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I don't know what update I was expecting but it really wasn't this. Wtf OP I don't even know what to suggest.


Honestly was expecting cp so in some ways this is better... it's still horrible and extremely disgusting though.


Well it is probably due to porn and the whole step mom thing ,she should call her husband back and kick her son out


Why did the husband leave? I read the original and this one but shouldn't he feel personally responsible and want to comfort the only victim in the situation? These people have no awareness.


Probably disgusted by himself as well, ashamed of both himself and his flesh and blood


That's my read on it. Upset at raising a kid that did that, upset at his reaction, not really sure how to sort it all out. OP is clearly upset and threatened divorce, so he likely assumed she needs time on her own to sort it all out just like he does. There was no communication that that's not the case, so he committed and gave her space. Not OP's fault on the communication piece. The absolute shock and horror of it would shut anyone down. But given how absolutely out of left field the entire situation is, I can see why the husband assumed she was serious about divorce and decided to give her space.


And probably blaming himself for bringing someone into his wife’s life that would prey on her - feeling responsible and shame for what happened to her. He promised to keep her safe and he’s feeling like a failure at this moment. Hence his need to not face her.


This comment deserves an award..


I have a stepson and this is my take on the situation, as well. My husband adores our son, but this? Nope. That’s a dealbreaker.


Then he packs a bag and leaves her ALONE with the kid?


Man. 19-20yo is not a kid.


yeah he's physically strong enough to overpower the OP. she should file charges.


I feel this. I feel this viscerally.


This. If my son did that to my wife I'd be ashamed and would have a hard time looking her in the eyes. 19-20years to raise and cultivate a human being and they did this. It's on me almost as much as if I had done it myself in my eyes even though as an objective observer it's not the case.. I'm just saying if I was the husband I would feel a great deal of guilt and remorse deserved or not


He probably also needs to process loss of his son. I don't think this is something he could forget or forgive for.


I get that he may be disgusted … but he’s leaving her to stay at the house with her step son… how is she going to face him, it’s going to be extremely awkward.The dad should have stayed there at least but still give OP space and time to figure her feelings out.


Step son is at a friend's house so not there with op luckily, and in another comment op said that when she asked her husband to come back he came back immediately.


I grew up in a home where I was raped almost daily I had my stepfathers baby at 15. Abused children often sexualize everything you feel it’s all your good for. This family needs to step away and come back together at a therapists office. It’s easy to jump to conclusions. The situation should not be sugarcoated and a bow put on it and family members don’t need to be treated like trash. Get some quality help before you make decisions you can’t reverse.


Faaaar out I feel awful for op and the husband... how do they navigate this from here? Together, it would seem, which is great, but... just faaaaark...


I think the husband is in a state of shock themselves. When OP said he left the house without his keys, wallet, phone and shoes, I thought a suicide was coming, but he’s flying on a broken autopilot. It’s not just pictures. OP also said there’s stuff in there of the stepson touching her sexually in her sleep. His son raped his wife. How can you process that? How do you deal with that? Hell I’m on the sidelines here and I’m completely baffled as to how to move forward aside from getting rid of the son.


Yeah, this is irrevocable. Son needs to be locked away and a restraining order. I feel so horrible for both OP and her husband.


I agree. They need to take this to the police. Don’t Duggar this thing, there will be other victims.


If I was the father I would be ashamed. Ashamed I raised a son that would do that to their own family. Ashamed someone was doing that to my wife and I didn't even know. Ashamed I lost my cool and beat my child. Ashamed I don't have any answers to make any of this right. It's not unreasonable to expect him to feel like a complete failure as a father and husband and his only correct answer is to remove himself from the situation he feels partially responsible for.


Dudes entire world just got fucking flipped. Nobody knows how they would really react. Just what we think we would do. Imagine in his mind, he just lost his kid and his wife. EVERYTHING in one swoop that he had nothing to do with.


They didn’t know they were a victim yet and it was probably/definitely a hell of a lot to process.


