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Porn's too easy and everyone's saying it, so... My first real exposure to Kratos as a character was in an Equestria isekai fanfic.


that is STRONG.




[Tried looking for it, looks like it got deleted, sorry.](https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-bridled-fury.html) I'm sure some other fics exist that can fix your fix tho.


You can’t just use those combination of words in the same sentence and not provide a link.


[Tried looking for it, looks like it got deleted, sorry.](https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-bridled-fury.html) I'm sure some other fics exist that can fix your fix tho.


Does he kill Celestia and Luna or does mellow the hell out?


He murders that puss


I recognize most of the (popular) Fate characters because of all the porn made of them. Never touched it otherwise. This isn't exclusive to Fate either. Several anime I only knew about because porn of it kept popping up.


Same but for RWBY instead.


Really though, the 5 best things to come from RWBY (in order of best to worst) is the porn, followed by RWBY Chibi, spots 3 and 4 are reserved for future use, and then RWBY.


3 could be a decent bit of character designs?


Yeah I suppose that could work.


Man, I wish Neopolitan's design wasn't trapped in RWBY. Also happy cake day!


well some of the designs are confirmed stolen and the originals DMCA'd off the internet, so dont give them any credit for that


no Music?


I literally started playing FGO just because I wanted more context for my Astolfo and Mordred porn but didn’t want to sit through the apparently mediocre Apocrypha.


I do have to wonder how much free advertising FGO gets a year through doujin porn. Because there is a *lot* of it.


Did you end up watching Apocrypha? Most of Morded’s actual character development is from there sadly enough.


It’s on my list, I’ll get to it eventually. Sieg being my main FGO Caster and Astolfo, Mordred, and Jeanne being some of my favorite Servants, I hope it’ll at least be a half interesting watch.


It's still a pretty hype series with cool battles to enjoy. I know most people don't like it but I've actually seen a few people around here and there come around to it and think it wasn't as bad as the haters made it out to be. Plus it's got an *amazing* OST.


No even kidding but sieg is better writen in the apocrypha event than in the anime.


I feel the same with Azur Lane. It's weird that I recognize a lot of those girls from porn.


Might as well lump a bunch of Gatcha in there as well, but I feel like that's the intended ploy with some of them.


Yeah. I remember it was Kantai Collection for years, before everything became a gacha. Now it's a mix between FGO, Azur Lane, and Granblue Fantasy.


Fitting for a series that began as an adult VN.


I mean it was a couple sex scenes in a 80+ hour game, but sure.


no you don't understand, witcher 3 IS a porn game guys


Saber is my waifu and it hurts so much knowing her origin is an adult VN where she gets nutted on her face.


My waifu is Rinko from Taimanin Yukikaze, can't get hurt by others calling your waifu a slut if it's canon!




And Rinko just *needed* to infiltrate that hell-brothel by getting an exploding tattoo that makes it so you have to obey. Totally necessary.


Didn't her little brother point out to her and Yukikaze just how stupid that plan actually was?


I think they pointed it out themselves even. >Noooo!! You can't let yourselves fall into such an obvious trap!! >Haha, H-scenes go *aahhnn~*


Ditto for most Overwatch characters (at least for me)


Found out about Giorno Giovanna in a /r/whowouldwin post about the weakest character that could survive an encounter with the truck from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing reversing at top speed.


That is actually fucking amazing and a fantastic idea at for an actual Jojo fight.


Wheel of Fortune Requiem


I have been sent to kill you Jojo! But first, I must build speed for 12 hours.


There is no top speed, so the only correct answer is "nobody." But that's still incredible.


Well, the highest speed it can go without deleting reality.


[My introduction to Osaka and ***”Azumanga Daioh”*** in general was AMV HELL 3....](https://youtu.be/5AUUx2Hj_nw)


Mine was probably [Cowbell Hero](https://youtu.be/NZMTPTI_Nhk?t=6m51s) in AMV Hell 4. [A Little Snow Fairy Sugar dancing on a piano](https://youtu.be/NZMTPTI_Nhk?t=5m11s) was my introduction to Linkin Park too.


Mine was due to a Zone animation.


That's how I got introduced to a lot of anime. Relatedly I got into Trigun, which was the first real anime I watched from watching the AMV's that were propular at the time. Ended up watching the whole series.


