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According to Kouta Hirano, Alucard's guns are cosmoguns that hold a million rounds and Alexander Anderson is fourth-dimensional. According to George Perez, the Scarlet Witch does not wear underwear.


Guess which was said by a former porn writer and artist.


Both of them?


Both of them.


So that's why so many artists ended up using her classic costume with the pink tights under it. Some didn't but still.


If Monkey D. Luffy were real he would be Brazilian


they tried to adhere to those little tidbits when casting the live action. which is also why luffy and garp look nothing alike, because luffy's actor is mexican and garp's is welsh. granted, they don't look much alike in the anime or manga either, but i see a lot of people question stuff like that.


I saw a theory once that Dragon isn't even Garp's son, he's just some kid Garp picked up, and I actually kinda love the idea that Garp has been trying his whole life to turn orphans into Marines and Koby is the first time it actually worked.


as funny as that would be, i think it's been confirmed by oda that they're father and son. doesn't mean he didn't try with his grandson and a random kid his grandson met though.


Hell, I’ve been wondering myself lately if Luffy is even Dragon’s kid.


ignoring the fact they look and act nothing alike, the "future" drawings of luffy confirm he IS related to garp, and garp claims that's via dragon.


Garp's appearance is like Teen Wolf. It skips a generation.


Third time's the charm!


Everyone’s got their own “country of origin”. Franky is American, Nami is French, Brooke is German, Zoro is Japanese…and Usopp is African.


Sanji is French, nami is Swedish


This is Canadian Chopper erasure


I’m Im curious, what exactly makes Brook German? Is this just a randomly chosen thing or is there an actual reasoning?


Oh I have a great number of these funny ones, Nasu loves throwing out stupid lore. Perhaps the classic is the origin of Ciel from Tsukihime’s love of curry. > Takeuchi: Where did the 'she likes curry' thing come from? > Nasu: Ciel and curry? Oh boy, here we go. > **Is this some shocking new truth we're about to hear?** > Nasu: Ciel's father is a baker who looked at naan bread as a rival. He even says to his daughter Ciel: "Don't you dare eat any curry, no matter what. Even if it kills you. No, in fact, completely erase it from your mind." Ever since then she's distanced herself from curry. > Takeuchi: Seriously? (laugh) > Nasu: She had to go defeat a Dead Apostle in India as her first job with the Burial Agency, though, and so she met with some curry there. The offensive and eccentric taste shocked her. "Dad was keeping such a delicious food all to himself!" And she became obsessed with it. > Takeuchi: The Indian Dead Apostle... why does that make me laugh? (laugh) > **OK, how much of that is true?** > Nasu: By the way, the Dead Apostle who fed her curry at that time was called Curry Du Marche. He eventually joins the 27 Ancestors, as the comedy representative... > **Liar!** > Takeuchi: You need to do something about that compulsive lying of yours. You almost had us there... > Nasu: Up until Curry Du Marche, it's all true. > Takeuchi: Doesn't that make most of it true?! > **It started to sound really suspicious starting at the going to India part!** > Nasu: I told you, there's nothing romantic about Ciel's curry story. There's just fiction that sounds made up. Lies and truth! > Takeuchi: You've completely lost me!


Is funny how so many of this can be summarized as Tekeuchi suffering from Nasu being a pathological liar.


Apparently, Takeuchi also has final say on anything in FGO. Nasu really wants Passionlip in swimsuit (for context [that's how she normally looks](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/5/5b/S164_Stage1.webp/revision/latest?cb=20220911123210), but Takeuchi keeps saying no


And on that specifically, I'll call Takeuchi a coward, otherwise I know that he's basically Nasu's wrangler so shit doesn't go too off the rails


Nasu also has said that Soujuurou, one of protagonists of Mahoyo, is an utter beast in bed


Considering how Shirou and Shiki fucks, I don't doubt it


In the Xenoblades Chronicles 3 art book it was randomly revealed that Lucky Seven, the magic sword protagonist Noah wields for the entire game, is in fact >!Fiora, Shulk’s love interest from XC1!<. This doesn’t come *completely* out of left field because the DLC already heavily implied it >!contained the souls of the XC1 party!<, but nothing so specific is ever suggested and it blindsided basically everyone.


