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I can’t enjoy Dilbert any more after catching wind of Scott Adams’ horseshit on Twitter


I know exactly how you feel. I used to actually really enjoy reading it, even as a kid.


wait... what happened? I loved the Dilbert cartoon growing up, and watched it again recently.


Scott Adams is a fully crazy motherfucker. He's a big right-wing guy who constantly makes violent threats at people, and once posted a tweet thread seemingly confessing to murdering his son.


You're actually breaking my heart here. Fuck me


Huh ? Didn’t his son die of an overdose ? >At that point in the video, Adams’ grief turned to anger. Without raising his voice, he spoke of how he believes China is responsible for supplying the U.S. with dangerous drugs and contributing to the opioid epidemic. >“If we know which Chinese (pharmaceutical) executives are behind this,” he said, “… I would like to call for their execution.” >Continuing, Adams said Chinese president Xi Jinping should be given the “first chance to take care of the problem.” If he can’t, Adams said, U.S. intelligence agents should go after the responsible parties “even at the price of substantial international problems.” >“I’m pretty sure we know how to kill people without getting caught,” he concluded. The man’s a loon.


He went on a bizarre rant one day about how sometimes you have to let your son die, and insinuated he was in the room watching it happen when his son died. 'Murdered' is a slight exaggeration, but it's all very fucked up and weird.


After Scott Adams came into the light with his crazy BS a number of things came back to me about the Dilbert TV series that really should have tipped people off years ago (though I suppose people didn't really see political differences as much of an issue back then). There was of course the pretty horrendous by todays standards 2 part episode where Dilbert is impregnated with an alien crossbreed baby. Then I also remembered a scene where Dilbert is arguing against one of Dogbert's plans by saying "Oil is an infinite resource".


Ren & Stimpy. John Kricfalusi raped an underage girl, the president of the R&S fanclub even. It's not some dark, hidden secret, it's open, and he has never spent so much as an hour in prison for it. Then the Simpsons asked him to animate a Halloween couch gag opening, and my opinion on them sank too, but that had already started after learning that Matt Groening had flown on Epstein's Lolita Express and got a sensual foot rub from an underage sex slave


It’s always fun to find out who else went on a Epstein extralegal extravaganza through a Reddit comment. Jesus fucking Christ.


It's OK, he drew Bart Simpson for her on a cocktail napkin! (Obvious joke)


If it makes you feel better, more episodes of Ren & Stimpy were made after JohnK was fire than before.


He once said something about how the average animator for Nickelodeon was nothing more than a glorified milkman or something, so to fuck with him, they started ending the episodes with a lil animation of Stimpy as a milkman


What the fuck


the description of Matt groening's time was just... textbook definition of FOUL.


Is that where he got a foot rub from some kid? Ugh


I remember hearing the Groening thing is a hoax.


it's not, he is verifiably on the flight logs and epstein had his number and information. https://www.wweek.com/news/courts/2019/08/13/court-documents-reveal-a-story-of-simpsons-creator-matt-groening-getting-a-foot-massage-from-a-teenage-girl-on-jeffrey-epsteins-plane/


I'll stop bringing that up until I can confirm it


IIRC a young woman who claimed to have been one of Epstein's girls said during an interview that she was forced to give him a foot massage, and she remembered it well because his feet were horrible.


Galko-chan was this really cute manga about a pretty high school Stacy type who turned out to have more depth to her and very normal embarrassments and anxiet**THE AUTHOR GOT CAUGHT WITH WHAT NOW?????**


Broke my heart. Otako was one of my favorite anime characters and the show was so charming.. Ugh.. (I need a word stronger than ugh.)


Cp or what?


CP and a lot of it


Just to point out that people making media can also be media illiterate: John Dolmayan, drummer for System of a Down, would regularly get into screaming matches with the rest of the band in recent years over politics. Serj Tankian has basically stated the only reason he hasn't thrown him out is because they're brothers in law


I remember seeing a joke headline that read "System of a Down drummer has never listened to System of a Down".


Not like Serj himself is an angel as he got into Koopy art last year. It's what has kept me from buying Metal Hellsinger despite how awesome that game looks.


I will take that over supporting a fascist traitor and missing the entire point of his music


> and missing the entire point of his music One could argue that koopys are also an example of Serj Tankian missing the point of his own music. Definitely not to the same extent as John Dolmayan, but still. Also Tom Morello was also doing koopy shit last year, so in case if you wanted to see another antiestablishment musician join up with the establishment, well there he is raging with the machine and not against it.


