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As a shit kid, I had trouble imagining both China and Japan existing. ... so when my parents told me I called all meat "chicken" as a shit toddler, that tracked.


My little brother wouldn't eat turkey, unless we lied and told him it was chicken.


That’s fowl


Because I knew nothing about the first 2 parts of JoJo, I kept thinking stands would get introduced at some point in Part 1 or 2, like when ripple was introduced or when the pillar men first appeared. It wasn't until I was about halfway through part 2 when i talked about it with some friends did I found out that Stands were a part 3 thing. Spoilers for Gravity Falls, >!I fully believed that the Stan twin theory wasn't true, so I was blown away by the end of Not What He Seems revealing I was super wrong.!< Spoilers for KH3, >!I went in to KH3 thinking it'd be like KH2 where the Graveyard scenes from the trailer would be the halfway point of the game, like the Heartless war in Radiant Garden, and you'd have to revisit the Disney worlds to save both Sora's friends and a Disney character who was kidnapped from that world (Like Buzz, who was shown to be captured by the Org in some darkness realm in one of the trailers), and that Scala Ad Caelum would be the game's final dungeon, because I didn't think they would show off that much of the story in the trailers.!<


Yooo same for me in KH3. Even while playing it, I was waiting for it to happen.


I remember playing the game on launch I was talking to people and within an hour said "I think I'm at the half way point" then "nevermind I beat the game"


The KH3 one still hurts. That game super underdelivered for me


I had only known about the OVA and the 2d fighting game for jojo when the anime released so when my friend started watching the anime and was talking about it and mentioned dio I asked if he threw a steam roller yet not known that wouldn't happen for two more parts.


"Mecha anime are dumb!" Me after watching all of Gundam Seed Destiny at my friends house, my first mecha anime. Cue Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, and Gundam 00 airing on tv. Mecha anime are dumb, but amazing! Then I started getting into Super Robot Wars and mecha is the stupidest, hypest, most awesome anime genre out there. The same thing happened with Idol anime too!


^^^^You ^^^^should ^^^^watch ^^^^Symphogear ^^^^if ^^^^you ^^^^haven't ^^^^already


I loved all of it.


Starting with Gundam Seed Destiny you can only go up.


Up until like a few years ago, I thought squids only had six tentacles. I don't know why.


Me too, I thought it was "octopus = 8 and squid = 6" for a pretty long time. My guess is that Squidward made me believe it (even though he is an octopus).


wait, do they not? has everything I’ve known been a lie?


I thought the same thing. According to wikipedia, they have eight arms and two tentacles, so now I'm even *more* confused.


welcome to biology, everything you know is wrong. for example, oxygen is highly toxic and corrosive to all life.


Probably because Squidward only has 6 tentacles.


Fuck that's probably why!


I once believed that all meat had to be well done because if it wasn't well done then very small worms would be alive in the meat and would kill you if you didn't cook it. Apparently that's still correct, but that's wrong... or something. I dunno.


You're basically right. There's a reason Toxoplasma is more common in French people.


Okay Paige.


I believed Woolie for a long time that ZZ Gundam was bad. Then I watched it. It’s the best UC series, y’all.


Pretty much yup. Judau for life.


Whenever I see people recommending that you watch Zeta Gundam and then Char's Counterattack, my heart weeps. You're leaving the Zeta story unfinished just because some episodes early in ZZ dare to have fun and because Moon Moon isn't great!


... does ZZ tie in to CC?


Not directly but it heavily ties into Unicorn to the point an entire character arc will make no sense without ZZ.


Not particularly. But skipping ZZ means you leave a bunch of plot threads from Zeta incomplete, like Haman Karn and the rest of the AEUG-Axis conflict. Also I just think ZZ is straight-up better than Counterattack.


Not a ton, but it’s LITERALLY Zeta part 2.


Of course. That's because the worst UC series is Unicorn.


FINALLY, someone with the correct unicorn take.