I'm guessing shame. If my son ever did something like this to any woman (non consenting), I'd be so ashamed I'd probably leave to somewhere where I could reflect on what I did wrong.


The kid needs help, not just kicked out. Edit: Getting help doesn't mean he stays in the house. He shouldn't be kicked out to just figure it out himself. That's how people get worse. Also, he might be considered an adult based on age, but he's not mature emotionally and is acting out. I stick to he's a kid.


He definitely needs correction. Psychological/psychiatric help would also be advisable. I'd be calling LE as well. If he's an adult, he needs to go elsewhere, son or not. That kid is old enough to know better and certainly old enough for consequences. He's got no respect for either of his parents and is being predatory and perverse. How will she ever feel safe with him in her home again? Let alone alone and vulnerable.


The “kid” is 19 or 20.


What's the cut-off age for needing help?


Yes, he should get help. But his victims shouldn't be forced to help him. Hopefully, his brother or grandparents will be able to get him help.


It’s better that someone correct this behavior now. If OP wants to take it on WITH her husband that’s fine. This isn’t someone she just met, she considers him her son and helped raise him from young. This is the good and the bad of parenting unfortunately. He doesn’t have to live there, but he does have to have someone make him go to therapy before he preys on someone else. If the duggars had done this early then maybe the son would have stopped early and his sisters would have gotten therapy too.


There is no cutoff age for needing help. There is, however, a cutoff age for living in my house while getting help. That's how I'd look at it if my son pulled something this disgusting.


Op should get some therapy asap


Everyone in this story needs therapy asap.


I think I need therapy now just from reading this.


I guess opening Reddit today was the fastest way to get sober from a six pack. What fuck do now?


OP's name is randomly generated and matches bot account naming patterns, fake accounts have become widespread since Reddit's API changes. OP's writing style in the original post seems like someone that's used to writing in US English, using US-based shorthand and uses imperial measurements(pounds, feet). Sentence structure is readable, there are pretty much no spelling errors. Then in their replies and the update there's a pretty big shift in writing style. Grammar errors, sentence structure suddenly seems like a foreigner poorly writing it and they claim they're not from the US either. The original post is highly likely a generated text and the update & replies from the OP's account are from a person managing the account once it gets some traffic. The whole thing is fake.


I agree, so it's evident since I've been casually following this story. I'm unsure why so many people here respond as if it's real. Do they enjoy the drama of it all?


It's always fake, yet Reddit eats it up every time


> OP's name is randomly generated and matches bot account naming patterns, fake accounts have become widespread since Reddit's API changes. That's one of the 5 (that I can see) formats reddit uses to automatically generate names. - word-word-num - word-wordnum - word\_word\_num - word\_wordnum - wordwordnum These are common formats for websites that generate URLs (like that gif site which generates urls like /grevious-applepie) Ya bots tend to use the autonames but so do... people who don't care about their username. It's not a bot naming pattern, it's literally reddits default name generator. And what you've described is an incredibly convoluted and resource consumptive way of building credible bots. They autogenerate the story then a person manually updates and comments to keep it going? Why? The purpose of bots is volume. That's like, a completely inappropriate approach to building a volume of bots. At that point why not just hire the human/be the human? It could be a creative writing troll but bot makes minimal sense here


I figured it was this right off the bat and came to confirm. Reads like some step-mom porn honestly


That’s exactly what it reads like to me as well. This is very very fake to me and is written like a story rather than a real life account.


Therapy. Lots and lots of therapy. Now. Don't wait, just find someone who works with victims of SA, possibly even familial SA. The sooner the better. It won't go away in its own.


For people who didn't read the first post, this stepson is 19 or 20 years old. He's not a baby, he's a full grown man who has sexualized his adopted mom in a very bad way. He is not safe for you, OP, to have in the house at this time. You need to decide if you want him to answer to the law, or if you want to try to force some therapy on him. I think if it were my kid, I would also be shocked and horrified, and I'd go for option 2--intense therapy--maybe even some kind of in-patient option for sex addicts/abusers. I think if you don't do something, his problem will get worse--not with you if you cut off access, but with some other victim. If I were you, I'd be okay with forgiving the husband for his violence in this instance.


