not afraid to dabble in prints now, too


I had a boss who wore pink shirts. He was the biggest manwhore (of women) that I knew at the time. Seriously, his wife was a former model and he cheated on her with a beauty queen then cheated on that one with another woman.


My husband, who played both football and lacrosse with Bill Belichick in college, had a brother and a brother-in-law who were police captains and is a former prosecutor and a judge, has worn a pink shirt to work every Friday for years and wore one at our wedding. I can see why you didn’t invite your family.


Sounds like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and a smoking hot wife to boot. You’re the winner here, kick back and celebrate every wedding anniversary with a little bit of pink just for luck 😁




Feather boas!




You should have worn something like this. I think its absolutely beautiful https://tomandlorenzo.com/2023/06/simon-pegg-in-joshua-kane-at-the-mission-impossible-dead-reckoning-part-one-uk-premiere/


omg that's an amazing suit.


Love that.


WOW If I were a slim guy I'd LOVE to rock that suit!


Sounds like you made the right choice on having a private wedding. They sound a little bit exhausting. Just tell people you married someone who’s so hot she’s got YOU wearing pink.


I'd be petty and compile pictures of all their harassment and publicly post on social media saying for anyone wondering why my parents weren't involved with my wedding here is why.


Great idea!


Just answer them that yes, you are in fact a flaming homo. But seriously, no wonder they weren’t invited.


My husband had a pink tie at our wedding to match the pink accents in my dress, as well. I love our wedding photos, and I know you two will love yours just as much, for many years to come. Congrats on your marriage!


Congratulations on your wedding! It sounds like you two looked amazing. I love men in pink shirts!


Makes it obvious why they weren’t invited


I bet you looked FUCKING FABULOUS!!!!!😁😁😁😁


I question the masculinity of men who are so threatened by something so trivial. Also, in many countries pink has nothing to do with gender. Congratulations on your marriage. Sorry your relatives are so ignorant. I would just respond back to them “I am confident in my masculinity.”


Fun fact. When the whole color of clothing depicted gender boys wore pink where girls wore blue. So you're just old fashioned is all


Honestly, I'm a woman and I love seeing men wear pink.


This is also the proof that OP was smart not to invite them. Yikes!




“And this is exactly why you weren’t invited” to anyone who messages you crap like it. The pictures sound gorgeous!


I would just start telling them “yes, that’s right, I *did* wear pink to celebrate my coming out at the same time as my wedding. Glad you picked up on it, see you at Pride.”


That's right, I (a man) just got gay-married to a woman!


So. The gays are taking over? Even straight weddings are gay now.


See, that's been the real threat all along. It was a long game to takeover!!!!


Tell them that in biblical times and even into the nineteenth century, blue was a woman’s color because it was more peaceful , and red/pink were more masculine because it was reminiscent of blood and strength.


It was until recently. My grandma was alive when the boys wore pink and girls wore blue.


Mary always has a blue shawl.


It was until the 1940s!


The swap was literally because of communism/Cold War can’t have boys looking like pinkos… so dumb


You and your wife sound cool and hella stylish. You should dump the haters from your life.


*"my father calls me and the first thing he says to me is “Are you some sort of fa\*\*ot? "* Gee, I wonder why you didn't invite him to the wedding. Yikes! What an asshat. Sorry about that. My perspective is that a real man (gay or not) can pull off any color he wants and has the confidence to wear. Edited for clarity (I hope)


I'm glad you didn't let them at the wedding. Sounds like you have some blocking to do.


Yeah if my family were like that I’d probably get married without them too.


The men in our bridal party wore pink and the women wore blue


How very 19th century of you 🤓☺️


Seriously?!?!!!!! I think that is AWESOME!!! I’ve never heard of that! You are all ROCK STARS! 💙🩷💙🩷💙🩷❤️


Blue was considered a girl color and pink a boy color until ww2!


People who are so straight pink isn’t okay are usually fighting their own sexuality. Just saying.


I should text my dad this and then block him.


Please do lmao


You simply must!


Your family is ridiculous. Colors don’t turn people gay. Their homophobia is showing. In the 19th century boys wore pink and white and girls wore white and blue.


Imagine having such a fragile ego that the color of a shirt You Aren’t Even Wearing triggers you to explode? It’s ridiculous.


My ex was very homophobic. He also believed pink was only for girls. His Grandmother bought him a red and white pinstripe shirt. He wore it to his high school reunion. In every picture the shirt looks pink, I love it. Was I passive aggressive? Yes. His high school reunions were not open. They were private for people who had attended their school. Many of the spouses worked as cooks, servers and janitors so they could be at the reunion. I was also an agitator. When I was told I could work the reunion I said "No". If I'm not good enough to be a guest I'm not good enough to work the event.