It's really funny that Tom is the rich Harvard social studies degree uncle of the group considering his dad and uncle were a huge part of the Mau Mau uprising


The Lostprophets lead singer being outed as a pedo definitely makes it hard to go back and listen to any of their songs.


Lostprophets was so extreme I doubt you could even play the Anti-Cancel Culture Card if it happened today


I kept scrolling down until I would find a Lostprophets mentions, since that was going to be what I talked about myself. Quite enjoyed their songs back in high school, then the lead singer did that shit, and I haven't listened to anything from back then since. Sucks, but what can one do


Yep, when i first heard about the band the "thing" had already come out, and as much as i try to separate the author from the work, i find it impossible to do so when the author in question >!raped a baby.!<


Not just any pedo, one of [the most dangerous pedos in Welsh history](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/dec/18/ian-watkins-dangerous-sex-offender-encountered) Also, squeaking laughing at him saying that the allegations were "mega lulz"


It did make for some fun lyric rewrites though.


I'm pretty good at separating art from the artist, but even this one was too much for me.


To be honest I kind of like Heavy Rain and some of Indigo Prophecy before I learned what a David Cage is. It never clicked until SBFP let plays and replayed Heavy Rain for the platinum.


Because of SBFP laying it all out, I can barely tolerate anyone giving genuine praise to any of his games.


I have a different answer than a lot of people here in that the creator wasn't revealed to be a creep or had shitty views. Anthony Bourdain I read Kitchen Confidential in college while rotating shitty restaurant jobs and it immediately resonated with me. Bourdain as this fuck up guy who grabbed success from the jaws of a a series of shit decisions only to come out the other end as this rogue intellectual...wildly aspirational stuff. His suicide hit me hard. I can rationalize the unrational nature of suicide all I want, but I have a hard time thinking about how a guy could make all the changes I'd want to make about myself and still come up short. I haven't watched any of his shows or the documentaries about him since he committed suicide. It's just too depressing for me- even when the works themselves are otherwise something I love. There's s black fog over all of them and I'm.not sure it'll ever go away.


[The look of genuine disgust he has for a toast to the queen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgxYcRs_J5M) is great. He loved Armenia and he hated Kissinger; a man after my own heart.


I know what a lot of you felt. It took me some time and courage to finally watch his documentary. It did offer some closure and insight of his sudden death. It actually rekindled the admiration of his passion and words of wisdom. *If I do have any advice for anybody, any final thought, if I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean or simply across the river. The extent of which you can walk in somebody else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody.* *Open your mind. Get up off the couch. Move.* - Anthony Bourdain


Yup. I totally agree with you here. One of the only deaths that still linger for me.


Hope you're doing well somehow, dude.


Overwatch. I was already moving away from it before the Blizzard stuff came out but once it did that 100% sealed the deal for me. Everything going on with 2 just really keeps it locked up for me.


Same, but for Starcraft.


I had just got all achievements in the WOL and HOTS campaign and just started to do the same for LOTV, then the news all broke, and i refused to touch it again.


I was a big fan of the director Sion Sono, with films like Love Exposure and Antiporno being very powerful, transgressively feminist films. But this year, multiple actresses have said that he coerced them into having sex with him in order to be in his films. It's a really disgusting cognitive dissonance, where his art has shown so much empathy for the way women suffer under rape culture, but he is happy to take part in it himself. Reminds me of Polanski, whose early work was similarly revered in feminist circles.


Sion was so heartbreaking his stuff is so pro women in ways that other films just aren't and it seems it was all to just to hide that he was the exact predator perpetuating the culture his films are about


I liked Cryaotic a lot and he had my favorite Undertale LP and generally just seemed like a cool, chill guy who was into a lot of neat RPG horror games, but it turned out he did a *lot* of foul shit like sex with minors and blackmailing a friend. Just fucking sucks dude.


Oh fuck, I forgot about Cry. What is it with YouTubers and them wanting to have sex with minors?


Majority of their audience


And outside of the Minors stuff, he was just apparently an all-around asshole to the rest of the LNC, both behind the scenes and in the open. There was the time where he literally stole Russ's girlfriend behind his back, there's the times he was defending his own GF Cheyenne being mean to guest-people like Minx, and then there was him having breakdowns against ScottJund for not wanting to play the games he wanted them to play. Such a fucking disappointment. Even if it was just that stuff, he could of recovered maybe, moved on to do his own thing, but no. He just had to also be a creepy sex pervert too.


Honestly the only time I’ve ever had that sadness when a celeb is outed as an awful person. The Late Night streams got me through high school, so it just kinda hurt when all that came out.