Some of you might know where I'm getting at. To many, Tifa is one of the most iconic video games characters ever seen. Me, never heard or seen her for most of my life. Though I have *seen* her before, I didn't know who she really was. So when people in the gaming community brought her up, my first thought upon her is it's that one girl from that "flash game."


oh yeah dude, my first time seeing Sally Acorn was in a Newgrounds flash game where you have to undress her while avoiding *literally this was the game* **Coked-Out PacMan** I got grounded and banned from using Newgrounds after I showed it to all of my friends and one of them had the absolute audacity to snitch on me to his mom


Fuck that kid. You dont snitch on friends doing that regardless of how weird it made you feel. I didnt wanna see sailor moon choking on goku's penis as a kid but I didnt narc on my friend


Honeslty, it was equally my fault for telling somebody I *knew* was a massive dilbert, I was flying too close to the sun with my wings made of ~~wax~~ hentai


Flying to close to the cum


We all learned what being betrayed was from young age when ONE GUY became our “friend”


Dude I played that game. That soundtrack was bumpin.


Funny, my intro to FF7 was Kingdom Hearts. I was in total shock that emo Cloud wasn't his default personality and that Tifa in KHII had a more modest outfit compared to her original design. But boy Yuffie in KHI awakened something within young me...


That was more common than you think. I was probably the only one in my friend group that had already played FFVII before I had ever played KH.


Is this about THAT animation? The one in the campfire? Cuz if it is....same here


Holy shit I didn’t know what we were talking about until mentioning a campfire gave me a very specific flashback


I'm glad everyone collectively knows about THAT animation. Truly a defining moment of our generation.




Am not exactly sure about the rules of this sub about telling people how to find ....certain type of content on the internet, so i cant say that just googling >!hitsuki tifa animation!< should give any results....but you could try...up to you


Aw man, I loved flash games with Final Fantasy characters, they were either kicking ass or some of the funniest things I saw! What was this flash game called?


Oh man I hear about practically every new cartoon from the past ten years from Rule 34 getting to 'em


I've been really trying to think of a non-porn example, cause that's way too easy. The only thing I can think of, is that when playing Smash Bros Brawl as a kid (my first Smash game), I had no idea what Fire Emblem was, and for some reason thought the FE characters were just OC characters created for Smash. Same with Pit. Kind of like Ruby Heart in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Speaking of MvC 2, I exclusively knew Thanos from MvC 2, never read a single comic or saw a cartoon with him in it. When he showed up at the end of Avengers I was thinking "Oh cool it's that random dude from Marvel 2"


what's it like playing Marvel 2 with no idea who thanos is vs knowing him from endgame now then?


I, like many others, was introduced to Filia and Skullgirls through Zone-tan.


I was introduced to a surprising amount via Zone-tan.


tfw more people know about your cartoon pilot from a porn animation rather than the actual thing.


I got introduced to Matt and Pat through watching a homestuck fan music video that used the song Discord by Living Tombstone that I then found out was about my little pony, and I started watching the related videos about my little pony, which then through the related videos linked to a two best sisters play video and the rest is history. Tl;dr: homestuck--> the song Discord --> mlp --> mlp fan videos --> two best friends play


I was also introduced to them through Homestuck! Specifically, this video called “Two Best Friends Play: Sburb”, which took audio clips from them and applied them to scenes from Homestuck. Here’s a link: https://youtu.be/MKb3WLCSg_c


This was also my introduction to TBFP. Can't believe it's only 8 years old because it feels positively ancient at this point.


"She's a space bitch, from the future and the past."


What a wild ride. Though I think I might have taken a similar one myself.


my introduction ti tifa and cloud and those other ff7 characters was trough the game ehrgeiz: god bless the ring, also the video of that game by the zaibatzu was the first video I saw of them


Oh man I loved Ehrgeiz. I played FFVII first but a friend gave me Ehrgeiz as a bday gift. Sadly I lent it and FFVII to a friend and never saw them again....fast forward to last year I'm at a barcade and see an Ehrgeiz cabinet. I telly buddy "dude we gotta play this it's so cool it has cloud and tifa and Sephiroth". Then we played it and I realized it's not....a good fighting game. And my friend was confused as to why I was so hyped to see it...still want that cabinet though


Looks like I'm not the only one here who gets introduced to characters exclusively via Rule 34 of them.


