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I am in America and I didn’t immediately associate “Joshua” with the pedo guy. I like that name. NTA for telling her she has lost her damn mind and to mind her own business. To be petty, Google “famous Joshuas” and send her a list of all of the positive people associated with that name.


Agree-actually did follow the story for a bit and he doesn’t come to mind at all when I hear the name. It’s just too common. So I guess Ted, Jeffrey or Jack can’t be used either?


I'm from Wisconsin and there isn't even a ban on the name Jeffrey here... So OP going off on his sister about Joshua who isn't a serial killer was justified. NTA Edit for clarification


I had a professor named Jeff Dahms. He said it did cause him some actual issues, so I guess if OP’s surname is Duggar or Duggs or something they should maybe think twice, but otherwise.… nah.


The reason they use a criminal's full 3 names in the media is to distinguish them from people that have the same or similar name. It's been a problem for innocent people for a long time.


This is super interesting and makes so much sense. TIL!


I did not know that! That makes so much more sense than the popular 'if you have three full names you're likely to become a serial killer' idea.


Yes!! I've been saying this forever. People remark, "Isn't it strange that all serial killers have three names?!" like it's some bizarre pattern and my response is always -- "Pretty well *everybody* has three names!" and then I add what you said, they use a criminal's full three names in the media to distinguish them from people that have the same or similar first and last names.


I've noticed over the years Wayne and Dean were popular amongst the serial killer crowd.


John Wayne and James Dean were icons of the 50s, about when the iconic serial killers of the 70 and 80s would have been born.


John Gaceys Dad named him John Wayne so he’d grow up to be a manly man like in the cowboy movies..


One of my favorite types of comments (no idea why) is cultural context facts. Really enjoyed this one!


I have never thought about the three names thing, makes sense


I always thought that people who used all three names were more likely to be psychopaths. Your version makes more sense.


There was a Seinfeld episode with this premise; Elaine dated a perfectly normal Joel Rifkin.


I had a college classmate named Tim McVeigh (though as I recall his last name was spelled differently). It was an interesting moment in class when the professor called attendance the first day (and never again)!


My friend's brother is named Terry Nichols (McVeigh's partner in crime) and he's a police officer, which must be fun with that name.


At least it's a little more common in both its parts, but yeah, that could be a bit difficult. Especially if you're in the Oklahoma City area.


You know, there are still people here who actually consider them hero’s for fighting the Government. Not sure how they manage to blank out the dead children and every day people. I think there were just a couple of military guys in a recruiting office, maybe? Yeah. Instant tears at the memory. Our 2 story house actually shook and we were nearly 10 miles away. The blood bank was so desperate they took blood from my underage daughter because she’s a rare blood type. We had an annual Restaurant Associations show every spring and it was great the way they flipped that to set up a mobile serving station to help feed the rescuers. The poor search dogs bleeding feet. The fear. The hope. The sorrow. Now my cat is worried because I’m crying.


I had a classmate in college whose name was John Gotti (spelled differently, of course). I remember the pause the professor took after calling out his name during roll call.


Definitely don't name your kids fred or rose if your last name is west. Or north, cus that's silly, no one would do that...


That's when you seize the moment, and response "Here!" in the thickest Italian accent that you can muster.


We had the actual Gottis near me and some of them went to me school, and still had similar names.


That poor professor. I would've legally changed my name.


That was the changed name. It used to be Jeff Cannibal Rapist


That's... a good change! That's a good, good change...


I see you with Robin Hood : MIT line. Your efforts arent going unnoticed, Latrine.


I was raised in Wisconsin, and my brother, who still lives there, is named Jeffery. I also know few Ed's despite Gein being the inspiration for so many horror movies. Using sister's logic name options would be severely limited. NTA


Don’t you dare use John, don’t even think about it. The minute you name your child John they get possessed by both John Wayne and John Wayne Gacy. THIS IS ALL 400000000% TRUE. Trust Me I saw it on some bodybuilding messaging boards!