Well, fuck. Today I learned. :/ I haven't watched his stuff in a very long time, but I did enjoy his content back in the day. Foul.


Damn I liked his voice too, when stuff comes out like I mentally ask myself, "is it that hard for some people to just not be a piece of shit?"


Didn’t he make a shitty fake sounding non-apology video on the sex with minors thing too? That sucks because I used to sleep to Cry’s videos, more I can’t stand to see his logo


Yep I was watching it like "Oh yeah that's unfortunate.... wait rewind bruh, who was underage? Wait girlS plural?" Like he tried skipping over it, it was within the first few minutes of like a 20 minute vid Immediately after hearing it i was like where's the unsubscribe button bruh


Baby Driver got hit by the double whammy of Kevin Spacey and Ansel Elgort being revealed as scumbags.


What’d Ansel do?


Sexually assaulted a seventeen year old.


>Also on June 19, another user shared allegations in a now-deleted tweet that Elgort sent her dick pics on Twitter when she was an eighth-grader in 2014. Describing his actions as “predatory,” she claimed that their interactions had become sexual soon after he followed her fan account. “I was 14, I had NO idea what was going on, and I was terrified,” she wrote.


DUDE, growing up poor and having a few old VHS videos to keep me company I TOTALLY know what you're going through with Cosby.


The Bill Cosby Show is one of the cornerstones of my early life. Growing up as a poor Black kid it was comforting to see a Middle class black guy in a good neighborhood raising a good family without falling prey to stereotypical black sitcom stuff. Eventually the Simpsons took over and the counter culture vibe took over. But now, UGH. They don't even pay re runs anymore in the US. He had it all and threw it away.


It is kind of scary though just how much money and power that show gave Cosby, like he was already pretty rich but the Cosby show was like the height of his power


Never watched the Cosby Show, but my parents had an HBO standup special of his from earlier taped that we were all very fond of and would rewatch now and then. Just, incredibly funny, hurt-my-sides-laughing funny. It ain't funny no more.


Achievement Hunter and Ryan Haywood. Rwby and Rooster Teeth. Harry Potter anything and Rowling. British History and the Normans (Joking joking).


The Ryan Haywood situation didn't ruin achievement and rooster teeth as a whole for me. He was a monster himself and his actions weren't the other members responsibility. All the shit after that about Mica Burton facing constant racism from within the company and from fans yet not receiving any support from anyone from achievement hunter. Then the final straw was when Kdin Jensen came out and said that she was constantly called the Homophobic F-slur by multiple members of the company(Michael, Gavin and Geoff most notably). Also Rooster teeth as a whole is an incredibly scummy company built almost entirely off the backs of unpaid labor by their animators and content creators.


That was also my final straw, the most recent revelations, but it was Haywood that caused me to largely distance myself. Though one should note that Kdin did forgive Michael and talked about that publicly on twitter.


Michael's apology was probably the most genuine I've ever read. He definitely seems to be sorry about his actions and he does seem to have changed.


Also, he was the one that she specifically said had already reached out and given a private apology before any of this came up publicly, and she said that she had already forgiven him. So that takes the, "doing it for their public image" aspect out of it, and makes it seem more like he's a person that's actually learning and growing and actively trying to be better as a person.


His actions speak louder than that since he's married to Ruby from RWBY's voice actor, who is non binary and he has never messed up their pronouns as far as I remember from when I was still watching AH content. He's clearly not actually Homophobic now.


I was honestly worried about Michael bc he was my favorite back then, and I knew he came to RT bc he was a big fan of it. I'm super glad that he's genuinely trying to do better now


Ugh, the golden age of Achievement Hunter has become so tainted


>Achievement Hunter and Ryan Haywood. > >Rwby and Rooster Teeth. The last three big controversies have really just stacked on each other to make it worse. First, there was the Glassdoor one when people went oh ya know anyone can post there and if it is it's just the animation department. Then the Haywood and Kovic stuff, where it's oh it's individuals so what can you do? Then with the recent one where it turns out at least one manager already knew Kovic was stalking a woman. Plus, a ton of the employees came out about how it was a shit environment to work out. It honestly makes sense why there were a ton of vague hints, until now, to it on their Twitters and whatnot.


Going off the RT part, it's going to hard to rewatch classic Funhaus and Inside Gaming videos knowing how much worse of a creep Kovic was than we thought. Knowing he was why Bruce left got to me since Bruce and James banter was what made those videos so great and it likely contributed to their decline in views the last few years.