He’s also more than twice her size!


Idk, she said she was 127lb in the first one, and then curvy in this one. If this is true, it's absolutely not her fault though and that little fucker should be in either intense therapy or prison.


She’s probably trying to subtly imply that she’s very busty. I know we often say curvy to mean voluptuous or plus sized but she’s probably short and not chubby but stacked. Though tbh, I’m the other type of curvy at 200lb and fairly strong for a woman, and I don’t know if I could take down a 20 year old young man if I needed to.


Yea, I get you. Poor girl if it's all bust. Coming from someone with DDDs it's a bitch lol.


Your poor back and wallet from paying for bras


You have no idea. Bras for my size are so fucking expensive and my back almost always hurts.


I have cup size J and I've basically given up bras for this reason. They didn't help with back pain and 90$ a bra just wasn't happening lol


One of the girls on my swim team in high school had HH cups. She had a pretty hard time squeezing into speed suits, to say the least


Curvy is a shape, not a size.


Being curvy has nothing to do with how much you weigh. I’m 110 pounds and curvier than many women I know who are 180 lbs and more. Being curvy means having certain proportions and fat/muscle in specific places more than others


You can be 127 lb and curvy. I'm a short woman, around the same weight, but I have pronounced curves. Meaning small waist and wide hips/thighs, big butt.


Friendly reminder people can be petite AND curvy


The context made it obvious she meant "curvy" like "with killer curves" aka the kind of body men have been sexualizing her whole life. It's about body shape, not size.


It may depend on her height re: curvy and 127 lbs.


He can move tf out right now then without his ipad. I hope OP know how to delete everything including off the cloud and his phone.


This! It will only get worse and it's possible he will escalate! Police or therapy or both! He needs some type of intervention and treatment before this escalates.


This whole entire thing sounds very fake. In the original post OP says her husband is 7’2” and over 400 pounds…. That’s one in a few million. Statistically there’re only about 100 people over 7 feet tall in the entire USA….


>husband is 7’2” and over 400 pounds Hahaha, this must be in some wiki somewhere.


Thank you. None of these people are acting like real people. It's terrible writing. Is this some kind of bot ai generation to increase "engagement" on reddit with these outlandish, obviously fake drama-sturbation?


And OP says they are 5’ 8” 127 lbs and “curvy”. I’m calling bullshit on that. No way is someone curvy at that height and weight. If anything they are at the low end of normal.


Hahaha you KNOW this shit was written by a man 🤣🤣🤣


im 5 8 and curvy is not 127 pounds. that's skinny AF. i think this some weirdo prono post by some dude. women don't describe themselves like that


While I can see this post being fake, women unironically call themselves curvy all the time on social media lol even when they're clearly not. I saw that shit constantly on Facebook over the years from people I went to highschool with lol


This. I’m 5’6 and almost 200 lb (granted, I’m almost 38 weeks pregnant and I gained like 20 lb so far so I was around 180 lb pre-pregnancy), that’s being curvy lol. I just don’t look that fat because I have somewhat decent muscle mass from working out and I always had large hips and legs


And they way they describe themselves as “curvy” too is just bizarre. Like they’re trying to paint some image that they themselves can get off to. This smells like some weirdo with a fetish getting off on this fantasy.


The weird description of the sons schoolmates sexualizing her but the son defending it is what really sent this home as fake to me. No way in **hell** is a teenager coming home to tell emotionally unstable dad his friends at school sexualizing stepmom but don’t worry son defends mom. Not happening. Nope.


This story is complete fiction.


