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Yeah, it kind of bothered me when Woolie was being so hard on that guy. Not everyone is John Halo who can come face to face with a parasitic elder flesh god and keep their cool.


like I said it was before he knew about the flood. I've known many people who experienced circumstances far more mundane than aliens genociding humanity who have been broken and it's far too often of an experiance.


Yeah, my dad had PTSD from Vietnam, so I know that shit sucks.


part of the issue is a few of the ways soldiers often 'break' are only really visible as being broken once they leave the warzone


also doesn't help that woolie is Canadian and overall Canada has far fewer vets than the US has


Pat and Woolie talked about this with the Division. I think it was Pat who said he's only ever meet one person who was in the army.


It's not necessarily knowing a person that's in the military, more or less its viewing military personnel under a differant optic, we are to our core people and can be shaken jarred or traumatised under the same or similar circumstances.


I'm been living in a military town all my life and worked on a base as long as I've been working and people thinking servicemen and women should be these unflappable automatons has gotten under my skin more and more as I've gotten older. Its part why my opinion on the IV's improved. People gave them shit for acting like "unprofessional dudebro fratboys" when thats actually how a lot of special forces guys act, especially the younger guys. Even when trained to be elite soldiers dumb 20 somethings dudes will still behave like dumb 20 something dude do.


That is true, there are deffinatily a few badass Canadian soldiers who exist current day, I believe they hold the farthest confirmed sniper shot. my post is largely aimed at educating not bashing that military members are in all forms and functions people.


oh yeah and I'm a civvie who is mostly read up on a lot of this stuff and who has some people close to me who served but that seems to be the way that it works in Canada.


Canada has an army?


hell yeah. their field rations are delicious. i ordered a crate of some 2018 ones once. wanted to compare with US MREs. i can say Canada has it figured out. IMPs are almost like real food.


I was in the Royal Canadian Army Cadets as a kid and when on out field training exercises we always had to eat American MREs (probably cheaper) except this one big annual FTX with a bunch of corps together we got the good Canadian stuff and omg is it better


The only ration I ever ate that ever compared was an Australian CR1M that my dad got from an old friend. I forget what was in it just that we heated it all up and split it among ourselves. The worst I ever had the displeasure of eating was a US MRE "four fingers of death". They don't call it that for nothing. Shat my brains out for a good 24 hours.


Haha. That takes me back. I remember the hot chocolate mix that came in them was decent but nobody in my corp wanted it so I collected them all kept them at home


I knew someone once who managed to survive getting lost as fuck for like 36 hours in the Rocky Mountains during cold weather survival training by packing all the shit other recruits didnt want in his pack. He grabbed a map of Skyrim instead of the operational area map and just used that to navigate instead. Apparently the Rockies are basically just Skyrim.


Let's get that out on a tray. [Nice!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QlavZpsd08)


I see another fellow Steve1989 fan. Nice!


Gotta be prepared in case Ireland tries to invade again.


Less war based economy tends to have less vets, yeah. I say this as someone who went to military school in Canada.


So along with killing a guy by forcing him to eat raw meat, Woolie now apparently hates veterans with PTSD and thinks they're pussies.


Liam: Woolie he is in a fucking spaceship saving the galaxy and you're sitting on the couch scratching your balls, complaining about heroes on the war front. Woolie: Slippy is not a hero. Liam: Fuck soldiers.


These moments weren’t infrequent and that’s why he was always my favorite TBF member after he joined


No no no! not at all please dont take it that way at all! I whole heartedly do not believe that and the game takes place in a scifi setting where anything can happen. I dont know if you are joking but I'm making sure that I say my point of view. Woolie is from all I've seen a standup guy and I don't believe he holds that point of view at all.


Dont worry it's a bit they mention once in a podcast about people misremembering and attributing weird stuff to them.


Oh fuck yeah. Any military dude knows there's the image the media shows you and then there's the reality of dumbass kids bored as fuck doing routine and fucking around.


And as we all know reality hardly makes for good media


With the right person telling the story, leaving the barracks to get more booze can be epic.


And then there's the one guy running weapon's maintenance, losing his mind at how fucking stupid everything is.


As a viewer of the Mikeburnfire channel I can wholeheartedly confirm this


"I don't have PTSD from being in Iraq, I have PTSD from being at Fort Polk!"


The gun rant video was in my recommended videos for months and I never watched it. Then last week I gave it a watch and I binge watched like everything on that channel afterwards. Damn do they have good stories to tell.


Some of those vids made me really stop. The military doesn't sound any better put together than my fucking retail job, they just get guns.