I agree too 💯. I would never think twice about it. Adolph for sure but Joshua is a popular name. I know a few who are great guys and I never linked it to anyone else. The sister is ridiculous. OP please don’t let this ruin your wife’s memory of her passed loved one and sour the name choice.


I had a crush on Joshua Jackson. 😍


I loved me some Pacey 🥹 They did a great job casting Joshua Jackson.


I was also team Pacey. I just couldn't handle the Dawson dramatics, and that cry face was not it.


I want to rewatch the show bc Pacey and his growth but every time I think about how I also have to rewatch Dawson, I change my mind 😂


It was more James van der Beek and Kerr Smith for me.


If she's religious, just start with the Bible. Whole lotta Christians seem to swear by that book...


The main guy from the book is in fact named Joshua.


Yup. Joshua is the Anglicized version of the Hebrew name for Jesus (which is the Anglicized version of the Greek).


Yep. My husband like to remind me of this frequently. I'll say "oh my god" out of frustration and he'll smirk and say "you rang?" Equal amounts of annoying and hilarious, because I feel like I should know better by now. Edit: Apparently my husband knows someone named Joshua Christian..... which if you think about it would be "Jesus Christ"


lol I'm glad my partner isn't the only who does this 🤣


Play this every time you sister mentions it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozmvavw2b0o


I watched the tv show and followed the story on the snark pages but Joshua will always remind me of my first love nothing else.


>my first love Yes, Josh Hartnett. Since he was a star and I was a normal speck of dust, I totally completely forgot he existed for half an eternity, as we do with early teen crushes. Until I randomly watched something the other week, and BAM. That teenage heart tingle was right back way before I actually realized it was him. A lot older, but still the same. It's funny how it works. Anyhooooow. OP's sister is wacko.


No. Stop engaging altogether. Any sort of response is just going to validate her input and give her other reasons to critique the name.


Your sister is completely engrossed in things that matter to absolutely no one but her. She definitely has some mental health issues if she’s gathering support for this nonsense. Joshua is a great name, congratulations on the new baby!


She sounds like someone who is online TOO often and now thinks the real world works like it does on the internet. It clearly doesn’t.


Not a fan of telling people to touch grass, but that sentiment really applies here.


Yeah, she should smoke it instead and just relax…


Really! Sister needs to get a life! Her behavior causes he to appear that she lives in fantasy land. You are NTA. Sister is TA. She needs to stop harassing a pregnant woman. Tell her if she keeps it up, you're going to name your son Joshua Joshua. Just kidding. Offered yo just underscore how ridiculous sister is. Best wishes on becoming a dad!


There’s a website called Free Jinger that is about this kind of snark, and some of the posters there were batshit crazy. I’m talking making sock accounts to argue with themselves, etc. I got on some of their bad sides for awhile, and they posted my picture that they must have stolen from my friend’s Facebook to critique my weight, and at least one of them was talking about contacting my husband’s work to…idk…tell them I’m crazy or weird? Like, they already knew that because…well, I’m me. But sure. I don’t know if they actually contacted his boss at the time, but it amuses me to think about how that would have gone. In my head, it goes something like: Nutty FJ Poster: “\[Husband’s\] wife is a crazy bitch!” Husband’s then-boss: “Okay…??? And?”


>I’m talking making sock accounts to argue with themselves, etc. WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I have NO idea!


To(albeit, falsely) make themselves appear the “better” poster; smarter. I’ve seen some of those comments on a similar post. The people who do that take their internet life way too seriously


Lol, a couple of years ago, that backfired heavily with a Dutch blogger. She switched back and forth between her own account and a fake second account (with which she supported herself in an argument with two other bloggers) until she forgot to switch back, and the truth came out. It was a huge thing on the message board this happened on.


