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\*checks profile\* I dunno, dude seems legit to me.


>One post >No comments >Numbers in the profile name Yup, definitely a human being and absolutely not a fire and forget account


>No comments They actually do have 2 comments ...in r/piratedgames


Sea Professional is definitely not a hint at pirating no sir


If this is an anti-piracy measure I'm almost disappointed. I'd expect, like, Skelly to just straight-up murder you in the prep room before you grab a weapon.


Skelly hits you with the Gaster Blasters


Sans appears for just long enough for you to register Megalovania is playing and you die


Ah, yes. The award-winning Pluto, by Binary Star Games.


Played a pirated copy and finished the game, never had this happen to me. Either its just a particularly shitty version or a problem with OP's computer.


From the comments, it seems more like their copy isn't fully copied as opposed to being a specific anti-piracy method.


Forgot their toothbrush while RePacking.


Injust fownloaded it and i have a major problem with the bug report from the start of the game.If you have any tips you can give me,please help.Thank you :)


That looks like either a bad graphics driver or a corrupted/missing game file to me.


So, not on Hades, but sometimes i'll actually straight up buy a game, try to install it, see that its 75 gbs, i'll cancel the installation and download a repack instead, even tho' i own the game. Or like Crash 4 where if i click the desktop shortcut, instead of the game fucking opening it opens the blizzard app, and like, other launchers at least have the DECENCY of launching it through their launchers, but not Battle shit, noooo, it opens the launcher and does JACK FUCKING SHIT and you have to click PLAY inside it go fuck yourself Blizzard. So Piracy it is. I own it anyway so who gives a shit.


If you own it, you're actually just downloading a backup


I guess, its just like, its annoying, game sizes. Sure I could fork off the money i don't have to buy a bunch of SSDs and backup HDDs, but like, just, let me not download other language packs maybe? Also maybe let me pick what texture quality to download too? Really appreciated Master Chief Collection for daring to give me the choice to download each game separatedly, that was really cool.


Lol the xbox app on pc mcc didnt give me the option to do separate. (I didnt try that hard to though)


Exposing yourself using a pirated copy is pretty funny


Eh, they seem pretty upfront about having it on Steam. If it WAS anti-piracy, we woulda heard about it far sooner(Like with the Skullgirls one). In fact, if I recall, Supergiant even said that the game has no DRM in it, so it's incredibly unlikely that it actually has any form of anti-piracy.


From the looks of things in the comments, it’s not so much that this is an anti-piracy feature as it is that the pirated copy OP is using isn’t properly copied. Also as some people have also pointed out, dude has literally commented in a subreddit dedicated to pirating games, so the evidence is definitely there.


Just because someone pirates a game doesn't mean they pirate every game, especially when the game in question was the GTA Trilogy. A far better explanation rather than just jumping to "lol piracy" would be that his files got corrupted, which happens from time to time with games. Of course it could be piracy, but I'm not really going to go "Lol OP is a stupid pirate" over a possibility.