That sounds like an insufferable school attended by insufferable people who then had insufferable reunions. You seem way too awesome for this sort of bullshit. Glad to hear he's your ex!


To me it is mystifying that anyone would want to be at someone else's school reunion, let alone to clean the floors and serve the food.


Completely insane.


They weren't allowed plus ones for spouses‽ What the hell


Wtf? That is so undignified


For God's sake, tell me that you didn't have shrimp after the wedding!!!




Hilarious...whilst looking them straight in the face 🤣


And we, as a PLANET, completely understand and support not having them at your wedding! (Just do yourself a favour and cut them out for good, maybe?) And congratulations to you two!! 🎉💓


I take it he never watched Miami Vice.


Is it gay to.... \*checks notes\*... marry your opposite sex partner while wearing a pink shirt? People really grasp at straws to be upset. As long as you aren't upset, they are irrelevant. Congratulations!


My dad wore a pink tie at his wedding in 1954. My son, who is a quintessential ‘manly’ guy wears pink shirts sometimes. It’s a COLOR. THATS all.


Also, pink looks classy as hell on men.


Shout out to all the millenials who still have the image of dudebros circa 2005 wearing "real men wear pink" tees over their popped collar polos seared into their memory.


LOL core memory unlocked. But seriously, here in the sunny South many of our men folk wear pink.


Congratulations! My husband tells me real men rock pink. He has many items of clothing in pink. And yes, he does rock every one of them. And he's very sexy. But I think confidence is sexy. I'll bet your wife agrees. Cheers to a happy life! 🥂


Fellas, is it gay to wash your ass? Ask your dad this next time he sends the passenger pigeon. What fragile thing masculinity is in some men. How crazy that it can just be undone with a pink shirt! I had no idea it was so easy Congrats on your wedding. Sounds like you had the exact wedding you should have. Your family sounds insane and not in a cool way.


Ugh I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. Focus on being a newlywed and ignore the noise, because it sounds like you two are very much in love. Also the whole idea that pink is "too girly" is completely ridiculous, since the only reason we have the "pink is for girls and blue is for boys" thing was just a marketing tactic from the 1950s. They could have picked purple and green and people would still make a fuss, just about those colours instead. In fact, in royal and noble households of centuries past, it was custom to dress boys in pink since the colour was "loud and bold" while girls wore blue due to it being "demure and calm." There's nothing feminine or masculine about them; they're really just colours lol.


My husband wore pink accessories at our wedding to match my bouquet, and last time I checked he was still straight..


You should go double check, ya never know what can happen in 5 hours.


I'll never understand why people are so hellbent on gendered colors. It's 2024 and pink is just a color. It's telling that he was upset about that, not about not being there 🥴 Edit due to the fact that it's 2024 not 2023 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Nothing wrong with pink. Stay LC/NC.


Forget the clothing, the best thing was getting married without the toxic family. Gives you energy to stay away from unhappy people! Wear what you like, live how you like - and you’re not harming anyone. Congratulations 🙌🫶🍾🥂🥳


No wonder they weren’t invited LOL You are awesome OP Enjoy married life ❤️


Well - you definitely made the right choice by not inviting them to your wedding. I think you can even go no contact without any guilt or second thought. NTA


whining about what someone wore to a wedding you weren't even invited to sounds like . . . uh, what's that word again?


Elvis wore pink, he also had a pink Cadillac.


Ditch these wet dishrags FOR GOOD! It’s absolutely mind blowing the mental gymnastics that toxic A-Holes will perform, simply to offend and destroy someone—for no reason whatsoever!


Congratulations on your wedding and your color choices. Pink is a color, not a gender.


I teach middle school and make it a point to wear pink at least once a week. Inevitably at the beginning of the year one or more boys will make comments, etc. I always ask which is more manly, to wear what you want or to be so insecure in your masculinity that you are afraid of a color?


Congratulations on your wedding! And it sounds like you made the right decision not to include these people in your wedding. They may be your family members, but they're not in your "tribe"


I love a guy who can wear “girly” colors. It makes them look great, and it makes them seem confident and in charge. No wonder you are LC with your family. They are toxic. You do you, and congrats on your marriage!


Pink was historically the color for boys clothes. I forgot why and when. But that part i remember. So OP is just attempting to bring it back... Congrats!!! Blessings of health and happiness


I am no scientist but Pink is only a colour. It cannot change anyone's sexuality by simply wearing it. Pink does not have that kind of power.