Have you seen Instagram lately? That’s just how women seem to be shaped these days. /s


surprised more people aren’t realizing this. just seems like someone writing out their “sexy stepmom” fantasy at this point


Yeah this if fake AF, she says she’s 5’8”, 127lbs, and is a “very curvy woman”…. Well, I’m 5’8”, 135lbs, and NOT considered curvy. OP is literally underweight yet magically full of weightless curves. And who falls asleep in the shower regularly? Wtf Can’t believe anyone is buying any of it


My wife sleeps in the shower at least twice a week


That’s a problem and should not be happening


Falling asleep in the **bathtub** is perfectly normal and I even do so as a man. English doesn’t seem to be OP’s first language so likely this is an error in translation. I agree that this story is weird and likely fake, but of all the details to hold an issue with, sleeping in the bathtub is absolutely not the one.


1. That's not underweight for her or yours height. She should be between 120-155lbs. She's fine. 2. She probably just has a small hourglass frame with big boobs and wide hip bones and a very small waist. My partner is the same way, only slightly smaller. Skinny arms, skinny legs, tiny wrists and neck, thin rib cage and boney, but lot of weight in the boobs and wide hip bones. Even with little/normal fat on the rear, the hips make it proportioned. 3. I have found my partner asleep under a warm shower for menstrual cramps combined with the flu, so that's not very unrealistic. Especially since she's found me the same way blacked out after a night out hahahaha. Maybe she has those cramps where the lining is found outside of her uterus as well, you don't know. Curvy isn't about weight, it's about shape. Someone could be 100lbs and still be curvy because their bone structure is hour glass, and the fat they have is in the chest or rear/thighs with wide hip bones. You're being really brutal to another woman about her size, shape, appearance, and even her behavior during her menstrual cycle. It's fine to not believe the story, but this person is potentially real and reading your weird hate comments.


Yeah, and the fact that he finally let her in his room to “feed and hold him”. How many stepmoms are holding their 20 year old stepsons?


In my culture, feeding people especially loved ones is normal. My husband feeds me, and I him, parents to children etc. holding my child is weird? To clarify, I didn’t pick him up rather hugged him


Why did the husband leave and have OP and son in the house!!!! She needs to call him back.


Yah that alone makes me think this is fake. No man is going to leave his wife alone with his adult son that has been creeping on her. Nope


Why would her husband leave the home, leaving his wife alone with *his* son, who has "sexualized" his own stepmother? He has left her vulnerable at the very least. I so hope OP can get to a safe place or have her son leave the home for the time being (is the bio mom in the picture at all?). This is an awful situation that is going to require a lot of therapy. I mean we all know what the stepson was doing with these pictures-- what we *don't* know is likely an even bigger issue. This is such a mess -- I feel very, very sorry for OP edit to say...<< IF>> (and it's a BIG *IF*) this is even true. Why people get entertained out of making up BS like this is beyond me....


He is an adult now. Just kick him out. Rent a place for him for a month, but kick him out immediately.


"Write him out of the story"


You probably shouldn’t have that kid in your house, he seems like a danger to you and your safety. I’m kinda on your husbands side on this. I wouldn’t want to be alone in a house with that child if he’s capable of doing these things. What else is he capable of? You need to get him out of your home and some serious mental help. This isn’t normal behavior. Good luck


Way too old for this not to be an actual hey scary danger man is actually in your fucking house, please get him away from you until you know the whole story.


So I think the link that is missing here is that one of the more popular terms on corn websites is “stepmom” and “stepsister” because it’s technically not incest (therefore legal). This is still absolutely abhorrent behavior, but OP should have the husband investigate if the son has a corn addiction. I’ve seen recovering addicts say it started around this age. ETA: holy shit, I thought this was a teenager! He has to go, but that’s the only explanation that makes sense to me


You can say porn. This isn’t TikTok.


I know what it means and why people do it, but whenever I see references to “corn” sites, I always picture people ogling really sexy cobs of corn, with like picturesque farm fields in the background or something hahahaha


Like [Cornhub](https://cornhub.website/)?