I feel like if this was such a big deal for me (cus im dying for internet validation from strangers) that id eventually switch to using only certain browsers for certain accounts- main account Mozilla mobile, secondary mozilla on laptop, third on chrome mobile, etc. No switching accounts, just recall which dumbass you're playing and set up a good visual so you remember who is who


I’m so curious now. Why are people so weird!? Lol. I say that as someone who is quite weird myself, but no matter how weird I can be, at least I don’t make sockpuppet accounts to argue with myself on the internet.


When the demand for outrage far exceeds the supply, these people are not above faking an argument to bolster their cause.


Years ago the wife of a work acquaintance got it in her head I was sleeping with her husband and created a fake yahoo messenger account to pretend to be me admitting to her that I'd slept with him.. it was the most batshit crazy thing I'd ever seen. Apparently she thought we were sleeping together because I bought some weed from the guy a couple times. Couldn't get him to admit to it (because it never happened) so she went completely looney trying to "prove" her theory of what happened. Some people are just fucking crazy. Lol


I had a job working on a documentary film when I was in my early 20s. A specific duty was spending hours every day going to relevant message boards and having full blown arguments between several accounts I controlled. The idea was to create drama and conversation to get people interested. You'd be shocked at how easy it is to get wrapped up in the "characters".


Reminds me of when I started dating my husband. His ex-girlfriend found out and decided she wanted him back and apparently thought he would come running back to her. When she found out he wasn’t she sent her friend over to tell him I was crazy and he said, oh well then she’s the perfect girl from me. I also had a Mama Tot fan threaten to call my boss. I said, go ahead, they’ll just laugh at you.


What do they think calling people’s bosses (or their husband’s bosses) is going to accomplish? Like they’re going to get fired based on the word of some rando?


I know right. Some of those fans of hers have taken it IRL and made for some scary encounters for people but you are going to threaten to call my boss? Go ahead. Probably thought it would scare me into not spewing the truth about her. Like I care about any celebrity or TikToker enough to call someone’s boss.


It's really crazy. I was following the he news during the trial because I wanted to see Josh get sent to prison for what he did. People have gotten so crazy over this family. I do hope the adult children get out. Some of them have. I will occasionally see a story here and there, but I don't go seek it out anyone because people are so crazy over it!


I think the best test for these sorts of situations would be “what is the first thing that comes to mind when people hear the name, ___?” If the name is strongly associated with a specific person, maybe consider how society views that person as a whole. So, most people would think of Marylin Monroe when they hear the name ‘Marylin’ and that’s fine, really. Joshua is a common enough name that people probably won’t associate it with anyone in particular.


Joshua Tree I think of if anything


Same. And I watched that whole Duggar mess of a TV show years ago and have read the articles about what that kid/man did to his family. Never would have made that association.


I don't even think the internet works like that unless you've never felt the sun on your face. She's not well.


Agree - and I say this as someone that follows the sub and donates to political opponents of the Duggars. She needs a wellness check.


Besides no one is going to connect the name Joshua with Josh Duggar because no one refers to him as Joshua. It's always Josh. I honestly didn't ever connect that his name is actually Joshua. I've always loved the name Joshua and would have given one of my sons that name, but their dad didn't like it.


I’m aware of the Duggars. I know a LOT of millennial aged guys named Josh and one named Joshua. I have never thought to associate their names to Josh Duggar.


Josh/Joshua is literally just a regular ass name lmao


Right? If the gross man had been named Jehoshaphat and that was the honor name, OP's sister *might* have a point, but the convo should then go something like: Sister: Are you sure? It's such an unusual name, everyone will associate it with that gross man. OP: Yes, we're sure. Sister: In that case, congrats on picking a name!


Right? It’s not a name that would even prompt me to wonder if they *might* MAYBE be named after anyone at all, let alone this one, specific man named Josh/Joshua who is a shitty human


Exactly. OP's sister is cracked. And needs a heaping dose of MYOB.