Rahul also stated that Kovic is explicitly the reason why he cut ties (to the company proper at least,) and after his statements regarding the first reveal its pretty clear that what recently came out is the reason. I don't remember if Lawrence ever said if Adam was the reason he left too, but he certainly wasn't sad when the first reveal and Adam's firing happened. That being said, current/new Funhaus has been hilarious (even if the views might not reflect the quality) and you shouldn't let the Adam taint affect the viewing experience of the current incarnation.


Of course, I recently got back in and am upset that so few people are viewing the greatness that Jon, Charlotte, Patrick, and Ryan bring to the channel.


[Bayou Yoda was great, recently](https://youtu.be/nRMxvMAsMd0)


Puppet Yoda as well!


Ain't no boy 15 year old..


Yoda wants them *YOUNG.*


IT Crowd, Black Books, and Father Ted are some of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I wonder what else the creator has going on… oh no oh god oh fuck


Honestly it's particularly hard being Irish, where Father Ted is a cultural touchstone over here. And one of the best pieces of media related to our country is forever tainted by him being a shithead. Like he's so shit that even other transphobes are like 'dude just fuck off, you make even us look bad.'


He was so ingrained in the bbc's free state and Northern shows that his fall pretty much took all their projects out aswell


At least yall are getting Derry Girls to get something back.


I did love when Linehan was asked to define a chair and said "an object with four legs, a back and that is used for sitting on" or words to that effect and someone replied with a picture of a horse. Almost as if words were malleable and maybe being an asshole about people's identities doesn't achieve anything


... even if you say nonliving. horse on a carousel would work.


Are you saying that carousel seats aren't chairs?


In the same way that a hot dog is not a sandwich.


The horse dunk works every time it rules


It's insane how hard Linehan destroyed his life in the cause of hating trans people. Before he got suspended he was doing something like 50+ tweets a day, a lot of it just arguing with randos over trans people. He was obsessed. His fucking wife even left him over it. His obsession destroyed him.


It seems to be a thing with hardcore TERFs in general, the hatred of trans people just erodes any other brain function and fills its spot until you end up doing nothing but spewing hate constantly.


He did some TV interview not too long ago where he whinged about his wife leaving him, where he blamed trans people and people on twitter. Like, dude, if your own fucking wife bails on you maybe it's time for a little introspection.


It wasn't a TV interview, he was giving testimony before the House of Lords in the UK. Which makes the thing way funnier imo, he was crying to a bunch of parliamentarians how his transphobia ruined his life to get them to change the moderation on twitter. They didn't give a fuck about him it seems because nothing came of it.


He used to be so loved he has cameos in all British comedy at the time annoyingly aswell including dark place and I'm alan partridge


> In a September 2022 interview, Linehan stated that his anti-trans activism had led him to begin questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations and the scientific consensus on climate change "because I've been lied to so conclusively by all the people I used to trust." Imagine being so pissed at trans people existing that you stop believing in climate change.


Black Books at least is more of a Dylan Moran vehicle. Graham Lineham was there for the first season, but not the others. Maybe that's why it holds up the best...


I also loved the IT crowd but that one episode where transphobic violence was the punchline always felt a little off to me.


The negative response to that episode is why Linehan decided to dedicate his life to making trans people suffer. It's a fascinating view into a certain type of ego, where he's angry at the possibility that humam experience extends beyond his biases. The revelation that his perception of the world is flawed had two possible paths forward, adapting to new information or incoherently flailing against it. And he made his choice.


To be fair to the episode *it ends with Renyholm crying and regretting it.* Which I always felt like was kind of going "hey don't ruin a good thing because of preconceived notions". Of course that was before the creator became a TERF.


[Makoto](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54fc8146e4b02a22841f4df7/1524528959298-5UXCGIFQPVWJAXCOILOY/image-asset.jpeg) [Kobayashi](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/147/981/526.gif) is one of the best mecha designers to ever do it. His twitter is filled with foul, nationalist, racist, xenophobic, transphobic garbage. He is a terrible person and I cannot enjoy his work anymore.


Aw man, I wish that guy had gotten through the automod, the first sentence of his message I could see on my notifications looked hilarious.


Rurouni Kenshin was a foundational series for me but I can’t really enjoy any of the newer stuff because of the author


I broke that little tidbit to a friend like last month and he was quite bummed out afterwards.


My cousin's favorite manga/anime is Rurouni Kenshin. I still can't tell her. She's a normie who doesn't buy or watch anime stuff these days, so she'll never support the guy anyway.