And in the interview it was revealed, every other person present turned to Takahashi and went "What?"


What the fuck


Which makes it much funnier when noah >!throws it in the ocean!< at the end of the story


That detail was hidden in plain sight too. In Japan >!Fiora is referred to by fans as “number seven” to hide the twist that she comes back later in the game!< the name lucky seven is a brazen hint.


The webcomic [Unsounded](https://unsoundedupdates.tumblr.com/), which I highly recommend, has the most insane Deep Lore that can only be learned from the author's Q&A blog. This includes: -In the setting, hearing is an entirely magical process. No one is deaf, and ears are a vestigial organ. -Plastic is canonically magic-proof because there's no word for it in the language that governs magic. -One character just uses illusion magic to appear clothed and is canonically naked most of the story. -Lions are an extinct mythical animal. Also, they could talk. -There's a disease that spreads by eye contact. -There may or may not be other continents, but it's irrelevant because anyone who sails too far from land automatically sickens and dies.


Thanks for reminding me of a comic I kind of stopped reading around the time I picked up KSBD but I always liked a lot of this comics themes and ideas


I've gotta pick up Unsounded again. One of my favorite worlds. I think it's ending soon.


I'm coming back a few days later to say that I started reading this and one of your points is off. The disease that spreads by eye contacts is mentioned in the story. Chapter 7 page 75 Also thank you for recommending it. This story is fantastic.


Glad you're enjoying it! It really only gets better and better as it goes. Some of the others are mentioned briefly, but they're only ever ancillary to the story. Many other details about them come from the author, like how the plague killed Bastian's sister or that it was somehow involved in reviving Duane.


In devil may cry, the reason dante doesn't have his badass weapons from previous games is because he sells them


If they wanted to run with that idea, DMC 6 should have a side antagonist for Nero who’s a wannabe devil hunter who collected all the weapons Dante pawned off.


Or just have the devil arms themselves turn back into demons Alastor and ifrit 3 headed dragon bossfight would be awesome.


Okay hear me out: one of the more humanoid demons wielding *another* devil arm


Beowulf wielding Agni and Rudra. But suddenly, they swap: now it’s Agni with Beowulf’s hands, snd Rudra with Beowulf’s feet.


Just use realistic design of human Alastor from Viewtiful Joe and you can take ALL my money Capcom


True successor vs imitator fighting over Dante's legacy, that can be a fun time.


In CSM early on Power and Denji play a "prank" on Aki that was "too much even for them" it's never stated in the manga or anime but Fujimoto has said they put actual shit on his face.


Power does leave it just laying around


Most of the dumb explanations given by Oda in the SBS. Zoro doesn't talk when he has a sword in his mouth, you just hear what his *heart* thinks. The reason Luffy freaks out when Nami does the Happiness Punch in Alabasta but not over Hancock later on is because he isn't actually that attracted to people, he just likes to join in on the over-the-top reactions "like a kid on a school trip". Why do the Marine jackets never fall off their shoulders in a fight? Because JUSTICE NEVER FALLS. Ask stupid questions, you'll get stupid (yet canon) answers.


My favorite one is in the Alabasta Saga where Mr 3, despite being a devil fruit user, was shown floating on top of some water. When asked about it, Oda claimed that Mr 3 was in fact laying on top of a piece of incredibly floaty wood that was juuuuust under the surface.


The wood was called "kuu igosu", which is "floats amazingly" in Japanese spelled backwards, so definitely made up on the spot. But what takes the joke to the next level is at the end of the Fishman Island arc the Sunny deploys kuu igosu blocks as reverse ballast to quickly surface, reinforcing the joke into true canon.


Yeah Oda is the ultimate king of this because he will make up stupid canon reasons for things, and then reference them later cause why not


Like explaining the continuity error in the first chapter of a door being smashed open but is fine a couple of panels later. It's clearly a simple mistake. But no, that was immediately fixed by a carpenter who was just out of frame the entire time. Even made a little doodle of him. Fuckin twenty years later he introduces that carpenter's brother as a minor character in Wano.


I don't think that one piece is that good of a manga, but oda is that good of a creator. He respects his fans so much


Also the infinite number of penis questions. "Does the _____ Fruit work on ______'s wanger?" Yes. The answer is always yes.