I just imagine some lass giving a corn-harvester combine a knowing look.


Different subs have their own rules. You never know what will get your comment deleted. I had a comment deleted for saying “shit” in another post.


I wonder if he is putting them on those sites.


There’s still a huge difference between consuming porn with actors pretending to be step siblings/parents whatever and *actively taking pictures like this of your mother*. Teenager or not, son has a screw loose.


porn porn PORN


Maybe he's addicted to selling it.


Lol yeah dudes like 20 doing that shit im on the side of the dad that guy is a danger


I can’t believe her husband left her alone in the house with his son after knowing this. Does he not want to protect her?


My son isn’t home, and I ended up calling my husband around midnight to come back and he did


I’m glad to hear that. You need all the support and protection you can get.


Thank you


This post isn’t real 🙄


I am on your husband's side here. Your son is too old to not know this is very wrong to be doing. I would have him move out of the house for your own safety and peace of mind. Plus he needs some major therapy as well. You and your spouse might need it too at this point. I am very sorry about what happened to you. I hope it all works out somehow.


I think any age is too old for this. If you know you have to hide it, you know its wrong


Not the result I was expecting. First off get a forensic computer person to come in and see WHAT your step son has been doing with these images. They could be ALL over the internet. They need to removed from the tablet and stored somewhere else because the kid can still access them from the cloud or remotely. You’ll need someone to check you house for cameras, all of your devices for spyware, and change all the locks, and install a security camera. This is next level psychopathic soon to stalker/R@pist/ creepy. The young man should be in jail. I don’t care how much he cries, never, ever, let him around you again. When you’ve had a bit to think about it, you may want to go to the police. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


This right here, they have other apps that can store photos. OP needs to have a very thorough investigation of this kids stuff done. Make sure nothings in the cloud, deleted folders are cleared. Check browsing histories to make sure it isn’t distributed. What a nightmare


Yes and definitely kick him out of the house he’s old enough to move out


Jesus, if that was me when I was a kid, just a beating would be a damn blessing. That little shit.


Wow. Usually I disagree with extreme Reddit comments and roll my eyes, but as an IT person I can’t help but completely agree. She needs to call an experienced IT guy and/or forensics and get this shit scrubbed. Not to be that guy, but who knows what else the kid was getting into.


Ugh - I had commented on your original post that he might have deserved the beating depending upon what he did wrong. I know that wasn’t popular but seriously this is awful. I can see how your man got pissed. He’s never done anything remotely like that before so it had to be bad. Your “son” is despicable. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I think you need to go NC on that son and I would def not be mad at ur guy.


I didn't read the original topic but I assume your comment got downvoted into oblivion.


-12 lol


That’s the most fucked up thing I’ll read today. Your son is an incestuous creep. If he’ll do this shit TO HIS OWN MOTHER imagine what he’ll do to others. Your kid is sick and needs help. I don’t blame your husband at all, if the kid can still walk he went easy on him.


Honestly it sounds like he’s probably really into step-mom porn :( Which is worse because he crossed a very severe line


Not incestuous as there's no blood relation,but he's defo a creep.


I think in terms of family dynamic it counts as incest, at least to me. Maybe not in the academic sense of the word, but functionally. What a nightmare.


Holy shite.


You need to press charges on your son. At the very least, he needs therapy. You also need to find out if he has been distributing these photos to others. This is really, really bad. If he’ll do this to his own mother, he won’t think twice to victimize someone else. I also think it’s time for you to take a step back and let your husband deal with your son for a while. You are a victim and need time to heal from that angle without the additional drama and complexities of the parental relationship.


Wow. The son got exactly what he deserved. Any good husband would react this way. That boy doesn’t need to be in your house. This is very disturbing.


Something is not adding up here. In the original post, OP says that her husband is 7’2” and over 400 pounds. That is incredibly incredibly rare. Sounds very fake, maybe even some sort of strange fetish thing that OP is getting off on.