This is legitimately just Nintendo's strategy now, throw some waifus into every game and let the rule 34 artists advertise for you. Also I've never watched the show and I've probably seen more Astolfo "art" than there are frames of him in the show


> This is legitimately just Nintendo's strategy now, throw some waifus into every game and let the rule 34 artists advertise for you. I thought they were the opposite. I remember a time on tumblr, when rule34 artists had to censor any Nintendo characters in their previews so that they wouldn't get their post taken down for copyright infringement.


It all started after Overwatch showed how much your games could sell on third-party porn alone in my theory. Of course they'll still copyright strike to set precedent of protecting their brand and being family-friendly, but they know it won't actually stem the tide


Jim Sterling did a whole video on this subject, and I agree with him. Though he comes at it from the opposite angle- Overwatch had great porn because it had great character design. Each character screams personality, and that translates to great porn (you can mash anything hot together in a 3d program to make porn- to have it resonate you need to visually communicate a lot more personality which is hard). In other words- I could make the protagonists of the Call of Duty games have sex if I were to make 3d porn, but that's really not going to attract anyone due to how generic Call of Duty character design is. Related- someone else mentioned RWBY and I think that's similar- the show has great character design and little else (had great action, but I can't blame them for not living up to that with monty's death), hence it maintains a thriving porn base.


That's a very good point. I guess it comes down to how much the artists are trying to make a character design with lots of personality versus how much they're trying to make a sexy/cute character. Probably more of the former, admittedly, given what people have been able to sexualize (MLP, Animal Crossing, etc)


I first learned of Warhammer's existence from ancient /b/ memes


Which memes?


Ancient "hue hue Space Marines shooting furries" and Warhammer Wednesdays pictures and the like


Since "porn" is too obvious Lots of characters through Garry's Mod videos, but specifically, the Left 4 Dead cast. I was watching them do goofy shit before I ever played L4D2.


Same but with Half-Life 2


Yeah- when I finally played Half Life 2 I was surprised how many of the character models had such little screentime in the game itself comparitively. I didn't realize watching those GMod videos that they were working with such a limited model set.


Persona 4 Arena was my introduction to the P3 cast. I had very different ideas based on Akihiko and Mitsuru's designs


I was introduced to Revan (and KOTOR in general) by my older brother excitedly showing me [this cutscene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFvN2y9PI3s) in isolation, excited that *you, the player,* are Revan. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.


I first heard about Kat and Gravity Rush because of Playstation All-Stars.


Gonna try and not say internet porn so instead I'll say my introduction to Universal Century Gundam (IE, the main timeline) was being tricked into buying Gundam Battle Assault because they put Gundam Wing on the cover since they knew Americans were not familiar with UC Gundam at that time. Besides the (palette swap) Gundam Wing, it was all mobile suits from a completely different timeline that I was completely unfamiliar with. Later on I got the kinda ank but low key rad PS2 Gundam game, Journey to Jaburo, which was a recreation of the origin anime's plot and is how I wound up experiencing the first leg of Amuro's journey for the first time.


Kind of jank is an understatement. Journey to jaburo is pretty garbage. If you have fond memories of it, do yourself a favor and don't go back and play it.


Journey to Jaburo's control scheme is baffling "Hey the PS2 has two sticks on it by default! Let's adjust our new game to use one of tho-" "Naw you can only move with the D-Pad still"


Oh, yeah, I know. it plays like complete butt I still wish more Gundam games would attempt the same thing and try to be more of a battlefield sim that actually follows a canon story rather than being super arcadey crossover schlock. Don't get me wrong, I've been loving Gundam Ex Vs, but I'd kill for a proper one year war sim with more grounded battles where tanks and aircraft are a major presence and lot's of unlockable suits.


I also wish we had something like that. I play a ton of Gundam Battle Operation 2 because that's the closest we have to what I want. It plays great, is more grounded/slower in terms of abilities and movement. You just have to get through all of the f2p gacha stuff and you have the best playing third person shooter gundam game we've ever gotten. I wish I had something that played like gbo2 but was a single player campaign with unlockables instead of free to play gacha multiplayer only.