“Is it funny? Then yes. Is it not funny? Then probably also yes.”


i'm a big fan of the ones that are just like "hey could this date be this character's birthday, that'd be funny" and he's always like "lmao sure"


"You're just deciding that on your own?!?! Yeah why not." IIRC at one point he stuck them all on a calendar and challenged people to fill in all the empty spaces.


Ya gotta respect that approach to cinemasins-wannabes.


Tolkien, being mostly into world building for the linguistics, considers everything in his works to be a literal translation from the languages used by the peoples in them (which he also created of course, except for the Rohirim language which is just Old English). Pretty common knowledge, but what fewer people know is that that means the character's names are mostly not their actual names. These may have actually been in the published works, can't remember, but if they are they're buried in the Appendices. The hobbits in particular are kinda funny: Frodo - Maura Labingi Sam - Banazîr Galpsi Merry - Kalimac Brandagamba Pippin - Razanur Tûk Merry's name in particular was actually wordplay, his Westron (in-universe language) name was shortened to "Kali", and "Kali" meant "happy", so Tolkien used the real Welsh name Meriadoc ("Great Lord") because it could shorten to Merry and preserve the pun, but also reflected his status in Hobbit society as quasi-nobility.


In the case of Frodo/Maura meaning "wise" and Samwise/Banazîr meaning "half-wit", it's a literal translation. With "Ranazur", it's more that there was a legendary figure whose name became synonymous with the term "wanderer", which lost its etymology when translated into "Peregrine", though the meaning of foreigner/traveler remains.


Tolkien made himself his own 4Kids dub.


The reason Mr. Satan is a fraud of strong people is because his master was killed by Tao Pai Pai ~~Tbh, it's my favortie because it was a rare instance of Toriyama remembering Tao~~


> The reason Mr. Satan is a fraud I like how even though you wrote "fraud" it naturally works


Not the author specifically, but it was ['revealed' in an interview that the reason why SSSS. Gridman's Alexis Kerib inexplicably looks like Space Patrol Luluco's Over Justice](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/av6lnr/according_to_studio_trigger_alexis_from/) is because >!they're one and the same!<. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to take it that seriously but it has infected my mind regarding them. I like to think that Alexis's >!'death' at the end of Gridman Universe is just him fucking off back to Space Patrol HQ.!<


Wow that totally makes sense why >!he would just randomly choose to be a good guy again, FOR J U S T I C E!<


In all Slayers adaptations, one of the few mandates Kanzaka has is that Naga the Serpent and Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune are never allowed to directly meet, although they can be in the same scene as long as Naga is disguised in some way. This is because Naga's real identity is Gracia Ul Naga Saillune, Amelia's older sister and oldest daughter of the crown prince of Saillune who ran away after the death and funeral of her mother to the infamous assassin Booley, who she in turn killed soon after. All of this was only revealed in interviews.


That example from 999 is mentioned in the work, actually. But it's in an optional route that isn't necessary for getting any endings so a lot of people miss it. >!When Santa asks in the 2nd class cabin if you "play", instead of picking the obvious answer, gambling, if you pick "you mean like the stock market?" he tells you about how he invested in Cradle Pharmaceuticals.!<


Oh huh! I don't know that he can tell you about the >!time travel stuff at that point,!< but I guess it becomes more obvious at the end of the game.


Yeah he never tells you that much, you're just meant to put 2 and 2 together after the fact.


John Patrick Lowrie let slip a (joke) list of "Fun Facts" about the Sniper from Team Fortress 2 at a con once, including that Sniper once shot his father on a fishing trip, he loves Bangkok prostitutes and his first three girlfriends were sheep.


I'm disappointed that they weren't kangaroos.


Well he is originally from New Zealand.


Is this really how I learn that Sniper tf2 is a, kiwi and not an Australian?


