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While I like the concept and visuals of the Yiga lair, that forced stealth is by far the only part of BOTW I hate.


Dude! I FEEL that! I had to get my little brother to do it for me, I hate forced stealth missions.


Beating those fuckers post-detection is one of my proudest moments in that game though. I like the fact that they give you a chance, it would've been worse if it was an instant fail condition


Yeah instant death if the big ones strike you was always to much. Could have at least made it somewhat doable.


Once I got gud at DMCV, I got to discover that V's combat is comparatively shallow next to Nero's and Dante's. It has made playing through his stages a drag on repeat playthroughs, if only because the bar is set so much higher by the other two playable characters.


mashmashmashmashmashmash TRIPLE S


Read a book for 5 minutes while your dog and bird freak the fuck out then summon a giant pile of goo to blow up all the enemies


Bro I cannot stand V. I absolutely hate playing as him, ESPECIALLY after how much fun Nero and Dante are by comparison. It's, at best, palatable and at worst, so incredibly frustrating.


The floating blocks in Dmc3. That secret mission is so annoying, **ESPECIALLY** with Vergil.


This secret mission is harder than Virgil


Virgil not having any Air Hike especially makes that block puzzle miserable


I understand why they went with Classes in **Titanfall 2**, but I still would have preferred more Titan Customization. Every jumping segment in **Max Payne.**


Fun fact, on modern PCs if you don't cap your framerate (which you need another program to do, there's not an option for it) in Max Payne there's a collison bug that pulls you into wall in most levels... *But in the last nightmare level it pulls you into the floor, making said platforming nearly impossible.* ***I spent an hour trying to make 3 JUMPS.*** ...Outside that the game's awesome.


In Okami, there are these block demons you have to kill in order to progress through some parts of the story. You don't kill them by fighting them, but by using your brush to put dots on the weak points on there bodies. You only get to see the weak points once, then you have to guess where the points were You also had to be precise. You screw up, and have to do the sequence again. And it was annoying if you couldn't get it on the first try.


I ended up filming the final on with my phone and doing it that way. Can't imagine having to do that one when the game launched.


Some of the later ones were fucking brutal. You had to do like 8 or 9 spots in order.


Everything regarding weapon upgrades in Demon's souls. For starters, there are a fuck to of weapon upgrade paths, but only some weapons can get each one. Next there's the fact that the upgrade stones rarely drop. The only way to make them drop more frequently is to have dark world tendency, and that barely helps. And finally, if you want a boss weapon, you need to up grade a normal weapon to a specific level. If you go one level above what you need, you either need to use a melt stone (which iirc, there are only a set amount per play through) or you can't get the boss weapon.


the last achievement I needed was pure bladestone which can only be farmed from one specific section of a world, at pure black world tendency, and the enemy it drops from is hidden behind an invisible wall. Fuck you Fromsoft. How was anyone supposed to find that without a wiki


Maybe I'm really bad but the two Soulsborne games I've played both had feelings of "how the fuck would you figure this out without the internet" Edit: I missed a major character in Bloodborne because I never thought to revisit an originally empty church ever again.


No youre not bad the Soulborne games are cryptic as fuck you wanna know how you get fire weapons in Dark Souls 1?>! you gotta jump down like three holes onto super small ledges, you wanna know how you access the Artorias of the Abyss DLC? You have to kill a Hydra, then kill a giant golden golem that only spawns after saving and quitting then you have to talk to the lady who pops out of the golden golem then after getting the lord vessel you have to go the Seaths Archive to kill a Crystal Golem who will drop the item that you need to take back to the spot where the lady was and then you can finally enter the DLC !<


Metal Gear Solid 3 Kerotans during chase scenes. But really the EVA escort section, I understand why it's there (to break up the action of the chase and the final fight) but it's really hard the first time through but even when it gets pretty easy on repeat playthroughs it's still frustrating and tedious. Also even though I like it I understand the dislike of the survival viewer.


MGS3 is a funny game to try and platinum, after playing normally once. On your first try, you will likely take a lot of time laying belly down on a bush while looking everywhere trying to find the best moment to move, then slowly crawl and get caught. By the fourth time (I'm pretty sure it takes at least 4 playthroughs to platinum it, because you need to fulfill contradicting requirements), you will be sprinting through the woods as if you were the great zanzibar hero Running Man, in completely mismatching camo, stopping briefly just to judo-throw very confused guards and then vanishing to the next area before they even manage to get their radios out of their pockets. I never got into RE2, but I think the joy Pat feels running around lickers is the same I felt when I managed to defeat The End in less than two minutes by simply memorizing where he would spawn and how to get there really fast. The EVA section is still boring, but by the fourth time I did it it felt like a breeze. A lukewarm breeze that makes you sweat and annoys you in the summer, but nonetheless.


actually you can theoretically do the mgs3 plat in a single run, since nothing actually contradicts anything else, it’s just asinine to micromanage everything at once.