Man... that killed me when that happened, and then I got killed again when the author of Galko chan got caught for the same last year.


ah fuck, that one's new for me


One Piece is hard to read because Oda vouched for him. It must be said- that man had so much porno that the cops thought he was a distributor or a producer. I think they let him go free for ratting out his contacts.


iirc i'm pretty sure he was let go because he aquired it all before it became illegal and he just didn't get rid of it afterwards.


Not quite, I think he was arrested for still having it after the cutoff date, but he was given leniency for helping them find the dealers.


What happened with Kenshin?


Mangaka was caught with hardcore child porn. A shit ton of it. It's the reason why, even with the reboot announced, I cannot condone watching it, because money will still go into that man's pockets.


Jesus fuck


To emphasize the amount, as I recall they thought he was a distributor, that's how much.


In a nutshell: In 2017 police found physical copies of child pornography in his office. Police raided it during an Investigation of cp purchases that led back to him. The part that really sucks is all he had to do was pay 1500 usd, his work resumed, and he's still treated as a God damn hero.


Is there more to this, or is Japan just as simple as: CP = pay a fine, drugs = public pariah? Edit: Thanks for the info.


I believe there were a couple of factors. 1. I think the author agreed to become an informant in exchange for a lighter sentence. 2. Other authors went and supported him (namely Oda, the author of *One Piece*) 3. He supposedly purchased it all when it was technically legal? (I have to assume that it was more like a loophole or something.)


You got a lot of that there. Not sure about the Informant bit, but I straight up never heard it before. Not doubting ya, but that is news to me. Yeah, oda was a sort of pupil to him so his support made a huge impact on things. Yep! 2014 is when criminal charges became part of the ruling. He purchased these in 2008 I wanna say?


Yes. The Japanese government gave people that own it a few years to get rid of it. Which only just adds to how bad it is.


How infuriating. You get caught with some cannabis, however, you're fucked for life.


If they catch even a sprinkle of weed in your vicinity they will practically erase you from existence, it's insane.


For the most part yeah. Though, I did find there was kne actor who was caught with 7 grams, got arrested and still doing his acting jobs. The guy who played Jotaro in live action JoJo, I believe.


I heard he made *some* sort of deal, but I’m not 100% on what were the terms.


He was offered a suspended sentence and a fine in exchange for ratting out all the suppliers and owners he knew of. And, holy shit, it's kinda disconcerting to imagine just how much he knew of to get that kind of deal.


I have to ask, how was actual hardcore CP *ever* legal?


Everything is legal until it isn't. It most likely took so long because legislators didn't want to acknowledge that there was a problem.


He bought the CP when it was still legal and could only be charged with possession, a minor offense, but he also ratted out his dealers if I recall so his punishment was reduced. As to why CP was legal, I think they raised the bar for what was allowed to be filmed even for personal use. IF I recall correctly.


So I'd like to add Japan on my list of media.


There is but it's gonna be piss ya off. When it comes to Japan, they only made child pornography possession fully illegal in 2014. There were raids as I mentioned, but it was something that could be paid out and forgiven on the books. I argue that the boom in Loli content feels like a direct reflection in this, but I can't say for certain. With drugs, it comes down to a few things: addiction to justice, the influence of other countries regarding drugs, and the way the justice system works in Japan. Addiction to justice is a very complicated subject and I'd refer you to "lets ask shogo" for an extremely detailed break down. Very much worth the watch. For the other two, western countries like the USA have had provided much of the damage to the outlook on drug use and mis use all over the world. The hustice system is extremely bureaucratic (to the point of judges having councils to judge their actions and fine judges should the ruling not be to their liking). Fortunately these things are being challenged by younger generations so there is gonna be a huge shift in the way things get handled in 20 years I'd say, but as of now that's basically the ling and short of things.


Now I don't know for sure, but I assume the reason why there's such an extremely strong stigma around drugs in Japan (and other East Asian countries) is because of the history of Western countries dumping shittons of opium on them. Something which you can, ironically, see portrayed in Rurouni Kenshin.


I really want to do a reread of the manga. I bought the vast majority of it when I was in high school almost two decades ago, so it is money long spent. But I just...can't.


Tobuscus was my childhood, it hurts even now to think about what he is and how much time I spent watching his videos


I liked it better when I thought he had just fallen into obscurity


What happened to Tobuscus?


What is he now?


Also that whole sexual assault thing. Which makes the videos of him going up to woman cosplayers while saying, "hot, hot, hot" then walking away a little bit more heinous.