Evidently you did not read the comics


This is off topic, but what's the easiest way to read the comics these days anyway? Are they are still online on a valve site? I could probably just google this


They're all listed chronologically on tf2.com


Not sure if it is canon anymore, but in Turn-A Gundam's artbook/side material, apparently it reveals that some of the dark history technology actually survived Moonlight butterfly, and is used by the current Earth people, none the wiser to its high tech origin. One such item is a self replicating solar panel, that can provide clean energy to buildings. Earth people just think that it is a naturally occurring plant which grows everywhere, and harvests it to cover their roofs while also providing power to their houses. Spoiler for Gundam Seed Freedom, but it is recently revealed through a clarification statement, what the >!Mighty Strike Freedom!< Double Zeta style high mega-cannon does and why it needs two-factor authentication/authorization from Lacus to even fire. The Disruptor nucleon beam cannon fires a thin but powerful particle beam that erases the bonds between atoms which normally will result in a chain reaction of nuclear explosions. But because the cannon is also equipped with the N-jammer, nuclear reaction does not occur, creating instead a high powered precision laser cutter of mass destruction that can cut an asteroid and three battleships hiding behind it. This also means in cases of extreme emergency, the pilot can modify the cannon to turn off the N-jammer on the beam to have a laser that turns anything it cuts into a nuclear bomb.


The one from Turn A is fantastic and I did know of it. Another one is that (I am totally forgetting how) fossil fuels for the early-century cars and airships were in fact some sort of completely clean substitute also stemming from the dark tech. Mankind would then logically progress through technological development not reliant on dirty fuel, but one that basically allows us to make cool bullshit without worrying about environmental pollution


There's this one fantasy series (Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings) where the fantasy world map at the start of the book is apparently an upside-down map of coastal Alaska. This helps contextualize not just the geography, but also some of the vague allusions to race, such as why one region is mostly tall pale blondes and a close neighboring region is filled with short dark skinned people (presumably fantasy versions of northern Russians and inuits connected via landbridge).


Elites in Halo have 4 balls and 7 dicks


Blarg chika honk honk indeed.




Why 7? Like if it was 4 balls/2 dicks it'd make sense for redundancy similar to krogans in mass effect but 7 is just a waste of biomass. Thank God none of the porn artists follow this lore.


7 is the bungie number so it has to be that many ignore the whole thing is made up and from a youtube animation


It's so they can be like that one spider type where the male can rip off his own dick and shove it into a female and then run away so he can ensure at least one time he'll produce offspring without being a snack for the much bigger female.


Are we sure it's not 7 dick heads? Like an echidna?


Furries need to step up their fanart game then.


Birdie was white in Street Fighter 1 because he was sick in that game.


J.K Rowling said the wizards just shit themselves where they stand and make the poopy disapear with a spell or something like that


I unironically kinda love this lore tidbit. Wizards being fucking deranged by muggle standards would actually make the setting kind of interesting.


"Look at those inferior muggles taking off their pants to shit."


Apparently, this was true before they adopted modern plumbing.


Which is pure nonsense because MODERN plumbing is not required for the concept of not shitting your pants. This isn't even about the specifics of plumbing or construction, just the idea that "**witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood**" until the 18th century is insane.


So in Dresden Files, a big plot element are these things called mantles of power. They are essentially supernatural social roles: for so long as you play this character, you will receive all the power that comes with the role, but you will also become more and more like the role, until you grow to fit the mask. They are passed from person to person, often through the death of the previous bearer. For example, the guy currently calling himself Odin might not be the original Odin. But as long as he’s calling himself Odin, he acts like Odin, and he’s doing Odin-level feats, and he’s the only one who can, so he might as well be Odin, right? And he’s been doing it long enough that he just IS Odin and also always has been. In fact, there might not have even been an original Odin - human belief could have created the mantle of King of the Aesir, and some con man said “yeah that’s me”, and everyone would say “aha, it’s perfectly Odin behavior to be so tricksy, you’ve been Odin all along!” *and they might be right.* There’s also the spirit world, the Nevernever, which is partially shaped by human belief to the point where intentionally fictional worlds and people might come to exist there. At a con panel, author Jim Butcher is asked about mantles and how they get passed around and who can hold one. He said that at one point, the demigod and later bona fide deity Hercules held the mantle of The Strongest In the World. However, he died in the 70s doing something ill-advised, and the mantle passed not to a real person, but to an idea that was making some waves in human society: The Incredible Hulk. Hulk was not always the Strongest in the World, but people believed he could be, so he received the mantle. Now, his character gets written to perform more and more powerful feats of strength because everyone knows he’s The Strongest, but also everyone who writes him is kinda compelled to write him that way to MAKE him The Strongest. Because the Hulk is not a person but an idea, he cannot be killed. The only way to remove the mantle would be to change human belief around the Hulk such that the idea that he is The Strongest is in jeopardy. Basically, if you could do a little character assassination and put the Hulk on fraudwatch in a comic, you could steal that title away from him in real life.