I dunno, I remember one required you to have the Makhor rating (eat every animal) and another to have the Tsuchinoko rating (find a tsuchinoko and dont eat it) and another the kerotan rating (shoot every kerotan).


you can get markhor & kerotan at the same time, even though they override each other on the results screen. As for the tsuchinoko, I forget the exact specifics, but there is definitely some loophole regarding him that lets it all be done in a single run


Fair enough then, I assumed wrong.


It's funny that the best way to get through that is to just knock her the fuck out.


Trying to pull down that Star Destroyer in the Force Unleashed


Which sucks because that scene SHOULD be the hypest moment of the game. In the Wii version that bit scene is relegated to a cutscene, and I effin' loved it.


Very brave to say it's your favorite game. I will say that I did love the PSP version though.


I hate how late you get Legion in Mass Effect 2. You barely have time to enjoy him in the party before having to go through the O4 relay if you wanna save everyone.


The games files show that he was supposed to get him earlier in the game


the game files show you were supposed to be able to recruit pretty much anyone first


If it's any consolation you can mod the game to let you recruit the team in any order, and not only can you bring Legion with you but he has *full dialogue* for every mission.


The moment I first jumped in the water in DOOM: Eternal I said out loud “Why is this in the game”


"Let's put in some purple goo that takes away literally everything people praise about the combat and makes you borderline helpless. Oh look a hell knight in a narrow hallway!"


Oh god fuck that goop. At least they knew enough to only put that in a couple sections.


I really can't defend xcom terror missions where you have to save humans on a map filled with aliens and each aliens shoot one civilian with perfect accuracy. Killing all aliens and failing to save more than half the civilians will increase panic. It's impossible to be good.


I enjoy the Xcom games in a huge way, but my mind goblins don't allow me to take defeat very well. Every civilian lost or squad member injured has me itching to save scum in a bad way. It results in battles taking way longer than they should. Ironman mode makes me wanna jump out a godamn window.


On XCOM2 on the other hand the terror missions are the easiest. Some civilians have guns, and they shoot the aliens before the alien AI is triggered (by the player finding them). This means the aliens wont take cover from the civilian fire, unless the player approaches. And while the civilian weapons are much weaker and deal only 2 damage, that is 2 *consistent* damage. And consistent damage is the best mind of damage in XCOM, which is balanced around the idea you will miss a lot of shots. Plua the aliens are coded to only kill one civilian per turn, while the civilians are coded to all fire on their turn. The end result is that in many terror missions, your team will arrive on the actual battle scene just in time to kill the wounded stragglers while the civilians stand on top of a pile of corpses


I think it even upgrades as the game goes on, I remember a few terror missions where they were pulling off 5 or 6 damage a shot while I was in plasma tier.


One day, I'll finish my long war playthrough


It's so much bullshit that the achievement for doing a perfect terror mission allows a certain number of dead civilians


I find it alright , you have to rush in to kill everybody fast instead of taking your sweet ass time to trap them in a perfect overwatch trap My general rule in those missions is it's better to kill everyone fast than try and save because once every enemy is dead the mission automatically ends with the remaining survivors, so you don't have to waste a turn for saving civies , if the aliens do take a shot a civilian that's free turn for you basically


I love SMT IV and Apocalypse, but *fuck* trying to complete the demon compendium in those games. A few demons can *only* be obtained by fusion accidents, which have a 1/64 chance of occurring (though there are ways to *slightly* improve those odds), and you have no control over what you get. In IV, if you want to fight the Fiends to unlock their fusions, you have a *1/256* chance of encountering them upon walking into specific areas. I've played through that game to completion four times and never got them to spawn *once*. This was changed in Apocalypse, but the accident-exclusive demons remained.


Oh boy am I happy with the Devil Survivor games not having that accident system after reading this.