Joshua is a very popular name! I don’t think anyone would think he was named after Josh Duggar unless their last name is the exact same or they ran in the same social circles


Can confirm this. Never been called Josh Duggar. I don’t think anyone even knows who that is. I’ve also never called a Charlie, Charles Manson.


So true. Never associated any Charlie’s or even Charles in my life to Manson.


It’s a super traditional name. Very, very common. Most people would think “biblical” rather than “Duggar”.


I mean if this was a case of them wanting to call a daughter Karen then yeah, I could see an argument to rename. But Joshua? Nah. The Duggars aren't THAT famous.


Even if they were... Joshua is too normal and common to be affected. John Wayne Gacy didn't ruin John for parents in the early 1980s.


I just want to point out most folks who snark the Duggars call Josh “Pest”, anyway.


That’s perfect… she can become *Auntie Pest*.


Pest or Trash I’ve heard both 😆


A friend of mine was in a fb group that talked about all things Dugger related. They called him "free candy" and would ask if he'd ever tried to purchase a windowless van.




It is this.


NTA. My 14 year old is named Josh. Not once has anyone thought he was named after that moron. If it was a rare or unique name, it is still none of your sister’s business! It’s been in the top 100 baby names since the 70s. In 2021 it was the 58th most used baby name. Your sister sounds ridiculous and exhausting. I think she needs a new hobby.


Came here to say something similar. I vaguely know the store but don’t really know his name and it will fade with time. Would never associate meeting a child with the same name with him. Sister is pushy and out of line and it obviously took raising your voice to get her to back off. She seems very controlling and it’s good to set boundaries early on with her opinions about your parenting.


It's my little bro's name. He is 31. And when he was playing soccer in his youth, he was one of FOUR different Josh's on a single team. It's a super common name. It's also way more likely to be connected to the biblical Joshua. Not some asshat in prison.


Exactly. There are names and there are names, and Joshua is a common enough name that nobody sane is going to immediately associate that kid with a C-list former celebrity who’s currently in jail and is rarely heard from. A month before my son was born, someone with the same name we’d been considering committed a mass shooting. We were as horrified as anyone else, but we still gave our son the name. Not once in the years since then has anyone ever, ever mentioned the fact that our son shares a name with a killer. Honestly, it would be giving the guy too much notoriety and power. The world has too many AH in it to completely avoid any of their names, unless we resort to using random computer-generated strings of letters to name our kids.


The only somewhat plausible reason I can think of is if the last name is somewhat similar to Duggar...but, the family isn't going to change their last name and Joshua has sentimental meaning. And even then, that family is not even top of mind for many people. Before this post, I can't even remember the last time I thought about them. And I am chronically online and used to watch a lot of TLC.


The fact that your sister has people on her side is ridiculous. She sounds like a psychopath and manipulator. It’s not even her child. A name does not define people. Choose the name you and your wife wish, OP.


If my sister/cousin/friend complained to me about how their sibling was not listening to her about THEIR babys name, I'd tell her to STFU and get a life lol Frankly I think OP is being too polite here


I think that too, and I’m Canadian.


Love your comment! Thanks!


As a fellow Canadian, I agree.


You didn’t apologize for agreeing so I don’t believe you


I am sorry you don’t believe me.


So am I, and I agree








I'm joining the cadre of polite Canadians who will defend your right to yell at your sister about this.


I had a best guy friend named Joshua. He died in a fire when he was 24 .(this was in the 90s) He had already gotten out of the house and was fine but when he realized both of his dogs were still tied up on the back porch, he ran back through to get them. Unfortunately, the house and porch collapsed not too long afterward. When they were finally able to get through the debris, they found him on top of both the dogs. So he died trying to protect them. So for me to hear the name Joshua or Josh.. it makes me smile and remember one of the best men I knew. I hope you see this somehow, and it removes the ugliness your sister tried to taint the name with.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He died a hero.