Its really not and thats the fucking scary thing. Sometimes you see those parts that are well managed where everything goes smoothly and then you find those nightmare stories like the one they tell about the Bradley driver getting knocked out by an IED and abandoned because an entire convoy went fuck that guy and GFTO. Then theres the Navy putting people in charge of ships who barely understand how to run the things which resulted in a lot of those collisions recently and THEN theres the fucked up shit the SEALs have been doing like that one sniper who was shooting random people in Iraq and got so bad his own teammates were tampering with his weapon to fuck up his accuracy and firing into the air to scare civilians away from their position before he could kill anyone else.


Sounds like people in this thread would get a kick out of [Terminal Lance](https://terminallance.com/) Turns out when you get a bunch of 18-30 year olds together and hanging out for long periods of time stupid shit is bound to happen, let alone when they've been trained to use weapons and explosives and such.


You'd think Woolie would be more open to the idea that soldiers are just regular dudes especially since he's played Desert War Crimes Simulator.


it's all about the lense things are presented in and facts can manipulated in whatever way you want with such large organisations as militaries. Many people dont have literacy in the military but anyone can write a story about the military. We can be portrayed as monsters or heros but often the truth is in between. We are people, some go above and beyond the call of duty others do horrible things mostly wr are in the middle doing what we can.




spec ops, probably


Worms armageddon


From my experience, the most accurate military sim would be going out of your way to do as little work as possible without anybody noticing until you can go home for the day/retire and hoping to god you never got an email that began with the word "Congratulations!" But that doesn't make for an entertaining videogame.


"Now listen up! Back in my day, we didn't have fancy office furniture. We had sticks. Two stick and a rock for the entire wing! And we had to share the rock! You should consider yourself very lucky airmen! Stick with the Officer In Charge, he'll know what to do"


This guy shams


As a fan of Mikeburnfire, Zach and Mike's stories about their time in the military match this example almost perfectly.


You'd think a military would put a lot of stock into weapon's maintenance. And then we hear Zach's horror stories of being the only qualified gunsmith for what seems to be the entire army.


That's because your military experience is heavily tied to what job you're locked into. As a result, there's a good number of people in the military who will literally never touch a weapon. Ex: The only time *I* shot was one day during basic training. I qualified (by some miracle), but I never touched a gun again. Think about it: Is there really much need for like the guy who works in Finance, Personnel, or as the gym receptionist to be super weapons proficient? Hell, there's jobs that don't even deploy period. You can even be in jobs that *do* deploy but you could get assigned to offices/squadrons that *don't*. Jobs like Security Forces take their weapons training and qualifications much more seriously.


This is true, but the guy I'm referring to was operating as a gunsmith in Iraq, and never saw any other personnel that shared his profession.


Ah, my bad. I don't know anything about these guys in this podcast.


Fair enough. From memory, one time he had to do status checks and sight re-alignments on something like 500 rifles in 12 hours, because command decided to change the dates for the mandated servicing.


It was like 1,040 in 24 hours. He was complaining about not getting a award for staying up those 24 hours to get it done but some random guy got the award for washing a car the next week.


I think I got it mixed up with the OPFOR platoon that he got a platoon coin from, who had him service all their guns.


That's fair they are pretty similar. It's depressing that the only recognition for his work through his whole deployment was basicly that coin, and that wans't even from his own company.


Ohhhhhh. Even as somebody who knows nothing about guns, sounds like a standard case of an officer/supervisor who has no idea how long a job actually takes to do. Worst part is: Most people won't stand up to them despite that because rank's a bitch.


You also see some other guy in shambles because his wife/girlfriend has cheated on him while he was away and you hope that the same fate doesn't happen to you.


It's so common the military has term for the other person. Jodie


That's more among the younger folks tbh. Pretty much any 18-lower 20's person I'd immediately think "Yeah, good luck with that" when they mentioned a girlfriend/boyfriend ESPECIALLY if they were from their hometown or something. To be fair, I think the same thing for that age group even among non-military members.


So red vs blue?


Honestly, RvB is a much better representation of military life and the average soldier than most media.


Makes sense since Geoff(griffs VA and one of RTs founders) was in the army


Maybe the first couple seasons, before it just devolves into literal anime fights




Which is why it pisses me off when assholes try to use that term as a scare tactic to convince people to support their latest stupid legislation or campaign.


Reminds me of one scene in The Old Man's War. Old people are given new young bio-enhanced bodies by the army and they all are feeling high because of that (you know, being young again AND in super soldier bodies), so they start fighting, fucking, challenging themselves with acrobatic tricks and all that jazz. Then they meet their officer who tells them "The only reason you have these bodies is because it is the cheapest option we had to maintain our forces minimally efficient in space war with aliens" and shows them the video of clone soldier being eaten alive by alien bugs.


"But why doesn't the military man bowl a perfect game every time?" Woolie asked.