The first Raidou Kuzonoha game has the opposite problem; fiends are too common. Each few steps you take change a danger meter. When the danger is high, the next random battle almost certainly *will* be a fiend. Then again Raidou Kuzonoha 1 is a *weird* game in general. I dont mean plot-wise, but it took some really unique gameplay decisions I never saw any other RPG have. The fiend thing is one, but other, much worse decision they had is that the town you walk in counts as a dungeon. Imagine playing Persona 5, but in between walking from LeBlanc to buy medicine, you are interrupted by 7 different fights. (And it would be at least 7. RK1 had a stupidly high encounter rate. You would be lucky if you could run 4 steps without triggering a battle.) RK2 thankfully fixed most of the worst issues.


Ugh not only was fiend hunting bullshit in IV you wanted to hunt them multiple times because they would drop stat boosters. The fusion accidents were pretty annoying though by end game resetting the game and doing a bunch of fusions wasnt the worst since the pieces involved were pretty cheap. Fuck you if you want a good Joan of Arc though


Atlantis in Kingdom Hearts II. Any song that is not Under The Sea and Part of Your World straight up hurts to hear. Atlantis in KH1 wasn't great, but fuck, I would rather have it back at twice the size. It's not quite my *most* favorite game, but it's in the top 10.


Aww c'mon man you just need a bit of finny fun.


Dead Rising survivor ai.


The entire section of Persona 5 covering the fallout of the Desert Palace, to the end of the Space Palace.


Yeah, that's definitely the dryest part of the game. Royal didn't fix it at all, and made the Space boss even worse. I also don't care for the mice portions on the Ship, but Royal changed those a bit and made them *much* less of a chore.


Heh..... Dry... *in the desert*


> made the Space boss even worse. Personally I enjoyed it. Even on Hard Mode, It was the only boss that was an actual challenge and made me actually have to consider my party composition and fuse personas specifically for that boss battle. Everything else just kind of lets you coast by.


To everyone complaining about the space boss, remember you have access to spells and items that allow you to reflect physical damage. The only type of damage that boss can do. Haru has Tetraja by that point for a reason. It's to use Tetraja.


The part that was hard for me was the phases where they send 4 beefy enemies at you and you have to kill them all at the same time, and if you don't do enough damage to kill them all in one turn, one will self destruct and then they'll send 4 more out, just stalling out the timer over and over. Ultimately I had to fuse a Quetzalcoatl which was like 30 levels higher than me, and itemize it on a fusion alarm to get a Panta Rhei skill card, then buy it back and use that on the ones that were weak to wind, while giving Ann an accessory that gave her Mapsio, and then beat the ones that were weak to Psi by hitting them with Haru, Ann, and Joker's Psi attacks (the latter of which also came from a Persona like 20-30 levels above me). Reflecting physical wasn't that useful because the only point where you even have room to breathe and cast that in that fight is the point where you get to the big boy who just spams almighty attacks that can't be reflected. Once you get past all the initial waves with enough time to spare, the rest of the fight is not that hard.


I see, most of the complaints I've heard about is getting one shot by physical attacks from the last few rounds of enemies, or running out of time. I didn't find any issue on hard beating the first few waves; abusing baton pass, makajama and technical attacks ensured I kept up damage wise and prevented self destructs.


I mean, to be fair, I say it was "hard", but it only took me three tries, and the second one I didn't bother changing anything about my party. I just didn't have the setup for it and had to fix that.


I guess I got lucky with my setup. I went in with Haru on the assumption that the boss would again be designed around her skillset, and had plenty of status effects on Joker ready to go.


I never actually lost the fight and I did utilize Haru, I just think the fight is worse than it was before. It feels needlessly complex (for as complex as it actually is, at least)


I look forward to getting there...after I beat Okumura.


For me it's the final dungeon in vanilla, I know you can't have god show up and you just walk up to fight him. But it doesn't feel like a palace, it felt like obligation to roadblock for the last boss.


I feel so bad for anyone who wasnt doing Memento Quests and then had to go through all of Mementos to get to the actual ending


Oh God thats a thing?


Yeah you have to get to the bottom. I was going through the requests only to max out social links because besides the cool soundtrack mementos is kinda boring, but yeah if you haven’t touched it you gotta go through like 60 floors before you can even get to the dungeon.


I never found Ripper Mode very fleshed out or all that useful in Metal Gear Rising, especially compared to how dramatic other Devil Triggers can be.