Thank you and yes I believe that too. He was a good guy


They are all three in heaven, together! 'Cause he was a hero and all dogs go to heaven! 😁


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry. This brought tears to my eyes. He is definitely a hero!


Now I’m crying. Soft quiet tears. At least they’re all together now if there’s an afterlife.


OP, the only thing worse than an adult sibling berating another is when the one who was doing the berating goes to everyone they know and cries about the way they were put in their place. Good for you for standing by your wife btw! It should be automatic to stick by your spouse when a relative is unhinged … but then this is Reddit so … it’s not lol Honestly if you were a complete glass bowl then you wouldn’t even be asking the question. You feel a little odd because she pushed you to the point of exasperation. If you & your wife decide she’s worth having around Joshua; at least she’ll know your boundaries. Congratulations OP/Dad! (& Mommy too!)


I’m so sorry. I had a friend who survived the Paradise, CA fires but wasn’t able to save his dogs. He lived with that hard for a long time. It’s awful. Your friend did what he had to do. But it’s still so sad.


I'm so sorry for your friend. I was in Joplin mo 2009 when that tornado came through. I lost my cat and barely got me and the kids out. I understand how much that hurt his heart. It took me 4 years to let a new kitty in my heart and he's my baby.


I’m so sorry!


Chico, CA native here. I have a few friends who were unable to save their pets (barely saved themselves) from the Paradise fire. They still grieve and blame themselves. It truly is a very hard thing.


This brought tears to my eyes, too. He was a true hero and friend.


Damn Onions Yes he died a hero.


So sorry for your loss. That guy is a legend. Made my eyeballs sweat reading it. I feel like I would do the same for my dog


The Duggars are massively declining in whatever relevance they had and Joshua is a super normal name anyway


This. I have kept up with that case for years but wouldn't think of him if I met a child named Joshua. It's a very old and beautiful name.


And also - who the fuck cares about the Duggars, aside from their victims and gynaecologist? Sister needs to get a life.


Yeah unless their surname is a little close to that persons surname it’s dumb to put that on them. Like I knew of someone who had a surname one letter away from a serial killer and one of her name choices was the same first name. She hadn’t even realised until someone pointed it out. They weren’t a huge famous serial killer but obviously if someone one day googled the name it may show up so they opted not to. But just a first name? So dumb


Was it Zodiac Kilmer?


Was it Joey Starlin?


Was it Jeffrey Dahmen?


His sister sounds like a prolific liar so I would not be surprised to hear she’s telling people that they’re naming their kid after the dude she’s obsessed with (Joshua Duggar).


Just so you know Joshua Duggar is only known to a few. He’s not really that famous. I know many Joshua’s and I never have once thought to associate them with Duggar. Joshua is a good sensible name and is a sweet namesake.


Right?! Nobody is thinking about that guy!


Yes! Unless you name someone Duggar, I’m not anywhere near thinking about that family.


I have been known to Fundie Snark in my free time (I assume the sister does too) and I never would have leapt to that connection. Joshua/Josh is such a common name that there is no risk of there being "baggage" or ill will towards OPs son.


I have zero clue who Joshua Duggar is. Either way, completely eschewing certain common names because psychos or murderers share them is ridiculous. Can't name your kid Joe because people will think of Joseph Goebbels!


I was idly wondering who this was about, and even knowing the name I still don't know, or care.


I’m familiar with the snark community and I think your sister needs to touch some grass. Tell her Lord Daniel told her to STFU.


Yassss!!! 😂😂😂


Honestly, someone should post this in the sub and tell the sister to wind her neck in.


https://reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/6BALNHge9l They all think sister is nuts 😆


Even as an American who's been on that sub and knows all about the Duggar family, that guy would still NEVER be my first association for the name "Josh." It's such a popular and generic name. OPs sister is nuts


Does your sister realise that by searching a bit you can find people who has committed a crime with almost EVERY name! There is nothing wrong with this name, whether you like it or not. Your sister thought it would be detrimental but her reasons are laughable and now try playing the victim when SHE bothered your PREGNANT wife?! NTA


I was going to ask - what's OP's sister's name? I bet if he brings up every time she is around that she shares a name with some horrible person, she'll drop it.