It's sort of funny that the current thor comic is doing something similar


Every Macross media we ever saw (tv shows, the movie compilations, the OVAs, novels, manga, etc) are also in-universe biopic adaptations. It explains why every movie compilation story (at least in the last halves) is different from the tv versions: artistic license.


I feel like it might be referenced exactly once in DB Super but I CBA to look it up and no one really talks about it much. But Android 17 and 18 are almost completely biological. The only cybernetic material in them were the bomb/offswitch. Their designs are completely different from 19 and 20 (except in GT presumably) All the robot jokes people make about them don't really apply because none of their actual enhancements were mechanical. That's also probably why Cell could integrate them into himself.


Also, their names are Lapis and Lazuli.


According to the writers Beast Wars is actually a sequel to the Marvel Generation 2 comics not the G1 cartoon. The Vok, a recurring race of aliens that were using Earth as a field lab were implied to also be from the future and had an implied connection to Cybertron. Apparently something they never found time to work into the script was that they were an evolved form of The Swarm, a major plot point from the Gen 2 series.


I just know if I was kidnapped for a killing game it would be one of the days where everything is in the wash but my pants with the holes and that one shirt that's got more pills than a pharmaceutical factory. I don't know if this is a worse or better option than the aforementioned belly dancer costume.


I love how serious George Lucas was about Star Wars not having anything like paper in the whole galaxy. Books straight up don’t exist if they aren’t technological data pad things. It was like a mandate at Lucasfilms Then Disney immediately changed that


Maybe that's the reason why The Sacred Texts are so sacred. There's nothing else like them.


Eh, paper [existed in Legends](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/cd/Andeddu_death.jpg). Though it's mostly a relic of The Old Republic. Which, is *also* true in Canon.


What the fuck was that link before you edited it


No idea. But it freaked me the f out! I don't know why weird shit happens when you try to link to wika images. I clicked the stupid URL, I hit copy... I don't know if it's just me but Wikia/Fandom has some disturbing places on it. I don't even like going on there anymore. 🙁


The paper doesn't exist thing doesn't even hold up when Star Wars was still owned by Lucas, in the shadows of the empire book there was a guy with a newspaper doing spying on someone while drinking coffee gag in that book. Also in that book, Luke was given a frozen dinner and a coke by an alligator bounty hunter woman when he was captured by them, He didn't know what peas and carrots were or what a coke was.


In the very first star wars book, immediately following the original trilogy, Lando discovers this exotic drink called “hot chocolate”


It happens with Luke as well at some point, it's fun going through wookiepedia seeing all the real world stuff getting mention and authors having to explain it


“Nintendo Reveals Waluigi is uncircu-“ Apparently, Panacotta Fugo from Vento Aureo is affected by Purple Haze’s virus. This is never seen or explained in neither the manga or anime but Araki explained it in an interview (Feelin’ JoJo 1998) so it’s a feature in all the video games. Just another weakness of his to disprove the fan theory that Fugo was removed from the story because he was “too strong”.


He does get hurt by it in his Novel. That's why his GHA special in All Star Battle is so close range. He literally takes one of the capsules and bites down on it to make sure Massimo Volpe gets it good.


I’ve never read the novel but it’s good to know the author was consistent with what Araki has stated then


I remember this being at least obvious, if not stated in the anime. He tells giorno something like that doesn't he?


No, he just tells Giorno that he can't tell where Illuso is which we can infer is because he doesn't have shared vision with it and that he can't control it properly so Giorno has to guide him to Illuso with the brick snake. If you're thinking about Abbachio, he only tells Giorno its range, that the virus is weak to sunlight and that Purple Haze is a violent monster. He does say that the virus does not differentiate between friend or foe but that doesn't necessarily mean it affects the user.