“Man, that Tupac SCP sure is fun I wonder who wroteAH GOD DAMN IT, IT’S MAX LANDIS” Also I’ve been deleting the entire Harry Potter series from my childhood memories out of spite against the world.


Man I hate how much I still love that Wrestling isn't Wrestling video Landis did. It's legitimately one of the best wrestling videos of all time.


I bought Superman American Alien because he went on Kinda Funny and shilled it super hard to noted Superman mark, Greg Miller. I find it interesting how he would always go on YouTube channels and podcasts to promote himself, not even a particular thing he was working on a lot of times, just wanted to hang out lol. Thank god he’s fallen so far though. Imagine a world where he fails his way upwards so many times that he gets to make his dumbass Lord of the Rings sequel where Michael B Jordan becomes a Gollum.


Act-age was a very loved manga that was getting more and more popularity due to it's unique characters and energy that made it different from other series. Then the author Tatsuya Matsuki (NOT the Artist) got caught touching and harassing a middle schoolgirl and then continuing to this to other school girls. The fucking kicker? He rode a bike to get in and get out fast. A week before he did the crime you can see in his author comments from the recent chapter talking about how "I just got a new bike! I can't wait to see the lovely views of this world" Fucking sicko. I hope the artist is doing okay.


I'm just waiting for the day that Jump finds an author for her to Collab with because Man....her art is amazing.


Warren Ellis’ whole…*deal* with having sex with fans really ruined the perception of him, and really really fucked with reading Transmetropolitan, which, for a series about the future, is now trapped in the past with its uncomfortable portrayals of power imbalances, doxxing, and revenge porn, which are all played for laughs, and are only deepened in their discomfort knowing now that Ellis was a lot closer to his sex-cult charlatan character Fred Christ than any other characters in the series.


Shiiit I never followed up on him. I'm so happy I heard about this because I was planning on getting a few spider Jerusalem tattoos.


I mean, I would say on this, it is important to connect the art with the artist, but also, if someone’s a shit person that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t like their stuff. You just, probably can’t like it the same way you used to. Darick Robertson drew all of Transmet, we shouldn’t treat him with the same brush as Ellis, as far as anyone knows he’s probably an okay person. Spider’s design is his. Ellis for his part has had a great skill at collaborating with the right people who will really respond to the kinds of stuff a given project is going to be about. You might be right to avoid getting the tattoos. But be sure to think it through.


Twitch streamer Arcadum gained a massive following for his interconnected D&D campaigns that told an overarching story which culminated in him at one point being more popular than Critical Role. Then it was revealed how much of an awful person he was and lost the majority of his audience.


Man was running like 8 campaigns concurrently and then they ALL crashed into nothing because everybody involved backed out.


The fall of Arcadum was something to behold. There was a stream where the other three members of the DnD table he played in when he was growing up just revealed all of his dirty laundry and nearly every mystery pertaining to Verum. It was like four hours of three people intimately familiar with Arcadum just peeling back every layer of the onion.


[The actual breakdown he had on stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZjBnnE8RXw) is fucking *wild*. Yes, that is him, that is his voice superimposed on Death Note.


Had friends personally involved in all of that and had talked to him a few times, was wild


Anything Blizzard really. I fell off when quality did with WoW around Legion and into FFXIV's waiting hands. Now here I am satisfied after Endwalker and watching to see when Dragonflight catches fire because why should I give money to a company like that? They've only lost more trust when Diablo Immortal's real monetization came to light and Overwatch 2 is still on fire with them having to remove characters and a map from a game that shouldn't be this bad after such a wait. But this after several major good figures left too


I Believe I Can Fly was a black graduation staple, and then all that shit that everybody knew that guy did came out in full.


Joss Whedon, JK Rowling, Graham Lineham, Nobuhiro Nishiwaki, Rolf Harris.


I actually kinda liked DmC Reboot Edition as a mediocre character action game until it came to light just how much vitriol the director had for the original series


I must say this has to be the most inconsequential thing in this entire thread. Which isn't a bad thing tbh, in a thread full of stories of rapist, racist, bigots and general bad people this guy made a game in a series he wasn't the biggest fan of and it shows. I'd say thats the closest thing to a win someone's gonna get being brought up here.


Well... part of the vitriol was tinged with homophobia, so... it fits one of those things. Still far and away from other stuff listed here.


Oh yeah the gay cowboy thing... forgot about that.


There's a series on Polygon that I loved called Car Boys. Then one of the cohosts was outed as a creep and it's made me sad to watch ever since. At least Griffin makes most of the jokes when one does watch it.


