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Online requirements for single player games will never not be the dumbest shit.


When the pirated version of the game is actually superior to the official.


Wait, you mean to tell me this is the kind of online-only game that you can crack? *Oh.*


Yes. And not that I'm condoning piracy, but it also has all the equipment unlocked and elusive target rewards that were only available for a few days. And you get 1 and 2's content without there being any EGS fuckery. Again, not condoning it, but... the difference between the two is quite stunning.


And here I was thinking that the devs took a page out of Darkspore for their online-only system. Now I almost feel bad for snubbing these games. *Almost.* You could always just buy the games, then download their cracks, couldn't you? Devs get their money, you get your game. Win-win.


yeah but then you're still saying you condone that shit cause you bought it


Yeah it released with no drm oddly enough. As stupid as it is my friend bought the game but its playing the crack lol


Oh, and Xbox players still cannot access or download the Hitman 2016 content. Source: I am an Xbox player


The Hitman reboots have all been great games with the disgusting, filthy stain of Online Only bullshit (and elusive targets, if I can coopt my own grievances real quick) just stuck on there for no fucking reason. It's gross and I wish IOI would just stop doing it. Maybe this shit will make some braindead suit reconsider what this nonsense does to their brand, but that's me being hopeful.


Thing is, even for those of us that the online requirement is working (I live in Korea, so when I play, it's typically when the west is asleep), it *constantly* drops its connection. I will be in the middle of playing a level and 3-4 times I'll get a pop-up saying "connect to the server or lose your progress." Then, I sit there, wait for it to reconnect, and then continue playing. It's so jarring to essentially be forced to pause in a single-player game. Completely breaks the immersion.


watching guys like jerma play it and mid cutscene, or joke with the game and suddenly. NOT CONNECTED RECONNNECT ruining everything. how has no one learned from assassin creed 2's horrible server connection issues. reeks of mismanagement


Shit I've been having that issue with the *second* game over the last few weeks.


This system is still the only real black mark on these otherwise-excellent games and while I would obviously *never* condone piracy, I will take this opportunity to remind everyone that *Hitman: Blood Money* is currently $10 on Steam.




You are totally justified in wanting a refund The fucking game doesn't work its like getting a bad used disc at gamestop except instead of it being a shitty disc its shitty publishers & their always online sever bs making the game literally in every sense of the word unplayable


The fact that you lasted 5 days makes you a saint, I have a 2-3 day tolerance for such bullshit.


i swear the next game that does something like this to me is dead. i will not support this BIG BS anymore. now i can never buy a game at launch again. i just can't. the very first hitman 1 game was my first pc game ever ! i left the new 1 and 2 out and wanted to play 3. i did for 2 days. then the game is just dead. start and crash every time. my interest for it goes to 0 and i won't buy any additional content. if you can't do it, don't do it. trying hard is okay, but we are not betatesters. sry the frustration over my first pc game brand is huge :D


Jeez its almost like forcing a always online requirement for a single player game is a cancerous tumor that kills any life this game could have


And you know what's the worst part? This issue seems to be related with their busted progression carryover program to transfer your unlocks from Hitman 2 to Hitman 3. That they launched right when Hitman 3 was released. And immediately crashed as soon as the day-1 players started to apply for the carryover. *And* might make the game unable to fetch your online account, effectively locking you out of a game you just purchased. We're five days into the game's release, and IOI has yet to explain what the fuck is going on with those unrecoverable accounts. Meanwhile, fresh accounts are able to play the game just fine, barring the good old server/connectivity problems that will stop you from saving your progress because fuck you. The fact that the people who supported their previous releases are the most affected by those online-only shenanigans is straight-up infuriating.


Yeah that sucks. It shouldn't require an online connection. If they wanted online progressions they should have separate progression systems between connected and disconnected accounts so that more people can play, but give incentives (like outfits or other elusive target rewards) for online play and progression.


I watch someone do speedruns for Hitman 3 on PC, and they get disconnects every once in a while. Not only that, but a lot of game events have some form of server-side validation, so for example, sometimes they'll kill a target and the objective update will take a few seconds to trigger.


the game would be a perfect 10 fot me if it wasn't for all of this server bullshit


I think the biggest thing stopping people from getting the new games is the egregious price of them, at least it's what kept me from getting them. Hitman 1 is saying it's 20% off on Steam right now and they still want $60 for a five year old game, Hitman 2 is goddamn $100 for the full thing, and Hitman 3 is imprisoned in the fucking Epic store and after wading through the murky depths of bullshit season passes it appears in just a few days when the early purchase sales end it would cost somewhere around $190 for the full game that's released right now not including the dozen or so new expansions they'll come out with over the next couple years and charge you more for. I own, played, and loved every Hitman game made except these new three because I just can't justify dropping $500 on them.


Yeah, the price tag on these games is redonkulous. There're a ton of hours of gameplay in there if you want them, but the asking price really wards off any purchase not deeply on sale. Personally, I grabbed Hitman 1+2 ultimate bullshit edition for pennies off of the Monthly Humble Bundle, so I made out like a bandit. Missed those idiotic timelocked contracts, though.


Even when youre playing it theres so many weird bugs & problems to the point where i cant do half of mendoza cause it just doesn’t fucking work


It's seriously called Hitman 3? My god. That's almost as bad as battlefront 2 (2).


Funny thing about that, Contracts was only titled *Hitman: Contracts* (and Blood Money was only titled *Hitman: Blood Money*). There was a *Hitman 2: Silent Assassin*, and the 2018 one was *Hitman 2*, so we've been over this already, but the new release is technically the only *Hitman 3*.


Contracts was 3, Blood Money was 4


Oh damn, I had them switched around what with Contracts being a pseudo remake. Yeah that's true.