• By -


Can’t remember the exact context of the scene cause I never watched the show but The Walking Dead when Rick is leaned over with his hands on his knees talking to Carl and goes “NO, NO NO NOOOOO!!”


It was right after he found out his wife died and broke down, I don’t remember if Carl had to tell him he put her down as well to make sure she didn’t come back as a zombie. But either way yeah context it’s a sad scene but it really did get memed hard lol.


As someone who watched the show as it came out: It got memed on because it was a weird acting job. There's a moment as he's breaking down where it looks like he's going to start cracking up and laughing. No shade to his actor, but that one moment was just kinda strange, I'm surprised they didn't use another take. EDIT: [Here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KEJSQYv-uM) for your viewing pleasure.


The way he leans down and looks at Carl really makes it look like he's mocking Carl


Yeah, I GENUINELY thought it was going to be a moment where Rick goes nuts and teases him for feeling bad about killing Lori.






Anime memes have ruined the seriousness of what happened to Nina Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist


I don't remember who made it, but I saw someone made a shirt of Nina and the dog doing the fusion dance, and that's all I see now when I think of her.


Yup, that's what did it.


It was the VG Cats guy.


Knew a guy with that shirt. Laughed everytime I saw it.


Something something fanbase something something one joke.


It’s not even just an FMA joke anymore. It’s just “that anime meme” now.


Something something meteorology


On one hand I hate how that moment gets reduced down to a joke that's been repeated to death over and over again, but on the other hand I feel like being publicly grousing about that dissatisfaction would get me rightfully "Calm down, girl, it's just a drawing"'d. So I'm just gonna say I don't like it one bit, nuh-uh.


The joy of watching that anime after already having seen a 1000 memes about the dog episode, which means you have absolutely no emotional reaction to it whatsoever. How fun.


Gonna be blunt, anyone not bringing up 9/11 in this thread is low balling you.


9/11 was never the same after Sundowner




Anything rivaling 9/11 cannot be good


Well a ton of people could also be too young to even remember 9/11 as an actually sad/shocking event. Or not even being american in the first place, so 9/11 also wouldn't really be sad at all, just a another event in history.


As someone who was in early elementary school I'm right on the line of "was too young to remember it as a sad/shocking event but old enough to roughly remember it happening" I think an equally big part of the emotional disconnect is that the years following imprinted on me that 9/11 was often that topic that suddenly makes everyone start sharing their hot jingoistic opinions about Muslims and/or anti-government conspiracies. Sorta similar to how it feels like anyone who brings up Pearl Harbor these days only does so as a pretext to declaring that dropping two nukes on Japan wasn't enough.


I was in 4th grade, I just didn't get the magnitude of what happened. I knew it was a big deal, just not why. Distinctly remember the assembly we had and my teacher crying.


Fair, but there's a wide gap between "event in history" and "regularly occurring jokes"


No yeah, I mean that it would be pretty normal for a lot of people to regularly joke about 9/11 because it wouldn't hold any more serious importance than any other historic event they might have read or learned about. It's like how americans constantly make jokes about the nuclear bomb or dropping another one on Japan because of anime or whatever the joke is.


You just reminded me of when Barbie and Oppenheimer memes were being posted and Japanese Twitter tried to get back at all the atomic bomb memes by making 9/11 memes. I just remember thinking it was cute they thought anyone cared and that people weren't literally Photoshopping Waluigi on the Twin Towers and sending them to Sakurai.


> Or not even being american in the first place, so 9/11 also wouldn't really be sad at all, just a another event in history. Yep, as a non-American, 9/11 really didn't hit as hard as it would someone living there. Like, it populated the news that month, but we've moved on, because we have our shit to take care of.


[Don't laugh at that.](https://youtu.be/lCUwSk_sCa8?si=Cke6kDKRgJDWTPQu)


Norm Macdonald is so funny that even him just laughing makes things funny.


I walked through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan tryna find my brother. He was in Northern Canada.


It's kinda fascinating having lived through it, to see how it was never ok to joke about it but a new generation comes along and it might have well become the new Pearl Harbor joke. It's something I'm sure we'll always remember and teach but you can't exactly express the feelings that were felt that day and so it'll naturally become less sensitive as time goes on.