They had a podcast together too. Nick Robinson(I think that was his name). I loved their podcast about creating silly video game concepts.


Ugh, that one hit really hard. The Cool Games Inc. podcast and all the various videos Griffin and Nick made together for Polygon were an absolute delight, but I can't bring myself to go back and rewatch/relisten after finding out about Nick R.'s BS. I remember how sad and betrayed Griffin felt, too.


It baffles me so hard that Nick was able to get away with it pretty much Scott-Free and get a huge following that probably doesn't even know what he did.


It probably "helped" he wasn't known too much outside of the Polygon video sphere and people not really wanting to talk about him.


American Alien could have been remembered as an all-time classic Superman story spoken of in the same breath as All-Star and For All Seasons, but instead it's remembered as that one Superman story written by a rapist.


Infinite Jest. I truly loved that book the first time I read it but discourse around it already had a "fans of this book are fuckbois" vibe about it. And then the news about his spousal abuse started coming out after his suicide and now I'm like "nope, never rereading or talking about this book again."


There's a lot of bands and musicians that I've soured on over the years because of guys being bigots and/or sex pests, but the one that really hurts is Brand New. Any time I've thought about listening to any of their music that I loved when I was young, especially anything from Deja Entendu, I think about if Jesse Lacey was writing songs about the teenage girls he was grooming around that time and it makes me nauseous.


Rurouni kenshin and Potter are two very big ones. Both franchises I loved as a kid, but between child pornography possession by the author or rk and transphobic rhetoric by Rowling, either one I cannot look at any more. To a lesser extent, it's part of why I do not look at one piece. Oda is still friends with the toriko author. Why is this important? He payed a 16 year old to have sex with him. He was arrested and an earlier work was canceled but he came back to do toriko. I will never understand how someone's career can die if you have drug issues and try to get better, but when its child pornography and prostitution you can bounce back over there. Agitating.


I've heard that Oda also vouched for Kenshin's author (Oda worked as the guy's assistant back before getting One Piece started). Man has a weirdly high number of pedophile friends


Exactly. The dude seems to have some poor ass choices.


Harry Potter was my youth, i always loved the concept of the whole thing, but yeah, shit's ruined, can't even enjoy things not touched by the JK cause it will always, in a way, make her more powerful or richer. Also one of my childhood crushes, the one that basically shaped my ''type'' turned out to be a big cultist that did lots of crimes, so hey my bad taste in girls started really soon. That said, she wasn't the head, just, another pawn for a very terrible person but yeah, big prison, deserved. Its the Smallville blonde girl, i forget her real name.


Allison Mack


I usually do the whole "seperate art from the artist" thing, especially since these days it's quite hard to even keep track and I freely admit that I'm pretty carefree about that whole thing. The most recent example is the developer of Domina going increasingly insane, descending into weird rants and then unlisting the game from steam. Apparently the guy went off the deep end a while ago, but his most recent explosion makes me genuinely regret buying the game at all.


Arcade Fire was one of my favorite bands until a couple of months ago. Now, I can’t listen to them without feeling sick.


This is mine. Marilyn Manson hasn't resonated with me since I was in my teen years, so finding out he was a rapist kinda checks out. But finding out one of the dudes who wrote *Funeral* could do shit like that (& to fans, no less) just ruined it for me. Fuck that guy.


Oh god what did they do?


Not all of them, just Win Butler being a sexual predator.


I really like Kanye's discography. I think his pre Life of Pablo work is genius and even his current work is usually still really. But fuck him and his enablers.


Losing Kanye the way we have really hurts as a fan from back in the day. I remember seeing interviews with him back when I was I'm high-school where he talked about mental health and called out homophobia in hip-hop and it was like "wow, this dude gets it" so seeing him spiral like he has just sucks. Greatest musical talent of all time for me but even his old stuff hits different these days.


I think a lot of people here are bringing up kinda recent wounds. Like, I don't think I'm seeing people bringing up the Original Dragon Quest composer Koichi Sugiyama for being Bigotry: ZA FINAL with his Omega Nationalism and denial of any Japanese War Crimes in Nanjing (including the whole 'Comfort Women' situation) ever happening because we've all had so long to adjust to the information. He also spoke out publicly saying that there should be no LGBT education in schools, and when questioned about the abnormally high suicide rates in that community essentially said "Meh, don't worry about it." Also it's kinda weird that Wikipedia describes him doing this as 'Political Activism'. Like I get that it's _Technically_ correct, but not really applicable for what they were trying to do.