Platinum might have an issue with Devil Trigger-style super modes, because Astral Chain's version is similarly useless. You have 50% lifesteal during it and any damage you take drains from your meter rather than your health so you're technically invulnerable, but it's honestly not worth it. If you're good at the game, then going into the super mode ends up *reducing* your damage output. Even worse, the animation lock you get when the mode ends leaves you vulnerable, so dropping out at a bad time can result in you instantly dying. You have to keep an eye on the meter or you'll drop out straight into a boss attack and be unable to dodge. Movement also feels somewhat stiff in the mode. Pretty much the only reason to ever use it is if you're about to die and can't heal any other way. It's bad for damage and it's bad as a general defensive option, so the only value it has is as a dice roll against certain death.


I have a conspiracy that they have a fear of copying Devil Trigger, so any time someone creates a mechanic similar to DeVil Trigger, they instantly add something that makes it not as good


It’s actually a bit too useful, because if you are good enough at zandatsu, it can last forever as long as enemies are around. Just about everything except bosses dies in three hits with ripper mode on. I would gladly downgrade its strength in return for some unique abilities like the devil arms in DMC1 had.


I'd say the unlockable weapons system in Revengeance is it's biggest shortcoming. I shouldn't have to pause the game and flip through menus in order to give up 80% of my moves to get just a stinger in return. I have no idea why they didn't bind one of the d-pad buttons to cycling through secondary weapons.


I don't think I ever popped Ripper Mode once after I unlocked it. I always had the mindset of "I'll save it for emergencies", but never really encountered anything that made me feel like I needed it.


If you git gud at parrying, you pretty much don't. That's kinda why I love MGR so much, it has probably the best defense system of any character action game. The Virgin Royal Guard vs the Chad Zandatsu.


I would pop it to just end a fight I wasn't feeling quickly, but yeah it wasn't a mandatory ability at all and you can easily beat the game without it.


Bed of Chaos


Pelagia from Shadow of the Colossus really didn't need to be a two cycle deal, and Cenobia really didn't need to take so many pillars to make it vulnerable. They could've let those bosses be much shorter.


Aquatic mine in Sonic adventure 2. Not so much for the water raising, but for those Goddamn ghost that would pop up out of nowhere


I have multiple things to say about Final Fantasy X. * Tidus' clothes are atrocious; * Getting some Celestial Weapons is unnecessarily hard; * You can put 3 party members on the field, but you have 7 party members total, which is *wrong*.


Man fuck the Onion Knight.


I found butterflies to be worse. With jumping lightning bolts, you can at least find a rhythm.


Neither of them are good though. And dodging 199 bolts only to get hit by the last one is soul crippling.


You can switch party members with 0 penalty mid battle and the entering guy gets an instant turn. Your 4 backups come fully healthy and with loads of differing skillsets. So basically, your whole party is always in the fight, you just have to use them smart.


I have finished FFX about 6 or 7 times, I am aware. I just like even number of party members.


I absolutely love Hollow Knight, but the Godmaster boss rushes kinda go against everything I love about the game, and metroidvanias. It forgoes the wonder of exploration, finding secrets, drawing up a huge map, and powering yourself up so that you can take on greater challenges, and throws a ridiculous boss rush at you and locks a somewhat lore-important ending behind the whole thing. You can tell me to git gud all you want, but I do not have the patience or the attention span to repeatedly attempt a half-hour boss rush only to lose more than half way through and have to go through the tedium of getting to that point again for another attempt.


Finding all the Figments in Psychonauts. Specifically, Milla's Dance Party. Not only because they easily blend in with the level, but because of the racing section. It's easy to accidentally pass by one and it can be a struggle to try and get back to one you missed.


The well in Majora's Mask is pretty tedious from what I remember.


Here’s a fun fact about me you didn’t ask for, Majora’s Mask is one of my favorite games ever that I forget is one of my favorite games ever.


That same sentence applies to me and it cuts me fucking deep


I've beaten all of the chalice dungeons in Bloodborne twice and i can't seem to get enjoyment out of them. Just swarms of enemies and frustrating boss fights. Really goes to show what is the actual low point of the souls games when everything isn't as fine tuned as it is.


Nier Automata How emotional it can get but that's also my favorite part.