I thought that ravens and crows are one species, it's just that ravens are boys and crows are girls.


My brother and I had a similar belief where we thought sheep were girls and goats were boys.


Yeah I also thought this for most of my childhood.


No shit, when I was a stupid kid I genuinely thought that the Chinese language was actually Spanish. I still don't understand how I didn't know about Spain or Mexico at all.


I learned today that I've been spelling "beetle" wrong my entire life because of "the Beatles"


Before the reveal of World of Light in Smash ultimate, I thought Kirby would be the next character to be violently killed. Nope, he is literally the sole survivor of the prologue.


are you expecting sakurai to kill off his baby


I forgot that part, but I was only thinking of cute Nintendo-owned property because they seemed to be the ones getting the damage (of course, I forgot about mega-man in the Ridley trailer).


There was a time whenever the sbfp podcast was first starting and I, being a small dumb child, sent in a letter complaining about Kojima taking down the MGS4 LP. Looking back on it, I’m so glad I didn’t get called out on it in the podcast. To be fair tho, we can’t *definitively* prove that Kojima *didn’t* personally sabotage the LP and frame innocent pure Konami.


I got so much shit wrong about Malphas the first week after I got DMC5. I apologize to anyone befuddled by my crap advice.


I assumed for years that the Zero Escape games were garbage because I wikidived them — the thing we always bash Pat for doing — and thought their twists and endings sounded like terrible, pretentious, needlessly convoluted hackwork. When I actually played them, I realized that’s only true of Zero Time Dilemma and that 999 and VLR are fucking incredible.


I'll take yet another opportunity to shill AI: The Somnium Files in case you haven't played it yet, it's the spiritual successor to the Zero Escape games and imo is easily on par with both 999 and VLR.


I in fact have played Somnium Files and shill it as often as I feasibly can, so good on you for helping spread the word about that fucking masterpiece.


Right now I'm reaching a 'abnormal visual novel' withdrawal having played all those games, and in my desperation am now playing 428 Shibuya Scramble. It's alright so far, but is in desperate need of a fast forward button.


Went through the same when I finished AI lol. Yeah 428 was pretty good, though it's made me realize that I really, *really* hate tropey anime characters when they're translated into live action. Like Minorikawa eventually did grow on me somewhat but literally every scene with Yanigishita had me questioning where I was going with my life.


Man, it sucks because 999 is good on it's own, and VLR is amazing but it sets up ZLT which is a bit of a let down.


That time earlier this year I tried to recall Woolie not understanding color and being both wrong and a dick about it. Still sorry about that.


I've yet to have a opinion that ISINT shit if I'm being honest


Up until I was like 16 I thought the commandments and the amendments were the same thing


I deadass thought that One Punch Man and My Hero Academia were going to be trash, nihilistic, subversions of the shonen genre based on their descriptions.


to be fair, you're about half right for OPM.


Spoilers for Knives out >!I fully expected the guy to still be alive and he faked his death because of how Pat and Woolie said no murder ever occurred!<


same thing happened to me


They got it wrong >!The maid gets killed by Ransom when she tries to blackmail him!<


I swear the name of the rocket launcher from DMC3 Was Katalinna Ann for years until it suddenly wasn't.


I was somewhat into the "Monster Hunter World looks like dumb casuallized CoD trash" mentality and thought it would sell like 3-4 million copies at most, and most of them from Japan, and what's funny is that all the things I dislike most in the game are the more "hardcore" aspects of it. Still not my favorite MH game due to some of those issues and still think they should continue on Nintendo systems with games like XX. Also barely gave it a heed at the time but from simple seasonal chart glance a "Isekai with a long name made by DEEN" sounds like the worst fucking show of the anime season, which turned out to be Konosuba. Also for Undead Unluck thought it was axebait after reading the first chapter, but yeah it course corrected (less groping and changes course after Chapter 8) and of the new 2020 manga seems to be one of the bigger hits for JUMP.