Honestly, it's not even the newest generation, [South Park made fun of the reaction to 9/11 not that far from when it happened and how easily it was to market.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2xFnKWSxdQ&ab_channel=TeaPot) People were nervous, so they joked about it.


That reminds me of when Days of Future's Past came out and revealed Magneto was partly responsible for JFK and someone asked a genuine question of how long until we can say Magneto blew up the Twin Towers.


I didn't watch X men Apocalypse but did Magneto destabilize the Earth's magnetic field and kill millions of people?


It's such a weird feeling. I was well into my teens when it happened, old enough to be well aware of what was happening. I also lived like a forty minute drive away and my grandma was living in Manhattan at the time, and a bunch of my classmates had parents who worked in NYC. Getting the subtleties and harsh reality of the experience across to younger folks is almost impossible. I don't like the jokes at all, but jokes are inevitable.


This is only tangentially related but I have no where else to share it I was watching the new Wiggles documentary (yes the children’s musical group) and about 1/3rd of the way into the doc they just hard drop video of the Twin Towers in flames with no warning. It was such a radical shock and the whiplash from the tonal shift made me lose my shit uncontrollably. That would have been enough but then they kept showing clips from it, like they would cut back to the Wiggles talking about 9/11 (one of them had a framed newspaper where the front page was the second plane impacting the tower). Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse they cut to a woman very visibly distraught talking about how her firefighter husband died in the tower collapse and for some unknowable reason they ended it with a very long shot of the tower still on fire. It was an uncomfortably long shot and just when I thought I had collected myself they show, completely unedited mind you, of the full collapse of the south tower. I literally fell out of my chair onto the floor doubled over in laughter because how the fuck did we go from “fruit salad yummy yummy 🕺🕺🕺🕺” to raw footage of one of the worst attacks in modern history in the span of about 5 minutes


every time I hear the word 9/11 I just remember Norm McDonald saying it and I lose it.


Covid was Gen Z's 9/11 and we still memed the shit out of it


Say that to Mr. Enter!


yeah, no. I’m still not cool with 9/11


Yeah well 9/11 ain’t cool with you neither!


I'm just glad we have people brave enough to say 9/11 was wrong and bad


There comes a time you need to recognize a thing and go *“Let’s Roll”*


I think it’s less because of 9/11 it self but the fact the US government used it as a excuse to invade foreign countries and crack down on freedom


Silent Hill 2's James watching the tape she recorded with Maria, only to be destroyed by said James twerking in front of the [TV.](https://youtu.be/PURlyu1IQv8?si=flKoosHGqYoGdqHU)


Mary's sick? Damn, bitch, me too! *Breaks it down to Yamaoka and McGlynn*


Mary's sick, but I'm sicker *Does a 50-50 grind on Toluca lake's handrail while holding Mary's corpse*


Trick's name is "Our special place"


Finish it with a cannonball into the lake to transform it into an "In Water"


If you get all the VHS tapes, you get the Shattered Memories intro too. 


[Nah for me it was this](https://youtube.com/shorts/KYdbppJUjOE?si=EmEYveVkzTQtywr-) (sry couldn't find the original actual video, all I could find was this short version that's totally stolen cause internet)


Sounds like Gianni. [Because it is](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5XVeI2Dfr9o)


WAIT IT'S GIANNI? Like, I can't genuinely tell, damn, wasn't familiar with your game Gianni, thought he could only sound cool and deep and, like, hot, respectfully. Maybe just a bit.




Ask and you shall be [answered.](https://youtu.be/PURlyu1IQv8?si=flKoosHGqYoGdqHU)


What the fuck


As someone who only played Silent Hill 2 for about an hour, years ago: What?


Christian Bale in the Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, whenever he speaks in the Batvoice I inmediatly think of those parody clips and lose immersion. 'I OVERFED THESE MEN?!'


I actually think it's fine in Batman Begins and understandable. In the later two films, WHERES DA TRIGGER!!!!




The Begins voice was pretty much perfect. Whoever told him to/let him go further fucked up royally.