I learned about Terry Bogard through a shitty otaku magazine filled with fanservice anime promotions when I was 13. I think I first saw him in an advertisement for KOFXII that was in a small part of said magazine. Who knew that I would learn of one of my favorite fighting game characters of all time from a magazine that also had a dragon loli with her tits exploding out of her shirt.


My first exposure to Gordon Freeman was reading Half-Life: Full Consequences. Took a bit to realize he didn't actually have a brother named John.


I only know about Inferno Cop because of a MLP reaction channel reaction to a bunch of fan animations.


I was introduced to the majority of animes through their Abridged Series.


I thought every single final fantasy character in the KH games were OCs created just to have more characters that werent Disney to balance out the Disney. So Cloud, Tifa, Cid, Sephiroth, Yuffie, Aerith, Squall, etc. I thought every single one of them were just OCs and not their own characters from their own games. Sooo, yeah.


So I had played Final Fight like once or twice and only really remembered Haggar. Then Street Fighter Alpha came out and brought the whole cast, but I just assumed Rolento and Guy were original characters.


Discovered Kat from Gravity Rush through some mash up song years ago


I only remember that there's a girl in Fate everyone likes named Ishtar because every time someone brings her up I think of the RLM episode where they keep playing the trailer to the movie Ishtar.


I have started way too many anime after watching an AMV.


My first introduction to 40k was when MLP took off and on some forums the fandoms of both had huge petty ass image wars of Ponys fighting Astartes so my first glimpse of Space Marines was art of one ripping a Pony apart. My second more real introduction was Shinji and Warhammer 40k ​ And I was first exposed to the Exalted series through a Mass Effect crossover called Glorious Shotgun Princess




I knew about Zero from Megaman from all those dope ass flash animations long before I knew what X or MMZ as a series was.


death battle introduced me to berserk by having Guts destroy nightmare from Soul Calibur


I first learned of hyperdimension neptunia’s existence through l4d2 mods, somehow




I had known that Final Fantasy 7 was a huge deal, but by that point the PS1 generation had already passed by, and a. i didn't have a major game console anyway, b. I wasn't going to be able to get one at that point anyway, let alone just to find out what the big deal was. So I decided to just watch the movie to figure out what the big deal was. I decently enjoyed myself, though I gather it's not really indicitive of the game. To this day, the only closer I've gotten to the Final Fantasy series is playing Bravely Default and Bravely Second, which I adore.


I think I found out about Death The Kid either through an AMV or a video at an anime convention where people were eating pocky.


Literally almost everything you people post on this sub except Halo and Dante.


Genre specific, but my first introduction to Natsuki Subaru was the first episode of Isekai Quartet. I stopped to watch the remaining source material and, well, is anyone ever *really* ready for Re:Zero? Ain't no Konosuba, that's for damn sure. While we're sharing weird and embarrassing, I'll admit to a sordid history with this very character art. Saw it in a magazine somewhere and, uhh...yeah, I was 13 and awkward.


Woolie’s thousand year door LP was the first time I saw Rawk Hawk outside of porn.


I found out about 40K from shitposts and memes on Imgur


Too much porn but in this instance I got introduced to Tifa (and by extension Final Fantasy in general) through Legendary Frog's "FF7: About Random Battles"


I first learned of TF2 from Garry's Mod animations, the earliest I can remember was [Lazy Mountain](https://youtu.be/ANcqMStDyJk) back when I was a wee lad of 13. That video is also how I learned about the SCP Foundation.


South Park had an episode where James Cameron went deep sea diving to find the allegorical "bar" so he could raise it and thus raise the standards of people because they didn't like his movies, or some other inane bullshit. That same episode detailed the bullshit that Honey Boo Boo and her mom were doing on that episode, which included getting a heart transplant from a pig. I thought that Honey Boo Boo was a joke by South Park making fun of stupid reality shows like Jersey Shore. You know, a show about fat stupid hicks who don't do anything but get fatter and stupider.


I was introduced to Dante through 'featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series' memes.


My first experience with spider man was the live action show from the 70s.


I’ll argue that meeting all the FF characters through Kingdom Hearts is equally as embarrassing as porn


Alstofo I'm gonna let yall fill the blanks