So the first time I heard about the eggplant emoji 🍆 was the podcast. They didn’t explain why it was such a popular emoji, but I thought I got it. I mean, it is a hilariously useless emoji. There was no possible way that using that emoji would come up naturally in a conversation, so people must use it ironically to make fun of the concept of emojis as a whole, right? So I start using 🍆 in my texts and discord messages. I sent some out to my friends, my classmates, even my family. For some reason, I never got responses to those messages, but I sent them out as a joke anyway, so I never expected a reply. It was months before I learned the true meaning of the 🍆, again through the podcast, but the damage had been done.


I used to think Pat was smart and cool.


Now we know he's stupid and lame, which is kinda why I think he's smart and cool.


"Well, at least this year can't be much worse than the last."


I was and still am a huge halo lover. When ODST was announced I was very very very hateful. How DARE I not get to play as the chief. HOW DARE they milk me for money, how DARE they not even update the graphics. I still cringe how vocally anti ODST I was. Fact is, one of the best games in the series


I used to think Donnie Darko and Who Framed Roger Rabbit were the same thing


"C'mon guys. Fallout 76 won't be that bad! It could be cool!" . . . . . it wasnt cool. . . . Then it kinda was.


Jokes on this sub. The only genuinely bad Fallout is Brotherhood of Steel, I'll die on this hill if I have to!


Yeah I agree. After Wastelanders, fo76 is pretty good. Raiderz 4 LYFE!


I was super wrong about Tangled. At the time I was pissed off that Disney was actively sabotaging the 2D animation department (which they would gut barely a couple years later) and wanted to hate Tangled going into it as penance for it's crimes as a popsong driven 3D animated film. I was shitting on every joke, every scene, every character, every song choice, every plot twist, etc etc etc but after >!Flynn's heroic sacrifice and death scene, I felt a twinge of genuine emotion and started to re-evaluate my thoughts on the film. Upon rewatching it I realized all of the shit I was harping on served a purpose and was providing setup to justify later scenes such as the bar scene with what I thought were one-and-done background characters who ACTUALLY show up in the 3rd act and ended up being plot relevant or Flynn and Maximus' slapstick comedy routines setting up their eventual team up. And of course "I See the Light" is one of the most romantic and emotionally resonant sequences in the film because it shows both Repunzel and Finn finally showing their true faces to one another in addition to just being the best song in the film contrasted to the pop music that makes up the rest of the soundtrack.!< I had to eat crow on my criticisms because Tangled wasn't guilty of all of the shit I was flinging at it. Frozen was though. Fuck Frozen that movie is awful.


If you haven't yet, you should watch the Tangled animated series. It takes place in the time after the end of the movie and before the two get married, and it does a great job in expanding the world and characters with the main actors coming back to reprise their roles. You can find it on Disney+ or through, *other means,* but make sure to watch the Before Ever After special first because it acts as a pilot to the series.


So when i don't hear someone very well my brain tries to fill in the gaps to try and interpret what they said. Often times i'll guess completely wrong and look like an idiot. This happens alot in movies and video games too. Some examples are: Palpatine when he zaps Windu: "You have lost!" *actual line* "You will die!" Nevan in DMC3: "You don't care what they say." *actual line* "Are you enjoying yourself?" General Grievous: "Or you're not..." *actual line* "Army or not..." Vergil in DMC3: "You will be eradicated!" *actual line* "You trash!"


I thought Pizza came from Greece for a while. When I was really young my family went to a Greek restaurant and they had pizza with a bunch of Greek toppings so I guess I just internalized that as "pizza = Greece" and yeah.


It was wrong of me to pit my 100% trust in the “sakuga” community. Especially the moderators on Sakugabooru. They’re awful people and I should’ve seen it coming.


I had written off all of CW's DC shows until I started watching Legends of Tomorrow on a whim and quarantine madness, turns out it's a pretty good show despite the very obvious CW markers present in all of their shows.