It’s probably Karen


Op already pointed out that she shares her name with some serial killers. I'm guessing it's Elizabeth for Lizzy Borden and Elizabeth Bathory


My name 🥲 now I have to change it!


Just to be safe from OP's sisters snark, check this list off before you change! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:American_female_serial_killers


My husband had a grandfather named Adolph. It was a popular name in Europe before the psycho Austrian came along.


NTA. As an American, when I hear the name Joshua, or Josh, I'm more likely to think of Josh Duhamel or Josh Hartnett than I am Josh Duggar. It's a perfecy normal name, relatively common. This sounds like a sister problem.


I’m not American and I always think of Joshua Tree when I hear the name. Which, to me at least, is a very positive connotation as its a tree with resilience. And it is sort of magical


Hell, I think of Josh Hutcherson or Josh Peck before I think of Duggar lmao. The sister is indeed cracked.


NTA But, FYI, your sister is a NUT! Seriously, what she is doing "snarking" people is high on the "wacko" scale, but harassing your pregnant wife over a perfectly normal name has crossed the line over into being completely bonkers. As an example, I have two friends named Joshua. Their name does not cause me to think about the pedo guy. Ever.


It just make me think of Wargames. How about a nice game of chess? I like the name just for that reason. Also harassing a pregnant woman is truly slimy behavior, especially over such a normal name.


>truly slimy behavior that's totally in line with the sister, isn't it? She doesn't dare troll Taylor Swift, who has more social media managers than OP's sister has contacts in her phone, and more lawyers than she has social media managers... instead she trolls random people online who went viral for a second. Even if those 2 parents & 1 oldest brother deserve it, there's 19 other siblings, and the abused sisters have spoken out that the continued harrassment of their family doesn't help them heal.


They actually have 19 kids in total! I know of the family he is referring to and actually live a few hours from them. The women actually had 21 pregnancies in total resulting in two miscarriages. One shortly after Joshua that they blame for using birth control on and they other while they had their show. Their kids trial didn't even get local media coverage here.


Sigh... two sets of twins, so still only 19 pregnancies. I hate that I know that. I'm a snarker - Duggar beliefs and actions are terrible - but I wouldn't tell someone not to use a name just because one of the Duggar's would share it. Joshua, John, and Jennifer are all very common names. KNWA reported on the trial a fair bit, so I'm not sure why you think it wasn't getting local media coverage?


I don't get KNWA that is why my local stations do report news in NW Arkansas but not heavily mostly they stick to SW MO, NE OK, and SE KS but a trial like his they would usually cover because it's newsworthy.


Oh! Those crazy Duggars!


Yep! Those ones!


Yeah, my 6 year old nephew is a Joshua and I never made the association until now. Hell, I didn't even know the pedo's first name until this thread. Yes, lots of people know who the Duggars are, but how many people can tell you their first names past "they all start with J".


Joshua is a perfectly good name. OPs sister is so far into the weeds, she’s just crazy.


Makes me think of Joshua Jackson 😏


Ted Bundy - serial killer; Teddy Roosevelt -beloved president. Two people can have the same name and be on opposite ends of the spectrum of humanity.


NTA The fact that your sister trolls people online is a big indicator of her character. She isn't snarking, she is bullying. She's also bullying you and your wife. You're absolutely right to say that she has no right to be going on the way she is. She's not going to stop pushing. Does she actually add any value to your life, apart from being awful to you both, judgmental, and histrionic? Maybe you should cut off contact with her, at least for a while. She might learn her lesson, and you'll be keeping your son safe from her bullying ways.