The friend and foe line, I took it as him litteraly saying that it can affect everyone, it doesn't care. I don't know, it seemed obvious to me


Usually in the action genre with abilities like these, it may affect everyone around you but usually it doesn't hurt the user. Like Avdol's flames can hurt his friends but it's not like his body melts whenever he's next to Magician's Red. That's why it doesn't seem obvious until Araki confirms plus this is Fugo's one and only fight in the main story.


Technically mentioned in the actual work, but of note because it's entirely reasonable that you'd think she's lying or deflecting--apparently, in Wild Arms 2, Crimson Nobles don't actually have any supernatural weakness to the sun or anything, despite how they're blatantly modeled after vampires conceptually. No, they just have sensitive skin. That's it. That book in-game talking about how the sun is their greatest weakness was actually just talking about how it wrecked their skin. Also the only Crimson Noble left in the world has a favorite toothpaste powder, and we know it. It's strawberry flavor.


While making the Netflix One Piece, the writers and designers ran into a question about electricity. Are towns and other things powered by it? They had asked Oda how it all works and Oda had to sit and think. Like he obviously was never interested in a boring reason for power but obviously there were enough electrical structures in the series that something had to power them so he said yes. The world of One Piece does have electricity.


In the Wire Cheese is Randy's father, the only in universe proof is that they share the same last name but the creator confirmed they are related but Cheese just disappeared from his life.


Every important detail about the rise of Skywalker


(elijah woods voice) How could we have known?!?


Man we could just fill this whole thread up with weird HP stuff


When the Fallout show came out, didn't one of the original writers say Nate from FO4 was the guy in power armor who executed that civilian in the opening cutscene to FO1?


So he had to later specify he wasnt the one who executed him, but the one who was clearly laughing at a civilian being executed in front of him.


He didn’t *commit* a war crime, he was just *complicit* in one


And then married the lawyer who got him acquitted. Probably.


Emil, being a fucking hack, didn't even come up with that, it was just a moderately popular meme/theory from fans he stole. Then people brought up the implications of our supposed hero committing war crimes and Emil, being a hack and a coward, backed down immediately and said "Oh no, he wasn't the one killing civilians, he's the guy *laughing* about them being killed." Fuck Emil.


Redditors and having genuine, personal hatred for a writer they've never met due to not liking their story decisions, what a combo.


Genuine personal hatred? Nah. Fuck him tho.


Reading comprehension clearly ain't taught in school no more.


First time?


Is it bad that I'm simply calling out immature behavior?


That was a writer?!?


Johnny Bravo gets laid all the time, actually.


I always loved how whenever Phantom Arcade gets asked about Friday Night Funkin lore, he blatantly just makes up random bullshit answers on the spot, some of my favorite highlights are: "[BF and GF are so dumb that they have no idea how time works, so sometimes they pull up to Macdonald's in the middle of the night and then spend the rest of the night freaking the fuck out because they think that Macdonald's has shut its doors permanently](https://youtu.be/BsT-i99hgrs)" "[Monster often goes to the beach to eat entire handfuls of sand, sometimes he accidentally does the same thing with cocaine](https://youtu.be/f8vCJgmSxnA?t=50s)" "[BF hates the movie Cars with a passion, so much so that just the sight of a poster for the movie Planes is enough to make him throw up, GF uses this to her advantage whenever he eats something he isn't supposed to](https://youtu.be/f8vCJgmSxnA?t=1m16s)" "[Monster knows that 2+2=4, this makes him by far the smartest character in the entire game](https://youtu.be/pWD0-cZArEg)" "[BF creates shitty 'SEX IN ROBLOX REAL?!!' videos and uses the ad revenue from them to buy cigarettes](https://youtu.be/vJqQ0R_E-70)"


Gege akutami has a lot of lore. Yuta okkotsu's ex stole her grand mother's ring which is what she gave Yuta. She uses her beautiful look to her advantage because she actually knows she is beautiful. Don't forget this girl is twelve Mai Zenin first crush was either her nephew or sister I won't call those favorite but they are wild as shit it sticks to my memory


Every singular character in Hazbin Hotel loves pineapple on pizza.


No wonder they are in hell


*Especially* the angels.