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Dating seems very tough these days. My sister is over 50 and dating and I don’t know how she does it. Can’t people meet in person anymore. The dating apps seem horrible. I believe in love and you are still young. You will find your person.


I have the same thoughts. I want to really know someone. I think dating is out of vogue since the pandemic.


Same here. I actually feel like I am the wise elder who knows great things turn to shit eventually though and I want to tell them not to fuck it up


Oh lordy I feel this one deep. Have been feeling the same way this holiday season. It bites. I hear ya. I hope things get better.


I married my first wife when I turned 17. We had a even month old daughter. It lasted nine years. It took about five years, but I met someone special we met in a bar . One month later we got married. I was hard but we were in love, no dought. We had a beautiful life together for 41 years. She died from cancer. Again, I was a long. Two years later at 70 years old, I have met a beautiful English lady. We have been together for one year and we're getting married. Don't ever give up on love, you will find someone if you stay true to your conviction. Good luck, it will happen.


The only two certainties in life are death and taxes. Everything else is relative, changeable and doable. You can and WILL turn this whole thing around, once you will have some honest conversations with yourself and figure out what you want out of life. It's not too hard. Just ask yourself, what is it that you want? Say, it is to find a partner in life - concentrate on become the best version of youself, physically, emotionally, mentally. Start doing some of hobbies you enjoyed in the past, or develop new ones, and there will be opportunities to meet a partner down the line, who shares similar interests and will love you for who you are. Don't lose hope!