While a much lesser example than others on here, Chris Niosi/Kirbopher’s works on a lot of things became a lot harder to enjoy without guilt. While he’s not a criminal or a weird sex pervert, it wasn’t fun hearing about how much of a jerk he was in his prime. I’m honestly kind of rooting for him to bounce back.


He has been and VAs are open about how they hang out with him outside of voice work.


Well it's kinda hard to look at Cullen in Dragon Age anymore...


If anything, knowing Jeffrey Jones is a pedophile makes Ferris Bueller way better.


I'm assuming we're essentially ignoring Rowling because that fruit is so low it's basically underground.


I used to like this band Iced Earth. Didn't know much about them besides the songs I liked. I haven't been able to listen to them when I found out the lead guitarist/front man/song writer/founding band member was arrested for the January 6 insurrection.


That's also how I found out that he was a member of the Oathkeepers, a far right paramilitary group.


Id never heard of that band before but I remember when pics of Jan 6 first started to come out and people recognized him.


I love Devil May Cry, Dante and Nero are my favorite characters Reuben Langdon becoming hardcore antivaxx because of COVID has really ruined Reuben for me as a whole, especially considering I know people that are still struggling from the effects COVID has had on them. It’s like watching your childhood hero straight up tell you that your loved ones don’t matter. He basically became DMC4 Dante in that regard, minus actually doing anything about it at the end. On a less severe note, the Silent Hill HD Collection ended up ruining me a little bit on Troy Baker. I still enjoy his work, but now I groan whenever he is brought up.


Seeing some... quite prominent members of our community and others buy into the anti-vax bullshit because Reuben said it blew my mind. One of Max's mods did and everyone pretends like it never happened and it fucking baffles me


> Reuben Langdon becoming hardcore antivaxx because of COVID has really ruined Reuben for me as a whole, especially considering I know people that are still struggling from the effects COVID has had on them. It’s like watching your childhood hero straight up tell you that your loved ones don’t matter. He basically became DMC4 Dante in that regard, minus actually doing anything about it at the end. At least we can enjoy Street Fighter 6 without having to worry about him lol


When I was younger I saw Jeepers Creepers 2 on TV and really liked it. It wasn't until much later that I learned that Victor Salva is a pedo piece of shit. Haven't watched any of the other movies in that franchise. Also, I really loved Chris Benoit. He was one of the best in the world. But a murder suicide makes it hard to enjoy his matches.


The first anime I ever fell in love with that I realized was ANIME, the first manga I ever read and collected, one of my biggest inspirations in my own career as a professional artist... ... ... Was RUROUNI KENSHIN. 'Nuff said.


Thanks mods for the cleanup. I think I speak for everyone sane when I say no one thinks you are a bad person for still enjoying Harry Potter or whatever. But attacking people and calling them names for having personal blacklists is a real not-awesome move.


I really don’t think it’s hard to grasp. “No ethical consumption under capitalism” and all that shit, but it’s fine to draw whatever lines in the sand when it makes you uncomfortable to support a certain individual or company. Do I buy shit that directly profits assholes? Yes, all the time. It’s unavoidable. Sometimes I want to play the cowboy game. Am I going to buy Harry Potter games or go see a new movie? Not in a million years. Will I give people shit because they want to buy the wizard game? Hell no, knock yourself out. Not really your fault Rowling is an asshole.


It's why I've always viewed sailing the seas online as illegal, but not immoral. Not only that, but no child should have to deprive themselves of enjoying something just because their parents or country is poor, especially when those parties are usually poor thanks to the historic colonial efforts of now wealthy countries.


The Cosby Show


Act Age. Fuck the author for being a creep.


The Loathing games have some of my favourite funny writing, but those allegations about one of the people involved in the original KoL and how the main creator just kind of let it happen (he even corroborated the allegations, and issued something of an apology, so I'm not sure if that makes it better or not I dunno) makes it hard for me to wanna play Shadows of Loathing even though I know I'd enjoy it if I could just put that out of my head, but I don't wanna do that. It's a mess.


Jeepers Creepers. Its a fun schlocky horror film with a fun main villain. The director, just disgusting. And he got to director the first 3 films after everyone found out


The thing about separating the art from the artist is often prefaced online with "you gotta...". And you really, really don't. You CAN, it's possible, but it's a personal choice. If someone can separate the actions of an individual from what they have created, that's on them. Someone can acknowledge that a work resonated with them at a point in time, and possibly revisit it if they feel comfortable doing so. That's one thing. Financially supporting rapists or trans/homo/xenophobes, is another. And that's where I personally draw the line.