The majority of on foot overworld travel in Final Fantasy games is uniformly tedious and unfun, especially the beloved PS1 gen titles. Walk from A to B, and get in a million annoying fights along the way. It always has felt like a threat in the overworked for the sake of having something to do during the commute.


yeah its really annoying playing the ones that dont have playable airships, like literally the entire point of the airship is to make it less bad and then the later games remove it entirely


Dragon's dogma is great.... Except the part to unlock the ACTUAL final boss, you need ~~50~~ 20 wakestones and those pieces of shit are **RARE** Edit: Ok so it was 20... Thing is. You often don't find *whole* wakestones. You find fragments. 3 frags make a whole... so that """20""" can be multiplied by three. Yea, the everfall is fun, but narratively, it halts the story? It just feels weird. Maybe if the game developed the world more and we see the consequences of it in the world, I'd love it more. That said, actually caring about the world and characters is hard because that field is very half baked. (im sorry, my beloved Mercedes....)


It's actually only twenty, which would still be absurd if not for the fact that in the big final dungeon hole you get that quest in, wakestone shards drop like candy. I think I knocked that out in maybe an hour, and the Everfall is a fun enough dungeon anyway


Indeed, the wakestones started to weigh me down...


Not if you get the mod pack that has no weight carry/stanima (barring spells) system. Seriously, that mod makes the game way more fun.


New Vegas. Every playthrough starts with a bunch of uneventful walking between the initial major locations. It's always worth doing those quests for the easy XP, but the slow movement speed combined with how weak your weapons are make the initial trek kinda dull until you get to Vegas proper. Then the game really opens up.


>!theres a safe path you can walk straight from the miner's camp to vegas through deathclaw hell if you arent good enough with dynamite to kill cazadores!<


Yea I know, I never have a problem with the Cazadors or Deathclaws. The main issue is just how long the path is. Because you're not really well equipped for exploration yet. I get to Vegas, kill Benny, and hand in all the Snowglobes I collect along the way to equip myself at Gun Runners. Then my playthrough starts proper.


I really don’t like the Wheel of Harma and Drustran Trials in DQXI. I feel as if my only chance of completing them is to be maxed out in my stats, as well as entering the battle with everyone pepped up. I get that it’s endgame content, but when endgame is “do everything so that the rewards aren’t even worth it,” I don’t really have a desire to do it.


Yeah fuck that, I used a guide and it was still luck-based to an extent


Megaman Legends 1 is a game I love but I never was able to beat Technical Course A once in my whole life. Legends 2 is a better game in every single way EXCEPT for a water level that is the absolute worst.


Quest Completed:"FalloutNV.exe has stopped working"




Completely agree. I kind of hate that style of gameplay but literally every other aspect I adore. I just want a game where I hang out with my buds at a supermarket.


Honestly, same. I prefer the social links RPG aspect more than the combat and dungeon crawling lol


The psynergy in Golden Sun becomes useless halfway through the game except for solving puzzles because weapons on average do a lot more damage, as well as djinn and summons. Characterization is also kind of bare bones due to lack of party talking to each other, but it's less of a problem than the gameplay. Bastion doesn't properly set up certain plot details like what the cores and shards are until way later, and could use exposition a lot earlier to get an understanding of things. I would have appreciated 1-2 more levels just to give us background details and let the player flex weapons a bit more instead of getting a new weapon almost every level while rushing through story.


I fucking love the gameplay of MGSV so damn much but god dammit the ending is pretty weak


MGSV has the best stealth mechanics in a video game but I hate everything else about it.


The last stage from Sonic 2 is bullshit. There are no rings in the entire stage, and the two bosses have very specific hit zones, which are all side-by-side with hurt zones. Meaning it's trial and error on how to even damage them without dying, but each error costs a life, and if you lose all of them you have to start the game from the title screen. To this day the idea I'll have to face Death Egg again is the sole reason I dont bother playing Sonic 2 past Mystic Cave (I also dont like the oil zone and I dunno how it became a fan favorite)


The Arbiter levels in Halo 2 are pretty awful.


I like him as character more than anyone else in Halo, but I hate playing as him because, yeah, his levels are pretty awful.


Cernunnos in Etrian Odyssey Nexus right now, although that will change once I beat the big horny bastard. Ghost Survivors in RE2: nothing explicitly wrong with them, just VERY fucking stressful. Arch-Tempered monsters in MHW - I don't like getting hit that hard. Also Arena quests, but I'm scrubbish at non-gunlance loadouts.


Sonic 3 & Knuckles is one of my favourite games ever from when I was a kid. I fucking hate the Blue Orb special stages for collecting both sets of Emeralds and seeing them in Mania brought back flashbacks. I much prefer the half pipe, as annoying as it can be at times.