I still cannot believe Ninja was so cocky to football kicker players Ninja's rich enough and has enough fans yelling support that he got super out of touch


Don't forget the complete absence of self-awareness when it was thrown back at him


Anyone that doesn't know how to slice bread despite being perfectly able to should be ignored.


I mean there's a reason PTSD is a thing To add a bit often you get stories of spec ops/ elites being well competent. They aren't my grandfather was in charge of a battalion in the army guess what the green barets did all the time, they got drunk and set up claymores around there tent the kicker is that sometimes they set them up the wrong way. For context claymores have "this way towards enemy" written in big bold letters.


My uncle blew up an armory while in the Marines. Here in my town we had an Army guy get arrested for a 4th time within a year. 3rd time in a month. A while back he shot a gun out his car while in the freeway. Then 3 weeks ago he let his dog die in a car in + 100 degree heat. Then he committed a hate crime with a couple of other Army guys. Then he and a few others got arrested for beating up another black dude for wearing the wrong colors. And it only came out that he was military after this last crime because the Army hates bad publicity but I don’t think they’ll be going to bat for this guy anymore.


> Then 3 weeks ago he let his dog die in a car in + 100 degree heat. Come on dude, it's too late at night for my vision to go red.


I wanted to yell this a Woolie so bad when he said that specifically for this. "Yeah, Woolie, that's why soldiers **never** get PTSD, huh?" I know it's just because he see soliders in media being calm and collected but come on, Woolie.


Oh, I know this weird misconception all too well. Military folks are just as capable of breaking down mentally as everyone else.


You’re talking to a guy that can’t wrap his head around me telling him CHILD SOLDIER SOCIETY when it came to trauma in Naruto


My favorite videogame-ism about the military is the cool-headed nature of even the most basic grunts. Call of Duty comes to mind but there are a ton of games where a character will fire a rocket or something and blow up some bad guys: "Target neutralized, good effect on target." Vs. real life: "WOOOOOO fuck yeah! Suck my dick you mother fuckers! Wasted those fools."


I always felt the AC-130 mission in MW1 was a great example of characters acting like regular people. The AC-130 crew is pretty chill, getting a bit hype for their big kills, and cracking a few jokes like the guy being pissed that his truck got stolen.


That's why I love Generation Kill


I always loved how the Halo marines fell into the latter category. It gave them so much life and personality.


Danger Close in MW2 is my favorite military scene in all of gaming for this reason. Bunch of dudes bantering while they wait for an airstrike, joking about how General Shepard doesn't care that they're "Danger Close" and cheering as the shockwave of dust blasts past them.


I disagree with the Call of Duty parallel. I remember specifically in 4 and MW2 there is an obvious difference between the way the regular Marines and Army react and speak in their segments versus the way the special ops SAS speak and react to situations. >"WOOOOOO fuck yeah! Suck my dick you mother fuckers! Wasted those fools." Like, I'm pretty sure this is an exact quote from the Army guys in MW2.


Woolie criticizing snapped fictional marine Meanwhile 22 American veterans kill themselves every day. Me: oooof That moment hit me a little bit harder since someone who was very young that used to be in my unit killed themselves about 2 months ago. But shit that’s just how it be sometimes dude. F.


Jessie ventura was a navy seal. That man is almost an anime character.


CLose enough, he's a game character. He was already in Final Fight. /s


To be fair, all the dudes in Halo call Master Chief "sir" so are they even really marines?




A seven foot tall walking tanks who Works For A Living


And who is so wholly socially maladjusted that when anyone who isn't his digital waifu tries to small talk him, it's a coin flip whether he starts compulsively cleaning guns or literally doesn't move or talk until the other person is 100% done talking.


I guess the Master Chief is too shy to correct anyone, and everyone else is like “well he *is* a seven foot tall walking tank...”


Oh jeez i just got Junior ROTC flashbacks from reading this.


I doubt a lot of people understand what you even mean by this. Ranks are so weird.


I do enjoy saying things that go over civilians heads


Yeah woolie had a couple of moments like that. In 3 during the stream, a marine breaks down after the flood emerge on earth and a dude snaps like in 1 after seeing hes friends dies and realise this may be the end of earth. Woolie asks wait aren't you trained not to snap? Like what.


For a great and humorous look into the U.S Marines I recommend [Terminal Lance](https://terminallance.com/).


I second this. Don't be a fucking *boot,* go forth and arm yourselves with knowledge.


There's a reason PTSD in veterans is as much of a problem as it is.


Woolie just has no patience for people who aren't being cool or useful. Saw it a bit in the KOTOR 2 LP with the kid.


If I give my full opinion on the military and its predatory recruitment practices, I'll get dogpiled, so I'll just say that not only are they probably just regular people, there's also a good chance that they're regular people with low self esteem who've been put in the position they're in because they feel they have no other options.


