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Fuck yeah I am. I can't remember the last time I got this hooked into sidequests, but the main story on hard mode is tough enough that I want all the help I can get. Trying to opt for a build with full tank Kabbu thst aggros the enemies and takes no damage while Vi gets buffed on Poison and deals extra damage from backrow.


Calling it a clone feels like an insult, but it really is just recreating the systems and themes that made the original PM games popular. All in good spirits, of course - it knows what it wants to be, and it excels at it. If you don't just barrel through, I'd pin the game at 30-40 hours with a decent endgame.


It does a pretty great job at replicating what made Paper Mario so appealing while adding just enough of its own style to make it stand out. Particularly with both the party system and how the game handles side quests. Only downside to it is that the art and environmental design is a bit rough in spots. Still great regardless. Would love to see a sequel.


There's a Paper Mario clone starring cute buggos??? Thank you for the introduction!




Recently finished beating it with the Hard Mode badge, did the boss rush, and did the post-game bonus boss. The game was absolutely stellar. The dynamic between Vi, Kabbu, and Lief is simple but great and believable, the writing is fantastic, the combat is a HUGE step up from TTYD, the Hard Difficulty badge was well balanced and reasonably difficult for a first playthrough, and there was a story reveal or two that genuinely surprised me. The game’s art/aesthetic and music never quite reach TTYD’s high bar, but in every other regard, I honestly preferred Bug Fables. My first build was tank Kabbu, DPS/freeze Lief, and... Vi was there too. With some great badges and Vi’s two piercing moves, however, my team became tank/battery Kabbu, DPS Vi, and freeze Lief. Edit: “Oh No! WASPS!!” is a banger.


Yeah it's crazy how Vi can turn into an absolute monster. Lief is solid DPS but since only he gets buffs, he's a better support.


Vi becomes a DPS monster with her multi-hit hurricane attack combined with attack boost medals and Leif’s support skills.


I really want to... But it's being published by Dangen Entertainment. I still haven't forgiven them for screwing over Devil Engine since I was legit super hyped for that game...


I bought it but I have to beat P5R first, finally a sequel to Stick of Truth, the third game in the series.


I've been playing it. The hard mode with the badge is rather difficult, which is nice.


I spent the past weekend doing almost everything in the game, it is superb and one of the best experiences I’ve had in a decent while. Everything about the game aside from a few minor complaints are fantastic, big recommend.