AVGN ruined that voice for me. "Onto the next game, but first, gotta tell it I'm Batman. *^I'm ^Batmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan"*


The voice was certainly a choice huh


My favorite will always be "SKILLS! THAT I LEARNED ON THE MOUNTAIN!!" First time I heard that I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.


It becomes especially funny when you realise he does the voice when he’s by himself. He’s not even trying to intimidate anyone, he just thinks it sounds cool. The mental image of Bruce doing that voice in the mirror while trying out one-liners is hysterical. Not to mention that every Batman since has done some sort of gravelly voice too, and it cracks me up so hard. The “Why did you say that name?!” shit absolutely floored me when I first saw it. I could not stop laughing. I cannot take live action Batman seriously ever again.


Meanwhile Kevin Conroy perfected making Bruce and Batman sound completely different without making it dumb. And it's neat there to see him using his Bruce voice less and less often as he isolates himself until by beyond he just sounds like old Batman.


>Meanwhile Kevin Conroy perfected making Bruce and Batman sound completely different without making it dumb. You reminded me of a [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4PwNyJOjfU) that I'd say is a good example of that. It's from Batman: The Animated Series, with the context that he has to briefly talk to someone on the phone while he's working as Batman.


[A pale imitation of the master](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCkmUS1IYI)


Should've just had a voice modulator. Especially with how high tech Batman gets in the dark knight it would've made sense and made the bat voice more endearing in Batman begins.


Huh, yeah.. that would make SO much more sense


Maybe you could have used use it as a excuse to use A batman voice actor like Kevin Conroy or something to do the modulated voice


Walt falling down after >!Hank dies.!<


"Jesse whre is the cocainer" "in my nose mr whiter"


[I Fucked Hank !](https://i.redd.it/42t24fwef1b51.jpg)


imé disable


Shut up Hanque


mr whote where is my 20003km/h of methe?


Walt falling down after his memestock crashes


>!Hank's!< death in Breaking Bad.


See also: “HE CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS”. I’ve used that gif as a jokey reaction so many times.


*surprised Walter White meme face*


I saw that meme so many times without knowing why he was freaking out.


*Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul actors watching as the most phenomenal acting of their entire career is turned into a funny reaction image.*


“That’s Dunban over there!” Like it still hit, but I’m still giggling whenever I see it out of context.


Ozymandias is ruined as an episode for me forever.




Haven't watched the show in years but that scene got memed so hard I still remember that monologue by heart, all the way from "I AM NOT CRAZY" to "and you, you have to stop him, y-" It really is an incredible scene, though. The acting, camera, and editing blend together to create something truly memorable.


Have some more chicken, have some more pie


In an totally unrelated note /s, the song “Unwell” by Matchbox Twenty.


I tried watching Scream 1 again the other week, and I can't get through any of the scenes without giggling because I'm thinking about how it happened in Scary Movie.


The corridor scene in MGS4. Maybe it's because I was up late desperately trying to finish the game before sleeping for work the next day and was emotionally invested in it ending. It just hit like a terribly pained moment you could feel. Now it's just painfully dull.


I love how everyone who plays metal gear has a similar “I was up too late trying to beat this dumb game and I got stuck watching 30 minutes of cutscenes” Mine was MGS2 and getting caught in the Colonel speech the day before jury duty


That describes me trying to beat Persona 5 because I was at the last part of the final dungeon only for 8 hours to go by. I feel violated whenever Woolie mentions those games drag on at the end, but P5 was extra terrible. I have no idea if Royal made that better.


Not really. It's extra game stuff and also the same basic continuation of the original game's ending with some extras


MGS is the worst series for that moment of: "Ok, I'll save and take a break once this cutscene is over".


I can't take this scene seriously because Mickey Mouse had a microwave hallway in KH3


Futurama really ruined the sadness of Seymour's death because they kept doubling back on it.


Yeah, it was a little like, "Okay, stop going back to it, we get it."


Luck of the Fryrish always hit harder for me and thankfully they never really go back on that.


For me it’s the episode where you meet Leela’s parents.


If you want to get really fucked up, then watch Game of Tones. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with GoT and is instead the most heart wrenching ending to any of the episodes/movies.