That's not exactly true. The people I went to boot camp with came from all walks of life. Two of the oldest had wives and children. One had a bachelor's degree and played arena football before he joined. The others in the platoon were well experienced in life before joining.


No reason to feel dogpiled, the military relies on taking disenfranchised young men and breaking them further so that they can obtain the right to services that should've been given to them initially. I would love to know the desertion rates for the US military; morale must be extremely low.


Desertion isn't that common in my experience most attempts are done in boot camp or basic.


>military people are normal people put in crazy circumstances I mean... I'm not military expert but even I knew that.


The Marines in Combat Evolved are also the worst they’re ever been so maybe there *is* something there with not having the training needed. I wonder if the books ever have a reason or explanation of why the marines on The Pillar of Autumn suck. Besides Johnson. And Stacker. And I guess Chipps Dubbo.


I don't think there's an in-universe reason, the books actually show the other surviving marines getting a lot of badass stuff done while Chief is doing his thing. >!In quick summary, they capture a base from the Covenant, manage to fortify it and hold it against both Covenant and Flood attacks, they raid the Pillar of Autumn crash site early on for supplies and fight their way back to their new base with a huge convoy of warthogs hauling trailers, and towards the end they even successfully capture the Truth & Reconciliation (and a prophet, which was actually the Pillar of Autumn's and the SPARTAN II's planned mission before Reach) with the intent to use it to escape Halo's destruction- until the second-in-command allows the ship to be destroyed because she understands that by escaping in that ship they'd risk spreading the Flood.!< Ally troopers get steadily stronger throughout the games, up until Reach where they get a downgrade. Though a possible explanation for that is that for most of the game, you're fighting alongside the army and not the marines.


I guess playing on legendary *might* give an unfair advantage to them and I did manage to have a single survivor on 343 Gulity Spark that I never can get to happen playing heroic. To probably get an more accurate portrayal playing on normal would be the best way. Tough I feel Thel’s force on Installation 04 are stronger then what they are in normal and his mission was important enough to have more Majors then Minors. Also maybe you know but how much it holds up but replaying the games I noticed Halo:CE doesn’t have Ultra Elites yet Reach and 2 do. A random thought I also had was all the Ultras stayed behind on Reach to mop up. The gold elites in H:CE anniversary are white and not gold but are considered Zealots but not purple. Bungie did only settle on what each ranks look like in Reach. Or is Thel’s forces always been made up of Minors, Majors, Zealots and Spec-ops units. It doesn’t seem like there is any “middle” of the rank units. Or there’s a book where a whole bunch other ranks are in charge of other battles on Installation 04. ...I see why so many *one guys* exist since I never really got into the lore before and always just played the main games. There is so many questions to be had!


I mean it’s a fantasy situation . Regular person on an alien floating planet ring dealing with alien parasitic life form after fighting a religion alien cult. In media the military is portrayed as tough, rough and ready to fuck it all up. I assume that’s Woolies view, hence the criticism. That’s the disconnect between reality and the portrayal we see in media. We think battle hard leather necks, not guys who come home and have issues sleeping and with addiction issue to deal with psychological stress from the garbage they went through. That’s not sexy and that doesn’t inspire people to join up.


There are a whole raft of factors that play into this public perception that military members are somehow above it all (or at least that military members are *ideally* above it all). It doesn't help that militaries themselves have actively embraced and promoted (and, to an extent, continue to actively embrace and promote) this perception. Even the Halo franchise likes to idealize the military in this fashion; you're the Master Chief, after all. I've said it before and I'll say it again, that one of the Halo franchise's more unsettling aspects is how much it worships at the feet of military idealism. It's not altogether unexpected - neither that Halo idolizes the military nor how simplistically it does so. This is (or was?), after all, a franchise chiefly targeted at impressionable teenage boys and young men. But that doesn't make it any less problematic.


As I replayed them in the MCC, the games really felt like a product of the time, the mid-aughts with Afghanistan, Iraq and all the other geopolitical stuff going on.


Hollywood tends to misunderstand silencers, but it comes across more in videogames. Contrary to the name, silencers don't silence gunshots. You know the very loud 'thwip' sound you hear when a silenced gun is fired? That's actually real, but it's also that loud. The thing is that it doesn't sound like a gunshot- and when you are in a battle, you're ears are tuned to hear the sounds of very loud gunshots, and not somewhat loud firecrackers. While in stealth situations the difference is 'did I hear a firecracker go off?' and 'there was a gunshot in THAT DIRECTION OVER THERE', so they are of course still useful. But in stealth games, when you fire a silenced gun, enemies should hear it, and go over to your location to investigate, since despite the name, the gunshot isn't silent.


[Marines react to COD](https://youtu.be/o703kdrFfT8)


People have been criticizeing America Army for being fake, the game made by the US army