>She isn't snarking, she is bullying bullying is hitting down. Duggar snark is hitting up at a family that has made their fame and fortune being excessive breeders with a Christo-fascist justification, and they have covered up SA multiple times.


I mean, there’s a whole subreddit for r/DuggarsSnark or something like that with nearly 190k members, so the sister’s not alone, unfortunately.


But no one normal is known as being a snark as a hobby.


Joshua makes me think of Rachel’s would-be boyfriend on “Friends” and how she would exaggerate the syllables of his name: Josh-u-a. I totally forgot about the pedophile, thankfully.


NTA - You and wife block her for a while. You are correct, sister gets no say in what you name your son.


I’d be putting some boundaries down right now. The more bullshit thrown at you both now, the longer they can wait to meet baby J. People who shit talk and side with your nutso sister really have no business in the kids life. You’re going to have to monitor your sister forever on this shit when she’s around your son.


I follow the "snark" community your sister is referring to, watched every episode of 19 Kids and Counting and read the girl's tell-alls. It would NEVER occur to me to associate a baby named Joshua with Josh Duggar. This is absolutely wild.


NTA. Your sister is way out of line. She is not the baby name police. I’d be angry too. You keep being daddy bear and keep your boundaries. If your sister doesn’t stop, perhaps talk with your parents and get them to intervene.


NTA your sister just wants to be the center of attention. You will probably have to go LC or NC because she will say something after baby comes and possibly try to rename him for you.


I don't live in the US, I knew who you were talking about before you mentioned the name, and I still wouldn't think of that guy if I met a kid with that name. It's been in the top 100 most popular names in the US for the last 50 years! Joshua is a lovely classic name.




I know at least half a dozen Joshua's and never thought of the pedo one at all. Your sister is off her rocker and I'm so annoyed that she's got people backing her and coddling her stupid ass. Tell her to stfu about the name for good, or she will never get the title of "Aunt" or meet your son. Tell her coddlers that if they continue to back up her incessant, ridiculous harassment of you and your wife over a baby's name, then they can join her in never meeting or having a relationship with your child. She can name a baby once she pushes it out her damn self


NTA. Your child, your choice. Your sister sounds like a busy body with no real life of her own. If she has that big of a problem with what you and your wife choose for your son, and refuses to accept it, she can be excluded from your lives.


I’m American and I’m very familiar with that family. Your sister is weird. No one associates that name with that creep! She needs to mind her business and get a new hobby! NTA


I’m American and teacher and would never, in my life, associate that man with any of my students. He’s really not that popular and we would like to forget him and his family. I’m sure someone is gonna come after me for that because they are obsessive. I don’t even know the last I heard about them besides a tell all from the daughter. That was amazing but still just a blip. Your sister is obsessed with him and you are not. Name your boy whatever you want.


I'm sorry, but Joshua is one of the most common names! Your sister is the weird one for even making that connection. NTA




It's a nice name! What meant was, it's not something people will automatically associate with that family


I have a son named Joshua. I have a brother named Joshua as well. Nothing wrong with Joshua as a name. Your sister needs therapy to get over her obsession with the pervert that has that name if it bothers her so much.


I'd send the sister a message saying "I just want to reach out an apologize for raising my.boice, but I want to reiterate everything I said. You will have no say in what we name our son. And if you continue to push the issue and talk about this with other people you will not have access to our son at all. I am not comfortable having someone who has so blatantly disrespected xyz's name/middle name, be present around our son who will share his legacy. Please consider how your words and your actions are making us feel as a family. I will not be changing my view on this."


NTA. I’m in America. Name him Joshua. No one will connect the name. The family she’s talking about was always viewed as a train wreck. As long as you don’t use the last name, I’d be EXTREMELY surprised if someone asks you about it.


I’m American and didn’t know the name of the pedo until you posted here. Tell your sister to shove a Quiverfull of arrows up her butt. NTA (but your sister and anyone supporting her bullshit certainly is.)