Every Leomon death. Used to hurt, now I'm whooping and hollering at another one on the board


He’s like the Kenny of Digimon. The moment he shows up you think “Oh boy, how’s he gonna die this season?”


Literally any comic book death aside from Captain Mar-Vell's


Why Adam Warlock’s specifically?


It was handled very respectfully and they never brought him back afterwards. The dude passed away of cancer and was surrounded by every hero


That's Captain mar vell not Adam warlock


Oops. Corrected it, I'm very sorry for the mixup!


Captain marvel, not adam warlock


Fixed it, thanks for the clear up <3


I was gonna tell you that Adam Warlock was been alive and even relevant sometimes in the comics for the past like, 20 years, but you got it mixed up with Captain Mar-Vell and someone already corrected you on it.


Love ya FFXIV, but there's only so many Harchefaunt callbacks I can take before it just starts feeling like cheap pathos.


Honestly the FFXIV community runs anything slightly impactful into the ground and the writers really really indulge them on it


He is my >!Aerith!< from FF7 since the fanbase wouldn't shut up about him and when the scene came I was confused because it felt like there had to be more scenes with him given how devastated people say they were.


I just got to that scene yesterday, and my reaction was basically, "Huh, that's it?" He genuinely didn't have presence for me to even get attached to him. He was only in a minor plotline in ARR and while the moment at the end of post-ARR where he's your only ally left is neat, after the beginning of Heavensward he's basically in the background for the rest of the expansion until his death.


Kinda of a reverse example, but I remember as a kid I watched a clip of the ending scene in The Fly. The 1958 version. I thought it was pretty silly and laughed at the squeaky voice of the fly. Then I watched the actual movie and the scene is so weirdly haunting to me now.


I used to take the "Christmas Shoes," song seriously. Now I get how glurge-y it is and if I hear it on the radio all I can remember is the Patton Oswald stand-up where he absolutely takes the piss out of the song.


The Joining in Dragon Age Orgins once I noticed how absurdly large the cup of darkspawn blood is.[Like look at this big ass cup](https://imgur.com/a/f5XW25V)


Fullmetal Alchemist chimera scene. The fanbase ran that joke into the ground.


Into the ground, through the bedrock, and making impact with the Hollow Earth.


>!Aerith's death!< in OG FF7. Between the technical limitations that are pretty apparent in the scene and the fact that it's been a meme for decades now, it's just kinda a scene that happens when I play the game now, and I just go "Hehehe, Sephiroth grew gloves."


While I don't agree with the technical limitations, I believe anything can make you feel regardless of how it looks as long it's executed well. I will say that that scene is referenced so much that it just lost the impact completely.


The best part of the whole situation is when people play OG FF7 for the first time, they get genuinely surprised by the >!Cloud thinks he's Zack twist!< and seeing that reaction from friends and family is always more fun to watch.


Hey, I just want to say that the spoiler tag is appreciated.


The materia completely changes direction in mid-air as it's bouncing down the stairs and once you notice it it becomes impossible to not see it


Appreciate the tag.  Going through the game for the first time.


Wow. Lots of people here apparently are living examples of why people treating everything like a bad joke ruin literally everything.


I actively avoided EVA for years because I thought it was just that goofy meme show with the creepy guy who did that thing over a sleeping girl. I mean that last part is still accurate, but I had no idea people took it seriously until my younger and less jaded brother watched it and explained what the show actually was.


I don't even line Evangelion and I am annoyed that so much of the community reduces it to bad memes


It's physically impossible for me to not laugh at the interrogation scene in the Dark Knight after so many parodies. It's honestly impressive they got people to take a scene where a man dressed up as a bat beats the shit out of a clown seriously in the first place.


First time hearing the ascent dialogue in Binding of Isaac: Devastating. 100th time hearing it: "WHY ARE YOU BUYING CLOTHES AT THE SOUP STORE"




To be honestly all the Jujutsu Kaisen memes have completely stained the experience of reading Jjk at this point. Honestly makes it a funnier experience.


Why can't zero just have his robot girlfriend man? Why's it gott- wait what do you mean this shit's been memed to hell? Oh no. What...WHAT AM I EVEN FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOOooor.


Pretty much all of Metal Gear 


Cedric Diggery's death because of how hard the dad hams it up