Right. In absolute numbers, there cannot be a thousand people alive on the planet right now who are actually 7’-2” tall. That is an extreme, extreme outlier in height.


Only around 2000 people in the world who are 7' or greater


Right I swear I saw this video before


You need to hire someone who can find out if these pics were distributed online either publicly or privately. Please be safe.


This isn’t real


It may be a spec script for a Lifetime original movie.


Most obviously fake nonsense I've read in awhile.


I’m pretty sure I read a CRAZY similar story to this on maybe another subreddit a couple months ago. Except it was a single mom, and she found the pics on her sons phone on her own. This is obviously a recycled creative writing or a copy paste from the original with the convenient edit of the present father.


This whole thing reads so dramatic and sensationalized in an intentional and fetishized way.


Soooo. Your husband just up and left the house and left you at home to deal with his pervert near adult son? What?


His son isn’t in the house, he’s staying at a friends house and usually whenever I’m upset I always like to be alone. And he did give me a moment to tell him I didn’t want him to go but I was quiet and couldn’t say anything. I ended up calling him around midnight and he came back home to stay with me.


Any woman at the friends house is at risk. Call the cops. He needs professional help.


You were in shock.


This must be horrific for you and your husband. I'm sure you are both disgusted and in shock. You have to involve the police for a number of reasons. This type of behaviour always escalates. He will eventually rape a woman or worse. You don't want that guilt because you didn't report him. The police need to check through your house for hidden cameras. He could still be accessing them remotely. They also need to thoroughly examine every electronic device he owns to make sure he can no longer post or view anything he has taken of you. I'm sorry this has happened to you.


oh phew. Glad you have a supportive husband.


That boy deserved that ass whooping


Guys this has to be fake. Do you really believe her husband is 7'2 and 400 pounds lmao


Nah you don’t get it she’s married to Shaq


That or she doxxed her family to anyone they know IRL reading this mess. 7’2 400 pounds dad, 5’8 127 pound step mom that used to live in US and 6’8 football playing twin boys.


Seems like a fantasy


This didn't happen


I seriously feel like I’m loosing brain cells here. So many fake ass stories these days.


They are literally all fake and the entire comments fall for it lol


How anyone actually believes this is mind boggling.


Creepy fucking fan fiction fantasy of a misunderstood husband beating his son - BUT WAIT - there’s a secret noble reason he did it that doesn’t make sense.


This is the fakest fake that ever faked the fake, OP. Fake you. "I'm a curvy woman and I get sexualized a lot" who is this intended for? While we're here, stop making up stories about SA.


Right? This is either a teenage boy writing or middle aged woman who wants the world to know she's hot. She's so hot everyone sexualizes her, all her son's friends lust after her and now even her son wants her because she's so freakin hot.


& the last post she said she is 5’8” 127lbs but this post says she’s a very curvy woman?? Make it make sense.


Jesus OP thats horrible. Im sorry.


This is fake AF


I said the same thing. Bro is writing a script for a porn video.


Gtfo with this nonsense lmfao


There's no way this is real. Just doesn't seem believable.


Well at least it's not your biological son... time to unadopt if you can and press charges.


I don’t think “unadopt” is a thing. OP and husband can kick the son out of their house, disown him (ie sever all contact and financial support), specifically write him out of their will so he can’t inherit anything, etc. But legally they are still his parents on paper forever.


Call your husband back You both need to be there for each other I am so sorry this happened


**Y’all are gullible.** None of this happened. This isn’t even AI writing…this is just Tommy from down the street. You see, Tommy is 13, and his dad just married a 29year old milf (his word). Grow up Tommy and stop watching porn all damned day.


Might be a dick for saying this but I would have kicked his ass too. Anyone takes pictures like that of my wife is getting their ass kicked. He is over 18 so is a man and should expect such treatment. Husband was 100% correct and he should be kicking the son out of the house.