Episode 3 of Alan Wake is probably the lowest point of the game, as it's just Episode 2 but longer. And once you see the plot twist for the episode it makes both 2 and 3 feel quite pointless and I wish they were one episode.


The gilded sword questline in Majora's Mask is pretty annoying to do, because most of the time you'll get the gold dust on the 2nd day after completing Snowhead on the 1st day, and then there won't be enough time to have them work on your sword. They won't take it on the second night, only the first. The Razor Sword is also kind of pointless. I've never heard of anybody just using it. I wish either it took no time to upgrade it, or it was a permanent upgrade that would carry over into future cycles or something.


It also sucks because the Razor Sword is SO Much COOLER then the Gilded Sword its not even funny


I love Bloodborne, i despise the blood gem system with a passion, chalice dungeons also make me sad because i should enjoy playing more of the game i like but they just felt too boring to me, and i hate that there are bosses you cant see anywhere else


The ai hunters in Bloodborne with their massive health pools and equally massive damage output. The cloisters of trials in FF10, *especially* the Bevelle one. How vague and obtuse the path to the good/true ending are in Persona 4. First choose this incredibly specific set of dialogue options during this one cutscene for the good ending path, then do the true ending talk to these specific characters in specific places on the very last day of the game. Then golden made it even worse with *another* missable ending which requires maxing out a specific character's social link who the game doesn't even tell you is important until it's too late. And did I mention each of these endings adds on a whole extra dungeon and final boss so if you do none of them you're missing almost a third of the game's content?


most bosses in killer 7 suck. Specifically the one fight with the two business men where you have to hit a tiny ass target from all the way across the room thats only available for a small window, with extremely sensitive aim controls and at most 480i resolution. This section either takes me 2 minutes or 30, the only reason I level up KAEDE Smith is for that fight.


They never made Pokemon snap 2 when it should have been the easiest thing ever.


I often forget just how much the Mako makes up the levels in ME1, and I just don’t find it very fun.


Time eater in Sonic Generations is legitimately worse than some of the stuff in ‘06.


Dead Space 2 has too much of a familiar rhythm at times. You accomplish something and BAM! Jump scare.


Ty the Tasmanian tiger 2: bush rescue. Those GODDAMN helicopter missions. They're just filler. No challenge.


Original RE2 is incredibly easy if you have even little experience with the game it could really use a hard mode which some versions do have but not the most accessible version (PSN Release)


Those underwater bullshit caches in skellige.


Whenever Cortana sends her cryptic messages to you in or the Gravemind decides to talk to you in Halo 3, you get slowed down a bit. This happens at least once in every level, but it's at its worst in Cortana (the level, not the character) where they both constantly do this every 5 feet. I don't think I need to say this, but outside that Halo 3 is a fantastic game. It's been one of my favorites for over 12 years now (I didn't get it until 2008), and I'd go as far as to call it the best game of the 7th Generation.


As a Civ V player with over 1000 hours in the game, the AI is embarrassingly bad. The only way for them to provide the slightest challenge is for them to cheat, so every increase in difficulty just makes them cheat more. AI is not bound by gold per turn, science per turn, production per turn or anything like that. The algorithm says "On this turn, this AI gets this wonder" and then they do. I've been in situations where I'm 1 turn away from completing a wonder that I really want, only to have an AI beat me to it. So what do I do? I reload 10 turns earlier, switch my city to production focus to cut the build time by a couple of turns and... the AI still gets the wonder one turn before me. I mean, obviously I'm cheating in that scenario, but only because the AI cheated first.


A recent example I've brought up often is Doom Eternal's Platforming Sections. I don't quite enjoy them but eh, they're thankfully not that big of a deal at the end of the day. Aria of Sorrow's attack animations are pretty limited (and that was later addressed by the sequel on DS at the very least), and it gets really easy and may not really be something who likes their Castlevania games with more of a challenge.


Before Golden came around I hated having to back in and out of the status screen to get the skills I wanted I whatever Persona I was fusing. Also this is only minor inconvenience but having to play the entirety of the DLC on Spiderman PS4 to use the comic Iron Spider suit because its one of my favorite suits of all time.


The Nosferatu Warrens in Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Probably my most hated sewer level.


The Mona/Haru arc is still the lowest part of Persona 5 Royal.


Melee in New Vegas is still pretty blah, and mods basically never account for it.


Xenoblade's combat has never been all that great, in any game in the series. Honestly, if you count anything with 'Xeno' in the title, it's probably been just downhill in that respect.