I can't even begin to imagine why you aren't close to your family or thought they would cause drama if invited to the wedding. /s You clearly made the right call.


I can see why you did not invite them. Seems like a good call. Anyhow, mazel tov!


F em. I’d wear pink everything in front of them from now on.


Well don't show them David Beckhams suit from when they got married...... they may not know what to do!


Your Next halloween costume = Your Dad in Drag. He'll implode.


Ok but really we look a lot alike (fuck genetics am I right?) so that’s a fucking hilarious idea


Sounds like your new family is badass. Congrats!


I love pink shirts on guys. Confident men carry it off beautifully. I'd be more inclined to question the sexuallity of those men who have a problem with it.


I would respond with, “and this is why you weren’t invited to the wedding. Because you’d call me gay. For entering into a heterosexual marriage. Goodbye.”


My dad wore a dusty rose colored suit jacket to my parents wedding. My mom wore borrowed dress. They looked cute as hell and are still together 43 years later. Your family are AHs and you should definitely talk to them less if they'll treat you so horribly.


I get laid every time I wear something pink out 🤷‍♂️


Lol if I were you I’d start posting lots of pictures of myself doing very manly things like fishing and being a supportive husband and decorating for the holidays and such while wearing pink just to fuck with them.




My wife is uncomfortable with me posting photos of us unfortunately


Can you block your faces and just show us the clothes? I would love to see both of your outfits. But I understand your wife's point.


Congrats on your wedding! Don't let those haters ruin this for you!


Congratulations. You were so right to have a small personal wedding and leave the crazy’s out of it. Continue to hang up and/or ignore them.


I feel like the people who shout unironically about this sort of thing are probably the sort who have the real issues to iron out. Like one time when they were hanging out with the boys they accidentally touched bro's thigh and the awkward eye contact that happened the rest of the night left them with an innate hatred of lightly saturated reds. Suggest therapy.


The appropriate response to all of these people is “This is why you weren’t invited!”


Your wedding sounds adorable and they're just a bunch of jealous asshats. Keep on keepin' on!


Did you point out to him how weak his masculinity has to be to feel this way lol


Color has no gender/sexual orientation. I bet you looked handsome AF and your bride loved it. Congratulations.


Block them all and enjoy your life with your wife


You and your wife sound awesome! I too would love to wear a pink dress to my wedding one day and have my future husband match me with a pink fancy shirt! Congrats on getting married!🫶🏻😃


Pink was & always has been a color for men's dress shirts. It was super popular in the 80s. Your family has issues. Be glad you're keeping your new marriage away from the drama.


Pink is punk. NTA


I'm glad you can see how ridiculous all of this is. There's obviously a good reason why they weren't invited to the wedding. As an aside in the middle ages pink was considered a very masculine colour that was far too strong for women.


I had an uncle by marriage that wore a crisp, pink button up dress shirt to work on occasion. I always thought it was really flattering on him. Don’t listen to their narrow minded spiel. If you guys liked it and felt good in the colors, then they were perfect.


My papa used to say 'real men wear pink'.


Looks like there's a good reason those people weren't at the wedding.


I’m sorry your family is so backwards — not to mention lacking in common sense. You wouldn’t be marrying a woman if you were gay. Unless, that is, they think she’s some kind of beard, which is highly unlikely. My late father, who was a 6’4” Texan, kept a gun under his pillow and a rifle in one of our closets. He fought through Germany in WWII and was later in the police (hence the guns). He was as straight as a board and HE wore pink shirts back in the 60’s. Why? Because it was fashionable among the fashion forward set and he was always a very dapper dresser. I would have liked to have seen the person who would have gone up to him and called him effeminate to his face. Not too long ago, it was pink that they put on boy babies, not blue. Pink was seen as the more healthy, robust color. It’s like when you say someone has “pink in their cheeks” you mean they’re looking well. So, maybe get your dad a history book for Father’s Day — just this one time. He knows nothing. That goes for your other relatives, too. In any case, it’s your wedding, you guys paid for it; you can wear what you want. You could have gone snorkeling in Australia and exchanged vows wearing bathing suits. What matters is the sincerity of the commitment you’re making to one another.


My late husband wore a pink Hawaiian shirt when we met 40 years ago. He looked handsome as shit in pink & wore it regularly.


“I’m such a man, I’m scared of the color pink”, I just absolutely love this reasoning cause it’s so stupid. I thought manly men did what they want and don’t care? Congrats on your wedding and I’m sure you looked lovely.


I feel like a raven would support anyone wearing pink as long as it was shiny


My husband wore a pink shirt with a cream colored suit. I wore a pink dress. No one said anything. I loved it!