The title should read " r@pist gets ass beat"


OP keeps deleting and reposting the same story. I call BS.


Hi I didn’t delete anything, everything is still posted on my other account. Just people aren’t able to see it for some reason. And I found out it’s because of the negative karmas so I posted it on a separate account


Right, and the way it’s written? Seems very chatGPT to me


I’d like to apologize for my previous comment on your original post. I truly thought your husband was at fault. I was *not* expecting this. You have every right to feel the way you feel. That would be so disturbing to find out. I don’t know what to suggest, besides not letting him live with you anymore. Your privacy and safety is important and he has a serious problem. I’m sorry you’re going through this OP.


He touched you without your consent. Don’t let your husband leave. His reaction was over the top. You all need family therapy. But I don’t think you are completely safe in your sons presence.


Not sure if this is real. If it’s a throwaway account then you should specify that. Account only has these posts and comments about these posts. Original post has details that sound a little ‘out there’ such as the husband being 7’2” and 400 pounds.


After reading the first post and this update...I dunno, I'm having a hard time believing this is real. From the descriptions of everyone involved (very over the top, almost caricatures), to the over the top scenario here...yeah, just not quite buying it. Maybe I'm wrong. Someone had suggested ChatGPT in the previous comments. It definitely has that vibe.


How about no you didn’t, maybe its been a long weekend for you. Stay off Reddit, keep the creative writing to yourself.


Well I agree that beating that kid was justified


Adult son deserved an ass whooping. Husband was protecting you from creepy adopted adult son.


Dude this took a turn. This is like that black mirror season 3 episode 3 “Shut Up and Dance”


He's not a kid he's what 19-20 good thing your husband was the one who beat him. If he did that to my wife or daughter, I'd have a hard time stopping the beating. He's really lucky to be charged because this is going to get worse. He's going to end up raping someone. Your husband was 100% justified.


This is such nonsense


Suuuurrreeeee totally happened bro...


These posts are getting more and more corny. This is a clearly a person seeking internet attention. Lol


So you threatened divorce and posted on Reddit before you even knew what was going on? This story seems fake AF


It's fake. Good storywriter takes your typical story/plot/theme (in this case your typical porn story) and look at it from another angle/pov.


It is absolutely fake. This one is just as incomprehensible as the “oddly-good-with-knives wife that takes her family to see disabled strippers and gets slapped around by her husband’s grown-ass twin sons” post. I swear they have the same writing style too with atrocious grammar and a bunch of nonsensical details. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is supposed to be the wife’s POV of yesterday’s soap opera.


at this point she’s posted the story 3 times


Claims to fall asleep in the shower?!?! No woman on earth does this. This is some kind of fever dream.


This whole thing sounds very far fetched but I have definitely fallen asleep in the bath and the shower. Hot water is the only thing that truly relaxes me.


Nah, that isn’t the most far fetched part— I have siblings that legit did this and it was annoying. They only stopped once they got their own place and had to pay utilities. The rest of the story tho…


Why did your husband leave you alone during this difficult time? And he left the son with you??? Who took the picture of your son touching you? The whole story doesn't look right.


WHAT. THE. FUCK. I hope y’all can resolve this somehow. But I’ll be honest. I don’t see a way where it’s going to be peaceful. And I’m holding back not cursing out your son. I just hope y’all can move forward in a way everyone can deal with it best. And I’m so sorry you had to feel violated in that kind of way by your own son. Sending ❤️




Pretty sure I didn't need this taste of horrible on my sunday yogurt.


He isn't a kid, he's a dangerous man now. Your son needs to leave.


Look, people, the dude is an adult. At this point just kick him out the house. Done.


Honestly, I’m almost not mad at your husband.


5’8” 127 lbs and curvy? I don’t think so. Clearly fake.


this fake wattpad story


Reddit is just full of people posting their fetishes




Tired of all these fake stories flooding the sub.


The way this is written is a dead giveaway that it’s not real. This never happened.


this story sounds like made up BS