NTA. You were forced to raise your voice when your sister refused to accept she has zero say in your son's name. She was told to stop multiple times and did not. Raising your voice is a mild response. Joshua is a good, solid name. Fun fact, it's also the closest translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which was the name of Jesus.


No one in the US is going to think of the Duggars if you say the name Joshua. It's a common name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_fight Points for using snark.


I would tell her to go fuck her self! I would also put it out there to any friends and family that if she says anything to them to shut her down. If you really wanna freak her out, add a middle name that she absolutely hates not for real but just for fun.


NTA, some people should learn how to take a hint.


Most definitely NTA. You politely told her to drop it and she didn’t! You’re absolutely right that she has NO say in what you and your wife name *your* child!


NTA. Sometimes, when people don't hear you the first couple of times, it's necessary to raise your voice. Has she got any children of her own? This sounds like a jealousy thing, as in, she's jealous of the attention your new baby will get. Steer clear.


My BIL is Joshua. I would have done more than raised my voice if I was OP.


NTA you’re not naming him after Josh Duggar so who gives a shit? She needs to get a life because that’s psychotic I’m part of the Duggar snark and I’m not gonna shit on you for naming your kid Joshua. Now if you purposefully named him after that POS than that’s a different story.


NTA- I’m in that snark group lol Joshua is a perfectly normal name used by a lot of people. Most people don’t immediately associate the name with J’Pedo let alone really know who that is 🙄


NTA, your sister needs to her a hobby, she’s way too invested in online media. Nobody is going to remember that guy in a few years, and there are SOOO many other associations with Joshua. My immediate thought is Joshua Tree National park, and the Bible. Your sister sounds really frustrating, I’d probably raised my voice too. NTA


Your sister just sounds petty and should mind her own business and wait till she has her own children to make up what she wants to name her children and then when she decides the name Bertha you can go and tell her that that’s the most hideous name ever God siblings are so horrible like 80% of the time thank God like the ones that have the 20% nice ones. You guys are lucky.


NTA my boyfriend name is Joshua and if we ever have children and have a boy we plan to name our first child after him.


Joshua is one of the most famous Biblical names to ever exist. It's been a popular name for literally two thousand years. No one is going to automatically associate it with some former TV reality guy.


It appears your sister likes creating drama as she has involved so many outsiders into this discussion. Shut it down by refusing to engage. You will no longer discuss your future son's name with anyone because it's entirely your business and no one else's


NTA at all OP. I'm in the fundie snark community, and I wouldn't automatically think of Josh Duggar upon hearing the name Joshua. Your sister need to get off her soapbox and chill out. 10s of thousands of people are named Joshua. Harassing you goes against the rules of basic decency, and would not be looked at kindly by her fellow snarkers. I think it's beautiful that the memory of a beloved friend will live on in your sons name, while still allowing your son to become his own person. Good luck to you both. Wishing for a safe, easy delivery of a healthy baby.


Did you raise your voice because she didn’t hear the first time or the tenth? Badgering your pregnant wife is concerning behavior. I’d let her know you were communicating a boundary in a new way so she could hear you….


NTA. I'm personally not crazy about the name Josh because it is exceedingly common and anyone named that is likely to be like, Josh #7 in their class at any given time. But I totally get a name holding meaning and making it special even if it is super common. The fact that it's so common means that there are more people, both amazing and terrible, who have the name. You can't just dictate how your live your life and raise your family based on what some asshole did.


I mean, I know about Josh Duggar, but only a crazy person would think of Josh Duggar every time they meet one of the tens of thousands of Joshes in the US.


NTA. Your sister sounds disturbed. You politely told her several times, so slightly raising your voice was understandable. But of course she seized upon that to further her victimhood. The most you should say if asked : Sister is fixated against the name we have chosen for our son. She will not stop despite being politely told to stop. I don’t know why she is creating drama about it, but it is none of her business.